Esempio n. 1
def test_outlineView_willDisplayCell_forTableColumn_item_():
    ewc = WindowController(None)
    m = Mocker()
    view = m.mock(ak.NSOutlineView)
    cell = m.mock(ImageAndTextCell)
    col, item, editor, icon = m.mock(), m.mock(), m.mock(), m.mock()
    col.identifier() >> "name"
    representedObject(item) >> editor
    editor.icon() >> icon
    cell.editor = editor
    with m:
        ewc.outlineView_willDisplayCell_forTableColumn_item_(view, cell, col, item)
Esempio n. 2
 def validate_drop(self, outline_view, info, item, index):
     if self.is_project_drag(info):
         if item is not None:
             obj = representedObject(item)
             path = self.wc.docsController.indexPathForObject_(obj)
             if path is not None:
                 index = path.indexAtPosition_(0)
                 outline_view.setDropItem_dropChildIndex_(None, index)
                 return ak.NSDragOperationNone
         elif index < 0:
             nprojs = len(self.projects)
             outline_view.setDropItem_dropChildIndex_(None, nprojs)
         # text document drag
         if item is not None:
             obj = representedObject(item)
             if isinstance(obj, Project):
                 if index < 0:
                     #outline_view.setDropItem_dropChildIndex_(item, 0)
                     # the following might be more correct, but is too confusing
                     outline_view.setDropItem_dropChildIndex_(item, len(obj.documents()))
                 return ak.NSDragOperationNone # document view cannot have children
             if index < 0:
                 # drop on listview background
                 last_proj_index = len(self.projects) - 1
                 if last_proj_index > -1:
                     # we have at least one project
                     path = fn.NSIndexPath.indexPathWithIndex_(last_proj_index)
                     node = self.wc.docsController.nodeAtArrangedIndexPath_(path)
                     proj = representedObject(node)
                     outline_view.setDropItem_dropChildIndex_(node, len(proj.documents()))
                     outline_view.setDropItem_dropChildIndex_(None, -1)
             elif index == 0:
                 return ak.NSDragOperationNone # prevent drop above top project
     # src = info.draggingSource()
     # if src is not None:
     #   # internal drag
     #   if src is not outline_view:
     #       delegate = getattr(src, "delegate", lambda:None)()
     #       if isinstance(delegate, EditorWindowController) and \
     #           delegate is not self.wc:
     #           # drag from some other window controller
     #           # allow copy (may need to override outline_view.ignoreModifierKeysWhileDragging)
     return ak.NSDragOperationGeneric
Esempio n. 3
 def reloadData(self):
     # based on Jonathan Dann's ESOutlineView
     super(OutlineView, self).reloadData()
     for row in reversed(range(self.numberOfRows())):
         item = self.itemAtRow_(row)
         obj = representedObject(item)
         if getattr(obj, "expanded", False):
Esempio n. 4
 def reloadData(self):
     # based on Jonathan Dann's ESOutlineView
     super(OutlineView, self).reloadData()
     for row in reversed(range(self.numberOfRows())):
         item = self.itemAtRow_(row)
         obj = representedObject(item)
         if getattr(obj, "expanded", False):
Esempio n. 5
 def menuForEvent_(self, event):
     point = self.convertPoint_fromView_(event.locationInWindow(), None)
     row = self.rowAtPoint_(point)
     item = self.itemAtRow_(row)
     if item is not None:
         obj = representedObject(item)
         # HACK reach around to set object on menu target = obj
         return super().menuForEvent_(event)
     return None
Esempio n. 6
 def test(c):
     m = Mocker()
     ed = m.mock(Window)
     ewc = WindowController(ed)
     n = m.mock() # ak.NSOutlineViewItemDid___Notification
     node = m.mock(ak.NSTreeControllerTreeNode); n.userInfo() >> {"NSObject": node}
     it = representedObject(node) >> m.mock(Project)
     it.expanded = c.exp
     with m:
         getattr(ewc, c.method)(n)
Esempio n. 7
 def validate_drop(self, outline_view, info, item, index):
     if self.is_project_drag(info):
         if item is not None:
             obj = representedObject(item)
             path = self.wc.docsController.indexPathForObject_(obj)
             if path is not None:
                 index = path.indexAtPosition_(0)
                 outline_view.setDropItem_dropChildIndex_(None, index)
                 return ak.NSDragOperationNone
         elif index < 0:
             outline_view.setDropItem_dropChildIndex_(None, len(self.projects))
         return ak.NSDragOperationMove
         # text document drag
         if item is not None:
             obj = representedObject(item)
             if isinstance(obj, Project):
                 if index < 0:
                     #outline_view.setDropItem_dropChildIndex_(item, 0)
                     # the following might be more correct, but is too confusing
                     outline_view.setDropItem_dropChildIndex_(item, len(obj.editors))
                 return ak.NSDragOperationNone # document view cannot have children
             if index < 0:
                 # drop on listview background
                 last_proj_index = len(self.projects) - 1
                 if last_proj_index > -1:
                     # we have at least one project
                     path = fn.NSIndexPath.indexPathWithIndex_(last_proj_index)
                     node = self.wc.docsController.nodeAtArrangedIndexPath_(path)
                     proj = representedObject(node)
                     outline_view.setDropItem_dropChildIndex_(node, len(proj.editors))
                     outline_view.setDropItem_dropChildIndex_(None, -1)
             elif index == 0:
                 return ak.NSDragOperationNone # prevent drop above top project
     op = info.draggingSourceOperationMask()
     if op not in [ak.NSDragOperationCopy, ak.NSDragOperationGeneric]:
         op = ak.NSDragOperationMove
     return op
Esempio n. 8
    def accept_drop(self, outline_view, info, item, index):
        """Accept drop operation

        :param outline_view: The OutlineView on which the drop occurred.
        :param info: NSDraggingInfo object.
        :param item: The parent item in the outline view.
        :param index: The index in the outline view or parent item at which the
            drop occurred.
        :returns: True if the drop was accepted, otherwise False.
        pb = info.draggingPasteboard()
        t = pb.availableTypeFromArray_(self.supported_drag_types)
        action = None
        if t == const.DOC_ID_LIST_PBOARD_TYPE:
            items = self.iter_dropped_id_list(pb)
            action = const.MOVE
        elif t == ak.NSFilenamesPboardType:
            items = self.iter_dropped_paths(pb)
            assert t is None, t
            return False
        parent = None if item is None else representedObject(item)
        return self.accept_dropped_items(items, parent, index, action)
Esempio n. 9
 def iterVisibleObjects(self):
     """Iterate (row, visible object) pairs"""
     for row in range(self.numberOfRows()):
         item = self.itemAtRow_(row)
         yield row, representedObject(item)
Esempio n. 10
 def realItemForOpaqueItem_(self, item):
     return representedObject(item)
Esempio n. 11
 def outlineView_willDisplayCell_forTableColumn_item_(self, view, cell, col, item):
     if col.identifier() == "name":
Esempio n. 12
 def outlineViewItemDidExpand_(self, notification):
     representedObject(notification.userInfo()["NSObject"]).expanded = True
Esempio n. 13
 def outlineViewItemDidCollapse_(self, notification):
     representedObject(notification.userInfo()["NSObject"]).expanded = False
Esempio n. 14
 def realItemForOpaqueItem_(self, item):
     return representedObject(item)
Esempio n. 15
 def should_edit_item(self, col, item):
     if col.isEditable():
         obj = representedObject(item)
         return isinstance(obj, Project) and obj.can_rename()
     return False
Esempio n. 16
 def outlineView_acceptDrop_item_childIndex_(self, view, info, item, index):
     pboard = info.draggingPasteboard()
     parent = None if item is None else representedObject(item)
     # move unless modifier specifies copy or generic insert (copy unless present)
     action = self.DROP_ACTIONS.get(info.draggingSourceOperationMask(), const.MOVE)
     return self.window_.accept_drop(view, pboard, parent, index, action)
Esempio n. 17
 def iterVisibleObjects(self):
     """Iterate (row, visible object) pairs"""
     for row in range(self.numberOfRows()):
         item = self.itemAtRow_(row)
         yield row, representedObject(item)