Esempio n. 1
class IPtables(object):
    represent a iptables object, which can handle the table rules
    def __init__(self, ns=None):
        self.valid_tables = ['raw', 'nat', 'filter', 'mangle', 'security']
        self.tables = {}
        self.nss = NameSpaces()
        self.ns = ns
        for tb in self.valid_tables:
            self.tables[tb] = IPtable(tb, ns)

    def get_valid_tables(self):
        return self.valid_tables

    def _load(self, table=None, chain=None, ns=None):
        Load the rules from system.
        If given table name, then only load that table.
        :param table: which table to load, None for all
        :param chain: which chain to load, None for all
        :param ns: which ns to load, None for root
        _ns = ns or self.ns
        if table in self.valid_tables:
            self.tables[table].load(chain, _ns)
            for tb in self.valid_tables:
                self.tables[tb].load(chain, _ns)

    def show(self, table='filter', chain=None, ns=None):
        Show the content.
        :param table: which table to show, None for all
        :param chain: which chain to show, None for all.
        debug("Show table=%s, chain=%s, ns=%s\n" % (table, chain, ns))
        #self._load(table, chain, ns)
        if table in self.valid_tables:

    def vm(self, ip):
        list vm related rules
        :param ip: vm ip
        debug("Try to show vm rules, ip=%s\n" % ip)
        port_id = get_port_id_from_ip(ip)
        debug('The port id is %s\n' % port_id)
        if not port_id:
            warn('No port id is found for ip=%s\n' % ip)
        br_port = find_br_ports(port_id)
        if not br_port:
            warn('No br port is found for ip=%s\n' % ip)
        output(r('## IP = %s, port = %s\n' % (ip, br_port)))
        rules_dic = self._query_port_rules(br_port)
        if rules_dic:
            output(b( _format_str_iptables_rule_ % (
                'PKTS', 'IN', 'SOURCE', 'OUT', 'DESTINATION', 'PROT',
                'TARGET', 'OTHER')))
            for rule in rules_dic:
                output(b('%s:\n' % rule))

    def has_rule(self, table='filter', chain='INPUT', rule_dic=None, ns=None):
        Whether the table/chain has the rule
        :param table:
        :param chain:
        :param rule_dic:
        :param ns:
        t = self.get_table(table)
        if not t:
            return False
            return t.has_rule(chain, rule_dic)

    def get_table(self, table='filter'):
        Get some table handler of this ipt instance.
        :param table:
        :return: the table instance, None if failed
        return self.tables.get(table, None)

    def get_chain(self, table='filter', chain='INPUT'):
        Get some table handler of this ipt instance.
        :param table:
        :return: the table instance, None if failed
        tb = self.tables.get(table, None)
        if tb:
            return tb.get_chain(chain)

    def _get_rules(self, table='filter', chain='INPUT', ns=None):
        Get the rule list of a given chain
        :param table:
        :param chain:
        :return: [{},{}]
        ch = self.get_chain(table, chain)
        if ch:
            return ch._get_rules()
            return None

    def _query_port_rules(self, br_port):
        Return the dict of the related security rules on a given port.
        'NAME':[iptables rules],
        will load rules first
        results = {}
        if br_port.startswith('qvo'):  # vm port
            debug('qvo should be vm port\n')
            chain_tag = br_port[3:13]
            i_rules = self._get_rules(chain='neutron-openvswi-i' +
            out = self._get_rules(chain='neutron-openvswi-o' +
            filter = self._get_rules(chain='neutron-openvswi-s' +
            if i_rules:
                results['IN'] = i_rules
            if out:
                results['OUT'] = out
            if filter:
                results['SRC_FILTER'] = filter
        else:  # maybe at Network Node
            debug('Should be network function port\n')
            ns = self.nss.get_intf_by_name(br_port)
            if not ns:
                warn("port %s not in namespaces\n" % br_port)
                output('ns=%s\n' % ns)
            self._load(table='nat', ns=ns)
            if br_port.startswith('tap'):  # dhcp
                return None
            elif br_port.startswith('qr-') or br_port.startswith('qg-'):
                pre = self._get_rules(table='nat',
                out = self._get_rules(table='nat',
                float_snat = self._get_rules(table='nat',
                snat = self._get_rules(table='nat',
                if pre:
                    results['PRE'] = pre
                if out:
                    results['OUT'] = out
                if float_snat:
                    results['FLOAT'] = float_snat
                if snat:
                    results['SNAT'] = snat
        return results

    def _fmt_show_rules(self, rule_list):
        Possible columns:
        num   pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination flags
        for r in rule_list:
Esempio n. 2
class DVR(object):
    DVR configuration
    def __init__(self, node='compute'):
        :param node: on computer node or network node
        self.node = node
        self.br_int = Bridge('br-int')
        self.nss = NameSpaces()

    def check(self, _node=None):
        node = _node or self.node
        if node in 'compute':
            output(b('# Checking DVR on compute node\n'))
        elif node in 'network':
            output(b('# Checking DVR on network node\n'))
            error('Unknown node type=%s, compute or network?\n' % node)

    def _check_chain_rule_num(self, table, c_name, num):
        Check if the chain has given number of rules.
        :param table:
        :param c_name:
        :param num:
        output(b('Checking chain rule number: %s...' % c_name))
        c = table.get_chain(c_name)
        if len(c.get_rules()) != num:
            warn(r("Wrong rule number in chain %s\n" % c_name))
            return False
            return True

    def _check_chain_has_rule(self, table, c_name, rule):

        :param rule:
        :return: True or False
        output(b('Checking chain rules: %s...' % c_name))
        c = table.get_chain(c_name)
        if not c.has_rule(rule):
            warn(r("Defined rule not in %s\n" % c_name))
            return False
            return True

    def _check_compute_node_nat_rules(self, qr_intfs, rfp_intfs, nat, ns_fip):
        Check three chains rules match with each other
        :param nat: the nat table
        :param ns_fip:
        :return: True or False
        c_name = 'neutron-l3-agent-PREROUTING'
        rule = {
            'in': 'qr-+',
            'source': '*',
            'out': '*',
            'destination': '',
            'target': 'REDIRECT',
            'prot': 'tcp',
            'flags': 'tcp dpt:80 redir ports 9697'
        if not self._check_chain_has_rule(nat, c_name, rule):
            return False

        ips_qr = [
            item for sublist in map(lambda x: x['ip'], qr_intfs)
            for item in sublist
        ips_rfp = [
            item for sublist in map(lambda x: x['ip'], rfp_intfs)
            for item in sublist

        for intf in rfp_intfs:
            c_name = 'neutron-l3-agent-PREROUTING'
            for ip_m in intf['ip'][1:]:  # check each floating ip
                dip = ip_m.split('/')[0]  # real floating ip for destination
                if not ipInNetworks(dip, ips_rfp):
                    warn(r('dip %s not in rfp ports %s\n' % (dip, ips_rfp)))
                    return False
                rule = nat.get_rule(c_name, {'destination': dip})
                sip = rule.get_flags().split(':')[1]
                if not ipInNetworks(sip, ips_qr):
                    warn(r('sip %s not in qr port %s\n' % (sip, ips_qr)))
                    return False
                rule_expect = {
                    'in': '*',
                    'source': '*',
                    'out': '*',
                    'destination': dip,
                    'target': 'DNAT',
                    'prot': '*',
                    'flags': 'to:' + sip
                if not rule.is_match(rule_expect):
                    warn(r('rule not matched in %s\n' % (c_name)))
                    return False
                if not self._check_chain_has_rule(
                        nat, 'neutron-l3-agent-OUTPUT', rule_expect):
                    return False
                        g('DNAT for incomping: %s --> %s passed\n' %
                          (dip, sip)))
                rule_expect = {
                    'in': '*',
                    'source': sip,
                    'out': '*',
                    'destination': '*',
                    'target': 'SNAT',
                    'prot': '*',
                    'flags': 'to:' + dip
                if not self._check_chain_has_rule(
                        nat, 'neutron-l3-agent-float-snat', rule_expect):
                    return False
                        g('SNAT for outgoing: %s --> %s passed\n' %
                          (sip, dip)))
        return True

    def _check_compute_node_nat_table(self, ns_q, ns_fip):
        Check the snat rules in the given ns
        :param ns_q:
        :param ns_fip:
        ipt = IPtables(ns_q)
        nat = ipt.get_table(table='nat')
        chains = [
        for c_name in chains:
            c = nat.get_chain(c_name)
            if not c:
                warn(r("Not found chain %s\n" % c_name))
                return False
            if c.get_policy() != 'ACCEPT':
                warn(r("Chain %s's policy is not ACCEPT\n" %

        for c_name in [
                'neutron-postrouting-bottom', 'OUTPUT', 'neutron-l3-agent-snat'
            if not self._check_chain_rule_num(nat, c_name, 1):
                return False

        c_name = 'neutron-postrouting-bottom'
        rule = {
            'in': '*',
            'source': '*',
            'out': '*',
            'destination': '*',
            'target': 'neutron-l3-agent-snat',
            'prot': '*'
        if not self._check_chain_has_rule(nat, c_name, rule):
            return False

        c_name = 'PREROUTING'
        rule = {
            'in': '*',
            'source': '*',
            'out': '*',
            'destination': '*',
            'target': 'neutron-l3-agent-PREROUTING',
            'prot': '*'
        if not self._check_chain_has_rule(nat, c_name, rule):
            return False

        c_name = 'OUTPUT'
        rule = {
            'in': '*',
            'source': '*',
            'out': '*',
            'destination': '*',
            'target': 'neutron-l3-agent-OUTPUT',
            'prot': '*'
        if not self._check_chain_has_rule(nat, c_name, rule):
            return False

        c_name = 'POSTROUTING'
        rule = {
            'in': '*',
            'source': '*',
            'out': '*',
            'destination': '*',
            'target': 'neutron-l3-agent-POSTROUTING',
            'prot': '*'
        if not self._check_chain_has_rule(nat, c_name, rule):
            return False
        rule = {
            'in': '*',
            'source': '*',
            'out': '*',
            'destination': '*',
            'target': 'neutron-postrouting-bottom',
            'prot': '*'
        if not self._check_chain_has_rule(nat, c_name, rule):
            return False

        c_name = 'neutron-l3-agent-POSTROUTING'
        rfp_intfs = NameSpace(ns_q).find_intfs('rfp-')
        for intf in rfp_intfs:
            rule = {
                'in': '!' + intf['intf'],
                'source': '*',
                'out': '!' + intf['intf'],
                'destination': '*',
                'target': 'ACCEPT',
                'prot': '*',
                'flags': '! ctstate DNAT'
            if not self._check_chain_has_rule(nat, c_name, rule):
                return False

        qr_intfs = NameSpace(ns_q).find_intfs('qr-')
        if not self._check_compute_node_nat_rules(qr_intfs, rfp_intfs, nat,
            return False

        return True

    def _check_compute_node_snat_ns(self, ns_router):
        Check the local router namespace on compute node
        :param ns_router:
        :return: list of the fip ns
        if not ns_router:
        intfs = NameSpace(ns_router).get_intfs()
        rfp_ports = []  # list of {'intf':eth0, 'ip':[]}
        for i in intfs:  # check each intf in this ns
            p = intfs[i]['intf']
            if p.startswith('rfp-'):  # rfp port in q connect to fpr in fip
                output(b('### Checking rfp port %s\n' % p))
                if len(intfs[i]['ip']) < 2:
                    warn(r('Missing ips for port %s\n' % p))
                        g('Found associated floating ips : %s\n' %
                          ', '.join(intfs[i]['ip'][1:])))
                ns_fip = self.nss.get_intf_by_name('fpr-' +
                if not ns_fip:
                    warn(r('Cannot find fip ns for %s\n' % q))
                self._check_compute_node_fip_ns(intfs[i], ns_fip)
                self._check_compute_node_nat_table(ns_router, ns_fip)
        if not rfp_ports:
            warn(r('Cannot find rfp port in ns %s\n' % ns_router))
        elif len(rfp_ports) > 1:
            warn(r('More than 1 rfp ports in ns %s\n' % ns_router))

    def _check_compute_node_fip_ns(self, rfp_port, ns_fip):
        Check a fip namespace on compute node
        :param rfp_port:
        q = 'fpr-' + rfp_port['intf'][4:]
        output(b('### Checking associated fpr port %s\n' % q))
        output(b('### Check related fip_ns=%s\n' % ns_fip))
        fpr_port = NameSpace(ns_fip).get_intf_by_name(q)
        if not fpr_port:
            warn(r('Cannot find fpr_port in fip ns %s\n' % ns_fip))
        a_ip, a_mask = rfp_port['ip'][0].split('/')
        b_ip, b_mask = fpr_port['ip'][0].split('/')
        if networkMask(a_ip, a_mask) != networkMask(b_ip, b_mask):
                r('Different subnets for %s and %s\n' %
                  (rfp_port['ip'][0], fpr_port['ip'][0])))
            output(g('Bridging in the same subnet\n'))
        fg_port = NameSpace(ns_fip).find_intf('fg-')
        if not fg_port:
            warn('Cannot find fg_port in fip ns %s\n' % ns_fip)
        if fg_port['intf'] in Bridge('br-ex').get_ports():
            output(g('fg port is attached to br-ex\n'))
            warn(g('fg port is NOT attached to br-ex\n'))
        for float_ip in rfp_port['ip'][1:]:
            ip = float_ip.split('/')[0]
            if ipInNetwork(ip, fg_port['ip'][0]):
                output(g('floating ip %s match fg subnet\n' % ip))
                warn(r('floating ip %s No match the fg subnet' % ip))

    def _check_compute_node(self):
        Check the qrouter-***  fip-*** spaces in the compute node.
        checked_ns = []
        for port in self.br_int.get_ports():
            if port.startswith('qr-'):  # qrouter port
                output(b('## Checking router port = %s\n' % port))
                nsrouter = self.nss.get_intf_by_name(port)
                if nsrouter in checked_ns:
                    output(g('Checking passed already\n'))
                    checked_ns.append(nsrouter)  # the names of the ns checked

    def _check_network_node(self):
        Check the qrouter-***  fip-*** snat-*** spaces in the network node.
Esempio n. 3
class IPtables(object):
    represent a iptables object, which can handle the table rules
    def __init__(self, ns=None):
        self.valid_tables = ['raw', 'nat', 'filter', 'mangle', 'security']
        self.tables = {}
        self.nss = NameSpaces()
        self.ns = ns
        for tb in self.valid_tables:
            self.tables[tb] = IPtable(tb, ns)

    def get_valid_tables(self):
        return self.valid_tables

    def _load(self, table=None, chain=None, ns=None):
        Load the rules from system.
        If given table name, then only load that table.
        :param table: which table to load, None for all
        :param chain: which chain to load, None for all
        :param ns: which ns to load, None for root
        _ns = ns or self.ns
        if table in self.valid_tables:
            self.tables[table].load(chain, _ns)
            for tb in self.valid_tables:
                self.tables[tb].load(chain, _ns)

    def show(self, table='filter', chain=None, ns=None):
        Show the content.
        :param table: which table to show, None for all
        :param chain: which chain to show, None for all.
        debug("Show table=%s, chain=%s, ns=%s\n" % (table, chain, ns))
        #self._load(table, chain, ns)
        if table in self.valid_tables:

    def vm(self, ip):
        list vm related rules
        :param ip: vm ip
        debug("Try to show vm rules, ip=%s\n" % ip)
        port_id = get_port_id_from_ip(ip)
        debug('The port id is %s\n' % port_id)
        if not port_id:
            warn('No port id is found for ip=%s\n' % ip)
        br_port = find_br_ports(port_id)
        if not br_port:
            warn('No br port is found for ip=%s\n' % ip)
        output(r('## IP = %s, port = %s\n' % (ip, br_port)))
        rules_dic = self._query_port_rules(br_port)
        if rules_dic:
                b(_format_str_iptables_rule_ %
                  ('PKTS', 'IN', 'SOURCE', 'OUT', 'DESTINATION', 'PROT',
                   'TARGET', 'OTHER')))
            for rule in rules_dic:
                output(b('%s:\n' % rule))

    def has_rule(self, table='filter', chain='INPUT', rule_dic=None, ns=None):
        Whether the table/chain has the rule
        :param table:
        :param chain:
        :param rule_dic:
        :param ns:
        t = self.get_table(table)
        if not t:
            return False
            return t.has_rule(chain, rule_dic)

    def get_table(self, table='filter'):
        Get some table handler of this ipt instance.
        :param table:
        :return: the table instance, None if failed
        return self.tables.get(table, None)

    def get_chain(self, table='filter', chain='INPUT'):
        Get some table handler of this ipt instance.
        :param table:
        :return: the table instance, None if failed
        tb = self.tables.get(table, None)
        if tb:
            return tb.get_chain(chain)

    def _get_rules(self, table='filter', chain='INPUT', ns=None):
        Get the rule list of a given chain
        :param table:
        :param chain:
        :return: [{},{}]
        ch = self.get_chain(table, chain)
        if ch:
            return ch._get_rules()
            return None

    def _query_port_rules(self, br_port):
        Return the dict of the related security rules on a given port.
        'NAME':[iptables rules],
        will load rules first
        results = {}
        if br_port.startswith('qvo'):  # vm port
            debug('qvo should be vm port\n')
            chain_tag = br_port[3:13]
            i_rules = self._get_rules(chain='neutron-openvswi-i' + chain_tag)
            out = self._get_rules(chain='neutron-openvswi-o' + chain_tag)
            filter = self._get_rules(chain='neutron-openvswi-s' + chain_tag)
            if i_rules:
                results['IN'] = i_rules
            if out:
                results['OUT'] = out
            if filter:
                results['SRC_FILTER'] = filter
        else:  # maybe at Network Node
            debug('Should be network function port\n')
            ns = self.nss.get_intf_by_name(br_port)
            if not ns:
                warn("port %s not in namespaces\n" % br_port)
                output('ns=%s\n' % ns)
            self._load(table='nat', ns=ns)
            if br_port.startswith('tap'):  # dhcp
                return None
            elif br_port.startswith('qr-') or br_port.startswith('qg-'):
                pre = self._get_rules(table='nat',
                out = self._get_rules(table='nat',
                float_snat = self._get_rules(
                    table='nat', chain='neutron-l3-agent-float-snat')
                snat = self._get_rules(table='nat',
                if pre:
                    results['PRE'] = pre
                if out:
                    results['OUT'] = out
                if float_snat:
                    results['FLOAT'] = float_snat
                if snat:
                    results['SNAT'] = snat
        return results

    def _fmt_show_rules(self, rule_list):
        Possible columns:
        num   pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination flags
        for r in rule_list:
Esempio n. 4
class DVR(object):
    DVR configuration
    def __init__(self, node='compute'):
        :param node: on computer node or network node
        self.node = node
        self.br_int = Bridge('br-int')
        self.nss = NameSpaces()

    def check(self, _node=None):
        node = _node or self.node
        if node in 'compute':
            output(b('# Checking DVR on compute node\n'))
        elif node in 'network':
            output(b('# Checking DVR on network node\n'))
            error('Unknown node type=%s, compute or network?\n' % node)

    def _check_chain_rule_num(self, table, c_name, num):
        Check if the chain has given number of rules.
        :param table:
        :param c_name:
        :param num:
        output(b('Checking chain rule number: %s...' % c_name))
        c = table.get_chain(c_name)
        if len(c.get_rules()) != num:
            warn(r("Wrong rule number in chain %s\n" % c_name))
            return False
            return True

    def _check_chain_has_rule(self, table, c_name, rule):

        :param rule:
        :return: True or False
        output(b('Checking chain rules: %s...' % c_name))
        c = table.get_chain(c_name)
        if not c.has_rule(rule):
            warn(r("Defined rule not in %s\n" % c_name))
            return False
            return True

    def _check_compute_node_nat_rules(self, qr_intfs, rfp_intfs, nat, ns_fip):
        Check three chains rules match with each other
        :param nat: the nat table
        :param ns_fip:
        :return: True or False
        c_name = 'neutron-l3-agent-PREROUTING'
        rule = {'in': 'qr-+', 'source': '*', 'out': '*',
                'destination': '',
                'target': 'REDIRECT', 'prot': 'tcp',
                'flags': 'tcp dpt:80 redir ports 9697'}
        if not self._check_chain_has_rule(nat, c_name, rule):
            return False

        ips_qr = [item for sublist in map(lambda x: x['ip'], qr_intfs) for
                  item in sublist]
        ips_rfp = [item for sublist in map(lambda x: x['ip'], rfp_intfs) for
                   item in sublist]

        for intf in rfp_intfs:
            c_name = 'neutron-l3-agent-PREROUTING'
            for ip_m in intf['ip'][1:]:  # check each floating ip
                dip = ip_m.split('/')[0]  # real floating ip for destination
                if not ipInNetworks(dip, ips_rfp):
                    warn(r('dip %s not in rfp ports %s\n'
                           % (dip, ips_rfp)))
                    return False
                rule = nat.get_rule(c_name, {'destination': dip})
                sip = rule.get_flags().split(':')[1]
                if not ipInNetworks(sip, ips_qr):
                    warn(r('sip %s not in qr port %s\n' % (sip, ips_qr)))
                    return False
                rule_expect = {'in': '*', 'source': '*', 'out': '*',
                               'destination': dip, 'target': 'DNAT',
                               'prot': '*', 'flags': 'to:'+sip}
                if not rule.is_match(rule_expect):
                    warn(r('rule not matched in %s\n' % (c_name)))
                    return False
                if not self._check_chain_has_rule(nat,
                    return False
                    output(g('DNAT for incomping: %s --> %s passed\n'
                             % (dip, sip)))
                rule_expect = {'in': '*', 'source': sip, 'out': '*',
                               'destination': '*', 'target': 'SNAT',
                               'prot': '*', 'flags': 'to:'+dip}
                if not self._check_chain_has_rule(
                    return False
                    output(g('SNAT for outgoing: %s --> %s passed\n'
                             % (sip, dip)))
        return True

    def _check_compute_node_nat_table(self, ns_q, ns_fip):
        Check the snat rules in the given ns
        :param ns_q:
        :param ns_fip:
        ipt = IPtables(ns_q)
        nat = ipt.get_table(table='nat')
        chains = [
        for c_name in chains:
            c = nat.get_chain(c_name)
            if not c:
                warn(r("Not found chain %s\n" % c_name))
                return False
            if c.get_policy() != 'ACCEPT':
                warn(r("Chain %s's policy is not ACCEPT\n" %

        for c_name in ['neutron-postrouting-bottom',
                       'OUTPUT', 'neutron-l3-agent-snat']:
            if not self._check_chain_rule_num(nat, c_name, 1):
                return False

        c_name = 'neutron-postrouting-bottom'
        rule = {'in': '*', 'source': '*', 'out': '*', 'destination': '*',
                'target': 'neutron-l3-agent-snat', 'prot': '*'}
        if not self._check_chain_has_rule(nat, c_name, rule):
            return False

        c_name = 'PREROUTING'
        rule = {'in': '*', 'source': '*', 'out': '*', 'destination': '*',
                'target': 'neutron-l3-agent-PREROUTING', 'prot': '*'}
        if not self._check_chain_has_rule(nat, c_name, rule):
            return False

        c_name = 'OUTPUT'
        rule = {'in': '*', 'source': '*', 'out': '*', 'destination': '*',
                'target': 'neutron-l3-agent-OUTPUT', 'prot': '*'}
        if not self._check_chain_has_rule(nat, c_name, rule):
            return False

        c_name = 'POSTROUTING'
        rule = {'in': '*', 'source': '*', 'out': '*', 'destination': '*',
                'target': 'neutron-l3-agent-POSTROUTING', 'prot': '*'}
        if not self._check_chain_has_rule(nat, c_name, rule):
            return False
        rule = {'in': '*', 'source': '*', 'out': '*', 'destination': '*',
                'target': 'neutron-postrouting-bottom', 'prot': '*'}
        if not self._check_chain_has_rule(nat, c_name, rule):
            return False

        c_name = 'neutron-l3-agent-POSTROUTING'
        rfp_intfs = NameSpace(ns_q).find_intfs('rfp-')
        for intf in rfp_intfs:
            rule = {'in': '!'+intf['intf'], 'source': '*',
                    'out': '!'+intf['intf'], 'destination': '*',
                    'target': 'ACCEPT', 'prot': '*',
                    'flags': '! ctstate DNAT'}
            if not self._check_chain_has_rule(nat, c_name, rule):
                return False

        qr_intfs = NameSpace(ns_q).find_intfs('qr-')
        if not self._check_compute_node_nat_rules(qr_intfs, rfp_intfs, nat,
            return False

        return True

    def _check_compute_node_snat_ns(self, ns_router):
        Check the local router namespace on compute node
        :param ns_router:
        :return: list of the fip ns
        if not ns_router:
        intfs = NameSpace(ns_router).get_intfs()
        rfp_ports = []  # list of {'intf':eth0, 'ip':[]}
        for i in intfs:  # check each intf in this ns
            p = intfs[i]['intf']
            if p.startswith('rfp-'):  # rfp port in q connect to fpr in fip
                output(b('### Checking rfp port %s\n' % p))
                if len(intfs[i]['ip']) < 2:
                    warn(r('Missing ips for port %s\n' % p))
                    output(g('Found associated floating ips : %s\n'
                             % ', '.join(intfs[i]['ip'][1:])))
                ns_fip = self.nss.get_intf_by_name('fpr-'+intfs[i]['intf'][4:])
                if not ns_fip:
                    warn(r('Cannot find fip ns for %s\n' % q))
                self._check_compute_node_fip_ns(intfs[i], ns_fip)
                self._check_compute_node_nat_table(ns_router, ns_fip)
        if not rfp_ports:
            warn(r('Cannot find rfp port in ns %s\n' % ns_router))
        elif len(rfp_ports) > 1:
            warn(r('More than 1 rfp ports in ns %s\n' % ns_router))

    def _check_compute_node_fip_ns(self, rfp_port, ns_fip):
        Check a fip namespace on compute node
        :param rfp_port:
        q = 'fpr-'+rfp_port['intf'][4:]
        output(b('### Checking associated fpr port %s\n' % q))
        output(b('### Check related fip_ns=%s\n' % ns_fip))
        fpr_port = NameSpace(ns_fip).get_intf_by_name(q)
        if not fpr_port:
            warn(r('Cannot find fpr_port in fip ns %s\n' % ns_fip))
        a_ip, a_mask = rfp_port['ip'][0].split('/')
        b_ip, b_mask = fpr_port['ip'][0].split('/')
        if networkMask(a_ip, a_mask) != networkMask(b_ip, b_mask):
            warn(r('Different subnets for %s and %s\n'
                 % (rfp_port['ip'][0], fpr_port['ip'][0])))
            output(g('Bridging in the same subnet\n'))
        fg_port = NameSpace(ns_fip).find_intf('fg-')
        if not fg_port:
            warn('Cannot find fg_port in fip ns %s\n' % ns_fip)
        if fg_port['intf'] in Bridge('br-ex').get_ports():
            output(g('fg port is attached to br-ex\n'))
            warn(g('fg port is NOT attached to br-ex\n'))
        for float_ip in rfp_port['ip'][1:]:
            ip = float_ip.split('/')[0]
            if ipInNetwork(ip, fg_port['ip'][0]):
                output(g('floating ip %s match fg subnet\n' % ip))
                warn(r('floating ip %s No match the fg subnet' % ip))

    def _check_compute_node(self):
        Check the qrouter-***  fip-*** spaces in the compute node.
        checked_ns = []
        for port in self.br_int.get_ports():
            if port.startswith('qr-'):  # qrouter port
                output(b('## Checking router port = %s\n' % port))
                nsrouter = self.nss.get_intf_by_name(port)
                if nsrouter in checked_ns:
                    output(g('Checking passed already\n'))
                    checked_ns.append(nsrouter)  # the names of the ns checked

    def _check_network_node(self):
        Check the qrouter-***  fip-*** snat-*** spaces in the network node.