Esempio n. 1
#!/usr/bin/env python

import eideticker

manifest = eideticker.get_test_manifest()
testkeys = [test["key"] for test in manifest.active_tests()]
for key in sorted(testkeys):
    print key

Esempio n. 2
def main(args=sys.argv[1:]):
    usage = "usage: %prog [options] <product> <test> <output dir>"

    parser = eideticker.CaptureOptionParser(usage=usage)
                      action="store_true", dest = "enable_profiling",
                      help = "Create SPS profile to go along with capture")
    parser.add_option("--device-id", action="store", dest="device_id",
                      help="id of device (used in output json)")
    parser.add_option("--apk", action="store", dest="apk",
                      help = "Product apk to get metadata from " \
    parser.add_option("--baseline", action="store_true", dest="baseline",
                      help = "Create baseline results for dashboard")
    parser.add_option("--num-runs", action="store",
                      type = "int", dest = "num_runs",
                      help = "number of runs (default: 1)")
    parser.add_option("--app-version", action="store", dest="app_version",
                      help="Specify app version (if not automatically " \
                          "available; Android-specific)")
    parser.add_option("--sources-xml", action="store", dest="sources_xml",
                      help="Path to sources XML file for getting revision " \
                          "information (B2G-specific)")

    options, args = parser.parse_args()

    (productname, testkey, outputdir) = args
    num_runs = 1
    if options.num_runs:
        num_runs = options.num_runs

    manifest = eideticker.get_test_manifest()

    # sanity check... does the test match a known test key?
    testkeys = [test["key"] for test in manifest.active_tests()]
    if testkey not in testkeys:
        print "ERROR: No tests matching '%s' (options: %s)" % (testkey, ", ".join(testkeys))

    testinfo = [test for test in manifest.active_tests() if test['key'] == testkey][0]

    device_id = options.device_id
    if not device_id:
        device_id = os.environ.get('DEVICE_ID')
    if not device_id:
        print "ERROR: Must specify device id (either with --device-id or with DEVICE_ID environment variable)"

    # we'll log http requests for webstartup tests only
    log_http_requests = False
    if testinfo['type'] == 'webstartup':
        log_http_requests = True

    product = eideticker.get_product(productname)
    current_date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    capture_name = "%s (taken on %s)" % (product['name'], current_date)
    datafile = os.path.join(outputdir, device_id, '%s.json' % testkey)

    data = NestedDict()
    if os.path.isfile(datafile):

    device_prefs = eideticker.getDevicePrefs(options)
    device = eideticker.getDevice(**device_prefs)

    devices = {}
    devicefile = os.path.join(outputdir, 'devices.json')
    if os.path.isfile(devicefile):
        devices = json.loads(open(devicefile).read())['devices']
    testfile = os.path.join(outputdir, '%s' % device_id, 'tests.json')
    if os.path.isfile(testfile):
        tests = json.loads(open(testfile).read())['tests']
        tests = {}
    tests[testkey] = { 'shortDesc': testinfo['shortDesc'],
                       'defaultMeasure': testinfo['defaultMeasure'] }

    if options.devicetype == "android":
        devices[device_id] = { 'name': device.model,
                               'version': device.getprop('') }
        if options.apk:
            if options.app_version:
                raise Exception("Should specify either --app-version or --apk, not both!")
            appinfo = eideticker.get_fennec_appinfo(options.apk)
            appname = appinfo['appname']
            print "Using application name '%s' from apk '%s'" % (appname, options.apk)
            capture_name = "%s %s" % (product['name'], appinfo['appdate'])
            if not options.app_version:
                raise Exception("Should specify --app-version if not --apk!")

            # no apk, assume it's something static on the device
            appinfo = { 'appdate': time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), 'version': options.app_version }
            appname = product['appname']

    elif options.devicetype == "b2g":
        if not options.sources_xml:
            raise Exception("Must specify --sources-xml on b2g!")

        devices[device_id] = { 'name': device.model }
        appinicontents = device.pullFile('/system/b2g/application.ini')
        sfh = StringIO.StringIO(appinicontents)
        appinfo = eideticker.get_appinfo(sfh)
        appname = None
        print "Unknown device type '%s'!" % options.devicetype

    # update the device / test list for the dashboard
    with open(devicefile, 'w') as f:
        f.write(json.dumps({ 'devices': devices }))
    testfiledir = os.path.dirname(testfile)
    if not os.path.exists(testfiledir):
    with open(testfile, 'w') as f:
        f.write(json.dumps({ 'tests': tests }))

    capture_area = None
    if options.capture_area:
        # we validated this previously...
        capture_area = json.loads(options.capture_area)

    # Run the test the specified number of times
    for i in range(num_runs):
        # Now run the test
        runtest(device, device_prefs, options.capture_device, capture_area,
                product, appname, appinfo, testinfo,
                capture_name + " #%s" % i, outputdir, datafile, data,
        if options.devicetype == "android":
            # Kill app after test complete
Esempio n. 3
#!/usr/bin/env python

import eideticker

manifest = eideticker.get_test_manifest()
testkeys = [test["key"] for test in manifest.active_tests()]
for key in sorted(testkeys):
    print key