def test_different_underlying_ed_instances(self): # Fixture # Test sed1 = SyncEspdrone('uri 1') sed2 = SyncEspdrone('uri 2') # Assert actual1 = sed1.ed actual2 = sed2.ed self.assertNotEqual(actual1, actual2)
def setUp(self): self.uri = 'radio://0/60/2M' self.ed_mock = MagicMock(spec=Espdrone) self.ed_mock.connected = Caller() self.ed_mock.connection_failed = Caller() self.ed_mock.disconnected = Caller() self.ed_mock.open_link = AsyncCallbackCaller(cb=self.ed_mock.connected, args=[self.uri]).trigger self.sut = SyncEspdrone(self.uri, self.ed_mock)
def slightly_more_complex_usage(): with SyncEspdrone(uri, ed=Espdrone(rw_cache='./cache')) as sed: with PositionHlCommander( sed, x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0, default_velocity=0.3, default_height=0.5, controller=PositionHlCommander.CONTROLLER_MELLINGER) as pc: # Go to a coordinate pc.go_to(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) # Move relative to the current position pc.right(1.0) # Go to a coordinate and use default height pc.go_to(0.0, 0.0) # Go slowly to a coordinate pc.go_to(1.0, 1.0, velocity=0.2) # Set new default velocity and height pc.set_default_velocity(0.3) pc.set_default_height(1.0) pc.go_to(0.0, 0.0)
def simple_sequence(): with SyncEspdrone(uri, ed=Espdrone(rw_cache='./cache')) as sed: with PositionHlCommander(sed) as pc: pc.forward(1.0) pc.left(1.0) pc.back(1.0) pc.go_to(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
def test_that_the_same_ed_object_can_be_connected_multiple_times(self): # Fixture self.test_rig_support.restart_devices(self.test_rig_support.all_uris) ed = Espdrone(rw_cache='./cache') # Test for uri in self.test_rig_support.all_uris: with SyncEspdrone(uri, ed=ed): pass
def test_memory_mapping_with_one_ed(self): # Fixture uri = self.test_rig_support.all_uris[0] self.test_rig_support.restart_devices([uri]) ed = Espdrone(rw_cache='./cache') # Test and Assert with SyncEspdrone(uri, ed=ed) as sed: self.assert_memory_mapping(sed)
def test_that_requested_logging_is_received_properly_from_one_ed(self): # Fixture uri = self.test_rig_support.all_uris[0] self.test_rig_support.restart_devices([uri]) ed = Espdrone(rw_cache='./cache') # Test and Assert with SyncEspdrone(uri, ed=ed) as sed: self.assert_add_logging_and_get_non_zero_value(sed)
def test_open_close_with_context_mangement(self): # Fixture # Test with SyncEspdrone(self.uri, self.ed_mock) as sut: self.assertTrue(sut.is_link_open()) # Assert self.ed_mock.close_link.assert_called_once_with() self._assertAllCallbacksAreRemoved()
def test_memory_mapping_with_reuse_of_ed_object(self): # Fixture uri = self.test_rig_support.all_uris[0] self.test_rig_support.restart_devices([uri]) ed = Espdrone(rw_cache='./cache') # Test and Assert for connections in range(10): with SyncEspdrone(uri, ed=ed) as sed: for mem_ops in range(5): self.assert_memory_mapping(sed)
def __init__(self, uri): self.got_data = False with SyncEspdrone(uri, ed=Espdrone(rw_cache='./cache')) as sed: mems = sed.ed.mem.get_mems(MemoryElement.TYPE_LH) count = len(mems) if count != 1: raise Exception('Unexpected nr of memories found:', count) print('Rquesting data') mems[0].update(self._data_updated) while not self.got_data: time.sleep(1)
def __init__(self, uri, bs1, bs2): self.data_written = False with SyncEspdrone(uri, ed=Espdrone(rw_cache='./cache')) as sed: mems = sed.ed.mem.get_mems(MemoryElement.TYPE_LH) count = len(mems) if count != 1: raise Exception('Unexpected nr of memories found:', count) mems[0].geometry_data = [bs1, bs2] print('Writing data') mems[0].write_data(self._data_written) while not self.data_written: time.sleep(1)
class SyncEspdroneTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.uri = 'radio://0/60/2M' self.ed_mock = MagicMock(spec=Espdrone) self.ed_mock.connected = Caller() self.ed_mock.connection_failed = Caller() self.ed_mock.disconnected = Caller() self.ed_mock.open_link = AsyncCallbackCaller(cb=self.ed_mock.connected, args=[self.uri]).trigger self.sut = SyncEspdrone(self.uri, self.ed_mock) def test_different_underlying_ed_instances(self): # Fixture # Test sed1 = SyncEspdrone('uri 1') sed2 = SyncEspdrone('uri 2') # Assert actual1 = sed1.ed actual2 = sed2.ed self.assertNotEqual(actual1, actual2) def test_open_link(self): # Fixture # Test self.sut.open_link() # Assert self.assertTrue(self.sut.is_link_open()) def test_failed_open_link_raises_exception(self): # Fixture expected = 'Some error message' self.ed_mock.open_link = AsyncCallbackCaller( cb=self.ed_mock.connection_failed, args=[self.uri, expected]).trigger # Test try: self.sut.open_link() except Exception as e: actual = e.args[0] else:'Expect exception') # Assert self.assertEqual(expected, actual) self._assertAllCallbacksAreRemoved() def test_open_link_of_already_open_link_raises_exception(self): # Fixture self.sut.open_link() # Test # Assert with self.assertRaises(Exception): self.sut.open_link() def test_close_link(self): # Fixture self.sut.open_link() # Test self.sut.close_link() # Assert self.ed_mock.close_link.assert_called_once_with() self.assertFalse(self.sut.is_link_open()) self._assertAllCallbacksAreRemoved() def test_close_link_that_is_not_open(self): # Fixture # Test self.sut.close_link() # Assert self.assertFalse(self.sut.is_link_open()) def test_closed_if_connection_is_lost(self): # Fixture self.sut.open_link() # Test AsyncCallbackCaller(cb=self.ed_mock.disconnected, args=[self.uri]).call_and_wait() # Assert self.assertFalse(self.sut.is_link_open()) self._assertAllCallbacksAreRemoved() def test_open_close_with_context_mangement(self): # Fixture # Test with SyncEspdrone(self.uri, self.ed_mock) as sut: self.assertTrue(sut.is_link_open()) # Assert self.ed_mock.close_link.assert_called_once_with() self._assertAllCallbacksAreRemoved() def _assertAllCallbacksAreRemoved(self): self.assertEqual(0, len(self.ed_mock.connected.callbacks)) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.ed_mock.connection_failed.callbacks)) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.ed_mock.disconnected.callbacks))
# Only output errors from the logging framework logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR) if __name__ == '__main__': # Initialize the low-level drivers (don't list the debug drivers) edlib.crtp.init_drivers(enable_debug_driver=False) # Scan for Espdrones and use the first one found print('Scanning interfaces for Espdrones...') available = edlib.crtp.scan_interfaces() print('Espdrones found:') for i in available: print(i[0]) if len(available) == 0: print('No Espdrones found, cannot run example') else: with SyncEspdrone(available[0][0], ed=Espdrone(rw_cache='./cache')) as sed: # We take off when the commander is created with MotionCommander(sed) as mc: time.sleep(1) # There is a set of functions that move a specific distance # We can move in all directions mc.forward(0.8) mc.back(0.8) time.sleep(1) mc.up(0.5) mc.down(0.5) time.sleep(1) # We can also set the velocity
def construct(self, uri): ed = Espdrone(ro_cache=self.ro_cache, rw_cache=self.rw_cache) return SyncEspdrone(uri, ed=ed)
def construct(self, uri): return SyncEspdrone(uri)
grab_controller_start)) ed0.commander.send_position_setpoint(setpoints[0][0], setpoints[0][1], setpoints[0][2], 0) ed1.commander.send_position_setpoint(setpoints[1][0], setpoints[1][1], setpoints[1][2], 0) time.sleep(0.02) ed0.commander.send_setpoint(0, 0, 0, 0) ed1.commander.send_setpoint(0, 0, 0, 0) # Make sure that the last packet leaves before the link is closed # since the message queue is not flushed before closing time.sleep(0.1) if __name__ == '__main__': edlib.crtp.init_drivers(enable_debug_driver=False) with SyncEspdrone(uri0, ed=Espdrone(rw_cache='./cache')) as sed0: reset_estimator(sed0) with SyncEspdrone(uri1, ed=Espdrone(rw_cache='./cache')) as sed1: reset_estimator(sed1) run_sequence(sed0, sed1) openvr.shutdown()
print('Scanning interfaces for Espdrones...') available = edlib.crtp.scan_interfaces() print('Espdrones found:') for i in available: print(i[0]) if len(available) == 0: print('No Espdrones found, cannot run example') else: lg_stab = LogConfig(name='StateEstimate', period_in_ms=10) lg_stab.add_variable('stateEstimate.x', 'float') lg_stab.add_variable('stateEstimate.y', 'float') lg_stab.add_variable('stateEstimate.z', 'float') ed = Espdrone(rw_cache='./cache') with SyncEspdrone(available[0][0], ed=ed) as sed: with SyncLogger(sed, lg_stab) as logger: endTime = time.time() + 10 update_time = current_time = time.time() for log_entry in logger: timestamp = log_entry[0] data = log_entry[1] logconf_name = log_entry[2] if time.time() - update_time > 2: print("Updating state estimate") sed.ed.extpos.send_extpose(10, 2, 4, 0, 0, 0, 1) update_time = time.time() if time.time() - current_time > 1:
def is_close(range): MIN_DISTANCE = 0.2 # m if range is None: return False else: return range < MIN_DISTANCE if __name__ == '__main__': # Initialize the low-level drivers (don't list the debug drivers) edlib.crtp.init_drivers(enable_debug_driver=False) ed = Espdrone(rw_cache='./cache') with SyncEspdrone(URI, ed=ed) as sed: with MotionCommander(sed) as motion_commander: with Multiranger(sed) as multiranger: keep_flying = True while keep_flying: VELOCITY = 0.5 velocity_x = 0.0 velocity_y = 0.0 if is_close(multiranger.front): velocity_x -= VELOCITY if is_close(multiranger.back): velocity_x += VELOCITY if is_close(multiranger.left):
if args.uri: uri = args.uri else: available = edlib.crtp.scan_interfaces() print('Espdrones found:') if available: print(available[0]) uri = available[0][0] else: quit() lg_stab = LogConfig(name='Stabilizer', period_in_ms=10) lg_stab.add_variable('stabilizer.roll', 'float') lg_stab.add_variable('stabilizer.pitch', 'float') lg_stab.add_variable('stabilizer.yaw', 'float') ed = Espdrone(rw_cache='./cache') with SyncEspdrone(uri, ed=ed) as sed: with SyncLogger(sed, lg_stab) as logger: endTime = time.time() + 10 for log_entry in logger: timestamp = log_entry[0] data = log_entry[1] logconf_name = log_entry[2] print('[%d][%s]: %s' % (timestamp, logconf_name, data)) if time.time() > endTime: break
print('Grab ended') grabbed = trigger if trigger: curr = [-1 * pose[2][3], -1 * pose[0][3], pose[1][3]] setpoint = vector_add( grab_setpoint_start, vector_substract(curr, grab_controller_start)) ed.commander.send_position_setpoint(setpoint[0], setpoint[1], setpoint[2], 0) time.sleep(0.02) ed.commander.send_setpoint (0, 0, 0, 0) # Make sure that the last packet leaves before the link is closed # since the message queue is not flushed before closing time.sleep(0.1) if __name__ == '__main__': edlib.crtp.init_drivers(enable_debug_driver=False) with SyncEspdrone(uri, ed=Espdrone(rw_cache='./cache')) as sed: reset_estimator(sed) # start_position_printing(sed) run_sequence(sed) openvr.shutdown()
import logging import time import edlib.crtp from edlib.espdrone.syncEspdrone import SyncEspdrone URI = 'radio://0/80/250K' # Only output errors from the logging framework logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR) if __name__ == '__main__': # Initialize the low-level drivers (don't list the debug drivers) edlib.crtp.init_drivers(enable_debug_driver=False) with SyncEspdrone(URI) as sed: ed = sed.ed # Set solid color effect ed.param.set_value('ring.effect', '7') # Set the RGB values ed.param.set_value('ring.solidRed', '100') ed.param.set_value('ring.solidGreen', '0') ed.param.set_value('ring.solidBlue', '0') time.sleep(2) # Set black color effect ed.param.set_value('ring.effect', '0') time.sleep(1) # Set fade to color effect