def loadModule(self, uri, x, y, params=None): self._logger.debug("load module %s @ (%s %s) with %s"%(uri, x,y, params)) (proto, path) = Tools.splitURI(uri) name = ".".join(path.split("/")) self._logger.debug("Get prameter for module %s"%name) try: (path, meta) = self._importer.getModuleMeta(name) except: showExceptionDialog(self, -1, "Unable to load module %s"%name) return if len(meta.getParameters()) > 0 and params==None: param_dialog = ParameterDialog(self, -1, name) if not wx.ID_OK == param_dialog.ShowModal():"Module load aborted!") param_dialog.Destroy() return params = param_dialog.parameters param_dialog.Destroy() elif params==None: params = dict() self._logger.debug("Instance and place module with params: %s"%params) try: mod = self._importer.loadGrafical(self, (x,y), name, params) except Exception, e: showExceptionDialog(self, -1, "Unable to load/import module \"%s\""%name)
def connect(self, frm, to, auto_redraw=False): if self.isConnection(frm, to): return try: con = emConnection(frm,to) except Exception, e: showExceptionDialog(self, -1, "Unable to connect %s with %s"%(frm.getName(),to.getName()))
def OnSaveAs(self, evt): dlg = SaveAsDialog(self, -1) if dlg.ShowModal()==wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return uri = dlg.getSelection() dlg.Destroy() try: txt = self._to_xml().toprettyxml(" ") self._model.saveURI(uri, txt) except: showExceptionDialog(self, -1, "Unable to save file to %s"%uri) self.setURI(uri) self.setTitle(uri) self._circtree.addURI(uri) self.setModified(False) self._updateMainFrame()