def test_tile_around_hole(self):
        mock_sampler = mock.MagicMock()

        # Create a chimera graph with the following structure:
        # OOOX
        # OOOO
        # OOOO
        # OOOO
        # where O: complete cell, X: incomplete cell
        size = 4
        nodes_per_cell = 8
        nodes = list(range(size * size * nodes_per_cell))
        nodes.remove(nodes_per_cell * 3)

        hardware_graph = dnx.chimera_graph(size, node_list=nodes)
        mock_sampler.structure = Structure(hardware_graph.nodes,

        sampler = micro.TilingComposite(mock_sampler, 2, 2, 4)
        # Given the above chimera graph, check that the embeddings are as follows:
        # 00XX
        # 0011
        # 2211
        # 22XX
        # where 0,1,2: belongs to correspoding embedding, X: not used in any embedding
             for s in sampler.embeddings[0].values() for v in s}, {
                 for (linear_index, (i, j, u, k)) in hardware_graph.nodes(
                     data='chimera_index') if i in (0, 1) and j in (0, 1)
             for s in sampler.embeddings[1].values() for v in s}, {
                 for (linear_index, (i, j, u, k)) in hardware_graph.nodes(
                     data='chimera_index') if i in (1, 2) and j in (2, 3)
             for s in sampler.embeddings[2].values() for v in s}, {
                 for (linear_index, (i, j, u, k)) in hardware_graph.nodes(
                     data='chimera_index') if i in (2, 3) and j in (0, 1)
    def test_sample_ising(self):
        mock_sampler = mock.MagicMock()
        hardware_graph = dnx.chimera_graph(4)
        mock_sampler.structure = Structure(hardware_graph.nodes,

        sampler = micro.TilingComposite(mock_sampler, 2, 2)

        h = {
            node: random.uniform(-1, 1)
            for node in sampler.structure.nodelist
        J = {
            edge: random.uniform(-1, 1)
            for edge in sampler.structure.edgelist

        response = sampler.sample_ising(h, J)
    def test_sample_qubo(self):
        sampler = micro.TilingComposite(micro.DWaveSampler(), 2, 2)

        Q = {
            edge: random.uniform(-1, 1)
            for edge in sampler.structure.edgelist
        Q.update({(node, node): random.uniform(-1, 1)
                  for node in sampler.structure.nodelist})

        response = sampler.sample_qubo(Q)

        # nothing failed and we got at least one response back per tile
        self.assertGreaterEqual(len(response), len(sampler.embeddings))

        for sample in response.samples():
            for u, v in Q:
                self.assertIn(v, sample)
                self.assertIn(u, sample)

        for sample, energy in['sample', 'energy']):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(dimod.qubo_energy(sample, Q), energy)
    def test_sample_ising(self):
        sampler = micro.TilingComposite(micro.DWaveSampler(), 2, 2)

        h = {
            node: random.uniform(-1, 1)
            for node in sampler.structure.nodelist
        J = {
            edge: random.uniform(-1, 1)
            for edge in sampler.structure.edgelist

        response = sampler.sample_ising(h, J)

        # nothing failed and we got at least one response back per tile
        self.assertGreaterEqual(len(response), len(sampler.embeddings))

        for sample in response.samples():
            for v in h:
                self.assertIn(v, sample)

        for sample, energy in['sample', 'energy']):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(dimod.ising_energy(sample, h, J), energy)
 def test_instantiation_smoketest(self):
     sampler = micro.TilingComposite(micro.DWaveSampler(), 2, 2)