Esempio n. 1
 def prefix_v(id_):
     def format(self, optns, state):
         state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state),optns)
         self.getChild(0).format(optns, state)
     symbol(id_).format = format
Esempio n. 2
 def prefix_keyword(id_):
     def format(self, optns, state):
         state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state),optns)
         for cld in self.children:
             cld.format(optns, state)
     symbol(id_).format = format
Esempio n. 3
 def prefix_kw_optarg(id_):  # break, continue, return
     def format(self, optns, state):
         state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state),optns)
         if self.children:
             for cld in self.children:
                 cld.format(optns, state)
     symbol(id_).format = format
Esempio n. 4
 def infix(id_):
     def format(self, optns, state):
         self.getChild(0).format(optns, state)
         state.add(' ',optns)
         self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state)
         state.add(' ',optns)
         self.getChild(1).format(optns, state)
     symbol(id_).format = format
Esempio n. 5
 def infix_v(id_):
     def format(self, optns, state):  # adapt the output
         state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state),optns)
         self.getChild(0).format(optns, state)
         self.getChild(1).format(optns, state)
     symbol(id_).format = format
Esempio n. 6
 def prepostfix(id_):  # pre-/post-fix operators (++, --)
     def format(self, optns, state):
         state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state),optns)
         if self.get("left", '') == "true":
             self.getChild(0).format(optns, state)
             self.getChild(0).format(optns, state)
     symbol(id_).format = format
Esempio n. 7
def infix_v(id_):
    def format(self, optns, state):  # adapt the output
        self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state)
        self.getChild(0).format(optns, state)
        state.add(, _, optns)
        state.add(self.get("value"), self, optns)
        state.add(, _, optns)
        self.getChild(1).format(optns, state)

    symbol(id_).format = format
Esempio n. 8
def infix(id_):
    def format(self, optns, state):
        self.getChild(0).format(optns, state)
        state.add(' ', _, optns)
        self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state)
        state.add(self.get("value"), self, optns)
        state.add(' ', _, optns)
        self.getChild(1).format(optns, state)

    symbol(id_).format = format
Esempio n. 9
def prefix_kw_optarg(id_):  # break, continue, return
    def format(self, optns, state):
        self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state)
        state.add(self.get("value"), self, optns)
        if self.children:
            state.add(, _, optns)
            for cld in self.children:
                cld.format(optns, state)

    symbol(id_).format = format
Esempio n. 10
def prefix_keyword(id_):
    def format(self, optns, state):
            (self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state), self.comments),
        state.add((self.get("value"), self), optns)
        state.add((, _), optns)
        for cld in self.children:
            cld.format(optns, state)

    symbol(id_).format = format
Esempio n. 11
def prepostfix(id_):  # pre-/post-fix operators (++, --)
    def format(self, optns, state):
        self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state)
        if self.get("left", '') == "true":
            state.add(self.get("value"), self, optns)
            self.getChild(0).format(optns, state)
            self.getChild(0).format(optns, state)
            state.add(self.get("value"), self, optns)

    symbol(id_).format = format
Esempio n. 12
 def preinfix(id_):  # pre-/infix operators (+, -)
     def format(self, optns, state):  # need to handle pre/infix cases
         state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state),optns)
         op = self.get("value")
         prefix = self.get("left", 0)
         if prefix and prefix == "true":
             self.getChild(0).format(optns, state)
             self.getChild(0).format(optns, state)
             state.add(' ' + op + ' ',optns)
             self.getChild(1).format(optns, state)
     symbol(id_).format = format
Esempio n. 13
def preinfix(id_):  # pre-/infix operators (+, -)
    def format(self, optns, state):  # need to handle pre/infix cases
        self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state)
        op = self.get("value")
        prefix = self.get("left", 0)
        if prefix and prefix == "true":
            state.add(op, self, optns)
            self.getChild(0).format(optns, state)
            self.getChild(0).format(optns, state)
            state.add(' ' + op + ' ', self, optns)
            self.getChild(1).format(optns, state)

    symbol(id_).format = format
Esempio n. 14
        if self.get("left", '') == "true":
            state.add((self.get("value"), self), optns)
            self.getChild(0).format(optns, state)
            self.getChild(0).format(optns, state)
            state.add((self.get("value"), self), optns)

    symbol(id_).format = format

for sym in SYMBOLS['prepostfix']:

def format(self, optns, state):
        (self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state), self.comments),
    if self.get("constantType") == "string":
        quote = "'" if self.get("detail") == "singlequotes" else '"'
        state.add((self.write(quote + self.get("value") + quote), self), optns)
        state.add((self.write(self.get("value")), self), optns)

def format(self, optns, state):
        (self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state), self.comments),
Esempio n. 15
def prepostfix(id_):  # pre-/post-fix operators (++, --)
    def format(self, optns, state):
        self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state)
        if self.get("left", '') == "true":
            state.add(self.get("value"),self, optns)
            self.getChild(0).format(optns, state)
            self.getChild(0).format(optns, state)
            state.add(self.get("value"),self, optns)
    symbol(id_).format = format

for sym in SYMBOLS['prepostfix']:

def format(self, optns, state):
    self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state)
    if self.get("constantType") == "string":
        quote = "'" if self.get("detail")=="singlequotes" else '"'
        state.add(self.write(quote + self.get("value") + quote),self, optns)
        state.add(self.write(self.get("value")),self, optns)

def format(self, optns, state):
    self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state)
    v = self.get("value", u"")
    if v:
        state.add(self.write(v),self, optns)
Esempio n. 16
class Formatter(object):
    def __init__(self, optns, state):
        self.optns = optns
        self.state = state

    # Single-call driver for stringifying a tree
    def format(self, tokenStream):
        self.tokenStream = tokenStream

        for token in self.tokenStream:

            ## text width

            # dispatch handlers
            if hasattr(self, "format_" + token.type):
                s = getattr(self, "format_" + token.type)(token)
                s = self.format_default(token)
            #print ">%s<" % s
            self.state.add(s, self.optns)
            self.state.last_token = token

        self.state.add('\n', self.optns)
        return u''.join(self.state.output)

    def format_default(self, token):
        r = u''
        if token.get("value", False):
            #r += ' ' + token.get("value") + ' ' # for testing
            r += token.get("value")
            r += u''
        if self.is_statement_end(token):
            r += '\n'
        return r

    # To capture end of function definition
    def format_function(self, token):
        r = token.get("value")
        for tok in token.toListG():
        return r

    def is_statement_end(self, token):
        if (token.parent.type == "statement"
                and token.parent.children[-1] is token):
            return True
            return False

    def handle_text_width(self, token):
        # start a multi-line
        if (self.optns.prettypTextWidth
                and token.type not in ('comment', 'white')
                and token.type not in (',', ';', '}', ']')
                and len(token.get("value")) + self.currColumn >
            if not self.state.inExpression:
                self.state.inExpression = True

        # terminate a multi-line
        elif token.value in ';\n':  # quick statement-end hack
            if self.state.inExpression:
                self.state.inExpression = False

    # fall-back in symbol_base
    def format__(self, optns, state):
        if self.children:
            # only synthetic nodes should fall back to this, with no prec. comments
            for cld in self.children:
                cld.format(optns, state)
            state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state), optns)
            state.add(self.get("value", u''), optns)

    symbol_base.format = format

    def nl(self, optns, state):
        return '\n' = nl

    def commentsPretty(self, commentsA, optns, state):
        comments = []
        for i, comment in enumerate(commentsA):
            commentStr = comment.get("value")
            commentStr = Comment.Text(commentStr).indent(
                indentString(optns, state))
            if comment.get(
                    'end', False
            ) == True:  # 'inline' needs terminating newline anyway
                commentStr +=, state)
            commentStr += state.indentStr(
            )  # to pass on the indentation that was set ahead of the comment
            # handle additional line breaks between comments
            if i > 0:
                #curr_start = comment.get("line")
                #prev_start = commentsA[i-1].get("line")
                #prev_lines = comments[i-1].count('\n')
                #addtl_lb = curr_start - prev_start + prev_lines
                #comments[i-1] += addtl_lb * '\n'
        return u''.join(comments)

    symbol_base.commentsPretty = commentsPretty

    def infix(id_):
        def format(self, optns, state):
            self.getChild(0).format(optns, state)
            state.add(' ', optns)
            self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state)
            state.add(self.get("value"), optns)
            state.add(' ', optns)
            self.getChild(1).format(optns, state)

        symbol(id_).format = format

    for sym in SYMBOLS['infix'] + SYMBOLS['infix_r']:

    # infix "verb" operators, i.e. that need a space around themselves (like 'instanceof', 'in')
    def infix_v(id_):
        def format(self, optns, state):  # adapt the output
            state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state), optns)
            self.getChild(0).format(optns, state)
            state.add(, optns)
            state.add(self.get("value"), optns)
            state.add(, optns)
            self.getChild(1).format(optns, state)

        symbol(id_).format = format

    for sym in SYMBOLS['infix_v']:

    # prefix "sigil" operators, like '!', '~', ...
    def prefix(id_):
        def format(self, optns, state):
            state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state), optns)
            state.add(self.get("value"), optns)
            self.getChild(0).format(optns, state)

        symbol(id_).format = format

    for sym in SYMBOLS['prefix']:

    # prefix "verb" operators, i.e. that need a space before their operand like 'delete'
    def prefix_v(id_):
        def format(self, optns, state):
            state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state), optns)
            state.add(self.get("value"), optns)
            state.add(, optns)
            self.getChild(0).format(optns, state)

        symbol(id_).format = format

    for sym in SYMBOLS['prefix_v']:

    # i can re-use some of this semantics for prefix-like keywords, like 'var', 'while', 'if', etc.
    def prefix_keyword(id_):
        def format(self, optns, state):
            state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state), optns)
            state.add(self.get("value"), optns)
            state.add(, optns)
            for cld in self.children:
                cld.format(optns, state)

        symbol(id_).format = format

    for sym in "var new throw while if for do with try catch switch case default".split(
    ):  # some of them might get overwritten later, or this list should be adjusted

    def prefix_kw_optarg(id_):  # break, continue, return
        def format(self, optns, state):
            state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state), optns)
            state.add(self.get("value"), optns)
            if self.children:
                state.add(, optns)
                for cld in self.children:
                    cld.format(optns, state)

        symbol(id_).format = format

    for sym in "break return continue".split(
    ):  # some of them might get overwritten later, or this list should be adjusted

    def preinfix(id_):  # pre-/infix operators (+, -)
        def format(self, optns, state):  # need to handle pre/infix cases
            state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state), optns)
            op = self.get("value")
            prefix = self.get("left", 0)
            if prefix and prefix == "true":
                state.add(op, optns)
                self.getChild(0).format(optns, state)
                self.getChild(0).format(optns, state)
                state.add(' ' + op + ' ', optns)
                self.getChild(1).format(optns, state)

        symbol(id_).format = format

    for sym in SYMBOLS['preinfix']:

    def prepostfix(id_):  # pre-/post-fix operators (++, --)
        def format(self, optns, state):
            state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state), optns)
            if self.get("left", '') == "true":
                state.add(self.get("value"), optns)
                self.getChild(0).format(optns, state)
                self.getChild(0).format(optns, state)
                state.add(self.get("value"), optns)

        symbol(id_).format = format

    for sym in SYMBOLS['prepostfix']:

    def format_(self, optns, state):
        state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state), optns)
        if self.get("constantType") == "string":
            quote = "'" if self.get("detail") == "singlequotes" else '"'
            state.add(self.write(quote + self.get("value") + quote), optns)
            state.add(self.write(self.get("value")), optns)

    def format_(self, optns, state):
        state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state), optns)
        v = self.get("value", u"")
        if v:
            state.add(self.write(v), optns)

    def format_(self, optns, state):
        self.getChild(0).format(optns, state)
        state.add(' ', optns)
        state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state), optns)
        state.add(self.get("value", "?"), optns)
        state.add(' ', optns)
        self.getChild(1).format(optns, state)
        state.add(' ', optns)
        self.getChild(2).format(optns, state)
        state.add(' ', optns)
        self.getChild(3).format(optns, state)

    #def format(self, optns, state):
    #    state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state,optns))
    #    self.children[0].format(optns, state)
    #    state.add('.',optns)
    #    self.children[1].format(optns, state)
    #    state.add(r,optns,optns)

    def format_(self, optns, state):
        state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state), optns)
        self.children[0].format(optns, state)

    #def format(self, optns, state):
    #    state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state,optns))
    #    state.add([r],optns)
    #    state.add('(',optns)
    #    a = []
    #    for c in self.children:
    #        a.append(c.format(optns, state))
    #    state.add(', '.join(a),optns)
    #    state.add(')',optns)
    #    state.add(''.join(r,optns),optns)

    def format_(self, optns, state):
        state.add([], optns)
        for cld in self.children:
            cld.format(optns, state)

    def format_(self, optns, state):
        res = []
        for cld in self.children:
            cld.format(optns, state)

    #def format(self, optns, state):
    #    state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state,optns))
    #    self.children[0].format(optns, state)
    #    state.add(r,optns,optns)

    def format_(self, optns, state):
        # opening {
        self.children[0].format(optns, state)
        indent = state.indentStr(optns)
        # keyvals
        for c in self.children[1:-1]:  # without {}
            if == 'keyvalue':
                state.add(indent, optns)
                c.format(optns, state)
            elif == ',':
                c.format(optns, state)
                state.add(, state), optns)
        state.add(, state), optns)
        # closing }
        self.children[-1].format(optns, state)

    #def format(self, optns, state):
    #    state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state,optns))
    #    self.children[0].format(optns, state)
    #    state.add(r,optns,optns)

    def format_(self, optns, state):
        # key
        self.children[0].format(optns, state)
        # :
        state.add(, optns)
        self.children[1].format(optns, state)
        state.add(, optns)
        # value
        self.children[2].format(optns, state)
        #key = self.get("key")
        #key_quote = self.get("quote", '')
        #if key_quote:
        #    quote = '"' if key_quote == 'doublequotes' else "'"
        #elif ( key in lang.RESERVED
        #       or not identifier_regex.match(key)
        #       # TODO: or not lang.NUMBER_REGEXP.match(key)
        #     ):
        #    print "Warning: Auto protect key: %r" % key
        #    quote = '"'
        #    quote = ''
        #value = self.getChild("value").format(optns, state)
        #state.add(r + quote + key + quote + ' : ' + value,optns,optns)

    def format_(self, optns, state):
        state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state), optns)
        state.add(self.write("function") +, optns)
        if self.getChild("identifier", 0):
            functionName = self.getChild("identifier").get("value")
            state.add(self.write(functionName), optns)
        # params
        self.getChild("params").format(optns, state)
        state.add(, optns)
        # body
        self.getChild("body").format(optns, state)

    def format_(self, optns, state):
        state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state), optns)
        self.children[0].format(optns, state)
        # 'if', 'while', etc. can have single-statement bodies
        if self.children[0].id != 'block':
            state.add(';', optns)

    #@method(symbol("var"))  # this is what becomes of "var"
    #def format(self, optns, state):
    #    state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state,optns))
    #    state.add([r],optns)
    #    state.add("var",optns)
    #    state.add(,optns)
    #    a = []
    #    for c in self.children:
    #        a.append(c.format(optns, state))
    #    state.add(','.join(a),optns)
    #    state.add(''.join(r,optns),optns)

    #def format(self, optns, state):
    #    state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state,optns))
    #    self.children[0].format(optns, state)
    #    state.add(r,optns,optns)

    #def format(self, optns, state):
    #    state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state,optns))
    #    state.add([r],optns)
    #    state.add('for',optns)
    #    state.add(,result=r),optns)
    #    # cond
    #    state.add('(',optns)
    #    # for (in)
    #    if self.get("forVariant") == "in":
    #        self.children[0].format(optns, state)
    #    # for (;;)
    #    else:
    #        self.children[0].children[0].format(optns, state)
    #        state.add(';',optns)
    #        self.children[0].children[1].format(optns, state)
    #        state.add(';',optns)
    #        self.children[0].children[2].format(optns, state)
    #    state.add(')',optns)
    #    # body
    #    self.getChild("body").format(optns, state)
    #    state.add(u''.join(r,optns),optns)

    @method(symbol("in"))  # of 'for (in)'
    def format_(self, optns, state):
        state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state), optns)
        self.getChild(0).format(optns, state)
        state.add( + 'in' +, optns)
        self.getChild(1).format(optns, state)

    def format_(
            self, optns, state
    ):  # WARN: this conflicts (and is overwritten) in for(;;).format
        state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state), optns)
        for c in self.children:
            c.format(optns, state)

    def format_(self, optns, state):
        state.add(self.get("value"), optns)

    def format_(self, optns, state):
        state.add(self.get("value"), optns)

    #def format(self, optns, state):
    #    state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state,optns))
    #    state.add(self.write("while",optns))
    #    state.add(,result=r,optns))
    #    # cond
    #    state.add('(',optns)
    #    self.children[0].format(optns, state)
    #    state.add(',optns)')
    #    # body
    #    self.children[1].format(optns, state)
    #    state.add(r,optns,optns)

    #def format(self, optns, state):
    #    state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state,optns))
    #    state.add([r],optns)
    #    state.add("with",optns)
    #    state.add(,optns)
    #    state.add('(',optns)
    #    self.children[0].format(optns, state)
    #    state.add(')',optns)
    #    self.children[1].format(optns, state)
    #    state.add(''.join(r,optns),optns)

    #def format(self, optns, state):
    #    state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state,optns))
    #    state.add([r],optns)
    #    state.add("do",optns)
    #    state.add(,optns)
    #    self.children[0].format(optns, state)
    #    state.add('while',optns)
    #    state.add('(',optns)
    #    self.children[1].format(optns, state)
    #    state.add(')',optns)
    #    state.add(''.join(r,optns),optns)

    #def format(self, optns, state):
    #    state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state,optns))
    #    # Additional new line before each loop
    #    if not self.isFirstChild(True) and not self.getChild("commentsBefore", False):
    #        prev = self.getPreviousSibling(False, True)

    #        # No separation after case statements
    #        #if prev != None and prev.type in ["case", "default"]:
    #        #    pass
    #        #elif self.hasChild("elseStatement") or self.getChild("statement").hasBlockChildren():
    #        #    self.sep()
    #        #else:
    #        #    self.line()
    #    state.add(self.write("if",optns))
    #    # condition
    #    state.add(self.write("(",optns))
    #    self.children[0].format(optns, state)
    #    state.add(self.write(",optns)"))
    #    # 'then' part
    #    self.children[1].format(optns, state)
    #    # (opt) 'else' part
    #    if len(self.children) == 3:
    #        state.add(,optns))
    #        state.add(self.write("else",optns))
    #        state.add(,optns))
    #        self.children[2].format(optns, state)
    #    state.add(,result=r,optns))
    #    state.add(r,optns,optns)

    #def format(self, optns, state):
    #    state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state,optns))
    #    state.add(self.write("break",optns))
    #    if self.children:
    #        state.add(,optns))
    #        self.write(self.children[0].format(optns, state))
    #    state.add(r,optns,optns)

    #def format(self, optns, state):
    #    state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state,optns))
    #    state.add(self.write("continue",optns))
    #    if self.children:
    #        state.add(,optns))
    #        self.write(self.children[0].format(optns, state))
    #    state.add(r,optns,optns)

    #def format(self, optns, state):
    #    state.add([self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state,optns)])
    #    state.add(["return"],optns)
    #    if self.children:
    #        state.add(,optns)
    #        self.children[0].format(optns, state)
    #    state.add(''.join(r,optns),optns)

    #def format(self, optns, state):
    #    state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state,optns))
    #    state.add([r],optns)
    #    state.add("switch",optns)
    #    # control
    #    state.add('(',optns)
    #    self.children[0].format(optns, state)
    #    state.add(')',optns)
    #    # body
    #    state.add('{',optns)
    #    body = self.getChild("body")
    #    for c in body.children:
    #        c.format(optns, state)
    #    state.add('}',optns)
    #    state.add(''.join(r,optns),optns)

    #def format(self, optns, state):
    #    state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state,optns))
    #    state.add([r],optns)
    #    state.add('case',optns)
    #    state.add(,optns)
    #    self.children[0].format(optns, state)
    #    state.add(':',optns)
    #    if len(self.children) > 1:
    #        self.children[1].format(optns, state)
    #    state.add(''.join(r,optns),optns)

    #def format(self, optns, state):
    #    state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state,optns))
    #    state.add([r],optns)
    #    state.add('default',optns)
    #    state.add(':',optns)
    #    if len(self.children) > 0:
    #        self.children[0].format(optns, state)
    #    state.add(''.join(r,optns),optns)

    #def format(self, optns, state):
    #    state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state,optns))
    #    state.add([r],optns)
    #    state.add("try",optns)
    #    self.children[0].format(optns, state)
    #    catch = self.getChild("catch", 0)
    #    if catch:
    #        state.add(,optns)
    #        state.add("catch",optns)
    #        catch.children[0].format(optns, state)
    #        state.add(,optns)
    #        catch.children[1].format(optns, state)
    #    finally_ = self.getChild("finally", 0)
    #    if finally_:
    #        state.add("finally",optns)
    #        finally_.children[0].format(optns, state)
    #    state.add(''.join(r,optns),optns)

    #def format(self, optns, state):
    #    state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state,optns))
    #    state.add('throw',optns)
    #    state.add(,optns))
    #    self.children[0].format(optns, state)
    #    state.add(r,optns,optns)

    def format_(self, optns, state):
        state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state), optns)

    def format_(self, optns, state):
        state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state), optns)
        self.children[0].format(optns, state, optns)  # identifier
        self.children[1].format(optns, state, optns)  # :
        state.add(, state), optns)
        self.children[2].format(optns, state, optns)  # statement)

    def format_(self, optns, state):
        state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state), optns)
        if optns.prettypOpenCurlyNewlineBefore not in 'nN':  # and self.hasLeadingContent():
            if optns.prettypOpenCurlyIndentBefore:
            state.add(, state) + state.indentStr(optns), optns)
        state.add(self.get("value") +, state), optns)
        if not optns.prettypAlignBlockWithCurlies:

    def format_(self, optns, state):
        state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state), optns)
        state.add(state.indentStr(optns) + self.get("value"), optns)

    #def format(self, optns, state):
    #    state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state,optns))
    #    state.add([r],optns)
    #    for cld in self.children:
    #        c = cld.format(optns, state)
    #        state.add(c,optns)
    #    state.add(u''.join(r,optns),optns)

    def format_(self, optns, state):
        indent = indentString(optns, state)
        state.add(indent, optns)
        for cld in self.children:
            cld.format(optns, state)
        state.add(, state), optns)

    #def format(self, optns, state):
    #    state.add(u'',optns)
    #    # opening {
    #    self.children[0].format(optns, state)
    #    # statements
    #    for c in self.getChild("statements").children:
    #        c.format(optns, state)  # 'statement' takes care of indentation
    #    # closing }
    #    self.children[-1].format(optns, state)

    #state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state,optns))
    #state.indentLevel += 1
    #a = []
    #for c in self.children: # should be just "statements"
    #    a.append(c.format(optns, state))
    #a_ = u''.join(a)
    #if a_:
    #    state.add(,state),optns)
    #state.indentLevel -= 1
    #indent_string = indentString(optns, state)
    #state.add(self.write(indent_string + "}",optns))

    def format_(self, optns, state):
        state.add(self.commentsPretty(self.comments, optns, state), optns)
        self.getChild("operand").format(optns, state)
        self.getChild("arguments").format(optns, state)