def wild_growth(actor, target, context): import mapgen terrain = main.current_map.tiles[target.x][target.y].tile_type if target.fighter and target.fighter.has_status('immobilized'): return 'cancelled' if terrain == 'grass floor': if target.fighter: if target is player.instance or fov.player_can_see( target.x, target.y): ui.message('The grass sprouts a tangle of grasping vines!', libtcod.lime) duration = main.roll_dice(context['root_duration']) immobilized = target.fighter.apply_status_effect( effects.immobilized(duration=duration), dc=context['save_dc']) if immobilized: target.fighter.apply_status_effect(effects.StatusEffect( 'wild growth', time_limit=duration, color=libtcod.lime, on_tick=wild_growth_tick, message='You are gripped by writhing vines!', description='This unit will take damage every turn', cleanseable=True), dc=None) else: if target is player.instance or fov.player_can_see(target.x, target.y): ui.message('Grass springs from the %s...' % terrain, libtcod.lime) grass = mapgen.create_terrain_patch((target.x, target.y), 'grass floor', min_patch=4, max_patch=12, overwrite=False) for tile in grass: main.changed_tiles.append(tile)
def strangleweeds(actor, target, context): hit = False for f in main.get_fighters_in_burst( actor.x, actor.y, context['range'], actor, lambda o: != tile = main.current_map.tiles[f.x][f.y] if tile.tile_type == 'grass floor': if actor is player.instance or fov.player_can_see(f.x, f.y): ui.message( 'Writhing vines grip %s and hold %s in place!' % (, syntax.pronoun(f)), spells.essence_colors['life']) f.fighter.apply_status_effect( effects.immobilized(duration=context['duration'])) f.fighter.apply_status_effect( effects.StatusEffect( 'strangleweeds', time_limit=context['duration'], color=libtcod.lime, on_tick=strangleweed_on_tick, message='The strangleweeds crush you!', description='This unit will take damage every turn', cleanseable=True)) hit = True if hit: return 'success' else: if actor is player.instance: ui.message("You can't see any susceptible targets.", libtcod.gray) return 'cancelled'
def dragonweed_pull(actor, target, context): if target.fighter.hp > 0: ui.message( "The dragonweed's stem lashes out at %s!" %, libtcod.dark_green) result = combat.attack_ex(actor.fighter, target, 0, accuracy_modifier=1.5, damage_multiplier=0.75, verb=('pull', 'pulls')) if result == 'hit' and target.fighter is not None: if 'displacement' in target.fighter.immunities: if fov.player_can_see(target.x, target.y): ui.message( '%s %s.' % (, syntax.conjugate(target is player.instance, ('resist', 'resists'))), libtcod.gray) return 'success' beam = main.beam(actor.x, actor.y, target.x, target.y) pull_to = beam[max(len(beam) - 3, 0)] target.set_position(pull_to[0], pull_to[1]) if main.roll_dice('1d10') <= 5: target.fighter.apply_status_effect( effects.immobilized(duration=2), context['save_dc'], actor)
def shackles_of_the_dead(actor, target, context): for t in target: t.fighter.apply_status_effect( effects.immobilized( duration=context['duration'] + (actor.fighter.spell_power(elements=['death']) / 5)), context['save_dc'] + actor.fighter.spell_power(elements=['death']), actor)
def zombie_on_hit(attacker, target, damage): if target.fighter is None: return if libtcod.random_get_int(0, 0, 100) < 20: ui.message( '%s grabs %s! %s cannot move!' % (,, syntax.pronoun(target).capitalize()), libtcod.yellow) target.fighter.apply_status_effect(effects.immobilized(3))
def avalanche(actor, target, context): for l in target: for obj in main.current_map.fighters: if obj.x == l[0] and obj.y == l[1]: combat.attack_magical(actor.fighter, obj, 'ability_avalanche') if obj.fighter is not None: obj.fighter.apply_status_effect(effects.immobilized(), context['save_dc'], actor) if libtcod.random_get_int(0, 0, 3) > 0: tile = main.current_map.tiles[l[0]][l[1]] if tile.is_floor and tile.tile_type != 'snow drift' and tile.tile_type != 'ice': tile.tile_type = 'snow drift' main.changed_tiles.append(l) if tile.is_water: tile.tile_type = 'ice' main.changed_tiles.append(l)
def throw_net(actor, target, context): if actor is player.instance: ui.message('Yo implement this', return 'failure' dist = actor.distance_to(target) if dist > context['range']: return 'cancelled' ui.message( '%s %s a net at %s.' % (, syntax.conjugate(actor is player.instance, ('throw', 'throws')),, ui.render_projectile((actor.x, actor.y), (target.x, target.y),, character='#') target.fighter.apply_status_effect( effects.immobilized(duration=context['duration']), context['save_dc'], source_fighter=actor) return 'success'
def immobilize_attack(actor, target, damage): if target.fighter is not None and main.roll_dice('1d10') <= 5: target.fighter.apply_status_effect(effects.immobilized(duration=2))