#Verify it. competitorVerif: SignedVerification = SignedVerification(competitor.hash) competitorVerif.sign(0, blsPrivKey) #Mine one more Block. block = Block( BlockHeader( 0, merit.blockchain.last(), BlockHeader.createContents([VerificationPacket(competitor.hash, [0])]), 1, bytes(4), BlockHeader.createSketchCheck(bytes(4), [VerificationPacket(competitor.hash, [0])]), 0, merit.blockchain.blocks[-1].header.time + 1200 ), BlockBody([VerificationPacket(competitor.hash, [0])], [], competitorVerif.signature) ) block.mine(blsPrivKey, merit.blockchain.difficulty()) merit.add(block) print("Generated Competing Finalized Block " + str(len(merit.blockchain.blocks) - 1) + ".") result: Dict[str, Any] = { "blockchain": merit.blockchain.toJSON(), "transactions": transactions.toJSON() } vectors: IO[Any] = open("e2e/Vectors/Transactions/CompetingFinalized.json", "w") vectors.write(json.dumps(result)) vectors.close()
verifs: List[SignedVerification] = [ SignedVerification(data.hash), SignedVerification(data.hash) ] verifs[0].sign(0, blsPrivKeys[0]) verifs[1].sign(1, blsPrivKeys[1]) packets: List[VerificationPacket] = [VerificationPacket(data.hash, [0])] block = Block( BlockHeader(0, blockchain.last(), BlockHeader.createContents(packets), 1, bytes(4), BlockHeader.createSketchCheck(bytes(4), packets), 1, blockchain.blocks[-1].header.time + 1200), BlockBody(packets, [], verifs[0].signature)) for _ in range(6): block.mine(blsPrivKeys[1], blockchain.difficulty()) blockchain.add(block) print("Generated Hundred Forty Two Block " + str(len(blockchain.blocks)) + ".") #Create the next Block. block = Block( BlockHeader(0, blockchain.last(), bytes(32), 1, bytes(4), bytes(32), 1, blockchain.blocks[-1].header.time + 1200), BlockBody()) #Save the appended data (3 Blocks and 12 Sends). result: Dict[str, Any] = { "blockchain": blockchain.toJSON(), "transactions": transactions.toJSON(), "verification": verifs[1].toSignedJSON(), "transaction": data.hash.hex().upper()
alt.add(Block.fromJSON(blocks[b])) #Generate an alternative five Blocks. for i in range(1, 5): #Create the next Block. block = Block( BlockHeader( 0, alt.last(), bytes(32), 1, bytes(4), bytes(32), 0, alt.blocks[-1].header.time + 1 #Use a much shorter time to acquire more work. ), BlockBody()) #Mine the Block. block.mine(privKey, alt.difficulty()) #Add it locally. alt.add(block) print("Generated Shorter Chain, More Work Block " + str(i) + ".") vectors: IO[Any] = open( "e2e/Vectors/Merit/Reorganizations/ShorterChainMoreWork.json", "w") vectors.write(json.dumps({"main": main.toJSON(), "alt": alt.toJSON()})) vectors.close()
#Create the Block to the first miner. block: Block = Block( BlockHeader(0, main.last(), bytes(32), 1, bytes(4), bytes(32), privKeys[0].toPublicKey().serialize(), main.blocks[-1].header.time + 1200), BlockBody()) block.mine(privKeys[0], main.difficulty()) main.add(block) alt.add(block) print("Generated Reorganizations Depth One Block 1.") #Create the Block to the second miner. block = Block( BlockHeader(0, main.last(), bytes(32), 1, bytes(4), bytes(32), privKeys[1].toPublicKey().serialize(), main.blocks[-1].header.time + 1200), BlockBody()) block.mine(privKeys[1], alt.difficulty()) main.add(block) alt.add(block) print("Generated Reorganizations Depth One Block 2.") #Create the competing Block to the first miner. block = Block( BlockHeader(0, main.last(), bytes(32), 1, bytes(4), bytes(32), 0, main.blocks[-1].header.time + 1200), BlockBody()) block.mine(privKeys[0], main.difficulty()) main.add(block) print("Generated Reorganizations Depth One Block 3.") #Create the competing Block to the second miner. #Since the difficulty is fixed at the start, they're guaranteed to have the same amount of work. #Because of that, we can't just mine the Block; we need to mine it until it has a lower hash than the above Block.
#Generate a Block granting the holder Merit. block = Block( BlockHeader( 0, e1Chain.last(), bytes(32), 1, bytes(4), bytes(32), blsPubKey.serialize(), e1Chain.blocks[-1].header.time + 1200 ), BlockBody() ) #Mine it. block.mine(blsPrivKey, e1Chain.difficulty()) #Add it. e1Chain.add(block) e2Chain.add(block) print("Generated Hundred Thirty Three Block 1/2 " + str(len(e1Chain.blocks)) + ".") #Create the initial Data and two competing Datas. datas: List[Data] = [Data(bytes(32), edPubKey.to_bytes())] datas.append(Data(datas[0].hash, b"Initial Data.")) datas.append(Data(datas[0].hash, b"Second Data.")) for data in datas: data.sign(edPrivKey) data.beat(spamFilter) #Create Verifications for all 3.
blsPubKey: PublicKey = blsPrivKey.toPublicKey() #SpamFilter. spamFilter: SpamFilter = SpamFilter(5) #Blockchains. packetedChain: Blockchain = Blockchain() reorderedChain: Blockchain = Blockchain() #Generate a Block granting the holder Merit. block = Block( BlockHeader(0, packetedChain.last(), bytes(32), 1, bytes(4), bytes(32), blsPubKey.serialize(), packetedChain.blocks[-1].header.time + 1200), BlockBody()) #Mine it. block.mine(blsPrivKey, packetedChain.difficulty()) #Add it. packetedChain.add(block) reorderedChain.add(block) print("Generated Hundred Twenty Three Packet Block 1/2 " + str(len(packetedChain.blocks)) + ".") #Create the initial Data and two competing Datas. datas: List[Data] = [Data(bytes(32), edPubKey.to_bytes())] datas.append(Data(datas[0].hash, b"Initial Data.")) datas.append(Data(datas[0].hash, b"Second Data.")) for data in datas: data.sign(edPrivKey) data.beat(spamFilter)