Esempio n. 1
	'item_specifics': {'name_value_list':
						[ {'name': 'Brand', 'value': 'HJC'},
						  {'name': 'Color', 'value': 'Anthracite'},
						  {'name': 'Size', 'value': 'XXL'}

#Update the AddItemRequest data structure that will be used to build the xml request
#This is also the step that validates the incoming structure for correctness
add_item.update( data )

#Build the AddItemRequest xml dom
#This function call also returns the etree._Element that was built
request = add_item.get_element()

#Create an EbayAPIConnection for our AddItemRequest
#Once a request is properly built, it's easy to create a connection object
#by simply passing the AddItemRequest object as the argument to 
#the EbayAPIConnection constructor
connection = ebay.EbayAPIConnection( request=add_item )

#Send the request

#Get the response
#For now, just print it out
#Eventually will have a response parser
response = connection.get_response().read()
print response