Esempio n. 1
 def getTeacgerByXueKe(self, param):
     sql_num = "SELECT count(*) as num from (select id from teacher_dis_code where discipline_code=%s) a left join teacher b on"
     sql = "SELECT a.*,b.age,,b.theme from (select id,name,school,institution,selected,time from teacher_dis_code where discipline_code=%s) a left join teacher b on order by a.selected desc,a.time desc limit %s,%s"
     s = dbs.getDics(sql, (param['field'], param['pPageNum'] *
                           (param['page'] - 1), param['pPageNum']))
     n = dbs.getDics(sql_num, (param['field'], ))
     return {"result": s, "num": n[0]["num"]}
Esempio n. 2
 def get_theme(self, params):
     # 从计算后的theme_year_new表中获取数据
     sql_0 = "select * from theme_year_cr where author_id=%s"
     sql_2 = "SELECT theme FROM `theme_year_cr` WHERE author_id=%s GROUP BY theme"
     data_result = dbs.getDics(sql_0, params)
     themelist = dbs.getDics(sql_2, params)
     return data_result, themelist
Esempio n. 3
 def getMessage(self, params):
     sql_num = 'SELECT count(*) as num FROM `messages` a LEFT JOIN user b on  a.user=b.account'
     sql = 'SELECT a.*,b.account,b.username FROM `messages` a LEFT JOIN user b on  a.user=b.account order by time desc limit %s,%s'
     param = (params['pPageNum'] * (params['page'] - 1), params['pPageNum'])
     s = dbs.getDics(sql, param)
     n = dbs.getDics(sql_num)
     return {"result": s, "num": n[0]["num"]}
Esempio n. 4
 def getUsers(self, params):
     sql_num = 'SELECT count(*) as num from (select a.account,a.username,b.lastlogin from user a left join (SELECT value,max(time) as lastlogin FROM `records` where type="登陆" GROUP BY value) b on a.account=b.value) c join (SELECT value,time  FROM `records` where type="注册" ) d on c.account=d.value'
     sql = 'SELECT c.*,d.time as register from (select a.account,a.username,b.lastlogin from user a left join (SELECT value,max(time) as lastlogin FROM `records` where type="登陆" GROUP BY value) b on a.account=b.value) c join (SELECT value,time  FROM `records` where type="注册" ) d on c.account=d.value limit %s,%s'
     param = (params['pPageNum'] * (params['page'] - 1), params['pPageNum'])
     s = dbs.getDics(sql, param)
     n = dbs.getDics(sql_num)
     return {"result": s, "num": n[0]["num"]}
Esempio n. 5
 def get_theme(self, params):
     # 从计算后的theme_year_new表中获取数据
     sql_0 = "select year, theme, paper_num from theme_year_new where author_id=%s"
     sql_2 = "SELECT DISTINCT theme " \
             "FROM theme_year " \
             "WHERE author_id=%s"
     data_result = dbs.getDics(sql_0, params)
     theme_result = dbs.getDics(sql_2, params)
     return theme_result, data_result
Esempio n. 6
 def get_discipline(self, id):
     d_sql = "SELECT xueke1, xueke2, level FROM discipline where school=%s"
     if not id.isdigit():
         sql = "SELECT id FROM school_info where name=%s"
         info_result = dbs.getDics(sql, id)
         if not info_result:
             return None
         id = info_result[0]["id"]
     result = dbs.getDics(d_sql, id)
     return result
Esempio n. 7
 def get_important_discipline(self, id):
     d_sql = "SELECT code, name FROM discipline_school where school_id=%s"
     if not id.isdigit():
         sql = "SELECT id FROM school_info where name=%s"
         info_result = dbs.getDics(sql, id)
         if not info_result:
             return None
         id = info_result[0]["id"]
     result = dbs.getDics(d_sql, id)
     return result
Esempio n. 8
 def getNeedTopicByTopic(self, params):
     params = ('%' + params[0] + '%', )
     sql = "SELECT * FROM need_topic where topic like %s"
     radar_result = dbs.getDics(sql, params)
     if len(radar_result) == 0:
         return []
     return radar_result
Esempio n. 9
 def get_info(self, params):
     if params.isdigit():
         sql = "SELECT * FROM school_info where id=%s"
         sql = "SELECT * FROM school_info where name=%s"
     info_result = dbs.getDics(sql, params)
     return info_result
Esempio n. 10
    def get_teacher(self, params):

        if params is list:
            params = str(params)
            sql = "select id, name, theme, title, institution, pic from teacher where (name, school) in %s"
            sql = "select id, name, theme, title, institution, pic from teacher where school = %s limit 6"
        data_result = dbs.getDics(sql, params)
        return data_result
Esempio n. 11
 def get_single_axis(self, params):
     # 从计算后的theme_year_new表中获取数据
     sql_0 = "select * from theme_single_axis where author_id=%s"
     data_result = dbs.getDics(sql_0, params)
     return data_result
Esempio n. 12
 def get_paper(self, params):
     sql = "SELECT `name`,author,org,`year`,cited_num,abstract FROM `paper_expertpage` WHERE author_id=%s;"
     info_result = dbs.getDics(sql, params)
     return info_result
Esempio n. 13
 def getField(self):
     sql = 'SELECT  a.*,b.`name`,b.selected from (SELECT discipline_code ,count(*) as num FROM `teacher_dis_code` GROUP BY discipline_code) a join discipline_new b on a.discipline_code=b.`code` ORDER BY  time desc'
     s = dbs.getDics(sql)
     return s
Esempio n. 14
 def getHotSearch(self,param):
     sql = "select value,sum(num) as sum from statistics where type=%s GROUP BY value order by sum desc limit %s,%s"
     return r
Esempio n. 15
 def getSearchResult(self, sql, params):
     re = dbs.getDics(sql)
     return self.getDateSet(re, params)
Esempio n. 16
 def getRecord(self):
     sql="SELECT count(*) as num,type,value FROM `records` where TO_DAYS(time) = TO_DAYS(NOW())-1 GROUP BY type,value "
     re= dbs.getDics(sql)
     return re
Esempio n. 17
 def get_infosByIds(self, params):
     sql = "SELECT * FROM teacher where id in " + params
     info_result = dbs.getDics(sql)
     return info_result
Esempio n. 18
 def get_ego(self, params):
     sql = "SELECT * FROM ego_network where author_id=%s order by w desc limit 0,50"
     ego_result = dbs.getDics(sql, params)
     return ego_result
Esempio n. 19
 def getFieldTeacher(self):
     sql = "SELECT c.*,,,d.institution,d.theme,d.title from (select a.codeName,a.time, from (SELECT code,time,name as codeName FROM `discipline_new` where selected=1 ORDER BY time desc) a LEFT JOIN teacher_dis_code b on b.selected=1 and a.`code`=b.discipline_code ORDER BY a.time desc,b.time desc) c LEFT JOIN teacher d on"
     s = dbs.getDics(sql)
     return s
Esempio n. 20
 def getUserByAccount(self, params):
     sql = "SELECT * FROM user where account=%s"
     s = dbs.getDics(sql, params)
     return s
Esempio n. 21
 def get_school_info(self, params):
     sql = "SELECT * FROM school_info where characteristic=%s limit 4"
     info_result = dbs.getDics(sql, params)
     return info_result
Esempio n. 22
 def get_Record(self, params):
     sql = "SELECT * FROM `records` WHERE user=%s AND type='登陆' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 0,5"
     info_result = dbs.getDics(sql, params)
     return info_result
Esempio n. 23
 def get_topics(self, params):
     # 画词云用
     sql_0 = "select topics from teacher where id=%s"
     data_result = dbs.getDics(sql_0, params)
     return data_result
Esempio n. 24
 def selectByTypeAndDate(self,param):
     sql="select value,sum(num) as sum from statistics where type=%s and date between %s and %s GROUP BY value"
     return r
Esempio n. 25
 def get_paperbar(self, params):
     # 画历年成果数用
     sql_0 = "select * from paper_bar where id=%s"
     data_result = dbs.getDics(sql_0, params)
     return data_result
Esempio n. 26
 def selectByTypeAndDateOrderByDate(self,param):
     sql="select * from statistics where type=%s and date between %s and %s order BY date"
     return r
Esempio n. 27
 def get_info(self, params):
     sql = "SELECT * FROM teacher where id=%s"
     info_result = dbs.getDics(sql, params)
     return info_result
Esempio n. 28
 def selectIPwhereLocationisNull(self):
     sql = "select id,ip from records where location='' or location is Null"
     r = dbs.getDics(sql)
     return r
Esempio n. 29
 def get_radar(self, params):
     sql = "SELECT * FROM radar where author_id=%s"
     radar_result = dbs.getDics(sql, params)
     return radar_result[0]
Esempio n. 30
 def get_infosByIds(self, params):
     sql = "SELECT * FROM platform where id = " + str(params)
     info_result = dbs.getDics(sql)
     return info_result