Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, address: str, baud: int = 57600):
        self.lock = Lock()
        self.baud = baud
        self.port = None
        port = sdk.PortHandler(address)
        self.actuators = {}
        self.actuatorLock = Lock()
        self.syncRegister = None
        self.syncDataLen = 0
        self.syncLock = Lock()
        self.syncEncoder = None
        self.syncReadDXLs = None
        self.syncWriteCount = 0

        except Exception as x:

        self.port = port

        except Exception as x:

        self.packetHandler = sdk.PacketHandler(1.0)
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self,
              conn: Connection,
              initial: List[Motor] = [],
              protocol_v: float = 1.0):
     self.homogenous = True
     self.motors = initial
     self.conn = conn
     self.packet_handler = sdk.PacketHandler(protocol_v)
Esempio n. 3
  def Setup(self):
    DxlPortHandler.Open(dev=self.DevName, baudrate=self.Baudrate)
    if self.port_handler() is None:
      return False

    # Initialize PacketHandler
    self.packet_handler= dynamixel.PacketHandler(self.PROTOCOL_VERSION)
    self.WriteFuncs= (None, self.packet_handler.write1ByteTxRx, self.packet_handler.write2ByteTxRx, None, self.packet_handler.write4ByteTxRx)
    self.ReadFuncs= (None, self.packet_handler.read1ByteTxRx, self.packet_handler.read2ByteTxRx, None, self.packet_handler.read4ByteTxRx)

    return True
Esempio n. 4
 def __init__(self, device_name, verbose=False):
     self.__verbose = verbose
     self.__port_handler = dynamixel_sdk.PortHandler(self.__device_name)
     self.__packet_handler = dynamixel_sdk.PacketHandler(PROTOCOL_VERSION)
     if not self.__port_handler.openPort():
         print('Connection failed.')
     for id in [ID_AZ, ID_EL]:
         self.write_4_byte(id, ADDR_PRO_PROFILE_VELOCITY, VELOCITY)
         self.write_2_byte(id, ADDR_PRO_POSITION_P_GAIN, POSITION_P_GAIN)
         self.write_2_byte(id, ADDR_PRO_POSITION_I_GAIN, POSITION_I_GAIN)
         self.write_2_byte(id, ADDR_PRO_POSITION_D_GAIN, POSITION_D_GAIN)
         self.write_1_byte(id, ADDR_PRO_TORQUE_ENABLE, TORQUE_ENABLE)
Esempio n. 5
class GripingRobot(threading.Thread):
    g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_1 = 0
    g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_2 = 0
    g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1 = 0
    g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2 = 0
    g_bfr_Pos_IRR1_1 = 0
    g_bfr_Pos_IRR1_2 = 0
    g_flgComm_IRR = False
    g_flgGrip_IRR = False
    g_flgRls_IRR = False
    g_flgForce_IRR = False
    g_flgGripCnt = 0
    g_Crrt_State_IRR1 = 0
    g_flgComm_Move_IRR = False
    g_cnt = 0

    # Control table address
    ADDR_PRO_TORQUE_ENABLE = 562  # Control table address is different in Dynamixel model
    g_flgComm_DXL = False
    g_flgMove_DXL = False
    g_flgServo_DXL = False
    g_flgForce_DXL = False
    # Protocol version
    PROTOCOL_VERSION = 2.0  # See which protocol version is used in the Dynamixel
    # Default setting
    DXL_ID_Axis1 = 1  # Dynamixel ID : 1
    DXL_ID_Axis2 = 2  # Dynamixel ID : 1
    BAUDRATE = 57600  # Dynamixel default baudrate : 57600
    DEVICENAME = '/dev/ttyUSB0'  # Check which port is being used on your controller
    # ex) Windows: "COM1"   Linux: "/dev/ttyUSB0" Mac: "/dev/tty.usbserial-*"

    TORQUE_ENABLE = 1  # Value for enabling the torque
    TORQUE_DISABLE = 0  # Value for disabling the torque
    DXL_MINIMUM_POSITION_VALUE = 10  # Dynamixel will rotate between this value
    DXL_MAXIMUM_POSITION_VALUE = 4000  # and this value (note that the Dynamixel would not move when the position value is out of movable range. Check e-manual about the range of the Dynamixel you use.)
    Axis1_TarPos = int(0)
    Axis2_TarPos = int(0)
    Axis1_CurPos = int(0)
    Axis2_CurPos = int(0)
    DXL_MOVING_STATUS_THRESHOLD = 20  # Dynamixel moving status threshold

    portHandler = dynamixel_sdk.PortHandler(DEVICENAME)
    packetHandler = dynamixel_sdk.PacketHandler(PROTOCOL_VERSION)

    #win = Tkinter.Tk()
    #frm = Tkinter.Frame(win, width=100, height=1000)
    #varText1 = Tkinter.StringVar()
    #varText2 = Tkinter.StringVar()

    #TWindow1 = Tkinter.Label(win, textvariable=varText1)
    #TWindow2 = Tkinter.Label(win, textvariable=varText2)

    Tick = 10
    Griper Function

    #def PortOpenGriper(self):
    #    # Port open
    #    try:
    #        # !!KSH!![001]
    #        rst = PythonLibMightyZap.OpenMightyZap("COM7", 57600)
    #    # Error handling : serial open
    #    except serial.serialutil.SerialException:
    #        print("IRR Device RS485 - Connection Fail")
    #        self.g_flgComm_IRR = False
    #    # OK
    #    else:
    #        print("Connection")
    #        self.g_flgComm_IRR = True

    def moveGriper(self):
        if self.g_flgComm_DXL:
            self.g_flgComm_Move_IRR = True
            # Grip
            if self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1 < self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_1 and self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2 < self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_2:
                self.g_flgForce_IRR = True
                self.g_flgGripCnt = 0
            # Realese
                self.g_flgForce_IRR = False
                self.g_flgGripCnt = 0

    #def PortCloseGriper(self):
    #    if self.g_flgComm_IRR:
    #        PythonLibMightyZap.CloseMightyZap()
    Robot Function

    # Open Port
    def PortOpenDXL(self):
        if self.portHandler.openPort():
            print("Succeeded to Open the Port")
            self.g_flgComm_DXL = True
            print("Failed to Open the Port")
            self.g_flgComm_DXL = False

        # Set port baudrate
        if self.portHandler.setBaudRate(self.BAUDRATE) and self.g_flgComm_DXL:
            print("Succeeded to change the baudrate")
            print("Failed to change the baudrate")
            self.g_flgComm_DXL = False

    # Close Port
    def PortCloseDXL(self):
        if self.g_flgComm_DXL:

    def ErrorPrint(self, comm_result, error, AxisID):
        if comm_result != dynamixel_sdk.COMM_SUCCESS:
            print("AsisID ", AxisID,
                  ": %s" % self.packetHandler.getTxRxResult(comm_result))
            return False
        elif error != 0:
            print("AsisID ", AxisID,
                  ": %s" % self.packetHandler.getRxPacketError(error))
            return False
            return True

    def DXL_TrqEnable(self):
        if self.g_flgComm_DXL:
            self.g_flgServo_DXL = True
            self.g_flgForce_DXL = True

    def DXL_TrqDisable(self):
        if self.g_flgComm_DXL:
            self.g_flgServo_DXL = True
            self.g_flgForce_DXL = False

    def run(self):
        # init
        # print("Start")
        # self.stime = time.time()
        self.g_flgComm_Move_IRR = False
        # initial
        if self.g_flgComm_DXL:
            self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1 = PythonLibMightyZap.presentPosition(
                self.portHandler, 0)
            self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2 = PythonLibMightyZap.presentPosition(
                self.portHandler, 4)
            self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_1 = self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1
            self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_2 = self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2

        # print(g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1,g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2)41
        if self.g_flgComm_DXL:
            tmp, dxl_comm_result, dxl_error \
                = self.packetHandler.read4ByteTxRx(self.portHandler,
            if tmp & 0x80000000:
                tmp = -(((~tmp) & 0xffffffff) + 1)
            self.Axis1_CurPos = tmp
            tmp, dxl_comm_result, dxl_error \
                = self.packetHandler.read4ByteTxRx(self.portHandler,
            if tmp & 0x80000000:
                tmp = -(((~tmp) & 0xffffffff) + 1)
            self.Axis2_CurPos = tmp
            self.Axis1_TarPos = self.Axis1_CurPos
            self.Axis2_TarPos = self.Axis2_CurPos
        while True:
            # Update : position
            if self.g_flgComm_DXL:
                tmp, dxl_comm_result, dxl_error \
                    = self.packetHandler.read4ByteTxRx(self.portHandler,
                if tmp & 0x80000000:
                    tmp = -(((~tmp) & 0xffffffff) + 1)
                self.Axis1_CurPos = tmp
                tmp, dxl_comm_result, dxl_error \
                    = self.packetHandler.read4ByteTxRx(self.portHandler,
                if tmp & 0x80000000:
                    tmp = -(((~tmp) & 0xffffffff) + 1)
                self.Axis2_CurPos = tmp
                # Excution command : Move
                if self.g_flgMove_DXL:
                    dxl_comm_result, dxl_error = self.packetHandler.write4ByteTxRx(
                        self.portHandler, self.DXL_ID_Axis1,
                        self.ADDR_PRO_GOAL_POSITION, self.Axis1_TarPos)
                    dxl_comm_result, dxl_error = self.packetHandler.write4ByteTxRx(
                        self.portHandler, self.DXL_ID_Axis2,
                        self.ADDR_PRO_GOAL_POSITION, self.Axis2_TarPos)
                    self.g_flgMove_DXL = False
                # Excution command : Survo On/Off
                if self.g_flgServo_DXL:
                    self.g_flgServo_DXL = 0
                    if self.g_flgForce_DXL:
                        dxl_comm_result, dxl_error = self.packetHandler.write1ByteTxRx(
                            self.portHandler, self.DXL_ID_Axis1,
                            self.ADDR_PRO_TORQUE_ENABLE, self.TORQUE_ENABLE)
                        if self.ErrorPrint(dxl_comm_result, dxl_error,
                            print("Axis1 : Torque [On]")

                        dxl_comm_result, dxl_error = self.packetHandler.write1ByteTxRx(
                            self.portHandler, self.DXL_ID_Axis2,
                            self.ADDR_PRO_TORQUE_ENABLE, self.TORQUE_ENABLE)
                        if self.ErrorPrint(dxl_comm_result, dxl_error,
                            print("Axis2 : Torque [On]")
                        dxl_comm_result, dxl_error = self.packetHandler.write1ByteTxRx(
                            self.portHandler, self.DXL_ID_Axis1,
                            self.ADDR_PRO_TORQUE_ENABLE, self.TORQUE_DISABLE)
                        if self.ErrorPrint(dxl_comm_result, dxl_error,
                            print("Axis1 : Torque [Off]")

                        dxl_comm_result, dxl_error = self.packetHandler.write1ByteTxRx(
                            self.portHandler, self.DXL_ID_Axis2,
                            self.ADDR_PRO_TORQUE_ENABLE, self.TORQUE_DISABLE)
                        if self.ErrorPrint(dxl_comm_result, dxl_error,
                            print("Axis2 : Torque [Off]")
            if self.g_flgComm_DXL:
                # === Get Position
                self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1 = PythonLibMightyZap.presentPosition(
                    self.portHandler, 0)
                self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2 = PythonLibMightyZap.presentPosition(
                    self.portHandler, 4)
                # self.stime = time.time()
                # === Get State
                # None
                # === Get Error
                # None
                # === Excute Command ===
                # 1. Move position
                if self.g_flgComm_Move_IRR:
                    PythonLibMightyZap.goalPosition(self.portHandler, 0,
                    PythonLibMightyZap.goalPosition(self.portHandler, 4,
                    self.g_flgComm_Move_IRR = False
                # 2. Grip_End
                elif self.g_flgForce_IRR:
                    if self.g_flgGripCnt > 2:
                        if (abs(self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1 - self.g_bfr_Pos_IRR1_1)
                                < 40 or abs(self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2 -
                                            self.g_bfr_Pos_IRR1_2) < 40):
                            self.g_flgForce_IRR = False
                                self.portHandler, 0, 0)
                                self.portHandler, 4, 0)
                            self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_1 = self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1
                            self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_2 = self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2
                                self.portHandler, 0, self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_1)
                                self.portHandler, 4, self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_2)
                            self.g_flgGripCnt = 0
                                "!!F-OFF!! Vel1: [%05d]" %
                                (self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1 -
                                "Vel2: [%05d]" % (self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2 -
                                "Pos1 : [%05d" % self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1,
                                "/%05d]" % self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_1,
                                "Pos2 : [%05d/" % self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2,
                                "%05d]" % self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_2)
                        self.g_flgGripCnt += 1
                # 3. print
                if abs(self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_1 - self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1
                       ) > 10 and abs(self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_2 -
                                      self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2) > 10:
                        "Vel1: [%05d]" %
                        (self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1 - self.g_bfr_Pos_IRR1_1),
                        "Vel2: [%05d]" %
                        (self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2 - self.g_bfr_Pos_IRR1_2),
                        "Pos1 : [%05d" % self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1,
                        "/%05d]" % self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_1,
                        "Pos2 : [%05d/" % self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2,
                        "%05d]" % self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_2)

                if self.g_flgGrip_IRR:
                    if self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1 >= 1400 and self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2 >= 1400:
                            self.portHandler, 0, 1400)
                            self.portHandler, 4, 1400)
                        self.g_flgGrip_IRR = 0
                    elif abs(self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_1 - self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1
                             ) < 50 and abs(self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_2 -
                                            self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2) < 50:
                        self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_1 = self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1 + 200
                        self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_2 = self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2 + 200
                            self.portHandler, 0, self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_1)
                            self.portHandler, 4, self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_2)

                self.g_bfr_Pos_IRR1_1 = self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1
                self.g_bfr_Pos_IRR1_2 = self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2
                # 2. Force Off Function
        if g_Cmd == 0:
            # if ...

            # Update Time : 10 ms
            self.g_cnt += 1

            # UI Update
            if(self.Tick == 10):
                self.varText1.set("Pos1 : "+ str((self.Axis1_CurPos)) + "/" +str((self.Axis1_TarPos)))
                self.varText2.set("Pos2 : "+ str((self.Axis2_CurPos)) + "/" +str((self.Axis2_TarPos)))
                self.Tick = 0
            self.Tick += 1

    def moveDXL(self):
        self.g_flgMove_DXL = True
Esempio n. 6
from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState
from assembly_dxl_gripper import *
from assembly_dxl_gripper.srv import *
from threading import Lock
import math

if __name__ == '__main__':  

    lock = Lock()
    init_pos = {}
    pos = {}
    vel = {}
    portHandler = dxl.PortHandler(DEVICENAME)
    packetHandler = dxl.PacketHandler(PROTOCOL_VERSION)
    groupSyncWrite = dxl.GroupSyncWrite(portHandler, packetHandler, ADDR_GOAL_POSITION, LEN_GOAL_POSITION)
    groupSyncRead = dxl.GroupSyncRead(portHandler, packetHandler, ADDR_PRESENT_VELOCITY, LEN_PRESENT_VELOCITY+LEN_PRESENT_POSITION)

    for arm in hand_name_map:
        for key in hand_name_map[arm]:
            init_pos[key] = rospy.get_param('/assembly_dxl_gripper/' + key + '_init_pos')

    # Open port
    try: portHandler.clearPort()
    except: pass
    try: portHandler.closePort()
    except: pass
    if portHandler.openPort(): print("Succeeded to open the port")
    else: print("Failed to open the port")
Esempio n. 7
class AX12A:
    BROADCAST = 254

    ttyName = None
    tty = None
    deviceId = None
    protocol = sdk.PacketHandler(1.0)

    # EEPROM Control Area (durable)

    # Constructor - it attempts to communicate with the AX-12A over
    # the tty at the specified deviceId by invoking getId(), if that
    # fails, an exception is thrown.
    def __init__(self, tty, deviceId):
        self.ttyName = tty
        self.tty = sdk.PortHandler(tty)
        self.deviceId = deviceId
        # Verify that the connection over the tty to the deviceId
        # specified works
        if self.deviceId != self.BROADCAST:
                raise Exception("ERROR: Unable to communicate with the AX-12A")

    # This address stores model number of DYNAMIXEL.
    # Control Table 0
    # Read Only
    def getModelNumber(self):
        return self.__read2Bytes(FIELD_MODEL_NUMBER)

    # This address stores firmware version of DYNAMIXEL.
    # Control Table 2
    # Read Only
    def getFirmwareVersion(self):
        return self.__read1Byte(FIELD_FIRMWARE_VERSION)

    # The ID is a unique value in the network to identify each
    # DYNAMIXEL with an Instruction Packet.
    # 0~252 (0xFC) values can be used as an ID, and
    # 254 (0xFE) is occupied as a broadcast ID.  The Broadcast ID
    # (254, 0xFE) can send an Instruction Packet to all connected
    # DYNAMIXEL simultaneously.
    # Control Table 3
    def getId(self):
        return self.__read1Byte(FIELD_ID)

    def setId(self, value):
        self.__write1Byte(FIELD_ID, value)
        self.deviceId = value

    # Baud Rate determines serial communication speed between a
    # controller and DYNAMIXEL’s.
    # Control Table 4
    def getBaudRate(self):
        return self.__read1Byte(FIELD_BAUD_RATE)

    def setBaudRate(self, value):
        self.__write1Byte(FIELD_BAUD_RATE, value)

    # If the DYNAMIXEL receives an Instruction Packet, it will return
    # the Status Packet after the time of the set Return Delay
    # Time(5).
    # Note that the range of values is 0 to 254 (0XFE) and its unit is
    # 2 [μsec]. For instance, if the Return Delay Time(5) is set to
    # ‘10’, the Status Packet will be returned after 20[μsec] when the
    # Instruction Packet is received.
    # Control Table 5
    def getReturnDelayTime(self):
        return self.__read1Byte(FIELD_RETURN_DELAY_TIME)

    def setReturnDelayTime(self, value):
        self.__write1Byte(FIELD_RETURN_DELAY_TIME, value)

    # The angle limit allows the motion to be restrained. The range
    # and the unit of the value is the same as Goal Position(30).
    # CW Angle Limit: the minimum value of Goal Position(30)
    # CCW Angle Limit: the maximum value of Goal Position(30)
    # The following two modes can be set pursuant to the value of CW
    # and CCW.
    # Wheel Mode:  both are 0
    # Joint Mode:  neither are 0
    # The wheel mode can be used to wheel-type operation robots since
    # motors of the robots spin infinitely. The joint mode can be used
    # to multi-joints robot since the robots can be controlled with
    # specific angles.
    # Control Table 6
    def getCwAngleLimit(self):
        return self.__read2Bytes(FIELD_CW_ANGLE_LIMIT)

    def setCwAngleLimit(self, value):
        self.__write2Bytes(FIELD_CW_ANGLE_LIMIT, value)

    # The angle limit allows the motion to be restrained. The range
    # and the unit of the value is the same as Goal Position(30).
    # CW Angle Limit: the minimum value of Goal Position(30)
    # CCW Angle Limit: the maximum value of Goal Position(30)
    # The following two modes can be set pursuant to the value of CW
    # and CCW.
    # Wheel Mode:  both are 0
    # Joint Mode:  neither are 0
    # The wheel mode can be used to wheel-type operation robots since
    # motors of the robots spin infinitely. The joint mode can be used
    # to multi-joints robot since the robots can be controlled with
    # specific angles.
    # Control Table 8
    def getCcwAngleLimit(self):
        return self.__read2Bytes(FIELD_CCW_ANGLE_LIMIT)

    def setCcwAngleLimit(self, value):
        self.__write2Bytes(FIELD_CCW_ANGLE_LIMIT, value)

    def setWheelMode(self):

    def setJointMode(self):

    # About 1°C 0 ~ 99
    # Control Table 11
    def getTemperatureLimit(self):
        return self.__read1Byte(FIELD_TEMPERATURE_LIMIT)

    def setTemperatureLimit(self, value):
        self.__write1Byte(FIELD_TEMPERATURE_LIMIT, value)

    # About 0.1V        50 ~ 160        5.0 ~ 16.0V
    # For example, if the value is 80, the voltage is 8V. If Present
    # Voltage(42) is out of the range, Voltage Range Error Bit (Bit0)
    # of Status Packet is returned as ‘1’ and Alarm is triggered as
    # set in the addresses 17 and 18.
    # Control Table 12
    def getMinVoltageLimit(self):
        return self.__read1Byte(FIELD_MIN_VOLTAGE_LIMIT)

    def setMinVoltageLimit(self, value):
        self.__write1Byte(FIELD_MIN_VOLTAGE_LIMIT, value)

    # About 0.1V        50 ~ 160        5.0 ~ 16.0V
    # For example, if the value is 80, the voltage is 8V. If Present
    # Voltage(42) is out of the range, Voltage Range Error Bit (Bit0)
    # of Status Packet is returned as ‘1’ and Alarm is triggered as
    # set in the addresses 17 and 18.
    # Control Table 13
    def getMaxVoltageLimit(self):
        return self.__read1Byte(FIELD_MAX_VOLTAGE_LIMIT)

    def setMaxVoltageLimit(self, value):
        self.__write1Byte(FIELD_MAX_VOLTAGE_LIMIT, value)

    # It is the torque value of maximum output.
    # 0 to 1,023 (0x3FF) can be used, and the unit is about 0.1%.
    # For example, Data 1,023 (0x3FF) means that DYNAMIXEL will use
    # 100% of the maximum torque it can produce while Data 512 (0x200)
    # means that DYNAMIXEL will use 50% of the maximum torque.  When
    # the power is turned on, Torque Limit(34) uses the value as the
    # initial value.
    # Control Table 14
    def getMaxTorque(self):
        return self.__read2Bytes(FIELD_MAX_TORQUE)

    def setMaxTorque(self, value):
        self.__write2Bytes(FIELD_MAX_TORQUE, value)

    # The Status Return Level(68) decides how to return Status Packet
    # when DYNAMIXEL receives an Instruction Packet.
    # 0 PING Instruction        Returns the Status Packet for PING Instruction only
    # 1 PING/Read Instruction   Returns the Status Packet for PING and READ Instruction
    # 2 All Instructions        Returns the Status Packet for all Instructions
    # Control Table 16
    def getStatusReturnLevel(self):
        return self.__read1Byte(FIELD_STATUS_RETURN_LEVEL)

    def setStatusReturnLevel(self, value):
        self.__write1Byte(FIELD_STATUS_RETURN_LEVEL, value)

    # The DYNAMIXEL can protect itself by detecting dangerous
    # situations that could occur during the operation.  Each Bit is
    # inclusively processed with the ‘OR’ logic, therefore, multiple
    # options can be generated.  For instance, when ‘0x05’ (binary :
    # 00000101) is defined in Shutdown(18), DYNAMIXEL can detect both
    # Input Voltage Error (binary : 00000001) and Overheating Error
    # (binary : 00000100).  If those errors are detected, Torque
    # Enable(24) is cleared to ‘0’ and the motor output becomes 0 [%].
    # REBOOT is the only method to reset Torque Enable(24) to ‘1’
    # (Torque ON) after the shutdown. The followings are detectable
    # situations.
    # Bit 7     0       -
    # Bit 6     Instruction Error       Detects that undefined Instruction is transmitted or the Action command is delivered without the reg_write command
    # Bit 5     Overload Error  Detects that persistent load exceeds maximum output
    # Bit 4     CheckSum Error  Detects that the Checksum of the transmitted Instruction Packet is invalid
    # Bit 3     Range Error     Detects that the command is given beyond the range of usage
    # Bit 2     Overheating Error       Detects that the internal temperature exceeds the set temperature
    # Bit 1     Angle Limit Error       Detects that Goal Position is written with the value that is not between CW Angle Limit and CCW Angle Limit
    # Bit 0     Input Voltage Error     Detects that input voltage exceeds the configured operating voltage
    # Control Table 17
    def getAlarmLed(self):
        return self.__read1Byte(FIELD_ALARM_LED)

    def setAlarmLed(self, value):
        self.__write1Byte(FIELD_ALARM_LED, value)

    # The DYNAMIXEL can protect itself by detecting dangerous
    # situations that could occur during the operation.  Each Bit is
    # inclusively processed with the ‘OR’ logic, therefore, multiple
    # options can be generated.  For instance, when ‘0x05’ (binary :
    # 00000101) is defined in Shutdown(18), DYNAMIXEL can detect both
    # Input Voltage Error (binary : 00000001) and Overheating Error
    # (binary : 00000100).  If those errors are detected, Torque
    # Enable(24) is cleared to ‘0’ and the motor output becomes 0 [%].
    # REBOOT is the only method to reset Torque Enable(24) to ‘1’
    # (Torque ON) after the shutdown. The followings are detectable
    # situations.
    # Bit 7     0       -
    # Bit 6     Instruction Error       Detects that undefined Instruction is transmitted or the Action command is delivered without the reg_write command
    # Bit 5     Overload Error  Detects that persistent load exceeds maximum output
    # Bit 4     CheckSum Error  Detects that the Checksum of the transmitted Instruction Packet is invalid
    # Bit 3     Range Error     Detects that the command is given beyond the range of usage
    # Bit 2     Overheating Error       Detects that the internal temperature exceeds the set temperature
    # Bit 1     Angle Limit Error       Detects that Goal Position is written with the value that is not between CW Angle Limit and CCW Angle Limit
    # Bit 0     Input Voltage Error     Detects that input voltage exceeds the configured operating voltage
    # Control Table 18
    def getShutdown(self):
        return self.__read1Byte(FIELD_SHUTDOWN)

    def setShutdown(self, value):
        self.__write1Byte(FIELD_SHUTDOWN, value)

    # RAM Control Area (transient)

    # 0 (Default)   Turn off the torque
    # 1             Turn on the torque and lock EEPROM area
    # Control Table 24
    def getTorqueEnable(self):
        return self.__read1Byte(FIELD_TORQUE_ENABLE)

    def setTorqueEnable(self, value):
        self.__write1Byte(FIELD_TORQUE_ENABLE, value)

    # 0 (Default)   Turn OFF the LED
    # 1             Turn ON the LED
    # Control Table 25
    def getLed(self):
        return self.__read1Byte(FIELD_LED)

    def setLed(self, value):
        self.__write1Byte(FIELD_LED, value)

    # It exists in each direction of CW/CCW and means the error
    # between goal position and present position. The range of the
    # value is 0~255, and the unit is the same as Goal
    # Position.(Address 30,31) The greater the value, the more
    # difference occurs.
    # Control Table 26
    def getCwComplianceMargin(self):
        return self.__read1Byte(FIELD_CW_COMPLIANCE_MARGIN)

    def setCwComplianceMargin(self, value):
        self.__write1Byte(FIELD_CW_COMPLIANCE_MARGIN, value)

    # It exists in each direction of CW/CCW and means the error
    # between goal position and present position. The range of the
    # value is 0~255, and the unit is the same as Goal
    # Position.(Address 30,31) The greater the value, the more
    # difference occurs.
    # Control Table 27
    def getCcwComplianceMargin(self):
        return self.__read1Byte(FIELD_CCW_COMPLIANCE_MARGIN)

    def setCcwComplianceMargin(self, value):
        self.__write1Byte(FIELD_CCW_COMPLIANCE_MARGIN, value)

    # It exists in each direction of CW/CCW and sets the level of
    # Torque near the goal position. Compliance Slope is set in 7
    # steps, the higher the value, the more flexibility is
    # obtained. Data representative value is actually used value. That
    # is, even if the value is set to 25, 16 is used internally as the
    # representative value.
    # 1 0(0x00) ~ 3(0x03)       2(0x02)
    # 2 4(0x04) ~ 7(0x07)       4(0x04)
    # 3 8(0x08)~15(0x0F)        8(0x08)
    # 4 16(0x10)~31(0x1F)       16(0x10)
    # 5 32(0x20)~63(0x3F)       32(0x20)
    # 6 64(0x40)~127(0x7F)      64(0x40)
    # 7 128(0x80)~254(0xFE)     128(0x80)
    # Control Area 28
    def getCwComplianceSlope(self):
        return self.__read1Byte(FIELD_CW_COMPLIANCE_SLOPE)

    def setCwComplianceSlope(self, value):
        self.__write1Byte(FIELD_CW_COMPLIANCE_SLOPE, value)

    # It exists in each direction of CW/CCW and sets the level of
    # Torque near the goal position. Compliance Slope is set in 7
    # steps, the higher the value, the more flexibility is
    # obtained. Data representative value is actually used value. That
    # is, even if the value is set to 25, 16 is used internally as the
    # representative value.
    # 1 0(0x00) ~ 3(0x03)       2(0x02)
    # 2 4(0x04) ~ 7(0x07)       4(0x04)
    # 3 8(0x08)~15(0x0F)        8(0x08)
    # 4 16(0x10)~31(0x1F)       16(0x10)
    # 5 32(0x20)~63(0x3F)       32(0x20)
    # 6 64(0x40)~127(0x7F)      64(0x40)
    # 7 128(0x80)~254(0xFE)     128(0x80)
    # Control Area 29
    def getCcwComplianceSlope(self):
        return self.__read1Byte(FIELD_CCW_COMPLIANCE_SLOPE)

    def setCcwComplianceSlope(self, value):
        self.__write1Byte(FIELD_CCW_COMPLIANCE_SLOPE, value)

    # It is a position value of destination.
    # 0 ~ 1,023 (0x3FF) is available.
    # The unit is 0.29°.
    # If Goal Position is out of the range, Angle Limit Error Bit (Bit
    # 1) of Status Packet is returned as ‘1’ and Alarm is triggered as
    # set in Alarm LED/Shutdown.
    # Control Area 30
    def getGoalPosition(self):
        return self.__read2Bytes(FIELD_GOAL_POSITION)

    def setGoalPosition(self, value):
        self.__write2Bytes(FIELD_GOAL_POSITION, value)
        while True:
            currentPosition = self.getPresentPosition()
            print("[ID:%03d] GoalPos:%03d  PresPos:%03d" %
                  (self.deviceId, value, currentPosition))
            if abs(value - currentPosition) < 10:

    # It is a moving speed to Goal Position.  The range and the unit
    # of the value may vary depending on the operation mode.
    # Joint Mode
    # 0 ~ 1,023 (0x3FF) can be used, and the unit is about 0.111rpm.
    # If it is set to 0, it means the maximum rpm of the motor is used
    # without controlling the speed.
    # If it is 1023, it is about 114rpm.  For example, if it is set to
    # 300, it is about 33.3 rpm.
    # Wheel Mode
    # 0 ~ 2,047 (0x7FF) can be used, the unit is about 0.1%.
    # If a value in the range of 0 ~ 1,023 is used, it is stopped by
    # setting to 0 while rotating to CCW direction.
    # If a value in the range of 1,024 ~ 2,047 is used, it is stopped
    # by setting to 1,024 while rotating to CW direction.
    # That is, the 10th bit becomes the direction bit to control the
    # direction.  In Wheel Mode, only the output control is possible,
    # not speed.  For example, if it is set to 512, it means the
    # output is controlled by 50% of the maximum output.
    # Control Area 32
    def getMovingSpeed(self):
        return self.__read2Bytes(FIELD_MOVING_SPEED)

    def setMovingSpeed(self, value):
        self.__write2Bytes(FIELD_MOVING_SPEED, value)

    # It is the value of the maximum torque limit.
    # 0 ~ 1,023 (0x3FF) is available, and the unit is about 0.1%.
    # For example, if the value is 512, it is about 50%; that means
    # only 50% of the maximum torque will be used. If the power is
    # turned on, the value of Max Torque(14) is used as the initial
    # value.
    # Control Area 34
    def getTorqueLimit(self):
        return self.__read2Bytes(FIELD_TORQUE_LIMIT)

    def setTorqueLimit(self, value):
        self.__write2Bytes(FIELD_TORQUE_LIMIT, value)

    # It is the present position value of DYNAMIXEL.
    # The range of the value is 0~1023 (0x3FF), and the unit is 0.29
    # [°].
    # Control Area 36
    # Read Only
    def getPresentPosition(self):
        return self.__read2Bytes(FIELD_PRESENT_POSITION)

    # It is the present moving speed.
    # 0~2,047 (0x7FF) can be used.
    # If a value is in the rage of 0~1,023, it means that the motor
    # rotates to the CCW direction.
    # If a value is in the rage of 1,024~2,047, it means that the
    # motor rotates to the CW direction.
    # That is, the 10th bit becomes the direction bit to control the
    # direction, and 0 and 1,024 are equal. The unit of this value
    # varies depending on operation mode.
    # Joint Mode
    # The unit is about 0.111rpm. For example, if it is set to 300, it
    # means that the motor is moving to the CCW direction at a rate of
    # about 33.3rpm.
    # Wheel Mode
    # The unit is about 0.1%. For example, if it is set to 512, it
    # means that the torque is controlled by 50% of the maximum torque
    # to the CCW direction.
    # Control Area 38
    # Read Only
    def getPresentSpeed(self):
        return self.__read2Bytes(FIELD_PRESENT_SPEED)

    # It means currently applied load.
    # The range of the value is 0~2047, and the unit is about 0.1%.
    # If the value is 0~1,023, it means the load works to the CCW
    # direction.
    # If the value is 1,024~2,047, it means the load works to the CW
    # direction. That is, the 10th bit becomes the direction bit to
    # control the direction, and 1,024 is equal to 0. For example, the
    # value is 512, it means the load is detected in the direction of
    # CCW about 50% of the maximum torque.
    # Control Area 40
    # Read Only
    def getPresentLoad(self):
        return self.__read2Bytes(FIELD_PRESENT_LOAD)

    # It is the size of the present voltage supplied. This value is 10
    # times larger than the actual voltage. For example, when 10V is
    # supplied, the data value is 100 (0x64)
    # If Present Voltage(42) value is out of range, Voltage Range
    # Error Bit (Bit0) of Status Packet is returned as ‘1’ and Alarm
    # is triggered and set the address 17 and set 1 to the Bit 0 of
    # the address 18.
    # Control Area 42
    # Read Only
    def getPresentVoltage(self):
        return self.__read1Byte(FIELD_PRESENT_VOLTAGE)

    # It is the internal temperature of DYNAMIXEL in Celsius.  Data
    # value is identical to the actual temperature in Celsius. For
    # example, if the data value is 85 (0x55), the current internal
    # temperature is 85°C.
    # Control Area 43
    # Read Only
    def getPresentTemperature(self):
        return self.__read1Byte(FIELD_PRESENT_TEMPERATURE)

    # 0 No instruction registered by REG_WRITE.
    # 1 Instruction registered by REG_WRITE exsists.
    # Control Area 44
    # Read Only
    def getRegisteredInstruction(self):
        return self.__read1Byte(FIELD_REGISTERED_INSTRUCTION)

    # 0 Goal position command execution is completed
    # 1 Goal position command execution is in progress
    # Control Area 46
    # Read Only
    def getMoving(self):
        return self.__read1Byte(FIELD_MOVING)

    # 0 EEPROM area can be modified
    # 1 EEPROM area cannot be modified
    # Control Area 47
    def getLock(self):
        return self.__read1Byte(FIELD_LOCK)

    def setLock(self, value):
        self.__write1Byte(FIELD_LOCK, value)

    # Minimum current to drive motor. This value ranges from 0x20 to
    # 0x3FF.
    # Control Area 48
    def getPunch(self):
        return self.__read2Bytes(FIELD_PUNCH)

    def setPunch(self, value):
        self.__write2Bytes(FIELD_PUNCH, value)

    # Private functions

    def __read1Byte(self, field):
        response, result, error = self.protocol.read1ByteTxRx(
            self.tty, self.deviceId, field)
            result, error, "ERROR: read1ByteTxRx('%s', %s, %s)" %
            (self.ttyName, self.deviceId, self.__fieldToString(field)))
        return response

    def __read2Bytes(self, field):
        response, result, error = self.protocol.read2ByteTxRx(
            self.tty, self.deviceId, field)
            result, error, "ERROR: read2ByteTxRx('%s', %s, %s)" %
            (self.ttyName, self.deviceId, self.__fieldToString(field)))
        return response

    def __write1Byte(self, field, value):
        result, error = self.protocol.write1ByteTxRx(self.tty, self.deviceId,
                                                     field, value)
            result, error, "ERROR: write1ByteTxRx('%s', %s, %s, %s)" %
            (self.ttyName, self.deviceId, self.__fieldToString(field), value))

    def __write2Bytes(self, field, value):
        result, error = self.protocol.write2ByteTxRx(self.tty, self.deviceId,
                                                     field, value)
            result, error, "ERROR: write2ByteTxRx('%s', %s, %s, %s)" %
            (self.ttyName, self.deviceId, self.__fieldToString(field), value))

    def __fieldToString(self, field):
        if field == FIELD_MODEL_NUMBER:
            return "MODEL_NUMBER"
        if field == FIELD_FIRMWARE_VERSION:
            return "FIRMWARE_VERSION"
        if field == FIELD_ID:
            return "ID"
        if field == FIELD_BAUD_RATE:
            return "BAUD_RATE"
        if field == FIELD_RETURN_DELAY_TIME:
            return "RETURN_DELAY_TIME"
        if field == FIELD_CW_ANGLE_LIMIT:
            return "CW_ANGLE_LIMIT"
        if field == FIELD_CCW_ANGLE_LIMIT:
            return "CCW_ANGLE_LIMIT"
        if field == FIELD_TEMPERATURE_LIMIT:
            return "TEMPERATURE_LIMIT"
        if field == FIELD_MIN_VOLTAGE_LIMIT:
            return "MIN_VOLTAGE_LIMIT"
        if field == FIELD_MAX_VOLTAGE_LIMIT:
            return "MAX_VOLTAGE_LIMIT"
        if field == FIELD_MAX_TORQUE:
            return "MAX_TORQUE"
        if field == FIELD_STATUS_RETURN_LEVEL:
            return "STATUS_RETURN_LEVEL"
        if field == FIELD_ALARM_LED:
            return "ALARM_LED"
        if field == FIELD_SHUTDOWN:
            return "SHUTDOWN"
        if field == FIELD_TORQUE_ENABLE:
            return "TORQUE_ENABLE"
        if field == FIELD_LED:
            return "LED"
        if field == FIELD_CW_COMPLIANCE_MARGIN:
            return "CW_COMPLIANCE_MARGIN"
        if field == FIELD_CCW_COMPLIANCE_MARGIN:
            return "CCW_COMPLIANCE_MARGIN"
        if field == FIELD_CW_COMPLIANCE_SLOPE:
            return "CW_COMPLIANCE_SLOPE"
        if field == FIELD_CCW_COMPLIANCE_SLOPE:
            return "CCW_COMPLIANCE_SLOPE"
        if field == FIELD_GOAL_POSITION:
            return "GOAL_POSITION"
        if field == FIELD_MOVING_SPEED:
            return "MOVING_SPEED"
        if field == FIELD_TORQUE_LIMIT:
            return "TORQUE_LIMIT"
        if field == FIELD_PRESENT_POSITION:
            return "PRESENT_POSITION"
        if field == FIELD_PRESENT_SPEED:
            return "PRESENT_SPEED"
        if field == FIELD_PRESENT_LOAD:
            return "PRESENT_LOAD"
        if field == FIELD_PRESENT_VOLTAGE:
            return "PRESENT_VOLTAGE"
        if field == FIELD_PRESENT_TEMPERATURE:
            return "PRESENT_TEMPERATURE"
            return "REGISTERED_INSTRUCTION"
        if field == FIELD_MOVING:
            return "MOVING"
        if field == FIELD_LOCK:
            return "LOCK"
        if field == FIELD_PUNCH:
            return "PUNCH"

    def __verifyResponse(self, result, error, s):
        if result != sdk.COMM_SUCCESS:
            raise Exception("%s %s" % (s, self.protocol.getTxRxResult(result)))
        elif error != 0:
            raise Exception("%s %s" %
                            (s, self.protocol.getRxPacketError(error)))
Esempio n. 8
    return tty

def verify_response(result, error):
    if result != sdk.COMM_SUCCESS:
        print("%s" % protocol.getTxRxResult(result))
    elif error != 0:
        print("%s" % protocol.getRxPacketError(error))

def set_torque(tty, protocol, device, value):
    result, error = protocol.write1ByteTxRx(tty, device, TORQUE_ENABLE, value)
    verify_response(result, error)

def goto(tty, protocol, device, goal):
    result, error = protocol.write2ByteTxRx(tty, device, GOAL_POSITION, goal)
    verify_response(result, error)
    while True:
        position, result, error = protocol.read2ByteTxRx(tty, device, PRESENT_POSITION)
        verify_response(result, error)
        print("[ID:%03d] GoalPos:%03d  PresPos:%03d" % (device, goal, position))
        if not abs(goal - position) > 20:

# Open TTY
tty = open_tty('/dev/tty.usbserial-FT3WFGSI', 1000000)
protocol = sdk.PacketHandler(1.0)
set_torque(tty, protocol, 1, 1)
goto(tty, protocol, 1, 1023)
set_torque(tty, protocol, 1, 0)
Esempio n. 9
class GripingRobot(threading.Thread):
    g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_1 = 0
    g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_2 = 0
    g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1 = 0
    g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2 = 0
    g_bfr_Pos_IRR1_1 = 0
    g_bfr_Pos_IRR1_2 = 0
    g_flgComm_IRR = False
    g_flgGrip_IRR = False
    g_flgRls_IRR = False
    g_flgForce_IRR = False
    g_flgGripCnt = 0
    g_Crrt_State_IRR1 = 0
    g_flgComm_Move_IRR = False
    g_cnt = 0

    # Control table address
    ADDR_PRO_TORQUE_ENABLE = 562  # Control table address is different in Dynamixel model
    g_flgComm_DXL = False
    g_flgMove_DXL = False
    g_flgServo_DXL = False
    g_flgForce_DXL = False
    # Protocol version
    PROTOCOL_VERSION = 2.0  # See which protocol version is used in the Dynamixel
    # Default setting
    DXL_ID_Axis1 = 1  # Dynamixel ID : 1
    DXL_ID_Axis2 = 2  # Dynamixel ID : 1
    BAUDRATE = 57600  # Dynamixel default baudrate : 57600
    DEVICENAME = '/dev/ttyUSB0'  # Check which port is being used on your controller

    TORQUE_ENABLE = 1  # Value for enabling the torque
    TORQUE_DISABLE = 0  # Value for disabling the torque
    DXL_MINIMUM_POSITION_VALUE = 10  # Dynamixel will rotate between this value
    DXL_MAXIMUM_POSITION_VALUE = 4000  # and this value (note that the Dynamixel would not move when the position value is out of movable range. Check e-manual about the range of the Dynamixel you use.)
    Axis1_TarPos = int(0)
    Axis2_TarPos = int(0)
    Axis1_CurPos = int(0)
    Axis2_CurPos = int(0)
    DXL_MOVING_STATUS_THRESHOLD = 20  # Dynamixel moving status threshold

    portHandler = dynamixel_sdk.PortHandler(DEVICENAME)
    packetHandler = dynamixel_sdk.PacketHandler(PROTOCOL_VERSION)

    Tick = 10

    def moveGriper(self):
        if self.g_flgComm_DXL:
            self.g_flgComm_Move_IRR = True
            # Grip
            if self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1 < self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_1 and self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2 < self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_2:
                self.g_flgForce_IRR = True
                self.g_flgGripCnt = 0
            # Realese
                self.g_flgForce_IRR = False
                self.g_flgGripCnt = 0

    def PortOpenDXL(self):
        if self.portHandler.openPort():
            print("Succeeded to Open the Port")
            self.g_flgComm_DXL = True
            print("Failed to Open the Port")
            self.g_flgComm_DXL = False

        # Set port baudrate
        if self.portHandler.setBaudRate(self.BAUDRATE) and self.g_flgComm_DXL:
            print("Succeeded to change the baudrate")
            print("Failed to change the baudrate")
            self.g_flgComm_DXL = False

    # Close Port
    def PortCloseDXL(self):
        if self.g_flgComm_DXL:

    def ErrorPrint(self, comm_result, error, AxisID):
        if comm_result != dynamixel_sdk.COMM_SUCCESS:
            print("AsisID ", AxisID,
                  ": %s" % self.packetHandler.getTxRxResult(comm_result))
            return False
        elif error != 0:
            print("AsisID ", AxisID,
                  ": %s" % self.packetHandler.getRxPacketError(error))
            return False
            return True

    def DXL_TrqEnable(self):
        if self.g_flgComm_DXL:
            self.g_flgServo_DXL = True
            self.g_flgForce_DXL = True

    def DXL_TrqDisable(self):
        if self.g_flgComm_DXL:
            self.g_flgServo_DXL = True
            self.g_flgForce_DXL = False

    def run(self):
        # init
        # print("Start")
        # self.stime = time.time()
        self.g_flgComm_Move_IRR = False
        # initial
        if self.g_flgComm_DXL:
            self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1 = PythonLibMightyZap.presentPosition(
                self.portHandler, 0)
            self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2 = PythonLibMightyZap.presentPosition(
                self.portHandler, 4)
            self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_1 = self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1
            self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_2 = self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2

        # print(g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1,g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2)41
        if self.g_flgComm_DXL:
            tmp, dxl_comm_result, dxl_error \
                = self.packetHandler.read4ByteTxRx(self.portHandler, self.DXL_ID_Axis1, self.ADDR_PRO_PRESENT_POSITION)
            if tmp & 0x80000000:
                tmp = -(((~tmp) & 0xffffffff) + 1)
            self.Axis1_CurPos = tmp
            tmp, dxl_comm_result, dxl_error \
                = self.packetHandler.read4ByteTxRx(self.portHandler, self.DXL_ID_Axis2, self.ADDR_PRO_PRESENT_POSITION)
            if tmp & 0x80000000:
                tmp = -(((~tmp) & 0xffffffff) + 1)
            self.Axis2_CurPos = tmp
            self.Axis1_TarPos = self.Axis1_CurPos
            self.Axis2_TarPos = self.Axis2_CurPos
        while True:
            # Update : position
            if self.g_flgComm_DXL:
                tmp, dxl_comm_result, dxl_error \
                    = self.packetHandler.read4ByteTxRx(self.portHandler, self.DXL_ID_Axis1,self.ADDR_PRO_PRESENT_POSITION)
                if tmp & 0x80000000:
                    tmp = -(((~tmp) & 0xffffffff) + 1)
                self.Axis1_CurPos = tmp
                tmp, dxl_comm_result, dxl_error \
                    = self.packetHandler.read4ByteTxRx(self.portHandler, self.DXL_ID_Axis2,self.ADDR_PRO_PRESENT_POSITION)
                if tmp & 0x80000000:
                    tmp = -(((~tmp) & 0xffffffff) + 1)
                self.Axis2_CurPos = tmp
                # Excution command : Move
                if self.g_flgMove_DXL:
                    dxl_comm_result, dxl_error = self.packetHandler.write4ByteTxRx(
                        self.portHandler, self.DXL_ID_Axis1,
                        self.ADDR_PRO_GOAL_POSITION, self.Axis1_TarPos)
                    dxl_comm_result, dxl_error = self.packetHandler.write4ByteTxRx(
                        self.portHandler, self.DXL_ID_Axis2,
                        self.ADDR_PRO_GOAL_POSITION, self.Axis2_TarPos)
                    self.g_flgMove_DXL = False
                # Excution command : Survo On/Off
                if self.g_flgServo_DXL:
                    self.g_flgServo_DXL = 0
                    if self.g_flgForce_DXL:
                        dxl_comm_result, dxl_error = self.packetHandler.write1ByteTxRx(
                            self.portHandler, self.DXL_ID_Axis1,
                            self.ADDR_PRO_TORQUE_ENABLE, self.TORQUE_ENABLE)
                        if self.ErrorPrint(dxl_comm_result, dxl_error,
                            print("Axis1 : Torque [On]")

                        dxl_comm_result, dxl_error = self.packetHandler.write1ByteTxRx(
                            self.portHandler, self.DXL_ID_Axis2,
                            self.ADDR_PRO_TORQUE_ENABLE, self.TORQUE_ENABLE)
                        if self.ErrorPrint(dxl_comm_result, dxl_error,
                            print("Axis2 : Torque [On]")
                        dxl_comm_result, dxl_error = self.packetHandler.write1ByteTxRx(
                            self.portHandler, self.DXL_ID_Axis1,
                            self.ADDR_PRO_TORQUE_ENABLE, self.TORQUE_DISABLE)
                        if self.ErrorPrint(dxl_comm_result, dxl_error,
                            print("Axis1 : Torque [Off]")

                        dxl_comm_result, dxl_error = self.packetHandler.write1ByteTxRx(
                            self.portHandler, self.DXL_ID_Axis2,
                            self.ADDR_PRO_TORQUE_ENABLE, self.TORQUE_DISABLE)
                        if self.ErrorPrint(dxl_comm_result, dxl_error,
                            print("Axis2 : Torque [Off]")
            if self.g_flgComm_DXL:
                # === Get Position
                self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1 = PythonLibMightyZap.presentPosition(
                    self.portHandler, 0)
                self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2 = PythonLibMightyZap.presentPosition(
                    self.portHandler, 4)
                # self.stime = time.time()
                # === Get State
                # None
                # === Get Error
                # None
                # === Excute Command ===
                # 1. Move position
                if self.g_flgComm_Move_IRR:
                    PythonLibMightyZap.goalPosition(self.portHandler, 0,
                    PythonLibMightyZap.goalPosition(self.portHandler, 4,
                    self.g_flgComm_Move_IRR = False
                # 2. Grip_End
                elif self.g_flgForce_IRR:
                    if self.g_flgGripCnt > 2:
                        if (abs(self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1 - self.g_bfr_Pos_IRR1_1)
                                < 40 or abs(self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2 -
                                            self.g_bfr_Pos_IRR1_2) < 40):
                            self.g_flgForce_IRR = False
                                self.portHandler, 0, 0)
                                self.portHandler, 4, 0)
                            self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_1 = self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1
                            self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_2 = self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2
                                self.portHandler, 0, self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_1)
                                self.portHandler, 4, self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_2)
                            self.g_flgGripCnt = 0
                            # print("!!F-OFF!! Vel1: [%05d]"%(self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1 - self.g_bfr_Pos_IRR1_1), "Vel2: [%05d]"%(self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2 - self.g_bfr_Pos_IRR1_2),"Pos1 : [%05d"%self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1 ,"/%05d]"%self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_1, "Pos2 : [%05d/"%self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2, "%05d]"%self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_2)
                        self.g_flgGripCnt += 1
                # 3. print
                if abs(self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_1 - self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1
                       ) > 10 and abs(self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_2 -
                                      self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2) > 10:
                    # print("Vel1: [%05d]"%(self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1 - self.g_bfr_Pos_IRR1_1), "Vel2: [%05d]"%(self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2 - self.g_bfr_Pos_IRR1_2),"Pos1 : [%05d"%self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1 ,"/%05d]"%self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_1, "Pos2 : [%05d/"%self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2, "%05d]"%self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_2)

                if self.g_flgGrip_IRR:
                    if self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1 >= 1400 and self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2 >= 1400:
                            self.portHandler, 0, 1400)
                            self.portHandler, 4, 1400)
                        self.g_flgGrip_IRR = 0
                    elif abs(self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_1 - self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1
                             ) < 50 and abs(self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_2 -
                                            self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2) < 50:
                        self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_1 = self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1 + 200
                        self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_2 = self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2 + 200
                            self.portHandler, 0, self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_1)
                            self.portHandler, 4, self.g_Trgt_Pos_IRR1_2)

                self.g_bfr_Pos_IRR1_1 = self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_1
                self.g_bfr_Pos_IRR1_2 = self.g_Crrt_Pos_IRR1_2
                # 2. Force Off Function

    def moveDXL(self):
        self.g_flgMove_DXL = True
Esempio n. 10
import dynamixel_sdk as sdk

def ping(device, device_id):
    tty = sdk.PortHandler('/dev/tty.usbserial-FT3WFGSI')
    model, result, error =, device_id)
    if result != sdk.COMM_SUCCESS:
        print("%s" % ax12a.getTxRxResult(result))
    elif error != 0:
        print("%s" % ax12a.getRxPacketError(error))
        return model

ax12a = sdk.PacketHandler(1.0)
model = ping(ax12a, 1)
print("Model: %d" % model)
    def __init__(self,

        # load the JSON file and convert keys from strings to ints
        with open("dynamixel.json", 'r') as f:
            self.modeldict = {}
            for key, value in json.load(f).items():
                self.modeldict[int(key)] = value

        # setup the serial port
        # Initialize PortHandler instance
        # Set the port path
        # Get methods and members of PortHandlerLinux or PortHandlerWindows
        self.port = sdk.PortHandler(port)
        self.verbose = verbose

        # Open port
        if self.port.openPort():
            print("Succeeded to open the port")
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to open the port")

        # Set port baudrate
        if self.port.setBaudRate(baudrate):
            print("Succeeded to change the baudrate")
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to change the baudrate")

        # Initialize PacketHandler instance
        # Set the protocol version
        # Get methods and members of Protocol1PacketHandler or Protocol2PacketHandler
        if protocol == 1:
            self.packetHandler = sdk.PacketHandler("1.0")
            self.packetHandler = sdk.PacketHandler("2.0")

        # X-series memory map
        self.address = {}
        self.address['model'] = (2, 4)
        self.address['firmware'] = (6, 1)
        self.address['return_delay'] = (9, 1)
        self.address['drivemode'] = (10, 1, self._drivemode_handler)
        self.address['opmode'] = (11, 1, self._opmode_handler)
        self.address['shadow_id'] = (12, 1)

        self.address['min_position'] = (52, 4)
        self.address['max_position'] = (48, 4)
        self.address['velocity_limit'] = (44, 4)

        self.address['torque_enable'] = (64, 1)
        self.address['hardware_error_status'] = (70, 1)

        self.address['goal_position'] = (116, 4)
        self.address['goal_velocity'] = (104, 4)
        self.address['goal_pwm'] = (100, 2)

        self.address['present_position'] = (132, 4)
        self.address['present_position2'] = (132, 2)
        self.address['present_current'] = (126, 2)
        self.address['present_velocity'] = (128, 2)

        self.address['profile_velocity'] = (112, 4)
        self.address['profile_acceleration'] = (108, 4)

        self.address['temp'] = (146, 1)
        self.address['led'] = (65, 1)

        self.idlist = []
        self.models = {}

        # poll the ports
        for id in range(0, top):
            model =
            if model > 0:
                self.models[id] = model
                self.set(id, 'torque_enable', False)
                self.set(id, 'led', False)
        print('servos found', self.idlist)

        error = self.get('all', 'hardware_error_status')
        if any(error):
            print('hardware error', error)
    def __init__(self, preset_file, verbosity='minimal'):

            preset_file: The path of the \'<preset>.json\' file
            verbosity: 'quiet' or 'minimal' or 'detailed'
            RuntimeError: If some motor has no ID
        # Verbose
        self.verbosity = _verbose_level[verbosity]

        # Load preset
        with open(preset_file, 'r') as f:
            preset = json.load(f, object_hook=byteify)

        #              Port Handlers
        # The 'PortHandler' requires 'device name' for initialization.
        # And the device name is different for each OS.
        #     windows: "COM1"
        #     linux: "/dev/ttyUSB0"
        #     mac: "/dev/tty.usbserial-*"

        self.port_handlers = {}
        # e.g.
        # {
        #     "/dev/ttyUSB0": {
        #         "handler": PortHandler,
        #         "baud rate": None
        # }

        # Open port
        for name in preset['ports']:
            self.__check_type_n_dupe('port', str, name, self.port_handlers)
            port_handler = dxlsdk.PortHandler(name)
            except Exception as inst:
                print("Helper: [ERROR] " + inst.__str__())
                raise inst
                self.port_handlers[name] = {'handler': port_handler,
                                            'baud rate': None}
                if self.verbosity >= _verbose_level['detailed']:
                    print("Helper: Succeeded to open the port: \""+name+"\"")

        #             Packet Handlers
        # The 'PacketHandler' requires 'protocol version' for initialization.
        # KEY: 'protocol version', VALUE: 'packet_handler'

        # "auto" keywords
        if isinstance(preset["protocol versions"], list):
            # Duplicate cleaning
            protocol_set = set(preset["protocol versions"])
        elif preset["protocol versions"] == "auto":
            protocol_set = [1.0, 2.0]
            print("Helper: [ERROR] There is a typo in the protocol of the preset file.")
            raise NotImplementedError
        self.packet_handlers = {
            version: dxlsdk.PacketHandler(version) for version in protocol_set}

        #                 Motor

        # Motor List
        id_set = set()
        alias_set = set()
        motor_list = []
        for motor in preset['motors']:
            # ID Validation
                self.__check_type_n_dupe('', int, motor['id'], id_set)
            except KeyError:
                print("Helper: [ERROR] One motor has no ID.")
                print("        Please check again: "+preset_file)
                raise RuntimeError
            # Alias Validation
                if motor['alias']:
                    self.__check_type_n_dupe('motor.alias', str, motor['alias'], alias_set)
                    motor['alias'] = None
            except KeyError:
                motor.update({'alias': None})
            # Clean list
            # {
            #     "id": 1,
            #     "alias": "joint_L1",
            #     "model": "XM430-W210"
            # }

        # KEY: 'robotID' or 'alias', VALUE: 'DxlMotor'
        self.__motors = {}
        logging = {'O': [], 'X': []}
        for motor in motor_list:
            motor_log = [motor['id'], motor['alias'], motor['model']]
                motorInstance = DxlMotor(
                    motor['id'], motor['alias'], motor['model'],
                    self.port_handlers, preset['baud rates'],
                    self.packet_handlers, verbosity=verbosity)
            except Exception as inst:  # to catch all errors
                if self.verbosity >= _verbose_level['detailed']:
                    print("Helper: One motor setup was skipped.")
                    print("        The reason is: \""+inst.__str__()+"\"")
                    raise inst
                self.__motors[motor['id']] = motorInstance
                if motor['alias']:
                    self.__motors[motor['alias']] = motorInstance
                if self.verbosity >= _verbose_level['detailed']:
                    print("Helper: One motor setup was completed.")

        #                 Log

        if self.verbosity >= _verbose_level['minimal']:
            print("Helper: All motor setups have been completed.")
            print("        Success: {} motor(s) / Fail: {} motor(s)"
                  .format(len(logging['O']), len(logging['X'])))
            for ox, logs in logging.items():
                for log in logs:
                    print("          ({}) id:{}, alias:{}, model:{}"
                          .format(ox, log[0], log[1], log[2]))