Esempio n. 1
class Repo(object):
    DVC_DIR = ".dvc"

    from dvc.repo.destroy import destroy
    from dvc.repo.install import install
    from dvc.repo.add import add
    from dvc.repo.remove import remove
    from dvc.repo.lock import lock as lock_stage
    from dvc.repo.move import move
    from import run
    from dvc.repo.imp import imp
    from dvc.repo.imp_url import imp_url
    from dvc.repo.reproduce import reproduce
    from dvc.repo.checkout import _checkout
    from dvc.repo.push import push
    from dvc.repo.fetch import _fetch
    from dvc.repo.pull import pull
    from dvc.repo.status import status
    from dvc.repo.gc import gc
    from dvc.repo.commit import commit
    from dvc.repo.diff import diff
    from dvc.repo.brancher import brancher
    from dvc.repo.get import get
    from dvc.repo.get_url import get_url
    from dvc.repo.update import update

    def __init__(self, root_dir=None):
        from dvc.state import State
        from dvc.lock import make_lock
        from dvc.scm import SCM
        from dvc.cache import Cache
        from dvc.data_cloud import DataCloud
        from dvc.repo.metrics import Metrics
        from dvc.scm.tree import WorkingTree
        from dvc.repo.tag import Tag
        from dvc.utils import makedirs

        root_dir = self.find_root(root_dir)

        self.root_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(root_dir))
        self.dvc_dir = os.path.join(self.root_dir, self.DVC_DIR)

        self.config = Config(self.dvc_dir)

        self.scm = SCM(self.root_dir)

        self.tree = CleanTree(WorkingTree(self.root_dir))

        self.tmp_dir = os.path.join(self.dvc_dir, "tmp")
        makedirs(self.tmp_dir, exist_ok=True)

        hardlink_lock = self.config.config["core"].get("hardlink_lock", False)
        self.lock = make_lock(
            os.path.join(self.dvc_dir, "lock"),
            tmp_dir=os.path.join(self.dvc_dir, "tmp"),

        # NOTE: storing state and link_state in the repository itself to avoid
        # any possible state corruption in 'shared cache dir' scenario.
        self.state = State(self, self.config.config)

        core = self.config.config[Config.SECTION_CORE]

        level = core.get(Config.SECTION_CORE_LOGLEVEL)
        if level:

        self.cache = Cache(self) = DataCloud(self)

        self.metrics = Metrics(self)
        self.tag = Tag(self)


    def tree(self):
        return self._tree

    def tree(self, tree):
        self._tree = tree
        # Our graph cache is no longer valid, as it was based on the previous
        # tree.

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Repo: '{root_dir}'".format(root_dir=self.root_dir)

    def find_root(cls, root=None):
        if root is None:
            root = os.getcwd()
            root = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(root))

        while True:
            dvc_dir = os.path.join(root, cls.DVC_DIR)
            if os.path.isdir(dvc_dir):
                return root
            if os.path.ismount(root):
            root = os.path.dirname(root)
        raise NotDvcRepoError(root)

    def find_dvc_dir(cls, root=None):
        root_dir = cls.find_root(root)
        return os.path.join(root_dir, cls.DVC_DIR)

    def init(root_dir=os.curdir, no_scm=False, force=False):
        from dvc.repo.init import init

        init(root_dir=root_dir, no_scm=no_scm, force=force)
        return Repo(root_dir)

    def unprotect(self, target):
        return self.cache.local.unprotect(PathInfo(target))

    def _ignore(self):
        from dvc.updater import Updater

        updater = Updater(self.dvc_dir)

        flist = ([self.config.config_local_file, updater.updater_file] +
                 [self.lock.lockfile, updater.lock.lockfile, self.tmp_dir] +

        if path_isin(self.cache.local.cache_dir, self.root_dir):
            flist += [self.cache.local.cache_dir]


    def check_modified_graph(self, new_stages):
        """Generate graph including the new stage to check for errors"""
        self._collect_graph(self.stages + new_stages)

    def collect(self, target, with_deps=False, recursive=False, graph=None):
        import networkx as nx
        from dvc.stage import Stage

        G = graph or self.graph

        if not target:
            return list(G)

        target = os.path.abspath(target)

        if recursive and os.path.isdir(target):
            stages = nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(G)
            return [stage for stage in stages if path_isin(stage.path, target)]

        stage = Stage.load(self, target)
        if not with_deps:
            return [stage]

        pipeline = get_pipeline(get_pipelines(G), stage)
        return list(nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(pipeline, stage))

    def collect_granular(self, target, *args, **kwargs):
        if not target:
            return [(stage, None) for stage in self.stages]

            out, = self.find_outs_by_path(target, strict=False)
            filter_info = PathInfo(os.path.abspath(target))
            return [(out.stage, filter_info)]
        except OutputNotFoundError:
            stages = self.collect(target, *args, **kwargs)
            return [(stage, None) for stage in stages]

    def used_cache(
        """Get the stages related to the given target and collect
        the `info` of its outputs.

        This is useful to know what files from the cache are _in use_
        (namely, a file described as an output on a stage).

        The scope is, by default, the working directory, but you can use
        `all_branches` or `all_tags` to expand scope.

            A dictionary with Schemes (representing output's location) as keys,
            and a list with the outputs' `dumpd` as values.
        from funcy.py2 import icat
        from dvc.cache import NamedCache

        cache = NamedCache()

        for branch in self.brancher(
            targets = targets or [None]

            pairs = icat(
                    target, recursive=recursive, with_deps=with_deps)
                for target in targets)

            suffix = "({})".format(branch) if branch else ""
            for stage, filter_info in pairs:
                used_cache = stage.get_used_cache(
                cache.update(used_cache, suffix=suffix)

        return cache

    def _collect_graph(self, stages=None):
        """Generate a graph by using the given stages on the given directory

        The nodes of the graph are the stage's path relative to the root.

        Edges are created when the output of one stage is used as a
        dependency in other stage.

        The direction of the edges goes from the stage to its dependency:

        For example, running the following:

            $ dvc run -o A "echo A > A"
            $ dvc run -d A -o B "echo B > B"
            $ dvc run -d B -o C "echo C > C"

        Will create the following graph:

               ancestors <--
                C.dvc -> B.dvc -> A.dvc
                |          |
                |          --> descendants
                ------- pipeline ------>
              (weakly connected components)

            stages (list): used to build a graph, if None given, collect stages
                in the repository.

            OutputDuplicationError: two outputs with the same path
            StagePathAsOutputError: stage inside an output directory
            OverlappingOutputPathsError: output inside output directory
            CyclicGraphError: resulting graph has cycles
        import networkx as nx
        from dvc.exceptions import (

        G = nx.DiGraph()
        stages = stages or self.stages
        stages = [stage for stage in stages if stage]
        outs = {}

        for stage in stages:
            for out in stage.outs:
                if out.path_info in outs:
                    dup_stages = [stage, outs[out.path_info].stage]
                    raise OutputDuplicationError(str(out), dup_stages)
                outs[out.path_info] = out

        for stage in stages:
            for out in stage.outs:
                for p in out.path_info.parents:
                    if p in outs:
                        raise OverlappingOutputPathsError(outs[p], out)

        for stage in stages:
            stage_path_info = PathInfo(stage.path)
            for p in chain([stage_path_info], stage_path_info.parents):
                if p in outs:
                    raise StagePathAsOutputError(stage, str(outs[p]))

        for stage in stages:

            for dep in stage.deps:
                if dep.path_info is None:

                for out_path_info, out in outs.items():
                    if out_path_info.overlaps(dep.path_info):
                        G.add_edge(stage, out.stage)


        return G

    def graph(self):
        return self._collect_graph()

    def pipelines(self):
        return get_pipelines(self.graph)

    def _filter_out_dirs(dirs, outs, root_dir):
        def filter_dirs(dname):
            path = os.path.join(root_dir, dname)
            for out in outs:
                if path == os.path.normpath(out):
                    return False
            return True

        return list(filter(filter_dirs, dirs))

    def stages(self):
        Walks down the root directory looking for Dvcfiles,
        skipping the directories that are related with
        any SCM (e.g. `.git`), DVC itself (`.dvc`), or directories
        tracked by DVC (e.g. `dvc add data` would skip `data/`)

        NOTE: For large repos, this could be an expensive
              operation. Consider using some memoization.
        from dvc.stage import Stage

        stages = []
        outs = []

        for root, dirs, files in self.tree.walk(self.root_dir):
            for fname in files:
                path = os.path.join(root, fname)
                if not Stage.is_valid_filename(path):
                stage = Stage.load(self, path)
                for out in stage.outs:
                    if out.scheme == "local":
                        outs.append(out.fspath + out.sep)

            dirs[:] = self._filter_out_dirs(dirs, outs, root)

        return stages

    def find_outs_by_path(self, path, outs=None, recursive=False, strict=True):
        if not outs:
            outs = [out for stage in self.stages for out in stage.outs]

        abs_path = os.path.abspath(path)
        path_info = PathInfo(abs_path)
        is_dir = self.tree.isdir(abs_path)
        match = path_info.__eq__ if strict else path_info.isin_or_eq

        def func(out):
            if out.scheme == "local" and match(out.path_info):
                return True

            if is_dir and recursive and out.path_info.isin(path_info):
                return True

            return False

        matched = list(filter(func, outs))
        if not matched:
            raise OutputNotFoundError(path, self)

        return matched

    def find_out_by_relpath(self, relpath):
        path = os.path.join(self.root_dir, relpath)
        out, = self.find_outs_by_path(path)
        return out

    def is_dvc_internal(self, path):
        path_parts = os.path.normpath(path).split(os.path.sep)
        return self.DVC_DIR in path_parts

    def open(self, path, remote=None, mode="r", encoding=None):
        """Opens a specified resource as a file descriptor"""
        cause = None
            out, = self.find_outs_by_path(path)
        except OutputNotFoundError as e:
            out = None
            cause = e

        if out and out.use_cache:
                with self._open_cached(out, remote, mode, encoding) as fd:
                    yield fd
            except FileNotFoundError as e:
                raise FileMissingError(relpath(path, self.root_dir), cause=e)

        if self.tree.exists(path):
            with, mode, encoding) as fd:
                yield fd

        raise FileMissingError(relpath(path, self.root_dir), cause=cause)

    def _open_cached(self, out, remote=None, mode="r", encoding=None):
        if out.isdir():
            raise ValueError("Can't open a dir")

        cache_file = self.cache.local.checksum_to_path_info(out.checksum)
        cache_file = fspath_py35(cache_file)

        if os.path.exists(cache_file):
            return open(cache_file, mode=mode, encoding=encoding)

            remote_obj =
            remote_info = remote_obj.checksum_to_path_info(out.checksum)
            return, mode=mode, encoding=encoding)
        except RemoteActionNotImplemented:
            with self.state:
                cache_info = out.get_used_cache(remote=remote)
      , remote=remote)

            return open(cache_file, mode=mode, encoding=encoding)

    def close(self):

    def checkout(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._checkout(*args, **kwargs)

    def fetch(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._fetch(*args, **kwargs)

    def _reset(self):
        self.__dict__.pop("graph", None)
        self.__dict__.pop("stages", None)
        self.__dict__.pop("pipelines", None)
        self.__dict__.pop("dvcignore", None)
Esempio n. 2
class Repo(object):
    DVC_DIR = ".dvc"

    from dvc.repo.destroy import destroy
    from dvc.repo.install import install
    from dvc.repo.add import add
    from dvc.repo.remove import remove
    from dvc.repo.lock import lock as lock_stage
    from dvc.repo.move import move
    from import run
    from dvc.repo.imp import imp
    from dvc.repo.imp_url import imp_url
    from dvc.repo.reproduce import reproduce
    from dvc.repo.checkout import checkout
    from dvc.repo.push import push
    from dvc.repo.fetch import fetch
    from dvc.repo.pull import pull
    from dvc.repo.status import status
    from dvc.repo.gc import gc
    from dvc.repo.commit import commit
    from dvc.repo.diff import diff
    from dvc.repo.brancher import brancher
    from dvc.repo.get import get
    from dvc.repo.get_url import get_url
    from dvc.repo.update import update

    def __init__(self, root_dir=None):
        from dvc.state import State
        from dvc.lock import Lock
        from dvc.scm import SCM
        from dvc.cache import Cache
        from dvc.data_cloud import DataCloud
        from dvc.repo.metrics import Metrics
        from dvc.scm.tree import WorkingTree
        from dvc.repo.tag import Tag

        root_dir = self.find_root(root_dir)

        self.root_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(root_dir))
        self.dvc_dir = os.path.join(self.root_dir, self.DVC_DIR)

        self.config = Config(self.dvc_dir)

        self.scm = SCM(self.root_dir)

        self.tree = WorkingTree(self.root_dir)

        self.lock = Lock(
            os.path.join(self.dvc_dir, "lock"),
            tmp_dir=os.path.join(self.dvc_dir, "tmp"),
        # NOTE: storing state and link_state in the repository itself to avoid
        # any possible state corruption in 'shared cache dir' scenario.
        self.state = State(self, self.config.config)

        core = self.config.config[Config.SECTION_CORE]

        level = core.get(Config.SECTION_CORE_LOGLEVEL)
        if level:

        self.cache = Cache(self) = DataCloud(self)

        self.metrics = Metrics(self)
        self.tag = Tag(self)


    def __repr__(self):
        return "Repo: '{root_dir}'".format(root_dir=self.root_dir)

    def find_root(cls, root=None):
        if root is None:
            root = os.getcwd()
            root = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(root))

        while True:
            dvc_dir = os.path.join(root, cls.DVC_DIR)
            if os.path.isdir(dvc_dir):
                return root
            if os.path.ismount(root):
            root = os.path.dirname(root)
        raise NotDvcRepoError(root)

    def find_dvc_dir(cls, root=None):
        root_dir = cls.find_root(root)
        return os.path.join(root_dir, cls.DVC_DIR)

    def init(root_dir=os.curdir, no_scm=False, force=False):
        from dvc.repo.init import init

        init(root_dir=root_dir, no_scm=no_scm, force=force)
        return Repo(root_dir)

    def unprotect(self, target):
        return self.cache.local.unprotect(PathInfo(target))

    def _ignore(self):
        from dvc.updater import Updater

        updater = Updater(self.dvc_dir)

        flist = ([self.config.config_local_file, updater.updater_file] +
                 self.state.files + self.lock.files + updater.lock.files)

        if self.cache.local.cache_dir.startswith(self.root_dir):
            flist += [self.cache.local.cache_dir]


    def check_dag(self, stages):
        """Generate graph including the new stage to check for errors"""

    def _check_cyclic_graph(graph):
        import networkx as nx
        from dvc.exceptions import CyclicGraphError

        cycles = list(nx.simple_cycles(graph))

        if cycles:
            raise CyclicGraphError(cycles[0])

    def _get_pipeline(self, node):
        pipelines = [i for i in self.pipelines() if i.has_node(node)]
        assert len(pipelines) == 1
        return pipelines[0]

    def collect(self, target, with_deps=False, recursive=False):
        import networkx as nx
        from dvc.stage import Stage

        if not target or (recursive and os.path.isdir(target)):
            return self.stages(target)

        stage = Stage.load(self, target)
        if not with_deps:
            return [stage]

        node = relpath(stage.path, self.root_dir)
        G = self._get_pipeline(node)

        ret = []
        for n in nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(G, node):

        return ret

    def used_cache(
        """Get the stages related to the given target and collect
        the `info` of its outputs.

        This is useful to know what files from the cache are _in use_
        (namely, a file described as an output on a stage).

        The scope is, by default, the working directory, but you can use
        `all_branches` or `all_tags` to expand scope.

            A dictionary with Schemes (representing output's location) as keys,
            and a list with the outputs' `dumpd` as values.

        cache = {}
        cache["local"] = []
        cache["s3"] = []
        cache["gs"] = []
        cache["hdfs"] = []
        cache["ssh"] = []
        cache["azure"] = []

        for branch in self.brancher(all_branches=all_branches,
            if targets:
                stages = []
                for target in targets:
                    if recursive and os.path.isdir(target):
                stages = self.stages()

            for stage in stages:
                for out in stage.outs:
                    scheme = out.path_info.scheme
                    used_cache = out.get_used_cache(remote=remote,

                        dict(entry, branch=branch) for entry in used_cache)

        return cache

    def graph(self, stages=None, from_directory=None):
        """Generate a graph by using the given stages on the given directory

        The nodes of the graph are the stage's path relative to the root.

        Edges are created when the output of one stage is used as a
        dependency in other stage.

        The direction of the edges goes from the stage to its dependency:

        For example, running the following:

            $ dvc run -o A "echo A > A"
            $ dvc run -d A -o B "echo B > B"
            $ dvc run -d B -o C "echo C > C"

        Will create the following graph:

               ancestors <--
                C.dvc -> B.dvc -> A.dvc
                |          |
                |          --> descendants
                ------- pipeline ------>
              (weakly connected components)

            stages (list): used to build a graph, if None given, use the ones
                on the `from_directory`.

            from_directory (str): directory where to look at for stages, if
                None is given, use the current working directory

            OutputDuplicationError: two outputs with the same path
            StagePathAsOutputError: stage inside an output directory
            OverlappingOutputPathsError: output inside output directory
            CyclicGraphError: resulting graph has cycles
        import networkx as nx
        from dvc.exceptions import (

        G = nx.DiGraph()
        G_active = nx.DiGraph()
        stages = stages or self.stages(from_directory, check_dag=False)
        stages = [stage for stage in stages if stage]
        outs = {}

        for stage in stages:
            for out in stage.outs:
                if out.path_info in outs:
                    stages = [stage.relpath, outs[out.path_info].stage.relpath]
                    raise OutputDuplicationError(str(out), stages)
                outs[out.path_info] = out

        for stage in stages:
            for out in stage.outs:
                for p in out.path_info.parents:
                    if p in outs:
                        raise OverlappingOutputPathsError(outs[p], out)

        for stage in stages:
            stage_path_info = PathInfo(stage.path)
            for p in chain([stage_path_info], stage_path_info.parents):
                if p in outs:
                    raise StagePathAsOutputError(stage.wdir, stage.relpath)

        for stage in stages:
            node = relpath(stage.path, self.root_dir)

            G.add_node(node, stage=stage)
            G_active.add_node(node, stage=stage)

            for dep in stage.deps:
                if dep.path_info is None:

                for out in outs:
                    if (out == dep.path_info or dep.path_info.isin(out)
                            or out.isin(dep.path_info)):
                        dep_stage = outs[out].stage
                        dep_node = relpath(dep_stage.path, self.root_dir)
                        G.add_node(dep_node, stage=dep_stage)
                        G.add_edge(node, dep_node)
                        if not stage.locked:
                            G_active.add_node(dep_node, stage=dep_stage)
                            G_active.add_edge(node, dep_node)


        return G, G_active

    def pipelines(self, from_directory=None):
        import networkx as nx

        G, G_active = self.graph(from_directory=from_directory)

        return [
            G.subgraph(c).copy() for c in nx.weakly_connected_components(G)

    def _filter_out_dirs(dirs, outs, root_dir):
        def filter_dirs(dname):
            path = os.path.join(root_dir, dname)
            for out in outs:
                if path == os.path.normpath(out):
                    return False
            return True

        return list(filter(filter_dirs, dirs))

    def stages(self, from_directory=None, check_dag=True):
        Walks down the root directory looking for Dvcfiles,
        skipping the directories that are related with
        any SCM (e.g. `.git`), DVC itself (`.dvc`), or directories
        tracked by DVC (e.g. `dvc add data` would skip `data/`)

        NOTE: For large repos, this could be an expensive
              operation. Consider using some memoization.
        from dvc.stage import Stage

        if not from_directory:
            from_directory = self.root_dir
        elif not os.path.isdir(from_directory):
            raise TargetNotDirectoryError(from_directory)

        stages = []
        outs = []

        for root, dirs, files in self.tree.walk(from_directory,
            for fname in files:
                path = os.path.join(root, fname)
                if not Stage.is_valid_filename(path):
                stage = Stage.load(self, path)
                for out in stage.outs:
                    if out.scheme == "local":
                        outs.append(out.fspath + out.sep)

            dirs[:] = self._filter_out_dirs(dirs, outs, root)

        if check_dag:

        return stages

    def find_outs_by_path(self, path, outs=None, recursive=False):
        if not outs:
            # there is no `from_directory=path` argument because some data
            # files might be generated to an upper level, and so it is
            # needed to look at all the files (project root_dir)
            stages = self.stages()
            outs = [out for stage in stages for out in stage.outs]

        abs_path = os.path.abspath(path)
        is_dir = self.tree.isdir(abs_path)

        def func(out):
            if out.scheme == "local" and out.fspath == abs_path:
                return True

            if is_dir and recursive and out.path_info.isin(abs_path):
                return True

            return False

        matched = list(filter(func, outs))
        if not matched:
            raise OutputNotFoundError(path)

        return matched

    def find_out_by_relpath(self, relpath):
        path = os.path.join(self.root_dir, relpath)
        out, = self.find_outs_by_path(path)
        return out

    def is_dvc_internal(self, path):
        path_parts = os.path.normpath(path).split(os.path.sep)
        return self.DVC_DIR in path_parts

    def open(self, path, remote=None, mode="r", encoding=None):
        """Opens a specified resource as a file descriptor"""
            with self._open(path, remote, mode, encoding) as fd:
                yield fd
        except FileNotFoundError:
            raise OutputFileMissingError(relpath(path, self.root_dir))

    def _open(self, path, remote=None, mode="r", encoding=None):
        out, = self.find_outs_by_path(path)
        if out.isdir():
            raise ValueError("Can't open a dir")

        cache_file = self.cache.local.checksum_to_path_info(out.checksum)
        cache_file = fspath_py35(cache_file)

        if os.path.exists(cache_file):
            return _open(cache_file, mode=mode, encoding=encoding)

            remote_obj =
            remote_info = remote_obj.checksum_to_path_info(out.checksum)
            return, mode=mode, encoding=encoding)
        except RemoteActionNotImplemented:
            with self.state:
                cache_info = out.get_used_cache(remote=remote)
      , remote=remote)

            return _open(cache_file, mode=mode, encoding=encoding)

    def dvcignore(self):
        return DvcIgnoreFilter(self.root_dir)

    def close(self):

    def clone(url, to_path, rev=None):
        from dvc.scm.git import Git

        git = Git.clone(url, to_path, rev=rev)

        return Repo(to_path)
Esempio n. 3
class Repo:
    DVC_DIR = ".dvc"

    from dvc.repo.destroy import destroy
    from dvc.repo.install import install
    from dvc.repo.add import add
    from dvc.repo.remove import remove
    from import ls
    from dvc.repo.freeze import freeze, unfreeze
    from dvc.repo.move import move
    from import run
    from dvc.repo.imp import imp
    from dvc.repo.imp_url import imp_url
    from dvc.repo.reproduce import reproduce
    from dvc.repo.checkout import _checkout
    from dvc.repo.push import push
    from dvc.repo.fetch import _fetch
    from dvc.repo.pull import pull
    from dvc.repo.status import status
    from dvc.repo.gc import gc
    from dvc.repo.commit import commit
    from dvc.repo.diff import diff
    from dvc.repo.brancher import brancher
    from dvc.repo.get import get
    from dvc.repo.get_url import get_url
    from dvc.repo.update import update

    def __init__(self, root_dir=None, scm=None, rev=None):
        from dvc.state import State, StateNoop
        from dvc.lock import make_lock
        from dvc.scm import SCM
        from dvc.cache import Cache
        from dvc.data_cloud import DataCloud
        from dvc.repo.metrics import Metrics
        from dvc.repo.plots import Plots
        from dvc.repo.params import Params
        from dvc.scm.tree import WorkingTree
        from dvc.utils.fs import makedirs
        from dvc.stage.cache import StageCache

        if scm:
            # use GitTree instead of WorkingTree as default repo tree instance
            tree = scm.get_tree(rev)
            self.root_dir = self.find_root(root_dir, tree)
            self.scm = scm
            self.tree = tree
            self.state = StateNoop()
            root_dir = self.find_root(root_dir)
            self.root_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(root_dir))
            self.tree = WorkingTree(self.root_dir)

        self.dvc_dir = os.path.join(self.root_dir, self.DVC_DIR)
        self.config = Config(self.dvc_dir, tree=self.tree)

        if not scm:
            no_scm = self.config["core"].get("no_scm", False)
            self.scm = SCM(self.root_dir, no_scm=no_scm)

        self.tmp_dir = os.path.join(self.dvc_dir, "tmp")
        self.index_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, "index")
        makedirs(self.index_dir, exist_ok=True)

        hardlink_lock = self.config["core"].get("hardlink_lock", False)
        self.lock = make_lock(
            os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, "lock"),

        self.cache = Cache(self) = DataCloud(self)

        if not scm:
            # NOTE: storing state and link_state in the repository itself to
            # avoid any possible state corruption in 'shared cache dir'
            # scenario.
            self.state = State(self.cache.local)

        self.stage_cache = StageCache(self)

        self.metrics = Metrics(self)
        self.plots = Plots(self)
        self.params = Params(self)


    def tree(self):
        return self._tree

    def tree(self, tree):
        if is_working_tree(tree) or tree.tree_root == self.root_dir:
            root = None
            root = self.root_dir
        self._tree = (tree if isinstance(tree, CleanTree) else CleanTree(
            tree, root))
        # Our graph cache is no longer valid, as it was based on the previous
        # tree.

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}: '{self.root_dir}'"

    def find_root(cls, root=None, tree=None):
        root_dir = os.path.realpath(root or os.curdir)

        if tree:
            if tree.isdir(os.path.join(root_dir, cls.DVC_DIR)):
                return root_dir
            raise NotDvcRepoError(f"'{root}' does not contain DVC directory")

        if not os.path.isdir(root_dir):
            raise NotDvcRepoError(f"directory '{root}' does not exist")

        while True:
            dvc_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, cls.DVC_DIR)
            if os.path.isdir(dvc_dir):
                return root_dir
            if os.path.ismount(root_dir):
            root_dir = os.path.dirname(root_dir)

        message = ("you are not inside of a DVC repository "
                   "(checked up to mount point '{}')").format(root_dir)
        raise NotDvcRepoError(message)

    def find_dvc_dir(cls, root=None):
        root_dir = cls.find_root(root)
        return os.path.join(root_dir, cls.DVC_DIR)

    def init(root_dir=os.curdir, no_scm=False, force=False, subdir=False):
        from dvc.repo.init import init

        init(root_dir=root_dir, no_scm=no_scm, force=force, subdir=subdir)
        return Repo(root_dir)

    def unprotect(self, target):
        return self.cache.local.tree.unprotect(PathInfo(target))

    def _ignore(self):
        flist = [self.config.files["local"], self.tmp_dir]

        if path_isin(self.cache.local.cache_dir, self.root_dir):
            flist += [self.cache.local.cache_dir]


    def get_stage(self, path=None, name=None):
        if not path:
            path = PIPELINE_FILE
            logger.debug("Assuming '%s' to be a stage inside '%s'", name, path)

        dvcfile = Dvcfile(self, path)
        return dvcfile.stages[name]

    def get_stages(self, path=None, name=None):
        if not path:
            path = PIPELINE_FILE
            logger.debug("Assuming '%s' to be a stage inside '%s'", name, path)

        if name:
            return [self.get_stage(path, name)]

        dvcfile = Dvcfile(self, path)
        return list(dvcfile.stages.values())

    def check_modified_graph(self, new_stages):
        """Generate graph including the new stage to check for errors"""
        # Building graph might be costly for the ones with many DVC-files,
        # so we provide this undocumented hack to skip it. See [1] for
        # more details. The hack can be used as:
        #     repo = Repo(...)
        #     repo._skip_graph_checks = True
        #     repo.add(...)
        # A user should care about not duplicating outs and not adding cycles,
        # otherwise DVC might have an undefined behaviour.
        # [1]
        if not getattr(self, "_skip_graph_checks", False):
            self._collect_graph(self.stages + new_stages)

    def _collect_inside(self, path, graph):
        import networkx as nx

        stages = nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(graph)
        return [stage for stage in stages if path_isin(stage.path, path)]

    def collect(self,
        if not target:
            return list(graph) if graph else self.stages

        if recursive and os.path.isdir(target):
            return self._collect_inside(os.path.abspath(target), graph
                                        or self.graph)

        path, name = parse_target(target)
        stages = self.get_stages(path, name)
        if not with_deps:
            return stages

        res = set()
        for stage in stages:
            res.update(self._collect_pipeline(stage, graph=graph))
        return res

    def _collect_pipeline(self, stage, graph=None):
        import networkx as nx

        pipeline = get_pipeline(get_pipelines(graph or self.graph), stage)
        return nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(pipeline, stage)

    def _collect_from_default_dvcfile(self, target):
        dvcfile = Dvcfile(self, PIPELINE_FILE)
        if dvcfile.exists():
            return dvcfile.stages.get(target)

    def collect_granular(self,
        Priority is in the order of following in case of ambiguity:
            - .dvc file or .yaml file
            - dir if recursive and directory exists
            - stage_name
            - output file
        if not target:
            return [(stage, None) for stage in self.stages]

        file, name = parse_target(target)
        stages = []

        # Optimization: do not collect the graph for a specific target
        if not file:
            # parsing is ambiguous when it does not have a colon
            # or if it's not a dvcfile, as it can be a stage name
            # in `dvc.yaml` or, an output in a stage.
            logger.debug("Checking if stage '%s' is in '%s'", target,
            if not (recursive and os.path.isdir(target)):
                stage = self._collect_from_default_dvcfile(target)
                if stage:
                    stages = (self._collect_pipeline(stage)
                              if with_deps else [stage])
        elif not with_deps and is_valid_filename(file):
            stages = self.get_stages(file, name)

        if not stages:
            if not (recursive and os.path.isdir(target)):
                    (out, ) = self.find_outs_by_path(target, strict=False)
                    filter_info = PathInfo(os.path.abspath(target))
                    return [(out.stage, filter_info)]
                except OutputNotFoundError:

                stages = self.collect(target, with_deps, recursive, graph)
            except StageFileDoesNotExistError as exc:
                # collect() might try to use `target` as a stage name
                # and throw error that dvc.yaml does not exist, whereas it
                # should say that both stage name and file does not exist.
                if file and is_valid_filename(file):
                raise NoOutputOrStageError(target, exc.file) from exc
            except StageNotFound as exc:
                raise NoOutputOrStageError(target, exc.file) from exc

        return [(stage, None) for stage in stages]

    def used_cache(
        """Get the stages related to the given target and collect
        the `info` of its outputs.

        This is useful to know what files from the cache are _in use_
        (namely, a file described as an output on a stage).

        The scope is, by default, the working directory, but you can use
        `all_branches`/`all_tags`/`all_commits` to expand the scope.

            A dictionary with Schemes (representing output's location) mapped
            to items containing the output's `dumpd` names and the output's
            children (if the given output is a directory).
        from dvc.cache import NamedCache

        cache = NamedCache()

        for branch in self.brancher(
            targets = targets or [None]

            pairs = cat(
                    target, recursive=recursive, with_deps=with_deps)
                for target in targets)

            suffix = f"({branch})" if branch else ""
            for stage, filter_info in pairs:
                used_cache = stage.get_used_cache(
                cache.update(used_cache, suffix=suffix)

        if used_run_cache:
            used_cache = self.stage_cache.get_used_cache(

        return cache

    def _collect_graph(self, stages):
        """Generate a graph by using the given stages on the given directory

        The nodes of the graph are the stage's path relative to the root.

        Edges are created when the output of one stage is used as a
        dependency in other stage.

        The direction of the edges goes from the stage to its dependency:

        For example, running the following:

            $ dvc run -o A "echo A > A"
            $ dvc run -d A -o B "echo B > B"
            $ dvc run -d B -o C "echo C > C"

        Will create the following graph:

               ancestors <--
                C.dvc -> B.dvc -> A.dvc
                |          |
                |          --> descendants
                ------- pipeline ------>
              (weakly connected components)

            stages (list): used to build a graph, if None given, collect stages
                in the repository.

            OutputDuplicationError: two outputs with the same path
            StagePathAsOutputError: stage inside an output directory
            OverlappingOutputPathsError: output inside output directory
            CyclicGraphError: resulting graph has cycles
        import networkx as nx
        from pygtrie import Trie
        from dvc.exceptions import (

        G = nx.DiGraph()
        stages = stages or self.stages
        outs = Trie()  # Use trie to efficiently find overlapping outs and deps

        for stage in filter(bool, stages):  # bug? not using it later
            for out in stage.outs:
                out_key =

                # Check for dup outs
                if out_key in outs:
                    dup_stages = [stage, outs[out_key].stage]
                    raise OutputDuplicationError(str(out), dup_stages)

                # Check for overlapping outs
                if outs.has_subtrie(out_key):
                    parent = out
                    overlapping = first(outs.values(prefix=out_key))
                    parent = outs.shortest_prefix(out_key).value
                    overlapping = out
                if parent and overlapping:
                    msg = ("Paths for outs:\n'{}'('{}')\n'{}'('{}')\n"
                           "overlap. To avoid unpredictable behaviour, "
                           "rerun command with non overlapping outs paths."
                    raise OverlappingOutputPathsError(parent, overlapping, msg)

                outs[out_key] = out

        for stage in stages:
            out = outs.shortest_prefix(PathInfo(stage.path).parts).value
            if out:
                raise StagePathAsOutputError(stage, str(out))

        # Building graph
        for stage in stages:
            for dep in stage.deps:
                if dep.path_info is None:

                dep_key =
                overlapping = [n.value for n in outs.prefixes(dep_key)]
                if outs.has_subtrie(dep_key):

                G.add_edges_from((stage, out.stage) for out in overlapping)

        return G

    def graph(self):
        return self._collect_graph(self.stages)

    def pipelines(self):
        return get_pipelines(self.graph)

    def stages(self):
        Walks down the root directory looking for Dvcfiles,
        skipping the directories that are related with
        any SCM (e.g. `.git`), DVC itself (`.dvc`), or directories
        tracked by DVC (e.g. `dvc add data` would skip `data/`)

        NOTE: For large repos, this could be an expensive
              operation. Consider using some memoization.
        return self._collect_stages()

    def plot_templates(self):
        from .plots.template import PlotTemplates

        return PlotTemplates(self.dvc_dir)

    def _collect_stages(self):
        stages = []
        outs = set()

        for root, dirs, files in self.tree.walk(self.root_dir):
            for file_name in filter(is_valid_filename, files):
                new_stages = self.get_stages(os.path.join(root, file_name))
                outs.update(out.fspath for stage in new_stages
                            for out in stage.outs if out.scheme == "local")
            dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if os.path.join(root, d) not in outs]
        return stages

    def find_outs_by_path(self, path, outs=None, recursive=False, strict=True):
        if not outs:
            outs = [out for stage in self.stages for out in stage.outs]

        abs_path = os.path.abspath(path)
        path_info = PathInfo(abs_path)
        match = path_info.__eq__ if strict else path_info.isin_or_eq

        def func(out):
            if out.scheme == "local" and match(out.path_info):
                return True

            if recursive and out.path_info.isin(path_info):
                return True

            return False

        matched = list(filter(func, outs))
        if not matched:
            raise OutputNotFoundError(path, self)

        return matched

    def find_out_by_relpath(self, relpath):
        path = os.path.join(self.root_dir, relpath)
        (out, ) = self.find_outs_by_path(path)
        return out

    def is_dvc_internal(self, path):
        path_parts = os.path.normpath(path).split(os.path.sep)
        return self.DVC_DIR in path_parts

    def open_by_relpath(self, path, remote=None, mode="r", encoding=None):
        """Opens a specified resource as a file descriptor"""

        tree = RepoTree(self, stream=True)
        path = os.path.join(self.root_dir, path)
            with self.state:
                        os.path.join(self.root_dir, path),
                ) as fobj:
                    yield fobj
        except FileNotFoundError as exc:
            raise FileMissingError(path) from exc
        except IsADirectoryError as exc:
            raise DvcIsADirectoryError(f"'{path}' is a directory") from exc

    def close(self):

    def checkout(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._checkout(*args, **kwargs)

    def fetch(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._fetch(*args, **kwargs)

    def _reset(self):
        self.__dict__.pop("graph", None)
        self.__dict__.pop("stages", None)
        self.__dict__.pop("pipelines", None)
        self.__dict__.pop("dvcignore", None)
Esempio n. 4
class Repo(object):
    DVC_DIR = ".dvc"

    from dvc.repo.destroy import destroy
    from dvc.repo.install import install
    from dvc.repo.add import add
    from dvc.repo.remove import remove
    from import ls
    from dvc.repo.lock import lock as lock_stage
    from dvc.repo.move import move
    from import run
    from dvc.repo.imp import imp
    from dvc.repo.imp_url import imp_url
    from dvc.repo.reproduce import reproduce
    from dvc.repo.checkout import _checkout
    from dvc.repo.push import push
    from dvc.repo.fetch import _fetch
    from dvc.repo.pull import pull
    from dvc.repo.status import status
    from dvc.repo.gc import gc
    from dvc.repo.commit import commit
    from dvc.repo.diff import diff
    from dvc.repo.brancher import brancher
    from dvc.repo.get import get
    from dvc.repo.get_url import get_url
    from dvc.repo.update import update

    def __init__(self, root_dir=None):
        from dvc.state import State
        from dvc.lock import make_lock
        from dvc.scm import SCM
        from dvc.cache import Cache
        from dvc.data_cloud import DataCloud
        from dvc.repo.metrics import Metrics
        from dvc.repo.params import Params
        from dvc.scm.tree import WorkingTree
        from dvc.repo.tag import Tag
        from dvc.utils.fs import makedirs

        root_dir = self.find_root(root_dir)

        self.root_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(root_dir))
        self.dvc_dir = os.path.join(self.root_dir, self.DVC_DIR)

        self.config = Config(self.dvc_dir)

        no_scm = self.config["core"].get("no_scm", False)
        self.scm = SCM(self.root_dir, no_scm=no_scm)

        self.tree = WorkingTree(self.root_dir)

        self.tmp_dir = os.path.join(self.dvc_dir, "tmp")
        makedirs(self.tmp_dir, exist_ok=True)

        hardlink_lock = self.config["core"].get("hardlink_lock", False)
        self.lock = make_lock(
            os.path.join(self.dvc_dir, "lock"),
            tmp_dir=os.path.join(self.dvc_dir, "tmp"),

        # NOTE: storing state and link_state in the repository itself to avoid
        # any possible state corruption in 'shared cache dir' scenario.
        self.state = State(self)

        self.cache = Cache(self) = DataCloud(self)

        self.metrics = Metrics(self)
        self.params = Params(self)
        self.tag = Tag(self)


    def tree(self):
        return self._tree

    def tree(self, tree):
        self._tree = tree if isinstance(tree, CleanTree) else CleanTree(tree)
        # Our graph cache is no longer valid, as it was based on the previous
        # tree.

    def __repr__(self):
        return "{}: '{}'".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.root_dir)

    def find_root(cls, root=None):
        root_dir = os.path.realpath(root or os.curdir)

        if not os.path.isdir(root_dir):
            raise NotDvcRepoError("directory '{}' does not exist".format(root))

        while True:
            dvc_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, cls.DVC_DIR)
            if os.path.isdir(dvc_dir):
                return root_dir
            if os.path.ismount(root_dir):
            root_dir = os.path.dirname(root_dir)

        message = ("you are not inside of a DVC repository "
                   "(checked up to mount point '{}')").format(root_dir)
        raise NotDvcRepoError(message)

    def find_dvc_dir(cls, root=None):
        root_dir = cls.find_root(root)
        return os.path.join(root_dir, cls.DVC_DIR)

    def init(root_dir=os.curdir, no_scm=False, force=False, subdir=False):
        from dvc.repo.init import init

        init(root_dir=root_dir, no_scm=no_scm, force=force, subdir=subdir)
        return Repo(root_dir)

    def unprotect(self, target):
        return self.cache.local.unprotect(PathInfo(target))

    def _ignore(self):
        from dvc.updater import Updater

        updater = Updater(self.dvc_dir)

        flist = ([self.config.files["local"], updater.updater_file] +
                 [self.lock.lockfile, updater.lock.lockfile, self.tmp_dir] +

        if path_isin(self.cache.local.cache_dir, self.root_dir):
            flist += [self.cache.local.cache_dir]


    def check_modified_graph(self, new_stages):
        """Generate graph including the new stage to check for errors"""
        # Building graph might be costly for the ones with many DVC-files,
        # so we provide this undocumented hack to skip it. See [1] for
        # more details. The hack can be used as:
        #     repo = Repo(...)
        #     repo._skip_graph_checks = True
        #     repo.add(...)
        # A user should care about not duplicating outs and not adding cycles,
        # otherwise DVC might have an undefined behaviour.
        # [1]
        if not getattr(self, "_skip_graph_checks", False):
            self._collect_graph(self.stages + new_stages)

    def collect(self, target, with_deps=False, recursive=False, graph=None):
        import networkx as nx
        from dvc.stage import Stage

        if not target:
            return list(graph) if graph else self.stages

        target = os.path.abspath(target)

        if recursive and os.path.isdir(target):
            stages = nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(graph or self.graph)
            return [stage for stage in stages if path_isin(stage.path, target)]

        stage = Stage.load(self, target)

        # Optimization: do not collect the graph for a specific target
        if not with_deps:
            return [stage]

        pipeline = get_pipeline(get_pipelines(graph or self.graph), stage)
        return list(nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(pipeline, stage))

    def collect_granular(self, target, *args, **kwargs):
        from dvc.stage import Stage

        if not target:
            return [(stage, None) for stage in self.stages]

        # Optimization: do not collect the graph for a specific .dvc target
        if Stage.is_valid_filename(target) and not kwargs.get("with_deps"):
            return [(Stage.load(self, target), None)]

            (out, ) = self.find_outs_by_path(target, strict=False)
            filter_info = PathInfo(os.path.abspath(target))
            return [(out.stage, filter_info)]
        except OutputNotFoundError:
            stages = self.collect(target, *args, **kwargs)
            return [(stage, None) for stage in stages]

    def used_cache(
        """Get the stages related to the given target and collect
        the `info` of its outputs.

        This is useful to know what files from the cache are _in use_
        (namely, a file described as an output on a stage).

        The scope is, by default, the working directory, but you can use
        `all_branches`/`all_tags`/`all_commits` to expand the scope.

            A dictionary with Schemes (representing output's location) as keys,
            and a list with the outputs' `dumpd` as values.
        from dvc.cache import NamedCache

        cache = NamedCache()

        for branch in self.brancher(
            targets = targets or [None]

            pairs = cat(
                    target, recursive=recursive, with_deps=with_deps)
                for target in targets)

            suffix = "({})".format(branch) if branch else ""
            for stage, filter_info in pairs:
                used_cache = stage.get_used_cache(
                cache.update(used_cache, suffix=suffix)

        return cache

    def _collect_graph(self, stages=None):
        """Generate a graph by using the given stages on the given directory

        The nodes of the graph are the stage's path relative to the root.

        Edges are created when the output of one stage is used as a
        dependency in other stage.

        The direction of the edges goes from the stage to its dependency:

        For example, running the following:

            $ dvc run -o A "echo A > A"
            $ dvc run -d A -o B "echo B > B"
            $ dvc run -d B -o C "echo C > C"

        Will create the following graph:

               ancestors <--
                C.dvc -> B.dvc -> A.dvc
                |          |
                |          --> descendants
                ------- pipeline ------>
              (weakly connected components)

            stages (list): used to build a graph, if None given, collect stages
                in the repository.

            OutputDuplicationError: two outputs with the same path
            StagePathAsOutputError: stage inside an output directory
            OverlappingOutputPathsError: output inside output directory
            CyclicGraphError: resulting graph has cycles
        import networkx as nx
        from pygtrie import Trie
        from dvc.exceptions import (

        G = nx.DiGraph()
        stages = stages or self.stages
        stages = [stage for stage in stages if stage]
        outs = Trie()  # Use trie to efficiently find overlapping outs and deps

        for stage in stages:
            for out in stage.outs:
                out_key =

                # Check for dup outs
                if out_key in outs:
                    dup_stages = [stage, outs[out_key].stage]
                    raise OutputDuplicationError(str(out), dup_stages)

                # Check for overlapping outs
                if outs.has_subtrie(out_key):
                    parent = out
                    overlapping = first(outs.values(prefix=out_key))
                    parent = outs.shortest_prefix(out_key).value
                    overlapping = out
                if parent and overlapping:
                    msg = ("Paths for outs:\n'{}'('{}')\n'{}'('{}')\n"
                           "overlap. To avoid unpredictable behaviour, "
                           "rerun command with non overlapping outs paths."
                    raise OverlappingOutputPathsError(parent, overlapping, msg)

                outs[out_key] = out

        for stage in stages:
            out = outs.shortest_prefix(PathInfo(stage.path).parts).value
            if out:
                raise StagePathAsOutputError(stage, str(out))

        # Building graph
        for stage in stages:
            for dep in stage.deps:
                if dep.path_info is None:

                dep_key =
                overlapping = list(n.value for n in outs.prefixes(dep_key))
                if outs.has_subtrie(dep_key):

                G.add_edges_from((stage, out.stage) for out in overlapping)


        return G

    def graph(self):
        return self._collect_graph()

    def pipelines(self):
        return get_pipelines(self.graph)

    def stages(self):
        Walks down the root directory looking for Dvcfiles,
        skipping the directories that are related with
        any SCM (e.g. `.git`), DVC itself (`.dvc`), or directories
        tracked by DVC (e.g. `dvc add data` would skip `data/`)

        NOTE: For large repos, this could be an expensive
              operation. Consider using some memoization.
        from dvc.stage import Stage

        stages = []
        outs = set()

        for root, dirs, files in self.tree.walk(self.root_dir):
            for fname in files:
                path = os.path.join(root, fname)
                if not Stage.is_valid_filename(path):
                stage = Stage.load(self, path)

                for out in stage.outs:
                    if out.scheme == "local":

            dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if os.path.join(root, d) not in outs]

        return stages

    def find_outs_by_path(self, path, outs=None, recursive=False, strict=True):
        if not outs:
            outs = [out for stage in self.stages for out in stage.outs]

        abs_path = os.path.abspath(path)
        path_info = PathInfo(abs_path)
        match = path_info.__eq__ if strict else path_info.isin_or_eq

        def func(out):
            if out.scheme == "local" and match(out.path_info):
                return True

            if recursive and out.path_info.isin(path_info):
                return True

            return False

        matched = list(filter(func, outs))
        if not matched:
            raise OutputNotFoundError(path, self)

        return matched

    def find_out_by_relpath(self, relpath):
        path = os.path.join(self.root_dir, relpath)
        (out, ) = self.find_outs_by_path(path)
        return out

    def is_dvc_internal(self, path):
        path_parts = os.path.normpath(path).split(os.path.sep)
        return self.DVC_DIR in path_parts

    def open_by_relpath(self, path, remote=None, mode="r", encoding=None):
        """Opens a specified resource as a file descriptor"""
        cause = None
            out = self.find_out_by_relpath(path)
        except OutputNotFoundError as exc:
            out = None
            cause = exc

        if out and out.use_cache:
                with self._open_cached(out, remote, mode, encoding) as fd:
                    yield fd
            except FileNotFoundError as exc:
                raise FileMissingError(path) from exc

        abs_path = os.path.join(self.root_dir, path)
        if os.path.exists(abs_path):
            with open(abs_path, mode=mode, encoding=encoding) as fd:
                yield fd

        raise FileMissingError(path) from cause

    def _open_cached(self, out, remote=None, mode="r", encoding=None):
        if out.isdir():
            raise IsADirectoryError("Can't open a dir")

        cache_file = self.cache.local.checksum_to_path_info(out.checksum)
        cache_file = fspath_py35(cache_file)

        if os.path.exists(cache_file):
            return open(cache_file, mode=mode, encoding=encoding)

            remote_obj =
            remote_info = remote_obj.checksum_to_path_info(out.checksum)
            return, mode=mode, encoding=encoding)
        except RemoteActionNotImplemented:
            with self.state:
                cache_info = out.get_used_cache(remote=remote)
      , remote=remote)

            return open(cache_file, mode=mode, encoding=encoding)

    def close(self):

    def checkout(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._checkout(*args, **kwargs)

    def fetch(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._fetch(*args, **kwargs)

    def _reset(self):
        self.__dict__.pop("graph", None)
        self.__dict__.pop("stages", None)
        self.__dict__.pop("pipelines", None)
        self.__dict__.pop("dvcignore", None)