def pull(): gist = get_gist_id(editor.get_path()) if gist is not None: fname = os.path.basename(editor.get_path()) newtxt = load(gist, fname) if newtxt is not None: editor.replace_text(0, len(editor.get_text()), newtxt)
def pull(): gist = get_gist_id(editor.get_path()) if gist is not None: fname = os.path.basename(editor.get_path()) newtxt = load(gist,fname) if newtxt is not None: editor.replace_text(0,len(editor.get_text()),newtxt)
def set(): gist = get_gist_id(editor.get_path()) if gist == None: gist = '' gist = console.input_alert('Assign Gist ID','Enter the gist id for this file',gist) try: set_gist_id(editor.get_path(),gist) except InvalidGistIDError: console.alert('Invalid Gist ID', 'That does not appear to be a valid gist id')
def pull(): gist = get_gist_id(editor.get_path()) if gist is None: console.alert('Error', 'There is no gist id set for this file') else: fname = os.path.basename(editor.get_path()) newtxt = load(gist,fname) if newtxt is not None: editor.replace_text(0,len(editor.get_text()),newtxt)
def pull(): gist = get_gist_id(editor.get_path()) if gist is None: console.alert('Error', 'There is no gist id set for this file') else: fname = os.path.basename(editor.get_path()) newtxt = load(gist, fname) if newtxt is not None: editor.replace_text(0, len(editor.get_text()), newtxt)
def test(): import vdb vdb.set_trace() # create some variables to try watch window a = 1 b = {'key': {'b': ['c', 'd', 'e']}, 'anotherkey': 'anothervalue'} c = 'a string' #test stepping over test2() # step into anothe file editor.get_path() return 10
def commit(): gist = get_gist_id(editor.get_path()) if gist is not None: token = keychain.get_password('gistcheck','gistcheck') if token is None: u, p = console.login_alert('GitHub Login') r = json.loads(auth(u, p)) print r token = r['token'] keychain.set_password('gistcheck','gistcheck',token) fname = os.path.basename(editor.get_path()) m = console.input_alert('Edit Description','Enter a new description:','') if m == '': m = None return edit(gist,{fname:editor.get_text()},token,m)
def info(): documentsDir = os.path.expanduser('~/Documents') info = editor.get_path() fullPath = info[len(documentsDir)+1:] # get the relative path and remove the leading / path = fullPath.split('/',1)[1] repo = fullPath.split('/',1)[0] return repo,path
def pasteDir(): '''Copy the directory in clipboard to the same directory as the current file ''' # get current directory location file = editor.get_path() dir = os.path.dirname(file) # get source directory from clipboard src = clipboard.get() # get name of directory name = src.split('/') name = name[-1] # build destination name dst = dir + '/' + name # short version of destination msg = re.match('.*Pythonista3/Documents/(.+)', dst).group(1) # if already exists then cancel if os.path.exists(dst): console.alert( 'Paste Error', 'Directory:\n' + msg + '\nalready exists! Paste not possible.') # inform user and get confirmation ans = console.alert('Paste', 'Create this new directory?\n' + msg, 'yes') # if yes, paste if ans == 1: shutil.copytree(src, dst) console.hud_alert('Done!', 'success', 0.5)
def info(): documentsDir = os.path.expanduser('~/Documents') info = editor.get_path() #documentsDir starts with '/private' whereas info does not fullPath = info[len(documentsDir)-7:] repo, path = fullPath.split('/',1) return repo,path
def __init__(self): config = self._load_config() self.repo, self.path = None, None if config: self.repo = config['repo-name'] # build the path relative to the repo-root self.path = editor.get_path()[len(config['repo-root']) + 1:]
def commit_authenticated(user, commit_message): path = editor.get_path() tree_path, blob_name = os.path.split(path) repository = get_current_repository(user) blob = repository.create_git_blob(editor.get_text(), 'utf-8') parent_commit = get_current_head_commit(user) original_tree = repository.get_git_tree(parent_commit.tree.sha, True) tree_elements = [] for original_element in original_tree.tree: element_sha = original_element.sha if blob_name == original_element.path: element_sha = blob.sha element = InputGitTreeElement( original_element.path, original_element.mode, original_element.type, sha = element_sha) tree_elements.append(element) tree = repository.create_git_tree(tree_elements) # Need to update all ancestor trees as well commit = repository.create_git_commit(commit_message, tree, [parent_commit]) current_branch_head_ref = 'heads/' + get_current_branch_name() head_ref = repository.get_git_ref(current_branch_head_ref) head_ref.edit(commit.sha)
def edit_file(self, remote_file): import tempfile import runpy import editor try: temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=os.path.expanduser("~/Documents"), suffix=".py") cur_path = editor.get_path() sftp = self.ssh.open_sftp() path = self.get_remote_path() res = sftp.getfo(path + remote_file, temp) # editor.open_file( print "***When you are finished editing the file, you must come back to console to confirm changes***" editor.open_file( time.sleep(1.5) console.hide_output() input = raw_input("Save Changes? Y,N: ") editor.open_file(cur_path) if input == "y" or input == "Y": with open(, "r") as f: sftp.putfo(f, path + remote_file) print "File transfered." except Exception, e: print e
def __init__(self): global _datasource = 'Drag & Drop' self.width = min(ui.get_window_size()[0] * 0.8, 700) self.height = ui.get_window_size()[1] * 0.8 path = editor.get_path() if path: expanded_folder = os.path.dirname(path) files = tab.get_paths() else: expanded_folder = None files = None root_node = FileNode(os.path.expanduser('~/Documents'), ignore=ignore) _datasource = FolderPickerDataSource(root_node, expanded_folder, files) tv = ui.TableView(frame=self.bounds, flex='WH') tv.delegate = _datasource tv.data_source = _datasource tv.allows_multiple_selection = False tv.allows_selection = True tv.allows_multiple_selection_during_editing = False tv.allows_selection_during_editing = False tv.separator_color = 'clear' self.add_subview(tv) methods = [tableView_itemsForBeginningDragSession_atIndexPath_] protocols = ['UITableViewDragDelegate'] DragDelegate = create_objc_class('DragDelegate', methods=methods, protocols=protocols) self._drag_delegate = DragDelegate.alloc().init() methods = [ tableView_canHandleDropSession_, tableView_dropSessionDidUpdate_withDestinationIndexPath_, tableView_performDropWithCoordinator_ ] protocols = ['UITableViewDropDelegate'] DropDelegate = create_objc_class('DropDelegate', methods=methods, protocols=protocols) self._drop_delegate = DropDelegate.alloc().init() tv_objc = ObjCInstance(tv) tv_objc.setDragDelegate_(self._drag_delegate) tv_objc.setDropDelegate_(self._drop_delegate) def handle_escape(): self.close() self._handlers = [ register_key_event_handler(UIEventKeyCode.ESCAPE, handle_escape), register_key_event_handler(UIEventKeyCode.DOT, handle_escape, modifier=UIKeyModifier.COMMAND) ]
def close_settings(self): sPl = plistlib.writePlistToString(self.plSettings) sN = self._sA[0:self._iS] + sPl[:-1] + self._sA[self._iF:-1] with open(self._f, 'w') as fS: fS.write(sN) if os.path.split(editor.get_path())[1] == self._f: editor.replace_text(0, len(editor.get_text()), sN)
def main(): if not get_config_value('general.jedi', False): log.warn( 'find_usages disabled, you can enable it by setting general.jedi to True' ) return path = editor.get_path() if path is None: return if not path.endswith('.py'): return text = editor.get_text() if not text: return line = source.get_line_number() column = source.get_column_index() if line is None or column is None: return script = jedi.api.Script(text, line, column, path) definitions = [d for d in script.usages() if d.module_path and d.line] if not definitions: console.hud_alert('Definition not found', 'error') return _select_location(definitions)
def main(): filename = editor.get_path() if not filename: dialogs.hud_alert('No file selected', 'error') return pyui_filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.pyui' if not os.path.exists(pyui_filename): folder = os.path.split(filename)[0] files = os.listdir(folder) files = [f for f in files if f.endswith('.pyui')] if not files: dialogs.hud_alert('No pyui files found', 'error') return selected_pyui = dialogs.list_dialog('Select pyui file', files) if not selected_pyui: return pyui_filename = os.path.join(folder, selected_pyui) with open(pyui_filename, 'rb') as f: pyui = compressed = base64.b64encode(bz2.compress(pyui)).decode('utf-8') wrapped = '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(compressed, 70)) code = """\ data = '''\\\n%s ''' import ui import bz2 from base64 import b64decode pyui = bz2.decompress(b64decode(data)) v = ui.load_view_str(pyui.decode('utf-8')) """ % (wrapped, ) clipboard.set(code) dialogs.hud_alert('Code copied', 'success')
def commit(): token = get_token() fpath = editor.get_path() fname = os.path.basename(fpath) m = console.input_alert('Edit Description', 'Enter a new description:', '') if m == '': m = None gist_id = get_gist_id() res = commit_or_create(gist_id, {fpath: editor.get_text()}, token, m) try: id = res['id'] except KeyError: if gist_id: f = console.alert( 'Commit Failed', 'Do you have permission to commit? Would you like to fork?', 'Fork') if f == 1: res = fork(gist_id, token) try: id = res['id'] except KeyError: console.alert('Fork Error', 'There was a problem with the fork') else: set_gist_id(id) res = commit_or_create(id, {fpath: editor.get_text()}, token, m) try: id = res['id'] except KeyError: console.alert('Commit Error', 'Commit still failed, maybe fork too') else: if gist_id is None: set_gist_id(id)
def install_actions(): ''' Installs shortcuts in the wrench menu ''' # get current location file = editor.get_path() file = re.match('.+Pythonista3/Documents(/.+)', file).group(1) lst = get_actions() titles = {} for dct in lst: titles[str(dct['title'])] = True cmd = 'paste_dir' if cmd not in titles: add_action(arguments='paste', iconName="Primaries_Paste", scriptName=file, title=cmd) cmd = 'copy_dir' if cmd not in titles: add_action(arguments='copy', iconName="ios7-copy-outline", scriptName=file, title=cmd) save_defaults()
def main(): filename = editor.get_path() if not filename: return if not filename.endswith('.py'): return text = editor.get_text() if not text: return def scroll_to_node(node, shift_enter): source.scroll_to_line(node.line) v = PickerView() = 'Outline' v.datasource = OutlineDataSource(text, os.path.basename(filename)) v.shift_enter_enabled = False v.help_label.text = ( '⇅ - select • Enter - scroll to location' '\n' 'Esc - close • Cmd . - close with Apple smart keyboard') v.textfield.placeholder = 'Start typing to filter nodes...' v.did_select_item_action = scroll_to_node v.present('sheet') v.wait_modal()
def replace(): steps = { 1: 'Extracting content', 2: 'Starting edition', 3: 'Getting cuantity' } actual = 1 try: file = get_path() print(steps[1]) content = open(file).read() line = [x for x in content.split('\n') if ' ' in x[:1]][0] actual = 2 print(steps[2]) actual = 3 print(steps[3]) cuantity = count_spaces(line) with open(file, 'w') as file: file.write(content.replace(' ' * cuantity, '\t')) file.close() print('Done') except Exception as e: print('++{}++'.format(e)) print('Error in step {}'.format(actual)) print('({})'.format(steps[actual]))
def get_path(): regex= r"\/Documents\/(.+)$" path = editor.get_path() matches = re.findall(regex, path) return matches[0]
def edit_file(file_to_edit): '''Open file in a temp text page to allow editing''' cur_path = editor.get_path() #with open('tmp.txt', 'w') as file: try: file = open(TEMP_DIR+'/tmp.txt','w') file.write( file.close() editor.reload_files() raw_input('*When you are finished editing the file, you must come back to console to confim changes*\n[Press Enter]') editor.open_file(TEMP) console.hide_output() while True: input = raw_input('Save Changes? Y,N: ') if input=='Y' or input=='y': editor.open_file(cur_path) return open(TEMP_DIR+'/tmp.txt','r') elif input=='N' or input=='n': editor.open_file(cur_path) return False except Exception, e: print e return False
def download(gist_url): num = 0 try: for num, (filename, content) in enumerate(download_gist(gist_url), start=1): if os.path.isfile(filename): i = console.alert('File exists', 'A file with the name ' + filename + ' already exists in your library.', 'Auto Rename', 'Skip') if i == 1: editor.make_new_file(filename, content) else: editor.make_new_file(filename, content) try: set_gist_id(editor.get_path(), gist_url) except InvalidGistIDError: # console.alert('Gist ID not set', filename + '\n' + gist_url) pass except InvalidGistURLError: console.alert('No Gist URL', 'Invalid Gist URL.', 'OK') except GistDownloadError: console.alert('Error', 'The Gist could not be downloaded.') if not num: console.alert('No Python Files', 'This Gist contains no Python files.')
def edit_file(self, remote_file): import tempfile import runpy import editor try: temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir=os.path.expanduser('~/Documents'), suffix='.py') cur_path = editor.get_path() sftp = self.ssh.open_sftp() path = self.get_remote_path() res = sftp.getfo(path + remote_file, temp) #editor.open_file( print '***When you are finished editing the file, you must come back to console to confirm changes***' editor.open_file( time.sleep(1.5) console.hide_output() input = raw_input('Save Changes? Y,N: ') editor.open_file(cur_path) if input == 'y' or input == 'Y': with open(, 'r') as f: sftp.putfo(f, path + remote_file) print 'File transfered.' except Exception, e: print e
def main(): title = os.path.split(editor.get_path())[1] html = editor.get_text() webview = ui.WebView(title) webview.load_html(html) webview.present()
def commit(): token = get_token() fpath = editor.get_path() fname = os.path.basename(fpath) m = console.input_alert('Edit Description','Enter a new description:','') if m == '': m = None gist_id = get_gist_id() res = commit_or_create(gist_id,{fpath:editor.get_text()},token,m) try: id = res['id'] except KeyError: if gist_id: f = console.alert('Commit Failed', 'Do you have permission to commit? Would you like to fork?','Fork') if f == 1: res = fork(gist_id,token) try: id = res['id'] except KeyError: console.alert('Fork Error', 'There was a problem with the fork') else: set_gist_id(id) res = commit_or_create(id,{fpath:editor.get_text()},token,m) try: id = res['id'] except KeyError: console.alert('Commit Error', 'Commit still failed, maybe fork too') else: if gist_id is None: set_gist_id(id) print('success!')
def main(): filename = editor.get_path() if not filename: dialogs.hud_alert('No file selected', 'error') return pyui_filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.pyui' if not os.path.exists(pyui_filename): folder = os.path.split(filename)[0] files = os.listdir(folder) files = [f for f in files if f.endswith('.pyui')] if not files: dialogs.hud_alert('No pyui files found', 'error') return selected_pyui = dialogs.list_dialog('Select pyui file', files) if not selected_pyui: return pyui_filename = os.path.join(folder, selected_pyui) with open(pyui_filename, 'rb') as f: pyui = compressed = base64.b64encode(bz2.compress(pyui)).decode('utf-8') wrapped = '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(compressed, 70)) code = """\ data = '''\\\n%s ''' import ui import bz2 from base64 import b64decode pyui = bz2.decompress(b64decode(data)) v = ui.load_view_str(pyui.decode('utf-8')) """ % (wrapped,) clipboard.set(code) dialogs.hud_alert('Code copied', 'success')
def edit_file(self,remote_file): import tempfile import runpy import editor try: temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=os.path.expanduser('~/Documents') , suffix='.py') cur_path = editor.get_path() sftp = self.ssh.open_sftp() path = self.get_remote_path() res = sftp.getfo(path+remote_file,temp) #editor.open_file( print '***When you are finished editing the file, you must come back to console to confim changes***' editor.open_file( time.sleep(1.5) console.hide_output() input = raw_input('Save Changes? Y,N: ') editor.open_file(cur_path) if input == 'y' or input =='Y': with open(,'r') as f: sftp.putfo(f,path+remote_file) print 'File transfered.' except exception, e: print e
class LoggingPrinter: scriptname = editor.get_path().split("/")[-1] def __init__( self, filename=str( "/private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~com~omz-software~Pythonista3/Documents/logs/" + scriptname + " - " + "logged_printer.txt"), submodule=None): if submodule != None: filename = str(submodule) self.out_file = open(filename, "a") else: self.out_file = open(filename, "w") self.old_stdout = sys.stdout #this object will take over `stdout`'s job sys.stdout = self #executed when the user does a `print` def write(self, text): self.old_stdout.write(text) self.out_file.write(text) #executed when `with` block begins def __enter__(self): return self #executed when `with` block ends def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): #we don't want to log anymore. Restore the original stdout object. sys.stdout = self.old_stdout
def open_url(self,sender): d=self.d current_path = editor.get_path() button_title = sender.title #unselect current tab current_tab = self.get_current_tab(current_path) if current_tab: sv[current_tab['name']].background_color = 'white' d[current_tab['name']]['selection']=editor.get_selection() if not d.has_key(button_title): console.hud_alert('missing tab entry for this tab.. ') new_tab=d[button_title] path=new_tab['path'] if not os.path.isfile(path): console.hud_alert('The file for this tab has been moved, renamed, or deleted. the tab will now be removed.', icon = 'error', duration = 3) self.close_button(sender) else: editor.open_file(path) def setsel(): sel=new_tab['selection'] while editor.get_selection()[0] < sel[0]: import time editor.replace_text(sel[0],sel[0],'') editor.replace_text(sel[0]+400,sel[0]+400,'') time.sleep(0.25) editor.set_selection(*sel) ui.delay(setsel,1.0) sender.background_color = 'orange'
def analyze(): path = editor.get_path() if not path: return if not path.endswith('.py'): return editor.clear_annotations() text = editor.get_text() annotations = _pep8_annotations( text, ignore=settings.ANALYZER_PEP8_IGNORE, max_line_length=settings.ANALYZER_PEP8_MAX_LINE_LENGTH) annotations += _pyflakes_annotations(path, text) if not annotations: console.hud_alert('No Issues Found', 'iob:checkmark_32', settings.ANALYZER_HUD_DELAY) return None scroll = True by_line = sorted(annotations, key=lambda x: x.line) for l, a in groupby(by_line, lambda x: x.line): _annotate(l, a, scroll) scroll = False
def get_configuration(): ''' Reads the docstring in the open file and finds AWS configuration information, starting with the magic string followed by JSON formatted key-value pairs. Remember that JSON uses double quotes for strings. ''' lambda_function_name = os.path.basename(current_dir) current_file = os.path.basename(editor.get_path()) if current_file.endswith('.py'): handler_first_part = current_file[:-3] file_text = editor.get_text() tree = ast.parse(file_text) conf = None for func in top_level_functions(tree.body): docstr = ast.get_docstring(func) if docstr: if conf_strings.awslambda in docstr: conf = { 'function_name': lambda_function_name, 'handler': handler_first_part + '.' + } if conf_strings.noapi in docstr: conf['no-api'] = True print('** Will not update API endpoint') if conf_strings.html in docstr: conf['html'] = True return conf return None
def main(): try: choice = console.alert("Copy what?", "Choose...", "File (full)", "File (~/Documents)", "Dir") except: choice = 1 fn = editor.get_path() fn = fn[fn.find("/Documents"):] if choice == 2 else os.path.split(fn)[0][8:] if choice == 3 else fn[8:] clipboard.set(fn)
def info(): documentsDir = os.path.expanduser('~/Documents') info = editor.get_path() #documentsDir starts with '/private' whereas info does not fullPath = info[len(documentsDir)-7:] path = fullPath.split('/',1)[1] repo = fullPath.split('/',1)[0] return repo,path
def _get_repo_info(self): documentsDir = os.path.expanduser('~/Documents') info = editor.get_path() fullPath = info[len(documentsDir)+1:] # get the relative path and remove the leading / print(fullPath) path = fullPath.split('/',1)[1] repo = fullPath.split('/',1)[0] return repo, path
def run_script(sender): '''run a script without clearing glbals''' import editor editor.reload_files() execfile(editor.get_path(), globals()) #create_toolbar_button(run_script,'iow:play_32',0,'execfile') #remove_toolbar_button(0)
def __init__(self): self.key = self._get_key() self.install_path = self._find_install_path() self.config = self._get_config() self.repo, self.path = None, None if self.config: self.repo = self.config['repo-name'] # build the path relative to the repo-root self.path = editor.get_path()[len(self.config['repo-root']) + 1:]
def pyui2json2pyui(): srce_file = editor.get_path() root, ext = os.path.splitext(srce_file) assert ext in file_types, "'{}' must be in {}".format(ext, file_types) other_ext = [file_type for file_type in file_types if file_type != ext][0] dest_file = root + other_ext os.rename(srce_file, dest_file) fmt = '{} was renamed to {}.' print(fmt.format(os.path.basename(srce_file), os.path.basename(dest_file)))
def __init__(self): self.key = self._get_key() self.install_path = self._find_install_path() self.config = self._get_config() self.repo, self.path = None, None if self.config: self.repo = self.config['repo-name'] # build the path relative to the repo-root self.path = editor.get_path()[len(self.config['repo-root'])+1:]
def run_script(sender): '''run a script without clearing glbals''' import editor editor.reload_files() execfile(editor.get_path(),globals()) #create_toolbar_button(run_script,'iow:play_32',0,'execfile') #remove_toolbar_button(0)
def overwrite_with_wc_copy(self): action = 'read' fmt = 'pythonista3://{install_path}/{wc_file}?action=run&argv=overwrite_file&argv={path}&argv=' payload = { 'repo': self.repo, 'path': self.path, 'base64': '1', 'x-success': fmt.format(install_path=self.install_path, path=editor.get_path(), wc_file=WC_FILENAME) } self._send_to_working_copy(action, payload)
def checkout(self,sender): repo =self._get_repo() cwd=os.path.abspath('.') os.chdir(r._get_repo().path) #repo.clean_working() repo.switch_branch(self.view['branch'].text) self.refresh() os.chdir(cwd) editor.open_file(editor.get_path()) console.hud_alert('checked out')
def checkout(self, sender): repo = self._get_repo() cwd = os.path.abspath('.') os.chdir(r._get_repo().path) #repo.clean_working() repo.switch_branch(self.view['branch'].text) self.refresh() os.chdir(cwd) editor.open_file(editor.get_path()) console.hud_alert('checked out')
def add_button_tapped(self, sender): # Bookmarks a file from the file picker dialog if selection == 1: path = editor.get_path() elif selection == 2: # TODO # Show file picker dialog pass self.bm_manager.add(path=path) self.reload()
def check_tab(self): open_path = editor.get_path() for tab in try: if self.d[]['path'] != open_path: tab.background_color = 'white' else: tab.background_color = 'orange' except KeyError: pass
def pasteboardChanged_(_self, _cmd, _n): import clipboard from datetime import datetime import editor if editor.get_path().endswith('/Scrapbook.txt'): # Don't add to ScrapBook when copying from it... return timestamp = datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d - %H:%M') text = clipboard.get() with open('Scrapbook.txt', 'a') as f: f.write('\n\n=== %s\n%s' % (timestamp, text))
def pyui2json(): python_file = editor.get_path() root,ext = os.path.splitext(python_file) ui_file = root+'.pyui' backup_folder = python_file+'backup' try: os.makedirs(backup_folder) except: None shutil.copy(ui_file,backup_folder) os.rename(ui_file,root+'.json')
def refresh_editor(): #reload current file in editor # TODO: only reload if the file was recently updated... try: sel=editor.get_selection() editor.open_file(editor.get_path()) import time time.sleep(0.5) #let the file load editor.replace_text(sel[0],sel[0],'') #force scroll editor.set_selection(sel[0],sel[1]) except: print 'Could not refresh editor. continuing anyway'
def pull(): gist_id = get_gist_id() if gist_id is None: console.alert('Error', 'There is no gist id set for this file') else: fname = os.path.basename(editor.get_path()) gist_data = requests.get(api_url + gist_id).json() try: newtext = gist_data['files'][fname]['content'] except: console.alert('Pull Error', 'There was a problem with the pull',gist_data) if newtext is not None: editor.replace_text(0,len(editor.get_text()),newtext)
def add_file(self,sender): d=self.d current_path = str(editor.get_path()) name = os.path.split(current_path)[1] for item in self.d.itervalues(): if current_path==item['path']: console.hud_alert('There is already a tab for this file', duration = 1) return None if self.d.has_key(name): #has name, but diff path, still create the tab, but append !# suffix_list=[(k+'!').split('!')[1] or '0' for k in self.d.keys() if k.startswith(name) ] new_suffix='!'+max([int(m) for m in suffix_list])+1 name=name+new_suffix d[name]={'name':name,'path':current_path,'selection':editor.get_selection()} self.add_new_button(name, new = True)
def close_settings(self): while self.__iR != 0: pass if self.settings_file[:7] == 'http://': pass else: sPl = plistlib.writePlistToString(self.settings_dict) sN = self.__sA[0:self.__iS] + sPl[:-1] + self.__sA[self.__iF:] with open(self.settings_file, 'w') as fS: fS.write(sN) if editor.get_path() == self.settings_file: tS = editor.get_selection() iD = 0 if tS[0] <= self.__iF else len(sN) - len(self.__sA) editor.replace_text(0, len(editor.get_text()), sN[:-1]) editor.set_selection(tS[0] + iD, tS[1] + iD) return True self.settings_dict = None
def _get_config(self, path=None): ''' Dind the config file for the repo recursively. Don't look beyond the docs directory. ''' config = None if not path: path = os.path.dirname(editor.get_path()) config_path = os.path.join(path, CONFIG_FILE) if os.path.exists(config_path): with open(config_path) as f: config = json.loads( config['repo-root'] = path elif path != DOCS_DIR: new_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, '..')) config = self._get_config(new_path) return config
def open_temp(file='', new_tab=True): try: file_to_edit = file temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=os.path.expanduser('~/Documents') , suffix='.py') cur_path = editor.get_path() if file_to_edit != '': try: to_edit = open(file_to_edit,'r') except: to_edit = open(file_to_edit,'w+') temp.write( temp.flush() to_edit.close() print('***When you are finished editing the file, you must come back to console to confim changes***') editor.open_file(, new_tab) time.sleep(1.5) console.hide_output() input = raw_input('Save Changes? Y,N: ') if input=='Y' or input=='y': while True: try: save_as = raw_input('Save file as [Enter to confirm]: %s' % file_to_edit) or file_to_edit except: save_as = file_to_edit if save_as: break if not new_tab: editor.open_file(cur_path) # restore previous script in editor with open(save_as,'w') as f: with open(,'r') as tmp: f.write( print('File Saved.') elif input=='N' or input=='n': if not new_tab: editor.open_file(cur_path) # restore previous script in editor except Exception as e: print(e) finally: temp.close()
def did_load(self): sv=self['scrollview1'] self.add_button = sv['add_button'] self.add_button.action=self.add_file self.remove = sv['remove'] self.edit = sv['edit'] self.edit.action=edit_menu'~/Documents/.tabs'),writeback=True ) current_path = editor.get_path() for tab in d.itervalues(): self.add_new_button(tab['name']) self.d=d self.present('sidebar') self.check_tab() type(self)._lastinstance=self