# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A profiling run that tests the dynamics of calling propagate through the lammpsWalker API vs running dynamcis directly.

import lammpsWalker
import dynamics 
import os

nsteps = 1000000
stepLength = 5
temperature = 310.0
damping_coefficient = 30.0
scratchdir = os.path.abspath("data")
inputFilename = os.path.abspath("data/input.enk")
logFilename = scratchdir + "/log.lammps"


# lets instantiate a walker object to sample this window.

wlkr = lammpsWalker.lammpsWalker(inputFilename, logFilename, index=0, debug=False)

# set langevin dynamics object and pass it to the walker.
dyn = dynamics.langevin(temperature, damping_coefficient, shake = True)            

for i in range(nsteps / stepLength):
def main(debug=False):
    definition of main scripting file for debugging purposes.
    # time the execution
    startTime = time()
    if debug: print "WARNING: Debug passed as True. Will dump maximum set of internal values."

    #---------------SET SIMULATION PARAMETERS -----------

    params = {}
    params = setParameters(params)
    print "parameters initialized as: ", params
    print "Building scratch directory."
    # construct the wkdir. This is where the intermediate dynamics files will be written.

    # make sure we've built the scratchdir since we'll assume it exists for the rest of the code
    assert os.path.exists(params['scratchdir']), "The scratch directory was not created."
    # we're going to move the wokring directory into the data directory

    # construct the umbrella data structure
    # commented out below this block is the origional construction lines for the partition module. 
    # here we're simply loading this from a binary pickle written to file. This obviates the need to 
    # reconstruct the neighborlist every call
    if os.path.exists(params['systemFile']):
        with open(params['systemFile'], "r") as f_handle:
            system = pickle.load(f_handle)

        system = partition_mod.partition(params['ncells'])

        if debug: print system

        # now we construct the umbrella windows
        system.umbrellas = system.createUmbrellas(params['cvrange'], params['wrapping'], basisType=params['basisType'], neighborList=False)
        with open(params['systemFile'], "w") as f_handle:
            pickle.dump(system, f_handle, protocol=2)

    # double check we've created as many windows as we said in ncells
    assert len(system.umbrellas) == params['ncells'], "The number of cells specified does not equal the number of umbrellas created."

    # debug prints
    if debug:
        for i in range(len(system.umbrellas)):
            print "umbrella", i, system.umbrellas[i].center, system.umbrellas[i].width

    # ------------------ SETTING THE DYNAMICS PARAMETERS FOR SAMPLING THE WINDOWS ----------------
    # now set up partition with a list of associated ranks
    system.rank_window_index = range(len(system.umbrellas))
    # here we add a list of observables to compute
    pmf_prototype = observables.pmf("pmf", np.zeros((180,180)))
    #  now we check to make sure we've correctly set up the local observables
    for window in system.umbrellas:
        assert hasattr(window, "local_observables"), str(rank) + ": The local observables in window " + str(system.umbrellas.index(window)) + " was not created."

    for window in system.umbrellas:
        assert len(window.local_observables) == len(system.observables), str(rank) + ": The number of window observables does not match the number of partition observables."

    #----------------MAIN LOOP----------------
    print "Sampling via equilibrium US."
    for k in range(params['iterations']):

        # ---------- RESET DATA USED FOR CURRENT ITERATION -------------
        # reset the M matrix to zeros for this iteration of the algorithm
        # this matrix will get populated from the inner loop
        system.M = np.zeros((len(system.umbrellas), len(system.umbrellas)))
        system.nsamples_M = np.zeros((len(system.umbrellas), len(system.umbrellas)))
        # start a timer on root rank
        st = time()

        # this loop does one iteration of the update
        for i in range(10):
            print "sampling window", i
            # lets instantiate a walker object to sample this window.

            wlkr = lammpsWalker.lammpsWalker(params['inputFilename'], params['logFilename'], index=i, debug=debug)
            # set langevin dynamics object and pass it to the walker.
            dyn = dynamics.langevin(params['temperature'], params['damping_coefficient'], shake = True)            

            # set colvars for this walker
            wlkr.addColvars('c1', "dihedral", [9, 30, 37, 44])
            wlkr.addColvars('c2','dihedral', [30, 37, 44, 64])
            #wlkr.setOutput("traj.out", "dcd", params['scratchdir'] + "/" + str(i) + ".dcd", nSteps=1000)
            #let's add an output for writing out the configurations in hdf5 format so we have an estimate for the local distribution
            if os.path.exists(params['scratchdir'] + "/ep." + str(i) + ".h5py"):
                f_handle = h5py.File(params['scratchdir'] + "/ep." + str(i) + ".h5py", "r")
                config = random.choice(f_handle.keys())
                    if os.path.exists(params['startingPoints'] + "/start." + str(i) + ".npy"):
                        config = np.load(params['startingPoints'] + "/start." + str(i) + ".npy")
                        dragWalker(wlkr, system.umbrellas[i], nSteps=5)
                        assert system.umbrellas[i](wlkr.getColvars(), system.umbrellas) > 0.0, "The walker in " + str(i) + " did not initialize in the support of the window."  
                        np.save(params['startingPoints'] + "/start." + str(i), wlkr.getConfig())
                except AssertionError:  
            # enter the sampling routine. 
            system.sample_US(wlkr, params['walkerSteps'], i, k, params, debug=True)
            # now we are done populating the samples array, close the walker
            del wlkr

            if debug: print system.umbrellas[i].local_observables[0].data

        # report time it too for root to move out of the barrier (ie all ranks have sampled)
        print "Elapsed time in sampling routine on root rank after barrier: ", time() - st

        # now let's time the communication section
        st = time()

        # ------------ EIGENVALUE PROBLEM --------------        

        Step 2) solution of the eigenvalue problem at each rank
        # at rank, compute G and z

        system.k += 1
        if debug: print system.z
        Step 3) estimation of observables on each rank

        Step 4) all reduction of averaged observables to each processor
        if debug: print system.observables[0].data

        Step 5) writing local and global estimates of the observables on root rank only

        f_handle = h5py.File(params['scratchdir'] + "/F.out", "a")            
        f_handle.create_dataset("F." + str(k), data=system.F)
        f_handle = h5py.File(params['scratchdir'] + "/z.out", "a")            
        f_handle.create_dataset("z." + str(k), data=system.z)
        for obs in system.observables:
            f_handle = h5py.File(params['scratchdir'] + "/" + obs.name, "a")
            f_handle.create_dataset(obs.name + "." + str(k), data=obs.data)

        print "Elapsed time in communication routine on root rank after barrier: ", time() - st

    print "Done!"
    print "Total wall clock time was: " + str(time() - startTime) + " seconds."

    return 0