Esempio n. 1
def resample_to_latlon_and_save_to_nc(dir_data,dir_grid,dir_output,\
                                      var_to_load,years_to_load, k_sub = [0], \
                                      min_lat=-90, max_lat=90,min_lon=0, max_lon=360, dx = 0.25, dy = 0.25,\
    import ecco_v4_py as ecco
    import numpy as np
    import xarray as xr

    ds_grid = ecco.load_ecco_grid_nc(dir_grid)
    mask_C = ds_grid.hFacC.isel(k=k_sub)
    mask_C = mask_C.where(mask_C > 0, np.nan)

    # resample
    n_lon = len(np.arange(min_lon + dx, max_lon - dx, dx)) + 1
    n_lat = len(np.arange(min_lat + dy, max_lat - dy, dy)) + 1
    #%% load data

    for year in list(years_to_load):
        ds_data = ecco.load_ecco_var_from_years_nc(dir_data + '/' + str(year),
        n_time = len(ds_data.time)
        sst = np.full([n_time, n_lat, n_lon], np.nan)

        for in_time in range(0, n_time):
            print(year, in_time + 1)
            lon,lat,sst[in_time,:,:] = ecco.resample_to_latlon(ds_data.XC,ds_data.YC,ds_data.THETA.isel(time=in_time, k=0)*mask_C,\
                                                  min_lat+dy, max_lat-dy, dy,\
                                                  min_lon+dx, max_lon-dx, dx,\
        ds_data_save = xr.Dataset({})
        ds_data_save.coords['lon'] = lon[0, :]
        ds_data_save.coords['lat'] = lat[:, 0]
        ds_data_save.coords['time'] = ds_data.time
        ds_data_save[var_to_load] = (('time', 'lat', 'lon'), sst)
        # name
        ds_data_save.lon['long_name'] = 'longitude (degree)'['long_name'] = 'latitude (degree)'
        ds_data_save[var_to_load]['long_name'] = var_to_load
        # output
        file_output = dir_output + var_to_load + str(year) + '.nc'
        print('Saving ' + file_output + '...')
        print('Finish ' + file_output + '.')
# Define main directory
base_dir = '/home/username/ECCOv4-release'

# Define ECCO version
ecco_version = 'v4r3'

# Define a high-level directory for ECCO fields
ECCO_dir = base_dir + '/Release3_alt'

# > **Note**: Change `base_dir` to your own directory path.

# In[7]:

# Load the model grid
grid_dir = ECCO_dir + '/nctiles_grid/'
ecco_grid = ecco.load_ecco_grid_nc(grid_dir, '')

# ### Volume
# Calculate the volume of each grid cell. This is used when converting advective and diffusive flux convergences and calculating volume-weighted averages.

# In[8]:

# Volume (m^3)
vol = (ecco_grid.rA * ecco_grid.drF * ecco_grid.hFacC).transpose(
    'tile', 'k', 'j', 'i')

# ### Load monthly snapshots

# In[9]:

data_dir = ECCO_dir + '/nctiles_monthly_snapshots'
Esempio n. 3
import warnings

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import xarray as xr
import ecco_v4_py as ecco
dir_ecco = '/Volumes/ECCO/'
dir_monthly = dir_ecco + '/nctiles_monthly/'
dir_daily = dir_ecco + '/nctiles_daily/'
dir_grid = dir_ecco + '/nctiles_grid/'

fname_grid = ''

## read grid
ds_grid = ecco.load_ecco_grid_nc(dir_grid,fname_grid, dask_chunk=True)
vars_ecco = ecco.recursive_load_ecco_var_from_years_nc(dir_monthly,\
                                                      vars_to_load=['ADVx_TH', 'ADVy_TH',\
                                                                    'DFxE_TH', 'DFyE_TH',\
ds_ecco = xr.merge([vars_ecco,ds_grid])

lat = 26
ds_ecco['maskC'] = ds_ecco.hFacC
ds_ecco['maskW'] = ds_ecco.hFacW
ds_ecco['maskS'] = ds_ecco.hFacS
#            else:
#                leap = False
#        else:
#            leap = True
#     else:
#        leap = False
#     return leap

dir_ecco = '/Volumes/ECCO/'
dir_monthly = dir_ecco + 'nctiles_monthly/'
dir_grid = dir_ecco + '/nctiles_grid/'
dir_daily = dir_ecco + 'nctiles_daily/'

dir_output = '/Volumes/ECCO/'

ds_grid = ecco.load_ecco_grid_nc(dir_grid, '')
mask_C = ds_grid.hFacC.isel(k=0)
mask_C = mask_C.where(mask_C > 0, np.nan)

# resample
dx = 0.25
dy = 0.25
min_lat = 0
max_lat = 50
min_lon = 100
max_lon = 140
n_lon = len(np.arange(min_lon + dx, max_lon - dx, dx)) + 1
n_lat = len(np.arange(min_lat + dy, max_lat - dy, dy)) + 1
#%% load data

for year in range(1992, 2018):
Esempio n. 5
# In[5]:

# Use plot_tiles to make a quick plot of the 13 tiles.  See the tutorial on plotting for more examples.
ecco.plot_tiles(bathy, layout='latlon',rotate_to_latlon=True,show_tile_labels=False, show_colorbar=True);

# ## Load ecco-grid information to make a fancier lat-lon plot
# With the longitudes (XC) and latitudes (YC) and the 13 tile ndarray we can plot the field in different geographic projections.  See the tutorial on plotting for more examples.

# In[6]:

ecco_grid_dir = '/Users/ifenty/tmp/nctiles_grid/'
ecco_grid = ecco.load_ecco_grid_nc(input_dir, '')

# In[7]:

ecco.plot_proj_to_latlon_grid(ecco_grid.XC, ecco_grid.YC, bathy, show_colorbar=True, user_lon_0=-66);

# In[8]:

ecco.plot_proj_to_latlon_grid(ecco_grid.XC, ecco_grid.YC, bathy, show_colorbar=True,                              projection_type='stereo', lat_lim =-45, less_output=True,dx=.25,dy=.25);
# In[4]:

## Set top-level file directory for the ECCO NetCDF files
## =================================================================
# base_dir = '/home/username/'
base_dir = '/Users/ifenty/ECCOv4-release'

## define a high-level directory for ECCO fields
ECCO_dir = base_dir + '/Release3_alt'

# In[5]:

## Load the model grid
grid_dir = ECCO_dir + '/nctiles_grid/'

ecco_grid = ecco.load_ecco_grid_nc(grid_dir)

## Load one year of 2D daily data, SSH, SST, and SSS
data_dir = ECCO_dir + '/nctiles_monthly'

ecco_vars = ecco.recursive_load_ecco_var_from_years_nc(
    vars_to_load=['ADVx_TH', 'ADVy_TH', 'DFxE_TH', 'DFyE_TH'],
    years_to_load=range(2008, 2014))
## Merge the ecco_grid with the ecco_vars to make the ecco_ds
ecco_ds = xr.merge((ecco_grid, ecco_vars))

# ## Grab latitude band: 26$^\circ$N array as an example
# Here we want to grab the transport values which along the band closest represented in the model to 26$^\circ$N.
# In a latitude longitude grid this could simply be done by, e.g. `U.sel(lat=26)`.
Esempio n. 7
# base_dir = '/home/username/'
base_dir = '/home/ifenty/ECCOv4-release'

## define a high-level directory for ECCO fields
ECCO_dir = base_dir + '/Release3_alt'

# Now load daily and monthly mean versions of SSH and THETA

# In[4]:

## Load the model grid
grid_dir= ECCO_dir + '/nctiles_grid/'

ecco_grid = ecco.load_ecco_grid_nc(grid_dir, '', k_subset=[0])

# In[5]:

## Load 2D DAILY data, SSH, SST, and SSS 
data_dir= ECCO_dir + '/nctiles_daily'

ecco_daily_vars = ecco.recursive_load_ecco_var_from_years_nc(data_dir,                                            vars_to_load=['SSH','THETA'],                                           years_to_load=range(1993,2018)).load()
## Merge the ecco_grid with the ecco_vars to make the ecco_ds
ecco_daily_ds = xr.merge((ecco_grid , ecco_daily_vars))

# In[7]:
Esempio n. 8
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import ecco_v4_py as ecco

## define a high-level directory for ECCO fields
dir_base = '/Volumes/ECCO/'
dir_ECCO = dir_base + '/Release4'
dir_grid = dir_ECCO + '/nctiles_grid/'

## load the grid
grid = xr.open_dataset(dir_grid + '/')
# grid2 = ecco.load_ecco_grid_nc(grid_dir, '')
## load the grid
grid = xr.open_dataset(dir_grid + '/')

# plot hFac
                figsize=(10, 9))

ecco.plot_tiles(grid.rA, show_colorbar=True)

## Method 2: Loading the model grid parameters using load_ecco_grid_nc
grid_subset = ecco.load_ecco_grid_nc(dir_grid,
ecco.plot_tiles(grid_subset.hFacC.sel(k=0), show_colorbar=True, cmap='gray')

ecco.plot_tiles(grid.rA, show_colorbar=True);
'Model grid cell surface area [m^2]'

# ### Method 2: Loading the model grid parameters using ``load_ecco_grid_nc``
# A more advanced routine, ``load_ecco_grid_nc``, allows you to load only a subset of tiles and vertical levels.  If no optional parameters are given, the entire grid object is loaded, just like ``open_dataset``

# In[7]:

grid_dir = ECCO_dir + 'nctiles_grid'

grid = ecco.load_ecco_grid_nc(grid_dir, '')

# Alternatively we can load just a subset of tiles and vertical levels.

# In[8]:

grid_subset = ecco.load_ecco_grid_nc(grid_dir, '', tiles_to_load = [1, 10, 12], k_subset=[0,1,2,3])

# notice that ``grid_subset`` only has 3 tiles (9,10, 11) and 4 depth levels (0, 1, 2, 3), as expected.
# Let's plot ``hFacC`` and ``rA`` again