Esempio n. 1
    def docTreeToSearchIndex(tree, prefix = "", childPrefix = "  ", newline="\n"):
        types = []
        fullNames = []
        indexs = {}
        currClass = [0]

        def processNode(node,isLeaf):
            # filters
            if not node.hasAttributes():
                return 0  # continue traversal
            if node.type in ['state', 'param', 'see']:  # skip those currently
                return 0
            if "isCtor" in node.attributes and node.attributes["isCtor"]:
                return 0

            # construct a name string
            if 'fullName' in node.attributes:
                longestName = node.attributes['fullName']
            elif 'name' in node.attributes :
                longestName = node.attributes['name']
            else: # cannot handle unnamed entities
                return 0

            if longestName in fullNames:  # don't treat a node twice
                return 0

            # construct type string
            if node.type == "method":
                sfx = ""
                if 'access' in node.attributes:
                    acc = node.attributes['access']
                    if acc == "public":
                        sfx = "_pub"
                    elif acc == 'protected':
                        sfx = '_prot'
                    elif acc == 'private':
                        sfx = '_priv'
                    elif acc == 'internal':
                        sfx = '_intl'
                        sfx = '_pub'  # there seem to be methods with weird access attribs
                    sfx = "_pub"  # force unqualified to public
                n_type = node.type + sfx
            elif node.type == "property":
                sfx = "_pub"
                n_type = node.type + sfx
                n_type = node.type

            # add type?
            if n_type not in types:
            tyx = types.index(n_type)

            if node.type in ['class','interface','package','mixin']:
                # add to fullNames - assuming uniqueness
                fnx = fullNames.index(longestName)
                # commemorate current container
                currClass[0] = fnx
            else:  # must be a class feature
                longestName = '#' + longestName
                fnx = currClass[0]

            # maintain index
            if longestName in indexs:
                indexs[longestName].append([tyx, fnx])
                indexs[longestName]=[[tyx, fnx]]

            return 0


        index = { "__types__" : types,
                  "__fullNames__" : fullNames,
                  "__index__" : indexs }

        return index
Esempio n. 2
    def docTreeToSearchIndex(tree, prefix = "", childPrefix = "  ", newline="\n"):
        types = []
        fullNames = []
        indexs = {}
        currClass = [0]

        def processNode(node,isLeaf):
            # filters
            if not node.hasAttributes():
                return 0  # continue traversal
            if node.type in ['state', 'param', 'see']:  # skip those currently
                return 0
            if "isCtor" in node.attributes and node.attributes["isCtor"]:
                return 0

            # construct a name string
            if 'fullName' in node.attributes:
                longestName = node.attributes['fullName']
            elif 'name' in node.attributes :
                longestName = node.attributes['name']
            else: # cannot handle unnamed entities
                return 0

            if longestName in fullNames:  # don't treat a node twice
                return 0

            # construct type string
            if node.type == "method":
                sfx = ""
                if 'access' in node.attributes:
                    acc = node.attributes['access']
                    if acc == "public":
                        sfx = "_pub"
                    elif acc == 'protected':
                        sfx = '_prot'
                    elif acc == 'private':
                        sfx = '_priv'
                    elif acc == 'internal':
                        sfx = '_intl'
                        sfx = '_pub'  # there seem to be methods with weird access attribs
                    sfx = "_pub"  # force unqualified to public
                n_type = node.type + sfx
            elif node.type == "property":
                sfx = "_pub"
                n_type = node.type + sfx
                n_type = node.type

            # add type?
            if n_type not in types:
            tyx = types.index(n_type)

            if node.type in ['class','interface','package','mixin']:
                # add to fullNames - assuming uniqueness
                fnx = fullNames.index(longestName)
                # commemorate current container
                currClass[0] = fnx
            else:  # must be a class feature
                longestName = '#' + longestName
                fnx = currClass[0]

            # maintain index
            if longestName in indexs:
                indexs[longestName].append([tyx, fnx])
                indexs[longestName]=[[tyx, fnx]]

            return 0


        index = { "__types__" : types,
                  "__fullNames__" : fullNames,
                  "__index__" : indexs }

        return index