class LocalPlanner: def __init__(self): self.arrive = 0.2 # standard for arrival self.arrive = 0.1 self.x = 0.0 self.y = 0.0 self.yaw = 0.0 self.vx = 0.0 self.vw = 0.0 # init plan_config for once self.dwa = DWAPlanner() # self.max_speed = 0.8 # [m/s] # self.predict_time = 2 # [s] # self.threshold = self.max_speed * self.predict_time self.threshold = 1.5 self.laser_lock = Lock() self.lock = Lock() self.path = Path() = tf.TransformListener() # get path & initPlaning self.path_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/course_agv/global_path', Path, self.pathCallback) self.vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/webService/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=1) # self.vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/course_agv/velocity', # Twist, # queue_size=1) # mid_goal pub self.midpose_pub = rospy.Publisher('/course_agv/mid_goal', PoseStamped, queue_size=1) # get laser & update obstacle # self.laser_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/scan_emma_nav_front', LaserScan, # self.laserCallback) self.laser_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/course_agv/laser/scan', LaserScan, self.laserCallback) self.planner_thread = None self.listener = keyboard.Listener(on_press=self.on_press) # self.listener.start() def on_press(self, key): if key == keyboard.Key.up: self.vx = 1.0 self.vw = 0.0 elif key == keyboard.Key.down: self.vx = -1.0 self.vw = 0.0 elif key == keyboard.Key.left: self.vx = 0.0 self.vw = 1.0 elif key == keyboard.Key.right: self.vx = 0.0 self.vw = -1.0 print("v, w: ", self.vx, self.vw) self.publishVel(zero=False) # update pose & update goal # self.plan_goal (in the robot frame) # self.goal_dis (distance from the final goal) def updateGlobalPose(self): try:"/map", "/base_footprint", rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(4.0)) (self.trans, self.rot) ='/map', '/base_footprint', rospy.Time(0)) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): print("get tf error!") euler = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(self.rot) roll, pitch, yaw = euler[0], euler[1], euler[2] self.x = self.trans[0] self.y = self.trans[1] self.yaw = yaw # get nearest path node ind = self.goal_index self.goal_index = len(self.path.poses) - 1 while ind < len(self.path.poses): p = self.path.poses[ind].pose.position dis = math.hypot(p.x - self.x, p.y - self.y) # print('mdgb;; ',len(self.path.poses),ind,dis) if dis < self.threshold: self.goal_index = ind ind += 1 goal = self.path.poses[self.goal_index] self.midpose_pub.publish(goal) # lgoal ="/base_footprint", goal) lgoal ="/base_footprint", goal) self.plan_goal = np.array( [lgoal.pose.position.x, lgoal.pose.position.y]) self.goal_dis = math.hypot( self.x - self.path.poses[-1].pose.position.x, self.y - self.path.poses[-1].pose.position.y) # get obstacle (in robot frame) def laserCallback(self, msg): # print("get laser msg!!!!",msg) self.laser_lock.acquire() # preprocess # print("i am here!") self.ob = [[100, 100]] angle_min = msg.angle_min angle_increment = msg.angle_increment for i in range(len(msg.ranges)): a = angle_min + angle_increment * i r = msg.ranges[i] if r < self.threshold: self.ob.append([math.cos(a) * r, math.sin(a) * r]) self.laser_lock.release() # update ob def updateObstacle(self): self.laser_lock.acquire() self.plan_ob = [] self.plan_ob = np.array(self.ob) self.laser_lock.release() # get path & initPlaning def pathCallback(self, msg): # print("get path msg!!!!!",msg) self.path = msg self.lock.acquire() self.initPlanning() self.lock.release() # if self.planner_thread == None: # self.planner_thread = Thread(target=self.planThreadFunc) # self.planner_thread.start() # pass self.planThreadFunc() def initPlanning(self): self.goal_index = 0 self.vx = 0.0 self.vw = 0.0 self.dis = 99999 self.updateGlobalPose() cx = [] cy = [] for pose in self.path.poses: cx.append(pose.pose.position.x) cy.append(pose.pose.position.y) # self.goal = np.array([cx[0], cy[0]]) self.plan_cx, self.plan_cy = np.array(cx), np.array(cy) self.plan_goal = np.array([cx[-1], cy[-1]]) #self.plan_x = np.array([self.x, self.y, self.yaw, self.vx, self.vw]) self.plan_x = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, self.vx, self.vw]) def planThreadFunc(self): print("running planning thread!!") while True: self.lock.acquire() self.planOnce() self.lock.release() if self.goal_dis < self.arrive: print("arrive goal!") print(self.goal_dis) print(self.arrive) break time.sleep(0.001) print("exit planning thread!!") self.lock.acquire() self.publishVel(True) self.lock.release() # self.planning_thread = None pass def planOnce(self): self.updateGlobalPose() # Update plan_x [x(m), y(m), yaw(rad), v(m/s), omega(rad/s)] #self.plan_x = [self.x,self.y,self.yaw, self.vx, self.vw] self.plan_x = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, self.vx, self.vw]) # Update obstacle self.updateObstacle() u = self.dwa.plan(self.plan_x, self.plan_goal, self.plan_ob) # alpha = 0.5 # self.vx = u[0] * alpha + self.vx * (1 - alpha) # self.vw = u[1] * alpha + self.vw * (1 - alpha) self.vx = u[0] self.vw = u[1] print("v, w: ", self.vx, self.vw) # self.vx, self.vw = 0, 0 # print("mdbg; ",u) self.publishVel(zero=False) pass # send v,w def publishVel(self, zero=False): if zero: self.vx = 0 self.vw = 0 cmd = Twist() cmd.linear.x = self.vx cmd.angular.z = self.vw self.vel_pub.publish(cmd)
class LocalPlanner: def __init__(self): self.arrive = 0.1 self.x = 0.0 self.y = 0.0 self.yaw = 0.0 self.vx = 0.0 self.vw = 0.0 # init plan_config for once self.dwa = DWAPlanner() self.threshold = self.dwa.max_v_speed * self.dwa.predict_time self.thres = 0.3 self.laser_lock = Lock() self.lock = Lock() self.path = Path() = tf.TransformListener() self.path_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/course_agv/global_path', Path, self.pathCallback) self.vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/webService/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=1) self.midpose_pub = rospy.Publisher('/course_agv/mid_goal', PoseStamped, queue_size=1) self.laser_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/scan_emma_nav_front', LaserScan, self.laserCallback) self.planner_thread = None self.count = 0 pass def updateGlobalPose(self): try:"/map", "/base_footprint", rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(4.0)) (self.trans, self.rot) ='/map', '/base_footprint', rospy.Time(0)) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): print("get tf error!") euler = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(self.rot) roll, pitch, yaw = euler[0], euler[1], euler[2] self.x = self.trans[0] self.y = self.trans[1] self.yaw = yaw def laserCallback(self, msg): self.laser_lock.acquire() # preprocess self.ob = [[100, 100]] angle_min = msg.angle_min angle_increment = msg.angle_increment for i in range(len(msg.ranges)): a = angle_min + angle_increment * i r = msg.ranges[i] if r < 1.6 and r > 0.1: self.ob.append([math.cos(a) * r, math.sin(a) * r]) self.laser_lock.release() pass def u2t(self, u): w = u[2] x = u[0] y = u[1] return np.array([[math.cos(w), -math.sin(w), x], [math.sin(w), math.cos(w), y], [0, 0, 1]]) def updateObstacle(self): self.laser_lock.acquire() self.plan_ob = [] self.plan_ob = np.array(self.ob) #do transformation from robot coordinate to global coordinate trans = self.u2t([self.x, self.y, self.yaw]) temp = np.ones([len(self.plan_ob), 1]) self.plan_ob = np.concatenate((self.plan_ob, temp), axis=1) self.plan_ob = self.plan_ob = self.plan_ob.T self.plan_ob = self.plan_ob[:, 0:2] self.laser_lock.release() pass def pathCallback(self, msg): self.path = msg self.lock.acquire() self.initPlanning() self.lock.release() # if self.planner_thread == None: # self.planner_thread = Thread(target=self.planThreadFunc) # self.planner_thread.start() # pass self.planThreadFunc() def initPlanning(self): self.goal_index = 0 self.vx = 0.0 self.vw = 0.0 self.dis = 99999 self.updateGlobalPose() cx = [] cy = [] for pose in self.path.poses: cx.append(pose.pose.position.x) cy.append(pose.pose.position.y) self.goal = np.array([cx[0], cy[0]]) self.plan_cx, self.plan_cy = np.array(cx), np.array(cy) self.destination = np.array([cx[-1], cy[-1]]) self.plan_goal = np.array([cx[-1], cy[-1]]) self.plan_x = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, self.vx, self.vw]) pass def planThreadFunc(self): print("running planning thread!!") i = 0 for pose in self.path.poses: if i == 0: i = 1 continue else: self.goal_node = np.array( [pose.pose.position.x, pose.pose.position.y]) goal = pose self.midpose_pub.publish(goal) self.goal_node = np.array( [goal.pose.position.x, goal.pose.position.y]) while True: self.lock.acquire() # start = time.time() # self.planOnce() end = time.time() # print('this plan time cost:', end-start) self.lock.release() self.updateGlobalPose() self.goal_dis = math.hypot(self.x - pose.pose.position.x, self.y - pose.pose.position.y) print('goal_dis:', self.goal_dis) if i == len(self.path.poses) - 1: threshold = 0.3 else: threshold = 0.4 if self.goal_dis < 0.4: print("arrive one goal node!") time.sleep(0.001) self.lock.acquire() self.publishVel(True) self.lock.release() self.planning_thread = None i += 1 self.publishVel(True) print('at goal!') def planOnce(self): self.updateGlobalPose() # Update plan_x [x(m), y(m), yaw(rad), v(m/s), omega(rad/s)] self.plan_x = [self.x, self.y, self.yaw, self.vx, self.vw] # Update obstacle self.updateObstacle() u = self.dwa.plan(self.plan_x, self.goal_node, self.plan_ob) alpha = 0.5 self.vx = u[0] * alpha + self.vx * (1 - alpha) self.vw = u[1] * alpha + self.vw * (1 - alpha) print("v, w: ", self.vx, self.vw) # print("mdbg; ",u) self.publishVel() pass def publishVel(self, zero=False): if zero: self.vx = 0 self.vw = 0 cmd = Twist() cmd.linear.x = self.vx cmd.angular.z = self.vw self.vel_pub.publish(cmd)