async def revoke(self, password, community): """ Revoke self-identity on server, not in blockchain :param str password: The account SigningKey password :param community: The community target of the revokation """ revoked = await self._identities_registry.future_find(self.pubkey, community) revokation = Revocation(PROTOCOL_VERSION, community.currency, None) selfcert = await revoked.selfcert(community) key = SigningKey(self.salt, password) revokation.sign(selfcert, [key]) logging.debug("Self-Revokation Document : \n{0}".format(revokation.raw(selfcert))) logging.debug("Signature : \n{0}".format(revokation.signatures[0])) data = { 'pubkey': revoked.pubkey, 'self_': selfcert.signed_raw(), 'sig': revokation.signatures[0] } logging.debug("Posted data : {0}".format(data)) responses = await community.bma_access.broadcast(bma.wot.Revoke, {}, data) result = (False, "") for r in responses: if r.status == 200: result = (True, (await r.json())) elif not result[0]: result = (False, (await r.text())) else: await r.release() return result
def generate_revocation(self, connection, secret_key, password): """ Generate account revocation document for given community :param connection: The connection of the identity :param str secret_key: The account SigningKey secret key :param str password: The account SigningKey password """ document = Revocation(10, connection.currency, connection.pubkey, "") identity = self._identities_processor.get_identity( connection.currency, connection.pubkey, connection.uid) if not identity: identity = self.generate_identity(connection) identity_doc = identity.document() key = SigningKey(connection.salt, connection.password, connection.scrypt_params) identity_doc.sign([key]) identity.signature = identity_doc.signatures[0] self._identities_processor.insert_or_update_identity(identity) self_cert = identity.document() key = SigningKey(secret_key, password, connection.scrypt_params) document.sign(self_cert, [key]) return document.signed_raw(self_cert), identity
async def revoke(self, currency, identity, salt, password): """ Revoke self-identity on server, not in blockchain :param str currency: The currency of the identity :param identity: The certified identity :param str salt: The account SigningKey salt :param str password: The account SigningKey password """ revocation = Revocation(10, currency, None) self_cert = identity.document() key = SigningKey(salt, password) revocation.sign(self_cert, [key]) self._logger.debug("Self-Revokation Document : \n{0}".format(revocation.raw(self_cert))) self._logger.debug("Signature : \n{0}".format(revocation.signatures[0])) data = { 'pubkey': identity.pubkey, 'self_': self_cert.signed_raw(), 'sig': revocation.signatures[0] } self._logger.debug("Posted data : {0}".format(data)) responses = await self._bma_connector.broadcast(currency, bma.wot.Revoke, {}, data) result = await parse_bma_responses(responses) return result
async def revoke(self, currency, identity, salt, password): """ Revoke self-identity on server, not in blockchain :param str currency: The currency of the identity :param identity: The certified identity :param str salt: The account SigningKey salt :param str password: The account SigningKey password """ revocation = Revocation(10, currency, None) self_cert = identity.document() key = SigningKey(salt, password) revocation.sign(self_cert, [key]) self._logger.debug("Self-Revokation Document : \n{0}".format( revocation.raw(self_cert))) self._logger.debug("Signature : \n{0}".format( revocation.signatures[0])) data = { 'pubkey': identity.pubkey, 'self_': self_cert.signed_raw(), 'sig': revocation.signatures[0] } self._logger.debug("Posted data : {0}".format(data)) responses = await self._bma_connector.broadcast( currency, bma.wot.Revoke, {}, data) result = await parse_bma_responses(responses) return result
def load_revocation(self, path): """ Load a revocation document from a file :param str path: """ with open(path, 'r') as file: file_content = self.revocation_document = Revocation.from_signed_raw(file_content) self.revoked_identity = Revocation.extract_self_cert(file_content)
def get_signed_raw_revocation_document(identity: Identity, salt: str, password: str) -> str: """ Generate account revocation document for given identity :param identity: Self Certification of the identity :param salt: Salt :param password: Password :rtype: str """ revocation = Revocation(PROTOCOL_VERSION, identity.currency, identity, "") key = SigningKey.from_credentials(salt, password) revocation.sign([key]) return revocation.signed_raw()
async def generate_revokation(self, community, password): """ Generate account revokation document for given community :param sakia.core.Community community: the community :param str password: the password :return: the revokation document :rtype: duniterpy.documents.certification.Revocation """ document = Revocation(PROTOCOL_VERSION, community.currency, self.pubkey, "") identity = await self.identity(community) selfcert = await identity.selfcert(community) key = SigningKey(self.salt, password) document.sign(selfcert, [key]) return document.signed_raw(selfcert)
async def get_revoke_document(identity, salt, password): """ Generate account revocation document for given identity :param SelfCertification identity: Self Certification of the identity :param str salt: Salt :param str password: Password :return: the revokation document :rtype: duniterpy.documents.certification.Revocation """ document = Revocation(PROTOCOL_VERSION, identity.currency, identity.pubkey, "") key = SigningKey(salt, password) document.sign(identity, [key]) return document.signed_raw(identity)
def generate_revocation(self, connection, secret_key, password): """ Generate account revocation document for given community :param connection: The connection of the identity :param str secret_key: The account SigningKey secret key :param str password: The account SigningKey password """ document = Revocation(10, connection.currency, connection.pubkey, "") identity = self._identities_processor.get_identity(connection.currency, connection.pubkey, connection.uid) if not identity: identity = self.generate_identity(connection) identity_doc = identity.document() key = SigningKey(connection.salt, connection.password, connection.scrypt_params) identity_doc.sign([key]) identity.signature = identity_doc.signatures[0] self._identities_processor.insert_or_update_identity(identity) self_cert = identity.document() key = SigningKey(secret_key, password, connection.scrypt_params) document.sign(self_cert, [key]) return document.signed_raw(self_cert), identity