Esempio n. 1
def getEasyBuildVersion(rootdirectory):
    # We make sure that the path given is totally expanded.
    absrootdirectory = os.path.abspath(os.path.expandvars(rootdirectory))
    # Appending temporarily to PYTHONPATH the EasyBuild directories and vsc-base
        os.path.join(os.path.join(absrootdirectory, '.installRef'),
        os.path.join(os.path.join(absrootdirectory, '.installRef'),
        os.path.join(os.path.join(absrootdirectory, '.installRef'),
        os.path.join(os.path.join(absrootdirectory, '.installRef'),

    # Importing the function that EasyBuild uses to determine its own version
    from import this_is_easybuild

    # Getting the version of EasyBuild from the output message
    msg = this_is_easybuild()
    version ="[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*", msg).group(0)

    # Removing from the PYTHONPATH the EasyBuild directories (cleanup)

    return version
Esempio n. 2
def log_start(eb_command_line, eb_tmpdir):
    """Log startup info."""

    # log used command line"Command line: %s" % (' '.join(eb_command_line)))"Using %s as temporary directory" % eb_tmpdir)
Esempio n. 3
def log_start(log, eb_command_line, eb_tmpdir):
    """Log startup info."""

    # log used command line"Command line: %s", ' '.join(eb_command_line))"Using %s as temporary directory", eb_tmpdir)
Esempio n. 4
class EasyBuildOptions(GeneralOption):
    """Easybuild generaloption class"""
    VERSION = this_is_easybuild()

    DEFAULT_CONFIGFILES = get_default_configfiles()

    ALLOPTSMANDATORY = False  # allow more than one argument

    def basic_options(self):
        """basic runtime options"""
        all_stops = [x[0] for x in EasyBlock.get_steps()]
        strictness_options = [
            filetools.IGNORE, filetools.WARN, filetools.ERROR

            default_robot_path = get_paths_for("easyconfigs",
                "basic_options: unable to determine default easyconfig path")
            default_robot_path = False  # False as opposed to None, since None is used for indicating that --robot was not used

        descr = ("Basic options", "Basic runtime options for EasyBuild.")

        opts = OrderedDict({
            ("Only build listed blocks", None, "extend", None, "b", {
                'metavar': "BLOCKS"
            (("Force to rebuild software even if it's already installed "
              "(i.e. if it can be found as module)"), None, "store_true",
             False, "f"),
            "job": ("Submit the build as a job", None, "store_true", False),
            ("Skip existing software (useful for installing additional packages)",
             None, "store_true", False, "k"),
            ("Path to search for easyconfigs for missing dependencies.", None,
             "store_or_None", default_robot_path, "r", {
                 'metavar': "PATH"
            "stop": ("Stop the installation after certain step", "choice",
                     "store_or_None", "source", "s", all_stops),
            "strict": ("Set strictness level", "choice", "store",
                       filetools.WARN, strictness_options),
            "logtostdout": ("Redirect main log to stdout", None, "store_true",
                            False, "l"),
            "dry-run": ("Resolve dependencies and print build list, then stop",
                        None, "store_true", False),

        self.log.debug("basic_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr)

    def software_options(self):
        # software build options
        descr = ("Software search and build options", (
            "Specify software search and build options: EasyBuild will search for a "
            "matching easyconfig and build it. When called with the try prefix "
            "(i.e. --try-X ), EasyBuild will search for a matching easyconfig "
            "and if none are found, try to generate one based on a close matching one "
            "(NOTE: --try-X is best effort, it might produce wrong builds!)"))

        opts = OrderedDict({
            ("Search and build software with name", None, 'store', None, {
                'metavar': 'NAME'
            ("Search and build software with version", None, 'store', None, {
                'metavar': 'VERSION'
            'toolchain': ("Search and build with toolchain (name and version)",
                          None, 'extend', None, {
                              'metavar': 'NAME,VERSION'
            ("Search and build with toolchain name", None, 'store', None, {
                'metavar': 'NAME'
            'toolchain-version': ("Search and build with toolchain version",
                                  None, 'store', None, {
                                      'metavar': 'VERSION'
            (("Specify additional search and build parameters (can be used multiple times); "
              "for example: versionprefix=foo or patches=one.patch,two.patch)"
              ), None, 'append', None, {
                  'metavar': 'VAR=VALUE[,VALUE]'

        longopts = opts.keys()
        for longopt in longopts:
            hlp = opts[longopt][0]
            hlp = "Try to %s (USE WITH CARE!)" % (hlp[0].lower() + hlp[1:])
            opts["try-%s" % longopt] = (hlp, ) + opts[longopt][1:]

        self.log.debug("software_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr)

    def override_options(self):
        # override options
        descr = ("Override options", "Override default EasyBuild behavior.")

        opts = {
            "easyblock": (
                "easyblock to use for processing the spec file or dumping the options",
                    'metavar': "CLASS"
            "pretend": (
                ("Does the build/installation in "
                 "a test directory located in $HOME/easybuildinstall "),
            "skip-test-cases": (
                "Skip running test cases",

        self.log.debug("override_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr)

    def config_options(self):
        # config options
        descr = ("Configuration options", "Configure EasyBuild behavior.")

        oldstyle_defaults = get_default_oldstyle_configfile_defaults()

        opts = {
            "config": (
                "Path to EasyBuild config file",
            (('Change prefix for buildpath, installpath, sourcepath and repositorypath '
              '(repositorypath prefix is only relevant in case of FileRepository repository)'
              '(used prefix for defaults %s)' % oldstyle_defaults['prefix']),
             None, 'store', None),
            'buildpath': ('Temporary build path', None, 'store',
            'installpath': ('Final install path', None, 'store',
            'subdir-modules': ('Subdir in installpath for modules', None,
                               'store', oldstyle_defaults['subdir_modules']),
            'subdir-software': ('Subdir in installpath for software', None,
                                'store', oldstyle_defaults['subdir_software']),
            'repository': ('Repository type, using repositorypath', 'choice',
                           'store', oldstyle_defaults['repository'],
            (('Repository path, used by repository '
              '(is passed as list of arguments to create the repository instance). '
              'For more info, use --avail-repositories.'), 'strlist', 'store',
            "avail-repositories": (
                "Show all repository types (incl. non-usable)",
            ('Directory name and format of the log file ', 'strtuple', 'store',
             oldstyle_defaults['logfile_format'], {
                 'metavar': 'DIR,FORMAT'
            ('Log directory where temporary log files are stored', None,
             'store', oldstyle_defaults['tmp_logdir']),
            ('Path(s) to where sources should be downloaded (string, colon-separated)',
             None, 'store', oldstyle_defaults['sourcepath']),
            (('Extend supported module classes'
              ' (For more info on the default classes, use --show-default-moduleclasses)'
              ), None, 'extend', oldstyle_defaults['moduleclasses']),
            ('Show default module classes with description', None,
             'store_true', False),
            'modules-tool': ('Modules tool to use', 'choice', 'store',
            "avail-modules-tools": (
                "Show all supported module tools",
            ('Module naming scheme', 'choice', 'store',
            "avail-module-naming-schemes": (
                "Show all supported module naming schemes",
            # this one is sort of an exception, it's something jobscripts can set,
            #  has no real meaning for regular eb usage
            ("Path to where a job should place the output (to be set within jobscript)",
             None, "store", None),

        self.log.debug("config_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr)

    def informative_options(self):
        # informative options
        descr = ("Informative options", "Obtain information about EasyBuild.")

        opts = {
            "avail-easyconfig-params": (
                ("Show all easyconfig parameters (include "
                 "easyblock-specific ones by using -e)"),
            (("Show all template names and template constants "
              "that can be used in easyconfigs."), None, "store_true", False),
            (("Show all constants that can be used in easyconfigs."), None,
             "store_true", False),
            (("Show all license constants that can be used in easyconfigs."),
             None, "store_true", False),
            ("Show list of available easyblocks", "choice", "store_or_None",
             "simple", ["simple", "detailed"]),
            "list-toolchains": ("Show list of known toolchains", None,
                                "store_true", False),
            "search": ("Search for easyconfig files in the robot directory",
                       None, "store", None, {
                           'metavar': "STR"
            "dep-graph": (
                "Create dependency graph",
                    'metavar': "depgraph.<ext>"

        self.log.debug("informative_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr)

    def regtest_options(self):
        # regression test options
        descr = ("Regression test options",
                 "Run and control an EasyBuild regression test.")

        opts = {
            ("Enable regression test mode", None, "store_true", False),
            "regtest-online": (
                "Enable online regression test mode",
            "sequential": (
                "Specify this option if you want to prevent parallel build",
            "regtest-output-dir": (
                "Set output directory for test-run",
                    'metavar': "DIR"
            "aggregate-regtest": (
                "Collect all the xmls inside the given directory and generate a single file",
                    'metavar': "DIR"

        self.log.debug("regtest_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr)

    def easyconfig_options(self):
        # easyconfig options (to be passed to easyconfig instance)
        descr = ("Options for Easyconfigs",
                 "Options to be passed to all Easyconfig.")

        opts = None
        self.log.debug("easyconfig_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr, prefix='easyconfig')

    def easyblock_options(self):
        # easyblock options (to be passed to easyblock instance)
        descr = ("Options for Easyblocks",
                 "Options to be passed to all Easyblocks.")

        opts = None
        self.log.debug("easyblock_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr, prefix='easyblock')

    def unittest_options(self):
        # unittest options
        descr = ("Unittest options",
                 "Options dedicated to unittesting (experts only).")

        opts = {
            "file": ("Log to this file in unittest mode", None, "store", None),

        self.log.debug("unittest_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr, prefix='unittest')

    def validate(self):
        """Additional validation of options"""
        stop_msg = []

        if self.options.toolchain and not len(self.options.toolchain) == 2:
            stop_msg.append('--toolchain requires NAME,VERSION (given %s)' %
        if self.options.try_toolchain and not len(
                self.options.try_toolchain) == 2:
                '--try-toolchain requires NAME,VERSION (given %s)' %

        if len(stop_msg) > 0:
            indent = " " * 2
            stop_msg = ['%s%s' % (indent, x) for x in stop_msg]
                0, 'ERROR: Found %s problems validating the options:' %
            print "\n".join(stop_msg)

    def postprocess(self):
        """Do some postprocessing, in particular print stuff"""
        if self.options.unittest_file:

        if any([
            )  # runs the easyconfig constants sanity check


    def _postprocess_config(self):
        """Postprocessing of configuration options"""
        if self.options.prefix is not None:
            changed_defaults = get_default_oldstyle_configfile_defaults(
            for dest in [
                    'installpath', 'buildpath', 'sourcepath', 'repositorypath'
                if not self.options._action_taken.get(dest, False):
                    new_def = changed_defaults[dest]
                    if dest == 'repositorypath':
                        setattr(self.options, dest,
                        setattr(self.options, dest, new_def)
                    # LEGACY this line is here for oldstyle reasons
                        'Fake action taken to distinguish from default', '2.0')
                    self.options._action_taken[dest] = True

        if self.options.pretend:
            self.options.installpath = get_pretend_installpath()

    def _postprocess_list_avail(self):
        """Create all the additional info that can be requested (exit at the end)"""
        msg = ''
        # dump possible easyconfig params
        if self.options.avail_easyconfig_params:
            msg += self.avail_easyconfig_params()

        # dump easyconfig template options
        if self.options.avail_easyconfig_templates:
            msg += template_documentation()

        # dump easyconfig constant options
        if self.options.avail_easyconfig_constants:
            msg += constant_documentation()

        # dump easyconfig license options
        if self.options.avail_easyconfig_licenses:
            msg += license_documentation()

        # dump available easyblocks
        if self.options.list_easyblocks:
            msg += self.avail_easyblocks()

        # dump known toolchains
        if self.options.list_toolchains:
            msg += self.avail_toolchains()

        # dump known repository types
        if self.options.avail_repositories:
            msg += self.avail_repositories()

        # dump supported modules tools
        if self.options.avail_modules_tools:
            msg += self.avail_list('modules tools', avail_modules_tools())

        # dump supported module naming schemes
        if self.options.avail_module_naming_schemes:
            msg += self.avail_list('module naming schemes',

        # dump default moduleclasses with description
        if self.options.show_default_moduleclasses:
            msg += self.show_default_moduleclasses()

        if self.options.unittest_file:
            print msg

    def avail_easyconfig_params(self):
        Print the available easyconfig parameters, for the given easyblock.
        app = get_class(self.options.easyblock)
        extra = app.extra_options()
        mapping = convert_to_help(extra, has_default=False)
        if len(extra) > 0:
            ebb_msg = " (* indicates specific for the %s EasyBlock)" % app.__name__
            extra_names = [x[0] for x in extra]
            ebb_msg = ''
            extra_names = []
        txt = ["Available easyconfig parameters%s" % ebb_msg]
        params = [(k, v) for (k, v) in mapping.items()
                  if k.upper() not in ['HIDDEN']]
        for key, values in params:
            txt.append("%s" % key.upper())
            txt.append('-' * len(key))
            for name, value in values:
                tabs = "\t" * (3 - (len(name) + 1) / 8)
                if name in extra_names:
                    starred = '(*)'
                    starred = ''
                txt.append("%s%s:%s%s" % (name, starred, tabs, value))

        return "\n".join(txt)

    def avail_classes_tree(self, classes, classNames, detailed, depth=0):
        """Print list of classes as a tree."""
        txt = []
        for className in classNames:
            classInfo = classes[className]
            if detailed:
                txt.append("%s|-- %s (%s)" %
                           ("|   " * depth, className, classInfo['module']))
                txt.append("%s|-- %s" % ("|   " * depth, className))
            if 'children' in classInfo:
                    self.avail_classes_tree(classes, classInfo['children'],
                                            detailed, depth + 1))
        return txt

    def avail_easyblocks(self):
        """Get a class tree for easyblocks."""
        detailed = self.options.list_easyblocks == "detailed"
        module_regexp = re.compile(r"^([^_].*)\.py$")

        # finish initialisation of the toolchain module (ie set the TC_CONSTANT constants)

        for package in [
                "easybuild.easyblocks", "easybuild.easyblocks.generic"

            # determine paths for this package
            paths = sys.modules[package].__path__

            # import all modules in these paths
            for path in paths:
                if os.path.exists(path):
                    for f in os.listdir(path):
                        res = module_regexp.match(f)
                        if res:
                            __import__("%s.%s" % (package,

        def add_class(classes, cls):
            """Add a new class, and all of its subclasses."""
            children = cls.__subclasses__()
                cls.__name__: {
                    'module': cls.__module__,
                    'children': [x.__name__ for x in children]
            for child in children:
                add_class(classes, child)

        roots = [EasyBlock, Extension]

        classes = {}
        for root in roots:
            add_class(classes, root)

        # Print the tree, start with the roots
        txt = []
        for root in roots:
            root = root.__name__
            if detailed:
                txt.append("%s (%s)" % (root, classes[root]['module']))
                txt.append("%s" % root)
            if 'children' in classes[root]:
                    self.avail_classes_tree(classes, classes[root]['children'],

        return "\n".join(txt)

    def avail_toolchains(self):
        """Show list of known toolchains."""
        _, all_tcs = search_toolchain('')
        all_tcs_names = [x.NAME for x in all_tcs]
        tclist = sorted(zip(all_tcs_names, all_tcs))

        txt = ["List of known toolchains (toolchainname: module[,module...]):"]

        for (tcname, tcc) in tclist:
            tc = tcc(
            )  # version doesn't matter here, but something needs to be there
            tc_elems = set([
                y for x in dir(tc) if x.endswith('_MODULE_NAME')
                for y in eval("tc.%s" % x)

            txt.append("\t%s: %s" % (tcname, ', '.join(sorted(tc_elems))))

        return '\n'.join(txt)

    def avail_repositories(self):
        """Show list of known repository types."""
        repopath_defaults = get_default_oldstyle_configfile_defaults(
        all_repos = avail_repositories(check_useable=False)
        usable_repos = avail_repositories(check_useable=True).keys()

        indent = ' ' * 2
        txt = ['All avaialble repository types']
        repos = sorted(all_repos.keys())
        for repo in repos:
            if repo in usable_repos:
                missing = ''
                missing = ' (*Not usable*, something is missing (eg a specific module))'
            if repo in repopath_defaults:
                default = ' (Default arguments: %s)' % (
                default = ' (No default arguments)'

            txt.append("%s%s%s%s" % (indent, repo, default, missing))
            txt.append("%s%s" % (indent * 2, all_repos[repo].DESCRIPTION))

        return "\n".join(txt)

    def avail_list(self, name, items):
        """Show list of available values passed by argument."""
        return "List of supported %s:\n\t%s" % (name, '\n\t'.join(items))

    def show_default_moduleclasses(self):
        """Show list of default moduleclasses and description."""
        txt = ["Default available moduleclasses"]
        indent = " " * 2
        maxlen = max([len(x[0])
                      for x in DEFAULT_MODULECLASSES]) + 1  # at least 1 space
        for name, descr in DEFAULT_MODULECLASSES:
            txt.append("%s%s:%s%s" % (indent, name,
                                      (" " * (maxlen - len(name))), descr))
        return "\n".join(txt)
Esempio n. 5
def main(testing_data=(None, None, None)):
    Main function:
    @arg options: a tuple: (options, paths, logger, logfile, hn) as defined in parse_options
    This function will:
    - read easyconfig
    - build software
    # disallow running EasyBuild as root
    if os.getuid() == 0:
        sys.stderr.write("ERROR: You seem to be running EasyBuild with root privileges.\n"
                         "That's not wise, so let's end this here.\n"

    # steer behavior when testing main
    testing = testing_data[0] is not None
    args, logfile, do_build = testing_data

    # initialise options
    eb_go = eboptions.parse_options(args=args)
    options = eb_go.options
    orig_paths = eb_go.args

    # set umask (as early as possible)
    if options.umask is not None:
        new_umask = int(options.umask, 8)
        old_umask = os.umask(new_umask)

    # set temporary directory to use
    eb_tmpdir = set_tmpdir(options.tmpdir)

    # initialise logging for main
    if options.logtostdout:
        fancylogger.logToScreen(enable=True, stdout=True)
        if logfile is None:
            # mkstemp returns (fd,filename), fd is from, not regular open!
            fd, logfile = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.log', prefix='easybuild-')

        print_msg('temporary log file in case of crash %s' % (logfile), log=None, silent=testing)

    global _log
    _log = fancylogger.getLogger(fname=False)

    if options.umask is not None:"umask set to '%s' (used to be '%s')" % (oct(new_umask), oct(old_umask)))

    # hello world!

    # how was EB called?
    eb_command_line = eb_go.generate_cmd_line() + eb_go.args"Command line: %s" % (" ".join(eb_command_line)))"Using %s as temporary directory" % eb_tmpdir)

    if not options.robot is None:
        if options.robot:
  "Using robot path(s): %s" % options.robot)
            _log.error("No robot paths specified, and unable to determine easybuild-easyconfigs install path.")

    # do not pass options.robot, it's not a list instance (and it shouldn't be modified)
    robot_path = None
    if options.robot:
        robot_path = list(options.robot)

    # determine easybuild-easyconfigs package install path
    easyconfigs_paths = get_paths_for("easyconfigs", robot_path=robot_path)
    # keep track of paths for install easyconfigs, so we can obtain find specified easyconfigs
    easyconfigs_pkg_full_paths = easyconfigs_paths[:]
    if not easyconfigs_paths:
        _log.warning("Failed to determine install path for easybuild-easyconfigs package.")

    # specified robot paths are preferred over installed easyconfig files
    if robot_path:
        easyconfigs_paths = robot_path[:]"Extended list of robot paths with paths for installed easyconfigs: %s" % robot_path)

    # initialise the easybuild configuration
    config.init(options, eb_go.get_options_by_section('config'))

    # building a dependency graph implies force, so that all dependencies are retained
    # and also skips validation of easyconfigs (e.g. checking os dependencies)
    retain_all_deps = False
    if options.dep_graph:"Enabling force to generate dependency graph.")
        options.force = True
        retain_all_deps = True

        'aggregate_regtest': options.aggregate_regtest,
        'allow_modules_tool_mismatch': options.allow_modules_tool_mismatch,
        'check_osdeps': not options.ignore_osdeps,
        'command_line': eb_command_line,
        'debug': options.debug,
        'dry_run': options.dry_run,
        'easyblock': options.easyblock,
        'experimental': options.experimental,
        'force': options.force,
        'ignore_dirs': options.ignore_dirs,
        'modules_footer': options.modules_footer,
        'only_blocks': options.only_blocks,
        'recursive_mod_unload': options.recursive_module_unload,
        'regtest_online': options.regtest_online,
        'regtest_output_dir': options.regtest_output_dir,
        'retain_all_deps': retain_all_deps,
        'robot_path': robot_path,
        'sequential': options.sequential,
        'silent': testing,
        'set_gid_bit': options.set_gid_bit,
        'skip': options.skip,
        'skip_test_cases': options.skip_test_cases,
        'sticky_bit': options.sticky_bit,
        'stop': options.stop,
        'umask': options.umask,
        'valid_module_classes': module_classes(),
        'valid_stops': [x[0] for x in EasyBlock.get_steps()],
        'validate': not options.force,

    # search for easyconfigs
    if or options.search_short:
        search_path = [os.getcwd()]
        if easyconfigs_paths:
            search_path = easyconfigs_paths
        query = or options.search_short
        ignore_dirs = config.build_option('ignore_dirs')
        silent = config.build_option('silent')
        search_file(search_path, query, short=not, ignore_dirs=ignore_dirs, silent=silent)

    # process software build specifications (if any), i.e.
    # software name/version, toolchain name/version, extra patches, ...
    (try_to_generate, build_specs) = process_software_build_specs(options)

    paths = []
    if len(orig_paths) == 0:
        if 'name' in build_specs:
            paths = [obtain_path(build_specs, easyconfigs_paths, try_to_generate=try_to_generate,
                                 exit_on_error=not testing)]
        elif not any([options.aggregate_regtest,, options.search_short, options.regtest]):
            print_error(("Please provide one or multiple easyconfig files, or use software build "
                         "options to make EasyBuild search for easyconfigs"),
                        log=_log, opt_parser=eb_go.parser, exit_on_error=not testing)
        # look for easyconfigs with relative paths in easybuild-easyconfigs package,
        # unless they were found at the given relative paths
        if easyconfigs_pkg_full_paths:
            # determine which easyconfigs files need to be found, if any
            ecs_to_find = []
            for idx, orig_path in enumerate(orig_paths):
                if orig_path == os.path.basename(orig_path) and not os.path.exists(orig_path):
                    ecs_to_find.append((idx, orig_path))
            _log.debug("List of easyconfig files to find: %s" % ecs_to_find)

            # find missing easyconfigs by walking paths with installed easyconfig files
            for path in easyconfigs_pkg_full_paths:
                _log.debug("Looking for missing easyconfig files (%d left) in %s..." % (len(ecs_to_find), path))
                for (subpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path, topdown=True):
                    for idx, orig_path in ecs_to_find[:]:
                        if orig_path in filenames:
                            full_path = os.path.join(subpath, orig_path)
                  "Found %s in %s: %s" % (orig_path, path, full_path))
                            orig_paths[idx] = full_path
                            # if file was found, stop looking for it (first hit wins)
                            ecs_to_find.remove((idx, orig_path))

                    # stop os.walk insanity as soon as we have all we need (os.walk loop)
                    if len(ecs_to_find) == 0:

                    # ignore subdirs specified to be ignored by replacing items in dirnames list used by os.walk
                    dirnames[:] = [d for d in dirnames if not d in options.ignore_dirs]

                # stop os.walk insanity as soon as we have all we need (paths loop)
                if len(ecs_to_find) == 0:

        # indicate that specified paths do not contain generated easyconfig files
        paths = [(path, False) for path in orig_paths]

    _log.debug("Paths: %s" % paths)

    # run regtest
    if options.regtest or options.aggregate_regtest:"Running regression test")
        if paths:
            ec_paths = [path[0] for path in paths]
        else:  # fallback: easybuild-easyconfigs install path
            ec_paths = easyconfigs_pkg_full_paths
        regtest_ok = regtest(ec_paths)

        if not regtest_ok:
  "Regression test failed (partially)!")
            sys.exit(31)  # exit -> 3x1t -> 31

    # read easyconfig files
    easyconfigs = []
    for (path, generated) in paths:
        path = os.path.abspath(path)
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            print_error("Can't find path %s" % path)

            files = find_easyconfigs(path, ignore_dirs=options.ignore_dirs)
            for f in files:
                if not generated and try_to_generate and build_specs:
                    ec_file = tweak(f, None, build_specs)
                    ec_file = f
                ecs = process_easyconfig(ec_file, build_specs=build_specs)
        except IOError, err:
            _log.error("Processing easyconfigs in path %s failed: %s" % (path, err))
Esempio n. 6
def main(testing_data=(None, None)):
    Main function:
    @arg options: a tuple: (options, paths, logger, logfile, hn) as defined in parse_options
    This function will:
    - read easyconfig
    - build software
    # disallow running EasyBuild as root
    if os.getuid() == 0:
            "ERROR: You seem to be running EasyBuild with root privileges.\n"
            "That's not wise, so let's end this here.\n"

    # steer behavior when testing main
    testing = testing_data[0] is not None
    args, logfile = testing_data

    # initialise options
    eb_go = eboptions.parse_options(args=args)
    options = eb_go.options
    orig_paths = eb_go.args

    # initialise logging for main
    if options.logtostdout:
        fancylogger.logToScreen(enable=True, stdout=True)
        if logfile is None:
            # mkstemp returns (fd,filename), fd is from, not regular open!
            fd, logfile = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".log", prefix="easybuild-")

        print_msg("temporary log file in case of crash %s" % (logfile), log=None, silent=testing)

    global _log
    _log = fancylogger.getLogger(fname=False)

    # hello world!

    # set strictness of filetools module
    if options.strict:
        filetools.strictness = options.strict

    if not options.robot is None:
        if options.robot:
  "Using robot path: %s" % options.robot)
            _log.error("No robot path specified, and unable to determine easybuild-easyconfigs install path.")

    # determine easybuild-easyconfigs package install path
    easyconfigs_paths = get_paths_for("easyconfigs", robot_path=options.robot)
    easyconfigs_pkg_full_path = None

    search_path = os.getcwd()
    if easyconfigs_paths:
        easyconfigs_pkg_full_path = easyconfigs_paths[0]
        if not options.robot:
            search_path = easyconfigs_pkg_full_path
            search_path = options.robot
    else:"Failed to determine install path for easybuild-easyconfigs package.")

    if options.robot:
        easyconfigs_paths = [options.robot] + easyconfigs_paths

    # initialise the easybuild configuration
    config.init(options, eb_go.get_options_by_section("config"))

    # search for easyconfigs
        search_file(search_path,, silent=testing)

    # process software build specifications (if any), i.e.
    # software name/version, toolchain name/version, extra patches, ...
    (try_to_generate, software_build_specs) = process_software_build_specs(options)

    paths = []
    if len(orig_paths) == 0:
        if software_build_specs.has_key("name"):
            paths = [
                    software_build_specs, easyconfigs_paths, try_to_generate=try_to_generate, exit_on_error=not testing
        elif not any([options.aggregate_regtest,, options.regtest]):
                    "Please provide one or multiple easyconfig files, or use software build "
                    "options to make EasyBuild search for easyconfigs"
                exit_on_error=not testing,
        # look for easyconfigs with relative paths in easybuild-easyconfigs package,
        # unless they we found at the given relative paths

        if easyconfigs_pkg_full_path:
            # create a mapping from filename to path in easybuild-easyconfigs package install path
            easyconfigs_map = {}
            for (subpath, _, filenames) in os.walk(easyconfigs_pkg_full_path):
                for filename in filenames:
                    easyconfigs_map.update({filename: os.path.join(subpath, filename)})

            # try and find non-existing non-absolute eaysconfig paths in easybuild-easyconfigs package install path
            for idx, orig_path in enumerate(orig_paths):
                if not os.path.isabs(orig_path) and not os.path.exists(orig_path):
                    if orig_path in easyconfigs_map:
                            "Found %s in %s: %s" % (orig_path, easyconfigs_pkg_full_path, easyconfigs_map[orig_path])
                        orig_paths[idx] = easyconfigs_map[orig_path]

        # indicate that specified paths do not contain generated easyconfig files
        paths = [(path, False) for path in orig_paths]

    _log.debug("Paths: %s" % paths)

    # run regtest
    if options.regtest or options.aggregate_regtest:"Running regression test")
        if paths:
            regtest_ok = regtest(options, [path[0] for path in paths])
        else:  # fallback: easybuild-easyconfigs install path
            regtest_ok = regtest(options, [easyconfigs_pkg_full_path])

        if not regtest_ok:
  "Regression test failed (partially)!")
            sys.exit(31)  # exit -> 3x1t -> 31

    if any([, options.regtest]):
        cleanup_logfile_and_exit(logfile, testing, True)

    # building a dependency graph implies force, so that all dependencies are retained
    # and also skips validation of easyconfigs (e.g. checking os dependencies)
    validate_easyconfigs = True
    retain_all_deps = False
    if options.dep_graph:"Enabling force to generate dependency graph.")
        options.force = True
        validate_easyconfigs = False
        retain_all_deps = True

    # read easyconfig files
    easyconfigs = []
    for (path, generated) in paths:
        path = os.path.abspath(path)
        if not (os.path.exists(path)):
            print_error("Can't find path %s" % path)

            files = find_easyconfigs(path)
            for f in files:
                if not generated and try_to_generate and software_build_specs:
                    ec_file =, None, software_build_specs)
                    ec_file = f
                easyconfigs.extend(process_easyconfig(ec_file, options.only_blocks, validate=validate_easyconfigs))
        except IOError, err:
            _log.error("Processing easyconfigs in path %s failed: %s" % (path, err))
Esempio n. 7
class EasyBuildOptions(GeneralOption):
    """Easybuild generaloption class"""
    VERSION = this_is_easybuild()

    DEFAULT_CONFIGFILES = get_default_configfiles()

    ALLOPTSMANDATORY = False  # allow more than one argument

    def basic_options(self):
        """basic runtime options"""
        all_stops = [x[0] for x in EasyBlock.get_steps()]
        strictness_options = [run.IGNORE, run.WARN, run.ERROR]

            default_robot_path = get_paths_for("easyconfigs", robot_path=None)[0]
            self.log.warning("basic_options: unable to determine default easyconfig path")
            default_robot_path = False  # False as opposed to None, since None is used for indicating that --robot was not used

        descr = ("Basic options", "Basic runtime options for EasyBuild.")

        opts = OrderedDict({
            'dry-run': ("Print build overview incl. dependencies (full paths)", None, 'store_true', False),
            'dry-run-short': ("Print build overview incl. dependencies (short paths)", None, 'store_true', False, 'D'),
            'force': ("Force to rebuild software even if it's already installed (i.e. if it can be found as module)",
                      None, 'store_true', False, 'f'),
            'job': ("Submit the build as a job", None, 'store_true', False),
            'logtostdout': ("Redirect main log to stdout", None, 'store_true', False, 'l'),
            'only-blocks': ("Only build listed blocks", None, 'extend', None, 'b', {'metavar': 'BLOCKS'}),
            'robot': ("Path(s) to search for easyconfigs for missing dependencies (colon-separated)" ,
                      None, 'store_or_None', default_robot_path, 'r', {'metavar': 'PATH'}),
            'skip': ("Skip existing software (useful for installing additional packages)",
                     None, 'store_true', False, 'k'),
            'stop': ("Stop the installation after certain step", 'choice', 'store_or_None', 'source', 's', all_stops),
            'strict': ("Set strictness level", 'choice', 'store', run.WARN, strictness_options),

        self.log.debug("basic_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr)

    def software_options(self):
        # software build options
        descr = ("Software search and build options",
                 ("Specify software search and build options: EasyBuild will search for a "
                  "matching easyconfig and build it. When called with the try prefix "
                  "(i.e. --try-X ), EasyBuild will search for a matching easyconfig "
                  "and if none are found, try to generate one based on a close matching one "
                  "(NOTE: --try-X is best effort, it might produce wrong builds!)")

        opts = OrderedDict({
            'amend':(("Specify additional search and build parameters (can be used multiple times); "
                      "for example: versionprefix=foo or patches=one.patch,two.patch)"),
                      None, 'append', None, {'metavar': 'VAR=VALUE[,VALUE]'}),
            'software-name': ("Search and build software with name",
                              None, 'store', None, {'metavar': 'NAME'}),
            'software-version': ("Search and build software with version",
                                 None, 'store', None, {'metavar': 'VERSION'}),
            'toolchain': ("Search and build with toolchain (name and version)",
                          None, 'extend', None, {'metavar': 'NAME,VERSION'}),
            'toolchain-name': ("Search and build with toolchain name",
                               None, 'store', None, {'metavar': 'NAME'}),
            'toolchain-version': ("Search and build with toolchain version",
                                  None, 'store', None, {'metavar': 'VERSION'}),

        longopts = opts.keys()
        for longopt in longopts:
            hlp = opts[longopt][0]
            hlp = "Try to %s (USE WITH CARE!)" % (hlp[0].lower() + hlp[1:])
            opts["try-%s" % longopt] = (hlp,) + opts[longopt][1:]

        # additional options that don't need a --try equivalent
            'from-pr': ("Obtain easyconfigs from specified PR", int, 'store', None, {'metavar': 'PR#'}),

        self.log.debug("software_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr)

    def override_options(self):
        # override options
        descr = ("Override options", "Override default EasyBuild behavior.")

        opts = OrderedDict({
            'allow-modules-tool-mismatch': ("Allow mismatch of modules tool and definition of 'module' function",
                                            None, 'store_true', False),
            'cleanup-builddir': ("Cleanup build dir after successful installation.", None, 'store_true', True),
            'deprecated': ("Run pretending to be (future) version, to test removal of deprecated code.",
                           None, 'store', None),
            'easyblock': ("easyblock to use for processing the spec file or dumping the options",
                          None, 'store', None, 'e', {'metavar': 'CLASS'}),
            'experimental': ("Allow experimental code (with behaviour that can be changed or removed at any given time).",
                             None, 'store_true', False),
            'group': ("Group to be used for software installations (only verified, not set)", None, 'store', None),
            'ignore-osdeps': ("Ignore any listed OS dependencies", None, 'store_true', False),
            'oldstyleconfig':   ("Look for and use the oldstyle configuration file.",
                                 None, 'store_true', True),
            'pretend': (("Does the build/installation in a test directory located in $HOME/easybuildinstall"),
                         None, 'store_true', False, 'p'),
            'set-gid-bit': ("Set group ID bit on newly created directories", None, 'store_true', False),
            'sticky-bit': ("Set sticky bit on newly created directories", None, 'store_true', False),
            'skip-test-cases': ("Skip running test cases", None, 'store_true', False, 't'),
            'umask': ("umask to use (e.g. '022'); non-user write permissions on install directories are removed",
                      None, 'store', None),

        self.log.debug("override_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr)

    def config_options(self):
        # config options
        descr = ("Configuration options", "Configure EasyBuild behavior.")

        oldstyle_defaults = get_default_oldstyle_configfile_defaults()

        opts = OrderedDict({
            'avail-module-naming-schemes': ("Show all supported module naming schemes",
                                            None, 'store_true', False,),
            'avail-modules-tools': ("Show all supported module tools",
                                    None, "store_true", False,),
            'avail-repositories': ("Show all repository types (incl. non-usable)",
                                    None, "store_true", False,),
            'buildpath': ("Temporary build path", None, 'store', oldstyle_defaults['buildpath']),
            'ignore-dirs': ("Directory names to ignore when searching for files/dirs",
                            'strlist', 'store', ['.git', '.svn']),
            'installpath': ("Install path for software and modules", None, 'store', oldstyle_defaults['installpath']),
            'config': ("Path to EasyBuild config file",
                       None, 'store', oldstyle_defaults['config'], 'C'),
            'logfile-format': ("Directory name and format of the log file",
                               'strtuple', 'store', oldstyle_defaults['logfile_format'], {'metavar': 'DIR,FORMAT'}),
            'module-naming-scheme': ("Module naming scheme",
                                     'choice', 'store', oldstyle_defaults['module_naming_scheme'],
            'moduleclasses': (("Extend supported module classes "
                               "(For more info on the default classes, use --show-default-moduleclasses)"),
                               None, 'extend', oldstyle_defaults['moduleclasses']),
            'modules-footer': ("Path to file containing footer to be added to all generated module files",
                               None, 'store_or_None', None, {'metavar': "PATH"}),
            'modules-tool': ("Modules tool to use",
                             'choice', 'store', oldstyle_defaults['modules_tool'],
            'prefix': (("Change prefix for buildpath, installpath, sourcepath and repositorypath "
                        "(repositorypath prefix is only relevant in case of FileRepository repository) "
                        "(used prefix for defaults %s)" % oldstyle_defaults['prefix']),
                        None, 'store', None),
            'recursive-module-unload': ("Enable generating of modules that unload recursively.",
                                        None, 'store_true', False),
            'repository': ("Repository type, using repositorypath",
                           'choice', 'store', oldstyle_defaults['repository'], sorted(avail_repositories().keys())),
            'repositorypath': (("Repository path, used by repository "
                                "(is passed as list of arguments to create the repository instance). "
                                "For more info, use --avail-repositories."),
                                'strlist', 'store',
            'show-default-moduleclasses': ("Show default module classes with description",
                                           None, 'store_true', False),
            'sourcepath': ("Path(s) to where sources should be downloaded (string, colon-separated)",
                           None, 'store', oldstyle_defaults['sourcepath']),
            'subdir-modules': ("Installpath subdir for modules", None, 'store', oldstyle_defaults['subdir_modules']),
            'subdir-software': ("Installpath subdir for software", None, 'store', oldstyle_defaults['subdir_software']),
            # this one is sort of an exception, it's something jobscripts can set,
            # has no real meaning for regular eb usage
            'testoutput': ("Path to where a job should place the output (to be set within jobscript)",
                            None, 'store', None),
            'tmp-logdir': ("Log directory where temporary log files are stored",
                           None, 'store', oldstyle_defaults['tmp_logdir']),
            'tmpdir': ('Directory to use for temporary storage', None, 'store', None),

        self.log.debug("config_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr)

    def informative_options(self):
        # informative options
        descr = ("Informative options", "Obtain information about EasyBuild.")

        opts = OrderedDict({
            'avail-easyconfig-constants': ("Show all constants that can be used in easyconfigs",
                                           None, 'store_true', False),
            'avail-easyconfig-licenses': ("Show all license constants that can be used in easyconfigs",
                                          None, 'store_true', False),
            'avail-easyconfig-params': (("Show all easyconfig parameters (include "
                                         "easyblock-specific ones by using -e)"),
                                         None, "store_true", False, 'a'),
            'avail-easyconfig-templates': (("Show all template names and template constants "
                                            "that can be used in easyconfigs"),
                                            None, 'store_true', False),
            'dep-graph': ("Create dependency graph",
                          None, "store", None, {'metavar': 'depgraph.<ext>'}),
            'list-easyblocks': ("Show list of available easyblocks",
                                'choice', 'store_or_None', 'simple', ['simple', 'detailed']),
            'list-toolchains': ("Show list of known toolchains",
                                None, 'store_true', False),
            'search': ("Search for easyconfig files in the robot directory, print full paths",
                       None, 'store', None, {'metavar': 'STR'}),
            'search-short': ("Search for easyconfig files in the robot directory, print short paths",
                             None, 'store', None, 'S', {'metavar': 'STR'}),

        self.log.debug("informative_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr)

    def regtest_options(self):
        # regression test options
        descr = ("Regression test options", "Run and control an EasyBuild regression test.")

        opts = OrderedDict({
            'aggregate-regtest': ("Collect all the xmls inside the given directory and generate a single file",
                                  None, 'store', None, {'metavar': 'DIR'}),
            'dump-test-report': ("Dump test report to specified path", None, 'store_or_None', ''),
            'github-user': ("GitHub username", None, 'store', None),
            'regtest': ("Enable regression test mode",
                        None, 'store_true', False),
            'regtest-output-dir': ("Set output directory for test-run",
                                   None, 'store', None, {'metavar': 'DIR'}),
            'sequential': ("Specify this option if you want to prevent parallel build",
                           None, 'store_true', False),
            'upload-test-report': ("Upload full test report as a gist on GitHub", None, 'store_true', None),

        self.log.debug("regtest_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr)

    def easyconfig_options(self):
        # easyconfig options (to be passed to easyconfig instance)
        descr = ("Options for Easyconfigs", "Options to be passed to all Easyconfig.")

        opts = None
        self.log.debug("easyconfig_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr, prefix='easyconfig')

    def easyblock_options(self):
        # easyblock options (to be passed to easyblock instance)
        descr = ("Options for Easyblocks", "Options to be passed to all Easyblocks.")

        opts = None
        self.log.debug("easyblock_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr, prefix='easyblock')

    def unittest_options(self):
        # unittest options
        descr = ("Unittest options", "Options dedicated to unittesting (experts only).")

        opts = OrderedDict({
            'file': ("Log to this file in unittest mode", None, 'store', None),

        self.log.debug("unittest_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr, prefix='unittest')

    def validate(self):
        """Additional validation of options"""
        stop_msg = []

        if self.options.toolchain and not len(self.options.toolchain) == 2:
            stop_msg.append('--toolchain requires NAME,VERSION (given %s)' %
        if self.options.try_toolchain and not len(self.options.try_toolchain) == 2:
            stop_msg.append('--try-toolchain requires NAME,VERSION (given %s)' %

        if self.options.umask:
            umask_regex = re.compile('^[0-7]{3}$')
            if not umask_regex.match(self.options.umask):
                stop_msg.append("--umask value should be 3 digits (0-7) (regex pattern '%s')" % umask_regex.pattern)

        if len(stop_msg) > 0:
            indent = " "*2
            stop_msg = ['%s%s' % (indent, x) for x in stop_msg]
            stop_msg.insert(0, 'ERROR: Found %s problems validating the options:' % len(stop_msg))
            print "\n".join(stop_msg)

    def postprocess(self):
        """Do some postprocessing, in particular print stuff"""
        build_log.EXPERIMENTAL = self.options.experimental
        config.SUPPORT_OLDSTYLE = self.options.oldstyleconfig

        # set strictness of run module
        if self.options.strict:
            run.strictness = self.options.strict

        # override current version of EasyBuild with version specified to --deprecated
        if self.options.deprecated:
            build_log.CURRENT_VERSION = LooseVersion(self.options.deprecated)

        # log to specified value of --unittest-file
        if self.options.unittest_file:

        # prepare for --list/--avail
        if any([self.options.avail_easyconfig_params, self.options.avail_easyconfig_templates,
                self.options.list_easyblocks, self.options.list_toolchains,
                self.options.avail_easyconfig_constants, self.options.avail_easyconfig_licenses,
                self.options.avail_repositories, self.options.show_default_moduleclasses,
                self.options.avail_modules_tools, self.options.avail_module_naming_schemes,
            build_easyconfig_constants_dict()  # runs the easyconfig constants sanity check

        # fail early if required dependencies for functionality requiring using GitHub API are not available:
        if self.options.from_pr or self.options.upload_test_report:
            if not HAVE_GITHUB_API:
                self.log.error("Required support for using GitHub API is not available (see warnings).")

        # make sure a GitHub token is available when it's required
        if self.options.upload_test_report:
            if not HAVE_KEYRING:
                self.log.error("Python 'keyring' module required for obtaining GitHub token is not available.")
            if self.options.github_user is None:
                self.log.error("No GitHub user name provided, required for fetching GitHub token.")
            token = fetch_github_token(self.options.github_user)
            if token is None:
                self.log.error("Failed to obtain required GitHub token for user '%s'" % self.options.github_user)


    def _postprocess_config(self):
        """Postprocessing of configuration options"""
        if self.options.prefix is not None:
            changed_defaults = get_default_oldstyle_configfile_defaults(self.options.prefix)
            for dest in ['installpath', 'buildpath', 'sourcepath', 'repositorypath']:
                if not self.options._action_taken.get(dest, False):
                    new_def = changed_defaults[dest]
                    if dest == 'repositorypath':
                        setattr(self.options, dest, new_def[changed_defaults['repository']])
                        setattr(self.options, dest, new_def)
                    # LEGACY this line is here for oldstyle reasons
                    self.log.deprecated('Fake action taken to distinguish from default', '2.0')
                    self.options._action_taken[dest] = True

        if self.options.pretend:
            self.options.installpath = get_pretend_installpath()

        # split supplied list of robot paths to obtain a list
        if self.options.robot:
            class RobotPath(ListOfStrings):
                SEPARATOR_LIST = os.pathsep
                # explicit definition of __str__ is required for unknown reason related to the way Wrapper is defined
                __str__ = ListOfStrings.__str__
            self.options.robot = RobotPath(self.options.robot)

    def _postprocess_list_avail(self):
        """Create all the additional info that can be requested (exit at the end)"""
        msg = ''
        # dump possible easyconfig params
        if self.options.avail_easyconfig_params:
            msg += self.avail_easyconfig_params()

        # dump easyconfig template options
        if self.options.avail_easyconfig_templates:
            msg += template_documentation()

        # dump easyconfig constant options
        if self.options.avail_easyconfig_constants:
            msg += constant_documentation()

        # dump easyconfig license options
        if self.options.avail_easyconfig_licenses:
            msg += license_documentation()

        # dump available easyblocks
        if self.options.list_easyblocks:
            msg += self.avail_easyblocks()

        # dump known toolchains
        if self.options.list_toolchains:
            msg += self.avail_toolchains()

        # dump known repository types
        if self.options.avail_repositories:
            msg += self.avail_repositories()

        # dump supported modules tools
        if self.options.avail_modules_tools:
            msg += self.avail_list('modules tools', avail_modules_tools())

        # dump supported module naming schemes
        if self.options.avail_module_naming_schemes:
            msg += self.avail_list('module naming schemes', avail_module_naming_schemes())

        # dump default moduleclasses with description
        if self.options.show_default_moduleclasses:
            msg += self.show_default_moduleclasses()

        if self.options.unittest_file:
            print msg

    def avail_easyconfig_params(self):
        Print the available easyconfig parameters, for the given easyblock.
        app = get_easyblock_class(self.options.easyblock)
        extra = app.extra_options()
        mapping = convert_to_help(extra, has_default=False)
        if len(extra) > 0:
            ebb_msg = " (* indicates specific for the %s EasyBlock)" % app.__name__
            extra_names = [x[0] for x in extra]
            ebb_msg = ''
            extra_names = []
        txt = ["Available easyconfig parameters%s" % ebb_msg]
        params = [(k, v) for (k, v) in mapping.items() if k.upper() not in ['HIDDEN']]
        for key, values in params:
            txt.append("%s" % key.upper())
            txt.append('-' * len(key))
            for name, value in values:
                tabs = "\t" * (3 - (len(name) + 1) / 8)
                if name in extra_names:
                    starred = '(*)'
                    starred = ''
                txt.append("%s%s:%s%s" % (name, starred, tabs, value))

        return "\n".join(txt)

    def avail_classes_tree(self, classes, classNames, detailed, depth=0):
        """Print list of classes as a tree."""
        txt = []
        for className in classNames:
            classInfo = classes[className]
            if detailed:
                txt.append("%s|-- %s (%s)" % ("|   " * depth, className, classInfo['module']))
                txt.append("%s|-- %s" % ("|   " * depth, className))
            if 'children' in classInfo:
                txt.extend(self.avail_classes_tree(classes, classInfo['children'], detailed, depth + 1))
        return txt

    def avail_easyblocks(self):
        """Get a class tree for easyblocks."""
        detailed = self.options.list_easyblocks == "detailed"
        module_regexp = re.compile(r"^([^_].*)\.py$")

        # finish initialisation of the toolchain module (ie set the TC_CONSTANT constants)

        for package in ["easybuild.easyblocks", "easybuild.easyblocks.generic"]:

            # determine paths for this package
            paths = sys.modules[package].__path__

            # import all modules in these paths
            for path in paths:
                if os.path.exists(path):
                    for f in os.listdir(path):
                        res = module_regexp.match(f)
                        if res:
                            __import__("%s.%s" % (package,

        def add_class(classes, cls):
            """Add a new class, and all of its subclasses."""
            children = cls.__subclasses__()
            classes.update({cls.__name__: {
                                           'module': cls.__module__,
                                           'children': [x.__name__ for x in children]
            for child in children:
                add_class(classes, child)

        roots = [EasyBlock, Extension]

        classes = {}
        for root in roots:
            add_class(classes, root)

        # Print the tree, start with the roots
        txt = []
        for root in roots:
            root = root.__name__
            if detailed:
                txt.append("%s (%s)" % (root, classes[root]['module']))
                txt.append("%s" % root)
            if 'children' in classes[root]:
                txt.extend(self.avail_classes_tree(classes, classes[root]['children'], detailed))

        return "\n".join(txt)

    def avail_toolchains(self):
        """Show list of known toolchains."""
        _, all_tcs = search_toolchain('')
        all_tcs_names = [x.NAME for x in all_tcs]
        tclist = sorted(zip(all_tcs_names, all_tcs))

        txt = ["List of known toolchains (toolchainname: module[,module...]):"]

        for (tcname, tcc) in tclist:
            tc = tcc(version='1.2.3')  # version doesn't matter here, but something needs to be there
            tc_elems = set([y for x in dir(tc) if x.endswith('_MODULE_NAME') for y in eval("tc.%s" % x)])

            txt.append("\t%s: %s" % (tcname, ', '.join(sorted(tc_elems))))

        return '\n'.join(txt)

    def avail_repositories(self):
        """Show list of known repository types."""
        repopath_defaults = get_default_oldstyle_configfile_defaults()['repositorypath']
        all_repos = avail_repositories(check_useable=False)
        usable_repos = avail_repositories(check_useable=True).keys()

        indent = ' ' * 2
        txt = ['All avaliable repository types']
        repos = sorted(all_repos.keys())
        for repo in repos:
            if repo in usable_repos:
                missing = ''
                missing = ' (*not usable*, something is missing (e.g. a required Python module))'
            if repo in repopath_defaults:
                default = ' (default arguments: %s)' % ', '.join(repopath_defaults[repo])
                default = ' (no default arguments)'

            txt.append("%s* %s%s%s" % (indent, repo, default, missing))
            txt.append("%s%s" % (indent * 3, all_repos[repo].DESCRIPTION))

        return "\n".join(txt)

    def avail_list(self, name, items):
        """Show list of available values passed by argument."""
        return "List of supported %s:\n\t%s" % (name, '\n\t'.join(items))

    def show_default_moduleclasses(self):
        """Show list of default moduleclasses and description."""
        txt = ["Default available moduleclasses"]
        indent = " " * 2
        maxlen = max([len(x[0]) for x in DEFAULT_MODULECLASSES]) + 1  # at least 1 space
        for name, descr in DEFAULT_MODULECLASSES:
            txt.append("%s%s:%s%s" % (indent, name, (" " * (maxlen - len(name))), descr))
        return "\n".join(txt)
Esempio n. 8
class EasyBuildOptions(GeneralOption):
    """Easybuild generaloption class"""
    VERSION = this_is_easybuild()


    ALLOPTSMANDATORY = False  # allow more than one argument

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        self.default_robot_paths = get_paths_for(subdir=EASYCONFIGS_PKG_SUBDIR,
                                                 robot_path=None) or []

        # set up constants to seed into config files parser, by section
        self.go_cfg_constants = {
            self.DEFAULTSECT: {
                 "List of default robot paths ('%s'-separated)" % os.pathsep),

        # update or define go_configfiles_initenv in named arguments to pass to parent constructor
        go_cfg_initenv = kwargs.setdefault('go_configfiles_initenv', {})
        for section, constants in self.go_cfg_constants.items():
            constants = dict([(name, value)
                              for (name, (value, _)) in constants.items()])
            go_cfg_initenv.setdefault(section, {}).update(constants)

        super(EasyBuildOptions, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def basic_options(self):
        """basic runtime options"""
        all_stops = [x[0] for x in EasyBlock.get_steps()]
        strictness_options = [run.IGNORE, run.WARN, run.ERROR]

        descr = ("Basic options", "Basic runtime options for EasyBuild.")

        opts = OrderedDict({
            'dry-run': ("Print build overview incl. dependencies (full paths)",
                        None, 'store_true', False),
            ("Print build overview incl. dependencies (short paths)", None,
             'store_true', False, 'D'),
            ("Force to rebuild software even if it's already installed (i.e. if it can be found as module)",
             None, 'store_true', False, 'f'),
            'job': ("Submit the build as a job", None, 'store_true', False),
            'logtostdout': ("Redirect main log to stdout", None, 'store_true',
                            False, 'l'),
            'only-blocks': ("Only build listed blocks", None, 'extend', None,
                            'b', {
                                'metavar': 'BLOCKS'
            ("Enable dependency resolution, using easyconfigs in specified paths",
             'pathlist', 'store_or_None', [], 'r', {
                 'metavar': 'PATH[%sPATH]' % os.pathsep
            ("Additional paths to consider by robot for easyconfigs (--robot paths get priority)",
             'pathlist', 'store', self.default_robot_paths, {
                 'metavar': 'PATH[%sPATH]' % os.pathsep
            ("Skip existing software (useful for installing additional packages)",
             None, 'store_true', False, 'k'),
            'stop': ("Stop the installation after certain step", 'choice',
                     'store_or_None', 'source', 's', all_stops),
            'strict': ("Set strictness level", 'choice', 'store', run.WARN,

        self.log.debug("basic_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr)

    def software_options(self):
        # software build options
        descr = ("Software search and build options", (
            "Specify software search and build options: EasyBuild will search for a "
            "matching easyconfig and build it. When called with the try prefix "
            "(i.e. --try-X ), EasyBuild will search for a matching easyconfig "
            "and if none are found, try to generate one based on a close matching one "
            "(NOTE: --try-X is best effort, it might produce wrong builds!)"))

        opts = OrderedDict({
            (("Specify additional search and build parameters (can be used multiple times); "
              "for example: versionprefix=foo or patches=one.patch,two.patch)"
              ), None, 'append', None, {
                  'metavar': 'VAR=VALUE[,VALUE]'
            ("Search and build software with given name and version", None,
             'extend', None, {
                 'metavar': 'NAME,VERSION'
            'software-name': ("Search and build software with given name",
                              None, 'store', None, {
                                  'metavar': 'NAME'
            ("Search and build software with given version", None, 'store',
             None, {
                 'metavar': 'VERSION'
            ("Search and build with given toolchain (name and version)", None,
             'extend', None, {
                 'metavar': 'NAME,VERSION'
            'toolchain-name': ("Search and build with given toolchain name",
                               None, 'store', None, {
                                   'metavar': 'NAME'
            ("Search and build with given toolchain version", None, 'store',
             None, {
                 'metavar': 'VERSION'

        longopts = opts.keys()
        for longopt in longopts:
            hlp = opts[longopt][0]
            hlp = "Try to %s (USE WITH CARE!)" % (hlp[0].lower() + hlp[1:])
            opts["try-%s" % longopt] = (hlp, ) + opts[longopt][1:]

        # additional options that don't need a --try equivalent
            ("Obtain easyconfigs from specified PR", int, 'store', None, {
                'metavar': 'PR#'

        self.log.debug("software_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr)

    def override_options(self):
        # override options
        descr = ("Override options", "Override default EasyBuild behavior.")

        opts = OrderedDict({
            ("Allow mismatch of modules tool and definition of 'module' function",
             None, 'store_true', False),
            ("Cleanup build dir after successful installation.", None,
             'store_true', True),
            ("Run pretending to be (future) version, to test removal of deprecated code.",
             None, 'store', None),
            ("Timeout for initiating downloads (in seconds)", None, 'store',
            ("easyblock to use for processing the spec file or dumping the options",
             None, 'store', None, 'e', {
                 'metavar': 'CLASS'
            ("Allow experimental code (with behaviour that can be changed/removed at any given time).",
             None, 'store_true', False),
            ("Group to be used for software installations (only verified, not set)",
             None, 'store', None),
            ("Install 'hidden' module file(s) by prefixing their name with '.'",
             None, 'store_true', False),
            'ignore-osdeps': ("Ignore any listed OS dependencies", None,
                              'store_true', False),
            ("Comma separated list of dependencies that you DON'T want to install with EasyBuild, "
             "because equivalent OS packages are installed. (e.g. --filter-deps=zlib,ncurses)",
             str, 'extend', None),
            ("Look for and use the oldstyle configuration file.", None,
             'store_true', True),
            ("Set architecture optimization, overriding native architecture optimizations",
             None, 'store', None),
            (("Does the build/installation in a test directory located in $HOME/easybuildinstall"
              ), None, 'store_true', False, 'p'),
            'set-gid-bit': ("Set group ID bit on newly created directories",
                            None, 'store_true', False),
            'sticky-bit': ("Set sticky bit on newly created directories", None,
                           'store_true', False),
            'skip-test-cases': ("Skip running test cases", None, 'store_true',
                                False, 't'),
            ("umask to use (e.g. '022'); non-user write permissions on install directories are removed",
             None, 'store', None),
            ("Update modules tool cache file(s) after generating module file",
             None, 'store_true', False),

        self.log.debug("override_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr)

    def config_options(self):
        # config options
        descr = ("Configuration options", "Configure EasyBuild behavior.")

        opts = OrderedDict({
            'avail-module-naming-schemes': (
                "Show all supported module naming schemes",
            'avail-modules-tools': (
                "Show all supported module tools",
            'avail-repositories': (
                "Show all repository types (incl. non-usable)",
            'buildpath': ("Temporary build path", None, 'store',
            ("Directory names to ignore when searching for files/dirs",
             'strlist', 'store', ['.git', '.svn']),
            'installpath': ("Install path for software and modules", None,
                            'store', mk_full_default_path('installpath')),
            # purposely take a copy for the default logfile format
            ("Directory name and format of the log file", 'strtuple', 'store',
             DEFAULT_LOGFILE_FORMAT[:], {
                 'metavar': 'DIR,FORMAT'
            ("Module naming scheme", 'choice', 'store', DEFAULT_MNS,
            (("Extend supported module classes "
              "(For more info on the default classes, use --show-default-moduleclasses)"
              ), None, 'extend', [x[0] for x in DEFAULT_MODULECLASSES]),
            ("Path to file containing footer to be added to all generated module files",
             None, 'store_or_None', None, {
                 'metavar': "PATH"
            'modules-tool': ("Modules tool to use", 'choice', 'store',
            (("Change prefix for buildpath, installpath, sourcepath and repositorypath "
              "(used prefix for defaults %s)" % DEFAULT_PREFIX), None, 'store',
            ("Enable generating of modules that unload recursively.", None,
             'store_true', False),
            'repository': ("Repository type, using repositorypath", 'choice',
                           'store', DEFAULT_REPOSITORY,
            (("Repository path, used by repository "
              "(is passed as list of arguments to create the repository instance). "
              "For more info, use --avail-repositories."), 'strlist', 'store',
            ("Show default module classes with description", None,
             'store_true', False),
            ("Path(s) to where sources should be downloaded (string, colon-separated)",
             None, 'store', mk_full_default_path('sourcepath')),
            'subdir-modules': ("Installpath subdir for modules", None, 'store',
            'subdir-software': ("Installpath subdir for software", None,
            'suffix-modules-path': ("Suffix for module files install path",
                                    None, 'store', GENERAL_CLASS),
            # this one is sort of an exception, it's something jobscripts can set,
            # has no real meaning for regular eb usage
            ("Path to where a job should place the output (to be set within jobscript)",
             None, 'store', None),
            ("Log directory where temporary log files are stored", None,
             'store', None),
            'tmpdir': ('Directory to use for temporary storage', None, 'store',

        self.log.debug("config_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr)

    def informative_options(self):
        # informative options
        descr = ("Informative options", "Obtain information about EasyBuild.")

        opts = OrderedDict({
            ("Show all constants that can be used in configuration files",
             None, 'store_true', False),
            ("Show all constants that can be used in easyconfigs", None,
             'store_true', False),
            ("Show all license constants that can be used in easyconfigs",
             None, 'store_true', False),
            (("Show all easyconfig parameters (include "
              "easyblock-specific ones by using -e)"), 'choice',
             'store_or_None', FORMAT_TXT, [FORMAT_RST, FORMAT_TXT], 'a'),
            (("Show all template names and template constants "
              "that can be used in easyconfigs"), None, 'store_true', False),
            'dep-graph': ("Create dependency graph", None, "store", None, {
                'metavar': 'depgraph.<ext>'
            'list-easyblocks': ("Show list of available easyblocks", 'choice',
                                'store_or_None', 'simple',
                                ['simple', 'detailed']),
            'list-toolchains': ("Show list of known toolchains", None,
                                'store_true', False),
            ("Search for easyconfig files in the robot directory, print full paths",
             None, 'store', None, {
                 'metavar': 'STR'
            ("Search for easyconfig files in the robot directory, print short paths",
             None, 'store', None, 'S', {
                 'metavar': 'STR'

        self.log.debug("informative_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr)

    def regtest_options(self):
        # regression test options
        descr = ("Regression test options",
                 "Run and control an EasyBuild regression test.")

        opts = OrderedDict({
            ("Collect all the xmls inside the given directory and generate a single file",
             None, 'store', None, {
                 'metavar': 'DIR'
            'dump-test-report': ("Dump test report to specified path", None,
                                 'store_or_None', ''),
            'github-user': ("GitHub username", None, 'store', None),
            'regtest': ("Enable regression test mode", None, 'store_true',
            'regtest-output-dir': ("Set output directory for test-run", None,
                                   'store', None, {
                                       'metavar': 'DIR'
            ("Specify this option if you want to prevent parallel build", None,
             'store_true', False),
            ("Upload full test report as a gist on GitHub", None, 'store_true',
            ("Regex used to filter out variables in environment dump of test report",
             None, 'regex', None),

        self.log.debug("regtest_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr)

    def easyconfig_options(self):
        # easyconfig options (to be passed to easyconfig instance)
        descr = ("Options for Easyconfigs",
                 "Options to be passed to all Easyconfig.")

        opts = None
        self.log.debug("easyconfig_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr, prefix='easyconfig')

    def easyblock_options(self):
        # easyblock options (to be passed to easyblock instance)
        descr = ("Options for Easyblocks",
                 "Options to be passed to all Easyblocks.")

        opts = None
        self.log.debug("easyblock_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr, prefix='easyblock')

    def unittest_options(self):
        # unittest options
        descr = ("Unittest options",
                 "Options dedicated to unittesting (experts only).")

        opts = OrderedDict({
            'file': ("Log to this file in unittest mode", None, 'store', None),

        self.log.debug("unittest_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr, prefix='unittest')

    def validate(self):
        """Additional validation of options"""
        error_cnt = 0

        for opt in ['software', 'try-software', 'toolchain', 'try-toolchain']:
            val = getattr(self.options, opt.replace('-', '_'))
            if val and len(val) != 2:
                self.log.warning('--%s requires NAME,VERSION (given %s)' %
                                 (opt, ','.join(val)))
                error_cnt += 1

        if self.options.umask:
            umask_regex = re.compile('^[0-7]{3}$')
            if not umask_regex.match(self.options.umask):
                    "--umask value should be 3 digits (0-7) (regex pattern '%s')"
                    % umask_regex.pattern)
                error_cnt += 1

        if error_cnt > 0:
                "Found %s problems validating the options, treating warnings above as fatal."
                % error_cnt)

    def postprocess(self):
        """Do some postprocessing, in particular print stuff"""
        build_log.EXPERIMENTAL = self.options.experimental
        config.SUPPORT_OLDSTYLE = self.options.oldstyleconfig

        # set strictness of run module
        if self.options.strict:
            run.strictness = self.options.strict

        # override current version of EasyBuild with version specified to --deprecated
        if self.options.deprecated:
            build_log.CURRENT_VERSION = LooseVersion(self.options.deprecated)

        # log to specified value of --unittest-file
        if self.options.unittest_file:

        # prepare for --list/--avail
        if any([
            )  # runs the easyconfig constants sanity check

        # fail early if required dependencies for functionality requiring using GitHub API are not available:
        if self.options.from_pr or self.options.upload_test_report:
            if not HAVE_GITHUB_API:
                    "Required support for using GitHub API is not available (see warnings)."

        # make sure a GitHub token is available when it's required
        if self.options.upload_test_report:
            if not HAVE_KEYRING:
                    "Python 'keyring' module required for obtaining GitHub token is not available."
            if self.options.github_user is None:
                    "No GitHub user name provided, required for fetching GitHub token."
            token = fetch_github_token(self.options.github_user)
            if token is None:
                    "Failed to obtain required GitHub token for user '%s'" %


    def _postprocess_config(self):
        """Postprocessing of configuration options"""
        if self.options.prefix is not None:
            # prefix applies to all paths, and repository has to be reinitialised to take new repositorypath in account
            # in the legacy-style configuration, repository is initialised in configuration file itself
            for dest in [
                    'installpath', 'buildpath', 'sourcepath', 'repository',
                if not self.options._action_taken.get(dest, False):
                    if dest == 'repository':
                        setattr(self.options, dest, DEFAULT_REPOSITORY)
                    elif dest == 'repositorypath':
                        setattr(self.options, dest, [
                            self.options, dest,
                    # LEGACY this line is here for oldstyle config reasons
                    self.options._action_taken[dest] = True

        if self.options.pretend:
            self.options.installpath = get_pretend_installpath()

        if self.options.robot is not None:
            # paths specified to --robot have preference over --robot-paths
            # keep both values in sync if robot is enabled, which implies enabling dependency resolver
            self.options.robot_paths = self.options.robot + self.options.robot_paths
            self.options.robot = self.options.robot_paths

    def _postprocess_list_avail(self):
        """Create all the additional info that can be requested (exit at the end)"""
        msg = ''

        # dump supported configuration file constants
        if self.options.avail_cfgfile_constants:
            msg += self.avail_cfgfile_constants()

        # dump possible easyconfig params
        if self.options.avail_easyconfig_params:
            msg += avail_easyconfig_params(
                self.options.easyblock, self.options.avail_easyconfig_params)

        # dump easyconfig template options
        if self.options.avail_easyconfig_templates:
            msg += template_documentation()

        # dump easyconfig constant options
        if self.options.avail_easyconfig_constants:
            msg += constant_documentation()

        # dump easyconfig license options
        if self.options.avail_easyconfig_licenses:
            msg += license_documentation()

        # dump available easyblocks
        if self.options.list_easyblocks:
            msg += self.avail_easyblocks()

        # dump known toolchains
        if self.options.list_toolchains:
            msg += self.avail_toolchains()

        # dump known repository types
        if self.options.avail_repositories:
            msg += self.avail_repositories()

        # dump supported modules tools
        if self.options.avail_modules_tools:
            msg += self.avail_list('modules tools', avail_modules_tools())

        # dump supported module naming schemes
        if self.options.avail_module_naming_schemes:
            msg += self.avail_list('module naming schemes',

        # dump default moduleclasses with description
        if self.options.show_default_moduleclasses:
            msg += self.show_default_moduleclasses()

        if self.options.unittest_file:
            print msg

    def avail_cfgfile_constants(self):
        Return overview of constants supported in configuration files.
        lines = [
            "Constants available (only) in configuration files:",
            "syntax: %(CONSTANT_NAME)s",
        for section in self.go_cfg_constants:
            if section != self.DEFAULTSECT:
                section_title = "only in '%s' section:" % section
            for cst_name, (cst_value, cst_help) in sorted(
                lines.append("* %s: %s [value: %s]" %
                             (cst_name, cst_help, cst_value))
        return '\n'.join(lines)

    def avail_classes_tree(self, classes, classNames, detailed, depth=0):
        """Print list of classes as a tree."""
        txt = []
        for className in classNames:
            classInfo = classes[className]
            if detailed:
                txt.append("%s|-- %s (%s)" %
                           ("|   " * depth, className, classInfo['module']))
                txt.append("%s|-- %s" % ("|   " * depth, className))
            if 'children' in classInfo:
                    self.avail_classes_tree(classes, classInfo['children'],
                                            detailed, depth + 1))
        return txt

    def avail_easyblocks(self):
        """Get a class tree for easyblocks."""
        detailed = self.options.list_easyblocks == "detailed"
        module_regexp = re.compile(r"^([^_].*)\.py$")

        # finish initialisation of the toolchain module (ie set the TC_CONSTANT constants)

        for package in [
                "easybuild.easyblocks", "easybuild.easyblocks.generic"

            # determine paths for this package
            paths = sys.modules[package].__path__

            # import all modules in these paths
            for path in paths:
                if os.path.exists(path):
                    for f in os.listdir(path):
                        res = module_regexp.match(f)
                        if res:
                            __import__("%s.%s" % (package,

        def add_class(classes, cls):
            """Add a new class, and all of its subclasses."""
            children = cls.__subclasses__()
                cls.__name__: {
                    'module': cls.__module__,
                    'children': [x.__name__ for x in children]
            for child in children:
                add_class(classes, child)

        roots = [EasyBlock, Extension]

        classes = {}
        for root in roots:
            add_class(classes, root)

        # Print the tree, start with the roots
        txt = []
        for root in roots:
            root = root.__name__
            if detailed:
                txt.append("%s (%s)" % (root, classes[root]['module']))
                txt.append("%s" % root)
            if 'children' in classes[root]:
                    self.avail_classes_tree(classes, classes[root]['children'],

        return "\n".join(txt)

    def avail_toolchains(self):
        """Show list of known toolchains."""
        _, all_tcs = search_toolchain('')
        all_tcs_names = [x.NAME for x in all_tcs]
        tclist = sorted(zip(all_tcs_names, all_tcs))

        txt = ["List of known toolchains (toolchainname: module[,module...]):"]

        for (tcname, tcc) in tclist:
            tc = tcc(
            )  # version doesn't matter here, but something needs to be there
            tc_elems = nub(
                sorted([e for es in tc.definition().values() for e in es]))
            txt.append("\t%s: %s" % (tcname, ', '.join(tc_elems)))

        return '\n'.join(txt)

    def avail_repositories(self):
        """Show list of known repository types."""
        repopath_defaults = mk_full_default_path('repositorypath')
        all_repos = avail_repositories(check_useable=False)
        usable_repos = avail_repositories(check_useable=True).keys()

        indent = ' ' * 2
        txt = ['All avaliable repository types']
        repos = sorted(all_repos.keys())
        for repo in repos:
            if repo in usable_repos:
                missing = ''
                missing = ' (*not usable*, something is missing (e.g. a required Python module))'
            if repo in repopath_defaults:
                default = ' (default arguments: %s)' % ', '.join(
                default = ' (no default arguments)'

            txt.append("%s* %s%s%s" % (indent, repo, default, missing))
            txt.append("%s%s" % (indent * 3, all_repos[repo].DESCRIPTION))

        return "\n".join(txt)

    def avail_list(self, name, items):
        """Show list of available values passed by argument."""
        return "List of supported %s:\n\t%s" % (name, '\n\t'.join(items))

    def show_default_moduleclasses(self):
        """Show list of default moduleclasses and description."""
        txt = ["Default available moduleclasses"]
        indent = " " * 2
        maxlen = max([len(x[0])
                      for x in DEFAULT_MODULECLASSES]) + 1  # at least 1 space
        for name, descr in DEFAULT_MODULECLASSES:
            txt.append("%s%s:%s%s" % (indent, name,
                                      (" " * (maxlen - len(name))), descr))
        return "\n".join(txt)
Esempio n. 9
def main(testing_data=(None, None, None)):
    Main function:
    @arg options: a tuple: (options, paths, logger, logfile, hn) as defined in parse_options
    This function will:
    - read easyconfig
    - build software

    # purposely session state very early, to avoid modules loaded by EasyBuild meddling in
    init_session_state = session_state()

    # disallow running EasyBuild as root
    if os.getuid() == 0:
            "ERROR: You seem to be running EasyBuild with root privileges.\n"
            "That's not wise, so let's end this here.\n"

    # steer behavior when testing main
    testing = testing_data[0] is not None
    args, logfile, do_build = testing_data

    # initialise options
    eb_go = eboptions.parse_options(args=args)
    options = eb_go.options
    orig_paths = eb_go.args
    eb_config = eb_go.generate_cmd_line(add_default=True)
    init_session_state.update({'easybuild_configuration': eb_config})

    # set umask (as early as possible)
    if options.umask is not None:
        new_umask = int(options.umask, 8)
        old_umask = os.umask(new_umask)

    # set temporary directory to use
    eb_tmpdir = set_tmpdir(options.tmpdir)

    # initialise logging for main
    if options.logtostdout:
        fancylogger.logToScreen(enable=True, stdout=True)
        if logfile is None:
            # mkstemp returns (fd,filename), fd is from, not regular open!
            fd, logfile = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.log', prefix='easybuild-')

        print_msg('temporary log file in case of crash %s' % (logfile),

    global _log
    _log = fancylogger.getLogger(fname=False)

    if options.umask is not None:"umask set to '%s' (used to be '%s')" %
                  (oct(new_umask), oct(old_umask)))

    # hello world!

    # how was EB called?
    eb_command_line = eb_go.generate_cmd_line() + eb_go.args"Command line: %s" % (" ".join(eb_command_line)))"Using %s as temporary directory" % eb_tmpdir)

    if not options.robot is None:
        if options.robot:
  "Using robot path(s): %s" % options.robot)
                "No robot paths specified, and unable to determine easybuild-easyconfigs install path."

    # do not pass options.robot, it's not a list instance (and it shouldn't be modified)
    robot_path = None
    if options.robot:
        robot_path = list(options.robot)

    # determine easybuild-easyconfigs package install path
    easyconfigs_paths = get_paths_for("easyconfigs", robot_path=robot_path)
    # keep track of paths for install easyconfigs, so we can obtain find specified easyconfigs
    easyconfigs_pkg_full_paths = easyconfigs_paths[:]
    if not easyconfigs_paths:
            "Failed to determine install path for easybuild-easyconfigs package."

    # process software build specifications (if any), i.e.
    # software name/version, toolchain name/version, extra patches, ...
    (try_to_generate, build_specs) = process_software_build_specs(options)

    # specified robot paths are preferred over installed easyconfig files
    # --try-X and --dep-graph both require --robot, so enable it with path of installed easyconfigs
    if robot_path or try_to_generate or options.dep_graph:
        if robot_path is None:
            robot_path = []
        easyconfigs_paths = robot_path[:]
            "Extended list of robot paths with paths for installed easyconfigs: %s"
            % robot_path)

    # initialise the easybuild configuration
    config.init(options, eb_go.get_options_by_section('config'))

    # building a dependency graph implies force, so that all dependencies are retained
    # and also skips validation of easyconfigs (e.g. checking os dependencies)
    retain_all_deps = False
    if options.dep_graph:"Enabling force to generate dependency graph.")
        options.force = True
        retain_all_deps = True

        not options.ignore_osdeps,
        'valid_stops': [x[0] for x in EasyBlock.get_steps()],
        not options.force,

    # obtain list of loaded modules, build options must be initialized first
    modlist = session_module_list()
    init_session_state.update({'module_list': modlist})
    _log.debug("Initial session state: %s" % init_session_state)

    # search for easyconfigs
    if or options.search_short:
        search_path = [os.getcwd()]
        if easyconfigs_paths:
            search_path = easyconfigs_paths
        query = or options.search_short
        ignore_dirs = config.build_option('ignore_dirs')
        silent = config.build_option('silent')

    paths = []
    if len(orig_paths) == 0:
        if options.from_pr:
            pr_path = os.path.join(eb_tmpdir, "files_pr%s" % options.from_pr)
            pr_files = fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr(
                options.from_pr, path=pr_path, github_user=options.github_user)
            paths = [(path, False) for path in pr_files
                     if path.endswith('.eb')]
        elif 'name' in build_specs:
            paths = [
                            exit_on_error=not testing)
        elif not any([
                options.search_short, options.regtest
                "Please provide one or multiple easyconfig files, or use software build "
                "options to make EasyBuild search for easyconfigs"),
                        exit_on_error=not testing)
        # look for easyconfigs with relative paths in easybuild-easyconfigs package,
        # unless they were found at the given relative paths
        if easyconfigs_pkg_full_paths:
            # determine which easyconfigs files need to be found, if any
            ecs_to_find = []
            for idx, orig_path in enumerate(orig_paths):
                if orig_path == os.path.basename(
                        orig_path) and not os.path.exists(orig_path):
                    ecs_to_find.append((idx, orig_path))
            _log.debug("List of easyconfig files to find: %s" % ecs_to_find)

            # find missing easyconfigs by walking paths with installed easyconfig files
            for path in easyconfigs_pkg_full_paths:
                    "Looking for missing easyconfig files (%d left) in %s..." %
                    (len(ecs_to_find), path))
                for (subpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path,
                    for idx, orig_path in ecs_to_find[:]:
                        if orig_path in filenames:
                            full_path = os.path.join(subpath, orig_path)
                  "Found %s in %s: %s" %
                                      (orig_path, path, full_path))
                            orig_paths[idx] = full_path
                            # if file was found, stop looking for it (first hit wins)
                            ecs_to_find.remove((idx, orig_path))

                    # stop os.walk insanity as soon as we have all we need (os.walk loop)
                    if len(ecs_to_find) == 0:

                    # ignore subdirs specified to be ignored by replacing items in dirnames list used by os.walk
                    dirnames[:] = [
                        d for d in dirnames if not d in options.ignore_dirs

                # stop os.walk insanity as soon as we have all we need (paths loop)
                if len(ecs_to_find) == 0:

        # indicate that specified paths do not contain generated easyconfig files
        paths = [(path, False) for path in orig_paths]

    _log.debug("Paths: %s" % paths)

    # run regtest
    if options.regtest or options.aggregate_regtest:"Running regression test")
        if paths:
            ec_paths = [path[0] for path in paths]
        else:  # fallback: easybuild-easyconfigs install path
            ec_paths = easyconfigs_pkg_full_paths
        regtest_ok = regtest(ec_paths)

        if not regtest_ok:
  "Regression test failed (partially)!")
            sys.exit(31)  # exit -> 3x1t -> 31

    # read easyconfig files
    easyconfigs = []
    for (path, generated) in paths:
        path = os.path.abspath(path)
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            print_error("Can't find path %s" % path)

            ec_files = find_easyconfigs(path, ignore_dirs=options.ignore_dirs)
            for ec_file in ec_files:
                # only pass build specs when not generating easyconfig files
                if try_to_generate:
                    ecs = process_easyconfig(ec_file)
                    ecs = process_easyconfig(ec_file, build_specs=build_specs)
        except IOError, err:
            _log.error("Processing easyconfigs in path %s failed: %s" %
                       (path, err))
Esempio n. 10
def main(testing_data=(None, None)):
    Main function:
    @arg options: a tuple: (options, paths, logger, logfile, hn) as defined in parse_options
    This function will:
    - read easyconfig
    - build software
    # disallow running EasyBuild as root
    if os.getuid() == 0:
        sys.stderr.write("ERROR: You seem to be running EasyBuild with root privileges.\n" \
                        "That's not wise, so let's end this here.\n" \

    # steer behavior when testing main
    testing = testing_data[0] is not None
    args, logfile = testing_data

    # initialise options
    eb_go = eboptions.parse_options(args=args)
    options = eb_go.options
    orig_paths = eb_go.args

    # initialise logging for main
    if options.logtostdout:
        fancylogger.logToScreen(enable=True, stdout=True)
        if logfile is None:
            # mkstemp returns (fd,filename), fd is from, not regular open!
            fd, logfile = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.log', prefix='easybuild-')

        print_msg('temporary log file in case of crash %s' % (logfile), log=None, silent=testing)

    global _log
    _log = fancylogger.getLogger(fname=False)

    # hello world!

    # set strictness of filetools module
    if options.strict:
        filetools.strictness = options.strict

    if not options.robot is None:
        if options.robot:
  "Using robot path: %s" % options.robot)
            _log.error("No robot path specified, and unable to determine easybuild-easyconfigs install path.")

    # determine easybuild-easyconfigs package install path
    easyconfigs_paths = get_paths_for("easyconfigs", robot_path=options.robot)
    easyconfigs_pkg_full_path = None

    search_path = os.getcwd()
    if easyconfigs_paths:
        easyconfigs_pkg_full_path = easyconfigs_paths[0]
        if not options.robot:
            search_path = easyconfigs_pkg_full_path
            search_path = options.robot
    else:"Failed to determine install path for easybuild-easyconfigs package.")

    if options.robot:
        easyconfigs_paths = [options.robot] + easyconfigs_paths

    # initialise the easybuild configuration
    config.init(options, eb_go.get_options_by_section('config'))

    # search for easyconfigs
        search_file(search_path,, silent=testing)

    # process software build specifications (if any), i.e.
    # software name/version, toolchain name/version, extra patches, ...
    (try_to_generate, software_build_specs) = process_software_build_specs(options)

    paths = []
    if len(orig_paths) == 0:
        if software_build_specs.has_key('name'):
            paths = [obtain_path(software_build_specs, easyconfigs_paths,
                                 try_to_generate=try_to_generate, exit_on_error=not testing)]
        elif not any([options.aggregate_regtest,, options.regtest]):
            print_error(("Please provide one or multiple easyconfig files, or use software build "
                  "options to make EasyBuild search for easyconfigs"),
                  log=_log, opt_parser=eb_go.parser, exit_on_error=not testing)
        # look for easyconfigs with relative paths in easybuild-easyconfigs package,
        # unless they we found at the given relative paths

        if easyconfigs_pkg_full_path:
            # create a mapping from filename to path in easybuild-easyconfigs package install path
            easyconfigs_map = {}
            for (subpath, _, filenames) in os.walk(easyconfigs_pkg_full_path):
                for filename in filenames:
                    easyconfigs_map.update({filename: os.path.join(subpath, filename)})

            # try and find non-existing non-absolute eaysconfig paths in easybuild-easyconfigs package install path
            for idx, orig_path in enumerate(orig_paths):
                if not os.path.isabs(orig_path) and not os.path.exists(orig_path):
                    if orig_path in easyconfigs_map:
              "Found %s in %s: %s" % (orig_path, easyconfigs_pkg_full_path,
                        orig_paths[idx] = easyconfigs_map[orig_path]

        # indicate that specified paths do not contain generated easyconfig files
        paths = [(path, False) for path in orig_paths]

    _log.debug("Paths: %s" % paths)

    # run regtest
    if options.regtest or options.aggregate_regtest:"Running regression test")
        if paths:
            regtest_ok = regtest(options, [path[0] for path in paths])
        else:  # fallback: easybuild-easyconfigs install path
            regtest_ok = regtest(options, [easyconfigs_pkg_full_path])

        if not regtest_ok:
  "Regression test failed (partially)!")
            sys.exit(31)  # exit -> 3x1t -> 31

    if any([, options.regtest]):
        cleanup_logfile_and_exit(logfile, testing, True)

    # building a dependency graph implies force, so that all dependencies are retained
    # and also skips validation of easyconfigs (e.g. checking os dependencies)
    validate_easyconfigs = True
    retain_all_deps = False
    if options.dep_graph:"Enabling force to generate dependency graph.")
        options.force = True
        validate_easyconfigs = False
        retain_all_deps = True

    # read easyconfig files
    easyconfigs = []
    for (path, generated) in paths:
        path = os.path.abspath(path)
        if not (os.path.exists(path)):
            print_error("Can't find path %s" % path)

            files = find_easyconfigs(path)
            for f in files:
                if not generated and try_to_generate and software_build_specs:
                    ec_file =, None, software_build_specs)
                    ec_file = f
                easyconfigs.extend(process_easyconfig(ec_file, options.only_blocks,
        except IOError, err:
            _log.error("Processing easyconfigs in path %s failed: %s" % (path, err))
Esempio n. 11
class EasyBuildOptions(GeneralOption):
    """Easybuild generaloption class"""
    VERSION = this_is_easybuild()

    if os.path.exists(DEFAULT_USER_CFGFILE):

    ALLOPTSMANDATORY = False  # allow more than one argument
    CONFIGFILES_RAISE_MISSING = True  # don't allow non-existing config files to be specified

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        self.default_repositorypath = [mk_full_default_path('repositorypath')]
        self.default_robot_paths = get_paths_for(subdir=EASYCONFIGS_PKG_SUBDIR,
                                                 robot_path=None) or []

        # set up constants to seed into config files parser, by section
        self.go_cfg_constants = {
            self.DEFAULTSECT: {
                 "Default easyconfigs repository path"),
                 "List of default robot paths ('%s'-separated)" % os.pathsep),

        # update or define go_configfiles_initenv in named arguments to pass to parent constructor
        go_cfg_initenv = kwargs.setdefault('go_configfiles_initenv', {})
        for section, constants in self.go_cfg_constants.items():
            constants = dict([(name, value)
                              for (name, (value, _)) in constants.items()])
            go_cfg_initenv.setdefault(section, {}).update(constants)

        super(EasyBuildOptions, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def basic_options(self):
        """basic runtime options"""
        all_stops = [x[0] for x in EasyBlock.get_steps()]
        strictness_options = [run.IGNORE, run.WARN, run.ERROR]

        descr = ("Basic options", "Basic runtime options for EasyBuild.")

        opts = OrderedDict({
            'dry-run': ("Print build overview incl. dependencies (full paths)",
                        None, 'store_true', False),
            ("Print build overview incl. dependencies (short paths)", None,
             'store_true', False, 'D'),
            ("Force to rebuild software even if it's already installed (i.e. if it can be found as module)",
             None, 'store_true', False, 'f'),
            'job': ("Submit the build as a job", None, 'store_true', False),
            'logtostdout': ("Redirect main log to stdout", None, 'store_true',
                            False, 'l'),
            'only-blocks': ("Only build listed blocks", None, 'extend', None,
                            'b', {
                                'metavar': 'BLOCKS'
            ("Enable dependency resolution, using easyconfigs in specified paths",
             'pathlist', 'store_or_None', [], 'r', {
                 'metavar': 'PATH[%sPATH]' % os.pathsep
            ("Additional paths to consider by robot for easyconfigs (--robot paths get priority)",
             'pathlist', 'add_flex', self.default_robot_paths, {
                 'metavar': 'PATH[%sPATH]' % os.pathsep
            ("Skip existing software (useful for installing additional packages)",
             None, 'store_true', False, 'k'),
            'stop': ("Stop the installation after certain step", 'choice',
                     'store_or_None', SOURCE_STEP, 's', all_stops),
            'strict': ("Set strictness level", 'choice', 'store',
                       DEFAULT_STRICT, strictness_options),

        self.log.debug("basic_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr)

    def software_options(self):
        # software build options
        descr = ("Software search and build options", (
            "Specify software search and build options: EasyBuild will search for a "
            "matching easyconfig and build it. When called with the try prefix "
            "(i.e. --try-X ), EasyBuild will search for a matching easyconfig "
            "and if none are found, try to generate one based on a close matching one "
            "(NOTE: --try-X is best effort, it might produce wrong builds!)"))

        opts = OrderedDict({
            (("Specify additional search and build parameters (can be used multiple times); "
              "for example: versionprefix=foo or patches=one.patch,two.patch)"
              ), None, 'append', None, {
                  'metavar': 'VAR=VALUE[,VALUE]'
            ("Search and build software with given name and version", None,
             'extend', None, {
                 'metavar': 'NAME,VERSION'
            'software-name': ("Search and build software with given name",
                              None, 'store', None, {
                                  'metavar': 'NAME'
            ("Search and build software with given version", None, 'store',
             None, {
                 'metavar': 'VERSION'
            ("Search and build with given toolchain (name and version)", None,
             'extend', None, {
                 'metavar': 'NAME,VERSION'
            'toolchain-name': ("Search and build with given toolchain name",
                               None, 'store', None, {
                                   'metavar': 'NAME'
            ("Search and build with given toolchain version", None, 'store',
             None, {
                 'metavar': 'VERSION'

        longopts = opts.keys()
        for longopt in longopts:
            hlp = opts[longopt][0]
            hlp = "Try to %s (USE WITH CARE!)" % (hlp[0].lower() + hlp[1:])
            opts["try-%s" % longopt] = (hlp, ) + opts[longopt][1:]

        # additional options that don't need a --try equivalent
            ("Obtain easyconfigs from specified PR", int, 'store', None, {
                'metavar': 'PR#'

        self.log.debug("software_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr)

    def override_options(self):
        # override options
        descr = ("Override options", "Override default EasyBuild behavior.")

        opts = OrderedDict({
            ("Allow mismatch of modules tool and definition of 'module' function",
             None, 'store_true', False),
            ("Cleanup build dir after successful installation.", None,
             'store_true', True),
            ("Run pretending to be (future) version, to test removal of deprecated code.",
             None, 'store', None),
            ("Timeout for initiating downloads (in seconds)", float, 'store',
            ("easyblock to use for processing the spec file or dumping the options",
             None, 'store', None, 'e', {
                 'metavar': 'CLASS'
            ("Allow experimental code (with behaviour that can be changed/removed at any given time).",
             None, 'store_true', False),
            ("Group to be used for software installations (only verified, not set)",
             None, 'store', None),
            ("Install 'hidden' module file(s) by prefixing their name with '.'",
             None, 'store_true', False),
            'ignore-osdeps': ("Ignore any listed OS dependencies", None,
                              'store_true', False),
            ("Comma separated list of dependencies that you DON'T want to install with EasyBuild, "
             "because equivalent OS packages are installed. (e.g. --filter-deps=zlib,ncurses)",
             'strlist', 'extend', None),
            ("Comma separated list of dependencies that you want automatically hidden, "
             "(e.g. --hide-deps=zlib,ncurses)", 'strlist', 'extend', None),
            ("Only generate module file(s); skip all steps except for %s" %
             ', '.join(MODULE_ONLY_STEPS), None, 'store_true', False),
            ("Set architecture optimization, overriding native architecture optimizations",
             None, 'store', None),
            (("Does the build/installation in a test directory located in $HOME/easybuildinstall"
              ), None, 'store_true', False, 'p'),
            'set-gid-bit': ("Set group ID bit on newly created directories",
                            None, 'store_true', False),
            'sticky-bit': ("Set sticky bit on newly created directories", None,
                           'store_true', False),
            'skip-test-cases': ("Skip running test cases", None, 'store_true',
                                False, 't'),
            ("umask to use (e.g. '022'); non-user write permissions on install directories are removed",
             None, 'store', None),
            ("Update modules tool cache file(s) after generating module file",
             None, 'store_true', False),

        self.log.debug("override_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr)

    def config_options(self):
        # config options
        descr = ("Configuration options", "Configure EasyBuild behavior.")

        opts = OrderedDict({
            'avail-module-naming-schemes': (
                "Show all supported module naming schemes",
            'avail-modules-tools': (
                "Show all supported module tools",
            'avail-repositories': (
                "Show all repository types (incl. non-usable)",
            'buildpath': ("Temporary build path", None, 'store',
            ("List of files specifying metadata for external modules (INI format)",
             'strlist', 'store', []),
            ("Directory names to ignore when searching for files/dirs",
             'strlist', 'store', ['.git', '.svn']),
            'installpath': ("Install path for software and modules", None,
                            'store', mk_full_default_path('installpath')),
            ("Install path for modules (if None, combine --installpath and --subdir-modules)",
             None, 'store', None),
            ("Install path for software (if None, combine --installpath and --subdir-software)",
             None, 'store', None),
            # purposely take a copy for the default logfile format
            ("Directory name and format of the log file", 'strtuple', 'store',
             DEFAULT_LOGFILE_FORMAT[:], {
                 'metavar': 'DIR,FORMAT'
            ("Module naming scheme", 'choice', 'store', DEFAULT_MNS,
            'module-syntax': ("Syntax to be used for module files", 'choice',
                              'store', DEFAULT_MODULE_SYNTAX,
            (("Extend supported module classes "
              "(For more info on the default classes, use --show-default-moduleclasses)"
              ), None, 'extend', [x[0] for x in DEFAULT_MODULECLASSES]),
            ("Path to file containing footer to be added to all generated module files",
             None, 'store_or_None', None, {
                 'metavar': "PATH"
            'modules-tool': ("Modules tool to use", 'choice', 'store',
            (("Change prefix for buildpath, installpath, sourcepath and repositorypath "
              "(used prefix for defaults %s)" % DEFAULT_PREFIX), None, 'store',
            ("Enable generating of modules that unload recursively.", None,
             'store_true', False),
            'repository': ("Repository type, using repositorypath", 'choice',
                           'store', DEFAULT_REPOSITORY,
            (("Repository path, used by repository "
              "(is passed as list of arguments to create the repository instance). "
              "For more info, use --avail-repositories."), 'strlist', 'store',
            ("Path(s) to where sources should be downloaded (string, colon-separated)",
             None, 'store', mk_full_default_path('sourcepath')),
            'subdir-modules': ("Installpath subdir for modules", None, 'store',
            'subdir-software': ("Installpath subdir for software", None,
            'suffix-modules-path': ("Suffix for module files install path",
                                    None, 'store', GENERAL_CLASS),
            # this one is sort of an exception, it's something jobscripts can set,
            # has no real meaning for regular eb usage
            ("Path to where a job should place the output (to be set within jobscript)",
             None, 'store', None),
            ("Log directory where temporary log files are stored", None,
             'store', None),
            'tmpdir': ('Directory to use for temporary storage', None, 'store',

        self.log.debug("config_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr)

    def informative_options(self):
        # informative options
        descr = ("Informative options", "Obtain information about EasyBuild.")

        opts = OrderedDict({
            ("Show all constants that can be used in configuration files",
             None, 'store_true', False),
            ("Show all constants that can be used in easyconfigs", None,
             'store_true', False),
            ("Show all license constants that can be used in easyconfigs",
             None, 'store_true', False),
            (("Show all easyconfig parameters (include "
              "easyblock-specific ones by using -e)"), 'choice',
             'store_or_None', FORMAT_TXT, [FORMAT_RST, FORMAT_TXT], 'a'),
            (("Show all template names and template constants "
              "that can be used in easyconfigs"), None, 'store_true', False),
            'dep-graph': ("Create dependency graph", None, "store", None, {
                'metavar': 'depgraph.<ext>'
            'list-easyblocks': ("Show list of available easyblocks", 'choice',
                                'store_or_None', 'simple',
                                ['simple', 'detailed']),
            'list-toolchains': ("Show list of known toolchains", None,
                                'store_true', False),
            ("Search for easyconfig files in the robot directory, print full paths",
             None, 'store', None, {
                 'metavar': 'STR'
            ("Search for easyconfig files in the robot directory, print short paths",
             None, 'store', None, 'S', {
                 'metavar': 'STR'
            'show-default-configfiles': ("Show list of default config files",
                                         None, 'store_true', False),
            ("Show default module classes with description", None,
             'store_true', False),

        self.log.debug("informative_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr)

    def regtest_options(self):
        # regression test options
        descr = ("Regression test options",
                 "Run and control an EasyBuild regression test.")

        opts = OrderedDict({
            ("Collect all the xmls inside the given directory and generate a single file",
             None, 'store', None, {
                 'metavar': 'DIR'
            'dump-test-report': ("Dump test report to specified path", None,
                                 'store_or_None', ''),
            'github-user': ("GitHub username", None, 'store', None),
            'regtest': ("Enable regression test mode", None, 'store_true',
            'regtest-output-dir': ("Set output directory for test-run", None,
                                   'store', None, {
                                       'metavar': 'DIR'
            ("Specify this option if you want to prevent parallel build", None,
             'store_true', False),
            ("Upload full test report as a gist on GitHub", None, 'store_true',
            ("Regex used to filter out variables in environment dump of test report",
             None, 'regex', None),

        self.log.debug("regtest_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr)

    def easyconfig_options(self):
        # easyconfig options (to be passed to easyconfig instance)
        descr = ("Options for Easyconfigs",
                 "Options to be passed to all Easyconfig.")

        opts = None
        self.log.debug("easyconfig_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr, prefix='easyconfig')

    def easyblock_options(self):
        # easyblock options (to be passed to easyblock instance)
        descr = ("Options for Easyblocks",
                 "Options to be passed to all Easyblocks.")

        opts = None
        self.log.debug("easyblock_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr, prefix='easyblock')

    def unittest_options(self):
        # unittest options
        descr = ("Unittest options",
                 "Options dedicated to unittesting (experts only).")

        opts = OrderedDict({
            'file': ("Log to this file in unittest mode", None, 'store', None),

        self.log.debug("unittest_options: descr %s opts %s" % (descr, opts))
        self.add_group_parser(opts, descr, prefix='unittest')

    def validate(self):
        """Additional validation of options"""
        error_msgs = []

        for opt in ['software', 'try-software', 'toolchain', 'try-toolchain']:
            val = getattr(self.options, opt.replace('-', '_'))
            if val and len(val) != 2:
                msg = "--%s requires NAME,VERSION (given %s)" % (opt,

        if self.options.umask:
            umask_regex = re.compile('^[0-7]{3}$')
            if not umask_regex.match(self.options.umask):
                msg = "--umask value should be 3 digits (0-7) (regex pattern '%s')" % umask_regex.pattern

        # subdir options must be relative
        for typ in ['modules', 'software']:
            subdir_opt = 'subdir_%s' % typ
            val = getattr(self.options, subdir_opt)
            if os.path.isabs(getattr(self.options, subdir_opt)):
                msg = "Configuration option '%s' must specify a *relative* path (use 'installpath-%s' instead?): '%s'"
                msg = msg % (subdir_opt, typ, val)

        if error_msgs:
            raise EasyBuildError("Found problems validating the options: %s",

    def postprocess(self):
        """Do some postprocessing, in particular print stuff"""
        build_log.EXPERIMENTAL = self.options.experimental

        # set strictness of run module
        if self.options.strict:
            run.strictness = self.options.strict

        # override current version of EasyBuild with version specified to --deprecated
        if self.options.deprecated:
            build_log.CURRENT_VERSION = LooseVersion(self.options.deprecated)

        # log to specified value of --unittest-file
        if self.options.unittest_file:

        # prepare for --list/--avail
        if any([
            )  # runs the easyconfig constants sanity check

        # fail early if required dependencies for functionality requiring using GitHub API are not available:
        if self.options.from_pr or self.options.upload_test_report:
            if not HAVE_GITHUB_API:
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "Required support for using GitHub API is not available (see warnings)."

        if self.options.module_syntax == ModuleGeneratorLua.SYNTAX and self.options.modules_tool != Lmod.__name__:
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "Generating Lua module files requires Lmod as modules tool.")

        # make sure a GitHub token is available when it's required
        if self.options.upload_test_report:
            if not HAVE_KEYRING:
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "Python 'keyring' module required for obtaining GitHub token is not available."
            if self.options.github_user is None:
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "No GitHub user name provided, required for fetching GitHub token."
            token = fetch_github_token(self.options.github_user)
            if token is None:
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "Failed to obtain required GitHub token for user '%s'",



    def _postprocess_external_modules_metadata(self):
        """Parse file(s) specifying metadata for external modules."""
        # leave external_modules_metadata untouched if no files are provided
        if not self.options.external_modules_metadata:
            self.log.debug("No metadata provided for external modules.")

        parsed_external_modules_metadata = ConfigObj()
        for path in self.options.external_modules_metadata:
            if os.path.exists(path):
                self.log.debug("Parsing %s with external modules metadata",
                except ConfigObjError, err:
                    raise EasyBuildError(
                        "Failed to parse %s with external modules metadata: %s",
                        path, err)
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "Specified path for file with external modules metadata does not exist: %s",

        # make sure name/version values are always lists, make sure they're equal length
        for mod, entry in parsed_external_modules_metadata.items():
            for key in ['name', 'version']:
                if isinstance(entry.get(key), basestring):
                    entry[key] = [entry[key]]
                        "Transformed external module metadata value %s for %s into a single-value list: %s",
                        key, mod, entry[key])

            # if both names and versions are available, lists must be of same length
            names, versions = entry.get('name'), entry.get('version')
            if names is not None and versions is not None and len(
                    names) != len(versions):
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "Different length for lists of names/versions in metadata for external module %s: "
                    "names: %s; versions: %s", mod, names, versions)

        self.options.external_modules_metadata = parsed_external_modules_metadata
        self.log.debug("External modules metadata: %s",