Esempio n. 1
File: Progetto: wflk/bits
def _init_sockets_ip4cp():
    global _ip4cp, _done_event, _reconfig_event, _initialized
    if _initialized:
    _done_event = efi.event_signal()
    _reconfig_event = efi.event_signal(abort=_ip4cp_stop_config)
    efi.check_status(_ip4cp.Start(_ip4cp, _done_event.event, _reconfig_event.event))
    while not _done_event.signaled:
Esempio n. 2
def _init_sockets_ip4cp():
    global _ip4cp, _done_event, _reconfig_event, _initialized
    if _initialized:
    _done_event = efi.event_signal()
    _reconfig_event = efi.event_signal(abort=_ip4cp_stop_config)
        _ip4cp.Start(_ip4cp, _done_event.event, _reconfig_event.event))
    while not _done_event.signaled:
Esempio n. 3
File: Progetto: xk/bits
    def recv_into(self, buffer, nbytes=0, flags=0):
        """recv_into(buffer, [nbytes[, flags]]) -> nbytes_read

        A version of recv() that stores its data into a buffer rather than creating
        a new string.  Receive up to buffersize bytes from the socket.  If buffersize
        is not specified (or 0), receive up to the size available in the given buffer.

        See recv() for documentation about the flags."""
        if nbytes == 0:
            # len returns the wrong thing for a resized ctypes buffer. But
            # ctypes.sizeof doesn't work on all buffery objects that len does.
            # So try both, in order of preference.
                nbytes = sizeof(buffer)
            except TypeError as e:
                nbytes = len(buffer)
        cbuf = (c_uint8 * nbytes).from_buffer(buffer)
        rx = efi.EFI_TCP4_RECEIVE_DATA()
        rx.DataLength = nbytes
        rx.FragmentCount = 1
        rx.FragmentTable[0].FragmentLength = nbytes
        rx.FragmentTable[0].FragmentBuffer = addressof(cbuf)
        e = efi.event_signal()
        token = efi.EFI_TCP4_IO_TOKEN()
        token.CompletionToken.Event = e.event
        token.Packet.RxData = pointer(rx)
        efi.check_status(self._tcp4.Receive(self._tcp4, byref(token)))
        self._wait(e, token.CompletionToken)
        return rx.DataLength
Esempio n. 4
def _start_config():
    global _configuration_started, _ip4cp, _tcp4sbp, _done_event, _reconfig_event
    if _configuration_started:

    handles = list(efi.locate_handles(efi.EFI_IP4_CONFIG_PROTOCOL_GUID))
    if not handles:
        raise IOError("EFI_IP4_CONFIG_PROTOCOL not available")
    _ip4cp = efi.EFI_IP4_CONFIG_PROTOCOL.from_handle(handles[0])
    handles = list(efi.locate_handles(efi.EFI_TCP4_SERVICE_BINDING_PROTOCOL_GUID))
    if not handles:
        raise IOError("EFI_TCP4_SERVICE_BINDING_PROTOCOL not available")
    _tcp4sbp = efi.EFI_TCP4_SERVICE_BINDING_PROTOCOL.from_handle(handles[0])

    _done_event = efi.event_signal()
    _reconfig_event = efi.event_signal(abort=_stop_config)
    efi.check_status(_ip4cp.Start(_ip4cp, _done_event.event, _reconfig_event.event))
    print("IP configuration started")
    _configuration_started = True
Esempio n. 5
File: Progetto: xk/bits
 def _close(self, abort=True):
     if hasattr(self, "closed") and self.closed:
     e = efi.event_signal()
     token = efi.EFI_TCP4_CLOSE_TOKEN()
     token.CompletionToken.Event = e.event
     token.AbortOnClose = abort
     efi.check_status(self._tcp4.Close(self._tcp4, byref(token)))
     self._wait(e, token.CompletionToken)
     self.closed = True
Esempio n. 6
File: Progetto: xk/bits
    def accept(self):
        """accept() -> (socket object, address info)

        Wait for an incoming connection.  Return a new socket representing the
        connection, and the address of the client.  For IP sockets, the address
        info is a pair (hostaddr, port)."""
        e = efi.event_signal()
        token = efi.EFI_TCP4_LISTEN_TOKEN()
        token.CompletionToken.Event = e.event
        efi.check_status(self._tcp4.Accept(self._tcp4, byref(token)))
        self._wait(e, token.CompletionToken)
        s = socket(, type=self.type, proto=self.proto, _handle=token.NewChildHandle)
        return s, s.getpeername()
Esempio n. 7
File: Progetto: xk/bits
    def connect(self, addr):

        Connect the socket to a remote address.  For IP sockets, the address
        is a pair (host, port)."""
        global _ip_address, _subnet_mask, _routes
        host, port = addr
        ip = efi.EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS.from_buffer_copy(inet_aton(gethostbyname(host)))
        data = efi.EFI_TCP4_CONFIG_DATA()
        data.TypeOfService = 0
        data.TimeToLive = 60
        # UseDefaultAddress = True fails with EFI_ALREADY_STARTED, but using
        # the previously obtained address works.  The UEFI 2.5 specification
        # does not explain this behavior or document this error code as a
        # possible return from Configure.
        data.AccessPoint.UseDefaultAddress = False
        # Use the local IP and port from bind if set
            data.AccessPoint.StationAddress = self._bind_ip
            data.AccessPoint.StationPort = self._bind_port
        except AttributeError as e:
            data.AccessPoint.StationAddress = _ip_address
            data.AccessPoint.StationPort = 0
        data.AccessPoint.SubnetMask = _subnet_mask
        data.AccessPoint.RemoteAddress = ip
        data.AccessPoint.RemotePort = port
        data.AccessPoint.ActiveFlag = True
        efi.check_status(self._tcp4.Configure(self._tcp4, byref(data)))

        # Contradicting the UEFI 2.5 specification, the EFI_TCP4_PROTOCOL does
        # not automatically use all of the underlying IP4 routes.  Add them
        # manually, but ignore any failure caused by already having the route.
        for route in _routes:
            status = self._tcp4.Routes(self._tcp4, False, byref(route.SubnetAddress), byref(route.SubnetMask), byref(route.GatewayAddress))
            if status != efi.EFI_ACCESS_DENIED:

        e = efi.event_signal()
        token = efi.EFI_TCP4_CONNECTION_TOKEN()
        token.CompletionToken.Event = e.event
        efi.check_status(self._tcp4.Connect(self._tcp4, byref(token)))
        self._wait(e, token.CompletionToken)
Esempio n. 8
File: Progetto: xk/bits
    def sendall(self, data, flags=0):
        """sendall(data[, flags])

        Send a data string to the socket.  For the optional flags
        argument, see the Unix manual.  This calls send() repeatedly
        until all data is sent.  If an error occurs, it's impossible
        to tell how much data has been sent."""
        tx = efi.EFI_TCP4_TRANSMIT_DATA()
        tx.DataLength = len(data)
        tx.FragmentCount = 1
        tx.FragmentTable[0].FragmentLength = len(data)
        if isinstance(data, memoryview):
            data = data.tobytes()
        ptr = c_char_p(data)
        tx.FragmentTable[0].FragmentBuffer = cast(ptr, c_void_p)
        e = efi.event_signal()
        token = efi.EFI_TCP4_IO_TOKEN()
        token.CompletionToken.Event = e.event
        token.Packet.TxData = pointer(tx)
        efi.check_status(self._tcp4.Transmit(self._tcp4, byref(token)))
        self._wait(e, token.CompletionToken)