def testDifferentLengthOutput(self):
    """Check it raises error when the number of outputs is not correct.

    Make sure the number of outputs is the same as the number of sources.
    with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
      ebuild_function.new_command('ins', ['source'], ['output1', 'output2'])
 def testNewInvalidInstall(self):
   """Check it raises InvalidInstallTypeError when install type is invalid."""
   with self.assertRaises(ebuild_function.InvalidInstallTypeError):
     ebuild_function.new_command('invalid', ['source'], ['output'])
 def testMultipleNewins(self):
   """Check it returns multiple commands when there are multiple sources."""
   ret = ebuild_function.new_command('ins', ['source1', 'source2'],
                                     ['output1', 'output2'])
   self.assertEqual(ret, [['newins', 'source1', 'output1'],
                          ['newins', 'source2', 'output2']])
 def testNewins(self):
   """Check it returns a newins command that contains single source file."""
   ret = ebuild_function.new_command('ins', ['source'], ['output'])
   self.assertEqual(ret, [['newins', 'source', 'output']])