Esempio n. 1
    def avail_repositories(self):
        """Show list of known repository types."""
        repopath_defaults = get_default_oldstyle_configfile_defaults(
        all_repos = avail_repositories(check_useable=False)
        usable_repos = avail_repositories(check_useable=True).keys()

        indent = ' ' * 2
        txt = ['All avaialble repository types']
        repos = sorted(all_repos.keys())
        for repo in repos:
            if repo in usable_repos:
                missing = ''
                missing = ' (*Not usable*, something is missing (eg a specific module))'
            if repo in repopath_defaults:
                default = ' (Default arguments: %s)' % (
                default = ' (No default arguments)'

            txt.append("%s%s%s%s" % (indent, repo, default, missing))
            txt.append("%s%s" % (indent * 2, all_repos[repo].DESCRIPTION))

        return "\n".join(txt)
Esempio n. 2
    def _postprocess_config(self):
        """Postprocessing of configuration options"""
        if self.options.prefix is not None:
            changed_defaults = get_default_oldstyle_configfile_defaults(self.options.prefix)
            for dest in ["installpath", "buildpath", "sourcepath", "repositorypath"]:
                if not self.options._action_taken.get(dest, False):
                    new_def = changed_defaults[dest]
                    if dest == "repositorypath":
                        setattr(self.options, dest, new_def[changed_defaults["repository"]])
                        setattr(self.options, dest, new_def)
                    # LEGACY this line is here for oldstyle reasons
                    self.log.deprecated("Fake action taken to distinguish from default", "2.0")
                    self.options._action_taken[dest] = True

        if self.options.pretend:
            self.options.installpath = get_pretend_installpath()

        # split supplied list of robot paths to obtain a list
        if self.options.robot:

            class RobotPath(ListOfStrings):
                SEPARATOR_LIST = os.pathsep
                # explicit definition of __str__ is required for unknown reason related to the way Wrapper is defined
                __str__ = ListOfStrings.__str__

            self.options.robot = RobotPath(self.options.robot)
Esempio n. 3
    def _postprocess_config(self):
        """Postprocessing of configuration options"""
        if self.options.prefix is not None:
            changed_defaults = get_default_oldstyle_configfile_defaults(self.options.prefix)
            # prefix applies to all paths, and repository has to be reinitialised to take new repositorypath into account
            # in the legacy-style configuration, repository is initialised in configuration file itself
            for dest in ['installpath', 'buildpath', 'sourcepath', 'repository', 'repositorypath']:
                if not self.options._action_taken.get(dest, False):
                    new_def = changed_defaults[dest]
                    if dest == 'repositorypath':
                        setattr(self.options, dest, new_def[changed_defaults['repository']])
                        setattr(self.options, dest, new_def)
                    # LEGACY this line is here for oldstyle reasons
                    self.log.deprecated('Fake action taken to distinguish from default', '2.0')
                    self.options._action_taken[dest] = True

        if self.options.pretend:
            self.options.installpath = get_pretend_installpath()

        # split supplied list of robot paths to obtain a list
        if self.options.robot:
            class RobotPath(ListOfStrings):
                SEPARATOR_LIST = os.pathsep
                # explicit definition of __str__ is required for unknown reason related to the way Wrapper is defined
                __str__ = ListOfStrings.__str__
            self.options.robot = RobotPath(self.options.robot)
Esempio n. 4
    def _postprocess_config(self):
        """Postprocessing of configuration options"""
        if self.options.prefix is not None:
            changed_defaults = get_default_oldstyle_configfile_defaults(self.options.prefix)
            for dest in ['installpath', 'buildpath', 'sourcepath', 'repositorypath']:
                if not self.options._action_taken.get(dest, False):
                    new_def = changed_defaults[dest]
                    if dest == 'repositorypath':
                        setattr(self.options, dest, new_def[changed_defaults['repository']])
                        setattr(self.options, dest, new_def)
                    # LEGACY this line is here for oldstyle reasons
                    self.log.deprecated('Fake action taken to distinguish from default', '2.0')
                    self.options._action_taken[dest] = True

        if self.options.pretend:
            self.options.installpath = get_pretend_installpath()

        # split supplied list of robot paths to obtain a list
        if self.options.robot:
            class RobotPath(ListOfStrings):
                SEPARATOR_LIST = os.pathsep
                # explicit definition of __str__ is required for unknown reason related to the way Wrapper is defined
                __str__ = ListOfStrings.__str__
            self.options.robot = RobotPath(self.options.robot)
Esempio n. 5
    def config_options(self):
        # config options
        descr = ("Configuration options", "Configure EasyBuild behavior.")

        oldstyle_defaults = get_default_oldstyle_configfile_defaults()

        opts = {
                "config":("Path to EasyBuild config file",
                          None, 'store', oldstyle_defaults['config'], "C",),
                'prefix': (('Change prefix for buildpath, installpath, sourcepath and repositorypath '
                            '(repositorypath prefix is only relevant in case of FileRepository repository)'
                            '(used prefix for defaults %s)' % oldstyle_defaults['prefix']),
                               None, 'store', None),
                'buildpath': ('Temporary build path',
                               None, 'store', oldstyle_defaults['buildpath']),
                'installpath':  ('Final install path',
                                  None, 'store', oldstyle_defaults['installpath']),
                'subdir-modules': ('Subdir in installpath for modules',
                                           None, 'store', oldstyle_defaults['subdir_modules']),
                'subdir-software': ('Subdir in installpath for software',
                                            None, 'store', oldstyle_defaults['subdir_software']),
                'repository': ('Repository type, using repositorypath',
                                'choice', 'store', oldstyle_defaults['repository'],
                'repositorypath': (('Repository path, used by repository '
                                    '(is passed as list of arguments to create the repository instance). '
                                    'For more info, use --avail-repositories.'),
                                    'strlist', 'store',
                "avail-repositories":("Show all repository types (incl. non-usable)",
                                      None, "store_true", False,),
                'logfile-format': ('Directory name and format of the log file ',
                              'strtuple', 'store', oldstyle_defaults['logfile_format'], {'metavar': 'DIR,FORMAT'}),
                'tmp-logdir': ('Log directory where temporary log files are stored',
                            None, 'store', oldstyle_defaults['tmp_logdir']),
                'sourcepath': ('Path(s) to where sources should be downloaded (string, colon-separated)',
                               None, 'store', oldstyle_defaults['sourcepath']),
                'moduleclasses': (('Extend supported module classes'
                                   ' (For more info on the default classes, use --show-default-moduleclasses)'),
                                  None, 'extend', oldstyle_defaults['moduleclasses']),
                'show-default-moduleclasses': ('Show default module classes with description',
                                               None, 'store_true', False),
                'modules-tool': ('Modules tool to use',
                                 'choice', 'store', oldstyle_defaults['modules_tool'],
                "avail-modules-tools":("Show all supported module tools",
                                       None, "store_true", False,),
                'module-naming-scheme': ('Module naming scheme', 'choice', 'store',
                "avail-module-naming-schemes":("Show all supported module naming schemes",
                                               None, "store_true", False,),
                # this one is sort of an exception, it's something jobscripts can set,
                #  has no real meaning for regular eb usage
                "testoutput": ("Path to where a job should place the output (to be set within jobscript)",
                               None, "store", None),

        self.log.debug("config_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr)
Esempio n. 6
    def _postprocess_config(self):
        """Postprocessing of configuration options"""
        if self.options.prefix is not None:
            changed_defaults = get_default_oldstyle_configfile_defaults(self.options.prefix)
            for dest in ["installpath", "buildpath", "sourcepath", "repositorypath"]:
                if not self.options._action_taken.get(dest, False):
                    new_def = changed_defaults[dest]
                    if dest == "repositorypath":
                        setattr(self.options, dest, new_def[changed_defaults["repository"]])
                        setattr(self.options, dest, new_def)
                    # LEGACY this line is here for oldstyle reasons
                    self.log.deprecated("Fake action taken to distinguish from default", "2.0")
                    self.options._action_taken[dest] = True

        if self.options.pretend:
            self.options.installpath = get_pretend_installpath()
Esempio n. 7
    def _postprocess_config(self):
        """Postprocessing of configuration options"""
        if self.options.prefix is not None:
            changed_defaults = get_default_oldstyle_configfile_defaults(self.options.prefix)
            for dest in ['installpath', 'buildpath', 'sourcepath', 'repositorypath']:
                if not self.options._action_taken.get(dest, False):
                    new_def = changed_defaults[dest]
                    if dest == 'repositorypath':
                        setattr(self.options, dest, new_def[changed_defaults['repository']])
                        setattr(self.options, dest, new_def)
                    # LEGACY this line is here for oldstyle reasons
                    self.log.deprecated('Fake action taken to distinguish from default', '2.0')
                    self.options._action_taken[dest] = True

        if self.options.pretend:
            self.options.installpath = get_pretend_installpath()
Esempio n. 8
    def _postprocess_config(self):
        """Postprocessing of configuration options"""
        if self.options.prefix is not None:
            changed_defaults = get_default_oldstyle_configfile_defaults(self.options.prefix)
            for dest in ['installpath', 'buildpath', 'sourcepath', 'repositorypath']:
                if not self.options._action_taken.get(dest, False):
                    new_def = changed_defaults[dest]
                    if dest == 'repositorypath':
                        setattr(self.options, dest, new_def[changed_defaults['repository']])
                        setattr(self.options, dest, new_def)
                    # LEGACY this line is here for oldstyle reasons
                    self.log.deprecated('Fake action taken to distinguish from default', '2.0')
                    self.options._action_taken[dest] = True

        if self.options.pretend:
            self.options.installpath = get_pretend_installpath()

        # split supplied list of robot paths to obtain a list
        if self.options.robot:
            self.options.robot = self.options.robot.split(os.pathsep)
Esempio n. 9
    def avail_repositories(self):
        """Show list of known repository types."""
        repopath_defaults = get_default_oldstyle_configfile_defaults()["repositorypath"]
        all_repos = avail_repositories(check_useable=False)
        usable_repos = avail_repositories(check_useable=True).keys()

        indent = " " * 2
        txt = ["All avaialble repository types"]
        repos = sorted(all_repos.keys())
        for repo in repos:
            if repo in usable_repos:
                missing = ""
                missing = " (*Not usable*, something is missing (eg a specific module))"
            if repo in repopath_defaults:
                default = " (Default arguments: %s)" % (repopath_defaults[repo])
                default = " (No default arguments)"

            txt.append("%s%s%s%s" % (indent, repo, default, missing))
            txt.append("%s%s" % (indent * 2, all_repos[repo].DESCRIPTION))

        return "\n".join(txt)
Esempio n. 10
    def avail_repositories(self):
        """Show list of known repository types."""
        repopath_defaults = get_default_oldstyle_configfile_defaults()['repositorypath']
        all_repos = avail_repositories(check_useable=False)
        usable_repos = avail_repositories(check_useable=True).keys()

        indent = ' ' * 2
        txt = ['All avaliable repository types']
        repos = sorted(all_repos.keys())
        for repo in repos:
            if repo in usable_repos:
                missing = ''
                missing = ' (*not usable*, something is missing (e.g. a required Python module))'
            if repo in repopath_defaults:
                default = ' (default arguments: %s)' % ', '.join(repopath_defaults[repo])
                default = ' (no default arguments)'

            txt.append("%s* %s%s%s" % (indent, repo, default, missing))
            txt.append("%s%s" % (indent * 3, all_repos[repo].DESCRIPTION))

        return "\n".join(txt)
Esempio n. 11
    def config_options(self):
        # config options
        descr = ("Configuration options", "Configure EasyBuild behavior.")

        oldstyle_defaults = get_default_oldstyle_configfile_defaults()

        opts = OrderedDict(
                "avail-module-naming-schemes": ("Show all supported module naming schemes", None, "store_true", False),
                "avail-modules-tools": ("Show all supported module tools", None, "store_true", False),
                "avail-repositories": ("Show all repository types (incl. non-usable)", None, "store_true", False),
                "buildpath": ("Temporary build path", None, "store", oldstyle_defaults["buildpath"]),
                "ignore-dirs": (
                    "Directory names to ignore when searching for files/dirs",
                    [".git", ".svn"],
                "installpath": (
                    "Install path for software and modules",
                "config": ("Path to EasyBuild config file", None, "store", oldstyle_defaults["config"], "C"),
                "logfile-format": (
                    "Directory name and format of the log file",
                    {"metavar": "DIR,FORMAT"},
                "module-naming-scheme": (
                    "Module naming scheme",
                "moduleclasses": (
                        "Extend supported module classes "
                        "(For more info on the default classes, use --show-default-moduleclasses)"
                "modules-footer": (
                    "Path to file containing footer to be added to all generated module files",
                    {"metavar": "PATH"},
                "modules-tool": (
                    "Modules tool to use",
                "prefix": (
                        "Change prefix for buildpath, installpath, sourcepath and repositorypath "
                        "(repositorypath prefix is only relevant in case of FileRepository repository) "
                        "(used prefix for defaults %s)" % oldstyle_defaults["prefix"]
                "recursive-module-unload": (
                    "Enable generating of modules that unload recursively.",
                "repository": (
                    "Repository type, using repositorypath",
                "repositorypath": (
                        "Repository path, used by repository "
                        "(is passed as list of arguments to create the repository instance). "
                        "For more info, use --avail-repositories."
                "show-default-moduleclasses": (
                    "Show default module classes with description",
                "sourcepath": (
                    "Path(s) to where sources should be downloaded (string, colon-separated)",
                "subdir-modules": (
                    "Installpath subdir for modules",
                "subdir-software": (
                    "Installpath subdir for software",
                # this one is sort of an exception, it's something jobscripts can set,
                # has no real meaning for regular eb usage
                "testoutput": (
                    "Path to where a job should place the output (to be set within jobscript)",
                "tmp-logdir": (
                    "Log directory where temporary log files are stored",
                "tmpdir": ("Directory to use for temporary storage", None, "store", None),

        self.log.debug("config_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr)
Esempio n. 12
    def config_options(self):
        # config options
        descr = ("Configuration options", "Configure EasyBuild behavior.")

        oldstyle_defaults = get_default_oldstyle_configfile_defaults()

        opts = OrderedDict({
            'avail-module-naming-schemes': ("Show all supported module naming schemes",
                                            None, 'store_true', False,),
            'avail-modules-tools': ("Show all supported module tools",
                                    None, "store_true", False,),
            'avail-repositories': ("Show all repository types (incl. non-usable)",
                                    None, "store_true", False,),
            'buildpath': ("Temporary build path", None, 'store', oldstyle_defaults['buildpath']),
            'ignore-dirs': ("Directory names to ignore when searching for files/dirs",
                            'strlist', 'store', ['.git', '.svn']),
            'installpath': ("Install path for software and modules", None, 'store', oldstyle_defaults['installpath']),
            'config': ("Path to EasyBuild config file",
                       None, 'store', oldstyle_defaults['config'], 'C'),
            'logfile-format': ("Directory name and format of the log file",
                               'strtuple', 'store', oldstyle_defaults['logfile_format'], {'metavar': 'DIR,FORMAT'}),
            'module-naming-scheme': ("Module naming scheme",
                                     'choice', 'store', oldstyle_defaults['module_naming_scheme'],
            'moduleclasses': (("Extend supported module classes "
                               "(For more info on the default classes, use --show-default-moduleclasses)"),
                               None, 'extend', oldstyle_defaults['moduleclasses']),
            'modules-footer': ("Path to file containing footer to be added to all generated module files",
                               None, 'store_or_None', None, {'metavar': "PATH"}),
            'modules-tool': ("Modules tool to use",
                             'choice', 'store', oldstyle_defaults['modules_tool'],
            'prefix': (("Change prefix for buildpath, installpath, sourcepath and repositorypath "
                        "(repositorypath prefix is only relevant in case of FileRepository repository) "
                        "(used prefix for defaults %s)" % oldstyle_defaults['prefix']),
                        None, 'store', None),
            'recursive-module-unload': ("Enable generating of modules that unload recursively.",
                                        None, 'store_true', False),
            'repository': ("Repository type, using repositorypath",
                           'choice', 'store', oldstyle_defaults['repository'], sorted(avail_repositories().keys())),
            'repositorypath': (("Repository path, used by repository "
                                "(is passed as list of arguments to create the repository instance). "
                                "For more info, use --avail-repositories."),
                                'strlist', 'store',
            'show-default-moduleclasses': ("Show default module classes with description",
                                           None, 'store_true', False),
            'sourcepath': ("Path(s) to where sources should be downloaded (string, colon-separated)",
                           None, 'store', oldstyle_defaults['sourcepath']),
            'subdir-modules': ("Installpath subdir for modules", None, 'store', oldstyle_defaults['subdir_modules']),
            'subdir-software': ("Installpath subdir for software", None, 'store', oldstyle_defaults['subdir_software']),
            # this one is sort of an exception, it's something jobscripts can set,
            # has no real meaning for regular eb usage
            'testoutput': ("Path to where a job should place the output (to be set within jobscript)",
                            None, 'store', None),
            'tmp-logdir': ("Log directory where temporary log files are stored",
                           None, 'store', oldstyle_defaults['tmp_logdir']),
            'tmpdir': ('Directory to use for temporary storage', None, 'store', None),

        self.log.debug("config_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr)
Esempio n. 13
    def config_options(self):
        # config options
        descr = ("Configuration options", "Configure EasyBuild behavior.")

        oldstyle_defaults = get_default_oldstyle_configfile_defaults()

        opts = {
            "config": ("Path to EasyBuild config file", None, "store", oldstyle_defaults["config"], "C"),
            "prefix": (
                    "Change prefix for buildpath, installpath, sourcepath and repositorypath "
                    "(repositorypath prefix is only relevant in case of FileRepository repository)"
                    "(used prefix for defaults %s)" % oldstyle_defaults["prefix"]
            "buildpath": ("Temporary build path", None, "store", oldstyle_defaults["buildpath"]),
            "installpath": ("Final install path", None, "store", oldstyle_defaults["installpath"]),
            "subdir-modules": ("Subdir in installpath for modules", None, "store", oldstyle_defaults["subdir_modules"]),
            "subdir-software": (
                "Subdir in installpath for software",
            "repository": (
                "Repository type, using repositorypath",
            "repositorypath": (
                    "Repository path, used by repository "
                    "(is passed as list of arguments to create the repository instance). "
                    "For more info, use --avail-repositories."
            "avail-repositories": (("Show all repository types (incl. non-usable)"), None, "store_true", False),
            "logfile-format": (
                "Directory name and format of the log file ",
                {"metavar": "DIR,FORMAT"},
            "tmp-logdir": (
                "Log directory where temporary log files are stored",
            "sourcepath": (
                "Path to where sources should be downloaded",
            "moduleclasses": (
                    "Extend supported module classes"
                    " (For more info on the default classes, use --show-default-moduleclasses)"
            "show-default-moduleclasses": ("Show default module classes with description", None, "store_true", False),
            # this one is sort of an exception, it's something jobscripts can set,
            #  has no real meaning for regular eb usage
            "testoutput": (
                "Path to where a job should place the output (to be set within jobscript)",

        self.log.debug("config_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr)
Esempio n. 14
    def config_options(self):
        # config options
        descr = ("Configuration options", "Configure EasyBuild behavior.")

        oldstyle_defaults = get_default_oldstyle_configfile_defaults()

        opts = OrderedDict({
            'avail-module-naming-schemes': ("Show all supported module naming schemes",
                                            None, 'store_true', False,),
            'avail-modules-tools': ("Show all supported module tools",
                                    None, "store_true", False,),
            'avail-repositories': ("Show all repository types (incl. non-usable)",
                                    None, "store_true", False,),
            'buildpath': ("Temporary build path", None, 'store', oldstyle_defaults['buildpath']),
            'ignore-dirs': ("Directory names to ignore when searching for files/dirs",
                            'strlist', 'store', ['.git', '.svn']),
            'installpath': ("Install path for software and modules", None, 'store', oldstyle_defaults['installpath']),
            'config': ("Path to EasyBuild config file",
                       None, 'store', oldstyle_defaults['config'], 'C'),
            'logfile-format': ("Directory name and format of the log file",
                               'strtuple', 'store', oldstyle_defaults['logfile_format'], {'metavar': 'DIR,FORMAT'}),
            'module-naming-scheme': ("Module naming scheme",
                                     'choice', 'store', oldstyle_defaults['module_naming_scheme'],
            'moduleclasses': (("Extend supported module classes "
                               "(For more info on the default classes, use --show-default-moduleclasses)"),
                               None, 'extend', oldstyle_defaults['moduleclasses']),
            'modules-footer': ("Path to file containing footer to be added to all generated module files",
                               None, 'store_or_None', None, {'metavar': "PATH"}),
            'modules-tool': ("Modules tool to use",
                             'choice', 'store', oldstyle_defaults['modules_tool'],
            'prefix': (("Change prefix for buildpath, installpath, sourcepath and repositorypath "
                        "(used prefix for defaults %s)" % oldstyle_defaults['prefix']),
                        None, 'store', None),
            'recursive-module-unload': ("Enable generating of modules that unload recursively.",
                                        None, 'store_true', False),
            'repository': ("Repository type, using repositorypath",
                           'choice', 'store', oldstyle_defaults['repository'], sorted(avail_repositories().keys())),
            'repositorypath': (("Repository path, used by repository "
                                "(is passed as list of arguments to create the repository instance). "
                                "For more info, use --avail-repositories."),
                                'strlist', 'store',
            'show-default-moduleclasses': ("Show default module classes with description",
                                           None, 'store_true', False),
            'sourcepath': ("Path(s) to where sources should be downloaded (string, colon-separated)",
                           None, 'store', oldstyle_defaults['sourcepath']),
            'subdir-modules': ("Installpath subdir for modules", None, 'store', oldstyle_defaults['subdir_modules']),
            'subdir-software': ("Installpath subdir for software", None, 'store', oldstyle_defaults['subdir_software']),
            'suffix-modules-path': ("Suffix for module files install path", None, 'store', GENERAL_CLASS),
            # this one is sort of an exception, it's something jobscripts can set,
            # has no real meaning for regular eb usage
            'testoutput': ("Path to where a job should place the output (to be set within jobscript)",
                            None, 'store', None),
            'tmp-logdir': ("Log directory where temporary log files are stored",
                           None, 'store', oldstyle_defaults['tmp_logdir']),
            'tmpdir': ('Directory to use for temporary storage', None, 'store', None),

        self.log.debug("config_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr)