Esempio n. 1
 def spell(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     if (game_utils.check_magic(self.request, magic_consts.CURE)):
         state.message = "You heal yourself, you feel that you are too weak to continue to explore though, so you go back to camp and gather some firewood along the way."
         state.choices = [('back','Head back to camp')]
         state.message = "You do not have the ability to use cure magic, you bleed to death."
         state.die = True
     return state
Esempio n. 2
 def fire(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     if game_utils.check_magic(self.request, magic_consts.FIRE):
         state.message = "You cause second and third degree burns to both thieves, and you smile as you hear their departing screams of agony."
         state.choices = [('relin/start','You head into the town of Relin.')]
         state.message = "You do not have the ability to use fire magic, while you attempt to cast it, the thieves murder you."
         state.die = True
     return state
Esempio n. 3
 def ysgenweapknife(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.MONEY_LV_1):
         state.message = "You got a <div class='special'>knife</div>."
         state.choices = [('ysgen', 'Back to shopping'),]
         state.actions = [(game_utils.add_inventory, self.request, inventory_consts.KNIFE)]
         state.message = "Sorry, you can't afford that."
         state.choices = [('ysgen', 'Back to shopping'),]
     return state  
Esempio n. 4
 def ysgenmagicfire(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.MONEY_LV_1):
         state.message = "You learned <div class='special'>Fire</div> magic."
         state.choices = [('ysgen', 'Back to shopping'),]
         state.actions = [(game_utils.add_magic, self.request, magic_consts.FIRE)]
         state.message = "Sorry, you can't afford that."
         state.choices = [('ysgen', 'Back to shopping'),]
     return state  
Esempio n. 5
 def ysgenweapshottie(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.MONEY_LV_3):
         state.message = "You got the <div class='special'>8 gauge shotgun</div>."
         state.choices = [('ysgen', 'Back to shopping'),]
         state.actions = [(game_utils.add_inventory, self.request, inventory_consts.SHOTGUN_8G)]
         state.message = "Sorry, you can't afford that."
         state.choices = [('ysgen', 'Back to shopping'),]
     return state  
Esempio n. 6
 def firewhirlwind(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     if game_utils.check_magic(self.request, magic_consts.FIRE):            
         state.message = "You cast fire on Grayson but it has no effect on him.  He just laughs maniacally."
         state.message = "You do not have fire magic, and you cannot save yourself."  
     state.message += "  Grayson continues to pummel you with his endless hail storm \
                         and he laughs as you squirm and fight against the burning sand.  Your eyeballs are ripped to shreds and your body looks like \
                         it was run through a grater.  Grayson kills you."
     state.die = True
     return state
Esempio n. 7
 def yemprison(self):
     state = DungeonState() 
     if game_utils.check_inventory(self.request, inventory_consts.PRISON_KEY_YEM):            
         state.message = "You enter the Yementi prison block."
         state.choices = [('sector5', 'Go to the prisons fifth sector'),
                          ('sector10', 'Go to the prisons tenth sector'),
                          ('sector19', 'Go to the prisons nineteenth sector'),
                          ('commquart', 'Go back to the commanders quarters')]
         state.message = "You cannot enter the Yementi prison block, the door is locked.  A key is required."
         state.choices = [('commquart', 'Go find the key')]
     return state
Esempio n. 8
 def icewhirlwind(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     if game_utils.check_magic(self.request, magic_consts.FIRE):            
         state.message = "You cast ice magic on Grayson and he is damaged drastically.  He falls backward and goes into a stupor.  You walk over to him \
                         and see if he is still attacking, but he is not.  He falls to the ground, his face buried in the dirt, and he offers his apology over and over.  \
                         You tell him it is ok and that two of you should make haste.  He tells you his sisters name is Ifalna."
         state.choices = [('reassuregraysonlearn', 'Tell Grayson everything will be fine'),]
         state.message = "You do not have ice magic, and you cannot save yourself.  Grayson continues to pummel you with his endless hail storm \
                         and he laughs as you squirm and fight against the burning sand.  Your eyeballs are ripped to shreds and your body looks like \
                         it was run through a grater.  Grayson kills you."
         state.die = True
     return state                         
Esempio n. 9
 def usesightcamp(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     if game_utils.check_magic(self.request, magic_consts.SIGHT):            
         state.message = "You see far beyond the walls, and into the depths of the facilities.  You see the faces of the slaves, toiling \
                         away for years on the poisonous, murdersome mines of Yementi.  You see a few empty guards quarters, you see some \
                         people crying, you see some people laughing, you see some things you wish you had not seen.  \
                         Most importantly, though, you gain a <div class='special'>full understanding of the facilities layout</div>."
         state.actions = [(game_utils.add_status, self.request, status_consts.FARSEE_FACILITY_YEM),]
         state.choices = [('makeplan', 'Make a plan for sneaking in'),]
         state.message = "You do not have Sight."
         state.choices = [('gorunningheadfirst', 'Go charging for the encampment'),
                          ('makeplan', 'Consult Grayson on a plan'),]
     return state
Esempio n. 10
 def curewhirlwind(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     if game_utils.check_magic(self.request, magic_consts.CURE):            
         state.message = "You cast cure and heal yourself.  When Grayson sees the stars of the cure swirling around you, he realizes what is going on \
                         and vanquishes the emotal.  He recalls his whirlwind and runs right up to you.  He checks your body for any major wounds \
                         and you tell him you are ok.  He falls to the ground, his face buried in the dirt, and he offers his apology over and over.  \
                         You tell him it is ok and that two of you should make haste.  He tells you his sisters name is Ifalna."
         state.choices = [('reassuregraysonlearn', 'Tell Grayson everything will be fine'),]
         state.message = "You do not have cure magic, and you cannot save yourself.  Grayson continues to pummel you with his endless hail storm \
                         and he laughs as you squirm and fight against the burning sand.  Your eyeballs are ripped to shreds and your body looks like \
                         it was run through a grater.  Grayson kills you."
         state.die = True
     return state
Esempio n. 11
 def yshistreadbookmoremoremoremore(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "'I will pull the knife out of his heart tonight.  Even though we have not had light for days now \
                     I will know of the moonlight, as it hangs overhead, while we are trapped in this place.  Tonight he dies.  This is \
                     my last candle.  I hope this finds you well.' -Tonas"
     state.choices = [("yshist", "Put the book down"),]
     return state
Esempio n. 12
 def makeplan(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You talk to Grayson about how he plans to get in there.  His hope was that the two of you could get the jump on some guards \
                 and steal their tunics.  After that, he knew of a back entrance where he hoped you both could get in without drawing too much attention."
     state.choices = [('findguards', 'Find a couple of guards to get the jump on'),
                      ('headfortheback', 'Head for the back entrance'),]
     return state
Esempio n. 13
 def lorengetagirltell(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You take her to the room and sit her down on the chair across from you.  You tell her that life is not worth \
                     throwing away in a dump like this.  She quietly listens and nods occassionally.  You tell her there are better ways \
                     to make money.  She tells you this is the best she knows and you tell her she can do better."
     state.choices = [('start', 'Get out of Rikers'),]
     return state
Esempio n. 14
 def sector19(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You find Grayson's sister, Ifalna.  He laughs and gives her a hug.  He casts several cure spells on her, and she is \
                     happy to see him.  She asks who you are and Grayson says he could not have done it without your help.  She thanks you and \
                     says she will always help you in your time of need."
     state.choices = [('yempoutside', 'Get out of here')]
     return state
Esempio n. 15
 def fightthieves(self):        
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "How do you attack the thieves?"
     state.choices = [('knife','Grab your knife and attempt to fight them.'), 
                              ('fire','Use fire magic on them.'),
                              ('fists','Fight them with your bare knuckles.')]
     return state
Esempio n. 16
 def reassuregrayson(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You tell Grayson everything is going to be ok, but he doesn't respond to you.  He has a very distant gaze in his eye, \
                     he is focused on his sister now, wherever she may be.  He is moving at an incredibly swift pace \
                     though, and you speed up a bit more as well.  He is grateful for this, and the two of you head off for the encampment."
     state.choices = [('surveyfield', 'Survey the field up ahead'),]
     return state
Esempio n. 17
 def relwlkkids(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You approach the kids as they are hitting some m-stones around in a circle, A game they call \
                             stonecircle, trying to knock each others stone out of the circle."
     state.choices = [('relwlkkidsstone', 'Ask them about their m-stones'),
                              ('relinwalk', 'Leave them alone'),]
     return state
Esempio n. 18
 def reltav_gryson_go(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "He tells you that he is glad to have you, and that he hopes to teach you much along the way.  He also \
                              lets you know that <div class='special'>he will meet you outside</div> once you are ready to depart."
     state.choices = [('relintavern', 'Ok.')]
     state.actions = [(game_utils.add_status, self.request, status_consts.ON_FIRST_JOURNEY_W_GRAYSON, True)]
     return state
Esempio n. 19
 def leavegrayson(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You tell Grayson you will not be journeying with him anymore.  He says that is unfortunate and that he cannot be blamed \
                     for what the emotal did to him, and tries to pursuade you to keep going with him."
     state.choices = [("relin/start", "Back to Relin"),
                      ("moveonfromww", "On second thought, keep going with Grayson"),]
     return state
Esempio n. 20
 def sector5(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You head into sector 5 of the Yementi prison.  It turns out there is a major riot ensuing and you get caught up in the \
                     middle.  A flyby arrow strikes you in the head and your brains ooze out onto the prison floor.  One prisoner steps \
                     on your brainey guts and slips on them.  When he is down a guard puts a sword through his throat."
     state.die = True
     return state
Esempio n. 21
 def ystavpianofire(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "Lublob plays Wake Up by The Arcade Fire.  A man in the back of the bar perks up and says he loved \
                     your selection.  He teaches you how to use <div class='special'>Morph</div> magic using a special b-stone."
     state.choices = [('ystav', 'Leave him alone'),]
     state.actions = [(game_utils.add_magic, self.request, magic_consts.MORPH)]
     return state    
Esempio n. 22
 def findfiles(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You and Grayson look into the main commquart office and find files related to his sister Ifalna.  It says she is kept \
                     in the <div class='special'>19th sector of the Yementi prison block</div>."
     state.actions = [(game_utils.add_status, self.request, status_consts.GRAYSON_SIS_LOC_YEM)]
     state.choices = [('commquart', 'Get out of here'),]
     return state
Esempio n. 23
 def reltavgrpyoung(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You talk to the youngest of the bunch, and the rest of the group is watching like hawks.  He says something\
                                 about how they just came from the nearby town of <div class='special'>Lorentown</div>, but he is quickly told to shut up."
     state.actions = [[game_utils.add_status, self.request, status_consts.KNOW_LORENTOWN, True]]
     state.choices = [('reltavgrp','Ok')] 
     return state
Esempio n. 24
 def agreespar(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "What starts out as a friendly spar ends up turning ugly after the junior officers find out you are imposters.  About 40 of them attack \
                     you and Grayson at once.  They cut your limbs off and take your bloodied, limbless, still living bodies out to the camp yard \
                     where you are left to rot.  You die a few days later."
     state.die = True
     return state
Esempio n. 25
 def start(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "He warns you that you won't be strong enough to survive there but you want to go anyway.  \
                     You get raped and defiled by a band of murderous shorejovals as soon as you are dropped off.  \
                     They do not leave any remains of your body."
     state.die = True
     return state
Esempio n. 26
 def lorentavfool(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You go up to the fool and threaten to run a broad sword through his gullet, but he shrieks and falls backward.  Everyone \
                     laughs.  You ask him his name and he says it is Rumlon."
     state.choices = [('lorentavhelpup', 'Help Rumlon him to his feet'),
                      ('lorentav', 'Leave him be'),]
     return state    
Esempio n. 27
 def lorennbizclose(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You tell Riker you plan to shut down her little business.  She asks how you plan to do that.  You tell her \
                     you could do any number of things to ruin her and that she should not try to test you.  She says she does not \
                     want a fight as it would make her girls very upset.  She says she will pay you to please leave her alone."
     state.choices = [('start', 'Get out of Rikers'),]
     return state
Esempio n. 28
 def lorenrikerask(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You ask Riker how she can run such a terrible business, and she asks how she can't.  She says it is the best way \
                     to make money, that sex will  never stop selling.  She urges you to get with the times, then says that if you do not \
                     like her business you are free to leave."
     state.choices = [('start', 'Get out of Rikers'),]
     return state
Esempio n. 29
 def start(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state_vars = {self.STATE:True}
     state.message = "Welcome to Barig Pass, aka HELL DUNGEON"
     state.choices = [('start', 'F**k yeah'),
                                 ('yellowstar/start', 'O GOD GTFO!!'),]
     return state
Esempio n. 30
 def faceask(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "Grayson screams at them, asking why their faces are so ugly.  One of the guards begins crying and Grayson \
                     slaps him across the face."
     state.choices = [('questionguard', 'Keep questioning them'),
                      ('guardquart','Go into the guard quarters'),]
     return state