Esempio n. 1
    def walk(subtree, posinfo=PosInfo(text=0, edu=0)):
        walk down first-cut tree, counting span info and returning a
        fancier tree along the way
        if isinstance(subtree, Tree):
            start = copy.copy(posinfo)
            children = []
            nuc_kids = []
            for kid in subtree:
                tree, posinfo, nuc_kid = walk(kid, posinfo)
            nuclearity = ''.join(x for x in nuc_kids)

            match = _lw_type_re.match(treenode(subtree))
            if not match:
                raise RSTTreeException("Missing nuclearity annotation in " +
            nuc ="nuc")
            rel ="rel") or "leaf"
            edu_span = (, - 1)
            span = Span(start.text, posinfo.text)
            node = Node(nuclearity, edu_span, span, rel)
            return SimpleRSTTree(node, children), posinfo, nuc
            text = subtree
            start = posinfo.text
            end = start + len(text)
            posinfo2 = PosInfo(text=end, + 1)
            return EDU(, Span(start, end), text), posinfo2, "leaf"
Esempio n. 2
def _postprocess(tree, start=0, edu_start=1):
    Helper function: Convert the NLTK-parsed representation of an RST tree
    to one using educe-style Standoff objects
    if isinstance(tree, Tree):
        children = []
        position = start - 1  # compensate for virtual whitespace added below
        node = _parse_node(treenode(tree), Span(-1, -1))
        edu_start2 = node.edu_span[0]

        for child_ in tree:
            # (NB: +1 to add virtual whitespace between EDUs)
            child = _postprocess(child_, position + 1, edu_start2)
            # pylint: disable=E1101
            child_sp = _tree_span(child)
            # pylint: enable=E1101
            position = child_sp.char_end

        node.span = Span(start, position)
        return RSTTree(node, children)
        if tree.startswith("["):
            return _parse_edu(tree[1:-1], edu_start, start)
            raise RSTTreeException("ERROR in rst tree format for leaf : ",
Esempio n. 3
 def assertOverlap(self, expected, pair1, pair2, **kwargs):
     "true if `pair1.overlaps(pair2) == expected` (modulo boxing)"
     (x1, y1) = pair1
     (x2, y2) = pair2
     (rx, ry) = expected
     o = Span(x1, y1).overlaps(Span(x2, y2), **kwargs)
     self.assertEqual(Span(rx, ry), o)
Esempio n. 4
File: Progetto: fbuijs/educe
def split_doc(doc, middle):
    Given a split point, break a document into two pieces.
    If the split point is None, we take the whole document
    (this is slightly different from having -1 as a split

    Raise an exception if there are any annotations that span the point.

    doc : Document
        The document we want to split.
    middle : int
        Split point.

    doc_prefix : Document
        Deep copy of `doc` restricted to span [:middle]
    doc_suffix : Document
        Deep copy of `doc` restricted to span [middle:] ; the span of each
        annotation is shifted to match the new text.
    doc_len = doc.text_span().char_end
    if middle < 0:
        middle = doc_len + 1 + middle

    def straddles(point, span):
        True if the point is somewhere in the middle of the span
        (sitting at right edge doesn't count).

        Note that this is not the same as checking for enclosure
        because we do not include the rightward edge
        if span is None:
            return False
        return span.char_start < point and span.char_end > point

    leftovers = [
        x for x in doc.annotations() if straddles(middle, x.text_span())

    if leftovers:
        oops = ("Can't split document [{origin}] at {middle} because it is "
                "straddled by the following annotations:\n"
                "Either split at a different place or remove the annotations")
        leftovers = [' * %s %s' % (x.text_span(), x) for x in leftovers]
        raise StacDocException(

    prefix = Span(0, middle)
    suffix = Span(middle, doc_len)
    return narrow_to_span(doc, prefix), narrow_to_span(doc, suffix)
Esempio n. 5
    def test_simple_align(self):
        "trivial token realignment"

        tokens = ["a", "bb", "ccc"]
        text = "a bb    ccc"
        spans = list(generic_token_spans(text, tokens))
        expected = [Span(0, 1),
                    Span(2, 4),
                    Span(8, 11)]
        self.assertEquals(expected, spans)
Esempio n. 6
    def test_messy_align(self):
        "ignore whitespace in token"

        tokens = ["a", "b b", "c c c"]
        text = "a bb    ccc"
        spans = list(generic_token_spans(text, tokens))
        expected = [Span(0, 1),
                    Span(2, 4),
                    Span(8, 11)]
        self.assertEquals(expected, spans)
Esempio n. 7
def _actually_split(tcache, doc, dialogue, turn):
    """Split the dialogue before the given turn.
    dspan = dialogue.text_span()
    tspan = turn.text_span()
    span1 = Span(dspan.char_start, tspan.char_start - 1)
    span2 = Span(tspan.char_start - 1, dspan.char_end)
    dialogue1 = dialogue
    dialogue2 = copy.deepcopy(dialogue)
    _set(tcache, span1, dialogue1)
    _set(tcache, span2, dialogue2)
    dialogue2.features = {}
Esempio n. 8
def generic_token_spans(text, tokens, offset=0, txtfn=None):
    Given a string and a sequence of substrings within than string,
    infer a span for each of the substrings.

    We do this spans by walking the text and the tokens we consume
    substrings and skipping over any whitespace (including that
    which is within the tokens). For this to work, the substring
    sequence must be identical to the text modulo whitespace.

    Spans are relative to the start of the string itself, but can be
    shifted by passing an offset (the start of the original string's
    span). Empty tokens are accepted but have a zero-length span.

    Note: this function is lazy so you can use it incrementally
    provided you can generate the tokens lazily too

    You probably want `token_spans` instead; this function is meant
    to be used for similar tasks outside of pos tagging

    :param txtfn: function to extract text from a token (default None,
                  treated as identity function)
    txt_iter = ifilterfalse(lambda x: x[1].isspace(), enumerate(text))
    txtfn = txtfn or (lambda x: x)
    last = offset  # for corner case of empty tokens
    for token in tokens:
        tok_chars = list(ifilterfalse(lambda x: x.isspace(), txtfn(token)))
        if not tok_chars:
            yield Span(last, last)
        prefix = list(islice(txt_iter, len(tok_chars)))
        if not prefix:
            msg = "Too many tokens (current: %s)" % txtfn(token)
            raise EducePosTagException(msg)
        last = prefix[-1][0] + 1 + offset
        span = Span(prefix[0][0] + offset, last)
        pretty_prefix = text[span.char_start:span.char_end]
        # check the text prefix to make sure we have the same
        # non-whitespace characters
        for txt_pair, tok_char in zip(prefix, tok_chars):
            idx, txt_char = txt_pair
            if txt_char != tok_char:
                msg = "token mismatch at char %d (%s vs %s)\n"\
                    % (idx, txt_char, tok_char)\
                    + " token: [%s]\n" % token\
                    + " text:  [%s]" % pretty_prefix
                raise EducePosTagException(msg)
        yield span
Esempio n. 9
def _load_rst_wsj_corpus_text_file_wsj(f):
    """Actually do load"""
    text =

    start = 0
    sent_id = 0
    output_sents = []
    output_paras = []
    for para_id, paragraph in enumerate(text.split(WSJ_SEP_PARA)):
        para_sents = []
        for sentence in paragraph.split(WSJ_SEP_SENT):
            end = start + len(sentence)
            # NEW: remove trailing white space
            rws = len(sentence) - len(sentence.rstrip())
            if rws:
                end -= rws
            # end NEW
            if end > start:
                para_sents.append(Sentence(sent_id, Span(start, end)))
                sent_id += 1
            start = end + rws + 1  # + 1 for + len(WSJ_SEP_SENT)
        output_paras.append(Paragraph(para_id, para_sents))
        start += 2  # whitespace and second newline

    return text, output_sents, output_paras
Esempio n. 10
class Token(RawToken, Standoff):
    A token with a part of speech tag and some character offsets
    associated with it.
    def __init__(self, tok, span):
        RawToken.__init__(self, tok.word, tok.tag)
        self.span = span

    def __str__(self):
        return '%s\t%s' % (RawToken.__str__(self), self.span)

    def __unicode__(self):
        return '%s\t%s' % (RawToken.__unicode__(self), self.span)

    # left padding Token
    _lpad_word = '__START__'
    _lpad_tag = '__START__'
    _lpad_span = Span(0, 0)

    def left_padding(cls):
        "Return a special Token for left padding"
        return Token(RawToken(cls._lpad_word, cls._lpad_tag), cls._lpad_span)
Esempio n. 11
def token_spans(text, tokens, offset=0):
    Given a string and a sequence of RawToken representing tokens
    in that string, infer the span for each token.  Return the
    results as a sequence of Token objects.

    We infer these spans by walking the text as we consume tokens,
    and skipping over any whitespace in between. For this to work,
    the raw token text must be identical to the text modulo whitespace.

    Spans are relative to the start of the string itself, but can be
    shifted by passing an offset (the start of the original string's
    token_words = [tok.word for tok in tokens]
    spans = generic_token_spans(text, token_words, offset)
    res = [Token(tok, span) for tok, span in zip(tokens, spans)]

    # sanity checks that should be moved to tests
    for orig_tok, new_tok in zip(tokens, res):
        span = Span(new_tok.span.char_start - offset,
                    new_tok.span.char_end - offset)
        snippet = text[span.char_start:span.char_end]
        assert snippet == new_tok.word
        assert orig_tok.word == new_tok.word
        assert orig_tok.tag == new_tok.tag
    return res
Esempio n. 12
def shift_span(span, updates, stretch_right=False):
    Given a span and an updates tuple, return a Span
    that is shifted over to reflect the updates

    span: Span
    updates: Updates
    stretch_right : boolean, optional
        If True, stretch the right boundary of an annotation that buts up
        against the left of a new annotation. This is recommended for
        annotations that should fully cover a given span, like dialogues
        for documents.

    span: Span

    See also
    shift_char: for details on how this works
    start = shift_char(span.char_start, updates)
    if stretch_right:
        end = shift_char(span.char_end, updates)
        # this is to avoid spurious overstretching of the right
        # boundary of an annotation that buts up against the
        # left of a new annotation
        end = 1 + shift_char(span.char_end - 1, updates)
    return Span(start, end)
Esempio n. 13
def approximate_cover(elts, tgt):
    """Returns True if elts covers tgt's span.

    This is approximate because we only check that:
    * the first and last elements respectively begin and end at the
      extremities of tgt.span,
    * consecutive elements don't overlap.

    Because of the second item, we assume that elts has been sorted
    by span.

    elts : sorted list of Annotation
        Sequence of elements
    tgt : Annotation
        Target annotation

    res : boolean
        True if elts approximately cover tgt.span
    span_seq = Span(elts[0].span.char_start, elts[-1].span.char_end)
    res = (span_eq(span_seq, tgt.text_span(), eps=1) and all(
        elt_cur.overlaps(elt_nxt) is None
        for elt_cur, elt_nxt in zip(elts[:-1], elts[1:])))
    return res
Esempio n. 14
def main(args):
    Subcommand main.

    You shouldn't need to call this yourself if you're using
    corpus = read_corpus_with_unannotated(args)
    tcache = TimestampCache()
    output_dir = get_output_dir(args, default_overwrite=True)
    commit_info = None
    for k in corpus:
        old_doc = corpus[k]
        new_doc = copy.deepcopy(old_doc)
        span = Span.merge_all(args.spans)
        _split_edu(tcache, k, new_doc, args.spans)
        diffs = _mini_diff(k, old_doc, new_doc, span)
        print("\n".join(diffs).encode('utf-8'), file=sys.stderr)
        save_document(output_dir, k, new_doc)
        # for commit message generation
        commit_info = CommitInfo(key=k,
    if commit_info and not args.no_commit_msg:
Esempio n. 15
def main(args):
    Subcommand main.

    You shouldn't need to call this yourself if you're using
    corpus = read_corpus_with_unannotated(args)
    tcache = TimestampCache()
    output_dir = get_output_dir(args, default_overwrite=True)
    commit_info = None
    for k in corpus:
        old_doc = corpus[k]
        new_doc = copy.deepcopy(old_doc)
        span = Span.merge_all(args.spans)
        _split_edu(tcache, k, new_doc, args.spans)
        diffs = _mini_diff(k, old_doc, new_doc, span)
        print("\n".join(diffs).encode('utf-8'), file=sys.stderr)
        save_document(output_dir, k, new_doc)
        # for commit message generation
        commit_info = CommitInfo(key=k,
    if commit_info and not args.no_commit_msg:
Esempio n. 16
def _dialogues_in_turns(corpus, turn1, turn2):
    Given a pair of turns

    # grab a document from the set (assumption here is that
    # they are all morally the same doc)
    if not corpus.values():
        sys.exit("No documents selected")
    doc = corpus.values()[0]

    starting_turn = get_turn(turn1, doc)
    ending_turn = get_turn(turn2, doc)

    # there's a bit of fuzz for whitespace before/after the
    # turns
    span = Span(starting_turn.text_span().char_start - 1,
                ending_turn.text_span().char_end + 1)

    def is_in_range(anno):
        If the annotation is a dialogue that is covered by the
        turns in question
        return is_dialogue(anno) and span.encloses(anno.span)

    return [
        anno_id_to_tuple(x.local_id()) for x in doc.annotations()
        if is_in_range(x)
Esempio n. 17
def merge_turn_stars(doc):
    """Return a copy of the document in which consecutive turns
    by the same speaker have been merged.

    Merging is done by taking the first turn in grouping of
    consecutive speaker turns, and stretching its span over all
    the subsequent turns.

    Additionally turn prefix text (containing turn numbers and
    speakers) from the removed turns are stripped out.
    def prefix_span(turn):
        "given a turn annotation, return the span of its prefix"
        prefix, _ = split_turn_text(doc.text(turn.text_span()))
        start = turn.text_span().char_start
        return start, start + len(prefix)

    doc = copy.deepcopy(doc)
    dialogues = sorted([x for x in doc.units if is_dialogue(x)],
                       key=lambda x: x.text_span())
    rejects = []  # spans for the "deleted" turns' prefixes
    for dia in dialogues:
        dia_turns = sorted(turns_in_span(doc, dia.text_span()),
                           key=lambda x: x.text_span())
        for _, turns in itr.groupby(dia_turns, anno_speaker):
            turns = list(turns)
            tstar = turns[0]
            tstar.span = Span.merge_all(x.text_span() for x in turns)
            for anno in turns[1:]:
    # pylint: disable=protected-access
    doc._text = _blank_out(doc._text, [prefix_span(x) for x in rejects])
    # pylint: enable=protected-access
    return doc
Esempio n. 18
def merge_turn_stars(doc):
    """Return a copy of the document in which consecutive turns
    by the same speaker have been merged.

    Merging is done by taking the first turn in grouping of
    consecutive speaker turns, and stretching its span over all
    the subsequent turns.

    Additionally turn prefix text (containing turn numbers and
    speakers) from the removed turns are stripped out.
    def prefix_span(turn):
        "given a turn annotation, return the span of its prefix"
        prefix, _ = split_turn_text(doc.text(turn.text_span()))
        start = turn.text_span().char_start
        return start, start + len(prefix)

    doc = copy.deepcopy(doc)
    dialogues = sorted([x for x in doc.units if is_dialogue(x)],
                       key=lambda x: x.text_span())
    rejects = []  # spans for the "deleted" turns' prefixes
    for dia in dialogues:
        dia_turns = sorted(turns_in_span(doc, dia.text_span()),
                           key=lambda x: x.text_span())
        for _, turns in itr.groupby(dia_turns, anno_speaker):
            turns = list(turns)
            tstar = turns[0]
            tstar.span = Span.merge_all(x.text_span() for x in turns)
            for anno in turns[1:]:
    # pylint: disable=protected-access
    doc._text = _blank_out(doc._text, [prefix_span(x) for x in rejects])
    # pylint: enable=protected-access
    return doc
Esempio n. 19
def _mk_token(ttoken, span):
    Convert a tweaked token and the span it's been aligned with
    into a proper Token object.
    if ttoken.offset != 0:
        span = Span(span.char_start + ttoken.offset, span.char_end)
    return Token(ttoken, span)
Esempio n. 20
    def anno(doc, prefix, tspan):
        "pad text segment as needed"

        prefix_t = "..."\
            if tspan.char_start + len(prefix) < info.span.char_start\
            else ""
        myspan = Span(info.span.char_start, tspan.char_end)
        return "".join([prefix, prefix_t, annotate_doc(doc, span=myspan)])
Esempio n. 21
File: Progetto: tjane/educe
def compute_updates(src_doc, tgt_doc, matches):
    """Return updates that would need to be made on the target

    Given matches between the source and target document, return span
    updates along with any source annotations that do not have an
    equivalent in the target document (the latter may indicate that
    resegmentation has taken place, or that there is some kind of problem)

    src_doc : Document
    tgt_doc : Document
    matches : [Match]

    updates: Updates
    res = Updates()

    # case 2 and 5 (to be pruned below)

    # case 1, 2 and 4
    for src, tgt, size in matches:
        tgt_to_src = src - tgt
        res.shift_if_ge[tgt] = tgt_to_src  # case 1 and 2
        src_annos = enclosed(Span(src, src + size), src_doc.units)
        tgt_annos = enclosed(Span(tgt, tgt + size), tgt_doc.units)
        for src_anno in src_annos:
            res.expected_src_only.remove(src_anno)  # prune from case 5
            src_span = src_anno.text_span()
            tgt_equiv = [
                x for x in tgt_annos
                if x.text_span().shift(tgt_to_src) == src_span
            if not tgt_equiv:  # case 4
            for tgt_anno in tgt_equiv:  # prun from case 2
                if tgt_anno in res.abnormal_tgt_only:

    return res
Esempio n. 22
 def __init__(self, node, children, origin=None):
     SearchableTree.__init__(self, node, children)
     Standoff.__init__(self, origin)
     if not children:
         raise Exception("Can't create a tree with no children")
     self.children = children
     start = min(x.span.char_start for x in children)
     end = max(x.span.char_end for x in children)
     self.span = Span(start, end)
Esempio n. 23
 def __init__(self, t, offset, origin=None):
     extent = t['extent']
     word = t['word']
     tag = t['POS']
     span = Span(extent[0], extent[1] + 1).shift(offset)
     postag.Token.__init__(self, postag.RawToken(word, tag), span)
     self.features = copy.copy(t)
     for k in ['s_id', 'word', 'extent', 'POS']:
         del self.features[k]
Esempio n. 24
def _enclosing_turn_span(doc, span):
    Return the span for any turn annotations that enclose this span.
    If none are found, return the span itself
    def is_match(anno):
        "enclosing turn"
        return educe.stac.is_turn(anno) and anno.text_span().encloses(span)
    spans = [span] + [u.text_span() for u in doc.units if is_match(u)]
    return Span.merge_all(spans)
Esempio n. 25
 def __init__(self, node, children, link, origin=None):
     SearchableTree.__init__(self, node, children)
     Standoff.__init__(self, origin)
     nodes = children
     if not self.is_root():
     start = min(x.span.char_start for x in nodes)
     end = max(x.span.char_end for x in nodes) = link
     self.span = Span(start, end)
     self.origin = origin
Esempio n. 26
def _enclosing_turn_span(doc, span):
    Return the span for any turn annotations that enclose this span.
    If none are found, return the span itself
    def is_match(anno):
        "enclosing turn"
        return educe.stac.is_turn(anno) and anno.text_span().encloses(span)

    spans = [span] + [u.text_span() for u in doc.units if is_match(u)]
    return Span.merge_all(spans)
Esempio n. 27
def _recompute_spans(tree, context):
    Recalculate tree node spans from the bottom up
    (helper for _align_with_context)
    if isinstance(tree, Tree):
        spans = []
        for child in tree:
            _recompute_spans(child, context)
        treenode(tree).span = Span.merge_all(spans)
        treenode(tree).context = context
Esempio n. 28
def _recompute_spans(tree, context):
    Recalculate tree node spans from the bottom up
    (helper for _align_with_context)
    if isinstance(tree, Tree):
        spans = []
        for child in tree:
            _recompute_spans(child, context)
        treenode(tree).span = Span.merge_all(spans)
        treenode(tree).context = context
Esempio n. 29
def _split_edu(tcache, k, doc, spans):
    Find the edu covered by these spans and do the split
    # seek edu
    big_span = Span.merge_all(spans)
    matches = [x for x in doc.units
               if x.text_span() == big_span and educe.stac.is_edu(x)]
    if not matches and k.stage != 'discourse':
        print("No matches found in %s" % k, file=sys.stderr)
    elif not matches:
        _tweak_presplit(tcache, doc, spans)
        _actually_split(tcache, doc, spans, matches[0])
Esempio n. 30
def _split_edu(tcache, k, doc, spans):
    Find the edu covered by these spans and do the split
    # seek edu
    big_span = Span.merge_all(spans)
    matches = [
        x for x in doc.units
        if x.text_span() == big_span and educe.stac.is_edu(x)
    if not matches and k.stage != 'discourse':
        print("No matches found in %s" % k, file=sys.stderr)
    elif not matches:
        _tweak_presplit(tcache, doc, spans)
        _actually_split(tcache, doc, spans, matches[0])
Esempio n. 31
def main(args):
    """Subcommand main.

    You shouldn't need to call this yourself if you're using
    output_dir = get_output_dir(args, default_overwrite=True)

    # locate insertion site: target document
    reader = educe.stac.Reader(args.corpus)
    tgt_files = reader.filter(reader.files(), is_requested(args))
    tgt_corpus = reader.slurp(tgt_files)

    # TODO mark units with FIXME, optionally delete in/out relations
    span = args.span
    sub_text = args.sub_text
    minor = args.minor
    # store before/after
    annos_before = []
    annos_after = []
    for tgt_k, tgt_doc in tgt_corpus.items():
        annos_before.append(annotate_doc(tgt_doc, span=span))
        # process
        new_tgt_doc = replace_text_at_span(tgt_doc,
        # WIP new_span, depends on the offset
        offset = len(sub_text) - (span.char_end - span.char_start)
        new_span = Span(span.char_start, span.char_end + offset)
        # end WIP
        annos_after.append(annotate_doc(new_tgt_doc, span=new_span))
        # show diff and save doc
        diffs = [
            "======= REPLACE TEXT IN %s   ========" % tgt_k,
            show_diff(tgt_doc, new_tgt_doc)
        print("\n".join(diffs).encode('utf-8'), file=sys.stderr)
        save_document(output_dir, tgt_k, new_tgt_doc)
    # commit message
    tgt_k, tgt_doc = list(tgt_corpus.items())[0]
    anno_str_before = annos_before[0]
    anno_str_after = annos_after[0]
    if tgt_k and not args.no_commit_msg:
        print(commit_msg(tgt_k, anno_str_before, anno_str_after))
Esempio n. 32
def _actually_merge(tcache, edus, doc):
    Given a timestamp cache, a document and a collection of edus,
    replace the edus with a single merged edu in the document

    Anything that points to one of the EDUs should point
    instead to the new edu.

    Anything which points exclusively to EDUs in the span
    should be deleted (or signaled?)

    Annotations and features should be merged

    def one_or_join(strs):
        "Return element if singleton, otherwise moosh together"
        strs = [x for x in strs if x is not None]
        return list(strs)[0] if len(strs) == 1\
            else _MERGE_PREFIX + "/".join(strs)

    if not edus:
    new_edu = copy.deepcopy(edus[0])
    new_edu.span = Span.merge_all(x.text_span() for x in edus)
    stamp = tcache.get(new_edu.span)
    set_anno_date(new_edu, stamp)
    set_anno_author(new_edu, _AUTHOR)

    if doc.origin.stage == 'units':
        new_edu.type = one_or_join(frozenset(x.type for x in edus))
        # feature keys for all edus
        all_keys = frozenset(x for edu in edus for x in edu.features.keys())
        for key in all_keys:
            old_values = frozenset(x.features.get(key) for x in edus)
            new_edu.features[key] = one_or_join(old_values)

    # in-place replacement
    for i, _ in enumerate(doc.units):
        if doc.units[i] in edus:
            doc.units[i] = new_edu

    for edu in edus:
        if edu in doc.units:
        retarget(doc, edu.local_id(), new_edu)
Esempio n. 33
    def shift_anno(anno, offset, point):
        """Get a shifted copy of an annotation"""
        anno2 = copy.deepcopy(anno)
        if not isinstance(anno, Unit):
            return anno2

        anno_span = anno2.text_span()
        if anno_span.char_start >= point:
            # if the annotation is entirely after the deletion site,
            # shift the whole span
            anno2.span = anno_span.shift(offset)
        elif anno_span.char_end >= point:
            # if the annotation straddles the substitution site,
            # stretch (shift its end)
            anno2.span = Span(anno_span.char_start,
                              anno_span.char_end + offset)
        return anno2
Esempio n. 34
def _actually_merge(tcache, edus, doc):
    Given a timestamp cache, a document and a collection of edus,
    replace the edus with a single merged edu in the document

    Anything that points to one of the EDUs should point
    instead to the new edu.

    Anything which points exclusively to EDUs in the span
    should be deleted (or signaled?)

    Annotations and features should be merged
    def one_or_join(strs):
        "Return element if singleton, otherwise moosh together"
        strs = [x for x in strs if x is not None]
        return list(strs)[0] if len(strs) == 1\
            else _MERGE_PREFIX + "/".join(strs)

    if not edus:
    new_edu = copy.deepcopy(edus[0])
    new_edu.span = Span.merge_all(x.text_span() for x in edus)
    stamp = tcache.get(new_edu.span)
    set_anno_date(new_edu, stamp)
    set_anno_author(new_edu, _AUTHOR)

    if doc.origin.stage == 'units':
        new_edu.type = one_or_join(frozenset(x.type for x in edus))
        # feature keys for all edus
        all_keys = frozenset(x for edu in edus for x in edu.features.keys())
        for key in all_keys:
            old_values = frozenset(x.features.get(key) for x in edus)
            new_edu.features[key] = one_or_join(old_values)

    # in-place replacement
    for i, _ in enumerate(doc.units):
        if doc.units[i] in edus:
            doc.units[i] = new_edu

    for edu in edus:
        if edu in doc.units:
        retarget(doc, edu.local_id(), new_edu)
Esempio n. 35
def _merge_edus(tcache, span, doc):
    Find any EDUs within the given span in the document
    and merge them into a single one.

    The EDUs should stretch from the beginning to the end of
    the span (gaps OK).

    The output EDU should have the same ID in all documents
    edus = edus_in_span(doc, span)
    if not edus:
        sys.exit("No EDUs in span %s" % span)

    espan = Span.merge_all(x.text_span() for x in edus)
    if espan != span:
        sys.exit("EDUs in do not cover full span %s [only %s]" % (span, espan))
    _actually_merge(tcache, edus, doc)
Esempio n. 36
def _merge_edus(tcache, span, doc):
    Find any EDUs within the given span in the document
    and merge them into a single one.

    The EDUs should stretch from the beginning to the end of
    the span (gaps OK).

    The output EDU should have the same ID in all documents
    edus = edus_in_span(doc, span)
    if not edus:
        sys.exit("No EDUs in span %s" % span)

    espan = Span.merge_all(x.text_span() for x in edus)
    if espan != span:
        sys.exit("EDUs in do not cover full span %s [only %s]" %
                 (span, espan))
    _actually_merge(tcache, edus, doc)
Esempio n. 37
 def __init__(self, t, offset, origin=None):
     t : dict
         Token from corenlp's XML output.
     offset : int
         Offset from the span of the corenlp token to the document.
     origin : FileId, optional
         Identifier for the document.
     extent = t['extent']
     word = t['word']
     tag = t['POS']
     span = Span(extent[0], extent[1] + 1).shift(offset)
     postag.Token.__init__(self, postag.RawToken(word, tag), span)
     self.features = copy.copy(t)
     for k in ['s_id', 'word', 'extent', 'POS']:
         del self.features[k]
Esempio n. 38
def _actually_split(tcache, doc, spans, edu):
    Split the EDU, trying to generate the same new ID for the
    same new EDU across all sections

    Discourse stage: If the EDU is in any relations or CDUs,
    replace any references to it with a new CDU encompassing
    the newly created EDUs

    new_edus = {}
    for span in sorted(spans):
        stamp = tcache.get(span)
        edu2 = copy.deepcopy(edu)
        new_id = anno_id_from_tuple((_AUTHOR, stamp))
        set_anno_date(edu2, stamp)
        set_anno_author(edu2, _AUTHOR)
        if doc.origin.stage == 'units':
            edu2.type = _SPLIT_PREFIX + edu2.type
            for key in edu2.features:
                edu2.features[key] = _SPLIT_PREFIX + edu2.features[key]
        new_edus[new_id] = edu2
        edu2.span = span

    cdu_stamp = tcache.get(Span.merge_all(spans))
    cdu = educe.annotation.Schema(anno_id_from_tuple((_AUTHOR, cdu_stamp)),
                                  metadata={'author': _AUTHOR,
                                            'creation-date': str(cdu_stamp)})

    want_cdu = retarget(doc, edu.local_id(), cdu)
    if want_cdu:
Esempio n. 39
def _nudge_down(turn, dialogue, prev_turn, next_dialogue):
    Move last turn to next dialogue. (ie. shorten the right
    boundary of this dialogue and extend the left boundary of
    this dialogue)

    Return encompassing span to show what we've changed
    if not prev_turn:
        sys.exit("Can't move very first turn. "
                 "Try `stac-util merge-dialogue` instead")
    elif not next_dialogue:
        sys.exit("Can't move from last dialogue."
                 "Try `stac-util move` instead")
    elif turn.span.char_end != dialogue.span.char_end:
        sys.exit("Turn %d %s is not at the end of its dialogue %s" %
                 (st.turn_id(turn), turn.span, dialogue.span))

    offset = prev_turn.span.char_end - turn.span.char_end
    # take both dialogue boundaries down a bit (to next turn end)
    next_dialogue.span.char_start += offset
    dialogue.span.char_end += offset
    return Span.merge_all([dialogue.span, next_dialogue.span])
Esempio n. 40
def _nudge_up(turn, dialogue, next_turn, prev_dialogue):
    Move first turn to previous dialogue (ie. extend the
    previous dialogue to incorporate this turn, and push
    this dialogue to exclude it)

    Return encompassing span to show what we've changed
    if not next_turn:
        sys.exit("Can't move very last turn. "
                 "Try `stac-util merge-dialogue` instead")
    elif not prev_dialogue:
        sys.exit("Can't move from first dialogue."
                 "Try `stac-util move` instead")
    elif turn.span.char_start - 1 != dialogue.span.char_start:
        sys.exit("Turn %d %s is not at the start of its dialogue %s" %
                 (st.turn_id(turn), turn.span, dialogue.span))

    offset = next_turn.span.char_start - turn.span.char_start
    # take both dialogue boundaries up a bit (to prev turn end)
    prev_dialogue.span.char_end += offset
    dialogue.span.char_start += offset
    return Span.merge_all([prev_dialogue.span, dialogue.span])