def __init__(self, X, y, bounds, xbounds, initial_guess, l_INI, sample_size=10000, num_ini_guess=2, alpha=10.): self.n = X.shape[1] self.sigma_inv = np.ones(self.n) # default value self.model = Kriging(self.sigma_inv, xbounds, num_ini_guess, sample_size) # Fit Kriging on the data., y) self.input = X self.rem_eng = y self.sct = None self.alpha = alpha self.l_INI = l_INI self.initial_guess = initial_guess self.bounds = bounds
class CovarianceEstimate: ''' Instantiates meta-problem, i.e., prepares and solves the minimization problem to fit a Covariance matrix that maximizes the sum of expected improvement over all observed human plays, to fit a Kriging response surface. Currently optimizing using EGO. Input is reduced 30-dim. (standardized) PCA of original 18k-length signal Parameters: X: entire data-set of a Person's plays (n by 30-dim standardized) y: array-like of player's scores Methods: solve(self): actual solver, currently EGO, that finds Sigma[1:30] that maximize total expected improvement ''' def __init__(self, X, y, bounds, xbounds, initial_guess, l_INI, sample_size=10000, num_ini_guess=2, alpha=10.): self.n = X.shape[1] self.sigma_inv = np.ones(self.n) # default value self.model = Kriging(self.sigma_inv, xbounds, num_ini_guess, sample_size) # Fit Kriging on the data., y) self.input = X self.rem_eng = y self.sct = None self.alpha = alpha self.l_INI = l_INI self.initial_guess = initial_guess self.bounds = bounds # self.pbar = None # self.fig = None # = None # self.Nfeval = 0 def callbackF(self, Xi): # feval = self.model.obj(Xi) # print '{0:4d} {1: 3.6f}'.format(self.Nfeval, feval) # if np.any(Xi > 1000.) or np.any(Xi < 0.): # print 'OoB' # if feval > 1000.: # print Xi # self.Nfeval += 1 # self.sct = plt.gca.plot(self.model.recent_path, 'b') if len(plt.gca().lines) > 0: del plt.gca().lines[0] self.sct = plt.gca().plot(self.model.recent_path, 'b') plt.gca().set_xlabel('play number') plt.gca().set_ylabel('Expected Improvement Path') plt.pause(0.0001) # if self.pbar is not None: # self.pbar.update() #'Point Jacobi approximation after '+str(k)+' iterations') # plt.pause(.002) # print 'Hi!' def ego_func(self, x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, x16, x17, x18, x19, x20, x21, x22, x23, x24, x25, x26, x27, x28, x29): ''' Had to take in n individual variables... :return: objective function ''' x = np.zeros(self.n) args = [x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, x16, x17, x18, x19, x20, x21, x22, x23, x24, x25, x26, x27, x28, x29] for n, i in enumerate(args): print i x[n] = i return self.model.obj(x) def solve(self, plot=False): ''' MUST HAVE ego_bds.p and ego_explore.p in directory. This is a list of desired search ranch, and the positions to evaluate the model to instantiate EGO. Do not confuse with ego_bounds.txt, which is a list of viable ranges for each variable in later simulation (the range of each PC). :return: best sigma ''' test_scale = np.arange(-2.,1.,0.5) # test_scale = np.array([0.7]) result_x = np.zeros((test_scale.shape[0], self.n)) result_f = np.zeros(test_scale.shape) # pbar = tqdm(total=test_scale.size) for i, s in enumerate(test_scale): # self.pbar=tqdm() if plot: self.sct = None ax = None fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.ion() # x0 = np.zeros(30)+1e-15 # x0[7] = np.exp(2.5) # x0 = np.ones(30) # --> # x0 = [1.50205418e-01, 6.76120529e-12, 1.84195280e-11, 7.83697468e-12, # 1.88757328e-12, 3.95820958e-11, 1.19620582e-11, 1.19440742e-11, # 1.87089886e-11, 4.58049765e+00, 4.91223856e-12, 2.84647880e-12, # 5.69667522e-12, 2.30425680e-11, 1.14781061e-11, 3.45560046e-11, # 9.35167355e-12, 7.56675789e-12, 1.92011109e-03, 1.98174635e-11, # 7.22949300e-12, 3.86415689e-12, 3.32313328e-11, 6.81567135e-12, # 9.75048750e-12, 1.13677645e-11, 5.17722412e-12, 1.53569991e-03, # 2.38163239e-11, 4.80720115e-12] # -6.28698665444 # x0 = np.ones(30)*0.1 # --> # [ 2.00829797e-03 1.90314686e-04 4.95525647e-08 5.72888703e-08 # 5.05644909e-08 4.96489353e-08 4.86581148e-08 5.14023421e-08 # 5.30146723e-02 4.28454169e-08 2.13781365e-09 3.81019074e-08 # 1.58936468e-08 1.02135824e-08 4.68306047e-08 4.19927866e-08 # 5.23404844e-08 4.40914737e-08 4.98378832e-08 7.80431707e-09 # 4.60839075e-08 5.09895031e-08 4.21929293e-08 2.49207806e-02 # 1.62240194e-08 4.79799229e-08 2.22741405e-08 4.69940438e-01 # 2.09332766e-09 5.85302709e-08] -6.34599415271 # [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. # 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. # 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. # 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. # 0.86766298 0. 0. ] -6.752578221 # x0 = np.ones(self.n)*s # x0 = np.random.random(30)*5. x0 = self.initial_guess func = lambda x: -self.model.obj(x, alpha=self.alpha, l_INI= self.l_INI) # use this if switching from EGO, maximize the log likelihood # lb = 0.01 # ub = 100. # bounds = [(lb, ub)]*self.n bounds = self.bounds # print bounds # these are some alternative functions, which use 'callbackF for verbosity' # print self.model.obj(x0) print 'Initializing at '+str(s) res = opt.minimize(func, x0=x0, bounds=bounds, method='L-BFGS-B', options={'eps': 1e-3, 'iprint': 2, 'disp': True, 'maxiter': 100}, callback=self.callbackF) # pbar.update(1) # res = opt.differential_evolution(func, bounds, disp=True, popsize=10) # res = opt.basinhopping(func, x0=x0, disp=True) # bounds = pickle.load(open("ego_bds.p", "rb")) # load sigma boundaries # bo = BayesianOptimization(self.ego_func, pbounds=bounds) # create optimizer object # explore = pickle.load(open("ego_explore.p", "r")) # load points to check # bo.explore(explore) #initiate # bo.maximize(init_points=15, n_iter=25) # print bo.res['max'] print res.x, # return bo.res['max'] result_f[i] = result_x[i] = 10**(res.x) # self.pbar.close() return result_f, result_x
# # # get sigma estimate that maximizes the sum of expected improvements import scipy.optimize as opt all_sigs = np.zeros((len(pre.full_tab['id'].tolist()), 31)) all_improv = np.zeros_like(pre.full_tab['id'].tolist()) lb = 0.01 ub = 100. bounds = [(lb, ub)]*31 for n, i in enumerate(pre.full_tab['id'].tolist()): a, b = pre.prep_by_id(i) print i, len(a) if len(a) == 1 or len(a) == 0: all_improv[n] = 0 continue krig = Kriging(unit_sig), b) x0 = np.ones(31) func = lambda x: - krig.f_by_sig(x) res = opt.minimize(func, x0=x0, bounds=bounds, method='SLSQP', tol=1e-5, options = {'eps': 1e-2, 'iprint': 2, 'disp': True, 'maxiter': 100}) # all_improv[n] = np.nan_to_num(krig.f(a[-1])[0]) all_improv[n] = all_sigs[n] = res.x print, res.x np.savetxt('opt_f_allplays.txt', all_improv) # first two plays for later init. np.savetxt('opt_sig_allplays.txt', all_sigs)
import scipy.optimize as opt all_sigs = np.zeros((len(pre.full_tab['id'].tolist()), 31)) all_improv = np.zeros_like(pre.full_tab['id'].tolist()) lb = 0.01 ub = 100. bounds = [(lb, ub)] * 31 for n, i in enumerate(pre.full_tab['id'].tolist()): a, b = pre.prep_by_id(i) print i, len(a) if len(a) == 1 or len(a) == 0: all_improv[n] = 0 continue krig = Kriging(unit_sig), b) x0 = np.ones(31) func = lambda x: -krig.f_by_sig(x) res = opt.minimize(func, x0=x0, bounds=bounds, method='SLSQP', tol=1e-5, options={ 'eps': 1e-2, 'iprint': 2, 'disp': True, 'maxiter': 100 }) # all_improv[n] = np.nan_to_num(krig.f(a[-1])[0])
class CovarianceEstimate: ''' Instantiates meta-problem, i.e., prepares and solves the minimization problem to fit a Covariance matrix that maximizes the sum of expected improvement over all observed human plays, to fit a Kriging response surface. Currently optimizing using EGO. Input is reduced 30-dim. (standardized) PCA of original 18k-length signal Parameters: X: entire data-set of a Person's plays (n by 30-dim standardized) y: array-like of player's scores Methods: solve(self): actual solver, currently EGO, that finds Sigma[1:30] that maximize total expected improvement ''' def __init__(self, X, y, bounds, xbounds, initial_guess, l_INI, sample_size=10000, num_ini_guess=2, alpha=10.): self.n = X.shape[1] self.sigma_inv = np.ones(self.n) # default value self.model = Kriging(self.sigma_inv, xbounds, num_ini_guess, sample_size) # Fit Kriging on the data., y) self.input = X self.rem_eng = y self.sct = None self.alpha = alpha self.l_INI = l_INI self.initial_guess = initial_guess self.bounds = bounds # self.pbar = None # self.fig = None # = None # self.Nfeval = 0 def callbackF(self, Xi): # feval = self.model.obj(Xi) # print '{0:4d} {1: 3.6f}'.format(self.Nfeval, feval) # if np.any(Xi > 1000.) or np.any(Xi < 0.): # print 'OoB' # if feval > 1000.: # print Xi # self.Nfeval += 1 # self.sct = plt.gca.plot(self.model.recent_path, 'b') if len(plt.gca().lines) > 0: del plt.gca().lines[0] self.sct = plt.gca().plot(self.model.recent_path, 'b') plt.gca().set_xlabel('play number') plt.gca().set_ylabel('Expected Improvement Path') plt.pause(0.0001) # if self.pbar is not None: # self.pbar.update() #'Point Jacobi approximation after '+str(k)+' iterations') # plt.pause(.002) # print 'Hi!' def ego_func(self, x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, x16, x17, x18, x19, x20, x21, x22, x23, x24, x25, x26, x27, x28, x29): ''' Had to take in n individual variables... :return: objective function ''' x = np.zeros(self.n) args = [ x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, x16, x17, x18, x19, x20, x21, x22, x23, x24, x25, x26, x27, x28, x29 ] for n, i in enumerate(args): print i x[n] = i return self.model.obj(x) def solve(self, plot=False): ''' MUST HAVE ego_bds.p and ego_explore.p in directory. This is a list of desired search ranch, and the positions to evaluate the model to instantiate EGO. Do not confuse with ego_bounds.txt, which is a list of viable ranges for each variable in later simulation (the range of each PC). :return: best sigma ''' test_scale = np.arange(-2., 1., 0.5) # test_scale = np.array([0.7]) result_x = np.zeros((test_scale.shape[0], self.n)) result_f = np.zeros(test_scale.shape) # pbar = tqdm(total=test_scale.size) for i, s in enumerate(test_scale): # self.pbar=tqdm() if plot: self.sct = None ax = None fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.ion() # x0 = np.zeros(30)+1e-15 # x0[7] = np.exp(2.5) # x0 = np.ones(30) # --> # x0 = [1.50205418e-01, 6.76120529e-12, 1.84195280e-11, 7.83697468e-12, # 1.88757328e-12, 3.95820958e-11, 1.19620582e-11, 1.19440742e-11, # 1.87089886e-11, 4.58049765e+00, 4.91223856e-12, 2.84647880e-12, # 5.69667522e-12, 2.30425680e-11, 1.14781061e-11, 3.45560046e-11, # 9.35167355e-12, 7.56675789e-12, 1.92011109e-03, 1.98174635e-11, # 7.22949300e-12, 3.86415689e-12, 3.32313328e-11, 6.81567135e-12, # 9.75048750e-12, 1.13677645e-11, 5.17722412e-12, 1.53569991e-03, # 2.38163239e-11, 4.80720115e-12] # -6.28698665444 # x0 = np.ones(30)*0.1 # --> # [ 2.00829797e-03 1.90314686e-04 4.95525647e-08 5.72888703e-08 # 5.05644909e-08 4.96489353e-08 4.86581148e-08 5.14023421e-08 # 5.30146723e-02 4.28454169e-08 2.13781365e-09 3.81019074e-08 # 1.58936468e-08 1.02135824e-08 4.68306047e-08 4.19927866e-08 # 5.23404844e-08 4.40914737e-08 4.98378832e-08 7.80431707e-09 # 4.60839075e-08 5.09895031e-08 4.21929293e-08 2.49207806e-02 # 1.62240194e-08 4.79799229e-08 2.22741405e-08 4.69940438e-01 # 2.09332766e-09 5.85302709e-08] -6.34599415271 # [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. # 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. # 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. # 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. # 0.86766298 0. 0. ] -6.752578221 # x0 = np.ones(self.n)*s # x0 = np.random.random(30)*5. x0 = self.initial_guess func = lambda x: -self.model.obj( x, alpha=self.alpha, l_INI=self.l_INI ) # use this if switching from EGO, maximize the log likelihood # lb = 0.01 # ub = 100. # bounds = [(lb, ub)]*self.n bounds = self.bounds # print bounds # these are some alternative functions, which use 'callbackF for verbosity' # print self.model.obj(x0) print 'Initializing at ' + str(s) res = opt.minimize(func, x0=x0, bounds=bounds, method='L-BFGS-B', options={ 'eps': 1e-3, 'iprint': 2, 'disp': True, 'maxiter': 100 }, callback=self.callbackF) # pbar.update(1) # res = opt.differential_evolution(func, bounds, disp=True, popsize=10) # res = opt.basinhopping(func, x0=x0, disp=True) # bounds = pickle.load(open("ego_bds.p", "rb")) # load sigma boundaries # bo = BayesianOptimization(self.ego_func, pbounds=bounds) # create optimizer object # explore = pickle.load(open("ego_explore.p", "r")) # load points to check # bo.explore(explore) #initiate # bo.maximize(init_points=15, n_iter=25) # print bo.res['max'] print res.x, # return bo.res['max'] result_f[i] = result_x[i] = 10**(res.x) # self.pbar.close() return result_f, result_x