def zensus_misc_to_postgres(): """Import data on buildings, households and apartments to postgres db""" # Get information from data configuration file data_config = zensus_misc_processed = data_config["zensus_misc"]["processed"] zensus_population_processed = data_config["zensus_population"]["processed"] population_table = ( f"{zensus_population_processed['schema']}" f".{zensus_population_processed['table']}" ) # Read database configuration from docker-compose.yml docker_db_config = db.credentials() for input_file, table in zensus_misc_processed["path_table_map"].items(): with zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), input_file)) as zf: csvfiles = [n for n in zf.namelist() if n.lower()[-3:] == "csv"] for filename in csvfiles: zf.extract(filename) host = ["-h", f"{docker_db_config['HOST']}"] port = ["-p", f"{docker_db_config['PORT']}"] pgdb = ["-d", f"{docker_db_config['POSTGRES_DB']}"] user = ["-U", f"{docker_db_config['POSTGRES_USER']}"] command = [ "-c", rf"\copy {zensus_population_processed['schema']}.{table}" f"""(grid_id, grid_id_new, attribute, characteristics_code, characteristics_text, quantity, quantity_q) FROM '{filename}' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER ENCODING 'iso-8859-1';""", ] ["psql"] + host + port + pgdb + user + command, env={"PGPASSWORD": docker_db_config["POSTGRES_PASSWORD"]}, ) os.remove(filename) db.execute_sql( f"""UPDATE {zensus_population_processed['schema']}.{table} as b SET gid_ha = zs.gid FROM {population_table} zs WHERE b.grid_id = zs.grid_id;""" ) db.execute_sql( f"""ALTER TABLE {zensus_population_processed['schema']}.{table} ADD CONSTRAINT {table}_fkey FOREIGN KEY (gid_ha) REFERENCES {population_table}(gid);""" )
def insert_society_data(): """ Insert population and number of households per nuts3-region in Germany according to demandregio using its disaggregator-tool Returns ------- None. """ cfg =['demandregio']['society_data'] engine = db.engine() for table in cfg['table_names']: db.execute_sql( f"DELETE FROM {cfg['schema']}.{cfg['table_names'][table]};") for year in cfg['target_years']: df_pop = pd.DataFrame(data.population(year=year)) df_pop['year'] = year df_pop = df_pop.rename({'value': 'population'}, axis='columns') df_pop.to_sql(cfg['table_names']['population'], engine, schema=cfg['schema'], if_exists='append') df_hh = pd.DataFrame(data.households_per_size(year=year)) for hh_size in df_hh.columns: df = pd.DataFrame(df_hh[hh_size]) df['year'] = year df['hh_size'] = hh_size df = df.rename({hh_size: 'households'}, axis='columns') df.to_sql(cfg['table_names']['household'], engine, schema=cfg['schema'], if_exists='append')
def create_zensus_tables(): """Create tables for zensus data in postgres database""" # Get information from data configuration file data_config = zensus_population_processed = data_config["zensus_population"]["processed"] zensus_misc_processed = data_config["zensus_misc"]["processed"] # Create target schema db.execute_sql( f"CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS {zensus_population_processed['schema']};" ) # Create table for population data population_table = ( f"{zensus_population_processed['schema']}" f".{zensus_population_processed['table']}" ) db.execute_sql(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {population_table} CASCADE;") db.execute_sql( f"CREATE TABLE {population_table}" f""" (gid SERIAL NOT NULL, grid_id character varying(254) NOT NULL, x_mp int, y_mp int, population smallint, geom_point geometry(Point,3035), geom geometry (Polygon, 3035), CONSTRAINT {zensus_population_processed['table']}_pkey PRIMARY KEY (gid) ); """ ) # Create tables for household, apartment and building for table in zensus_misc_processed["path_table_map"].values(): misc_table = f"{zensus_misc_processed['schema']}.{table}" db.execute_sql(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {misc_table} CASCADE;") db.execute_sql( f"CREATE TABLE {misc_table}" f""" (id SERIAL, grid_id VARCHAR(50), grid_id_new VARCHAR (50), attribute VARCHAR(50), characteristics_code smallint, characteristics_text text, quantity smallint, quantity_q smallint, gid_ha int, CONSTRAINT {table}_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id) ); """ )
def create_tables(): """Create tables for demandregio data Returns ------- None. """ cfg =['demandregio'] db.execute_sql( f"CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS {cfg['demand_data']['schema']};") db.execute_sql( f"CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS {cfg['society_data']['schema']};") engine = db.engine() EgonDemandRegioHH.__table__.create(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) EgonDemandRegioCtsInd.__table__.create(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) EgonDemandRegioPopulation.__table__.create(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) EgonDemandRegioHouseholds.__table__.create(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) EgonDemandRegioWz.__table__.create(bind=engine, checkfirst=True)
def insert_demands(): """ Insert electricity demands per nuts3-region in Germany according to demandregio using its disaggregator-tool in MWh Returns ------- None. """ cfg =['demandregio']['demand_data'] engine = db.engine() for table in cfg['table_names']: db.execute_sql( f"DELETE FROM {cfg['schema']}.{cfg['table_names'][table]};") for scenario in cfg['scenarios'].keys(): year = cfg['scenarios'][scenario] # Insert demands of private households insert_hh_demand(scenario, year, engine, cfg) # Insert demands of CTS and industry # data only available for years before 2036 if cfg['scenarios'][scenario] > 2035: year = 2035 # target values per scenario in MWh target_values = { # according to NEP 2021 # new consumers will be added seperatly 'eGon2035': { 'CTS': 135300, 'industry': 225400 }, # CTS: reduce overall demand from demandregio (without traffic) # by share of heat according to JRC IDEES, data from 2011 # industry: no specific heat demand, use data from demandregio 'eGon100RE': { 'CTS': (1 - (5.96 + 6.13) / 154.64) * 125183.403 } } insert_cts_ind_demand(scenario, year, engine, target_values, cfg)
def modify_tables(): """Adjust primary keys, indices and schema of OSM tables. * The Column "gid" is added and used as the new primary key. * Indices (GIST, GIN) are reset * The tables are moved to the schema configured as the "output_schema". """ # Get dataset config data_config =["openstreetmap"] # Replace indices and primary keys for table in [ f"{data_config['original_data']['target']['table_prefix']}_" + suffix for suffix in ["line", "point", "polygon", "roads"] ]: # Drop indices sql_statements = [f"DROP INDEX IF EXISTS {table}_index;"] # Drop primary keys sql_statements.append(f"DROP INDEX IF EXISTS {table}_pkey;") # Add primary key on newly created column "gid" sql_statements.append(f"ALTER TABLE public.{table} ADD gid SERIAL;") sql_statements.append( f"ALTER TABLE public.{table} ADD PRIMARY KEY (gid);") sql_statements.append( f"ALTER TABLE public.{table} RENAME COLUMN way TO geom;") # Add indices (GIST and GIN) sql_statements.append( f"CREATE INDEX {table}_geom_idx ON public.{table} " f"USING gist (geom);") sql_statements.append( f"CREATE INDEX {table}_tags_idx ON public.{table} " f"USING GIN (tags);") # Execute collected SQL statements for statement in sql_statements: db.execute_sql(statement) # Move table to schema "openstreetmap" db.execute_sql( f"CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS {data_config['processed']['schema']};") for out_table in data_config["processed"]["tables"]: db.execute_sql(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " f"{data_config['processed']['schema']}.{out_table};") sql_statement = (f"ALTER TABLE public.{out_table} " f"SET SCHEMA {data_config['processed']['schema']};") db.execute_sql(sql_statement)
def to_postgres(): # Get information from data configuraiton file data_config = vg250_orig = data_config["vg250"]["original_data"] vg250_processed = data_config["vg250"]["processed"] # Create target schema db.execute_sql(f"CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS {vg250_processed['schema']};") zip_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), vg250_orig["target"]["path"]) engine_local_db = db.engine() # Extract shapefiles from zip archive and send it to postgres db for filename, table in vg250_processed["file_table_map"].items(): # Open files and read .shp (within .zip) with geopandas data = gpd.read_file( f"zip://{zip_file}!vg250_01-01.geo84.shape.ebenen/" f"vg250_ebenen_0101/{filename}") # Set index column and format column headings data.index.set_names("gid", inplace=True) data.columns = [x.lower() for x in data.columns] # Drop table before inserting data db.execute_sql(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " f"{vg250_processed['schema']}.{table} CASCADE;") # create database table from geopandas dataframe data.to_postgis( table, engine_local_db, schema=vg250_processed["schema"], index=True, if_exists="replace", dtype={"geometry": Geometry()}, ) db.execute_sql(f"ALTER TABLE {vg250_processed['schema']}.{table} " f"ADD PRIMARY KEY (gid);") # Add index on geometry column db.execute_sql( f"CREATE INDEX {table}_geometry_idx ON " f"{vg250_processed['schema']}.{table} USING gist (geometry);")
def population_to_postgres(): """Import Zensus population data to postgres database""" # Get information from data configuration file data_config = zensus_population_orig = data_config["zensus_population"]["original_data"] zensus_population_processed = data_config["zensus_population"]["processed"] input_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), zensus_population_orig["target"]["path"] ) # Read database configuration from docker-compose.yml docker_db_config = db.credentials() population_table = ( f"{zensus_population_processed['schema']}" f".{zensus_population_processed['table']}" ) with zipfile.ZipFile(input_file) as zf: for filename in zf.namelist(): zf.extract(filename) host = ["-h", f"{docker_db_config['HOST']}"] port = ["-p", f"{docker_db_config['PORT']}"] pgdb = ["-d", f"{docker_db_config['POSTGRES_DB']}"] user = ["-U", f"{docker_db_config['POSTGRES_USER']}"] command = [ "-c", rf"\copy {population_table} (grid_id, x_mp, y_mp, population)" rf" FROM '{filename}' DELIMITER ';' CSV HEADER;", ] ["psql"] + host + port + pgdb + user + command, env={"PGPASSWORD": docker_db_config["POSTGRES_PASSWORD"]}, ) os.remove(filename) db.execute_sql( f"UPDATE {population_table} zs" " SET geom_point=ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(zs.x_mp, zs.y_mp), 3035);" ) db.execute_sql( f"UPDATE {population_table} zs" """ SET geom=ST_SetSRID( (ST_MakeEnvelope(zs.x_mp-50,zs.y_mp-50,zs.x_mp+50,zs.y_mp+50)), 3035 ); """ ) db.execute_sql( f"CREATE INDEX {zensus_population_processed['table']}_geom_idx ON" f" {population_table} USING gist (geom);" ) db.execute_sql( f"CREATE INDEX" f" {zensus_population_processed['table']}_geom_point_idx" f" ON {population_table} USING gist (geom_point);" )