def __init__(self, ids, offsets): self.helper = DxlHelper("preset.json", verbosity="detailed") self.ids = ids self.motors = {} self.motor_offsets = offsets for id in self.ids: self.motors.__setitem__(id, self.helper.get_motor(id))
def main(self): # /home/sujong/catkin_ws/src/dataset_autostation/script/ helper = DxlHelper( "/home/sujongkim/dataset_ws/src/dataset-autostation/script/my_preset.json" ) motor_id = 1 motor = helper.get_motor(motor_id) motor.set_torque(True) # _max = 4294967295 rospy.logwarn("Before the loop") rate = rospy.Rate(30) # Hz # Loop counter = 0 offset_deg = 2 for x in self.angle_set: # unit_i self.i = x counter += 1 print("\n# is {} [loop counter: {}]".format(self.i, counter)) t_cur = rospy.get_time() # move target = self.deg2dxlunit((self.i * self.unit_deg) + offset_deg) motor.set_goal_position(target) # wait self.wait_for_target(motor, target) # initialize done flag to (False) self.init_flags() # Wait for all done while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if self.is_all_done(): break rate.sleep() dt = rospy.get_time() - t_cur rospy.logwarn("dt is {}".format(dt)) motor.set_torque(False) print("Shooting is done!!!") rospy.signal_shutdown("Shooting is done!!!")
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from dynamixel_helper import DxlHelper helper = DxlHelper("preset/example_0.json") motor_id = 0 motor = helper.get_motor(motor_id) motor.set_torque(True) print("--------------------") dxl_unit, _ = motor.get_present_position() print(motor.set_goal_position((dxl_unit + 2048) % 4096)) print("--------------------")
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from dynamixel_helper import DxlHelper def msg(motor_id, goal, position): return "[ID:%03d] GoalPos:%03d PresPos:%03d" % (motor_id, goal, position) helper = DxlHelper("preset/example_2.json") boundaries = [1500, 2500] position = [0, 0] number = 2 motors = [helper.get_motor(i) for i in range(number)] motors[0].set_torque(True) motors[1].set_torque(True) print("--------------------") count = 0 while count < 5: print("\nLoop {}".format(count)) goal = boundaries[count % 2] motors[0].set_goal_position(goal) motors[1].set_goal_position(goal) while True:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import time # base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) activate_this = os.path.expanduser( '~/virtualenv/dxlhelper_py2test/bin/') execfile(activate_this, dict(__file__=activate_this)) # import os from dynamixel_helper import DxlHelper # current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) # helper = DxlHelper(current_dir + "/preset/2motor_2port.json", verbosity='detailed') helper = DxlHelper("auto.json") # helper = DxlHelper("auto.json", verbosity='detailed') motor = helper.get_motor('joint_1') motor.set_torque(False) motor.set_operating_mode(3) # position mode motor.set_torque(True) dxl_unit, _ = motor.get_present_position() v = 1000 print(motor.set_goal_position((dxl_unit + v) % 4096)) motor.set_torque(False) motor.set_operating_mode(1) # velocity mode motor.set_torque(True)
class Arm: """ This class creates an instance of a complete daisy chained dynamixel arm from one USB port. This class gives access to easily manipulate each motor of the dynamixel arm easily and can be used in the ArmPositionController class to control the arm using inverse kinematics. :param int[] ids: An array of 5 dynamixel ids that corrospond the the ids of the 5 dynamixel arm motors :param offsets: A dictionary of <id: offset> where offset in the offset in degrees of the motor id :type offsets: dict<int: float> """ def __init__(self, ids, offsets): self.helper = DxlHelper("preset.json", verbosity="detailed") self.ids = ids self.motors = {} self.motor_offsets = offsets for id in self.ids: self.motors.__setitem__(id, self.helper.get_motor(id)) def set_torque(self, motors, value): """ This method sets the torque of one or more motors :param int[] motors: The array of motor ids to change the torque of :param bool value: The value of the torque to be changed to """ for motor in motors: self.motors[motor].set_torque(value) def theta_to_pos(self, theta): """ This method converts from theta in degrees to a dynamixel position :param theta: The value in degrees to be converted :type theta: float or int :return: The theta value converted to dynamixel poistion :rtype: int or float """ # print(int((theta/360)*4096)) return int((theta / 360) * 4096) def set_angle(self, id, theta): """ This method sets a dynamixel motor to the angle specified :param int id: The id of the dynamixel motor :param theta: The angle to set the motor to :type theta: float or int """ position = self.theta_to_pos(theta + self.motor_offsets[id]) self.motors[id].set_goal_position(position) def set_angles(self, angles, delay=0): """ This method sets the angles of mulitple dynamixel motors :param angles: A dictionary in the format <id: angle> :type angles: dict<int: int> """ for id, theta in angles.items(): position = self.theta_to_pos(theta + self.motor_offsets[id]) self.motors[id].set_goal_position(position) sleep(delay) def read_write_position(self, motor, js_value): """ This method reads the position of a motor and increments the position based on the js_value :param int motor: The id of the motor :param float js_value: The value to increment the motor position by """ dxl_unit, res = self.motors[motor].get_present_position() if (dxl_unit + js_value) >= 4096: return self.motors[motor].set_goal_position(int(dxl_unit + js_value) % 4096) def move(self, motor, axis, scaler): """ This method moves a motor based on a joystick value :param int motor: The id of the motor :param float axis: The value of an axis of a joystick :param float scalar: The value to multiply the axis value by (speed) """ value = axis * scaler self.read_write_position(motor, value) def reboot(self, motor): """ This method reboots a dynamixel motor :param int motor: The id of the motor """ self.motors[motor].reboot() sleep(1) def reboot_all(self): """ This method reboots all the motors in the arm """ for id, motor in self.motors.items(): motor.reboot() sleep(3)