Esempio n. 1
    def GetNugetCmd():
        file = "NuGet.exe"
        cmd = []
        if GetHostInfo().os == "Linux":
            cmd += ["mono"]
        # TODO Find the Nuget rom our bin file
        requirement = pkg_resources.Requirement.parse("edk2-pytool-extensions")
        nuget_file_path = os.path.join("edk2toolext", "bin", file)
        nuget_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename(requirement, nuget_file_path)

        # check if we don't have it, look for nuget in the path
        if not os.path.isfile(nuget_path):
            for env_var in os.getenv("PATH").split(os.pathsep):
                env_var = os.path.join(os.path.normpath(env_var), file)
                if os.path.isfile(env_var):
                    nuget_path = '"' + env_var + '"'
        # we've probably found something by now?
        cmd += [nuget_path]
        # if we're still hosed
        if not os.path.isfile(nuget_path):
            logging.error("We weren't able to find Nuget! Please reinstall your pip environment")
            return None
        return cmd
Esempio n. 2
    def GetActiveScopes(self):
        ''' return tuple containing scopes that should be active for this process '''
        if self.ActualScopes is None:
            scopes = ("cibuild", "edk2-build", "host-based-test")

            self.ActualToolChainTag = shell_environment.GetBuildVars(
            ).GetValue("TOOL_CHAIN_TAG", "")

            is_linux = GetHostInfo().os.upper() == "LINUX"

            if self.UseBuiltInBaseTools is None:
                # MU_CHANGE - redundant is_linux = GetHostInfo().os.upper() == "LINUX"
                # try and import the pip module for basetools
                    import edk2basetools
                    self.UseBuiltInBaseTools = True
                except ImportError:
                    self.UseBuiltInBaseTools = False

            if self.UseBuiltInBaseTools == True:
                scopes += ('pipbuild-unix', ) if is_linux else (
                    'pipbuild-win', )
                logging.warning("Using Pip Tools based BaseTools")
                logging.warning("Falling back to using in-tree BaseTools")

            if is_linux and self.ActualToolChainTag.upper().startswith("GCC"):
                if "AARCH64" in self.ActualArchitectures:
                    scopes += ("gcc_aarch64_linux", )
                if "ARM" in self.ActualArchitectures:
                    scopes += ("gcc_arm_linux", )
                if "RISCV64" in self.ActualArchitectures:
                    scopes += ("gcc_riscv64_unknown", )
            self.ActualScopes = scopes
        return self.ActualScopes
Esempio n. 3
    def GetActiveScopes(self):
        ''' return tuple containing scopes that should be active for this process '''
        if self.ActualScopes is None:
            scopes = ("cibuild", "edk2-build", "host-based-test")

            self.ActualToolChainTag = shell_environment.GetBuildVars().GetValue("TOOL_CHAIN_TAG", "")

            is_linux = GetHostInfo().os.upper() == "LINUX"
            scopes += ('pipbuild-unix',) if is_linux else ('pipbuild-win',)

            if is_linux and self.ActualToolChainTag.upper().startswith("GCC"):
                if "AARCH64" in self.ActualArchitectures:
                    scopes += ("gcc_aarch64_linux",)
                if "ARM" in self.ActualArchitectures:
                    scopes += ("gcc_arm_linux",)
                if "RISCV64" in self.ActualArchitectures:
                    scopes += ("gcc_riscv64_unknown",)

            # If EDK2_REPO is not provided, download it.
            if not shell_environment.GetBuildVars().GetValue("EDK2_REPO", ""):
                    scopes += ("edk2-repo",)

            self.ActualScopes = scopes
        return self.ActualScopes
    def do_pre_build(self, thebuilder):
        self.Logger = logging.getLogger("WindowsVsToolChain")
        interesting_keys = ["ExtensionSdkDir", "INCLUDE", "LIB", "LIBPATH", "UniversalCRTSdkDir",
                            "UCRTVersion", "WindowsLibPath", "WindowsSdkBinPath", "WindowsSdkDir", "WindowsSdkVerBinPath",
                            "WindowsSDKVersion", "VCToolsInstallDir", "Path"]

        # VS2017 - Follow VS2017 where there is potential for many versions of the tools.
        # If a specific version is required then the user must set both env variables:
        # VS150INSTALLPATH:  base install path on system to VC install dir.  Here you will find the VC folder, etc
        # VS150TOOLVER:      version number for the VC compiler tools
        # VS2017_PREFIX:     path to MSVC compiler folder with trailing slash (can be used instead of two vars above)
        # VS2017_HOST:       set the host architecture to use for host tools, and host libs, etc
        if thebuilder.env.GetValue("TOOL_CHAIN_TAG") == "VS2017":

            # check to see if host is configured
            # HostType for VS2017 should be (defined in tools_def):
            # x86   == 32bit Intel
            # x64   == 64bit Intel
            # arm   == 32bit Arm
            # arm64 == 64bit Arm
            HostType = shell_environment.GetEnvironment().get_shell_var("VS2017_HOST")
            if HostType is not None:
                HostType = HostType.lower()
                    f"HOST TYPE defined by environment.  Host Type is {HostType}")
                HostInfo = GetHostInfo()
                if HostInfo.arch == "x86":
                    if HostInfo.bit == "32":
                        HostType = "x86"
                    elif HostInfo.bit == "64":
                        HostType = "x64"
                    raise NotImplementedError()

            # VS2017_HOST options are not exactly the same as QueryVcVariables. This translates.
                "x86": "x86", "x64": "AMD64", "arm": "not supported", "arm64": "not supported"}

            # check to see if full path already configured
            if shell_environment.GetEnvironment().get_shell_var("VS2017_PREFIX") is not None:
                self.Logger.debug("VS2017_PREFIX is already set.")

                install_path = self._get_vs_install_path(
                    "VS2017".lower(), "VS150INSTALLPATH")
                vc_ver = self._get_vc_version(install_path, "VS150TOOLVER")

                if install_path is None or vc_ver is None:
                        "Failed to configure environment for VS2017")
                    return -1

                    "Visual Studio Install Path", install_path, version_aggregator.VersionTypes.INFO)
                    "VC Version", vc_ver, version_aggregator.VersionTypes.TOOL)

                # make VS2017_PREFIX to align with tools_def.txt
                prefix = os.path.join(install_path, "VC",
                                      "Tools", "MSVC", vc_ver)
                prefix = prefix + os.path.sep
                shell_environment.GetEnvironment().set_shell_var("VS2017_PREFIX", prefix)
                shell_environment.GetEnvironment().set_shell_var("VS2017_HOST", HostType)

                shell_env = shell_environment.GetEnvironment()
                # Use the tools lib to determine the correct values for the vars that interest us.
                vs_vars = locate_tools.QueryVcVariables(
                    interesting_keys, VC_HOST_ARCH_TRANSLATOR[HostType], vs_version="vs2017")
                for (k, v) in vs_vars.items():
                    shell_env.set_shell_var(k, v)

            # now confirm it exists
            if not os.path.exists(shell_environment.GetEnvironment().get_shell_var("VS2017_PREFIX")):
                self.Logger.error("Path for VS2017 toolchain is invalid")
                return -2

        # VS2019 - Follow VS2019 where there is potential for many versions of the tools.
        # If a specific version is required then the user must set both env variables:
        # VS160INSTALLPATH:  base install path on system to VC install dir.  Here you will find the VC folder, etc
        # VS160TOOLVER:      version number for the VC compiler tools
        # VS2019_PREFIX:     path to MSVC compiler folder with trailing slash (can be used instead of two vars above)
        # VS2019_HOST:       set the host architecture to use for host tools, and host libs, etc
        elif thebuilder.env.GetValue("TOOL_CHAIN_TAG") == "VS2019":

            # check to see if host is configured
            # HostType for VS2019 should be (defined in tools_def):
            # x86   == 32bit Intel
            # x64   == 64bit Intel
            # arm   == 32bit Arm
            # arm64 == 64bit Arm
            HostType = shell_environment.GetEnvironment().get_shell_var("VS2019_HOST")
            if HostType is not None:
                HostType = HostType.lower()
                    f"HOST TYPE defined by environment.  Host Type is {HostType}")
                HostInfo = GetHostInfo()
                if HostInfo.arch == "x86":
                    if HostInfo.bit == "32":
                        HostType = "x86"
                    elif HostInfo.bit == "64":
                        HostType = "x64"
                    raise NotImplementedError()

            # VS2019_HOST options are not exactly the same as QueryVcVariables. This translates.
                "x86": "x86", "x64": "AMD64", "arm": "not supported", "arm64": "not supported"}

            # check to see if full path already configured
            if shell_environment.GetEnvironment().get_shell_var("VS2019_PREFIX") is not None:
                self.Logger.debug("VS2019_PREFIX is already set.")

                install_path = self._get_vs_install_path(
                    "VS2019".lower(), "VS160INSTALLPATH")
                vc_ver = self._get_vc_version(install_path, "VS160TOOLVER")

                if install_path is None or vc_ver is None:
                        "Failed to configure environment for VS2019")
                    return -1

                    "Visual Studio Install Path", install_path, version_aggregator.VersionTypes.INFO)
                    "VC Version", vc_ver, version_aggregator.VersionTypes.TOOL)

                # make VS2019_PREFIX to align with tools_def.txt
                prefix = os.path.join(install_path, "VC",
                                      "Tools", "MSVC", vc_ver)
                prefix = prefix + os.path.sep
                shell_environment.GetEnvironment().set_shell_var("VS2019_PREFIX", prefix)
                shell_environment.GetEnvironment().set_shell_var("VS2019_HOST", HostType)

                shell_env = shell_environment.GetEnvironment()
                # Use the tools lib to determine the correct values for the vars that interest us.
                vs_vars = locate_tools.QueryVcVariables(
                    interesting_keys, VC_HOST_ARCH_TRANSLATOR[HostType], vs_version="vs2019")
                for (k, v) in vs_vars.items():
                    shell_env.set_shell_var(k, v)

            # now confirm it exists
            if not os.path.exists(shell_environment.GetEnvironment().get_shell_var("VS2019_PREFIX")):
                self.Logger.error("Path for VS2019 toolchain is invalid")
                return -2

        # VS2022 - VS2022 allows a user to install many copies/versions of the tools.
        # If a specific version is required then the user must set both env variables:
        # VS170INSTALLPATH:  base install path on system to VC install dir.  Here you will find the VC folder, etc
        # VS170TOOLVER:      version number for the VC compiler tools
        # VS2022_PREFIX:     path to MSVC compiler folder with trailing slash (can be used instead of two vars above)
        # VS2022_HOST:       set the host architecture to use for host tools, and host libs, etc
        elif thebuilder.env.GetValue("TOOL_CHAIN_TAG") == "VS2022":

            # check to see if host is configured
            # HostType for VS2022 should be (defined in tools_def):
            # x86   == 32bit Intel
            # x64   == 64bit Intel
            # arm   == 32bit Arm
            # arm64 == 64bit Arm
            HostType = shell_environment.GetEnvironment().get_shell_var("VS2022_HOST")
            if HostType is not None:
                HostType = HostType.lower()
                    f"HOST TYPE defined by environment.  Host Type is {HostType}")
                HostInfo = GetHostInfo()
                if HostInfo.arch == "x86":
                    if HostInfo.bit == "32":
                        HostType = "x86"
                    elif HostInfo.bit == "64":
                        HostType = "x64"
                    raise NotImplementedError()

            # VS2022_HOST options are not exactly the same as QueryVcVariables. This translates.
                "x86": "x86", "x64": "AMD64", "arm": "not supported", "arm64": "not supported"}

            # check to see if full path already configured
            if shell_environment.GetEnvironment().get_shell_var("VS2022_PREFIX") is not None:
                self.Logger.debug("VS2022_PREFIX is already set.")

                install_path = self._get_vs_install_path(
                    "VS2022".lower(), "VS170INSTALLPATH")
                vc_ver = self._get_vc_version(install_path, "VS170TOOLVER")

                if install_path is None or vc_ver is None:
                        "Failed to configure environment for VS2022")
                    return -1

                    "Visual Studio Install Path", install_path, version_aggregator.VersionTypes.INFO)
                    "VC Version", vc_ver, version_aggregator.VersionTypes.TOOL)

                # make VS2022_PREFIX to align with tools_def.txt
                prefix = os.path.join(install_path, "VC",
                                      "Tools", "MSVC", vc_ver)
                prefix = prefix + os.path.sep
                shell_environment.GetEnvironment().set_shell_var("VS2022_PREFIX", prefix)
                shell_environment.GetEnvironment().set_shell_var("VS2022_HOST", HostType)

                shell_env = shell_environment.GetEnvironment()
                # Use the tools lib to determine the correct values for the vars that interest us.
                vs_vars = locate_tools.QueryVcVariables(
                    interesting_keys, VC_HOST_ARCH_TRANSLATOR[HostType], vs_version="VS2022")
                for (k, v) in vs_vars.items():
                    shell_env.set_shell_var(k, v)

            # now confirm it exists
            if not os.path.exists(shell_environment.GetEnvironment().get_shell_var("VS2022_PREFIX")):
                self.Logger.error("Path for VS2022 toolchain is invalid")
                return -2

        # CLANGPDB on Windows uses nmake from
        # the VS compiler toolchain.   Find a version and set
        # as the CLANG_HOST_BIN path if not already set.
        # Also get the platform header files, SDK, etc based on the
        # host type.  This is used for unit test compilation.
        # If CLANG_VS_HOST is not set then find the host type based on Host Info.
        elif thebuilder.env.GetValue("TOOL_CHAIN_TAG") == "CLANGPDB":
            HostInfo = GetHostInfo()

            # check to see if host is configured
            # HostType for VS tools should be (defined in tools_def):
            # x86   == 32bit Intel
            # x64   == 64bit Intel
            # arm   == 32bit Arm
            # arm64 == 64bit Arm
            HostType = shell_environment.GetEnvironment().get_shell_var("CLANG_VS_HOST")
            if HostType is not None:
                HostType = HostType.lower()
                    f"CLANG_VS_HOST defined by environment.  Value is {HostType}")
                #figure it out based on host info
                if HostInfo.arch == "x86":
                    if HostInfo.bit == "32":
                        HostType = "x86"
                    elif HostInfo.bit == "64":
                        HostType = "x64"
                    # anything other than x86 or x64 is not supported
                    raise NotImplementedError()

            # CLANG_VS_HOST options are not exactly the same as QueryVcVariables. This translates.
                "x86": "x86", "x64": "AMD64", "arm": "not supported", "arm64": "not supported"}

            # now get the environment variables for the platform
            shell_env = shell_environment.GetEnvironment()
            # Use the tools lib to determine the correct values for the vars that interest us.
            vs_vars = locate_tools.QueryVcVariables(
                interesting_keys, VC_HOST_ARCH_TRANSLATOR[HostType])
            for (k, v) in vs_vars.items():
                shell_env.set_shell_var(k, v)
            # If environment already has CLANG_HOST_BIN set then user has already
            # set the path to the VS tools like nmake.exe
            if shell_environment.GetEnvironment().get_shell_var("CLANG_HOST_BIN") is not None:
                self.Logger.debug("CLANG_HOST_BIN is already set.")

                install_path = self._get_vs_install_path(None, None)
                vc_ver = self._get_vc_version(install_path, None)

                if install_path is None or vc_ver is None:
                    self.Logger.error("Failed to find the VS environment for use by CLANGPDB")
                    return -1

                    "Visual Studio Install Path", install_path, version_aggregator.VersionTypes.INFO)
                    "VC Version", vc_ver, version_aggregator.VersionTypes.TOOL)

                # make path align with tools_def.txt
                prefix = os.path.join(install_path, "VC", "Tools", "MSVC", vc_ver)
                clang_host_bin_prefix = os.path.join(prefix, "bin", "Host%s" % HostType, HostType)

                # now confirm it exists
                if not os.path.exists(clang_host_bin_prefix):
                    self.Logger.error("Path for VS toolchain is invalid")
                    return -2

                # The environment is using nmake (not make) so add "n" to the end of the path.
                # The rest of the command is derived from definitions in tools.def.
                shell_environment.GetEnvironment().set_shell_var("CLANG_HOST_BIN", os.path.join(clang_host_bin_prefix, "n"))

        return 0
    def do_post_build(self, thebuilder):
        After a build, will automatically locate and run all host-based unit tests. Logs any
        failures with Warning severity and will return a count of the failures as the return code.

        - Build Var 'CI_BUILD_TYPE' - If not set to 'host_unit_test', will not do anything.

        - Shell Var 'CMOCKA_XML_FILE'
        ci_type = thebuilder.env.GetValue('CI_BUILD_TYPE')
        if ci_type != 'host_unit_test':
            return 0

        shell_env = shell_environment.GetEnvironment()
                    "Run Host based Unit Tests")
        path = thebuilder.env.GetValue("BUILD_OUTPUT_BASE")

        failure_count = 0

        # Set up the reporting type for Cmocka.
        shell_env.set_shell_var('CMOCKA_MESSAGE_OUTPUT', 'xml')

        for arch in thebuilder.env.GetValue("TARGET_ARCH").split():
                        "Testing for architecture: " + arch)
            cp = os.path.join(path, arch)

            # If any old results XML files exist, clean them up.
            for old_result in glob.iglob(os.path.join(cp, "*.result.xml")):

            # Find and Run any Host Tests
            if GetHostInfo().os.upper() == "LINUX":
                testList = glob.glob(os.path.join(cp, "*Test*"))
                for a in testList[:]:
                    p = os.path.join(cp, a)
                    # It must be a file
                    if not os.path.isfile(p):
                        logging.debug(f"Remove directory file: {p}")
                    # It must be executable
                    if os.stat(p).st_mode & (stat.S_IEXEC | stat.S_IXGRP
                                             | stat.S_IXOTH) == 0:
                        logging.debug(f"Remove non-executable file: {p}")

          "Test file found: {p}")

            elif GetHostInfo().os.upper() == "WINDOWS":
                testList = glob.glob(os.path.join(cp, "*Test*.exe"))
                raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported Operating System")

            for test in testList:
                # Configure output name.
                                        test + ".%g." + arch + ".result.xml")

                # Run the test.
                ret = RunCmd('"' + test + '"', "", workingdir=cp)
                if (ret != 0):
                    logging.error("UnitTest Execution Error: " +
          "UnitTest Completed: " +
                    file_match_pattern = test + ".*." + arch + ".result.xml"
                    xml_results_list = glob.glob(file_match_pattern)
                    for xml_result_file in xml_results_list:
                        root = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(
                        for suite in root:
                            for case in suite:
                                for result in case:
                                    if result.tag == 'failure':
                                        logging.warning("%s Test Failed" %
                                            "  %s - %s" %
                                            (case.attrib['name'], result.text))
                                        failure_count += 1

        return failure_count
Esempio n. 6
    def do_pre_build(self, thebuilder):
        self.Logger = logging.getLogger("WindowsVsToolChain")
        interesting_keys = [
            "ExtensionSdkDir", "INCLUDE", "LIB", "LIBPATH",
            "UniversalCRTSdkDir", "UCRTVersion", "WindowsLibPath",
            "WindowsSdkBinPath", "WindowsSdkDir", "WindowsSdkVerBinPath",
            "WindowsSDKVersion", "VCToolsInstallDir", "Path"

        # VS2017 - Follow VS2017 where there is potential for many versions of the tools.
        # If a specific version is required then the user must set both env variables:
        # VS150INSTALLPATH:  base install path on system to VC install dir.  Here you will find the VC folder, etc
        # VS150TOOLVER:      version number for the VC compiler tools
        # VS2017_PREFIX:     path to MSVC compiler folder with trailing slash (can be used instead of two vars above)
        # VS2017_HOST:       set the host architecture to use for host tools, and host libs, etc
        if thebuilder.env.GetValue("TOOL_CHAIN_TAG") == "VS2017":

            # check to see if host is configured
            # HostType for VS2017 should be (defined in tools_def):
            # x86   == 32bit Intel
            # x64   == 64bit Intel
            # arm   == 32bit Arm
            # arm64 == 64bit Arm
            HostType = shell_environment.GetEnvironment().get_shell_var(
            if HostType is not None:
                HostType = HostType.lower()
                    f"HOST TYPE defined by environment.  Host Type is {HostType}"
                HostInfo = GetHostInfo()
                if HostInfo.arch == "x86":
                    if HostInfo.bit == "32":
                        HostType = "x86"
                    elif HostInfo.bit == "64":
                        HostType = "x64"
                    raise NotImplementedError()

            # VS2017_HOST options are not exactly the same as QueryVcVariables. This translates.
                "x86": "x86",
                "x64": "AMD64",
                "arm": "not supported",
                "arm64": "not supported"

            # check to see if full path already configured
            if shell_environment.GetEnvironment().get_shell_var(
                    "VS2017_PREFIX") != None:
      "VS2017_PREFIX is already set.")

                install_path = self._get_vs_install_path(
                    "VS2017".lower(), "VS150INSTALLPATH")
                vc_ver = self._get_vc_version(install_path, "VS150TOOLVER")

                if install_path is None or vc_ver is None:
                        "Failed to configure environment for VS2017")
                    return -1

                    "Visual Studio Install Path", install_path,
                    "VC Version", vc_ver, version_aggregator.VersionTypes.TOOL)

                # make VS2017_PREFIX to align with tools_def.txt
                prefix = os.path.join(install_path, "VC", "Tools", "MSVC",
                prefix = prefix + os.path.sep
                    "VS2017_PREFIX", prefix)
                    "VS2017_HOST", HostType)

                shell_env = shell_environment.GetEnvironment()
                # Use the tools lib to determine the correct values for the vars that interest us.
                vs_vars = locate_tools.QueryVcVariables(
                for (k, v) in vs_vars.items():
                    shell_env.set_shell_var(k, v)

            # now confirm it exists
            if not os.path.exists(shell_environment.GetEnvironment().
                self.Logger.error("Path for VS2017 toolchain is invalid")
                return -2

        # VS2019 - Follow VS2019 where there is potential for many versions of the tools.
        # If a specific version is required then the user must set both env variables:
        # VS160INSTALLPATH:  base install path on system to VC install dir.  Here you will find the VC folder, etc
        # VS160TOOLVER:      version number for the VC compiler tools
        # VS2019_PREFIX:     path to MSVC compiler folder with trailing slash (can be used instead of two vars above)
        # VS2017_HOST:       set the host architecture to use for host tools, and host libs, etc
        elif thebuilder.env.GetValue("TOOL_CHAIN_TAG") == "VS2019":

            # check to see if host is configured
            # HostType for VS2019 should be (defined in tools_def):
            # x86   == 32bit Intel
            # x64   == 64bit Intel
            # arm   == 32bit Arm
            # arm64 == 64bit Arm
            HostType = shell_environment.GetEnvironment().get_shell_var(
            if HostType is not None:
                HostType = HostType.lower()
                    f"HOST TYPE defined by environment.  Host Type is {HostType}"
                HostInfo = GetHostInfo()
                if HostInfo.arch == "x86":
                    if HostInfo.bit == "32":
                        HostType = "x86"
                    elif HostInfo.bit == "64":
                        HostType = "x64"
                    raise NotImplementedError()

            # VS2019_HOST options are not exactly the same as QueryVcVariables. This translates.
                "x86": "x86",
                "x64": "AMD64",
                "arm": "not supported",
                "arm64": "not supported"

            # check to see if full path already configured
            if shell_environment.GetEnvironment().get_shell_var(
                    "VS2019_PREFIX") != None:
      "VS2019_PREFIX is already set.")

                install_path = self._get_vs_install_path(
                    "VS2019".lower(), "VS160INSTALLPATH")
                vc_ver = self._get_vc_version(install_path, "VS160TOOLVER")

                if install_path is None or vc_ver is None:
                        "Failed to configure environment for VS2019")
                    return -1

                    "Visual Studio Install Path", install_path,
                    "VC Version", vc_ver, version_aggregator.VersionTypes.TOOL)

                # make VS2019_PREFIX to align with tools_def.txt
                prefix = os.path.join(install_path, "VC", "Tools", "MSVC",
                prefix = prefix + os.path.sep
                    "VS2019_PREFIX", prefix)
                    "VS2019_HOST", HostType)

                shell_env = shell_environment.GetEnvironment()
                # Use the tools lib to determine the correct values for the vars that interest us.
                vs_vars = locate_tools.QueryVcVariables(
                for (k, v) in vs_vars.items():
                    shell_env.set_shell_var(k, v)

            # now confirm it exists
            if not os.path.exists(shell_environment.GetEnvironment().
                self.Logger.error("Path for VS2019 toolchain is invalid")
                return -2

        return 0
Esempio n. 7
    def do_pre_build(self, thebuilder):
        self.Logger = logging.getLogger("ClangPdbToolChain")

        # CLANGPBD
        # - Need to find the clang path.
        # - Report path and version for logging
        # if CLANG_BIN already set the plugin will confirm it exists and get the version of clang
        # If not set it will look for clang on the path.  If found it will configure for that.
        # if still not found it will try the default install directory.
        # finally an error will be reported if not found
        if thebuilder.env.GetValue("TOOL_CHAIN_TAG") == "CLANGPDB":

            HostInfo = GetHostInfo()
            ClangBin_Default = "UNDEFINED"
            clang_exe = "clang"

            if HostInfo.os == "Windows":
                ClangBin_Default = "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\bin\\\\"  #need to escape the last slash as it seems to be removed
                clang_exe += ".exe"
            elif HostInfo.os == "Linux":
                ClangBin_Default = "/LLVM/bin/"  #this isn't right
                # no defaults set

            ClangBin = shell_environment.GetEnvironment().get_shell_var(
            if ClangBin is not None:
      "CLANG_BIN is already set.")
                # see if clang is on path.
                for path_entry in os.getenv("PATH").split(os.pathsep):
                    path_entry = os.path.normpath(path_entry)
                    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path_entry, clang_exe)):
                        ClangBin = os.path.abspath(path_entry) + os.sep
                if ClangBin is None:
                    # Didn't find it on path - try the install default.
                    ClangBin = ClangBin_Default

                    "CLANG_BIN", ClangBin)

                "CLANG BIN", ClangBin, version_aggregator.VersionTypes.INFO)

            # now confirm it exists
            if not os.path.exists(shell_environment.GetEnvironment().
                    f"Path for CLANGPDB toolchain is invalid.  {ClangBin}")
                return -2

                "CLANG Version", self._get_clang_version(ClangBin),

        return 0