def run_git(args, git_path=_DEFAULT_GIT, input=None, capture_stdout=False, **popen_kwargs): """Run a git command. Input is piped from the input parameter and output is sent to the standard streams, unless capture_stdout is set. :param args: A list of args to the git command. :param git_path: Path to to the git executable. :param input: Input data to be sent to stdin. :param capture_stdout: Whether to capture and return stdout. :param popen_kwargs: Additional kwargs for subprocess.Popen; stdin/stdout args are ignored. :return: A tuple of (returncode, stdout contents). If capture_stdout is False, None will be returned as stdout contents. :raise OSError: if the git executable was not found. """ env = get_safe_env(popen_kwargs.pop('env', None)) args = [git_path] + args popen_kwargs['stdin'] = subprocess.PIPE if capture_stdout: popen_kwargs['stdout'] = subprocess.PIPE else: popen_kwargs.pop('stdout', None) p = subprocess.Popen(args, env=env, **popen_kwargs) stdout, stderr = p.communicate(input=input) return (p.returncode, stdout)
def run_command(host, command, username=None, port=None): cmd, path = command cmd = cmd.split(b'-', 1) path = path.replace(b"'", b"") p = subprocess.Popen(cmd + [path], bufsize=0, env=get_safe_env(), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) return client.SubprocessWrapper(p)
def run_command(host, command, username=None, port=None): cmd, path = command[0].replace("'", "").split(" ") cmd = cmd.split("-", 1) p = subprocess.Popen( cmd + [path], env=get_safe_env(), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) return client.SubprocessWrapper(p)
def run_command(host, command, username=None, port=None): cmd, path = command[0].replace("'", '').split(' ') cmd = cmd.split('-', 1) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd + [path], env=get_safe_env(), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) return client.SubprocessWrapper(p)
def run_command(host, command, username=None, port=None): cmd, path = command.split(b' ') cmd = cmd.split(b'-', 1) path = path.replace(b"'", b"") p = subprocess.Popen(cmd + [path], bufsize=0, env=get_safe_env(), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) return client.SubprocessWrapper(p)
def setUp(self): CompatTestCase.setUp(self) DulwichClientTestBase.setUp(self) if check_for_daemon(limit=1): raise SkipTest('git-daemon was already running on port %s' % protocol.TCP_GIT_PORT) env = get_safe_env() fd, self.pidfile = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='dulwich-test-git-client', suffix=".pid") os.fdopen(fd).close() args = [_DEFAULT_GIT, 'daemon', '--verbose', '--export-all', '--pid-file=%s' % self.pidfile, '--base-path=%s' % self.gitroot, '--enable=receive-pack', '--enable=upload-archive', '--listen=localhost', '--reuseaddr', self.gitroot] self.process = subprocess.Popen( args, env=env, cwd=self.gitroot, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if not check_for_daemon(): raise SkipTest('git-daemon failed to start')
def setUp(self): CompatTestCase.setUp(self) DulwichClientTestBase.setUp(self) if check_for_daemon(limit=1): raise SkipTest('git-daemon was already running on port %s' % protocol.TCP_GIT_PORT) env = get_safe_env() fd, self.pidfile = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='dulwich-test-git-client', suffix=".pid") os.fdopen(fd).close() args = [ _DEFAULT_GIT, 'daemon', '--verbose', '--export-all', '--pid-file=%s' % self.pidfile, '--base-path=%s' % self.gitroot, '--enable=receive-pack', '--enable=upload-archive', '--listen=localhost', '--reuseaddr', self.gitroot ] self.process = subprocess.Popen(args, env=env, cwd=self.gitroot, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if not check_for_daemon(): raise SkipTest('git-daemon failed to start')