Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, sig: bytes = bytes()) -> None:
        self.value: G1Obj = G1Obj()
        if len(sig) == 0:

        g: Tuple[bool, bool, bool, Big384] = parse(sig)

        if g[0] != g[1]:
            raise Exception("Infinite flag set improperly.")

        if g[0]:

        if MilagroPairing.ECP_BLS381_setx(byref(self.value), g[3], 0) != 1:
            raise Exception("Invalid G1.")

        yNeg: FP1Obj = FP1Obj()
        MilagroPairing.FP_BLS381_neg(byref(yNeg), byref(self.value.y))

        a: Big384 = Big384()
        b: Big384 = Big384()
        MilagroCurve.FP_BLS381_redc(a, byref(self.value.y))
        MilagroCurve.FP_BLS381_redc(b, byref(yNeg))
        if (MilagroCurve.BIG_384_58_comp(a, b) == 1) != g[2]:
            if MilagroPairing.ECP_BLS381_setx(byref(self.value), g[3], 1) != 1:
                raise Exception("Setting a proven valid X failed.")
Esempio n. 2
    def serialize(self) -> bytes:
        x: Big384 = Big384()
        y: Big384 = Big384()
        MilagroCurve.ECP_BLS381_get(x, y, byref(self.value))

        yNeg: Big384 = Big384()
        MilagroCurve.FP_BLS381_neg(self.value.y, self.value.y)
        MilagroCurve.ECP_BLS381_get(x, yNeg, byref(self.value))
        MilagroCurve.FP_BLS381_neg(self.value.y, self.value.y)

        return bytes(serialize(x, MilagroCurve.BIG_384_58_comp(y, yNeg) == 1))
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, value: Any = None) -> None:
        if isinstance(value, List):
            if len(value) != 1:
                raise Exception(
                    "Incompatible field element integer list passed to BLS12_381_F1."
            value = value[0]

        self.value = FP1Obj()
        if (value is None) or (isinstance(value, int) and (value == 0)):
        elif isinstance(value, int):
            if value == 1:
                temp: Big384 = Big384()
                    temp, c_char_p(value.to_bytes(48, byteorder="big")))
                MilagroCurve.FP_BLS381_rcopy(byref(self.value), temp)

        #Clone the value.
        elif isinstance(value, FP1Obj):
            self.value = clone(value)
        elif isinstance(value, BLS12_381_F1):
            self.value = clone(value.value)
            raise Exception("Unknown type passed to BLS12-381 F1 constructor.")
Esempio n. 4
def parse(
  gArg: bytes,
  second: bool = False
) -> Tuple[bool, bool, bool, Big384]:
  if len(gArg) != 48:
    raise Exception("Invalid length G.")

  flags = gArg[0]
  g: bytearray = bytearray(gArg)
  g[0] = g[0] & CLEAR_FLAGS

  if (not second) and (flags & C_FLAG == 0):
    raise Exception("Uncompressed G.")

  b: int = 1
  if flags & B_FLAG != 0:
    while b < 48:
      if g[b] != 0:
      b += 1

  result: Big384 = Big384()
  MilagroCurve.BIG_384_58_fromBytesLen(result, c_char_p(bytes(g)), 48)

  return (flags & B_FLAG != 0, b == 48, flags & A_FLAG != 0, result)
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, key: bytes = bytes()) -> None:
        self.value: G2Obj = G2Obj()
        if len(key) == 0:

        if len(key) != 96:
            raise Exception("Invalid length Public Key.")

        if key[48] != (key[48] & CLEAR_FLAGS):
            raise Exception("G2's second G has flags set.")

        g1: Tuple[bool, bool, bool, Big384] = parse(key[0:48])
        g2: Tuple[bool, bool, bool, Big384] = parse(key[48:96], True)

        if g1[0] != (g1[1] & g2[1]):
            raise Exception("Infinite flag set improperly.")

        if g1[0]:

        x: FP2Obj = FP2Obj()
        MilagroPairing.FP2_BLS381_from_BIGs(byref(x), g2[3], g1[3])
        if MilagroPairing.ECP2_BLS381_setx(byref(self.value), byref(x)) == 0:
            raise Exception("Invalid G2.")

        yNeg: FP2Obj = FP2Obj()
        cmpRes: int
        MilagroPairing.FP2_BLS381_neg(byref(yNeg), byref(self.value.y))

        a: Big384 = Big384()
        b: Big384 = Big384()
        MilagroCurve.FP_BLS381_redc(a, byref(self.value.y.b))
        MilagroCurve.FP_BLS381_redc(b, byref(yNeg.b))
        cmpRes = MilagroCurve.BIG_384_58_comp(a, b)
        if cmpRes == 0:
            MilagroCurve.FP_BLS381_redc(a, byref(self.value.y.a))
            MilagroCurve.FP_BLS381_redc(b, byref(yNeg.a))
            cmpRes = MilagroCurve.BIG_384_58_comp(a, b)

        if (cmpRes == 1) != g1[2]:
            self.value.y = yNeg
Esempio n. 6
    def __init__(self, key: Union[int, bytes]) -> None:
        #If a nickname was specified, generate a consistent Private Key based on it.
        if isinstance(key, int):
            key = blake2b(key.to_bytes(2 if key > 255 else 1, "little"),

        key = key.rjust(48, b'\0')
        self.value: Big384 = Big384()
        MilagroCurve.BIG_384_58_fromBytesLen(self.value, c_char_p(key), 48)
        MilagroCurve.BIG_384_58_mod(self.value, r)
Esempio n. 7
    def serialize(self) -> bytes:
        yNeg: FP2Obj = FP2Obj()
        cmpRes: int
        MilagroPairing.FP2_BLS381_neg(byref(yNeg), byref(self.value.y))

        a: Big384 = Big384()
        b: Big384 = Big384()
        MilagroCurve.FP_BLS381_redc(a, byref(self.value.y.b))
        MilagroCurve.FP_BLS381_redc(b, byref(yNeg.b))
        cmpRes = MilagroCurve.BIG_384_58_comp(a, b)
        if cmpRes == 0:
            MilagroCurve.FP_BLS381_redc(a, byref(self.value.y.a))
            MilagroCurve.FP_BLS381_redc(b, byref(yNeg.a))
            cmpRes = MilagroCurve.BIG_384_58_comp(a, b)

        MilagroCurve.FP_BLS381_redc(a, byref(self.value.x.a))
        MilagroCurve.FP_BLS381_redc(b, byref(self.value.x.b))
        result: bytearray = serialize(b, cmpRes == 1)
        result += serialize(a, False)
        result[48] = result[48] & CLEAR_FLAGS
        return bytes(result)
Esempio n. 8
 def __init__(self, key: bytes) -> None:
     key = key.rjust(48, b'\0')
     self.value: Big384 = Big384()
     MilagroCurve.BIG_384_58_fromBytesLen(self.value, c_char_p(key), 48)
     MilagroCurve.BIG_384_58_mod(self.value, r)