class MySQLUpdateBoard(UpdateBoard): def __init__(self, config): UpdateBoard.__init__(self, config) db_params = Configuration(config.db_params) db_params.reuse_connection = True # we use locks self._mysql = MySQL(db_params) def lock(self): #override self._mysql.lock_tables(write = ['inventory_updates']) def unlock(self): #override self._mysql.unlock_tables() def get_updates(self): #override for cmd, obj in self._mysql.xquery('SELECT `cmd`, `obj` FROM `inventory_updates` ORDER BY `id`'): if cmd == 'update': yield DynamoInventory.CMD_UPDATE, obj elif cmd == 'delete': yield DynamoInventory.CMD_DELETE, obj def flush(self): #override self._mysql.query('DELETE FROM `inventory_updates`') self._mysql.query('ALTER TABLE `inventory_updates` AUTO_INCREMENT = 1') def write_updates(self, update_commands): #override self._mysql.lock_tables(write = ['inventory_updates']) try: sql = 'INSERT INTO `inventory_updates` (`cmd`, `obj`) VALUES (%s, %s)' for cmd, sobj in update_commands: if cmd == DynamoInventory.CMD_UPDATE: self._mysql.query(sql, 'update', sobj) elif cmd == DynamoInventory.CMD_DELETE: self._mysql.query(sql, 'delete', sobj) finally: self._mysql.unlock_tables() def disconnect(self): self._mysql.close()
class MySQLAppManager(AppManager): def __init__(self, config): AppManager.__init__(self, config) if not hasattr(self, '_mysql'): db_params = Configuration(config.db_params) db_params.reuse_connection = True # we use locks self._mysql = MySQL(db_params) # make sure applications row with id 0 exists count = self._mysql.query( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `applications` WHERE `id` = 0')[0] if count == 0: # Cannot insert with id = 0 (will be interpreted as next auto_increment id unless server-wide setting is changed) # Inesrt with an implicit id first and update later columns = ('auth_level', 'title', 'path', 'status', 'user_id', 'user_host') values = (AppManager.LV_WRITE, 'wsgi', '', 'done', 0, '') insert_id = self._mysql.insert_get_id('applications', columns=columns, values=values) self._mysql.query( 'UPDATE `applications` SET `id` = 0 WHERE `id` = %s', insert_id) def get_applications(self, older_than=0, status=None, app_id=None, path=None): #override sql = 'SELECT `applications`.`id`, 0+`applications`.`auth_level`, `applications`.`title`, `applications`.`path`, `applications`.`args`,' sql += ' `applications`.`timeout`, 0+`applications`.`status`, `applications`.`server`, `applications`.`exit_code`, `users`.`name`, `applications`.`user_host`' sql += ' FROM `applications` INNER JOIN `users` ON `users`.`id` = `applications`.`user_id`' constraints = [] args = [] if older_than > 0: constraints.append( 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`applications`.`timestamp`) < %s') args.append(older_than) if status is not None: constraints.append('`applications`.`status` = %s') args.append(status) if app_id is not None: constraints.append('`applications`.`id` = %s') args.append(app_id) if path is not None: constraints.append('`applications`.`path` = %s') args.append(path) if len(constraints) != 0: sql += ' WHERE ' + ' AND '.join(constraints) args = tuple(args) applications = [] for aid, auth_level, title, path, args, timeout, status, server, exit_code, uname, uhost in self._mysql.xquery( sql, *args): applications.append({ 'appid': aid, 'auth_level': auth_level, 'user_name': uname, 'user_host': uhost, 'title': title, 'path': path, 'args': args, 'timeout': timeout, 'status': int(status), 'server': server, 'exit_code': exit_code }) return applications def get_writing_process_id(self): #override result = self._mysql.query( 'SELECT `id` FROM `applications` WHERE `auth_level` = \'write\' AND `status` IN (\'assigned\', \'run\')' ) if len(result) == 0: return None else: return result[0] def get_writing_process_host(self): #override result = self._mysql.query( 'SELECT `server` FROM `applications` WHERE `auth_level` = \'write\' AND `status` IN (\'assigned\', \'run\')' ) if len(result) == 0: return None else: return result[0] def get_web_write_process_id(self): #override # user_id is repurposed for web server suprocess PID return self._mysql.query( 'SELECT `user_id` FROM `applications` WHERE `id` = 0')[0] def get_running_processes(self): #override sql = 'SELECT `title`, 0+`auth_level`, `server`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`timestamp`) FROM `applications` WHERE `status` = \'run\'' result = [] for title, auth_level, server, timestamp in self._mysql.xquery(sql): result.append((title, auth_level, server, timestamp)) return result def schedule_application(self, title, path, args, user_id, host, auth_level, timeout): #override columns = ('auth_level', 'title', 'path', 'args', 'timeout', 'user_id', 'user_host') values = (auth_level, title, path, args, timeout, user_id, host) return self._mysql.insert_get_id('applications', columns=columns, values=values) def _do_get_next_application(self, read_only, blocked_apps): #override sql = 'SELECT `applications`.`id`, 0+`auth_level`, `title`, `path`, `args`, `timeout`, `users`.`name`, `user_host` FROM `applications`' sql += ' INNER JOIN `users` ON `users`.`id` = `applications`.`user_id`' sql += ' WHERE `status` = \'new\'' if read_only: sql += ' AND `auth_level` != \'write\'' if len(blocked_apps) != 0: sql += ' AND `title` NOT IN %s' % MySQL.stringify_sequence( blocked_apps) sql += ' ORDER BY `applications`.`id` LIMIT 1' result = self._mysql.query(sql) if len(result) == 0: return None else: appid, auth_level, title, path, args, timeout, uname, uhost = result[ 0] return { 'appid': appid, 'auth_level': auth_level, 'user_name': uname, 'user_host': uhost, 'title': title, 'path': path, 'args': args, 'timeout': timeout } def update_application(self, app_id, **kwd): #override sql = 'UPDATE `applications` SET ' args = [] updates = [] if 'status' in kwd: updates.append('`status` = %s') args.append(AppManager.status_name(kwd['status'])) if 'hostname' in kwd: updates.append('`server` = %s') args.append(kwd['hostname']) if 'exit_code' in kwd: updates.append('`exit_code` = %s') args.append(kwd['exit_code']) if 'path' in kwd: updates.append('`path` = %s') args.append(kwd['path']) sql += ', '.join(updates) sql += ' WHERE `id` = %s' args.append(app_id) self._mysql.query(sql, *tuple(args)) def delete_application(self, app_id): #override self._mysql.query('DELETE FROM `applications` WHERE `id` = %s', app_id) def start_write_web(self, host, pid): #override # repurposing user_id for pid sql = 'UPDATE `applications` SET `status` = \'run\', `server` = %s, `user_host` = %s, `user_id` = %s, `timestamp` = NOW() WHERE `id` = 0' self._mysql.query(sql, host, host, pid) def stop_write_web(self): #override # We don't actually use the host name because there is only one slot for web write anyway sql = 'UPDATE `applications` SET `status` = \'done\', `server` = \'\', `user_host` = \'\', `user_id` = 0 WHERE `id` = 0' self._mysql.query(sql) def check_application_auth(self, title, user, checksum): #override result = self._mysql.query( 'SELECT `id` FROM `users` WHERE `name` = %s', user) if len(result) == 0: return False user_id = result[0] sql = 'SELECT `user_id` FROM `authorized_applications` WHERE `title` = %s AND `checksum` = UNHEX(%s)' for auth_user_id in self._mysql.query(sql, title, checksum): if auth_user_id == 0 or auth_user_id == user_id: return True return False def list_authorized_applications(self, titles=None, users=None, checksums=None): #override sql = 'SELECT a.`title`, u.`name`, HEX(a.`checksum`) FROM `authorized_applications` AS a' sql += ' LEFT JOIN `users` AS u ON u.`id` = a.`user_id`' constraints = [] args = [] if type(titles) is list: constraints.append('a.`title` IN (%s)' % ','.join(['%s'] * len(titles))) args.extend(titles) if type(users) is list: constraints.append('u.`name` IN (%s)' % ','.join(['%s'] * len(users))) args.extend(users) if type(checksums) is list: constraints.append('a.`checksum` IN (%s)' % ','.join(['UNHEX(%s)'] * len(checksums))) args.extend(checksums) if len(constraints) != 0: sql += ' WHERE ' + ' AND '.join(constraints) return self._mysql.query(sql, *tuple(args)) def authorize_application(self, title, checksum, user=None): #override sql = 'INSERT INTO `authorized_applications` (`user_id`, `title`, `checksum`)' if user is None: sql += ' VALUES (0, %s, UNHEX(%s))' args = (title, checksum) else: sql += ' SELECT u.`id`, %s, UNHEX(%s) FROM `users` AS u WHERE u.`name` = %s' args = (title, checksum, user) inserted = self._mysql.query(sql, *args) return inserted != 0 def revoke_application_authorization(self, title, user=None): #override sql = 'DELETE FROM `authorized_applications` WHERE (`user_id`, `title`) =' if user is None: sql += ' (0, %s)' args = (title, ) else: sql += ' (SELECT u.`id`, %s FROM `users` AS u WHERE u.`name` = %s)' args = (title, user) deleted = self._mysql.query(sql, *args) return deleted != 0 def register_sequence(self, name, user, restart=False): #override sql = 'INSERT INTO `application_sequences` (`name`, `user_id`, `restart`) SELECT %s, `id`, %s FROM `users` WHERE `name` = %s' inserted = self._mysql.query(sql, name, 1 if restart else 0, user) return inserted != 0 def find_sequence(self, name): #override sql = 'SELECT u.`name`, s.`restart`, s.`status` FROM `application_sequences` AS s' sql += ' INNER JOIN `users` AS u ON u.`id` = s.`user_id`' sql += ' WHERE s.`name` = %s' try: user, restart, status = self._mysql.query(sql, name)[0] except IndexError: return None return (name, user, (restart != 0), status == 'enabled') def update_sequence(self, name, restart=None, enabled=None): #override if restart is None and enabled is None: return True changes = [] args = [] if restart is not None: changes.append('`restart` = %s') args.append(1 if restart else 0) if enabled is not None: changes.append('`status` = %s') args.append('enabled' if enabled else 'disabled') args.append(name) sql = 'UPDATE `application_sequences` SET ' + ', '.join( changes) + ' WHERE `name` = %s' updated = self._mysql.query(sql, *tuple(args)) return updated != 0 def delete_sequence(self, name): #override sql = 'DELETE FROM `application_sequences` WHERE `name` = %s' deleted = self._mysql.query(sql, name) return deleted != 0 def get_sequences(self, enabled_only=True): #override sql = 'SELECT `name` FROM `application_sequences`' if enabled_only: sql += ' WHERE `status` = \'enabled\'' return self._mysql.query(sql) def create_appmanager(self): #override if self.readonly_config is None: db_params = self._mysql.config() else: db_params = self.readonly_config.db_params config = Configuration(db_params=db_params) return MySQLAppManager(config)
class FTSFileOperation(FileTransferOperation, FileTransferQuery, FileDeletionOperation, FileDeletionQuery): def __init__(self, config): FileTransferOperation.__init__(self, config) FileTransferQuery.__init__(self, config) FileDeletionOperation.__init__(self, config) FileDeletionQuery.__init__(self, config) self.server_url = config.fts_server self.server_id = 0 # server id in the DB # Parameter "retry" for fts3.new_job. 0 = server default self.fts_retry = config.get('fts_retry', 0) # String passed to fts3.new_*_job(metadata = _) self.metadata_string = config.get('metadata_string', 'Dynamo') # Proxy to be forwarded to FTS self.x509proxy = config.get('x509proxy', None) self.x509proxy_orig = config.get('x509proxy', None) # Bookkeeping device self.db = MySQL(config.db_params) # Reuse the context object self.keep_context = config.get('keep_context', False) self._context = None def num_pending_transfers(self): #override # Check the number of files in queue # We first thought about counting files with /files, but FTS seems to return only 1000 maximum even when "limit" is set much larger #files = self._ftscallurl('/files?state_in=ACTIVE,SUBMITTED,READY&limit=%d' % self.max_pending_transfers) #return len(files) num_pending = 0 file_states = ['SUBMITTED', 'READY', 'ACTIVE', 'STAGING', 'STARTED'] jobs = self._ftscall('list_jobs', state_in = ['SUBMITTED', 'ACTIVE', 'STAGING']) from random import shuffle shuffle(jobs) total_count = 0 for job in jobs: total_count = total_count + 1"List_files call 1") job_info = self._ftscall('get_job_status', job['job_id'], list_files = True) for file_info in job_info['files']: if file_info['file_state'] in file_states: num_pending += 1 if num_pending == self.max_pending_transfers + 1: # don't need to query more return num_pending return num_pending def num_pending_deletions(self): #override # See above #files = self._ftscallurl('/files?state_in=ACTIVE,SUBMITTED,READY&limit=%d' % self.max_pending_deletions) #return len(files) num_pending = 0 file_states = ['SUBMITTED', 'READY', 'ACTIVE'] jobs = self._ftscall('list_jobs', state_in = ['SUBMITTED', 'ACTIVE']) from random import shuffle shuffle(jobs) total_count = 0 for job in jobs: total_count = total_count + 1"List_files call 2") job_info = self._ftscall('get_job_status', job['job_id'], list_files = True) for file_info in job_info['dm']: if file_info['file_state'] in file_states: num_pending += 1 if num_pending == self.max_pending_deletions + 1: # don't need to query more return num_pending return num_pending def form_batches(self, tasks): #override if len(tasks) == 0: return [] # FTS3 has no restriction on how to group the transfers, but cannot apparently take thousands # of tasks at once batches = [[]] for task in tasks: batches[-1].append(task) if len(batches[-1]) == self.batch_size: batches.append([]) return batches def start_transfers(self, batch_id, batch_tasks): #override result = {} stage_files = [] transfers = [] s_pfn_to_task = {} t_pfn_to_task = {} for task in batch_tasks: sub = task.subscription lfn = sub.file.lfn dest_pfn = sub.destination.to_pfn(lfn, 'gfal2') source_pfn = task.source.to_pfn(lfn, 'gfal2') self.x509proxy = sub.destination.x509proxy if task.source.storage_type == Site.TYPE_MSS: self.x509proxy = task.source.x509proxy if dest_pfn is None or source_pfn is None: # either gfal2 is not supported or lfn could not be mapped LOG.warning('Could not obtain PFN for %s at %s or %s', lfn,, result[task] = False continue if self.checksum_algorithm: checksum = '%s:%s' % (self.checksum_algorithm, str(sub.file.checksum[self.checksum_index])) verify_checksum = 'target' else: checksum = None verify_checksum = False if task.source.storage_type == Site.TYPE_MSS: LOG.debug('Staging %s at %s', lfn, # need to stage first stage_files.append((source_pfn, dest_pfn, checksum, sub.file.size)) # task identified by the source PFN s_pfn_to_task[source_pfn] = task else:"Here we are")'Submitting transfer of %s from %s to %s to FTS', lfn,, transfers.append(fts3.new_transfer(source_pfn, dest_pfn, checksum = checksum, filesize = sub.file.size)) # there should be only one task per destination pfn t_pfn_to_task[dest_pfn] = task if len(stage_files) != 0: LOG.debug('Submit new staging job for %d files', len(stage_files)) job = fts3.new_staging_job([ff[0] for ff in stage_files], bring_online = 36000, metadata = self.metadata_string) success = self._submit_job(job, 'staging', batch_id, dict((pfn, for pfn, task in s_pfn_to_task.iteritems()), x509=task.source.x509proxy) for source_pfn, _, _, _ in stage_files: result[s_pfn_to_task[source_pfn]] = success if success and not self._read_only: LOG.debug('Recording staging queue') fields = ('id', 'source', 'destination', 'checksum', 'size') mapping = lambda ff: (s_pfn_to_task[ff[0]].id,) + ff if not self._read_only: self.db.insert_many('fts_staging_queue', fields, mapping, stage_files) if len(transfers) != 0: LOG.debug('Submit new transfer job for %d files', len(transfers))"Submitting transfer job from disk to site %s with proxy %s." % (, sub.destination.x509proxy)) job = fts3.new_job(transfers, retry = self.fts_retry, overwrite = True, verify_checksum = verify_checksum, metadata = self.metadata_string) success = self._submit_job(job, 'transfer', batch_id, dict((pfn, for pfn, task in t_pfn_to_task.iteritems()), x509=sub.destination.x509proxy) for transfer in transfers: dest_pfn = transfer['destinations'][0] result[t_pfn_to_task[dest_pfn]] = success return result def start_deletions(self, batch_id, batch_tasks): #override result = {} pfn_to_task = {} for task in batch_tasks: desub = task.desubscription lfn = desub.file.lfn pfn =, 'gfal2') if pfn is None: # either gfal2 is not supported or lfn could not be mapped result[task] = False continue # there should be only one task per destination pfn pfn_to_task[pfn] = task job = fts3.new_delete_job(pfn_to_task.keys(), metadata = self.metadata_string) success = self._submit_job(job, 'deletion', batch_id, dict((pfn, for pfn, task in pfn_to_task.iteritems())) for task in pfn_to_task.itervalues(): result[task] = success return result def cancel_transfers(self, task_ids): #override return self._cancel(task_ids, 'transfer') def cancel_deletions(self, task_ids): #override return self._cancel(task_ids, 'deletion') def cleanup(self): #override sql = 'DELETE FROM f USING `fts_transfer_tasks` AS f' sql += ' LEFT JOIN `transfer_tasks` AS t ON t.`id` = f.`id`' sql += ' LEFT JOIN `fts_transfer_batches` AS b ON b.`id` = f.`fts_batch_id`' sql += ' WHERE t.`id` IS NULL OR b.`id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) sql = 'DELETE FROM f USING `fts_staging_queue` AS f' sql += ' LEFT JOIN `fts_transfer_tasks` AS t ON t.`id` = f.`id`' sql += ' WHERE t.`id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) sql = 'DELETE FROM f USING `fts_deletion_tasks` AS f' sql += ' LEFT JOIN `deletion_tasks` AS t ON t.`id` = f.`id`' sql += ' LEFT JOIN `fts_deletion_batches` AS b ON b.`id` = f.`fts_batch_id`' sql += ' WHERE t.`id` IS NULL OR b.`id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) sql = 'DELETE FROM f USING `fts_transfer_batches` AS f' sql += ' LEFT JOIN `transfer_batches` AS t ON t.`id` = f.`batch_id`' sql += ' WHERE t.`id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) sql = 'DELETE FROM f USING `fts_deletion_batches` AS f' sql += ' LEFT JOIN `deletion_batches` AS t ON t.`id` = f.`batch_id`' sql += ' WHERE t.`id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) # Delete the source tasks - caution: wipes out all tasks when switching the operation backend sql = 'DELETE FROM t USING `transfer_tasks` AS t' sql += ' LEFT JOIN `fts_transfer_tasks` AS f ON f.`id` = t.`id`' sql += ' WHERE f.`id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) sql = 'DELETE FROM t USING `deletion_tasks` AS t' sql += ' LEFT JOIN `fts_deletion_tasks` AS f ON f.`id` = t.`id`' sql += ' WHERE f.`id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) def get_transfer_status(self, batch_id): #override if self.server_id == 0: self._set_server_id() results = self._get_status(batch_id, 'transfer') staged_tasks = [] for task_id, status, exitcode, msg, start_time, finish_time in self._get_status(batch_id, 'staging'): if status == FileQuery.STAT_DONE: staged_tasks.append(task_id) results.append((task_id, FileQuery.STAT_QUEUED, -1, None, None, None)) else: # these tasks won't appear in results from _get_status('transfer') # because no transfer jobs have been submitted yet results.append((task_id, status, exitcode, None, start_time, finish_time)) if len(staged_tasks) != 0: if self.checksum_algorithm: verify_checksum = 'target' else: verify_checksum = None which_dest = "" transfers = [] pfn_to_tid = {} for task_id, source_pfn, dest_pfn, checksum, filesize in self.db.select_many('fts_staging_queue', ('id', 'source', 'destination', 'checksum', 'size'), 'id', staged_tasks): for s in inventory.sites.itervalues(): if s.backend in dest_pfn and s.backend != "": which_dest = s #transfers = [] #pfn_to_tid = {} transfers.append(fts3.new_transfer(source_pfn, dest_pfn, checksum = checksum, filesize = filesize)) pfn_to_tid[dest_pfn] = task_id job = fts3.new_job(transfers, retry = self.fts_retry, overwrite = True, verify_checksum = verify_checksum, metadata = self.metadata_string) #which_dest = "" #for s in inventory.sites.itervalues(): # if s.backend in dest_pfn and s.backend != "": # which_dest = s"Submitting job from buffer to site %s with proxy %s." % (, which_dest.x509proxy))"dest_pfn: %s" % dest_pfn) success = self._submit_job(job, 'transfer', batch_id, pfn_to_tid, x509=which_dest.x509proxy) if success and not self._read_only: self.db.delete_many('fts_staging_queue', 'id', pfn_to_tid.values()) return results def get_deletion_status(self, batch_id): #override if self.server_id == 0: self._set_server_id() return self._get_status(batch_id, 'deletion') def write_transfer_history(self, history_db, task_id, history_id): #override self._write_history(history_db, task_id, history_id, 'transfer') def write_deletion_history(self, history_db, task_id, history_id): #override self._write_history(history_db, task_id, history_id, 'deletion') def forget_transfer_status(self, task_id): #override return self._forget_status(task_id, 'transfer') def forget_deletion_status(self, task_id): #override return self._forget_status(task_id, 'deletion') def forget_transfer_batch(self, task_id): #override return self._forget_batch(task_id, 'transfer') def forget_deletion_batch(self, task_id): #override return self._forget_batch(task_id, 'deletion') def _ftscall(self, method, *args, **kwd): return self._do_ftscall(binding = (method, args, kwd)) def _ftscallurl(self, url): # Call to FTS URLs that don't have python bindings return self._do_ftscall(url = url) def _do_ftscall(self, binding = None, url = None): proxy = self.x509proxy if binding is not None: method, args, kwd = binding for k in kwd.iteritems(): if k[0] == "ucert":"Setting proxy to %s" % k[1]) proxy = k[1] if self._context is None: # request_class = Request -> use "requests"-based https call (instead of default PyCURL, # which may not be able to handle proxy certificates depending on the cURL installation) # verify = False -> do not verify the server certificate"Setting context with proxy %s" % proxy) context = fts3.Context(self.server_url, ucert = proxy, ukey = proxy, request_class = Request, verify = False) if self.keep_context: self._context = context else: context = self._context if binding is not None: reqstring = binding[0] else: reqstring = url LOG.debug('FTS: %s', reqstring) wait_time = 1. for attempt in xrange(10): try: if binding is not None: method, args, kwd = binding if "ucert" in kwd: del kwd["ucert"] if "ukey" in kwd: del kwd["ukey"] return getattr(fts3, method)(context, *args, **kwd) else: return json.loads(context.get(url)) except fts_exceptions.ServerError as exc: if str(exc.reason) == '500': # Internal server error - let's try again pass except fts_exceptions.TryAgain: pass time.sleep(wait_time) wait_time *= 1.5 LOG.error('Failed to communicate with FTS server: %s', reqstring) raise RuntimeError('Failed to communicate with FTS server: %s' % reqstring) def _submit_job(self, job, optype, batch_id, pfn_to_tid, x509=None): if self._read_only: job_id = 'test' else: try: if x509 is not None: job_id = self._ftscall('submit', job, ucert=x509, ukey=x509) else: job_id = self._ftscall('submit', job) except: exc_type, exc, tb = sys.exc_info() LOG.error('Failed to submit %s to FTS: Exception %s (%s)', optype, exc_type.__name__, str(exc)) return False # list of file-level operations (one-to-one with pfn) try: if optype == 'transfer' or optype == 'staging': key = 'files' else: key = 'dm'"List_files call 3") fts_files = self._ftscall('get_job_status', job_id = job_id, list_files = True)[key] except: exc_type, exc, tb = sys.exc_info() LOG.error('Failed to get status of job %s from FTS: Exception %s (%s)', job_id, exc_type.__name__, str(exc)) return False if self.server_id == 0: self._set_server_id() if optype == 'transfer' or optype == 'staging': table_name = 'fts_transfer_batches' columns = ('batch_id', 'task_type', 'fts_server_id', 'job_id') values = (batch_id, optype, self.server_id, job_id) else: table_name = 'fts_deletion_batches' columns = ('batch_id', 'fts_server_id', 'job_id') values = (batch_id, self.server_id, job_id) if not self._read_only: fts_batch_id = self.db.insert_get_id(table_name, columns = columns, values = values) if optype == 'transfer' or optype == 'staging': table_name = 'fts_transfer_tasks' pfn_key = 'dest_surl' else: table_name = 'fts_deletion_tasks' pfn_key = 'source_surl' fields = ('id', 'fts_batch_id', 'fts_file_id') mapping = lambda f: (pfn_to_tid[f[pfn_key]], fts_batch_id, f['file_id']) if not self._read_only: self.db.insert_many(table_name, fields, mapping, fts_files, do_update = True, update_columns = ('fts_batch_id', 'fts_file_id')) return True def _cancel(self, task_ids, optype): sql = 'SELECT b.`job_id`, f.`fts_file_id` FROM `fts_{op}_tasks` AS f' sql += ' INNER JOIN `fts_{op}_batches` AS b ON b.`id` = f.`fts_batch_id`' result = self.db.execute_many(sql.format(op = optype), MySQL.bare('f.`id`'), task_ids) by_job = collections.defaultdict(list) for job_id, file_id in result: by_job[job_id].append(file_id) if not self._read_only: for job_id, ids in by_job.iteritems(): try: self._ftscall('cancel', job_id, file_ids = ids) except: LOG.error('Failed to cancel FTS job %s', job_id) def _get_status(self, batch_id, optype): if optype == 'transfer' or optype == 'staging': sql = 'SELECT `id`, `job_id` FROM `fts_transfer_batches`' sql += ' WHERE `task_type` = %s AND `fts_server_id` = %s AND `batch_id` = %s' batch_data = self.db.query(sql, optype, self.server_id, batch_id) task_table_name = 'fts_transfer_tasks' else: sql = 'SELECT `id`, `job_id` FROM `fts_deletion_batches`' sql += ' WHERE `fts_server_id` = %s AND `batch_id` = %s' batch_data = self.db.query(sql, self.server_id, batch_id) task_table_name = 'fts_deletion_tasks' message_pattern = re.compile('(?:DESTINATION|SOURCE|TRANSFER|DELETION) \[([0-9]+)\] (.*)') results = [] for fts_batch_id, job_id in batch_data: LOG.debug('Checking status of FTS %s batch %s', optype, job_id) sql = 'SELECT `fts_file_id`, `id` FROM `{table}` WHERE `fts_batch_id` = %s'.format(table = task_table_name) fts_to_task = dict(self.db.xquery(sql, fts_batch_id)) try:"List_files call 4") result = self._ftscall('get_job_status', job_id = job_id, list_files = True) except: LOG.error('Failed to get job status for FTS job %s', job_id) LOG.error(optype) continue if optype == 'transfer' or optype == 'staging': fts_files = result['files'] else: fts_files = result['dm'] for fts_file in fts_files: try: task_id = fts_to_task[fts_file['file_id']] except KeyError: continue state = fts_file['file_state'] exitcode = -1 start_time = None finish_time = None get_time = False try: message = fts_file['reason'] except KeyError: message = None if message is not None: # Check if reason follows a known format (from which we can get the exit code) matches = message_pattern.match(message) if matches is not None: exitcode = int( message = # Additionally, if the message is a known one, convert the exit code c = find_msg_code(message) if c is not None: exitcode = c # HDFS site with gridftp-hdfs gives a I/O error (500) when the file is not there if optype == 'deletion' and 'Input/output error' in message: exitcode = errno.ENOENT if state == 'FINISHED': status = FileQuery.STAT_DONE exitcode = 0 get_time = True elif state == 'FAILED': status = FileQuery.STAT_FAILED get_time = True elif state == 'CANCELED': status = FileQuery.STAT_CANCELLED get_time = True elif state == 'SUBMITTED': status = FileQuery.STAT_NEW else: status = FileQuery.STAT_QUEUED if optype == 'transfer' and exitcode == errno.EEXIST: # Transfer + destination exists -> not an error status = FileQuery.STAT_DONE exitcode = 0 elif optype == 'deletion' and exitcode == errno.ENOENT: # Deletion + destination does not exist -> not an error status = FileQuery.STAT_DONE exitcode = 0 if get_time: try: start_time = calendar.timegm(time.strptime(fts_file['start_time'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')) except TypeError: # start time is NULL (can happen when the job is cancelled) start_time = None try: finish_time = calendar.timegm(time.strptime(fts_file['finish_time'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')) except TypeError: start_time = None LOG.debug('%s %d: %s, %d, %s, %s, %s', optype, task_id, FileQuery.status_name(status), exitcode, message, start_time, finish_time) results.append((task_id, status, exitcode, message, start_time, finish_time)) return results def _write_history(self, history_db, task_id, history_id, optype): if not self._read_only: history_db.db.insert_update('fts_servers', ('url',), self.server_url) try: server_id = history_db.db.query('SELECT `id` FROM `fts_servers` WHERE `url` = %s', self.server_url)[0] except IndexError: server_id = 0 sql = 'SELECT b.`job_id`, t.`fts_file_id` FROM `fts_{op}_tasks` AS t' sql += ' INNER JOIN `fts_{op}_batches` AS b ON b.`id` = t.`fts_batch_id`' sql += ' WHERE t.`id` = %s' try: fts_job_id, fts_file_id = self.db.query(sql.format(op = optype), task_id)[0] except IndexError: return if not self._read_only: history_db.db.insert_update('fts_batches', ('fts_server_id', 'job_id'), server_id, fts_job_id) batch_id = history_db.db.query('SELECT `id` FROM `fts_batches` WHERE `fts_server_id` = %s AND `job_id` = %s', server_id, fts_job_id)[0] history_db.db.insert_update('fts_file_{op}s'.format(op = optype), ('id', 'fts_batch_id', 'fts_file_id'), history_id, batch_id, fts_file_id) def _forget_status(self, task_id, optype): if self._read_only: return sql = 'DELETE FROM `fts_{optype}_tasks` WHERE `id` = %s'.format(optype = optype) self.db.query(sql, task_id) def _forget_batch(self, batch_id, optype): if self._read_only: return sql = 'DELETE FROM `fts_{optype}_batches` WHERE `batch_id` = %s'.format(optype = optype) self.db.query(sql, batch_id) def _set_server_id(self): if not self._read_only: self.db.query('INSERT INTO `fts_servers` (`url`) VALUES (%s) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `url`=VALUES(`url`)', self.server_url) result = self.db.query('SELECT `id` FROM `fts_servers` WHERE `url` = %s', self.server_url) if len(result) == 0: self.server_id = 0 else: self.server_id = result[0]
class FTSFileOperation(FileTransferOperation, FileTransferQuery, FileDeletionOperation, FileDeletionQuery): def __init__(self, config): FileTransferOperation.__init__(self, config) FileTransferQuery.__init__(self, config) FileDeletionOperation.__init__(self, config) FileDeletionQuery.__init__(self, config) self.server_url = config.fts_server self.server_id = 0 # server id in the DB # Parameter "retry" for fts3.new_job. 0 = server default self.fts_retry = config.get('fts_retry', 0) # String passed to fts3.new_*_job(metadata = _) self.metadata_string = config.get('metadata_string', 'Dynamo') # Proxy to be forwarded to FTS self.x509proxy = config.get('x509proxy', None) # Bookkeeping device self.db = MySQL(config.db_params) # Reuse the context object self.keep_context = config.get('keep_context', True) self._context = None def num_pending_transfers(self): #override # Check the number of files in queue # We first thought about counting files with /files, but FTS seems to return only 1000 maximum even when "limit" is set much larger #files = self._ftscallurl('/files?state_in=ACTIVE,SUBMITTED,READY&limit=%d' % self.max_pending_transfers) #return len(files) num_pending = 0 file_states = ['SUBMITTED', 'READY', 'ACTIVE', 'STAGING', 'STARTED'] jobs = self._ftscall('list_jobs', state_in=['SUBMITTED', 'ACTIVE', 'STAGING']) for job in jobs: job_info = self._ftscall('get_job_status', job['job_id'], list_files=True) for file_info in job_info['files']: if file_info['file_state'] in file_states: num_pending += 1 if num_pending == self.max_pending_transfers + 1: # don't need to query more return num_pending return num_pending def num_pending_deletions(self): #override # See above #files = self._ftscallurl('/files?state_in=ACTIVE,SUBMITTED,READY&limit=%d' % self.max_pending_deletions) #return len(files) num_pending = 0 file_states = ['SUBMITTED', 'READY', 'ACTIVE'] jobs = self._ftscall('list_jobs', state_in=['SUBMITTED', 'ACTIVE']) for job in jobs: job_info = self._ftscall('get_job_status', job['job_id'], list_files=True) for file_info in job_info['dm']: if file_info['file_state'] in file_states: num_pending += 1 if num_pending == self.max_pending_deletions + 1: # don't need to query more return num_pending return num_pending def form_batches(self, tasks): #override if len(tasks) == 0: return [] # FTS3 has no restriction on how to group the transfers, but cannot apparently take thousands # of tasks at once batches = [[]] for task in tasks: batches[-1].append(task) if len(batches[-1]) == self.batch_size: batches.append([]) return batches def start_transfers(self, batch_id, batch_tasks): #override result = {} stage_files = [] transfers = [] s_pfn_to_task = {} t_pfn_to_task = {} for task in batch_tasks: sub = task.subscription lfn = sub.file.lfn dest_pfn = sub.destination.to_pfn(lfn, 'gfal2') source_pfn = task.source.to_pfn(lfn, 'gfal2') if dest_pfn is None or source_pfn is None: # either gfal2 is not supported or lfn could not be mapped LOG.warning('Could not obtain PFN for %s at %s or %s', lfn,, result[task] = False continue if self.checksum_algorithm: checksum = '%s:%s' % ( self.checksum_algorithm, str(sub.file.checksum[self.checksum_index])) verify_checksum = 'target' else: checksum = None verify_checksum = False if task.source.storage_type == Site.TYPE_MSS: LOG.debug('Staging %s at %s', lfn, # need to stage first stage_files.append( (source_pfn, dest_pfn, checksum, sub.file.size)) # task identified by the source PFN s_pfn_to_task[source_pfn] = task else: LOG.debug('Submitting transfer of %s from %s to %s to FTS', lfn,, transfers.append( fts3.new_transfer(source_pfn, dest_pfn, checksum=checksum, filesize=sub.file.size)) # there should be only one task per destination pfn t_pfn_to_task[dest_pfn] = task if len(stage_files) != 0: LOG.debug('Submit new staging job for %d files', len(stage_files)) job = fts3.new_staging_job([ff[0] for ff in stage_files], bring_online=36000, metadata=self.metadata_string) success = self._submit_job( job, 'staging', batch_id, dict( (pfn, for pfn, task in s_pfn_to_task.iteritems())) for source_pfn, _, _, _ in stage_files: result[s_pfn_to_task[source_pfn]] = success if success and not self._read_only: LOG.debug('Recording staging queue') fields = ('id', 'source', 'destination', 'checksum', 'size') mapping = lambda ff: (s_pfn_to_task[ff[0]].id, ) + ff if not self._read_only: self.db.insert_many('fts_staging_queue', fields, mapping, stage_files) if len(transfers) != 0: LOG.debug('Submit new transfer job for %d files', len(transfers)) job = fts3.new_job(transfers, retry=self.fts_retry, overwrite=True, verify_checksum=verify_checksum, metadata=self.metadata_string) success = self._submit_job( job, 'transfer', batch_id, dict( (pfn, for pfn, task in t_pfn_to_task.iteritems())) for transfer in transfers: dest_pfn = transfer['destinations'][0] result[t_pfn_to_task[dest_pfn]] = success return result def start_deletions(self, batch_id, batch_tasks): #override result = {} pfn_to_task = {} for task in batch_tasks: desub = task.desubscription lfn = desub.file.lfn pfn =, 'gfal2') if pfn is None: # either gfal2 is not supported or lfn could not be mapped result[task] = False continue # there should be only one task per destination pfn pfn_to_task[pfn] = task job = fts3.new_delete_job(pfn_to_task.keys(), metadata=self.metadata_string) success = self._submit_job( job, 'deletion', batch_id, dict((pfn, for pfn, task in pfn_to_task.iteritems())) for task in pfn_to_task.itervalues(): result[task] = success return result def cancel_transfers(self, task_ids): #override return self._cancel(task_ids, 'transfer') def cancel_deletions(self, task_ids): #override return self._cancel(task_ids, 'deletion') def cleanup(self): #override sql = 'DELETE FROM f USING `fts_transfer_tasks` AS f' sql += ' LEFT JOIN `transfer_tasks` AS t ON t.`id` = f.`id`' sql += ' LEFT JOIN `fts_transfer_batches` AS b ON b.`id` = f.`fts_batch_id`' sql += ' WHERE t.`id` IS NULL OR b.`id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) sql = 'DELETE FROM f USING `fts_staging_queue` AS f' sql += ' LEFT JOIN `fts_transfer_tasks` AS t ON t.`id` = f.`id`' sql += ' WHERE t.`id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) sql = 'DELETE FROM f USING `fts_deletion_tasks` AS f' sql += ' LEFT JOIN `deletion_tasks` AS t ON t.`id` = f.`id`' sql += ' LEFT JOIN `fts_deletion_batches` AS b ON b.`id` = f.`fts_batch_id`' sql += ' WHERE t.`id` IS NULL OR b.`id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) sql = 'DELETE FROM f USING `fts_transfer_batches` AS f' sql += ' LEFT JOIN `transfer_batches` AS t ON t.`id` = f.`batch_id`' sql += ' WHERE t.`id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) sql = 'DELETE FROM f USING `fts_deletion_batches` AS f' sql += ' LEFT JOIN `deletion_batches` AS t ON t.`id` = f.`batch_id`' sql += ' WHERE t.`id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) # Delete the source tasks - caution: wipes out all tasks when switching the operation backend sql = 'DELETE FROM t USING `transfer_tasks` AS t' sql += ' LEFT JOIN `fts_transfer_tasks` AS f ON f.`id` = t.`id`' sql += ' WHERE f.`id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) sql = 'DELETE FROM t USING `deletion_tasks` AS t' sql += ' LEFT JOIN `fts_deletion_tasks` AS f ON f.`id` = t.`id`' sql += ' WHERE f.`id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) def get_transfer_status(self, batch_id): #override if self.server_id == 0: self._set_server_id() results = self._get_status(batch_id, 'transfer') staged_tasks = [] for task_id, status, exitcode, msg, start_time, finish_time in self._get_status( batch_id, 'staging'): if status == FileQuery.STAT_DONE: staged_tasks.append(task_id) results.append( (task_id, FileQuery.STAT_QUEUED, -1, None, None, None)) else: # these tasks won't appear in results from _get_status('transfer') # because no transfer jobs have been submitted yet results.append( (task_id, status, exitcode, None, start_time, finish_time)) if len(staged_tasks) != 0: transfers = [] pfn_to_tid = {} for task_id, source_pfn, dest_pfn, checksum, filesize in self.db.select_many( 'fts_staging_queue', ('id', 'source', 'destination', 'checksum', 'size'), 'id', staged_tasks): transfers.append( fts3.new_transfer(source_pfn, dest_pfn, checksum=checksum, filesize=filesize)) pfn_to_tid[dest_pfn] = task_id if self.checksum_algorithm: verify_checksum = 'target' else: verify_checksum = None job = fts3.new_job(transfers, retry=self.fts_retry, overwrite=True, verify_checksum=verify_checksum, metadata=self.metadata_string) success = self._submit_job(job, 'transfer', batch_id, pfn_to_tid) if success and not self._read_only: self.db.delete_many('fts_staging_queue', 'id', pfn_to_tid.values()) return results def get_deletion_status(self, batch_id): #override if self.server_id == 0: self._set_server_id() return self._get_status(batch_id, 'deletion') def write_transfer_history(self, history_db, task_id, history_id): #override self._write_history(history_db, task_id, history_id, 'transfer') def write_deletion_history(self, history_db, task_id, history_id): #override self._write_history(history_db, task_id, history_id, 'deletion') def forget_transfer_status(self, task_id): #override return self._forget_status(task_id, 'transfer') def forget_deletion_status(self, task_id): #override return self._forget_status(task_id, 'deletion') def forget_transfer_batch(self, task_id): #override return self._forget_batch(task_id, 'transfer') def forget_deletion_batch(self, task_id): #override return self._forget_batch(task_id, 'deletion') def _ftscall(self, method, *args, **kwd): return self._do_ftscall(binding=(method, args, kwd)) def _ftscallurl(self, url): # Call to FTS URLs that don't have python bindings return self._do_ftscall(url=url) def _do_ftscall(self, binding=None, url=None): if self._context is None: # request_class = Request -> use "requests"-based https call (instead of default PyCURL, # which may not be able to handle proxy certificates depending on the cURL installation) # verify = False -> do not verify the server certificate context = fts3.Context(self.server_url, ucert=self.x509proxy, ukey=self.x509proxy, request_class=Request, verify=False) if self.keep_context: self._context = context else: context = self._context if binding is not None: reqstring = binding[0] else: reqstring = url LOG.debug('FTS: %s', reqstring) wait_time = 1. for attempt in xrange(10): try: if binding is not None: method, args, kwd = binding return getattr(fts3, method)(context, *args, **kwd) else: return json.loads(context.get(url)) except fts_exceptions.ServerError as exc: if str(exc.reason) == '500': # Internal server error - let's try again pass except fts_exceptions.TryAgain: pass time.sleep(wait_time) wait_time *= 1.5 LOG.error('Failed to communicate with FTS server: %s', reqstring) raise RuntimeError('Failed to communicate with FTS server: %s' % reqstring) def _submit_job(self, job, optype, batch_id, pfn_to_tid): if self._read_only: job_id = 'test' else: try: job_id = self._ftscall('submit', job) except: exc_type, exc, tb = sys.exc_info() LOG.error('Failed to submit %s to FTS: Exception %s (%s)', optype, exc_type.__name__, str(exc)) return False LOG.debug('FTS job id: %s', job_id) # list of file-level operations (one-to-one with pfn) try: if optype == 'transfer' or optype == 'staging': key = 'files' else: key = 'dm' fts_files = self._ftscall('get_job_status', job_id=job_id, list_files=True)[key] except: exc_type, exc, tb = sys.exc_info() LOG.error( 'Failed to get status of job %s from FTS: Exception %s (%s)', job_id, exc_type.__name__, str(exc)) return False if self.server_id == 0: self._set_server_id() if optype == 'transfer' or optype == 'staging': table_name = 'fts_transfer_batches' columns = ('batch_id', 'task_type', 'fts_server_id', 'job_id') values = (batch_id, optype, self.server_id, job_id) else: table_name = 'fts_deletion_batches' columns = ('batch_id', 'fts_server_id', 'job_id') values = (batch_id, self.server_id, job_id) if not self._read_only: fts_batch_id = self.db.insert_get_id(table_name, columns=columns, values=values) if optype == 'transfer' or optype == 'staging': table_name = 'fts_transfer_tasks' pfn_key = 'dest_surl' else: table_name = 'fts_deletion_tasks' pfn_key = 'source_surl' fields = ('id', 'fts_batch_id', 'fts_file_id') mapping = lambda f: (pfn_to_tid[f[pfn_key]], fts_batch_id, f['file_id'] ) if not self._read_only: self.db.insert_many(table_name, fields, mapping, fts_files, do_update=True, update_columns=('fts_batch_id', 'fts_file_id')) return True def _cancel(self, task_ids, optype): sql = 'SELECT b.`job_id`, f.`fts_file_id` FROM `fts_{op}_tasks` AS f' sql += ' INNER JOIN `fts_{op}_batches` AS b ON b.`id` = f.`fts_batch_id`' result = self.db.execute_many(sql.format(op=optype), MySQL.bare('f.`id`'), task_ids) by_job = collections.defaultdict(list) for job_id, file_id in result: by_job[job_id].append(file_id) if not self._read_only: for job_id, ids in by_job.iteritems(): try: self._ftscall('cancel', job_id, file_ids=ids) except: LOG.error('Failed to cancel FTS job %s', job_id) def _get_status(self, batch_id, optype): if optype == 'transfer' or optype == 'staging': sql = 'SELECT `id`, `job_id` FROM `fts_transfer_batches`' sql += ' WHERE `task_type` = %s AND `fts_server_id` = %s AND `batch_id` = %s' batch_data = self.db.query(sql, optype, self.server_id, batch_id) task_table_name = 'fts_transfer_tasks' else: sql = 'SELECT `id`, `job_id` FROM `fts_deletion_batches`' sql += ' WHERE `fts_server_id` = %s AND `batch_id` = %s' batch_data = self.db.query(sql, self.server_id, batch_id) task_table_name = 'fts_deletion_tasks' message_pattern = re.compile( '(?:DESTINATION|SOURCE|TRANSFER|DELETION) \[([0-9]+)\] (.*)') results = [] for fts_batch_id, job_id in batch_data: LOG.debug('Checking status of FTS %s batch %s', optype, job_id) sql = 'SELECT `fts_file_id`, `id` FROM `{table}` WHERE `fts_batch_id` = %s'.format( table=task_table_name) fts_to_task = dict(self.db.xquery(sql, fts_batch_id)) try: result = self._ftscall('get_job_status', job_id=job_id, list_files=True) except: LOG.error('Failed to get job status for FTS job %s', job_id) continue if optype == 'transfer' or optype == 'staging': fts_files = result['files'] else: fts_files = result['dm'] for fts_file in fts_files: try: task_id = fts_to_task[fts_file['file_id']] except KeyError: continue state = fts_file['file_state'] exitcode = -1 start_time = None finish_time = None get_time = False try: message = fts_file['reason'] except KeyError: message = None if message is not None: # Check if reason follows a known format (from which we can get the exit code) matches = message_pattern.match(message) if matches is not None: exitcode = int( message = # Additionally, if the message is a known one, convert the exit code c = find_msg_code(message) if c is not None: exitcode = c # HDFS site with gridftp-hdfs gives a I/O error (500) when the file is not there if optype == 'deletion' and 'Input/output error' in message: exitcode = errno.ENOENT if state == 'FINISHED': status = FileQuery.STAT_DONE exitcode = 0 get_time = True elif state == 'FAILED': status = FileQuery.STAT_FAILED get_time = True elif state == 'CANCELED': status = FileQuery.STAT_CANCELLED get_time = True elif state == 'SUBMITTED': status = FileQuery.STAT_NEW else: status = FileQuery.STAT_QUEUED if optype == 'transfer' and exitcode == errno.EEXIST: # Transfer + destination exists -> not an error status = FileQuery.STAT_DONE exitcode = 0 elif optype == 'deletion' and exitcode == errno.ENOENT: # Deletion + destination does not exist -> not an error status = FileQuery.STAT_DONE exitcode = 0 if get_time: try: start_time = calendar.timegm( time.strptime(fts_file['start_time'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')) except TypeError: # start time is NULL (can happen when the job is cancelled) start_time = None try: finish_time = calendar.timegm( time.strptime(fts_file['finish_time'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')) except TypeError: start_time = None LOG.debug('%s %d: %s, %d, %s, %s, %s', optype, task_id, FileQuery.status_name(status), exitcode, message, start_time, finish_time) results.append((task_id, status, exitcode, message, start_time, finish_time)) return results def _write_history(self, history_db, task_id, history_id, optype): if not self._read_only: history_db.db.insert_update('fts_servers', ('url', ), self.server_url) try: server_id = history_db.db.query( 'SELECT `id` FROM `fts_servers` WHERE `url` = %s', self.server_url)[0] except IndexError: server_id = 0 sql = 'SELECT b.`job_id`, t.`fts_file_id` FROM `fts_{op}_tasks` AS t' sql += ' INNER JOIN `fts_{op}_batches` AS b ON b.`id` = t.`fts_batch_id`' sql += ' WHERE t.`id` = %s' try: fts_job_id, fts_file_id = self.db.query(sql.format(op=optype), task_id)[0] except IndexError: return if not self._read_only: history_db.db.insert_update('fts_batches', ('fts_server_id', 'job_id'), server_id, fts_job_id) batch_id = history_db.db.query( 'SELECT `id` FROM `fts_batches` WHERE `fts_server_id` = %s AND `job_id` = %s', server_id, fts_job_id)[0] history_db.db.insert_update('fts_file_{op}s'.format(op=optype), ('id', 'fts_batch_id', 'fts_file_id'), history_id, batch_id, fts_file_id) def _forget_status(self, task_id, optype): if self._read_only: return sql = 'DELETE FROM `fts_{optype}_tasks` WHERE `id` = %s'.format( optype=optype) self.db.query(sql, task_id) def _forget_batch(self, batch_id, optype): if self._read_only: return sql = 'DELETE FROM `fts_{optype}_batches` WHERE `batch_id` = %s'.format( optype=optype) self.db.query(sql, batch_id) def _set_server_id(self): if not self._read_only: self.db.query( 'INSERT INTO `fts_servers` (`url`) VALUES (%s) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `url`=VALUES(`url`)', self.server_url) result = self.db.query( 'SELECT `id` FROM `fts_servers` WHERE `url` = %s', self.server_url) if len(result) == 0: self.server_id = 0 else: self.server_id = result[0]
class CRABAccessHistory(object): """ Sets two attrs: global_usage_rank: float value local_usage: {site: ReplicaAccess} """ produces = ['global_usage_rank', 'local_usage'] def __init__(self, config): self._store = MySQL( def load(self, inventory): records = self._get_stored_records(inventory) self._compute(inventory, records) def _get_stored_records(self, inventory): """ Get the replica access data from DB. @param inventory DynamoInventory @return {replica: {date: (number of access, total cpu time)}} """ # pick up all accesses that are less than 2 years old # old accesses will be removed automatically next time the access information is saved from memory sql = 'SELECT s.`name`, d.`name`, YEAR(a.`date`), MONTH(a.`date`), DAY(a.`date`), a.`access_type`+0, a.`num_accesses`, a.`cputime` FROM `dataset_accesses` AS a' sql += ' INNER JOIN `sites` AS s ON s.`id` = a.`site_id`' sql += ' INNER JOIN `datasets` AS d ON d.`id` = a.`dataset_id`' sql += ' WHERE a.`date` > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 2 YEAR) ORDER BY s.`id`, d.`id`, a.`date`' all_accesses = {} num_records = 0 # little speedup by not repeating lookups for the same replica current_site_name = '' site_exists = True current_dataset_name = '' dataset_exists = True replica = None for site_name, dataset_name, year, month, day, access_type, num_accesses, cputime in self._store.xquery( sql): num_records += 1 if site_name == current_site_name: if not site_exists: continue else: current_site_name = site_name current_dataset_name = '' dataset_exists = True replica = None try: site = inventory.sites[site_name] except KeyError: site_exists = False continue else: site_exists = True if dataset_name == current_dataset_name: if not dataset_exists: continue else: current_dataset_name = dataset_name try: dataset = inventory.datasets[dataset_name] except KeyError: dataset_exists = False continue else: dataset_exists = True replica = site.find_dataset_replica(dataset) if replica is not None: accesses = all_accesses[replica] = {} if replica is None: continue date =, month, day) accesses[date] = (num_accesses, cputime) last_update = self._store.query( 'SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`dataset_accesses_last_update`) FROM `system`' )[0]'Loaded %d replica access data. Last update on %s UTC', num_records, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.gmtime(last_update))) return all_accesses def _compute(self, inventory, all_accesses): """ Set the dataset usage rank based on access list. Following the IntelROCCS implementation for local rank: datasetRank = (1-used)*(now-creationDate)/(60*60*24) + \ used*( (now-lastAccessed)/(60*60*24)-nAccessed) - size/1000 nAccessed is NACC normalized by size (in GB). @param inventory DynamoInventory @param all_accesses {replica: {date: (number of access, cpu time)}} """ now = time.time() today = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(now).date() for dataset in inventory.datasets.itervalues(): local_usage = dataset.attr['local_usage'] = { } # {site: ReplicaAccess} n_disk_nodes = 0 for replica in dataset.replicas: if == Site.TYPE_DISK: n_disk_nodes += 1 for replica in dataset.replicas: size = replica.size(physical=False) * 1.e-9 try: accesses = all_accesses[replica] except KeyError: accesses = {} last_used = 0 num_access = 0 tot_cpu = 0. else: last_access = max(accesses.iterkeys()) # mktime returns expects the local time but the timetuple we pass is for UTC. subtracting time.timezone last_used = time.mktime( last_access.timetuple()) - time.timezone num_access = sum(e[0] for e in accesses.itervalues()) tot_cpu = sum(e[1] for e in accesses.itervalues()) if num_access == 0: local_rank = (now - replica.last_block_created()) / (24. * 3600.) elif size > 0.: local_rank = (today - last_access).days - num_access / size else: local_rank = (today - last_access).days local_rank -= size * 1.e-3 local_usage[] = ReplicaAccess( local_rank, num_access, tot_cpu, last_used) global_rank = sum(usage.rank for usage in local_usage.values()) if n_disk_nodes != 0: global_rank /= n_disk_nodes dataset.attr['global_usage_rank'] = global_rank @staticmethod def update(config, inventory): popdb = PopDB(config.popdb.config) store = MySQL( last_update = store.query( 'SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`dataset_accesses_last_update`) FROM `system`' )[0] try: store.query( 'UPDATE `system` SET `dataset_accesses_last_update` = NOW()', retries=0, silent=True) except MySQLdb.OperationalError: # We have a read-only config read_only = True'Running update() in read-only mode.') else: read_only = False start_time = max(last_update, (time.time() - 3600 * 24 * config.max_back_query)) start_date =*time.gmtime(start_time)[:3]) included_sites = list(config.included_sites) excluded_sites = list(config.excluded_sites) source_records = CRABAccessHistory._get_source_records( popdb, inventory, included_sites, excluded_sites, start_date) if not read_only: CRABAccessHistory._save_records(source_records, store) # remove old entries store.query( 'DELETE FROM `dataset_accesses` WHERE `date` < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 2 YEAR)' ) store.query( 'UPDATE `system` SET `dataset_accesses_last_update` = NOW()') @staticmethod def _get_source_records(popdb, inventory, included_sites, excluded_sites, start_date): """ Get the replica access data from PopDB from start_date to today. @param popdb PopDB interface @param inventory DynamoInventory @param included_sites List of site name patterns to include @param excluded_sites List of site name patterns to exclude @param start_date Query start date (datetime.datetime) @return {replica: {date: (number of access, total cpu time)}} """ days_to_query = [] utctoday =*time.gmtime()[:3]) date = start_date while date <= utctoday: # get records up to today days_to_query.append(date) date += datetime.timedelta(1) # one day'Updating dataset access info from %s to %s', start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), utctoday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) all_accesses = {} arg_pool = [] for site in inventory.sites.itervalues(): matched = False for pattern in included_sites: if fnmatch.fnmatch(, pattern): matched = True break for pattern in excluded_sites: if fnmatch.fnmatch(, pattern): matched = False break if matched: for date in days_to_query: arg_pool.append((popdb, site, inventory, date)) mapper = Map() mapper.logger = LOG records = mapper.execute(CRABAccessHistory._get_site_record, arg_pool) for site_record in records: for replica, date, naccess, cputime in site_record: if replica not in all_accesses: all_accesses[replica] = {} all_accesses[replica][date] = (naccess, cputime) return all_accesses @staticmethod def _get_site_record(popdb, site, inventory, date): """ Get the replica access data on a single site from PopDB. @param popdb PopDB interface @param site Site @param inventory Inventory @param date @return [(replica, number of access, total cpu time)] """ if'T0'): return [] elif'T1') and'_') > 2: nameparts ='_') sitename = '_'.join(nameparts[:3]) service = 'popularity/DSStatInTimeWindow/' # the trailing slash is apparently important elif == 'T2_CH_CERN': sitename = service = 'xrdpopularity/DSStatInTimeWindow' else: sitename = service = 'popularity/DSStatInTimeWindow/' datestr = date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') result = popdb.make_request( service, ['sitename=' + sitename, 'tstart=' + datestr, 'tstop=' + datestr]) records = [] for ds_entry in result: try: dataset = inventory.datasets[ds_entry['COLLNAME']] except KeyError: continue replica = site.find_dataset_replica(dataset) if replica is None: continue records.append((replica, date, int(ds_entry['NACC']), float(ds_entry['TOTCPU']))) return records @staticmethod def _save_records(records, store): """ Save the newly fetched access records. @param records {replica: {date: (number of access, total cpu time)}} @param store Write-allowed MySQL interface """ site_id_map = {} store.make_map('sites', set( for r in records.iterkeys()), site_id_map, None) dataset_id_map = {} store.make_map('datasets', set(r.dataset for r in records.iterkeys()), dataset_id_map, None) fields = ('dataset_id', 'site_id', 'date', 'access_type', 'num_accesses', 'cputime') data = [] for replica, entries in records.iteritems(): dataset_id = dataset_id_map[replica.dataset] site_id = site_id_map[] for date, (num_accesses, cputime) in entries.iteritems(): data.append((dataset_id, site_id, date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'local', num_accesses, cputime)) store.insert_many('dataset_accesses', fields, None, data, do_update=True)
class StandaloneFileOperation(FileTransferOperation, FileTransferQuery, FileDeletionOperation, FileDeletionQuery): """ Interface to in-house transfer & deletion daemon using MySQL for bookkeeping. """ def __init__(self, config): FileTransferOperation.__init__(self, config) FileTransferQuery.__init__(self, config) FileDeletionOperation.__init__(self, config) FileDeletionQuery.__init__(self, config) self.db = MySQL(config.db_params) def num_pending_transfers(self): #override # FOD can throttle itself. return 0 def num_pending_deletions(self): #override # FOD can throttle itself. return 0 def form_batches(self, tasks): #override if len(tasks) == 0: return [] if hasattr(tasks[0], 'source'): # These are transfer tasks by_endpoints = collections.defaultdict(list) for task in tasks: endpoints = (task.source, task.subscription.destination) by_endpoints[endpoints].append(task) return by_endpoints.values() else: by_endpoint = collections.defaultdict(list) for task in tasks: by_endpoint[].append(task) return by_endpoint.values() def start_transfers(self, batch_id, batch_tasks): #override if len(batch_tasks) == 0: return {} result = {} # tasks should all have the same source and destination source = batch_tasks[0].source destination = batch_tasks[0].subscription.destination fields = ('id', 'source', 'destination', 'checksum_algo', 'checksum') def yield_task_entry(): for task in batch_tasks: lfile = task.subscription.file lfn = lfile.lfn source_pfn = source.to_pfn(lfn, 'gfal2') dest_pfn = destination.to_pfn(lfn, 'gfal2') if source_pfn is None or dest_pfn is None: # either gfal2 is not supported or lfn could not be mapped result[task] = False continue if self.checksum_algorithm: checksum = (self.checksum_algorithm, str(lfile.checksum[self.checksum_index])) else: checksum = (None, None) result[task] = True yield (, source_pfn, dest_pfn) + checksum if not self._read_only: sql = 'INSERT INTO `standalone_transfer_batches` (`batch_id`, `source_site`, `destination_site`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)' self.db.query(sql, batch_id,, self.db.insert_many('standalone_transfer_tasks', fields, None, yield_task_entry()) LOG.debug('Inserted %d entries to standalone_transfer_tasks for batch %d.', len(batch_tasks), batch_id) return result def start_deletions(self, batch_id, batch_tasks): #override if len(batch_tasks) == 0: return {} result = {} # tasks should all have the same target site site = batch_tasks[0] fields = ('id', 'file') def yield_task_entry(): for task in batch_tasks: lfn = task.desubscription.file.lfn pfn = site.to_pfn(lfn, 'gfal2') if pfn is None: # either gfal2 is not supported or lfn could not be mapped result[task] = False continue result[task] = True yield (, pfn) if not self._read_only: sql = 'INSERT INTO `standalone_deletion_batches` (`batch_id`, `site`) VALUES (%s, %s)' self.db.query(sql, batch_id, self.db.insert_many('standalone_deletion_tasks', fields, None, yield_task_entry()) LOG.debug('Inserted %d entries to standalone_deletion_tasks for batch %d.', len(batch_tasks), batch_id) return result def cancel_transfers(self, task_ids): #override return self._cancel(task_ids, 'transfer') def cancel_deletions(self, task_ids): #override return self._cancel(task_ids, 'deletion') def cleanup(self): #override sql = 'DELETE FROM f USING `standalone_transfer_tasks` AS f LEFT JOIN `transfer_tasks` AS t ON t.`id` = f.`id` WHERE t.`id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) sql = 'DELETE FROM f USING `standalone_deletion_tasks` AS f LEFT JOIN `deletion_tasks` AS t ON t.`id` = f.`id` WHERE t.`id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) sql = 'DELETE FROM f USING `standalone_transfer_batches` AS f LEFT JOIN `transfer_batches` AS t ON t.`id` = f.`batch_id` WHERE t.`id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) sql = 'DELETE FROM f USING `standalone_deletion_batches` AS f LEFT JOIN `deletion_batches` AS t ON t.`id` = f.`batch_id` WHERE t.`id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) # Delete the source tasks - caution: wipes out all tasks when switching the operation backend sql = 'DELETE FROM t USING `transfer_tasks` AS t' sql += ' LEFT JOIN `standalone_transfer_tasks` AS f ON f.`id` = t.`id`' sql += ' WHERE f.`id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) sql = 'DELETE FROM t USING `deletion_tasks` AS t' sql += ' LEFT JOIN `standalone_deletion_tasks` AS f ON f.`id` = t.`id`' sql += ' WHERE f.`id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) def get_transfer_status(self, batch_id): #override return self._get_status(batch_id, 'transfer') def get_deletion_status(self, batch_id): #override return self._get_status(batch_id, 'deletion') def write_transfer_history(self, history_db, task_id, history_id): #override pass def write_deletion_history(self, history_db, task_id, history_id): #override pass def forget_transfer_status(self, task_id): #override return self._forget_status(task_id, 'transfer') def forget_deletion_status(self, task_id): #override return self._forget_status(task_id, 'deletion') def forget_transfer_batch(self, batch_id): #override return self._forget_batch(batch_id, 'transfer') def forget_deletion_batch(self, batch_id): #override return self._forget_batch(batch_id, 'deletion') def _cancel(self, task_ids, optype): sql = 'UPDATE `standalone_{op}_tasks` SET `status` = \'cancelled\''.format(op = optype) self.db.execute_many(sql, 'id', task_ids, ['`status` IN (\'new\', \'queued\')']) def _get_status(self, batch_id, optype): sql = 'SELECT q.`id`, a.`status`, a.`exitcode`, a.`message`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.`start_time`), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.`finish_time`) FROM `standalone_{op}_tasks` AS a' sql += ' INNER JOIN `{op}_tasks` AS q ON q.`id` = a.`id`' sql += ' WHERE q.`batch_id` = %s' sql = sql.format(op = optype) return [(i, FileQuery.status_val(s), c, m, t, f) for (i, s, c, m, t, f) in self.db.xquery(sql, batch_id)] def _forget_status(self, task_id, optype): if self._read_only: return sql = 'DELETE FROM `standalone_{op}_tasks` WHERE `id` = %s'.format(op = optype) self.db.query(sql, task_id) def _forget_batch(self, batch_id, optype): if self._read_only: return sql = 'DELETE FROM `standalone_{op}_batches` WHERE `batch_id` = %s' self.db.query(sql.format(op = optype), batch_id)
class StandaloneFileOperation(FileTransferOperation, FileTransferQuery, FileDeletionOperation, FileDeletionQuery): """ Interface to in-house transfer & deletion daemon using MySQL for bookkeeping. """ def __init__(self, config): FileTransferOperation.__init__(self, config) FileTransferQuery.__init__(self, config) FileDeletionOperation.__init__(self, config) FileDeletionQuery.__init__(self, config) self.db = MySQL(config.db_params) def num_pending_transfers(self): #override # FOD can throttle itself. return 0 def num_pending_deletions(self): #override # FOD can throttle itself. return 0 def form_batches(self, tasks): #override if len(tasks) == 0: return [] if hasattr(tasks[0], 'source'): # These are transfer tasks by_endpoints = collections.defaultdict(list) for task in tasks: endpoints = (task.source, task.subscription.destination) by_endpoints[endpoints].append(task) return by_endpoints.values() else: by_endpoint = collections.defaultdict(list) for task in tasks: by_endpoint[].append(task) return by_endpoint.values() def start_transfers(self, batch_id, batch_tasks): #override if len(batch_tasks) == 0: return {} result = {} # tasks should all have the same source and destination source = batch_tasks[0].source destination = batch_tasks[0].subscription.destination fields = ('id', 'source', 'destination', 'checksum_algo', 'checksum') def yield_task_entry(): for task in batch_tasks: lfile = task.subscription.file lfn = lfile.lfn source_pfn = source.to_pfn(lfn, 'gfal2') dest_pfn = destination.to_pfn(lfn, 'gfal2') if source_pfn is None or dest_pfn is None: # either gfal2 is not supported or lfn could not be mapped result[task] = False continue if self.checksum_algorithm: checksum = (self.checksum_algorithm, str(lfile.checksum[self.checksum_index])) else: checksum = (None, None) result[task] = True yield (, source_pfn, dest_pfn) + checksum if not self._read_only: sql = 'INSERT INTO `standalone_transfer_batches` (`batch_id`, `source_site`, `destination_site`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)' self.db.query(sql, batch_id,, self.db.insert_many('standalone_transfer_tasks', fields, None, yield_task_entry()) LOG.debug( 'Inserted %d entries to standalone_transfer_tasks for batch %d.', len(batch_tasks), batch_id) return result def start_deletions(self, batch_id, batch_tasks): #override if len(batch_tasks) == 0: return {} result = {} # tasks should all have the same target site site = batch_tasks[0] fields = ('id', 'file') def yield_task_entry(): for task in batch_tasks: lfn = task.desubscription.file.lfn pfn = site.to_pfn(lfn, 'gfal2') if pfn is None: # either gfal2 is not supported or lfn could not be mapped result[task] = False continue result[task] = True yield (, pfn) if not self._read_only: sql = 'INSERT INTO `standalone_deletion_batches` (`batch_id`, `site`) VALUES (%s, %s)' self.db.query(sql, batch_id, self.db.insert_many('standalone_deletion_tasks', fields, None, yield_task_entry()) LOG.debug( 'Inserted %d entries to standalone_deletion_tasks for batch %d.', len(batch_tasks), batch_id) return result def cancel_transfers(self, task_ids): #override return self._cancel(task_ids, 'transfer') def cancel_deletions(self, task_ids): #override return self._cancel(task_ids, 'deletion') def cleanup(self): #override sql = 'DELETE FROM f USING `standalone_transfer_tasks` AS f LEFT JOIN `transfer_tasks` AS t ON t.`id` = f.`id` WHERE t.`id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) sql = 'DELETE FROM f USING `standalone_deletion_tasks` AS f LEFT JOIN `deletion_tasks` AS t ON t.`id` = f.`id` WHERE t.`id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) sql = 'DELETE FROM f USING `standalone_transfer_batches` AS f LEFT JOIN `transfer_batches` AS t ON t.`id` = f.`batch_id` WHERE t.`id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) sql = 'DELETE FROM f USING `standalone_deletion_batches` AS f LEFT JOIN `deletion_batches` AS t ON t.`id` = f.`batch_id` WHERE t.`id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) # Delete the source tasks - caution: wipes out all tasks when switching the operation backend sql = 'DELETE FROM t USING `transfer_tasks` AS t' sql += ' LEFT JOIN `standalone_transfer_tasks` AS f ON f.`id` = t.`id`' sql += ' WHERE f.`id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) sql = 'DELETE FROM t USING `deletion_tasks` AS t' sql += ' LEFT JOIN `standalone_deletion_tasks` AS f ON f.`id` = t.`id`' sql += ' WHERE f.`id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) def get_transfer_status(self, batch_id): #override return self._get_status(batch_id, 'transfer') def get_deletion_status(self, batch_id): #override return self._get_status(batch_id, 'deletion') def write_transfer_history(self, history_db, task_id, history_id): #override pass def write_deletion_history(self, history_db, task_id, history_id): #override pass def forget_transfer_status(self, task_id): #override return self._forget_status(task_id, 'transfer') def forget_deletion_status(self, task_id): #override return self._forget_status(task_id, 'deletion') def forget_transfer_batch(self, batch_id): #override return self._forget_batch(batch_id, 'transfer') def forget_deletion_batch(self, batch_id): #override return self._forget_batch(batch_id, 'deletion') def _cancel(self, task_ids, optype): sql = 'UPDATE `standalone_{op}_tasks` SET `status` = \'cancelled\''.format( op=optype) self.db.execute_many(sql, 'id', task_ids, ['`status` IN (\'new\', \'queued\')']) def _get_status(self, batch_id, optype): sql = 'SELECT q.`id`, a.`status`, a.`exitcode`, a.`message`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.`start_time`), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.`finish_time`) FROM `standalone_{op}_tasks` AS a' sql += ' INNER JOIN `{op}_tasks` AS q ON q.`id` = a.`id`' sql += ' WHERE q.`batch_id` = %s' sql = sql.format(op=optype) return [(i, FileQuery.status_val(s), c, m, t, f) for (i, s, c, m, t, f) in self.db.xquery(sql, batch_id)] def _forget_status(self, task_id, optype): if self._read_only: return sql = 'DELETE FROM `standalone_{op}_tasks` WHERE `id` = %s'.format( op=optype) self.db.query(sql, task_id) def _forget_batch(self, batch_id, optype): if self._read_only: return sql = 'DELETE FROM `standalone_{op}_batches` WHERE `batch_id` = %s' self.db.query(sql.format(op=optype), batch_id)
class RLFSM(object): """ File operations manager using MySQL tables for queue bookkeeping. Also implies the inventory backend is MySQL. """ class Subscription(object): __slots__ = ['id', 'status', 'file', 'destination', 'disk_sources', 'tape_sources', 'failed_sources', 'hold_reason'] def __init__(self, id, status, file, destination, disk_sources, tape_sources, failed_sources = None, hold_reason = None): = id self.status = status self.file = file self.destination = destination self.disk_sources = disk_sources self.tape_sources = tape_sources self.failed_sources = failed_sources self.hold_reason = hold_reason class TransferTask(object): __slots__ = ['id', 'subscription', 'source'] def __init__(self, subscription, source): = None self.subscription = subscription self.source = source class Desubscription(object): __slots__ = ['id', 'status', 'file', 'site'] def __init__(self, id, status, file, site): = id self.status = status self.file = file = site class DeletionTask(object): __slots__ = ['id', 'desubscription'] def __init__(self, desubscription): = None self.desubscription = desubscription # default config _config = '' @staticmethod def set_default(config): RLFSM._config = Configuration(config) def __init__(self, config = None): if config is None: config = RLFSM._config # Handle to the inventory DB self.db = MySQL(config.db.db_params) # Handle to the history DB self.history_db = HistoryDatabase(config.get('history', None)) # FileTransferOperation backend (can make it a map from (source, dest) to operator) self.transfer_operations = [] if 'transfer' in config: for condition_text, module, conf in config.transfer: if condition_text is None: # default condition = None else: condition = Condition(condition_text, site_variables) self.transfer_operations.append((condition, FileTransferOperation.get_instance(module, conf))) if 'transfer_query' in config: self.transfer_queries = [] for condition_text, module, conf in config.transfer_query: if condition_text is None: # default condition = None else: condition = Condition(condition_text, site_variables) self.transfer_queries.append(condition, FileTransferQuery.get_instance(module, conf)) else: self.transfer_queries = self.transfer_operations if 'deletion' in config: self.deletion_operations = [] for condition_text, module, conf in config.deletion: if condition_text is None: # default condition = None else: condition = Condition(condition_text, site_variables) self.deletion_operations.append(condition, FileDeletionOperation.get_instance(module, conf)) else: self.deletion_operations = self.transfer_operations if 'deletion_query' in config: self.deletion_queries = [] for condition_text, module, conf in config.deletion_query: if condition_text is None: # default condition = None else: condition = Condition(condition_text, site_variables) self.deletion_queries.append(condition, FileDeletionQuery.get_instance(module, conf)) else: self.deletion_queries = self.deletion_operations self.sites_in_downtime = [] # Cycle thread self.main_cycle = None self.cycle_stop = threading.Event() self.set_read_only(config.get('read_only', False)) def set_read_only(self, value = True): self._read_only = value self.history_db.set_read_only(value) for _, op in self.transfer_operations: op.set_read_only(value) if self.transfer_queries is not self.transfer_operations: for _, qry in self.transfer_queries: qry.set_read_only(value) if self.deletion_operations is not self.transfer_operations: for _, op in self.deletion_operations: op.set_read_only(value) if self.deletion_queries is not self.deletion_operations: for _, qry in self.deletion_queries: qry.set_read_only(value) def start(self, inventory): """ Start the file operations management cycle. Issue transfer and deletion tasks to the backend. """ if self.main_cycle is not None: return'Starting file operations manager') self.main_cycle = threading.Thread(target = self._run_cycle, name = 'FOM', args = (inventory,)) self.main_cycle.start()'Started file operations manager.') def stop(self): """ Stop the file operations management cycle. """'Stopping file operations manager.') self.cycle_stop.set() self.main_cycle.join() self.main_cycle = None self.cycle_stop.clear() def transfer_files(self, inventory): """ Routine for managing file transfers. 1. Query the file transfer agent and update the status of known subscriptions. 2. Pick up new subscriptions. 3. Select the source for each transfer. 4. Organize the transfers into batches. 5. Start the transfers. The routine can be stopped almost at any point without corrupting the state machine. The only cases where stopping is problematic are within self._update_status and self._start_transfers. @param inventory The inventory. """ self._cleanup() LOG.debug('Clearing cancelled transfer tasks.') task_ids = self._get_cancelled_tasks('transfer') for _, op in self.transfer_operations: op.cancel_transfers(task_ids) if self.cycle_stop.is_set(): return LOG.debug('Fetching subscription status from the file operation agent.') self._update_status('transfer') if self.cycle_stop.is_set(): return LOG.debug('Filtering out transfers to unavailable destinations.') if not self._read_only: for site in self.sites_in_downtime: self.db.query('UPDATE `file_subscriptions` SET `status` = \'held\', `hold_reason` = \'site_unavailable\' WHERE `site_id` = (SELECT `id` FROM `sites` WHERE `name` = %s)', if self.cycle_stop.is_set(): return LOG.debug('Collecting new transfer subscriptions.') subscriptions = self.get_subscriptions(inventory, op = 'transfer', status = ['new', 'retry']) if self.cycle_stop.is_set(): return # We check the operators here because get_subscriptions does some state update and we want that to happen pending_count = {} n_available = 0 for _, op in self.transfer_operations: pending_count[op] = op.num_pending_transfers() if pending_count[op] <= op.max_pending_transfers: n_available += 1 if n_available == 0:'No transfer operators are available at the moment.') return LOG.debug('Identifying source sites for %d transfers.', len(subscriptions)) tasks = self._select_source(subscriptions) if self.cycle_stop.is_set(): return LOG.debug('Organizing %d transfers into batches.', len(tasks)) by_dest = {} for task in tasks: try: by_dest[task.subscription.destination].append(task) except KeyError: by_dest[task.subscription.destination] = [task] def issue_tasks(op, my_tasks): if len(my_tasks) == 0: return 0, 0, 0 batches = op.form_batches(my_tasks) if self.cycle_stop.is_set(): return 0, 0, 0 nb = 0 ns = 0 nf = 0 LOG.debug('Issuing transfer tasks.') for batch_tasks in batches: s, f = self._start_transfers(op, batch_tasks) nb += 1 ns += s nf += f pending_count[op] += s if pending_count[op] > op.max_pending_transfers: break if self.cycle_stop.is_set(): break return nb, ns, nf num_success = 0 num_failure = 0 num_batches = 0 for condition, op in self.transfer_operations: if condition is None: default_op = op continue my_tasks = [] for site in by_dest.keys(): if condition.match(site): my_tasks.extend(by_dest.pop(site)) if pending_count[op] > op.max_pending_transfers: continue nb, ns, nf = issue_tasks(op, my_tasks) num_batches += nb num_success += ns num_failure += nf if self.cycle_stop.is_set(): break else: # default condition if pending_count[default_op] <= default_op.max_pending_transfers: my_tasks = sum(by_dest.itervalues(), []) nb, ns, nf = issue_tasks(default_op, my_tasks) num_batches += nb num_success += ns num_failure += nf if num_success + num_failure != 0:'Issued transfer tasks: %d success, %d failure. %d batches.', num_success, num_failure, num_batches) else: LOG.debug('Issued transfer tasks: %d success, %d failure. %d batches.', num_success, num_failure, num_batches) def delete_files(self, inventory): """ Routine for managing file deletions. 1. Query the file deletion agent and update the status of known subscriptions. 2. Register the paths for completed deletions as candidates of empty directories. 3. Pick up new subscriptions. 4. Organize the deletions into batches. 5. Start the deletions. The routine can be stopped almost at any point without corrupting the state machine. The only cases where stopping is problematic are within self._update_status and self._start_deletions. @param inventory The inventory. """ self._cleanup() LOG.debug('Clearing cancelled deletion tasks.') task_ids = self._get_cancelled_tasks('deletion') for _, op in self.deletion_operations: op.cancel_deletions(task_ids) if self.cycle_stop.is_set(): return LOG.debug('Fetching deletion status from the file operation agent.') completed = self._update_status('deletion') LOG.debug('Recording candidates for empty directories.') self._set_dirclean_candidates(completed, inventory) if self.cycle_stop.is_set(): return LOG.debug('Filtering out transfers to unavailable destinations.') if not self._read_only: for site in self.sites_in_downtime: self.db.query('UPDATE `file_subscriptions` SET `status` = \'held\', `hold_reason` = \'site_unavailable\' WHERE `site_id` = (SELECT `id` FROM `sites` WHERE `name` = %s)', if self.cycle_stop.is_set(): return LOG.debug('Collecting new deletion subscriptions.') desubscriptions = self.get_subscriptions(inventory, op = 'deletion', status = ['new', 'retry']) if self.cycle_stop.is_set(): return # See transfer_files pending_count = {} n_available = 0 for _, op in self.deletion_operations: pending_count[op] = op.num_pending_deletions() if pending_count[op] <= op.max_pending_deletions: n_available += 1 if n_available == 0:'No deletion operators are available at the moment.') return tasks = [RLFSM.DeletionTask(d) for d in desubscriptions] by_site = {} for task in tasks: try: by_site[].append(task) except KeyError: by_site[] = [task] LOG.debug('Organizing the deletions into batches.') def issue_tasks(op, my_tasks): if len(my_tasks) == 0: return 0, 0, 0 batches = op.form_batches(my_tasks) if self.cycle_stop.is_set(): return 0, 0, 0 nb = 0 ns = 0 nf = 0 LOG.debug('Issuing deletion tasks for %d batches.', len(batches)) for batch_tasks in batches: LOG.debug('Batch with %d tasks.', len(batch_tasks)) s, f = self._start_deletions(op, batch_tasks) nb += 1 ns += s nf += f pending_count[op] += s if pending_count[op] > op.max_pending_deletions: break if self.cycle_stop.is_set(): break return nb, ns, nf num_success = 0 num_failure = 0 num_batches = 0 for condition, op in self.deletion_operations: if condition is None: default_op = op continue my_tasks = [] for site in by_site.keys(): if condition.match(site): my_tasks.extend(by_site.pop(site)) if pending_count[op] > op.max_pending_deletions: continue nb, ns, nf = issue_tasks(op, my_tasks) num_batches += nb; num_success += ns; num_failure += nf; if self.cycle_stop.is_set(): break else: # default condition if pending_count[default_op] <= default_op.max_pending_deletions: my_tasks = sum(by_site.itervalues(), []) nb, ns, nf = issue_tasks(default_op, my_tasks) num_batches += nb; num_success += ns; num_failure += nf; if num_success + num_failure != 0:'Issued deletion tasks: %d success, %d failure. %d batches.', num_success, num_failure, num_batches) else: LOG.debug('Issued deletion tasks: %d success, %d failure. %d batches.', num_success, num_failure, num_batches) def subscribe_file(self, site, lfile): """ Make a file subscription at a site. @param site Site object @param lfile File object """ LOG.debug('Subscribing %s to %s', lfile.lfn, self._subscribe(site, lfile, 0) def desubscribe_file(self, site, lfile): """ Book deletion of a file at a site. @param site Site object @param lfile File object """ LOG.debug('Desubscribing %s from %s', lfile.lfn, self._subscribe(site, lfile, 1) def cancel_subscription(self, site = None, lfile = None, sub_id = None): sql = 'UPDATE `file_subscriptions` SET `status` = \'cancelled\' WHERE ' if sub_id is None: if site is None or lfile is None: raise OperationalError('site and lfile must be non-None.') sql += '`file_id` = %s AND `site_id` = %s' if not self._read_only: self.db.query(sql,, else: sql += '`id` = %s' if not self._read_only: self.db.query(sql, sub_id) def cancel_desubscription(self, site = None, lfile = None, sub_id = None): self.cancel_subscription(site = site, lfile = lfile, sub_id = sub_id) def convert_pre_subscriptions(self, inventory): sql = 'SELECT `id`, `file_name`, `site_name`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`created`), `delete` FROM `file_pre_subscriptions`' sids = [] for sid, lfn, site_name, created, delete in self.db.query(sql): lfile = inventory.find_file(lfn) if lfile is None or == 0: continue try: site = inventory.sites[site_name] except KeyError: continue if == 0: continue sids.append(sid) self._subscribe(site, lfile, delete, created = created) if not self._read_only: self.db.lock_tables(write = ['file_pre_subscriptions']) self.db.delete_many('file_pre_subscriptions', 'id', sids) if self.db.query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `file_pre_subscriptions`')[0] == 0: self.db.query('ALTER TABLE `file_pre_subscriptions` AUTO_INCREMENT = 1') self.db.unlock_tables() def get_subscriptions(self, inventory, op = None, status = None): """ Return a list containing Subscription and Desubscription objects ordered by the id. @param inventory Dynamo inventory @param op If set to 'transfer' or 'deletion', limit to the operation type. @param status If not None, set to list of status strings to limit the query. """ # First convert all pre-subscriptions self.convert_pre_subscriptions(inventory) subscriptions = [] get_all = 'SELECT u.`id`, u.`status`, u.`delete`, f.`block_id`, f.`name`, s.`name`, u.`hold_reason` FROM `file_subscriptions` AS u' get_all += ' INNER JOIN `files` AS f ON f.`id` = u.`file_id`' get_all += ' INNER JOIN `sites` AS s ON s.`id` = u.`site_id`' constraints = [] if op == 'transfer': constraints.append('u.`delete` = 0') elif op == 'deletion': constraints.append('u.`delete` = 1') if status is not None: constraints.append('u.`status` IN ' + MySQL.stringify_sequence(status)) if len(constraints) != 0: get_all += ' WHERE ' + ' AND '.join(constraints) get_all += ' ORDER BY s.`id`, f.`block_id`' get_tried_sites = 'SELECT s.`name`, f.`exitcode` FROM `failed_transfers` AS f' get_tried_sites += ' INNER JOIN `sites` AS s ON s.`id` = f.`source_id`' get_tried_sites += ' WHERE f.`subscription_id` = %s' _destination_name = '' _block_id = -1 no_source = [] all_failed = [] to_done = [] COPY = 0 DELETE = 1 for row in self.db.query(get_all): sub_id, st, optype, block_id, file_name, site_name, hold_reason = row if site_name != _destination_name: _destination_name = site_name try: destination = inventory.sites[site_name] except KeyError: # Site disappeared from the inventory - weird but can happen! destination = None _block_id = -1 if destination is None: continue if block_id != _block_id: lfile = inventory.find_file(file_name) if lfile is None: # Dataset, block, or file was deleted from the inventory earlier in this process (deletion not reflected in the inventory store yet) continue _block_id = block_id block = lfile.block dest_replica = block.find_replica(destination) else: lfile = block.find_file(file_name) if lfile is None: # Dataset, block, or file was deleted from the inventory earlier in this process (deletion not reflected in the inventory store yet) continue if dest_replica is None and st != 'cancelled': LOG.debug('Destination replica for %s does not exist. Canceling the subscription.', file_name) # Replica was invalidated sql = 'UPDATE `file_subscriptions` SET `status` = \'cancelled\'' sql += ' WHERE `id` = %s' if not self._read_only: self.db.query(sql, sub_id) if status is not None and 'cancelled' not in status: # We are not asked to return cancelled subscriptions continue st = 'cancelled' if optype == COPY: disk_sources = None tape_sources = None failed_sources = None if st not in ('done', 'held', 'cancelled'): if dest_replica.has_file(lfile): LOG.debug('%s already exists at %s', file_name, site_name) to_done.append(sub_id) st = 'done' else: disk_sources = [] tape_sources = [] for replica in block.replicas: if == destination or != Site.STAT_READY: continue if replica.has_file(lfile): if == Site.TYPE_DISK: disk_sources.append( elif == Site.TYPE_MSS: tape_sources.append( if len(disk_sources) + len(tape_sources) == 0: LOG.warning('Transfer of %s to %s has no source.', file_name, site_name) no_source.append(sub_id) st = 'held' if st == 'retry': failed_sources = {} for source_name, exitcode in self.db.query(get_tried_sites, sub_id): try: source = inventory.sites[source_name] except KeyError: # this site may have been deleted in this process continue try: failed_sources[source].append(exitcode) except KeyError: if source not in disk_sources and source not in tape_sources: # this is not a source site any more continue failed_sources[source] = [exitcode] if len(failed_sources) == len(disk_sources) + len(tape_sources): # transfers from all sites failed at least once for codes in failed_sources.itervalues(): if codes[-1] not in irrecoverable_errors: # This site failed for a recoverable reason break else: # last failure from all sites due to irrecoverable errors LOG.warning('Transfer of %s to %s failed from all sites.', file_name, site_name) all_failed.append(sub_id) st = 'held' # st value may have changed - filter again if status is None or st in status: subscription = RLFSM.Subscription(sub_id, st, lfile, destination, disk_sources, tape_sources, failed_sources, hold_reason) subscriptions.append(subscription) elif optype == DELETE: if st not in ('done', 'held', 'cancelled') and not dest_replica.has_file(lfile): LOG.debug('%s is already gone from %s', file_name, site_name) to_done.append(sub_id) st = 'done' if status is None or st in status: desubscription = RLFSM.Desubscription(sub_id, st, lfile, destination) subscriptions.append(desubscription) if len(to_done) + len(no_source) + len(all_failed) != 0: msg = 'Subscriptions terminated directly: %d done' % len(to_done) if len(no_source) != 0: msg += ', %d held with reason "no_source"' % len(no_source) if len(all_failed) != 0: msg += ', %d held with reason "all_failed"' % len(all_failed) if not self._read_only: self.db.execute_many('UPDATE `file_subscriptions` SET `status` = \'done\', `last_update` = NOW()', 'id', to_done) self.db.execute_many('UPDATE `file_subscriptions` SET `status` = \'held\', `hold_reason` = \'no_source\', `last_update` = NOW()', 'id', no_source) self.db.execute_many('UPDATE `file_subscriptions` SET `status` = \'held\', `hold_reason` = \'all_failed\', `last_update` = NOW()', 'id', all_failed) # Clean up subscriptions for deleted files / sites sql = 'DELETE FROM u USING `file_subscriptions` AS u' sql += ' LEFT JOIN `files` AS f ON f.`id` = u.`file_id`' sql += ' LEFT JOIN `sites` AS s ON s.`id` = u.`site_id`' sql += ' WHERE f.`name` IS NULL OR s.`name` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) sql = 'DELETE FROM f USING `failed_transfers` AS f' sql += ' LEFT JOIN `file_subscriptions` AS u ON u.`id` = f.`subscription_id`' sql += ' WHERE u.`id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) return subscriptions def close_subscriptions(self, done_ids): """ Get subscription completion acknowledgments. """ if not self._read_only: self.db.delete_many('file_subscriptions', 'id', done_ids) def release_subscription(self, subscription): """ Clear failed transfers list and set the subscription status to retry. """ if subscription.status != 'held': return if self._read_only: return self.db.query('DELETE FROM `failed_transfers` WHERE `subscription_id` = %s', self.db.query('UPDATE `file_subscriptions` SET `status` = \'retry\' WHERE `id` = %s', def _run_cycle(self, inventory): while True: if self.cycle_stop.is_set(): break LOG.debug('Checking and executing new file transfer subscriptions.') self.transfer_files(inventory) if self.cycle_stop.is_set(): break LOG.debug('Checking and executing new file deletion subscriptions.') self.delete_files(inventory) is_set = self.cycle_stop.wait(30) if is_set: # is true if in Python 2.7 and the flag is set break def _cleanup(self): if self._read_only: return # Make the tables consistent in case the previous cycles was terminated prematurely # There should not be tasks with subscription status new sql = 'DELETE FROM t USING `transfer_tasks` AS t' sql += ' INNER JOIN `file_subscriptions` AS u ON u.`id` = t.`subscription_id`' sql += ' WHERE u.`status` IN (\'new\', \'retry\')' self.db.query(sql) sql = 'DELETE FROM t USING `deletion_tasks` AS t' sql += ' INNER JOIN `file_subscriptions` AS u ON u.`id` = t.`subscription_id`' sql += ' WHERE u.`status` IN (\'new\', \'retry\')' self.db.query(sql) # There should not be batches with no tasks sql = 'DELETE FROM b USING `transfer_batches` AS b LEFT JOIN `transfer_tasks` AS t ON t.`batch_id` = b.`id` WHERE t.`batch_id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) sql = 'DELETE FROM b USING `deletion_batches` AS b LEFT JOIN `deletion_tasks` AS t ON t.`batch_id` = b.`id` WHERE t.`batch_id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) # and tasks with no batches sql = 'DELETE FROM t USING `transfer_tasks` AS t LEFT JOIN `transfer_batches` AS b ON b.`id` = t.`batch_id` WHERE b.`id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) sql = 'DELETE FROM t USING `deletion_tasks` AS t LEFT JOIN `deletion_batches` AS b ON b.`id` = t.`batch_id` WHERE b.`id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) # Cleanup the plugins (might delete tasks) for _, op in self.transfer_operations: op.cleanup() if self.deletion_operations is not self.transfer_operations: for _, op in self.deletion_operations: op.cleanup() # Reset inbatch subscriptions with no task to new state sql = 'UPDATE `file_subscriptions` SET `status` = \'new\' WHERE `status` = \'inbatch\' AND `id` NOT IN (SELECT `subscription_id` FROM `transfer_tasks`) AND `id` NOT IN (SELECT `subscription_id` FROM `deletion_tasks`)' self.db.query(sql) # Delete canceled subscriptions with no task (ones with task need to be archived in update_status) sql = 'DELETE FROM u USING `file_subscriptions` AS u LEFT JOIN `transfer_tasks` AS t ON t.`subscription_id` = u.`id` WHERE u.`delete` = 0 AND u.`status` = \'cancelled\' AND t.`id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) sql = 'DELETE FROM u USING `file_subscriptions` AS u LEFT JOIN `deletion_tasks` AS t ON t.`subscription_id` = u.`id` WHERE u.`delete` = 1 AND u.`status` = \'cancelled\' AND t.`id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) # Delete failed transfers with no subscription sql = 'DELETE FROM f USING `failed_transfers` AS f LEFT JOIN `file_subscriptions` AS u ON u.`id` = f.`subscription_id` WHERE u.`id` IS NULL' self.db.query(sql) def _subscribe(self, site, lfile, delete, created = None): opp_op = 0 if delete == 1 else 1 now = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if created is None: created = now else: created = datetime.datetime(*time.localtime(created)[:6]) if == 0 or == 0: # file is not registered in inventory store yet; update the presubscription if not self._read_only: fields = ('file_name', 'site_name', 'created', 'delete') self.db.insert_update('file_pre_subscriptions', fields, lfile.lfn,, now, delete, update_columns = ('delete',)) return if not self._read_only: self.db.lock_tables(write = ['file_subscriptions']) try: sql = 'UPDATE `file_subscriptions` SET `status` = \'cancelled\'' sql += ' WHERE `file_id` = %s AND `site_id` = %s AND `delete` = %s' sql += ' AND `status` IN (\'new\', \'inbatch\', \'retry\', \'held\')' if not self._read_only: self.db.query(sql,,, opp_op) fields = ('file_id', 'site_id', 'status', 'delete', 'created', 'last_update') if not self._read_only: self.db.insert_update('file_subscriptions', fields,,, 'new', delete, now, now, update_columns = ('status', 'last_update')) finally: if not self._read_only: self.db.unlock_tables() def _get_cancelled_tasks(self, optype): if optype == 'transfer': delete = 0 else: delete = 1 sql = 'SELECT q.`id` FROM `{op}_tasks` AS q'.format(op = optype) sql += ' INNER JOIN `file_subscriptions` AS u ON u.`id` = q.`subscription_id`' sql += ' WHERE u.`status` = \'cancelled\' AND u.`delete` = %d' % delete return self.db.query(sql) def _update_status(self, optype): if optype == 'transfer': site_columns = 'ss.`name`, sd.`name`' site_joins = ' INNER JOIN `sites` AS ss ON ss.`id` = q.`source_id`' site_joins += ' INNER JOIN `sites` AS sd ON sd.`id` = u.`site_id`' else: site_columns = 's.`name`' site_joins = ' INNER JOIN `sites` AS s ON s.`id` = u.`site_id`' get_task_data = 'SELECT u.`id`, f.`name`, f.`size`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(q.`created`), ' + site_columns + ' FROM `{op}_tasks` AS q' get_task_data += ' INNER JOIN `file_subscriptions` AS u ON u.`id` = q.`subscription_id`' get_task_data += ' INNER JOIN `files` AS f ON f.`id` = u.`file_id`' get_task_data += site_joins get_task_data += ' WHERE q.`id` = %s' get_task_data = get_task_data.format(op = optype) if optype == 'transfer': history_table_name = 'file_transfers' history_site_fields = ('source_id', 'destination_id') else: history_table_name = 'file_deletions' history_site_fields = ('site_id',) history_fields = ('file_id', 'exitcode', 'message', 'batch_id', 'created', 'started', 'finished', 'completed') + history_site_fields if optype == 'transfer': insert_failure = 'INSERT INTO `failed_transfers` (`id`, `subscription_id`, `source_id`, `exitcode`)' insert_failure += ' SELECT `id`, `subscription_id`, `source_id`, %s FROM `transfer_tasks` WHERE `id` = %s' insert_failure += ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `id`=VALUES(`id`)' delete_failures = 'DELETE FROM `failed_transfers` WHERE `subscription_id` = %s' get_subscription_status = 'SELECT `status` FROM `file_subscriptions` WHERE `id` = %s' update_subscription = 'UPDATE `file_subscriptions` SET `status` = %s, `last_update` = NOW() WHERE `id` = %s' delete_subscription = 'DELETE FROM `file_subscriptions` WHERE `id` = %s' delete_task = 'DELETE FROM `{op}_tasks` WHERE `id` = %s'.format(op = optype) delete_batch = 'DELETE FROM `{op}_batches` WHERE `id` = %s'.format(op = optype) done_subscriptions = [] num_success = 0 num_failure = 0 num_cancelled = 0 # Collect completed tasks for batch_id in self.db.query('SELECT `id` FROM `{op}_batches`'.format(op = optype)): results = [] if optype == 'transfer': for _, query in self.transfer_queries: results = query.get_transfer_status(batch_id) if len(results) != 0: break else: for _, query in self.deletion_queries: results = query.get_deletion_status(batch_id) if len(results) != 0: break batch_complete = True for task_id, status, exitcode, message, start_time, finish_time in results: # start_time and finish_time can be None LOG.debug('%s result: %d %s %d %s %s', optype, task_id, FileQuery.status_name(status), exitcode, start_time, finish_time) if status == FileQuery.STAT_DONE: num_success += 1 elif status == FileQuery.STAT_FAILED: num_failure += 1 elif status == FileQuery.STAT_CANCELLED: num_cancelled += 1 else: batch_complete = False continue try: task_data = self.db.query(get_task_data, task_id)[0] except IndexError: LOG.warning('%s task %d got lost.', optype, task_id) if optype == 'transfer': query.forget_transfer_status(task_id) else: query.forget_deletion_status(task_id) if not self._read_only: self.db.query(delete_task, task_id) continue subscription_id, lfn, size, create_time = task_data[:4] if optype == 'transfer': source_name, dest_name = task_data[4:] history_site_ids = ( self.history_db.save_sites([source_name], get_ids = True)[0], self.history_db.save_sites([dest_name], get_ids = True)[0] ) else: site_name = task_data[4] history_site_ids = (self.history_db.save_sites([site_name], get_ids = True)[0],) file_id = self.history_db.save_files([(lfn, size)], get_ids = True)[0] if start_time is None: sql_start_time = None else: sql_start_time = datetime.datetime(*time.localtime(start_time)[:6]) if finish_time is None: sql_finish_time = None else: sql_finish_time = datetime.datetime(*time.localtime(finish_time)[:6]) values = (file_id, exitcode, message, batch_id, datetime.datetime(*time.localtime(create_time)[:6]), sql_start_time, sql_finish_time, MySQL.bare('NOW()')) + history_site_ids if optype == 'transfer': LOG.debug('Archiving transfer of %s from %s to %s (exitcode %d)', lfn, source_name, dest_name, exitcode) else: LOG.debug('Archiving deletion of %s at %s (exitcode %d)', lfn, site_name, exitcode) if self._read_only: history_id = 0 else: history_id = self.history_db.db.insert_get_id(history_table_name, history_fields, values) if optype == 'transfer': query.write_transfer_history(self.history_db, task_id, history_id) else: query.write_deletion_history(self.history_db, task_id, history_id) # We check the subscription status and update accordingly. Need to lock the tables. if not self._read_only: self.db.lock_tables(write = ['file_subscriptions']) try: subscription_status = self.db.query(get_subscription_status, subscription_id)[0] if subscription_status == 'inbatch': if status == FileQuery.STAT_DONE: LOG.debug('Subscription %d done.', subscription_id) if not self._read_only: self.db.query(update_subscription, 'done', subscription_id) elif status == FileQuery.STAT_FAILED: LOG.debug('Subscription %d failed (exit code %d). Flagging retry.', subscription_id, exitcode) if not self._read_only: self.db.query(update_subscription, 'retry', subscription_id) elif subscription_status == 'cancelled': # subscription is cancelled and task terminated -> delete the subscription now, irrespective of the task status LOG.debug('Subscription %d is cancelled.', subscription_id) if not self._read_only: self.db.query(delete_subscription, subscription_id) finally: if not self._read_only: self.db.unlock_tables() if not self._read_only: if optype == 'transfer': if subscription_status == 'cancelled' or (subscription_status == 'inbatch' and status == FileQuery.STAT_DONE): # Delete entries from failed_transfers table self.db.query(delete_failures, subscription_id) elif subscription_status == 'inbatch' and status == FileQuery.STAT_FAILED: # Insert entry to failed_transfers table self.db.query(insert_failure, exitcode, task_id) self.db.query(delete_task, task_id) if status == FileQuery.STAT_DONE: done_subscriptions.append(subscription_id) if optype == 'transfer': query.forget_transfer_status(task_id) else: query.forget_deletion_status(task_id) if self.cycle_stop.is_set(): break if batch_complete: if not self._read_only: self.db.query(delete_batch, batch_id) if optype == 'transfer': query.forget_transfer_batch(batch_id) else: query.forget_deletion_batch(batch_id) if num_success + num_failure + num_cancelled != 0:'Archived file %s: %d succeeded, %d failed, %d cancelled.', optype, num_success, num_failure, num_cancelled) else: LOG.debug('Archived file %s: %d succeeded, %d failed, %d cancelled.', optype, num_success, num_failure, num_cancelled) return done_subscriptions def _select_source(self, subscriptions): """ Intelligently select the best source for each subscription. @param subscriptions List of Subscription objects @return List of TransferTask objects """ def find_site_to_try(sources, failed_sources): not_tried = set(sources) if failed_sources is not None: not_tried -= set(failed_sources.iterkeys()) LOG.debug('%d sites not tried', len(not_tried)) if len(not_tried) == 0: if failed_sources is None: return None # we've tried all sites. Did any of them fail with a recoverable error? sites_to_retry = [] for site, codes in failed_sources.iteritems(): if site not in sources: continue if codes[-1] not in irrecoverable_errors: sites_to_retry.append(site) if len(sites_to_retry) == 0: return None else: # select the least failed site by_failure = sorted(sites_to_retry, key = lambda s: len(failed_sources[s])) LOG.debug('%s has the least failures', by_failure[0].name) return by_failure[0] else: LOG.debug('Selecting randomly') return random.choice(list(not_tried)) tasks = [] for subscription in subscriptions: LOG.debug('Selecting a disk source for subscription %d (%s to %s)',, subscription.file.lfn, source = find_site_to_try(subscription.disk_sources, subscription.failed_sources) if source is None: LOG.debug('Selecting a tape source for subscription %d', source = find_site_to_try(subscription.tape_sources, subscription.failed_sources) if source is None: # If both disk and tape failed irrecoveably, the subscription must be placed in held queue in get_subscriptions. # Reaching this line means something is wrong. LOG.warning('Could not find a source for transfer of %s to %s from %d disk and %d tape candidates.', subscription.file.lfn,, len(subscription.disk_sources), len(subscription.tape_sources)) continue tasks.append(RLFSM.TransferTask(subscription, source)) return tasks def _start_transfers(self, transfer_operation, tasks): # start the transfer of tasks. If batch submission fails, make progressively smaller batches until failing tasks are identified. if self._read_only: batch_id = 0 else: self.db.query('INSERT INTO `transfer_batches` (`id`) VALUES (0)') batch_id = self.db.last_insert_id LOG.debug('New transfer batch %d for %d files.', batch_id, len(tasks)) # local time now = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # need to create the transfer tasks first to have ids assigned fields = ('subscription_id', 'source_id', 'batch_id', 'created') mapping = lambda t: (,, batch_id, now) if not self._read_only: self.db.insert_many('transfer_tasks', fields, mapping, tasks) # set the task ids tasks_by_sub = dict((, t) for t in tasks) for task_id, subscription_id in self.db.xquery('SELECT `id`, `subscription_id` FROM `transfer_tasks` WHERE `batch_id` = %s', batch_id): tasks_by_sub[subscription_id].id = task_id result = transfer_operation.start_transfers(batch_id, tasks) successful = [task for task, success in result.iteritems() if success] if not self._read_only: self.db.execute_many('UPDATE `file_subscriptions` SET `status` = \'inbatch\', `last_update` = NOW()', 'id', [ for t in successful]) if len(successful) != len(result): failed = [task for task, success in result.iteritems() if not success] for task in failed: LOG.error('Cannot issue transfer of %s from %s to %s', task.subscription.file.lfn,, failed_ids = [ for t in failed] sql = 'INSERT INTO `failed_transfers` (`id`, `subscription_id`, `source_id`, `exitcode`)' sql += ' SELECT `id`, `subscription_id`, `source_id`, -1 FROM `transfer_tasks`' self.db.execute_many(sql, 'id', failed_ids) self.db.delete_many('transfer_tasks', 'id', failed_ids) self.db.execute_many('UPDATE `file_subscriptions` SET `status` = \'retry\', `last_update` = NOW()', 'id', [ for t in failed]) return len(successful), len(result) - len(successful) def _start_deletions(self, deletion_operation, tasks): if self._read_only: batch_id = 0 else: self.db.query('INSERT INTO `deletion_batches` (`id`) VALUES (0)') batch_id = self.db.last_insert_id # local time now = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') fields = ('subscription_id', 'batch_id', 'created') mapping = lambda t: (, batch_id, now) if not self._read_only: self.db.insert_many('deletion_tasks', fields, mapping, tasks) # set the task ids tasks_by_sub = dict((, t) for t in tasks) for task_id, desubscription_id in self.db.xquery('SELECT `id`, `subscription_id` FROM `deletion_tasks` WHERE `batch_id` = %s', batch_id): tasks_by_sub[desubscription_id].id = task_id result = deletion_operation.start_deletions(batch_id, tasks) successful = [task for task, success in result.iteritems() if success] if not self._read_only: self.db.execute_many('UPDATE `file_subscriptions` SET `status` = \'inbatch\', `last_update` = NOW()', 'id', [ for t in successful]) if len(successful) != len(result): failed = [task for task, success in result.iteritems() if not success] for task in failed: LOG.error('Cannot delete %s at %s', task.desubscription.file.lfn, self.db.delete_many('deletion_tasks', 'id', [ for t in failed]) self.db.execute_many('UPDATE `file_subscriptions` SET `status` = \'held\', `last_update` = NOW()', 'id', [ for t in failed]) return len(successful), len(result) - len(successful) def _set_dirclean_candidates(self, subscription_ids, inventory): site_dirs = {} # Clean up directories of completed subscriptions sql = 'SELECT s.`name`, f.`name` FROM `file_subscriptions` AS u' sql += ' INNER JOIN `files` AS f ON f.`id` = u.`file_id`' sql += ' INNER JOIN `sites` AS s ON s.`id` = u.`site_id`' for site_name, file_name in self.db.execute_many(sql, 'u.`id`', subscription_ids): try: site = inventory.sites[site_name] except KeyError: continue try: dirs = site_dirs[site] except KeyError: dirs = site_dirs[site] = set() dirs.add(os.path.dirname(file_name)) def get_entry(): for site, dirs in site_dirs.iteritems(): for directory in dirs: yield, directory fields = ('site_id', 'directory') if not self._read_only: self.db.insert_many('directory_cleaning_tasks', fields, None, get_entry(), do_update = True)
import pandas as pd from dynamo.dataformat import Configuration from dynamo.utils.interface.mysql import MySQL from plotly.offline import download_plotlyjs, init_notebook_mode, plot, iplot # # # # # # # # # Query part # # # # # # # # # nowtime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(time.time())).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # Dynamo database: inbatch dynamo = MySQL(Configuration(db = 'dynamo', user = '******', passwd = 'putpasswordhere')) sites = dynamo.xquery('SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `sites`') sitesdict = {} for ide, name in sites: sitesdict[ide] = name transfers = dynamo.xquery('SELECT tt.`source_id`, fs.`site_id`, f.`size` FROM `transfer_tasks` AS tt INNER JOIN file_subscriptions AS fs ON fs.`id` = tt.`subscription_id` INNER JOIN files as f on f.`id` = fs.`file_id` WHERE fs.`status`="inbatch" and fs.`delete`=0') # Dynamo history database: exitcode dynamohistory = MySQL(Configuration(db = 'dynamohistory', user = '******', passwd = 'putpasswordhere')) historysites = dynamohistory.xquery('SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `sites`') historysitesdict = {} for ide, name in historysites: historysitesdict[ide] = name historyxfers = dynamohistory.xquery('SELECT `source_id`, `destination_id`, `exitcode` FROM `file_transfers` WHERE `source_id` != 0 AND `completed` > NOW() - INTERVAL 7 DAY')
class MySQLHistory(TransactionHistoryInterface): """ Transaction history interface implementation using MySQL as the backend. """ def __init__(self, config): TransactionHistoryInterface.__init__(self, config) self._mysql = MySQL(config.db_params) self._cache_db = MySQL(config.cache_db_params) self._site_id_map = {} self._dataset_id_map = {} def _do_acquire_lock(self, blocking): #override while True: # Use the system table to "software-lock" the database self._mysql.query('LOCK TABLES `lock` WRITE') self._mysql.query( 'UPDATE `lock` SET `lock_host` = %s, `lock_process` = %s WHERE `lock_host` LIKE \'\' AND `lock_process` = 0', socket.gethostname(), os.getpid()) # Did the update go through? host, pid = self._mysql.query( 'SELECT `lock_host`, `lock_process` FROM `lock`')[0] self._mysql.query('UNLOCK TABLES') if host == socket.gethostname() and pid == os.getpid(): # The database is locked. break if blocking: LOG.warning('Failed to lock database. Waiting 30 seconds..') time.sleep(30) else: LOG.warning('Failed to lock database.') return False return True def _do_release_lock(self, force): #override self._mysql.query('LOCK TABLES `lock` WRITE') if force: self._mysql.query( 'UPDATE `lock` SET `lock_host` = \'\', `lock_process` = 0') else: self._mysql.query( 'UPDATE `lock` SET `lock_host` = \'\', `lock_process` = 0 WHERE `lock_host` LIKE %s AND `lock_process` = %s', socket.gethostname(), os.getpid()) # Did the update go through? host, pid = self._mysql.query( 'SELECT `lock_host`, `lock_process` FROM `lock`')[0] self._mysql.query('UNLOCK TABLES') if host != '' or pid != 0: raise RuntimeError('Failed to release lock from ' + socket.gethostname() + ':' + str(os.getpid())) def _do_new_run(self, operation, partition, policy_version, comment): #override part_ids = self._mysql.query( 'SELECT `id` FROM `partitions` WHERE `name` LIKE %s', partition) if len(part_ids) == 0: part_id = self._mysql.query( 'INSERT INTO `partitions` (`name`) VALUES (%s)', partition) else: part_id = part_ids[0] if operation == HistoryRecord.OP_COPY: if self.config.get('test', False): operation_str = 'copy_test' else: operation_str = 'copy' else: if self.config.get('test', False): operation_str = 'deletion_test' else: operation_str = 'deletion' return self._mysql.query( 'INSERT INTO `runs` (`operation`, `partition_id`, `policy_version`, `comment`, `time_start`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, NOW())', operation_str, part_id, policy_version, comment) def _do_close_run(self, operation, run_number): #override self._mysql.query( 'UPDATE `runs` SET `time_end` = FROM_UNIXTIME(%s) WHERE `id` = %s', time.time(), run_number) def _do_make_copy_entry(self, run_number, site, operation_id, approved, dataset_list, size): #override """ Site and datasets are expected to be already in the database. """ if len(self._site_id_map) == 0: self._make_site_id_map() if len(self._dataset_id_map) == 0: self._make_dataset_id_map() self._mysql.query( 'INSERT INTO `copy_requests` (`id`, `run_id`, `timestamp`, `approved`, `site_id`, `size`) VALUES (%s, %s, NOW(), %s, %s, %s)', operation_id, run_number, approved, self._site_id_map[], size) self._mysql.insert_many( 'copied_replicas', ('copy_id', 'dataset_id'), lambda d: (operation_id, self._dataset_id_map[]), dataset_list) def _do_make_deletion_entry(self, run_number, site, operation_id, approved, datasets, size): #override """ site and dataset are expected to be already in the database (save_deletion_decisions should be called first). """ site_id = self._mysql.query( 'SELECT `id` FROM `sites` WHERE `name` LIKE %s',[0] dataset_ids = self._mysql.select_many('datasets', ('id', ), 'name', ( for d in datasets)) self._mysql.query( 'INSERT INTO `deletion_requests` (`id`, `run_id`, `timestamp`, `approved`, `site_id`, `size`) VALUES (%s, %s, NOW(), %s, %s, %s)', operation_id, run_number, approved, site_id, size) self._mysql.insert_many('deleted_replicas', ('deletion_id', 'dataset_id'), lambda did: (operation_id, did), dataset_ids) def _do_update_copy_entry(self, copy_record): #override self._mysql.query( 'UPDATE `copy_requests` SET `approved` = %s, `size` = %s, `completed` = %s WHERE `id` = %s', copy_record.approved, copy_record.size, copy_record.completed, copy_record.operation_id) def _do_update_deletion_entry(self, deletion_record): #override self._mysql.query( 'UPDATE `deletion_requests` SET `approved` = %s, `size` = %s WHERE `id` = %s', deletion_record.approved, deletion_record.size, deletion_record.operation_id) def _do_save_sites(self, sites): #override if len(self._site_id_map) == 0: self._make_site_id_map() names_to_sites = dict((, s) for s in sites) sites_to_insert = [] for site_name in names_to_sites.iterkeys(): if site_name not in self._site_id_map: sites_to_insert.append(site_name) if len(sites_to_insert) != 0: self._mysql.insert_many('sites', ('name', ), None, sites_to_insert) self._make_site_id_map() def _do_get_sites(self, run_number): #override self._fill_snapshot_cache('sites', run_number) table_name = 'sites_%d' % run_number sql = 'SELECT s.`name`, n.`status`, n.`quota` FROM `%s`.`%s` AS n' % ( self._cache_db.db_name(), table_name) sql += ' INNER JOIN `%s`.`sites` AS s ON s.`id` = n.`site_id`' % self._mysql.db_name( ) sites_dict = {} for site_name, status, quota in self._mysql.xquery(sql): sites_dict[site_name] = (status, quota) return sites_dict def _do_save_datasets(self, datasets): #override if len(self._dataset_id_map) == 0: self._make_dataset_id_map() datasets_to_insert = set( for d in datasets) - set( self._dataset_id_map.iterkeys()) if len(datasets_to_insert) == 0: return self._mysql.insert_many('datasets', ('name', ), None, datasets_to_insert) self._make_dataset_id_map() def _do_save_conditions(self, policy_lines): #ovrride for line in policy_lines: text = re.sub('\s+', ' ', line.condition.text) ids = self._mysql.query( 'SELECT `id` FROM `policy_conditions` WHERE `text` = %s', text) if len(ids) == 0: line.condition_id = self._mysql.query( 'INSERT INTO `policy_conditions` (`text`) VALUES (%s)', text) else: line.condition_id = ids[0] def _do_save_copy_decisions(self, run_number, copies): #override pass def _do_save_deletion_decisions(self, run_number, deleted_list, kept_list, protected_list): #override if len(self._site_id_map) == 0: self._make_site_id_map() if len(self._dataset_id_map) == 0: self._make_dataset_id_map() if type(run_number) is int: # Saving deletion decisions of a cycle db_file_name = '%s/snapshot_%09d.db' % ( self.config.snapshots_spool_dir, run_number) else: # run_number is actually the partition name db_file_name = '%s/snapshot_%s.db' % ( self.config.snapshots_spool_dir, run_number) try: os.makedirs(self.config.snapshots_spool_dir) os.chmod(self.config.snapshots_spool_dir, 0777) except OSError: pass if os.path.exists(db_file_name): os.unlink(db_file_name)'Creating snapshot SQLite3 DB %s', db_file_name) # hardcoded!! replica_delete = 1 replica_keep = 2 replica_protect = 3 snapshot_db = sqlite3.connect(db_file_name) snapshot_cursor = snapshot_db.cursor() sql = 'CREATE TABLE `decisions` (' sql += '`id` TINYINT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,' sql += '`value` TEXT NOT NULL' sql += ')' snapshot_db.execute(sql) snapshot_db.execute('INSERT INTO `decisions` VALUES (%d, \'delete\')' % replica_delete) snapshot_db.execute('INSERT INTO `decisions` VALUES (%d, \'keep\')' % replica_keep) snapshot_db.execute( 'INSERT INTO `decisions` VALUES (%d, \'protect\')' % replica_protect) sql = 'CREATE TABLE `replicas` (' sql += '`site_id` SMALLINT NOT NULL,' sql += '`dataset_id` INT NOT NULL,' sql += '`size` BIGINT NOT NULL,' sql += '`decision_id` TINYINT NOT NULL REFERENCES `decisions`(`id`),' sql += '`condition` MEDIUMINT NOT NULL' sql += ')' snapshot_db.execute(sql) snapshot_db.execute( 'CREATE INDEX `site_dataset` ON `replicas` (`site_id`, `dataset_id`)' ) sql = 'INSERT INTO `replicas` VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' def do_insert(entries, decision): for replica, matches in entries.iteritems(): site_id = self._site_id_map[] dataset_id = self._dataset_id_map[] for condition_id, block_replicas in matches.iteritems(): size = sum(r.size for r in block_replicas) snapshot_cursor.execute( sql, (site_id, dataset_id, size, decision, condition_id)) snapshot_db.commit() do_insert(deleted_list, replica_delete) do_insert(kept_list, replica_keep) do_insert(protected_list, replica_protect) snapshot_cursor.close() snapshot_db.close() os.chmod(db_file_name, 0666) self._fill_snapshot_cache('replicas', run_number, overwrite=True) def _do_save_quotas(self, run_number, quotas): #override # Will save quotas and statuses if len(self._site_id_map) == 0: self._make_site_id_map() if type(run_number) is int: db_file_name = '%s/snapshot_%09d.db' % ( self.config.snapshots_spool_dir, run_number) else: # run_number is actually the partition name db_file_name = '%s/snapshot_%s.db' % ( self.config.snapshots_spool_dir, run_number) # DB file should exist already - this function is called after save_deletion_decisions snapshot_db = sqlite3.connect(db_file_name) snapshot_cursor = snapshot_db.cursor() sql = 'CREATE TABLE `statuses` (' sql += '`id` TINYINT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,' sql += '`value` TEXT NOT NULL' sql += ')' snapshot_db.execute(sql) snapshot_db.execute('INSERT INTO `statuses` VALUES (%d, \'ready\')' % Site.STAT_READY) snapshot_db.execute( 'INSERT INTO `statuses` VALUES (%d, \'waitroom\')' % Site.STAT_WAITROOM) snapshot_db.execute('INSERT INTO `statuses` VALUES (%d, \'morgue\')' % Site.STAT_MORGUE) snapshot_db.execute('INSERT INTO `statuses` VALUES (%d, \'unknown\')' % Site.STAT_UNKNOWN) sql = 'CREATE TABLE `sites` (' sql += '`site_id` SMALLINT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,' sql += '`status_id` TINYINT NOT NULL REFERENCES `statuses`(`id`),' sql += '`quota` INT NOT NULL' sql += ')' snapshot_db.execute(sql) sql = 'INSERT INTO `sites` VALUES (?, ?, ?)' for site, quota in quotas.iteritems(): snapshot_cursor.execute( sql, (self._site_id_map[], site.status, quota)) snapshot_db.commit() snapshot_cursor.close() snapshot_db.close() self._fill_snapshot_cache('sites', run_number, overwrite=True) if type(run_number) is int: # This was a numbered cycle # Archive the sqlite3 file # Relying on the fact save_quotas is called after save_deletion_decisions srun = '%09d' % run_number archive_dir_name = '%s/%s/%s' % (self.config.snapshots_archive_dir, srun[:3], srun[3:6]) xz_file_name = '%s/snapshot_%09d.db.xz' % (archive_dir_name, run_number) try: os.makedirs(archive_dir_name) except OSError: pass with open(db_file_name, 'rb') as db_file: with open(xz_file_name, 'wb') as xz_file: xz_file.write(lzma.compress( def _do_get_deletion_decisions(self, run_number, size_only): #override self._fill_snapshot_cache('replicas', run_number) table_name = 'replicas_%d' % run_number if size_only: # return {site_name: (protect_size, delete_size, keep_size)} volumes = {} sites = set() query = 'SELECT s.`name`, SUM(r.`size`) * 1.e-12 FROM `%s`.`%s` AS r' % ( self._cache_db.db_name(), table_name) query += ' INNER JOIN `%s`.`sites` AS s ON s.`id` = r.`site_id`' % self._mysql.db_name( ) query += ' WHERE r.`decision` LIKE %s' query += ' GROUP BY r.`site_id`' for decision in ['protect', 'delete', 'keep']: volumes[decision] = dict(self._mysql.xquery(query, decision)) sites.update(set(volumes[decision].iterkeys())) product = {} for site_name in sites: v = {} for decision in ['protect', 'delete', 'keep']: try: v[decision] = volumes[decision][site_name] except: v[decision] = 0 product[site_name] = (v['protect'], v['delete'], v['keep']) return product else: # return {site_name: [(dataset_name, size, decision, reason)]} query = 'SELECT s.`name`, d.`name`, r.`size`, r.`decision`, p.`text` FROM `%s`.`%s` AS r' % ( self._cache_db.db_name(), table_name) query += ' INNER JOIN `%s`.`sites` AS s ON s.`id` = r.`site_id`' % self._mysql.db_name( ) query += ' INNER JOIN `%s`.`datasets` AS d ON d.`id` = r.`dataset_id`' % self._mysql.db_name( ) query += ' INNER JOIN `%s`.`policy_conditions` AS p ON p.`id` = r.`condition`' % self._mysql.db_name( ) query += ' ORDER BY s.`name` ASC, r.`size` DESC' product = {} _site_name = '' for site_name, dataset_name, size, decision, reason in self._cache_db.xquery( query): if site_name != _site_name: product[site_name] = [] current = product[site_name] _site_name = site_name current.append((dataset_name, size, decision, reason)) return product def _do_save_dataset_popularity(self, run_number, datasets): #override if len(self._dataset_id_map) == 0: self._make_dataset_id_map() fields = ('run_id', 'dataset_id', 'popularity') mapping = lambda dataset: (run_number, self._dataset_id_map[], dataset.attr['request_weight'] if 'request_weight' in dataset.attr else 0.) self._mysql.insert_many('dataset_popularity_snapshots', fields, mapping, datasets) def _do_get_incomplete_copies(self, partition): #override query = 'SELECT h.`id`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(h.`timestamp`), h.`approved`, s.`name`, h.`size`' query += ' FROM `copy_requests` AS h' query += ' INNER JOIN `runs` AS r ON r.`id` = h.`run_id`' query += ' INNER JOIN `partitions` AS p ON p.`id` = r.`partition_id`' query += ' INNER JOIN `sites` AS s ON s.`id` = h.`site_id`' query += ' WHERE h.`id` > 0 AND p.`name` LIKE \'%s\' AND h.`completed` = 0 AND h.`run_id` > 0' % partition history_entries = self._mysql.xquery(query) id_to_record = {} for eid, timestamp, approved, site_name, size in history_entries: id_to_record[eid] = HistoryRecord(HistoryRecord.OP_COPY, eid, site_name, timestamp=timestamp, approved=approved, size=size) id_to_dataset = dict( self._mysql.xquery('SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `datasets`')) id_to_site = dict( self._mysql.xquery('SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `sites`')) replicas = self._mysql.select_many('copied_replicas', ('copy_id', 'dataset_id'), 'copy_id', id_to_record.iterkeys()) current_copy_id = 0 for copy_id, dataset_id in replicas: if copy_id != current_copy_id: record = id_to_record[copy_id] current_copy_id = copy_id record.replicas.append( HistoryRecord.CopiedReplica( dataset_name=id_to_dataset[dataset_id])) return id_to_record.values() def _do_get_copied_replicas(self, run_number): #override query = 'SELECT s.`name`, d.`name` FROM `copied_replicas` AS p' query += ' INNER JOIN `copy_requests` AS r ON r.`id` = p.`copy_id`' query += ' INNER JOIN `datasets` AS d ON d.`id` = p.`dataset_id`' query += ' INNER JOIN `sites` AS s ON s.`id` = r.`site_id`' query += ' WHERE r.`run_id` = %d' % run_number return self._mysql.query(query) def _do_get_site_name(self, operation_id): #override result = self._mysql.query( 'SELECT FROM `sites` AS s INNER JOIN `copy_requests` AS h ON h.`site_id` = s.`id` WHERE h.`id` = %s', operation_id) if len(result) != 0: return result[0] result = self._mysql.query( 'SELECT FROM `sites` AS s INNER JOIN `deletion_requests` AS h ON h.`site_id` = s.`id` WHERE h.`id` = %s', operation_id) if len(result) != 0: return result[0] return '' def _do_get_deletion_runs(self, partition, first, last): #override result = self._mysql.query( 'SELECT `id` FROM `partitions` WHERE `name` LIKE %s', partition) if len(result) == 0: return [] partition_id = result[0] sql = 'SELECT `id` FROM `runs` WHERE `partition_id` = %d AND `time_end` NOT LIKE \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\' AND `operation` IN (\'deletion\', \'deletion_test\')' % partition_id if first >= 0: sql += ' AND `id` >= %d' % first if last >= 0: sql += ' AND `id` <= %d' % last sql += ' ORDER BY `id` ASC' result = self._mysql.query(sql) if first < 0 and len(result) > 1: result = result[-1:] return result def _do_get_copy_runs(self, partition, first, last): #override result = self._mysql.query( 'SELECT `id` FROM `partitions` WHERE `name` LIKE %s', partition) if len(result) == 0: return [] partition_id = result[0] sql = 'SELECT `id` FROM `runs` WHERE `partition_id` = %d AND `time_end` NOT LIKE \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\' AND `operation` IN (\'copy\', \'copy_test\')' % partition_id if first >= 0: sql += ' AND `id` >= %d' % first if last >= 0: sql += ' AND `id` <= %d' % last sql += ' ORDER BY `id` ASC' if first < 0 and len(result) > 1: result = result[-1:] return result def _do_get_run_timestamp(self, run_number): #override result = self._mysql.query( 'SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`time_start`) FROM `runs` WHERE `id` = %s', run_number) if len(result) == 0: return 0 return result[0] def _do_get_next_test_id(self): #override copy_result = self._mysql.query( 'SELECT MIN(`id`) FROM `copy_requests`')[0] if copy_result == None: copy_result = 0 deletion_result = self._mysql.query( 'SELECT MIN(`id`) FROM `deletion_requests`')[0] if deletion_result == None: deletion_result = 0 return min(copy_result, deletion_result) - 1 def _make_site_id_map(self): self._site_id_map = {} for name, site_id in self._mysql.xquery( 'SELECT `name`, `id` FROM `sites`'): self._site_id_map[name] = int(site_id) def _make_dataset_id_map(self): self._dataset_id_map = {} for name, dataset_id in self._mysql.xquery( 'SELECT `name`, `id` FROM `datasets`'): self._dataset_id_map[name] = int(dataset_id) def _fill_snapshot_cache(self, template, run_number, overwrite=False): # run_number is either a cycle number or a partition name. %s works for both table_name = '%s_%s' % (template, run_number) sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `information_schema`.`TABLES` WHERE `TABLE_SCHEMA` = %s AND `TABLE_NAME` = %s' table_exists = (self._mysql.query(sql, self._cache_db.db_name(), table_name)[0] != 0) if overwrite or not table_exists: # fill from sqlite if table_exists: self._cache_db.query('TRUNCATE TABLE `%s`' % table_name) else: self._cache_db.query('CREATE TABLE `%s` LIKE `%s`' % (table_name, template)) if type(run_number) is int: db_file_name = '%s/snapshot_%09d.db' % ( self.config.snapshots_spool_dir, run_number) if not os.path.exists(db_file_name): srun = '%09d' % run_number xz_file_name = '%s/%s/%s/snapshot_%09d.db.xz' % ( self.config.snapshots_archive_dir, srun[:3], srun[3:6], run_number) if not os.path.exists(xz_file_name): raise RuntimeError('Snapshot DB ' + db_file_name + ' does not exist') with open(xz_file_name, 'rb') as xz_file: with open(db_file_name, 'wb') as db_file: db_file.write(lzma.decompress( else: db_file_name = '%s/snapshot_%s.db' % ( self.config.snapshots_spool_dir, run_number) if not os.path.exists(db_file_name): return snapshot_db = sqlite3.connect(db_file_name) snapshot_db.text_factory = str # otherwise we'll get unicode and MySQLdb cannot convert that snapshot_cursor = snapshot_db.cursor() def make_snapshot_reader(): if template == 'replicas': sql = 'SELECT r.`site_id`, r.`dataset_id`, r.`size`, d.`value`, r.`condition` FROM `replicas` AS r' sql += ' INNER JOIN `decisions` AS d ON d.`id` = r.`decision_id`' elif template == 'sites': sql = 'SELECT s.`site_id`, t.`value`, s.`quota` FROM `sites` AS s' sql += ' INNER JOIN `statuses` AS t ON t.`id` = s.`status_id`' snapshot_cursor.execute(sql) while True: row = snapshot_cursor.fetchone() if row is None: return yield row snapshot_reader = make_snapshot_reader() if template == 'replicas': fields = ('site_id', 'dataset_id', 'size', 'decision', 'condition') elif template == 'sites': fields = ('site_id', 'status', 'quota') self._cache_db.insert_many(table_name, fields, None, snapshot_reader, do_update=False) snapshot_cursor.close() snapshot_db.close() if type(run_number) is int: self._cache_db.query( 'INSERT INTO `{template}_snapshot_usage` VALUES (%s, NOW())'. format(template=template), run_number) # also save into the main cache table sql = 'SELECT p.`name` FROM `partitions` AS p INNER JOIN `runs` AS r ON r.`partition_id` = p.`id` WHERE r.`id` = %s' partition = self._mysql.query(sql, run_number)[0] self._fill_snapshot_cache(template, partition, overwrite) self._clean_old_cache() def _clean_old_cache(self): sql = 'SELECT `run_id` FROM (SELECT `run_id`, MAX(`timestamp`) AS m FROM `replicas_snapshot_usage` GROUP BY `run_id`) AS t WHERE m < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 WEEK)' old_replica_runs = self._cache_db.query(sql) for old_run in old_replica_runs: table_name = 'replicas_%d' % old_run self._cache_db.query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `%s`' % table_name) sql = 'SELECT `run_id` FROM (SELECT `run_id`, MAX(`timestamp`) AS m FROM `sites_snapshot_usage` GROUP BY `run_id`) AS t WHERE m < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 WEEK)' old_site_runs = self._cache_db.query(sql) for old_run in old_site_runs: table_name = 'sites_%d' % old_run self._cache_db.query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `%s`' % table_name) for old_run in set(old_replica_runs) & set(old_site_runs): srun = '%09d' % old_run db_file_name = '%s/snapshot_%09d.db' % ( self.config.snapshots_spool_dir, old_run) if os.path.exists(db_file_name): try: os.unlink(db_file_name) except: LOG.error('Failed to delete %s' % db_file_name) pass self._cache_db.query( 'DELETE FROM `replicas_snapshot_usage` WHERE `timestamp` < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 WEEK)' ) self._cache_db.query('OPTIMIZE TABLE `replicas_snapshot_usage`') self._cache_db.query( 'DELETE FROM `sites_snapshot_usage` WHERE `timestamp` < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 WEEK)' ) self._cache_db.query('OPTIMIZE TABLE `sites_snapshot_usage`')
class MySQLInventoryStore(InventoryStore): """InventoryStore with a MySQL backend.""" def __init__(self, config): InventoryStore.__init__(self, config) self._mysql = MySQL(config.db_params) def get_partition_names(self): return self._mysql.query('SELECT `name` FROM `partitions`') def get_group_names(self, include=['*'], exclude=[]): #override # Load groups group_names = [] names = self._mysql.xquery('SELECT `name` FROM `groups`') for name in names: for filt in include: if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, filt): break else: # no match continue for filt in exclude: if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, filt): break else: # no match group_names.append(name) return group_names def get_site_names(self, include=['*'], exclude=[]): #override # Load sites site_names = [] names = self._mysql.xquery('SELECT `name` FROM `sites`') for name in names: for filt in include: if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, filt): break else: # no match continue for filt in exclude: if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, filt): break else: # no match site_names.append(name) return site_names def get_dataset_names(self, include=['*'], exclude=[]): #override dataset_names = [] include_patterns = [] for pattern in include: sql = 'SELECT `name` FROM `datasets` WHERE `name` LIKE %s' names = self._mysql.xquery( sql, pattern.replace('*', '%').replace('?', '_')) for name in names: for filt in exclude: if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, filt): break else: # no match dataset_names.append(name) return dataset_names def get_files(self, block): if LOG.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG: LOG.debug('Loading files for block %s', block.full_name()) files = set() # assuming unique block names sql = 'SELECT f.`size`, f.`name` FROM `files` AS f' sql += ' INNER JOIN `blocks` AS b ON b.`id` = f.`block_id`' sql += ' WHERE b.`name` = %s' for size, name in self._mysql.xquery(sql, block.real_name()): files.add(File(name, block, size)) return files def load_data(self, inventory, group_names=None, site_names=None, dataset_names=None): #override ## Load groups'Loading groups.') # name constraints communicated between _load_* functions via load_tmp tables if self._mysql.table_exists('groups_load_tmp'): self._mysql.query('DROP TABLE `groups_load_tmp`') id_group_map = {0: inventory.groups[None]} self._load_groups(inventory, group_names, id_group_map)'Loaded %d groups.', len(inventory.groups)) ## Load sites'Loading sites.') if self._mysql.table_exists('sites_load_tmp'): self._mysql.query('DROP TABLE `sites_load_tmp`') id_site_map = {} self._load_sites(inventory, site_names, id_site_map)'Loaded %d sites.', len(inventory.sites)) ## Load datasets'Loading datasets.') start = time.time() if self._mysql.table_exists('datasets_load_tmp'): self._mysql.query('DROP TABLE `datasets_load_tmp`') id_dataset_map = {} self._load_datasets(inventory, dataset_names, id_dataset_map)'Loaded %d datasets in %.1f seconds.', len(inventory.datasets), time.time() - start) ## Load blocks'Loading blocks.') start = time.time() id_block_maps = {} # {dataset_id: {block_id: block}} self._load_blocks(inventory, id_dataset_map, id_block_maps) num_blocks = sum(len(m) for m in id_block_maps.itervalues())'Loaded %d blocks in %.1f seconds.', num_blocks, time.time() - start) ## Load replicas (dataset and block in one go)'Loading replicas.') start = time.time() self._load_replicas(inventory, id_group_map, id_site_map, id_dataset_map, id_block_maps) num_dataset_replicas = 0 num_block_replicas = 0 for dataset in id_dataset_map.itervalues(): num_dataset_replicas += len(dataset.replicas) num_block_replicas += sum( len(r.block_replicas) for r in dataset.replicas) 'Loaded %d dataset replicas and %d block replicas in %.1f seconds.', num_dataset_replicas, num_block_replicas, time.time() - start) ## cleanup if self._mysql.table_exists('blocks_load_tmp'): self._mysql.query('DROP TABLE `blocks_load_tmp`') if self._mysql.table_exists('sites_load_tmp'): self._mysql.query('DROP TABLE `sites_load_tmp`') if self._mysql.table_exists('datasets_load_tmp'): self._mysql.query('DROP TABLE `datasets_load_tmp`') def _load_groups(self, inventory, group_names, id_group_map): sql = 'SELECT g.`id`, g.`name`, g.`olevel` FROM `groups` AS g' if group_names is not None: # first dump the group ids into a temporary table, then constrain the original table self._mysql.query( 'CREATE TABLE `groups_load_tmp` (`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`))' ) sqlbase = 'INSERT INTO `groups_load_tmp` SELECT `id` FROM `groups`' self._mysql.execute_many(sqlbase, 'name', group_names) sql += ' INNER JOIN `groups_load_tmp` AS t ON t.`id` = g.`id`' for group_id, name, olname in self._mysql.xquery(sql): if olname == 'Dataset': olevel = Dataset else: olevel = Block group = Group(name, olevel) inventory.groups[name] = group id_group_map[group_id] = group def _load_sites(self, inventory, site_names, id_site_map): sql = 'SELECT s.`id`, s.`name`, s.`host`, s.`storage_type`+0, s.`backend`, s.`storage`, s.`cpu`, `status`+0 FROM `sites` AS s' if site_names is not None: # first dump the site ids into a temporary table, then constrain the original table self._mysql.query( 'CREATE TABLE `sites_load_tmp` (`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`))' ) sqlbase = 'INSERT INTO `sites_load_tmp` SELECT `id` FROM `sites`' self._mysql.execute_many(sqlbase, 'name', site_names) sql += ' INNER JOIN `sites_load_tmp` AS t ON t.`id` = s.`id`' for site_id, name, host, storage_type, backend, storage, cpu, status in self._mysql.xquery( sql): site = Site(name, host=host, storage_type=storage_type, backend=backend, storage=storage, cpu=cpu, status=status) inventory.sites[name] = site id_site_map[site_id] = site for partition in inventory.partitions.itervalues(): site.partitions[partition] = SitePartition(site, partition) # Load site quotas sql = 'SELECT q.`site_id`, p.`name`, q.`storage` FROM `quotas` AS q INNER JOIN `partitions` AS p ON p.`id` = q.`partition_id`' if site_names is not None: sql += ' INNER JOIN `sites_load_tmp` AS t ON t.`id` = q.`site_id`' for site_id, partition_name, storage in self._mysql.xquery(sql): try: site = id_site_map[site_id] except KeyError: continue partition = inventory.partitions[partition_name] site.partitions[partition].set_quota(storage * 1.e+12) def _load_datasets(self, inventory, dataset_names, id_dataset_map): sql = 'SELECT d.`id`, d.`name`, d.`size`, d.`num_files`, d.`status`+0, d.`data_type`+0, s.`cycle`, s.`major`, s.`minor`, s.`suffix`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(d.`last_update`), d.`is_open`' sql += ' FROM `datasets` AS d' sql += ' LEFT JOIN `software_versions` AS s ON s.`id` = d.`software_version_id`' if dataset_names is not None: # first dump the dataset ids into a temporary table, then constrain the original table self._mysql.query( 'CREATE TABLE `datasets_load_tmp` (`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`))' ) sqlbase = 'INSERT INTO `datasets_load_tmp` SELECT `id` FROM `datasets`' self._mysql.execute_many(sqlbase, 'name', dataset_names) sql += ' INNER JOIN `datasets_load_tmp` AS t ON t.`id` = d.`id`' for dataset_id, name, size, num_files, status, data_type, sw_cycle, sw_major, sw_minor, sw_suffix, last_update, is_open in self._mysql.xquery( sql): # size and num_files are reset when loading blocks dataset = Dataset(name, size=size, num_files=num_files, status=int(status), data_type=int(data_type), last_update=last_update, is_open=(is_open == 1)) if sw_cycle is None: dataset.software_version = None else: dataset.software_version = (sw_cycle, sw_major, sw_minor, sw_suffix) inventory.datasets[name] = dataset id_dataset_map[dataset_id] = dataset def _load_blocks(self, inventory, id_dataset_map, id_block_maps): sql = 'SELECT b.`id`, b.`dataset_id`, b.`name`, b.`size`, b.`num_files`, b.`is_open`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(b.`last_update`) FROM `blocks` AS b' if self._mysql.table_exists('datasets_load_tmp'): sql += ' INNER JOIN `datasets_load_tmp` AS t ON t.`id` = b.`dataset_id`' sql += ' ORDER BY b.`dataset_id`' _dataset_id = 0 dataset = None for block_id, dataset_id, name, size, num_files, is_open, last_update in self._mysql.xquery( sql): if dataset_id != _dataset_id: _dataset_id = dataset_id dataset = id_dataset_map[dataset_id] dataset.blocks.clear() dataset.size = 0 dataset.num_files = 0 id_block_map = id_block_maps[dataset_id] = {} block = Block(Block.to_internal_name(name), dataset, size, num_files, (is_open == 1), last_update) dataset.blocks.add(block) dataset.size += block.size dataset.num_files += block.num_files id_block_map[block_id] = block def _load_replicas(self, inventory, id_group_map, id_site_map, id_dataset_map, id_block_maps): sql = 'SELECT dr.`dataset_id`, dr.`site_id`,' sql += ' br.`block_id`, br.`group_id`, br.`is_complete`, br.`is_custodial`, brs.`size`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(br.`last_update`)' sql += ' FROM `dataset_replicas` AS dr' sql += ' INNER JOIN `blocks` AS b ON b.`dataset_id` = dr.`dataset_id`' sql += ' LEFT JOIN `block_replicas` AS br ON (br.`block_id`, br.`site_id`) = (b.`id`, dr.`site_id`)' sql += ' LEFT JOIN `block_replica_sizes` AS brs ON (brs.`block_id`, brs.`site_id`) = (b.`id`, dr.`site_id`)' if self._mysql.table_exists('groups_load_tmp'): sql += ' INNER JOIN `groups_load_tmp` AS gt ON gt.`id` = br.`group_id`' if self._mysql.table_exists('sites_load_tmp'): sql += ' INNER JOIN `sites_load_tmp` AS st ON st.`id` = dr.`site_id`' if self._mysql.table_exists('datasets_load_tmp'): sql += ' INNER JOIN `datasets_load_tmp` AS dt ON dt.`id` = dr.`dataset_id`' sql += ' ORDER BY dr.`dataset_id`, dr.`site_id`' # Blocks are left joined -> there will be (# sites) x (# blocks) entries per dataset _dataset_id = 0 _site_id = 0 dataset_replica = None for dataset_id, site_id, block_id, group_id, is_complete, b_is_custodial, b_size, b_last_update in self._mysql.xquery( sql): if dataset_id != _dataset_id: _dataset_id = dataset_id dataset = id_dataset_map[_dataset_id] dataset.replicas.clear() id_block_map = id_block_maps[dataset_id] if site_id != _site_id: _site_id = site_id site = id_site_map[site_id] if dataset_replica is None or dataset is not dataset_replica.dataset or site is not if dataset_replica is not None: # this is the last dataset_replica # add to dataset and site after filling all block replicas # this does not matter for the dataset, but for the site there is some heavy # computation needed when a replica is added dataset_replica.dataset.replicas.add(dataset_replica) dataset_replica, add_block_replicas=True) dataset_replica = DatasetReplica(dataset, site) if block_id is None: # this block replica does not exist continue block = id_block_map[block_id] group = id_group_map[group_id] block_replica = BlockReplica( block, site, group=group, is_complete=(is_complete == 1), is_custodial=(b_is_custodial == 1), size=block.size if b_size is None else b_size, last_update=b_last_update) dataset_replica.block_replicas.add(block_replica) block.replicas.add(block_replica) if dataset_replica is not None: # one last bit dataset_replica.dataset.replicas.add(dataset_replica), add_block_replicas=True) def save_block(self, block): #override dataset_id = self._get_dataset_id(block.dataset) if dataset_id == 0: return fields = ('dataset_id', 'name', 'size', 'num_files', 'is_open', 'last_update') self._insert_update( 'blocks', fields, dataset_id, block.real_name(), block.size, block.num_files, block.is_open, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(block.last_update))) def delete_block(self, block): #override # Here we don't assume block name is unique.. dataset_id = self._get_dataset_id(block.dataset) if dataset_id == 0: return sql = 'DELETE FROM `blocks` WHERE `dataset_id` = %s AND `name` = %s' self._mysql.query(sql, dataset_id, block.real_name()) def save_file(self, lfile): #override dataset_id = self._get_dataset_id(lfile.block.dataset) if dataset_id == 0: return block_id = self._get_block_id(lfile.block) if block_id == 0: return fields = ('block_id', 'dataset_id', 'size', 'name') self._insert_update('files', fields, block_id, dataset_id, lfile.size, lfile.lfn) def delete_file(self, lfile): #override sql = 'DELETE FROM `files` WHERE `name` = %s' self._mysql.query(sql, lfile.lfn) def save_blockreplica(self, block_replica): #override block_id = self._get_block_id(block_replica.block) if block_id == 0: return site_id = self._get_site_id( if site_id == 0: return group_id = self._get_group_id( if group_id == 0: return fields = ('block_id', 'site_id', 'group_id', 'is_complete', 'is_custodial', 'last_update') self._insert_update( 'block_replicas', fields, block_id, site_id, group_id, block_replica.is_complete, block_replica.is_custodial, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(block_replica.last_update))) if block_replica.size != block_replica.block.size: fields = ('block_id', 'site_id', 'size') self._insert_update('block_replica_sizes', fields, block_id, site_id, block_replica.size) else: sql = 'DELETE FROM `block_replica_sizes` WHERE `block_id` = %s AND `site_id` = %s' self._mysql.query(sql, block_id, site_id) def delete_blockreplica(self, block_replica): #override block_id = self._get_block_id(block_replica.block) if block_id == 0: return site_id = self._get_site_id( if site_id == 0: return sql = 'DELETE FROM `block_replicas` WHERE `block_id` = %s AND `site_id` = %s' self._mysql.query(sql, block_id, site_id) sql = 'DELETE FROM `block_replica_sizes` WHERE `block_id` = %s AND `site_id` = %s' self._mysql.query(sql, block_id, site_id) def save_dataset(self, dataset): #override if dataset.software_version is None: software_version_id = 0 else: sql = 'SELECT `id` FROM `software_versions` WHERE (`cycle`, `major`, `minor`, `suffix`) = (%s, %s, %s, %s)' result = self._mysql.query(sql, *dataset.software_version) if len(result) == 0: sql = 'INSERT INTO `software_versions` (`cycle`, `major`, `minor`, `suffix`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)' software_version_id = self._mysql.query( sql, *dataset.software_version) else: software_version_id = result[0] fields = ('name', 'size', 'num_files', 'status', 'data_type', 'software_version_id', 'last_update', 'is_open') self._insert_update('datasets', fields,, dataset.size, dataset.num_files, \ dataset.status, dataset.data_type, software_version_id, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(dataset.last_update)), dataset.is_open) def delete_dataset(self, dataset): #override sql = 'DELETE FROM `datasets` WHERE `name` = %s' self._mysql.query(sql, def save_datasetreplica(self, dataset_replica): #override dataset_id = self._get_dataset_id(dataset_replica.dataset) if dataset_id == 0: return site_id = self._get_site_id( if site_id == 0: return fields = ('dataset_id', 'site_id') self._insert_update('dataset_replicas', fields, dataset_id, site_id) def delete_datasetreplica(self, dataset_replica): #override dataset_id = self._get_dataset_id(dataset_replica.dataset) if dataset_id == 0: return site_id = self._get_site_id( if site_id == 0: return sql = 'DELETE FROM `dataset_replicas` WHERE `dataset_id` = %s AND `site_id` = %s' self._mysql.query(sql, dataset_id, site_id) def save_group(self, group): #override fields = ('name', 'olevel') self._insert_update('groups', fields,, group.olevel.__name__) def delete_group(self, group): #override sql = 'DELETE FROM `groups` WHERE `name` = %s' self._mysql.query(sql, def save_partition(self, partition): #override fields = ('name', ) self._insert_update('partitions', fields, def delete_partition(self, partition): #override sql = 'DELETE FROM `partitions` WHERE `name` = %s' self._mysql.query(sql, def save_site(self, site): #override fields = ('name', 'host', 'storage_type', 'backend', 'storage', 'cpu', 'status') self._insert_update('sites', fields,,, site.storage_type, site.backend,, site.cpu, site.status) def delete_site(self, site): #override sql = 'DELETE FROM `sites` WHERE `name` = %s' self._mysql.query(sql, def save_sitepartition(self, site_partition): #override # We are only saving quotas. For superpartitions, there is nothing to do. if site_partition.partition.subpartitions is not None: return site_id = self._get_site_id( if site_id == 0: return partition_id = self._get_partition_id(site_partition.partition) if partition_id == 0: return fields = ('site_id', 'partition_id', 'storage') self._insert_update('quotas', fields, site_id, partition_id, site_partition.quota * 1.e-12) def delete_sitepartition(self, site_partition): #override # We are only saving quotas. For superpartitions, there is nothing to do. if site_partition.partition.subpartitions is not None: return site_id = self._get_site_id( if site_id == 0: return partition_id = self._get_partition_id(site_partition.partition) if partition_id == 0: return sql = 'DELETE FROM `quotas` WHERE `site_id` = %s AND `partition_id` = %s' self._mysql.query(sql, site_id, partition_id) def _insert_update(self, table, fields, *values): placeholders = ', '.join(['%s'] * len(fields)) sql = 'INSERT INTO `%s` (' % table sql += ', '.join('`%s`' % f for f in fields) sql += ') VALUES (' + placeholders + ')' sql += ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ' sql += ', '.join(['`%s`=VALUES(`%s`)' % (f, f) for f in fields]) self._mysql.query(sql, *values) def _get_dataset_id(self, dataset): sql = 'SELECT `id` FROM `datasets` WHERE `name` = %s' result = self._mysql.query(sql, if len(result) == 0: # should I raise? return 0 return result[0] def _get_block_id(self, block): sql = 'SELECT b.`id` FROM `blocks` AS b' sql += ' INNER JOIN `datasets` AS d ON d.`id` = b.`dataset_id`' sql += ' WHERE d.`name` = %s AND b.`name` = %s' result = self._mysql.query(sql,, block.real_name()) if len(result) == 0: return 0 return result[0] def _get_site_id(self, site): sql = 'SELECT `id` FROM `sites` WHERE `name` = %s' result = self._mysql.query(sql, if len(result) == 0: return 0 return result[0] def _get_group_id(self, group): if is None: return 0 sql = 'SELECT `id` FROM `groups` WHERE `name` = %s' result = self._mysql.query(sql, if len(result) == 0: return 0 return result[0] def _get_partition_id(self, partition): sql = 'SELECT `id` FROM `partitions` WHERE `name` = %s' result = self._mysql.query(sql, if len(result) == 0: return 0 return result[0]
class GlobalQueueRequestHistory(object): """ Sets one attr: request_weight: float value """ produces = ['request_weight'] def __init__(self, config): self._store = MySQL( # Weight computation halflife constant (given in days in config) self.weight_halflife = config.weight_halflife * 3600. * 24. def load(self, inventory): records = self._get_stored_records(inventory) self._compute(inventory, records) def _get_stored_records(self, inventory): """ Get the dataset request data from DB. @param inventory DynamoInventory @return {dataset: {jobid: GlobalQueueJob}} """ # pick up requests that are less than 1 year old # old requests will be removed automatically next time the access information is saved from memory sql = 'SELECT d.`name`, r.`id`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(r.`queue_time`), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(r.`completion_time`),' sql += ' r.`nodes_total`, r.`nodes_done`, r.`nodes_failed`, r.`nodes_queued` FROM `dataset_requests` AS r' sql += ' INNER JOIN `datasets` AS d ON d.`id` = r.`dataset_id`' sql += ' WHERE r.`queue_time` > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 YEAR) ORDER BY d.`id`, r.`queue_time`' all_requests = {} num_records = 0 # little speedup by not repeating lookups for the same dataset current_dataset_name = '' dataset_exists = True for dataset_name, job_id, queue_time, completion_time, nodes_total, nodes_done, nodes_failed, nodes_queued in self._store.xquery( sql): num_records += 1 if dataset_name == current_dataset_name: if not dataset_exists: continue else: current_dataset_name = dataset_name try: dataset = inventory.datasets[dataset_name] except KeyError: dataset_exists = False continue else: dataset_exists = True requests = all_requests[dataset] = {} requests[job_id] = GlobalQueueJob(queue_time, completion_time, nodes_total, nodes_done, nodes_failed, nodes_queued) last_update = self._store.query( 'SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`dataset_requests_last_update`) FROM `system`' )[0]'Loaded %d dataset request data. Last update at %s UTC', num_records, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(last_update))) return all_requests def _compute(self, inventory, all_requests): """ Set the dataset request weight based on request list. Formula: w = Sum(exp(-t_i/T)) where t_i is the time distance of the ith request from now. T is defined in the configuration. @param inventory DynamoInventory @param all_requests {dataset: {jobid: GlobalQueueJob}} """ now = time.time() decay_constant = self.weight_halflife / math.log(2.) for dataset in inventory.datasets.itervalues(): try: requests = all_requests[dataset] except KeyError: dataset.attr['request_weight'] = 0. continue weight = 0. for job in requests.itervalues(): # first element of reqdata tuple is the queue time weight += math.exp((job.queue_time - now) / decay_constant) dataset.attr['request_weight'] = weight @staticmethod def update(config, inventory): htcondor = HTCondor(config.htcondor.config) store = MySQL( last_update = store.query( 'SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`dataset_requests_last_update`) FROM `system`' )[0] try: store.query( 'UPDATE `system` SET `dataset_requests_last_update` = NOW()', retries=0, silent=True) except MySQLdb.OperationalError: # We have a read-only config read_only = True else: read_only = False source_records = GlobalQueueRequestHistory._get_source_records( htcondor, inventory, last_update) if not read_only: GlobalQueueRequestHistory._save_records(source_records, store) # remove old entries store.query( 'DELETE FROM `dataset_requests` WHERE `queue_time` < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 YEAR)' ) store.query( 'UPDATE `system` SET `dataset_requests_last_update` = NOW()') @staticmethod def _get_source_records(htcondor, inventory, last_update): """ Get the dataset request data from Global Queue schedd. @param htcondor HTCondor interface @param inventory DynamoInventory @param last_update UNIX timestamp @return {dataset: {jobid: GlobalQueueJob}} """ constraint = 'TaskType=?="ROOT" && !isUndefined(DESIRED_CMSDataset) && (QDate > {last_update} || CompletionDate > {last_update})'.format( last_update=last_update) attributes = [ 'DESIRED_CMSDataset', 'GlobalJobId', 'QDate', 'CompletionDate', 'DAG_NodesTotal', 'DAG_NodesDone', 'DAG_NodesFailed', 'DAG_NodesQueued' ] job_ads = htcondor.find_jobs(constraint=constraint, attributes=attributes) job_ads.sort(key=lambda a: a['DESIRED_CMSDataset']) all_requests = {} for ad in job_ads: dataset_name = ad['DESIRED_CMSDataset'] try: dataset = inventory.datasets[dataset_name] except KeyError: continue if dataset not in all_requests: all_requests[dataset] = {} try: nodes_total = ad['DAG_NodesTotal'] nodes_done = ad['DAG_NodesDone'] nodes_failed = ad['DAG_NodesFailed'] nodes_queued = ad['DAG_NodesQueued'] except KeyError: nodes_total = 0 nodes_done = 0 nodes_failed = 0 nodes_queued = 0 all_requests[dataset][ad['GlobalJobId']] = GlobalQueueJob( ad['QDate'], ad['CompletionDate'], nodes_total, nodes_done, nodes_failed, nodes_queued) return all_requests @staticmethod def _save_records(records, store): """ Save the newly fetched request records. @param records {dataset: {jobid: GlobalQueueJob}} @param store Write-allowed MySQL interface """ dataset_id_map = {} store.make_map('datasets', records.iterkeys(), dataset_id_map, None) fields = ('id', 'dataset_id', 'queue_time', 'completion_time', 'nodes_total', 'nodes_done', 'nodes_failed', 'nodes_queued') data = [] for dataset, dataset_request_list in records.iteritems(): dataset_id = dataset_id_map[dataset] for job_id, (queue_time, completion_time, nodes_total, nodes_done, nodes_failed, nodes_queued) in dataset_request_list.iteritems(): data.append( (job_id, dataset_id, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(queue_time)), time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(completion_time)) if completion_time > 0 else '0000-00-00 00:00:00', nodes_total, nodes_done, nodes_failed, nodes_queued)) store.insert_many('dataset_requests', fields, None, data, do_update=True)