Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self, config):
     self.wmsCapabilityCache = WmsCapabilityCache(config)
     self.proxyUrl = config.get('proxyUrl')
Esempio n. 2
class WmsCapabilityReader():
    def __init__(self, config):
        self.wmsCapabilityCache = WmsCapabilityCache(config)
        self.proxyUrl = config.get('proxyUrl')

    def getEndpointServiceData(self, endpoint, forceRefresh):
        """Returns service data for an endpoint.
        log.debug("getEndpointData called for %s", endpoint['wmsurl'])
        wmsUrl = self.makeProxiedUrl(endpoint['wmsurl'])
        wmcDoc = self.wmsCapabilityCache.getWmsCapabilities(wmsUrl, forceRefresh)

        dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(wmcDoc)
        # Get the namespace URI for the document root element.
        ns = dom.documentElement.namespaceURI

        # Get the version the WMS server responded with.
        wmsVersion = dom.documentElement.getAttribute('version')

        service = xml_util.getSingleChildByNameNS(dom.documentElement, ns, 'Service')
        if service == None:
            return None

        title = xml_util.getSingleChildTextByNameNS(service, ns, 'Title')
        abstract = xml_util.getSingleChildTextByNameNS(service, ns, 'Abstract')

        # Break internal references to facilitiate garbage collection.

        return {
            'version': wmsVersion,
            'title': title,
            'abstract': abstract

    def getLayers(self, endpoint, parentId, idMap, keywordData, forceRefresh):
        """Returns a list of 'endpoint_hierarchy_builder.Node's for the layers of an endpoint in a WMC document.
        Also, adds nodes to a map from node ID to node.
        log.debug("getLayers called for %s", endpoint['wmsurl'])
        log.debug("  keywordData: %s" % keywordData)
        wmsUrl = self.makeProxiedUrl(endpoint['wmsurl'])
        wmcDoc = self.wmsCapabilityCache.getWmsCapabilities(wmsUrl, True)

        dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(wmcDoc)
        # Get the namespace URI for the document root element.
        ns = dom.documentElement.namespaceURI

        # Get the version the WMS server responded with.
        wmsVersion = dom.documentElement.getAttribute('version')

        nodes = []
        capability = xml_util.getSingleChildByNameNS(dom.documentElement, ns, 'Capability')
        if capability == None:
            return None

        getCapabilitiesUrlEl = xml_util.getSingleChildByPathNS(capability,
                                                               [(ns, 'Request'), (ns, 'GetCapabilities'), (ns, 'DCPType'),
                                                                (ns, 'HTTP'), (ns, 'Get'), (ns, 'OnlineResource')])
        getCapabilitiesUrl = getCapabilitiesUrlEl.getAttributeNS(XLINK_URI, 'href')
        if not getCapabilitiesUrl:
            getCapabilitiesUrl = xml_util.getAttributeByLocalName(getCapabilitiesUrlEl, 'href')
        log.debug("GetCapabilities URL: %s", getCapabilitiesUrl)
        getCapabilitiesUrl = parseEndpointString(getCapabilitiesUrl, {'REQUEST':'GetCapabilities', 'SERVICE':'WMS'})

        getFeatureInfoOnlineResourceEl = xml_util.getSingleChildByPathNS(capability,
                                                                         [(ns, 'Request'), (ns, 'GetFeatureInfo'),
                                                                          (ns, 'DCPType'), (ns, 'HTTP'),
                                                                          (ns, 'Get'), (ns, 'OnlineResource')])
        if getFeatureInfoOnlineResourceEl:
            getFeatureInfoUrl = getFeatureInfoOnlineResourceEl.getAttributeNS(XLINK_URI, 'href')
            if not getFeatureInfoUrl:
                getFeatureInfoUrl = xml_util.getAttributeByLocalName(getFeatureInfoOnlineResourceEl, 'href')
            log.debug("GetFeatureInfo URL: %s", getFeatureInfoUrl)
            getFeatureInfoUrl = getFeatureInfoUrl.rstrip('?&')
            getFeatureInfoUrl = None

        getMapOnlineResourceEl = xml_util.getSingleChildByPathNS(capability,
                                                               [(ns, 'Request'), (ns, 'GetMap'), (ns, 'DCPType'), (ns, 'HTTP'),
                                                                (ns, 'Get'), (ns, 'OnlineResource')])
        getMapUrl = getMapOnlineResourceEl.getAttributeNS(XLINK_URI, 'href')
        if not getMapUrl:
            getMapUrl = xml_util.getAttributeByLocalName(getMapOnlineResourceEl, 'href')
        log.debug("GetMap URL: %s", getMapUrl)
        getMapUrl = getMapUrl.rstrip('?&')
        getMapUrl = self.makeProxiedUrl(getMapUrl)

        commonData = {
            'getCapabilitiesUrl': getCapabilitiesUrl,
            'getFeatureInfoUrl': getFeatureInfoUrl,
            'getMapUrl': getMapUrl,
            'wmsVersion': wmsVersion
        if 'wcsurl' in endpoint:
            commonData['getCoverageUrl'] = endpoint['wcsurl']
        for layer in xml_util.getChildrenByNameNS(capability, ns, 'Layer'):
            self.handleLayer(ns, layer, nodes, endpoint, parentId, commonData, keywordData, idMap)

        # Break internal references to facilitate garbage collection.

        return nodes

    def handleLayer(self, ns, layerEl, nodes, endpoint, parentId, commonData, antecedentKeywordData, idMap):
        """Processes a layer.
        Determines whether the layer has sublayers, in which case this method is called recursively,
        or if it is a leaf, in which case a node is added to the node list.
        subLayers = xml_util.getChildrenByNameNS(layerEl, ns, 'Layer')
        isLeaf = len(subLayers) == 0
        layer = WmsLayer()
        layer.populateFromLayerElement(ns, layerEl, commonData)
        log.debug("Layer %s %s" % (, layer.title))

        self.setLayerId(layer, parentId, isLeaf)

        # Merge all keyword data applicable to the layer.
        keywordData = self.getLayerDataFromEndpoint(endpoint, layer)
        if antecedentKeywordData:
            mergedKeywordData = antecedentKeywordData.copy()
            mergedKeywordData = keywordData

        log.debug("keywordData: %s" % mergedKeywordData)
        layer.generateDimensionDisplayValues(mergedKeywordData.get('dimension_format', None),
                                             mergedKeywordData.get('dimension_reverse', None))

        treeInfo = self.makeTreeInfo(endpoint, layer, isLeaf, keywordData)

        # Look for sublayers - if there any any, call this method recursively to add them to the tree,
        # otherwise just add a leaf node.
        children = []
        node = Node(, layer, children, treeInfo, keywordData)
        #idMap[] = node
        if isLeaf:
            log.debug("Found layer: title '%s' (ID=%s)", layer.title,
            for lyr in subLayers:
                self.handleLayer(ns, lyr, children, endpoint,, commonData, antecedentKeywordData, idMap)

    def setLayerId(self, layer, parentId, isLeaf):
        """Constructs an id for the tree node.
            layerId =
            layerId = layer.title

        if isLeaf:
            prefix = EndpointHierarchyBuilder.KEY_PREFIX_LEAF_LAYER
            prefix = EndpointHierarchyBuilder.KEY_PREFIX_CONTAINER_LAYER = prefix + layerId + EndpointHierarchyBuilder.LAYER_ID_SEPARATOR + parentId

    def getLayerDataFromEndpoint(self, endpoint, layer):
        """Finds keyword data configured for matching layers of an endpoint and stores them in the
        layer object.
        if ((not or (not 'layerSetData' in endpoint) or
            (not 'layers' in endpoint['layerSetData'])):
            return {}

        layers = endpoint['layerSetData']['layers']

        # Find whether one of the sets of layer data for the endpoint matches the layer name.
        layerKeywordData = {}
        for k, l in layers.iteritems():
            if 'name' in l:
                namePatt = l['name'].format(endpoint=endpoint['key']) + '\Z'
                log.debug("namePatt '%s'" % namePatt)
                if re.match(namePatt,
                    log.debug("Matches %s" %
                    layerKeywordData = l

        return layerKeywordData

    def makeTreeInfo(self, endpoint, layer, isLeaf, keywordData):
        """Empty implementation of method to populate additional information for layers in the layer tree.
        return {}

    def ensureEndpointCached(self, endpoint, forceRefresh=False):
        """Retrieves and caches a WMS capabilities document if not already cached or if
        if 'wmsurl' in endpoint:
            log.debug("ensureEndpointCached called for %s", endpoint['wmsurl'])
            wmsUrl = self.makeProxiedUrl(endpoint['wmsurl'])
            wmcDoc = self.wmsCapabilityCache.getWmsCapabilities(wmsUrl, forceRefresh)
            log.error("No WMS URL configured for endpoint")

    def makeProxiedUrl(self, url):
        """Converts a URL into one using a proxy that accepts URLs of the form
        http://<proxy prefix>/<target scheme>/<target host>/<target port>/<target path>
        if self.proxyUrl:
            urlParts = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
            netlocParts = urlParts.netloc.partition(':')
            host = netlocParts[0]
            port = netlocParts[2] if netlocParts[2] else '-'
            proxyParts = urlparse.urlsplit(self.proxyUrl)
            mergedPath = '/'.join([proxyParts.path.rstrip('/'), urlParts.scheme,
                                   host, port, urlParts.path.lstrip('/')])
            mergedParts = (proxyParts.scheme, proxyParts.netloc, mergedPath,
                           urlParts.query, urlParts.fragment)
            return urlparse.urlunsplit(mergedParts)
            return url