Esempio n. 1
def make_Ihalo_dict( rad=dust.adist(), ener=1.0, \
                         scatm=ss.Scatmodel(), nx=1000 ):
    def make_Ihalo_dict( rad[np.array], ener[float], theta[np.array], scatm[ss.Scatmodel], nx[int] )
    RETURNS : A dictionary of Ihalo objects, with grain sizes as keys.

    if np.size(ener) > 1:
        print 'Error: Can only choose one value for energy'
    if np.size(theta) < 2:
        print 'Error: Must give more than one theta value'
    if np.size(rad) == 1:
        print 'Error: Input "rad" must be an iterable object.'

    keys = []
    halo_objs = []
    for aval in rad:
        keys.append( aval )
        halo_objs.append( Ihalo( theta=theta, rad=aval, ener=ener, scatm=scatm, nx=nx ) )

    return dict( zip(keys,halo_objs) )
Esempio n. 2
def cosmdustspectrum( amin=0.1, amax=1.0, na=100., p=4.0, rho=3.0, cosm=Cosmology() ):
    FUNCTION cosmdustspectrum( amin=0.1, amax=1.0, na=100., p=4.0, rho=3.0, cosm=Cosmology() )
    amin, amax : [microns]
    na   : int (# of dust grain sizes to use)
    p    : scalar for dust power law dn/da \propto a^-p
    rho  : grain density [g cm^-3]
    cosm : Cosmology
    RETURNS : dust.Dustspectrum
    return dust.Dustspectrum( rad = dust.Dustdist( rad=dust.adist( amin=amin, amax=amax, na=na ), p=p, rho=rho ),
                              md = Cosmdens( cosm=cosm ).md )
Esempio n. 3
File: Progetto: EZmay15/dust
def make_WD01_Dustspectrum( R_V=3.1, bc=0.0, rad=dust.adist(), type='Graphite', gal='MW' ):
    R_V [float],
    bc [float],
    rad [np.array : grain sizes (um)],
    type [string : 'Graphite' or 'Silicate'] )
    gal [string : 'MW', 'LMC', or 'SMC'], 
    Returns a dust.Dustspectrum object containing a (grain sizes), nd (dn/da), and md (total mass density of dust)

    if type == 'Graphite':
        rho_d = 2.2  #g cm^-3
    elif type == 'Silicate':
        rho_d = 3.8
        print 'Error: Dust type not recognized'

    dist   = dust.Dustdist( rad=rad, rho=rho_d, p=4 )
    result = dust.Dustspectrum( rad=dist )

    ANGS2MICRON = 1.e-10 * 1.e6
    a    = dist.a
    a_cm = dist.a * c.micron2cm()
    NA   = np.size( a )

    (alpha, beta, a_t, a_c, C) = get_dist_params( R_V=R_V, bc=bc, type=type, gal=gal )

    if type == 'Graphite':

        mc      = 12. * 1.67e-24   # Mass of carbon atom in grams (12 m_p)                                                  
        rho     = 2.24             # g cm^-3                                                                                
        sig     = 0.4
        a_01    = 3.5*ANGS2MICRON      # 3.5 angstroms in units of microns                                                  
        a_01_cm = a_01 * c.micron2cm()
        bc1     = 0.75 * bc * 1.e-5
        B_1     = (3.0/(2*np.pi)**1.5) * np.exp(-4.5 * 0.4**2) / (rho*a_01_cm**3 * 0.4) \
            * bc1 * mc / (1 + special.erf( 3*0.4/np.sqrt(2) + np.log(a_01/3.5e-4)/(0.4*np.sqrt(2)) ) )
        a_02    = 30.0*ANGS2MICRON       # 30 angtroms in units of microns                                                  
        a_02_cm = a_02 * c.micron2cm()
        bc2     = 0.25 * bc * 1.e-5
        B_2     = (3.0/(2*np.pi)**1.5) * np.exp(-4.5 * 0.4**2) / (rho*a_02_cm**3 * 0.4) \
            * bc2 * mc / (1 + special.erf( 3*0.4/np.sqrt(2) + np.log(a_02/3.5e-4)/(0.4*np.sqrt(2)) ) )
        D       = (B_1/a_cm) * np.exp( -0.5*( np.log(a/a_01)/sig )**2 ) + \
            (B_2/a_cm) * np.exp( -0.5*( np.log(a/a_02)/sig )**2 )

        Case_vsg = np.where( a < 3.5*ANGS2MICRON )
        if np.size(Case_vsg) != 0:
            D[Case_vsg] = 0.0

        Case_g = np.zeros( NA )
        case1g = np.where( np.logical_and(a > 3.5*ANGS2MICRON, a < a_t ) )
        case2g = np.where( a >= a_t )

        if np.size(case1g) != 0:
            Case_g[case1g] = 1.0
        if np.size(case2g) != 0:
            Case_g[case2g] = np.exp( -( (a[case2g]-a_t) / a_c )**3 )

        if beta >= 0:
            F_g  = 1 + beta * a / a_t
        if beta < 0:
            F_g  = 1.0 / (1 - beta * a / a_t)

        Dist_WD01 = D + C/a_cm * (a/a_t)**alpha * F_g * Case_g  #cm^-4 per n_H

    if type == 'Silicate':

        Case_s = np.zeros( NA )
        case1s = np.where( np.logical_and( a > 3.5*ANGS2MICRON, a < a_t ) )
        case2s = np.where( a >= a_t )

        if np.size(case1s) != 0:
            Case_s[case1s] = 1.0
        if np.size(case2s) != 0:
            Case_s[case2s] = np.exp( -( (a[case2s]-a_t)/a_c )**3 )

        F_s    = np.zeros( NA )
        if beta >= 0:
            F_s = 1 + beta * a / a_t
        if beta < 0:
            F_s = 1. / (1 - beta * a / a_t)

        Dist_WD01 = C/a_cm * (a/a_t)**alpha * F_s * Case_s #cm^-4 per n_H

    ## Modify result Dustspectrum so we get a proper WD01 dist!

    mg = 4.0/3.0*np.pi*a_cm**3 * rho_d  # mass of each dust grain
    Md = c.intz( a_cm, Dist_WD01 * mg )

    result.nd = Dist_WD01 * c.micron2cm()  # cm^-3 per um per n_H = Md

    return result