Esempio n. 1
def test():

    GP = GaussianProcess(GaussianKernel_iso([0.2, 1.0]))
    X = array([[0.2], [0.3], [0.5], [1.5]])
    Y = [1, 0, 1, 0.75]
    GP.addData(X, Y)

    A = arange(0, 2, 0.01)
    mu = array([ for x in A])
    sig2 = array([GP.posterior(x)[1] for x in A])

    Ei = EI(GP)
    ei = [-Ei.negf(x) for x in A]

    Pi = PI(GP)
    pi = [-Pi.negf(x) for x in A]

    Ucb = UCB(GP, 1, T=2)
    ucb = [-Ucb.negf(x) for x in A]

    ax = subplot(1, 1, 1)
    ax.plot(A, mu, "k-", lw=2)
    xv, yv = poly_between(A, mu - sig2, mu + sig2)
    ax.fill(xv, yv, color="#CCCCCC")

    ax.plot(A, ei, "g-", lw=2, label="EI")
    ax.plot(A, ucb, "g--", lw=2, label="UCB")
    ax.plot(A, pi, "g:", lw=2, label="PI")
    ax.plot(X, Y, "ro")
Esempio n. 2
def test():
    GP = GaussianProcess(GaussianKernel_iso([.2, 1.0]))
    X = array([[.2], [.3], [.5], [1.5]])
    Y = [1, 0, 1, .75]
    GP.addData(X, Y)

    A = arange(0, 2, 0.01)
    mu = array([ for x in A])
    sig2 = array([GP.posterior(x)[1] for x in A])

    Ei = EI(GP)
    ei = [-Ei.negf(x) for x in A]

    Pi = PI(GP)
    pi = [-Pi.negf(x) for x in A]

    Ucb = UCB(GP, 1, T=2)
    ucb = [-Ucb.negf(x) for x in A]

    ax = subplot(1, 1, 1)
    ax.plot(A, mu, 'k-', lw=2)
    xv, yv = poly_between(A, mu - sig2, mu + sig2)
    ax.fill(xv, yv, color="#CCCCCC")

    ax.plot(A, ei, 'g-', lw=2, label='EI')
    ax.plot(A, ucb, 'g--', lw=2, label='UCB')
    ax.plot(A, pi, 'g:', lw=2, label='PI')
    ax.plot(X, Y, 'ro')
Esempio n. 3
class Synthetic(TestFunction):
    randomly-generated synthetic function
    def __init__(self, kernel, bounds, NX, noise=0.05, xstar=None, **kwargs):
        super(Synthetic, self).__init__("Synthetic", 0, None, bounds, **kwargs)
        += ' %d'%len(bounds)
        self.GP = GaussianProcess(kernel)
        X = lhcSample(bounds, NX)
        self.GP.addData([X[0]], [normal(0, 1)])
        if xstar is not None:
            ystar = min(self.GP.Y[0]-1.0, -2.0)
            self.GP.addData(xstar, ystar)
        for x in X[1:]:
            mu, sig2 = self.GP.posterior(x)
            y = normal(mu, sqrt(sig2)) + normal(0, noise)
            # preserve min if necessary
            if xstar is not None and y < ystar+.5:
                y = ystar+.5
            self.GP.addData(x, y)
        # now, try minimizing with BFGS
        start = self.GP.X[argmin(self.GP.Y)]
        xopt = fmin_bfgs(, start, disp=False)
        print "\t[synthetic] optimization started at %s, ended at %s" % (start, xopt)
        if xstar is not None:
            print '\t[synthetic] realigning minimum'
            # now, align minimum with what we specified
            for i, (target, origin) in enumerate(zip(xstar, xopt)):
                self.GP.X[:,i] += target-origin
            xopt = xstar
        self.minimum =
        self.xstar = xopt
        # print self.GP.X
        # print self.GP.Y
        print '\t[synthetic] x+ = %s, f(x+) = %.3f' % (self.xstar, self.f(self.xstar))
    def f(self, x):
        y =
        if y < self.minimum:
            self.minimum = y
        if self.maximize:
            return -y
            return y
Esempio n. 4
def demoObservations():
    Simple demo for a scenario where we have direct observations (ie ratings
    or responses) with noise.  The model has three parameters, but after
    initial training, we fix one to be 1.0 and optimize the other two.  At
    each step, we visualize the posterior mean, variance and expected
    improvement.  We then find the point of maximum expected improvement and
    ask the user for the scalar response value.  
    To see how the model adapts to inputs, try rating the first few values 
    higher or lower than predicted and see what happens to the visualizations.

    # the kernel parameters control the impact of different values on the
    # parameters.  we are defining a model with three parameters
    kernel = GaussianKernel_ard(array([.5, .5, .3]))

    # we want to allow some noise in the observations -- the noise parameter
    # is the variance of the additive Gaussian noise   Y + N(0, noise)
    noise = 0.1

    # create the Gaussian Process using the kernel we've just defined
    GP = GaussianProcess(kernel, noise=noise)

    # add some data to the model.  the data must have the same dimensionality
    # as the kernel
    X = [
        array([1, 1.5, 0.9]),
        array([.8, -.2, -0.1]),
        array([2, .8, -.2]),
        array([0, 0, .5])
    Y = [1, .7, .6, -.1]

    print 'adding data to model'
    for x, y in zip(X, Y):
        print '\tx = %s, y = %.1f' % (x, y)

    GP.addData(X, Y)

    # the GP.posterior(x) function returns, for x, the posterior distribution
    # at x, characterized as a normal distribution with mean mu, variance
    # sigma^2
    testX = [array([1, 1.45, 1.0]), array([-10, .5, -10])]

    for tx in testX:
        mu, sig2 = GP.posterior(tx)
        print 'the posterior of %s is a normal distribution N(%.3f, %.3f)' % (
            tx, mu, sig2)

    # now, let's find the best points to evaluate next.  we fix the first
    # dimension to be 1 and for the others, we search the range [-2, 2]
    bound = [[1, 1], [-1.99, 1.98], [-1.99, 1.98]]

    figure(1, figsize=(5, 10))
    while True:
        _, optx = maximizeEI(GP, bound, xi=.1)

        # visualize the mean, variance and expected improvement functions on
        # the free parameters
        x1 = arange(bound[1][0], bound[1][1], 0.1)
        x2 = arange(bound[2][0], bound[2][1], 0.1)
        X1, X2 = meshgrid(x1, x2)
        ei = zeros_like(X1)
        m = zeros_like(X1)
        v = zeros_like(X1)
        for i in xrange(X1.shape[0]):
            for j in xrange(X1.shape[1]):
                z = array([1.0, X1[i, j], X2[i, j]])
                ei[i, j] = -EI(GP).negf(z)
                m[i, j], v[i, j] = GP.posterior(z)

        for i, (func, title) in enumerate(
            ([m, 'prediction (posterior mean)'
              ], [v, 'uncertainty (posterior variance)'],
             [ei, 'utility (expected improvement)'])):
            ax = subplot(3, 1, i + 1)
            cs = ax.contourf(X1, X2, func, 20)
            ax.plot(optx[1], optx[2], 'wo')
            ax.set_xticks([-2, 0, 2])
            ax.set_yticks([-2, 0, 2])


        m, v = GP.posterior(optx)
            response = input(
                '\nmaximum expected improvement is at parameters x = [%.3f, %.3f, %.3f], where mean is %.3f, variance is %.3f.  \nwhat is the value there (non-numeric to quit)? '
                % (optx[0], optx[1], optx[2], m, v))
        GP.addData(optx, response)
        print 'updating model.'
Esempio n. 5
File: Progetto: johnchia/IBO
def demoObservations():
    Simple demo for a scenario where we have direct observations (ie ratings
    or responses) with noise.  The model has three parameters, but after
    initial training, we fix one to be 1.0 and optimize the other two.  At
    each step, we visualize the posterior mean, variance and expected
    improvement.  We then find the point of maximum expected improvement and
    ask the user for the scalar response value.  
    To see how the model adapts to inputs, try rating the first few values 
    higher or lower than predicted and see what happens to the visualizations.

    # the kernel parameters control the impact of different values on the 
    # parameters.  we are defining a model with three parameters
    kernel = GaussianKernel_ard(array([.5, .5, .3]))
    # we want to allow some noise in the observations -- the noise parameter
    # is the variance of the additive Gaussian noise   Y + N(0, noise)
    noise = 0.1
    # create the Gaussian Process using the kernel we've just defined
    GP = GaussianProcess(kernel, noise=noise)
    # add some data to the model.  the data must have the same dimensionality 
    # as the kernel
    X = [array([1, 1.5, 0.9]),
         array([.8, -.2, -0.1]),
         array([2, .8, -.2]),
         array([0, 0, .5])]
    Y = [1, .7, .6, -.1]
    print 'adding data to model'
    for x, y in zip(X, Y):
        print '\tx = %s, y = %.1f' % (x, y)
    GP.addData(X, Y)
    # the GP.posterior(x) function returns, for x, the posterior distribution
    # at x, characterized as a normal distribution with mean mu, variance 
    # sigma^2
    testX = [array([1, 1.45, 1.0]),
             array([-10, .5, -10])]
    for tx in testX:
        mu, sig2 = GP.posterior(tx)
        print 'the posterior of %s is a normal distribution N(%.3f, %.3f)' % (tx, mu, sig2)
    # now, let's find the best points to evaluate next.  we fix the first 
    # dimension to be 1 and for the others, we search the range [-2, 2]
    bound = [[1, 1], [-1.99, 1.98], [-1.99, 1.98]]
    figure(1, figsize=(5, 10))
    while True:
        _, optx = maximizeEI(GP, bound, xi=.1, useCDIRECT=False)
        print "X"

        # visualize the mean, variance and expected improvement functions on 
        # the free parameters
        x1 = arange(bound[1][0], bound[1][1], 0.1)
        x2 = arange(bound[2][0], bound[2][1], 0.1)
        X1, X2 = meshgrid(x1, x2)
        ei = zeros_like(X1)
        m = zeros_like(X1)
        v = zeros_like(X1)
        for i in xrange(X1.shape[0]):
            for j in xrange(X1.shape[1]):
                z = array([1.0, X1[i,j], X2[i,j]])
                ei[i,j] = -EI(GP).negf(z)
                m[i,j], v[i,j] = GP.posterior(z)
        for i, (func, title) in enumerate(([m, 'prediction (posterior mean)'], [v, 'uncertainty (posterior variance)'], [ei, 'utility (expected improvement)'])):
            ax = subplot(3, 1, i+1)
            cs = ax.contourf(X1, X2, func, 20)
            ax.plot(optx[1], optx[2], 'wo')

        m, v = GP.posterior(optx)
            response = input('\nmaximum expected improvement is at parameters x = [%.3f, %.3f, %.3f], where mean is %.3f, variance is %.3f.  \nwhat is the value there (non-numeric to quit)? ' % (optx[0], optx[1], optx[2], m, v))
        GP.addData(optx, response)
        print 'updating model.'
Esempio n. 6
class IM_EGO_Test(IM_Test):
    name = "IM_EGO"

    nadapted_moves = None
    nruns_per_param_update = None
    nadaptations = None

    gamma_min = None
    gamma_max = None

    saved_res_fields = \
        set(['nadapted_moves', 'nruns_per_param_update',
             'nadaptations', 'gp_X', 'gp_Y', 'rewards',
             'kernel_hyperparms', 'gp_noise',
             'gamma_min', 'gamma_max', 'policy']) | \

    def __init__(self, graph,
                 nmoves, nadaptations, nruns_per_param_update,
                 SAW_length_min, SAW_length_max, strategy, exp_temp, 
                 MH_rate, S_ref=None, S_in=None):
        super(IM_EGO_Test, self).__init__\
            (graph, nmoves,
             SAW_length_min, SAW_length_max, S_ref, S_in)

	self.exp_temp = exp_temp
	self.MH_rate = MH_rate
	self.strategy = strategy
        self.policy_size = policy_size
        self.hdf5_base_loc += "/p" + str(self.policy_size)

        self.nadapted_moves = \
        self.nadaptations = nadaptations
        self.nruns_per_param_update = nruns_per_param_update

        self.gammas = arange(0,2.0001,0.2) * self.graph.beta_true
        self.h_effective_in = self.graph.get_effective_fields(self.S_in)

        self.sampler_fn = \
            lambda : im.IMRun_EGO\
            (self.graph.nbrs_list_i, self.graph.incident_edge_list_i,
             self.graph.edges_i, self.graph.J, self.graph.h,
             self.S_ref, self.S_in, self.h_effective_in,
             self.graph.beta_true, self.gammas,
             self.SAW_length_min, self.SAW_length_max,
             self.nmoves, self.nadaptations,
             self.nruns_per_param_update, self.policy_size,
             self.strategy, self.exp_temp, self.MH_rate)

    def run(self):
        self.S_end, self.E_samples, self.E_proposeds, \
        self.log_f_fwds, self.log_f_revs, \
        self.MH_ratios, self.SAW_lengths, self.used_gammas, \
        self.rewards, gp, self.gamma_min, self.gamma_max, \
        self.policy \
        = self.sampler_fn()

        self.gp_X = gp.X
        self.gp_Y = gp.Y

        self.kernel_hyperparms = gp.kernel.getHyperparams()
        self.gp_noise = gp.noise

    def load_results(self, *args):
        super(IM_EGO_Test, self).load_results(*args)

        from ego.gaussianprocess import GaussianProcess
        from ego.gaussianprocess.kernel import GaussianKernel_ard

        # Build the gp
        kernel = GaussianKernel_ard(self.kernel_hyperparms) = GaussianProcess(kernel, noise=self.gp_noise)

        for x, y in zip(self.gp_X, self.gp_Y):
  , y)

    def save_current_plot(self, plot_name):
        plot_dir = "plots/%s" % (
        plot_fn = "%s/%s_%s_p%d_r%d.pdf" % \
                  (plot_dir, plot_name,,
                   self.policy_size, self.res_num)

    def compute_gp_posterior_over_grid(self):
        x1 = arange(self.SAW_length_min, self.SAW_length_max, 1, dtype=float)
        x2 = arange(self.gamma_min, self.gamma_max,
                    (self.gamma_max - self.gamma_min) / 100,
        X1, X2 = meshgrid(x1, x2)

        m = zeros_like(X1)
        v = zeros_like(X1)

        for i in xrange(X1.shape[0]):
            for j in xrange(X1.shape[1]):
                z = array([X1[i, j], X2[i, j]])

                res =
                m[i, j] = res[0]
                v[i, j] = res[1]

        return X1, X2, m, v

    def plot_surface_on_grid(self, X1, X2, s):
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
        from matplotlib import cm
        from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator, FormatStrFormatter
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = Axes3D(fig, elev=70)
        surf = ax.plot_surface(X1, X2, s, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.jet,
                       linewidth=0, antialiased=True)
        ax.set_zlim3d(-1.01, 1.01)


        fig.colorbar(surf, shrink=0.5, aspect=5)

    def plot_gp_mean(self):
        plot_name = "gp_mean"
        X1, X2, m, _ = self.compute_gp_posterior_over_grid()
        self.plot_surface_on_grid(X1, X2, m)

    def plot_flat_gp_mean(self):
        plot_name = "flat_gp_mean"

        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        from matplotlib import cm

        _, _, m, _ = self.compute_gp_posterior_over_grid()
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
        ax.imshow(m, cmap=cm.jet, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower',
                  extent=[self.SAW_length_min, self.SAW_length_max,
                          self.gamma_min, self.gamma_max],
        ax.set_xlabel('SAW length $k$')
        ax.set_ylabel('Energy-biasing parameter $\gamma$')

    def plot_average_gp_mean(self):
        plot_name = "average_gp_mean"

        nresults = self.get_num_results()
        X1 = None
        X2 = None
        m_avg = None

        if self.res_num is not None:
            old_res_num = self.res_num
            old_res_num = 0

        for i in xrange(nresults):
            X1, X2, m, _ = self.compute_gp_posterior_over_grid()

            if m_avg is None:
                m_avg = m
                m_avg += m

        m_avg /= nresults

        self.plot_surface_on_grid(X1, X2, m_avg)


    def plot_flat_average_gp_mean(self):
        plot_name = "flat_average_gp_mean"

        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        from matplotlib import cm

        nresults = self.get_num_results()

        m_avg = None

        if self.res_num is not None:
            old_res_num = self.res_num
            old_res_num = 0
        for i in xrange(nresults):
            _, _, m, _ = self.compute_gp_posterior_over_grid()

            if m_avg is None:
                m_avg = m
                m_avg += m

        m_avg /= nresults

        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
        ax.imshow(m_avg, cmap=cm.jet, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower',
                  extent=[self.SAW_length_min, self.SAW_length_max,
                          self.gamma_min, self.gamma_max],
        ax.set_xlabel('SAW length $k$')
        ax.set_ylabel('Energy-biasing parameter $\gamma$')



    def plot_gp_var(self):
        plot_name = "gp_var"
        X1, X2, _, v = self.compute_gp_posterior_over_grid()
        self.plot_surface_on_grid(X1, X2, v)

    def plot_gp_query_points(self):
        plot_name = "gp_query_points"
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
        ax.scatter([:, 0],[:, 1],


    def plot_parameter_cdf(self):

    def make_policy_dict(self):
        policy = map(lambda x, y: (round(x[0],3), round(y[0], 3)),
                     self.policy[::2], self.policy[1::2])
        policy_dict = {}
        for x in policy:
            policy_dict[x] = policy_dict.get(x, 0) + 1

        return policy_dict

    def plot_policy_as_histogram(self):
        plot_name = "policy_histogram"

        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        xpos = []
        ypos = []
        dz = []
        policy_dict = self.make_policy_dict()
        for k, v in policy_dict.iteritems():

        dy_size = (self.gammas[-1] - self.gammas[0]) / 100

        zpos = zeros_like(xpos)
        dx = ones_like(xpos)
        dy = dy_size * ones_like(ypos)

        colour_max = max(dz)
        colours = map(lambda x: / colour_max), dz)

        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
        from matplotlib import cm
        from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator, FormatStrFormatter
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = Axes3D(fig, elev=70)


        ax.bar3d(xpos, ypos, zpos, dx, dy, dz,
                 edgecolors=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
        ax.set_xlim3d(self.SAW_length_min, self.SAW_length_max)
        ax.set_ylim3d(self.gammas[0], self.gammas[-1])


    def plot_policy_as_flat_surface():
        plot_name = 'flat_policy'