Esempio n. 1
def accountaddonservicereport(request, slug):
    class AccountAddonServiceReport(TableReport):
        class Meta:
            model = AccountAddonService
            attrs = {'class': 'table table-striped table-bordered table-condensed"'}
    name = rep.get(slug)[1]
    if request.GET and request.method=='GET':
        form = AccountBallanceForm(request.GET)
        if form.is_valid():
            date_start = form.cleaned_data.get('date_start')
            date_end = form.cleaned_data.get('date_end')
            accounts = form.cleaned_data.get('accounts')
            res = AccountAddonService.objects.all()
            if date_start:
                res = res.filter(activated__gte=date_start)
            if date_end:
                res = res.filter(deactivated__lte=date_end)
            if accounts:
                res = res.filter(account__in=accounts)
            table = AccountAddonServiceReport(res)
            table_to_report = RequestConfig(request, paginate=True if not request.GET.get('paginate')=='False' else False).configure(table)
            if table_to_report:
                return create_report_http_response(table_to_report, request)
            #print res[0].SUMM
            return {'form': form, 'table': table, 'name': name, 'slug': slug}
            return {'form': form, 'name': name, 'slug': slug}
    form = AccountBallanceForm()
    return {'form': form, 'name': name, 'slug': slug}
Esempio n. 2
def render_report(request, slug):
    class AccountTransactionsSumm(TableReport):
        username = django_tables.Column()
        summ = FormatFloatColumn()
        class Meta:
            attrs = {'class': 'table table-striped table-bordered table-condensed"'}
    name = rep.get(slug)[1]
    if request.GET and request.method=='GET':
        form = AccountBallanceForm(request.GET)
        if form.is_valid():
            date_start = form.cleaned_data.get('date_start')
            date_end = form.cleaned_data.get('date_end')
            accounts = form.cleaned_data.get('accounts')
            res = Account.objects.all()
            if accounts:
                res = res.filter(id__in=[ for a in accounts])
            res =res.extra(
                    'summ': "SELECT sum(summ) FROM billservice_transaction WHERE and created between '%s' and '%s' " % (date_start, date_end)
                where=["(SELECT sum(summ) FROM billservice_transaction WHERE and created between '%s' and '%s' )<>0" % (date_start, date_end)]
            table = AccountTransactionsSumm(res)
            table_to_report = RequestConfig(request, paginate=True if not request.GET.get('paginate')=='False' else False).configure(table)
            if table_to_report:
                return create_report_http_response(table_to_report, request)
            #print res[0].SUMM
            return {'form': form, 'table': table, 'name': name, 'slug': slug}
    form = AccountBallanceForm()
    return {'form': form, 'name': name, 'slug': slug}
Esempio n. 3
def A():

    name = rep.get(slug)[1]
    if request.GET and request.method=='GET':
        form = AccountBallanceForm(request.GET)
        if form.is_valid():
            class TariffStatReportTable(TableReport):
                name = django_tables.Column()
                accounts_count = django_tables.Column()
                #summ = FormatFloatColumn()
                # def __init__(self, form, *args, **kwargs):
                #    super(TotalTransactionsSumm, self).__init__(form, *args, **kwargs)
                #    self.footer_data = self.TableDataClass(data=[pp.aggregate(summ=Sum('summ'))], table=self)
                #    self.footer = django_tables.rows.BoundRows(self.footer_data, self)    
                class Meta:
                    attrs = {'class': 'table table-striped table-bordered table-condensed"'}
                    #annotations = ('summ', )

            date_start = form.cleaned_data.get('date_start')
            date_end = form.cleaned_data.get('date_end')

            #transactiontype = form.cleaned_data.get('transactiontype')
            from django.db import connection
            cursor = connection.cursor()
            res = Tariff.objects.all()
            now =
            now_day = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month,
            for item in res:
                cursor.execute('''SELECT count(*) FROM billservice_accounttarif 
                                     WHERE tarif_id=%s AND  id in 
                                     (SELECT max(id) FROM billservice_accounttarif WHERE  datetime<now() GROUP BY account_id HAVING max(datetime)<now())'''
                , (, ))
                accounts_count = cursor.fetchone()[0] 
                cursor.execute('''SELECT count(*) FROM billservice_accounttarif as at
                                             WHERE at.tarif_id=%s AND  date_trunc(datetime, 'hours')=%s
                                             ''', (, now_day))
                account_now = cursor.fetchone()[0]
                cursor.execute('''SELECT count(*) FROM billservice_accounttarif as at
                                             WHERE at.prev_tarif_id=%s AND  date_trunc(datetime, 'hours')=%s
                                             ''', (, now_day))
                account_leave_now = cursor.fetchone()[0]
                cursor.execute('SELECT account_id FROM billservice_account WHERE tariff_id=%s', (, ))
            pp = res

            #res = res.values('type__name').annotate(summ=Sum('summ')).order_by()

            table = AccountPeriodReportTable(res)
            table_to_report = RequestConfig(request, paginate=False).configure(table)
            if table_to_report:
                return create_report_http_response(table_to_report, request)

            return {'form': form,  'table': table, 'name': name, 'slug': slug}
            return {'form': form, 'name': name, 'slug': slug}
    form = AccountBallanceForm()
    return {'form': form, 'name': name, 'slug': slug}
Esempio n. 4
def accountperiodreport(request, slug):

    name = rep.get(slug)[1]
    if request.GET and request.method=='GET':
        form = AccountBallanceForm(request.GET)
        if form.is_valid():
            class AccountPeriodReportTable(TableReport):
                username = django_tables.Column(verbose_name=u'Логин')
                fullname = django_tables.Column(verbose_name=u'ФИО')
                #ballance = FormatFloatColumn(verbose_name=u'Текущий баланс')
                balance_start = FormatFloatColumn(verbose_name=u'Начальный баланс')
                periodic_summ = FormatFloatColumn(verbose_name=u'Списания по период. услугам')
                addonservice_summ = FormatFloatColumn(verbose_name=u'Списания под подкл. услугам')
                traffictransaction_summ = FormatFloatColumn(verbose_name=u'Списания за трафик')
                timetransaction_summ = FormatFloatColumn(verbose_name=u'Списания за время')
                transaction_summ_pos = FormatFloatColumn(verbose_name=u'Пополнений баланса')
                transaction_summ_neg = FormatFloatColumn(verbose_name=u'Вычеты и баланса')
                balance_end = FormatFloatColumn(verbose_name=u'Конечный баланс')
                #summ = FormatFloatColumn()
                # def __init__(self, form, *args, **kwargs):
                #    super(TotalTransactionsSumm, self).__init__(form, *args, **kwargs)
                #    self.footer_data = self.TableDataClass(data=[pp.aggregate(summ=Sum('summ'))], table=self)
                #    self.footer = django_tables.rows.BoundRows(self.footer_data, self)    
                class Meta:
                    attrs = {'class': 'table table-bordered table-condensed"'}
                    configurable = True
                    #annotations = ('summ', )
                def __init__(self, *args, **argv):
                    super(AccountPeriodReportTable, self).__init__(*args, **argv)
           = self.__class__.__name__

            date_start = form.cleaned_data.get('date_start')
            date_end = form.cleaned_data.get('date_end')
            accounts = form.cleaned_data.get('accounts')
            #transactiontype = form.cleaned_data.get('transactiontype')

            res = Account.objects.all()
            if accounts:
                res = Account.objects.filter(id__in =accounts)
            res = res.extra(select={'balance_start':
                                             '''SELECT balance as balance_start FROM billservice_balancehistory 
                                             WHERE and datetime<='%(START_DATE)s' ORDER BY datetime DESC limit 1

                                              % {
                                                 'START_DATE': date_start
                                             '''SELECT balance as balance_start FROM billservice_balancehistory 
                                             WHERE and datetime<='%(END_DATE)s' ORDER BY datetime DESC limit 1'''

                                              % {
                                                 'END_DATE': date_end
                                             '''SELECT sum(summ) FROM billservice_periodicalservicehistory 
                                             WHERE   account_id = and created between '%(START_DATE)s' and '%(END_DATE)s' '''

                                              % {
                                                 'START_DATE': date_start,
                                                 'END_DATE': date_end
                                             '''SELECT sum(summ) FROM billservice_addonservicetransaction 
                                             WHERE   account_id = and created between '%(START_DATE)s' and '%(END_DATE)s' '''

                                              % {
                                                 'START_DATE': date_start,
                                                 'END_DATE': date_end
                                             '''SELECT sum(summ) FROM billservice_traffictransaction 
                                             WHERE   account_id = and created between '%(START_DATE)s' and '%(END_DATE)s'  '''

                                              % {
                                                 'START_DATE': date_start,
                                                 'END_DATE': date_end
                                             '''SELECT sum(summ) FROM billservice_timetransaction 
                                             WHERE   account_id = and created between '%(START_DATE)s' and '%(END_DATE)s'  '''

                                              % {
                                                 'START_DATE': date_start,
                                                 'END_DATE': date_end
                                             '''SELECT sum(summ) FROM billservice_transaction 
                                             WHERE   account_id = and summ<0 and created between '%(START_DATE)s' and '%(END_DATE)s'  '''

                                              % {
                                                 'START_DATE': date_start,
                                                 'END_DATE': date_end
                                             '''SELECT sum(summ) FROM billservice_transaction 
                                             WHERE   account_id = and summ>0 and created between '%(START_DATE)s' and '%(END_DATE)s'  '''

                                              % {
                                                 'START_DATE': date_start,
                                                 'END_DATE': date_end
            pp = res

            #res = res.values('type__name').annotate(summ=Sum('summ')).order_by()

            table = AccountPeriodReportTable(res)
            table_to_report = RequestConfig(request, paginate=False).configure(table)
            if table_to_report:
                return create_report_http_response(table_to_report, request)

            return {'form': form,  'table': table, 'name': name, 'slug': slug}
            return {'form': form, 'name': name, 'slug': slug}
    form = AccountBallanceForm()
    return {'form': form, 'name': name, 'slug': slug}