# The atomic Coulomb interactions are usually initialized based on Hartree-Fock
# calculations from, for example,
# `Cowan's code <https://www.tcd.ie/Physics/people/Cormac.McGuinness/Cowan/>`_.
# edrixs has a database of these.
info  = edrixs.utils.get_atom_data('Ni', '3d', nd, edge='L3')

# The atomic values are typically scaled to account for screening in the solid.
# Here we use 80% scaling. Let's write these out in full, so that nothing is
# hidden. Values for :math:`U_{dd}` and :math:`U_{dp}` are those of Ref. [1]_
# obtained by comparing theory and experiment [2]_ [3]_.
scale_dd = 0.8
F2_dd = info['slater_i'][1][1] * scale_dd
F4_dd = info['slater_i'][2][1] * scale_dd
U_dd = 7.3
F0_dd = U_dd + edrixs.get_F0('d', F2_dd, F4_dd)

scale_dp = 0.8
F2_dp = info['slater_n'][4][1] * scale_dp
G1_dp = info['slater_n'][5][1] * scale_dp
G3_dp = info['slater_n'][6][1] * scale_dp
U_dp = 8.5
F0_dp = U_dp + edrixs.get_F0('dp', G1_dp, G3_dp)

slater = ([F0_dd, F2_dd, F4_dd],  # initial
          [F0_dd, F2_dd, F4_dd, F0_dp, F2_dp, G1_dp, G3_dp])  # with core hole

# Charge-transfer energy scales
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The charge-transfer :math:`\Delta` and Coulomb :math:`U_{dd}` :math:`U_{dp}`
Esempio n. 2
def get_hopping_coulomb(locaxis):
    # Number of orbitals
    nt2g, nporb, norbs = 6, 6, 24

    # On-site Coulomb interaction tensor
    Ud, JH = edrixs.UJ_to_UdJH(2, 0.3)
    F0_d, F2_d, F4_d = edrixs.UdJH_to_F0F2F4(Ud, JH)

    G1_dp, G3_dp = 0.957, 0.569
    F0_dp, F2_dp = edrixs.get_F0('dp', G1_dp, G3_dp), 1.107

    umat_t2g_i = edrixs.get_umat_slater('t2g', F0_d, F2_d, F4_d)

    params = [
        F4_d,  # Fk for d
        F2_dp,  # Fk for dp
        G3_dp,  # Gk for dp
        0.0  # Fk for p
    umat_t2gp_n = edrixs.get_umat_slater('t2gp', *params)

    # static core-hole potential
    static_v = 2.0
    for i in range(0, nt2g):
        for j in range(nt2g, nt2g + nporb):
            umat_t2gp_n[i, j, j, i] += static_v

    umat_i = np.zeros((norbs, norbs, norbs, norbs), dtype=np.complex128)
    umat_n = np.zeros((norbs, norbs, norbs, norbs), dtype=np.complex128)

    umat_i[0:6, 0:6, 0:6, 0:6] = umat_t2g_i
    umat_i[6:12, 6:12, 6:12, 6:12] = umat_t2g_i

    indx = np.array([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17],
                     [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]])
    for m in range(2):
        for i in range(12):
            for j in range(12):
                for k in range(12):
                    for l in range(12):
                        umat_n[indx[m, i], indx[m, j], indx[m, k],
                               indx[m, l]] += umat_t2gp_n[i, j, k, l]

    emat_i = np.zeros((norbs, norbs), dtype=np.complex128)
    emat_n = np.zeros((norbs, norbs), dtype=np.complex128)

    # SOC
    zeta_d_i, zeta_p_n = 0.35, 1072.6666666666667
    soc_d = edrixs.atom_hsoc('t2g', zeta_d_i)
    soc_p = edrixs.atom_hsoc('p', zeta_p_n)

    emat_i[0:6, 0:6] += soc_d
    emat_i[6:12, 6:12] += soc_d

    emat_n[0:6, 0:6] += soc_d
    emat_n[6:12, 6:12] += soc_d

    emat_n[12:18, 12:18] += soc_p
    emat_n[18:24, 18:24] += soc_p
    for i in range(2 * nt2g):
        emat_n[i, i] -= 6 * static_v

    # Crystal field and hoppings between the two Ir-sites
    t1, t2, delta = -0.18, 0.036, -0.03
    # Uncomment the following line to do calculation without hopping and crystal filed splitting.
    # t1, t2, delta = 0, 0, -0.03
    crys_tmp = np.array(
        [[0, delta, delta, t1, t2, t1], [delta, 0, delta, t2, t1, t1],
         [delta, delta, 0, t1, t1, t2], [t1, t2, t1, 0, delta, delta],
         [t2, t1, t1, delta, 0, delta], [t1, t1, t2, delta, delta, 0]],

    # transform spin to local axis
    dmat = np.zeros((2, 2, 2), dtype=np.complex128)
    ang1, ang2, ang3 = edrixs.rmat_to_euler(locaxis[0])
    dmat[0] = edrixs.dmat_spinor(ang1, ang2, ang3)
    ang1, ang2, ang3 = edrixs.rmat_to_euler(locaxis[1])
    dmat[1] = edrixs.dmat_spinor(ang1, ang2, ang3)

    t_spinor = np.zeros((12, 12), dtype=np.complex128)
    for i in range(2):
        off = i * 6
        t_spinor[off + 0:off + 2, off + 0:off + 2] = dmat[i]
        t_spinor[off + 2:off + 4, off + 2:off + 4] = dmat[i]
        t_spinor[off + 4:off + 6, off + 4:off + 6] = dmat[i]

    crys_spin = np.zeros((12, 12), dtype=np.complex128)
    crys_spin[0:12:2, 0:12:2] = crys_tmp
    crys_spin[1:12:2, 1:12:2] = crys_tmp
    t_orb = np.zeros((12, 12), dtype=np.complex128)
    t_orb[0:6, 0:6] = edrixs.tmat_r2c('t2g', True)
    t_orb[6:12, 6:12] = edrixs.tmat_r2c('t2g', True)
    crys_spin[:, :] = edrixs.cb_op(crys_spin, np.dot(t_spinor, t_orb))

    emat_i[0:12, 0:12] += crys_spin
    emat_n[0:12, 0:12] += crys_spin

    # Write to files
    # ED inputs
    edrixs.write_emat(emat_i, "ed/hopping_i.in")
    edrixs.write_umat(umat_i, "ed/coulomb_i.in")

    # XAS inputs
    edrixs.write_emat(emat_n, "xas/hopping_n.in")
    edrixs.write_umat(umat_n, "xas/coulomb_n.in")

    # RIXS inputs
    edrixs.write_emat(emat_i, "rixs_pp/hopping_i.in")
    edrixs.write_umat(umat_i, "rixs_pp/coulomb_i.in")
    edrixs.write_emat(emat_n, "rixs_pp/hopping_n.in")
    edrixs.write_umat(umat_n, "rixs_pp/coulomb_n.in")

    edrixs.write_emat(emat_i, "rixs_ps/hopping_i.in")
    edrixs.write_umat(umat_i, "rixs_ps/coulomb_i.in")
    edrixs.write_emat(emat_n, "rixs_ps/hopping_n.in")
    edrixs.write_umat(umat_n, "rixs_ps/coulomb_n.in")
Esempio n. 3
from mpi4py import MPI

if __name__ == "__main__":
    Valence shells: 3d4p, Core shell: 2p
    Ni :math:`L_{2,3}`-edge, :math:`2p_{1/2,3/2}\\rightarrow 3d` transition.

    Used to test the ed_2v1c_fort, xas_2v1c_fort, rixs_2v1c_fort solvers.

    How to run
    mpiexec -n 2 python test_2v1c.py

    F2_dd, F4_dd = 12.234 * 0.65, 7.598 * 0.65
    F0_dd = edrixs.get_F0('d', F2_dd, F4_dd)

    G1_d4p, G3_d4p = 5.787 * 0.7, 3.291 * 0.7
    F0_d4p = edrixs.get_F0('dp', G1_d4p, G3_d4p)
    F2_d4p = 7.721 * 0.95

    F0_4p4p, F2_4p4p = 0.0, 0.0

    F2_d2p = 7.721 * 0.95
    G1_d2p, G3_d2p = 5.787 * 0.7, 3.291 * 0.7
    F0_d2p = edrixs.get_F0('dp', G1_d2p, G3_d2p)

    F0_4p2p = 2.0
    F2_4p2p = 2.0
    G0_4p2p = 2.0
    G2_4p2p = 2.0
                               v_noccu=(noccu, 0),
                               label=('f', 'd', 'p'))
    if rank == 0:
        print(res, flush=True)

    # Slater integrals
    si = collections.OrderedDict(res['slater_i'])
    sn = collections.OrderedDict(res['slater_n'])

    # Initial Hamiltonian, 5f-5f
    si['F2_ff'] = si['F2_ff'] * 0.77
    si['F4_ff'] = si['F4_ff'] * 0.77
    si['F6_ff'] = si['F6_ff'] * 0.77
    si['F0_ff'] = edrixs.get_F0('f', si['F2_ff'], si['F4_ff'], si['F6_ff'])

    # Intermediate Hamiltonian, 5f-5f
    sn['F2_ff'] = sn['F2_ff'] * 0.77
    sn['F4_ff'] = sn['F4_ff'] * 0.77
    sn['F6_ff'] = sn['F6_ff'] * 0.77
    sn['F0_ff'] = edrixs.get_F0('f', sn['F2_ff'], sn['F4_ff'], sn['F6_ff'])
    # 5f-6d
    sn['F0_fd'] = edrixs.get_F0('fd', sn['G1_fd'], sn['G3_fd'], sn['G5_fd'])
    # 5f-2p
    sn['F0_fp'] = edrixs.get_F0('fp', sn['G2_fp'], sn['G4_fp'])
    # 6d-2p
    sn['F0_dp'] = edrixs.get_F0('dp', sn['G1_dp'], sn['G3_dp'])

    slater = (list(si.values()), list(sn.values()))
Esempio n. 5
                            [-2.0 / 3.0, -2.0 / 3.0, +1.0 / 3.0]]).T
    loc_axis[1] = np.array([[+2.0 / 3.0, -1.0 / 3.0, -2.0 / 3.0],
                            [-1.0 / 3.0, +2.0 / 3.0, -2.0 / 3.0],
                            [+2.0 / 3.0, +2.0 / 3.0, +1.0 / 3.0]]).T
    loc_axis[2] = np.array([[+2.0 / 3.0, -2.0 / 3.0, -1.0 / 3.0],
                            [+2.0 / 3.0, +1.0 / 3.0, +2.0 / 3.0],
                            [-1.0 / 3.0, -2.0 / 3.0, +2.0 / 3.0]]).T
    loc_axis[3] = np.array([[-2.0 / 3.0, +2.0 / 3.0, -1.0 / 3.0],
                            [-2.0 / 3.0, -1.0 / 3.0, +2.0 / 3.0],
                            [+1.0 / 3.0, +2.0 / 3.0, +2.0 / 3.0]]).T

    # Kanamori U, J
    U, J = 2.0, 0.3
    Ud, JH = edrixs.UJ_to_UdJH(U, J)
    F0_dd, F2_dd, F4_dd = edrixs.UdJH_to_F0F2F4(Ud, JH)
    F0_dd = edrixs.get_F0('d', F2_dd, F4_dd)

    G1_dp, G3_dp = 0.957, 0.569
    F0_dp, F2_dp = edrixs.get_F0('dp', G1_dp, G3_dp), 1.107

    slater = (
        [F0_dd, F2_dd, F4_dd],  # Initial
        [F0_dd, F2_dd, F4_dd, F0_dp, F2_dp, G1_dp, G3_dp]  # Intermediate

    # SOC of 5d
    zeta_d = 0.45

    # Trigonal crystal field
    cf = edrixs.cf_trigonal_t2g(-0.15)
Esempio n. 6
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import edrixs

# Setup parameters
# ----------------
# Number of occupancy of 3d shell
noccu = 8

res = edrixs.get_atom_data('Ni', v_name='3d', v_noccu=noccu, edge='L23')
name_i, slat_i = [list(i) for i in zip(*res['slater_i'])]
name_n, slat_n = [list(i) for i in zip(*res['slater_n'])]

# Slater integrals for initial Hamiltonian without core-hole
si = edrixs.rescale(slat_i, ([1, 2], [0.65] * 2))
si[0] = edrixs.get_F0('d', si[1], si[2])  # F0_dd

# Slater integrals for intermediate Hamiltonian with core-hole
sn = edrixs.rescale(slat_n, ([1, 2, 4, 5, 6], [0.65, 0.65, 0.95, 0.7, 0.7]))
sn[0] = edrixs.get_F0('d', sn[1], sn[2])  # F0_dd
sn[3] = edrixs.get_F0('dp', sn[5], sn[6])  # F0_dp

slater = (si, sn)

# Spin-orbit coupling strengths
zeta_d_i = res['v_soc_i'][0]  # valence 3d electron without core-hole
zeta_d_n = res['v_soc_n'][0]  # valence 3d electron with core-hole
# E_{L2} - E_{L3} = 1.5 * zeta_p
zeta_p_n = (res['edge_ene'][0] - res['edge_ene'][1]) / 1.5  # core 2p electron

# Tetragonal crystal field
Esempio n. 7
    How to run
    mpiexec -n 4 python run_rixs_fsolver.py

    # -----------
    # Occupancy of U 5f orbitals
    noccu = 6
    res = edrixs.get_atom_data('Pu', v_name='5f', v_noccu=noccu, edge='O45')
    name_i, slat_i = [list(i) for i in zip(*res['slater_i'])]
    name_n, slat_n = [list(i) for i in zip(*res['slater_n'])]

    # Initial Hamiltonian
    si = edrixs.rescale(slat_i, ([1, 2, 3], [0.77] * 3))
    si[0] = edrixs.get_F0('f', si[1], si[2], si[3])

    # Intermediate Hamiltonian
    sn = edrixs.rescale(slat_n,
                        ([1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [0.77] * 3 + [0.6] * 4))
    sn[0] = edrixs.get_F0('f', sn[1], sn[2], sn[3])
    sn[4] = edrixs.get_F0('fd', sn[7], sn[8], sn[9])

    slater = (si, sn)

    # Spin-Orbit Coupling (SOC) zeta
    # 5f, without core-hole, from Cowan's code
    zeta_f_i = res['v_soc_i'][0] * 0.9
    # 5f, with core-hole, from Cowan's code
    zeta_f_n = res['v_soc_n'][0] * 0.9
    zeta_d_n = (res['edge_ene'][0] - res['edge_ene'][1]) / 2.5
Esempio n. 8
def do_ed(dq10=1.6, d1=0.1, d3=0.75, ex_x=0., ex_y=0., ex_z=0.):
    Diagonalize Hamiltonian for Ni 3d8 system in tetragonal crytals field and
    applied exchange field.

    dq10: float
        Cubic crystal field parameter (eV)
        Cubic splitting
    dq1: float
        Cubic crystal field parameter (eV)
        t2g splitting
    dq3: float
        Cubic crystal field parameter (eV)
        eg splitting
    ex_x: float
        Magnitude of the magnetic exchange field in the x direction (eV)
    ex_y: float
        Magnitude of the magnetic exchange field in the y direction (eV)
    ex_z: float
        Magnitude of the magnetic exchange field in the z direction (eV)

    eval_i: 1d array
        Eigenvalues of initial state Hamiltonian
    eval_n: 1d array
        Eigenvalues of intermediate state Hamiltonian
    dipole_op: 3d array
        Dipole operator from 2p to 3d state
    # ------------
    F2_dd, F4_dd = 12.234 * 0.65, 7.598 * 0.65
    Ud_av = 0.0
    F0_dd = Ud_av + edrixs.get_F0('d', F2_dd, F4_dd)

    G1_dp, G3_dp = 5.787 * 0.7, 3.291 * 0.7
    F2_dp = 7.721 * 0.95
    Udp_av = 0.0
    F0_dp = Udp_av + edrixs.get_F0('dp', G1_dp, G3_dp)

    slater = (
        [F0_dd, F2_dd, F4_dd],  # Initial
        [F0_dd, F2_dd, F4_dd, F0_dp, F2_dp, G1_dp, G3_dp]  # Intermediate

    zeta_d_i = 0.083
    zeta_d_n = 0.102
    zeta_p_n = 11.24

    cf = edrixs.cf_tetragonal_d(dq10, d1, d3)

    ext_B = np.array([ex_x, ex_y, ex_z])
    result = edrixs.ed_1v1c_py(shell_name=('d', 'p'),
                               v_soc=(zeta_d_i, zeta_d_n),
    return result
Esempio n. 9
def ed():
    # 1-10: Ni-3d valence orbitals, 11-16: Ni-2p core orbitals
    # Single particle basis: complex shperical Harmonics
    ndorb, nporb, ntot = 10, 6, 16
    emat_i = np.zeros((ntot, ntot), dtype=np.complex)
    emat_n = np.zeros((ntot, ntot), dtype=np.complex)

    # 4-index Coulomb interaction tensor, parameterized by
    # Slater integrals, which are obtained from Cowan's code
    F2_d, F4_d = 7.9521, 4.9387
    # Averaged dd Coulomb interaction is set to be zero
    F0_d = edrixs.get_F0('d', F2_d, F4_d)
    G1_dp, G3_dp = 4.0509, 2.3037
    # Averaged dp Coulomb interaction is set to be zero
    F0_dp, F2_dp = edrixs.get_F0('dp', G1_dp, G3_dp), 7.33495
    umat_i = edrixs.get_umat_slater(
        F4_d,  # dd
        0,  # dp
        0)  # pp
    umat_n = edrixs.get_umat_slater(
        F4_d,  # dd
        G3_dp,  # dp
        0)  # pp

    # Atomic spin-orbit coupling
    zeta_d, zeta_p = 0.083, 11.24
    emat_i[0:ndorb, 0:ndorb] += edrixs.atom_hsoc('d', zeta_d)
    emat_n[0:ndorb, 0:ndorb] += edrixs.atom_hsoc('d', zeta_d)
    emat_n[ndorb:ntot, ndorb:ntot] += edrixs.atom_hsoc('p', zeta_p)

    # Tetragonal crystal field splitting terms,
    # which are first defined in the real cubic Harmonics basis,
    # and then transformed to complex shperical Harmonics basis.
    dt, ds, dq = 0.011428, 0.035714, 0.13
    tmp = np.zeros((5, 5), dtype=np.complex)
    tmp[0, 0] = 6 * dq - 2 * ds - 6 * dt  # d3z2-r2
    tmp[1, 1] = -4 * dq - 1 * ds + 4 * dt  # dzx
    tmp[2, 2] = -4 * dq - 1 * ds + 4 * dt  # dzy
    tmp[3, 3] = 6 * dq + 2 * ds - 1 * dt  # dx2-y2
    tmp[4, 4] = -4 * dq + 2 * ds - 1 * dt  # dxy
    tmp[:, :] = edrixs.cb_op(tmp, edrixs.tmat_r2c('d'))
    emat_i[0:ndorb:2, 0:ndorb:2] += tmp
    emat_i[1:ndorb:2, 1:ndorb:2] += tmp
    emat_n[0:ndorb:2, 0:ndorb:2] += tmp
    emat_n[1:ndorb:2, 1:ndorb:2] += tmp

    # Build Fock basis in its binary form
    basis_i = edrixs.get_fock_bin_by_N(ndorb, 8, nporb, nporb)
    basis_n = edrixs.get_fock_bin_by_N(ndorb, 9, nporb, nporb - 1)
    ncfg_i, ncfg_n = len(basis_i), len(basis_n)

    # Build many-body Hamiltonian in Fock basis
    hmat_i = np.zeros((ncfg_i, ncfg_i), dtype=np.complex)
    hmat_n = np.zeros((ncfg_n, ncfg_n), dtype=np.complex)
    hmat_i[:, :] += edrixs.two_fermion(emat_i, basis_i, basis_i)
    hmat_i[:, :] += edrixs.four_fermion(umat_i, basis_i)
    hmat_n[:, :] += edrixs.two_fermion(emat_n, basis_n, basis_n)
    hmat_n[:, :] += edrixs.four_fermion(umat_n, basis_n)

    # Do exact-diagonalization to get eigenvalues and eigenvectors
    eval_i, evec_i = np.linalg.eigh(hmat_i)
    eval_n, evec_n = np.linalg.eigh(hmat_n)

    # Build dipolar transition operators
    dipole = np.zeros((3, ntot, ntot), dtype=np.complex)
    T_abs = np.zeros((3, ncfg_n, ncfg_i), dtype=np.complex)
    T_emi = np.zeros((3, ncfg_i, ncfg_n), dtype=np.complex)
    tmp = edrixs.get_trans_oper('dp')
    for i in range(3):
        dipole[i, 0:ndorb, ndorb:ntot] = tmp[i]
        # First, in the Fock basis
        T_abs[i] = edrixs.two_fermion(dipole[i], basis_n, basis_i)
        # Then, transfrom to the eigenvector basis
        T_abs[i] = edrixs.cb_op2(T_abs[i], evec_n, evec_i)
        T_emi[i] = np.conj(np.transpose(T_abs[i]))

    return eval_i, eval_n, T_abs, T_emi
Esempio n. 10
def get_hopping_coulomb():
    norbs = 28

    Ud, JH = edrixs.UJ_to_UdJH(6, 0.45)
    F0_d, F2_d, F4_d = edrixs.UdJH_to_F0F2F4(Ud, JH)

    scale_dp = 0.9
    G1_dp, G3_dp = 0.894 * scale_dp, 0.531 * scale_dp
    F2_dp = 1.036 * scale_dp
    Udp_av = 0.0
    F0_dp = Udp_av + edrixs.get_F0('dp', G1_dp, G3_dp)

    params = [F0_d, F2_d, F4_d]
    umat_i = edrixs.get_umat_slater('t2g', *params)

    params = [F0_d, F2_d, F4_d, F0_dp, F2_dp, G1_dp, G3_dp, 0.0, 0.0]

    umat_tmp = edrixs.get_umat_slater('t2gp', *params)
    tmat = np.zeros((12, 12), dtype=np.complex128)
    tmat[0:6, 0:6] = edrixs.tmat_c2j(1)
    tmat[6:12, 6:12] = edrixs.tmat_c2j(1)
    umat_i[:, :, :, :] = edrixs.transform_utensor(umat_i, edrixs.tmat_c2j(1))

    umat_tmp[:, :, :, :] = edrixs.transform_utensor(umat_tmp, tmat)
    id1 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11]
    id2 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 24, 25, 26, 27]
    umat_n = np.zeros((norbs, norbs, norbs, norbs), dtype=np.complex)
    for i in range(10):
        for j in range(10):
            for k in range(10):
                for ll in range(10):
                    umat_n[id2[i], id2[j], id2[k],
                           id2[ll]] = umat_tmp[id1[i], id1[j], id1[k], id1[ll]]

    emat_i = np.zeros((norbs, norbs), dtype=np.complex128)
    emat_n = np.zeros((norbs, norbs), dtype=np.complex128)
    # bath energy level & hybridization strength
    N_site = 3
    data = np.loadtxt('bath_sites.in')
    e1, v1 = data[:, 0], data[:, 1]
    e2, v2 = data[:, 2], data[:, 3]

    h = np.zeros((24, 24), dtype=np.complex)
    h[0, 0] = h[1, 1] = -14.7627972353
    h[2, 2] = h[3, 3] = h[4, 4] = h[5, 5] = -15.4689430453
    for i in range(N_site):
        o = 6 + 6 * i
        # orbital j=1/2
        h[o + 0, o + 0] = h[o + 1, o + 1] = e1[i]
        h[0, o + 0] = h[1, o + 1] = h[o + 0, 0] = h[o + 1, 1] = v1[i]
        # orbital j=3/2
        h[o + 2, o + 2] = h[o + 3, o + 3] = h[o + 4, o + 4] = h[o + 5,
                                                                o + 5] = e2[i]
        h[2, o + 2] = h[3, o + 3] = h[4, o + 4] = h[5, o + 5] = v2[i]
        h[o + 2, 2] = h[o + 3, 3] = h[o + 4, 4] = h[o + 5, 5] = v2[i]

    emat_i[0:24, 0:24] += h
    emat_n[0:24, 0:24] += h

    # static core-hole potential
    static_V = 2.0
    for i in range(6):
        emat_n[i, i] -= static_V

    # Write to files
    # Search GS inputs
    edrixs.write_emat(emat_i, "search_gs/hopping_i.in")
    edrixs.write_umat(umat_i, "search_gs/coulomb_i.in")

    # ED inputs
    edrixs.write_emat(emat_i, "ed/hopping_i.in")
    edrixs.write_umat(umat_i, "ed/coulomb_i.in")

    # XAS inputs
    edrixs.write_emat(emat_n, "xas/hopping_n.in")
    edrixs.write_umat(umat_n, "xas/coulomb_n.in")

    # RIXS inputs
    edrixs.write_emat(emat_i, "rixs_pp/hopping_i.in")
    edrixs.write_umat(umat_i, "rixs_pp/coulomb_i.in")
    edrixs.write_emat(emat_n, "rixs_pp/hopping_n.in")
    edrixs.write_umat(umat_n, "rixs_pp/coulomb_n.in")

    edrixs.write_emat(emat_i, "rixs_ps/hopping_i.in")
    edrixs.write_umat(umat_i, "rixs_ps/coulomb_i.in")
    edrixs.write_emat(emat_n, "rixs_ps/hopping_n.in")
    edrixs.write_umat(umat_n, "rixs_ps/coulomb_n.in")
Esempio n. 11
#!/usr/bin/env python

import scipy
import numpy as np
import edrixs

if __name__ == "__main__":
    norbs = 24

    Ud, JH = edrixs.UJ_to_UdJH(2, 0.3)
    F0_d, F2_d, F4_d = edrixs.UdJH_to_F0F2F4(Ud, JH)

    G1_dp, G3_dp = 0.957, 0.569
    F0_dp, F2_dp = edrixs.get_F0('dp', G1_dp, G3_dp), 1.107

    zeta_d_i, zeta_p_n = 0.35, 1072.6666666666667

    Ir_loc2g = np.zeros((2, 3, 3), dtype=np.float64)
    Ir_loc2g[0] = [[+0.70710678, +0.40824829, +0.57735027],
                   [-0.70710678, +0.40824829, +0.57735027],
                   [+0.00000000, -0.81649658, +0.57735027]]
    Ir_loc2g[1] = [
        [-0.70710678, +0.40824829, -0.57735027],
        [+0.70710678, +0.40824829, -0.57735027],
        [+0.00000000, -0.81649658, -0.57735027],

    umat_t2g_i = edrixs.get_umat_slater('t2g', F0_d, F2_d, F4_d)
    umat_t2g_i = edrixs.transform_utensor(umat_t2g_i,
                                          edrixs.tmat_c2r('t2g', True))
    params = [
Esempio n. 12
    1 impuirty site plus 3 bath sites

    How to run
    mpiexec -n 4 python run_rixs_fsolver.py

    U, J = 6.0, 0.45  # Kanamori U, J
    Ud, JH = edrixs.UJ_to_UdJH(U, J)
    F0_dd, F2_dd, F4_dd = edrixs.UdJH_to_F0F2F4(Ud, JH)

    scale_dp = 0.9
    G1_dp, G3_dp = 0.894 * scale_dp, 0.531 * scale_dp
    F2_dp = 1.036 * scale_dp
    Udp_av = 0.0
    F0_dp = Udp_av + edrixs.get_F0('dp', G1_dp, G3_dp)

    slater = (
        [F0_dd, F2_dd, F4_dd],  # initial
        [F0_dd, F2_dd, F4_dd, F0_dp, F2_dp, G1_dp, G3_dp])  # intermediate

    nbath = 3  # number of bath sites
    norb = 6  # number of orbitals for each site

    # bath energy level & hybridization strength
    bath_level = np.zeros((nbath, norb), dtype=np.complex)
    hyb = np.zeros((nbath, norb), dtype=np.complex)
    e1 = [-3.528372861516216, -1.207615555008166, 6.183392524170465]
    e2 = [-3.538890277572901, -1.308137924011529, 5.578400781316763]
    v1 = [2.131943931119928, 0.481470627582356, 1.618130554107574]
    v2 = [2.108388983547592, 0.517200653226272, 1.674013405873617]
Esempio n. 13
    # -----------
    # The parameters used in this calculation are taken from [PRL 114, 236401 (2015)]
    # 14 5f-orbitals, 10 5d-orbitals (including spin)

    # Slater integrals
    # The Slater integrals are calculated by the Cowan's code:
    # [https://www.tcd.ie/Physics/people/Cormac.McGuinness/Cowan/]
    # by using Hartree-Fock mean-field method, and then re-scaled,
    # for example, Fff: 77%, Ffd: 60%, Gfd: 60%
    F2_ff, F4_ff, F6_ff = 9.711 * 0.77, 6.364 * 0.77, 4.677 * 0.77
    # Here, Uf_av is the averaged Coulomb interaction in 5f shell, we set it to be zero
    # It doesn't matter here because we are doing single atomic calculation with fixed 5f occupancy.
    Uf_av = 0.0
    # F0_ff is split into two parts: (1) Uf_av, (2) related to F2_f, F4_f, F6_f
    F0_ff = Uf_av + edrixs.get_F0('f', F2_ff, F4_ff, F6_ff)

    F2_fd, F4_fd = 10.652 * 0.6, 6.850 * 0.6
    G1_fd, G3_fd, G5_fd = 12.555 * 0.6, 7.768 * 0.6, 5.544 * 0.6
    Ufd_av = 0.0
    F0_fd = Ufd_av + edrixs.get_F0('fd', G1_fd, G3_fd, G5_fd)
    slater = (
        [F0_ff, F2_ff, F4_ff, F6_ff],  # Initial
        [F0_ff, F2_ff, F4_ff, F6_ff, F0_fd, F2_fd, F4_fd, G1_fd, G3_fd, G5_fd]   # Intermediate

    # Spin-Orbit Coupling (SOC) zeta
    # 5f, without core-hole, from Cowan's code
    zeta_f_i = 0.261 * 0.9
    # 5f, with core-hole, from Cowan's code
    zeta_f_n = 0.274 * 0.9
# Slater parameters
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Here we want to use Hund's interaction 
# :math:`J_H` and spin orbit coupling :math:`\lambda` as adjustable parameters
# to match experiment. We will take
# the core hole interaction parameter from the Hartree Fock numbers EDRIXS has
# in its database. These need to be converted and arranged into the order
# required by EDRIXS.
Ud = 2
JH = 0.25
lam = 0.42
F0_d, F2_d, F4_d = edrixs.UdJH_to_F0F2F4(Ud, JH)
info = edrixs.utils.get_atom_data('Ir', '5d', v_noccu, edge='L3')
G1_dp  = info['slater_n'][5][1]
G3_dp = info['slater_n'][6][1]
F0_dp = edrixs.get_F0('dp', G1_dp, G3_dp)
F2_dp = info['slater_n'][4][1]

slater_i = [F0_d, F2_d, F4_d]   # Fk for d
slater_n = [
    F0_d, F2_d, F4_d,   # Fk for d
    F0_dp, F2_dp,        # Fk for dp
    G1_dp, G3_dp,        # Gk for dp
    0.0, 0.0           # Fk for p
slater = [slater_i, slater_n]
v_soc = (lam, lam)

# Diagonalization
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Do exact diagonalization of a f electronic system with 14 orbitals.

    You can change noccu to play with it.
    # number of orbitals
    norbs = 14

    # number of occupancy, change this number and re-run it to see how it will change.
    noccu = 7

    # Slater integrals: FX, x=0, 2, 4, 2*3=6
    F2_f, F4_f, F6_f = 9.711 * 0.77, 6.364 * 0.77, 4.677 * 0.77
    # set the average Coulomb interaction energy Uf_ave to zero
    Uf_av = 0.0
    F0_f = Uf_av + edrixs.get_F0('f', F2_f, F4_f, F6_f)
    # get rank-4 Coulomb U-tensor
    params = [F0_f, F2_f, F4_f, F6_f]
    umat_i = edrixs.get_umat_slater('f', *params)
    # SOC strength
    zeta_f_i = 0.261 * 0.9
    hsoc_i = edrixs.atom_hsoc('f', zeta_f_i)

    # prepare files for ed.x
    # write control parameters to file
def get_hopping_coulomb(locaxis):
    # Number of orbitals for each site
    ndorb, nporb = 6, 4
    # Number of sites
    nsite = 2
    # Total number of orbitals
    ntot = nsite * (ndorb + nporb)
    # orbital orders:
    # 0-5:    1st-site-t2g
    # 6-11:   2nd-site-t2g
    # 12-15:  1st-site-2p
    # 16-19:  2nd-site-2p

    # On-site Coulomb interaction tensor
    U, J = 2.0, 0.3
    Ud, JH = edrixs.UJ_to_UdJH(U, J)
    F0_dd, F2_dd, F4_dd = edrixs.UdJH_to_F0F2F4(Ud, JH)  # k=0, 2, 2*l

    G1_dp, G3_dp = 0.957, 0.569  # k=|2-1|, |2+1|
    F0_dp, F2_dp = edrixs.get_F0('dp', G1_dp,
                                 G3_dp), 1.107  # k=0, min(2*2, 2*1)

    # just one site t2g-subspace
    umat_tmp_i = edrixs.get_umat_slater('t2g', F0_dd, F2_dd, F4_dd)

    params = [
        F4_dd,  # FX for dd
        F2_dp,  # FX for dp
        G3_dp,  # GX for dp
        0  # FX for pp
    # just one site
    umat_tmp_n = edrixs.get_umat_slater('t2gp32', *params)  # 2p_3/2 -> t2g

    # static core-hole potential
    static_v = 2.0
    for i in range(0, ndorb):
        for j in range(ndorb, ndorb + nporb):
            umat_tmp_n[i, j, j, i] += static_v

    # two sites as a whole
    umat_i = np.zeros((ntot, ntot, ntot, ntot), dtype=np.complex)
    umat_n = np.zeros((ntot, ntot, ntot, ntot), dtype=np.complex)

    umat_i[0:ndorb, 0:ndorb, 0:ndorb,
           0:ndorb] = umat_tmp_i  # 1st site 5d-valence
    umat_i[ndorb:2 * ndorb, ndorb:2 * ndorb, ndorb:2 * ndorb,
           ndorb:2 * ndorb] = umat_tmp_i  # 2nd site 5d-valence

    indx = np.array([
            5,  # orbital indices for 1st site 5d-t2g
        ],  # orbital indices for 1st site 2p-core
            11,  # orbital indices for 2nd site 5d-t2g
        ]  # orbital indices for 2nd site 2p-core
    # copy umat_tmp_n (one site) to umat_n (two sites)
    ndp = ndorb + nporb
    for m in range(nsite):
        for i in range(ndp):
            for j in range(ndp):
                for k in range(ndp):
                    for l in range(ndp):
                        umat_n[indx[m, i], indx[m, j], indx[m, k],
                               indx[m, l]] += umat_tmp_n[i, j, k, l]

    # two fermion terms, SOC, crystal field, and hopping between the two sites
    emat_i = np.zeros((ntot, ntot), dtype=np.complex)
    emat_n = np.zeros((ntot, ntot), dtype=np.complex)

    # SOC
    zeta_d_i = 0.35
    soc_d = edrixs.atom_hsoc('t2g', zeta_d_i)

    emat_i[0:ndorb, 0:ndorb] += soc_d
    emat_i[ndorb:2 * ndorb, ndorb:2 * ndorb] += soc_d

    emat_n[0:ndorb, 0:ndorb] += soc_d
    emat_n[ndorb:2 * ndorb, ndorb:2 * ndorb] += soc_d

    # Terms from static core-hole potential
    for i in range(2 * ndorb):
        emat_n[i, i] -= nporb * static_v

    # Crystal field and hoppings between the two Ir-sites
    d = -0.03  # trgional splitting in t2g-subspace

    # Uncomment the following line to do calculation without hopping and crystal filed splitting.
    t1, t2 = -0.18, 0.036  # hopping between the two-sites in t2g-subspace

    cf_tmp = np.array([  # dzx_1, dzy_1,  dxy_1,    dzx_2, dzy_2,  dxy_2
        [0, d, d, t1, t2, t1],  # dzx_1
        [d, 0, d, t2, t1, t1],  # dzy_1
        [d, d, 0, t1, t1, t2],  # dxy_1
        [t1, t2, t1, 0, d, d],  # dzx_2
        [t2, t1, t1, d, 0, d],  # dzy_2
        [t1, t1, t2, d, d, 0],  # dxy_2
    # Including spin degree of freedom, in global axis
    cf_spin = np.zeros((2 * ndorb, 2 * ndorb), dtype=np.complex)
    cf_spin[0:2 * ndorb:2, 0:2 * ndorb:2] = cf_tmp
    cf_spin[1:2 * ndorb:2, 1:2 * ndorb:2] = cf_tmp

    # Transform spin basis to local axis
    # 1/2-spinor matrix
    t_spinor = np.zeros((2 * ndorb, 2 * ndorb), dtype=np.complex128)
    for i in range(nsite):
        alpha, beta, gamma = edrixs.rmat_to_euler(locaxis[i])
        dmat = edrixs.dmat_spinor(alpha, beta, gamma)
        for j in range(ndorb // 2):
            off = i * ndorb + j * 2
            t_spinor[off:off + 2, off:off + 2] = dmat

    # Transform orbital basis from real cubic to complex harmonics
    t_orb = np.zeros((2 * ndorb, 2 * ndorb), dtype=np.complex128)
    t_orb[0:ndorb, 0:ndorb] = edrixs.tmat_r2c('t2g', True)
    t_orb[ndorb:2 * ndorb, ndorb:2 * ndorb] = edrixs.tmat_r2c('t2g', True)
    # Do the tranformation
    cf_spin[:, :] = edrixs.cb_op(cf_spin, np.dot(t_spinor, t_orb))

    emat_i[0:2 * ndorb, 0:2 * ndorb] += cf_spin
    emat_n[0:2 * ndorb, 0:2 * ndorb] += cf_spin

    # Write emat and umat to files
    # ED inputs
    edrixs.write_emat(emat_i, "ed/hopping_i.in")
    edrixs.write_umat(umat_i, "ed/coulomb_i.in")

    # XAS inputs
    edrixs.write_emat(emat_n, "xas/hopping_n.in")
    edrixs.write_umat(umat_n, "xas/coulomb_n.in")

    # RIXS inputs
    edrixs.write_emat(emat_i, "rixs_pp/hopping_i.in")
    edrixs.write_umat(umat_i, "rixs_pp/coulomb_i.in")
    edrixs.write_emat(emat_n, "rixs_pp/hopping_n.in")
    edrixs.write_umat(umat_n, "rixs_pp/coulomb_n.in")

    edrixs.write_emat(emat_i, "rixs_ps/hopping_i.in")
    edrixs.write_umat(umat_i, "rixs_ps/coulomb_i.in")
    edrixs.write_emat(emat_n, "rixs_ps/hopping_n.in")
    edrixs.write_umat(umat_n, "rixs_ps/coulomb_n.in")