currentmarkpos = None global markedpoint markedpoint = None areaobjs = [] pathlist = [] global currentpath obstacles = dict() sys.path.append("car-control2") import eight eight.eightinit() def draw_way(offset, w, **kargs): path = [(i, eight.nodes[i]) for i in eight.ways[w]] p = eight.makepath(offset, path) if offset != 0: for (i, x, y) in p: print "%f %d %f %f" % (offset, i, x, y) draw_path(p, **kargs) # If the first point is repeated as the last point, we consider the # path closed, otherwise not. def draw_path(p, **kargs): first = True for cmd in p:
def init(): if g.VIN == "car5": g.mxmin = -99 g.mxmax = -40 g.mymin = 100 g.mymax = 152 if g.VIN == "car3": g.mxmin = -20 g.mxmax = 39 g.mymin = 37 g.mymax = 85 # fake, just to make them defined if g.VIN == "car4": g.mxmin = 0 g.mxmax = 100 g.mymin = 0 g.mymax = 100 canNetwork = "can0" canFrameID = 1025 if not g.simulate: g.canSocket = initializeCAN(canNetwork) g.angleknown = False eight.eightinit() nav_signal.setleds(0, 7) start_new_thread(nav_tc.connect_to_ground_control, ()) g.logf = open("navlog", "w") g.accf = open("acclog", "w") #g.accf.write("%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n" % ( #x, y, g.vx, g.vy, g.px,, x0, y0, vvx, vvy, g.ppx, g.ppy, g.ang)) g.accf.write( "x y vx vy px py x0 y0 vvx vvy ppx ppy ang angvel steering speed inspeed outspeed odometer z0 r rx ry acc finspeed fodometer t can_ultra\n" ) g.t0 = time.time() print("t0 = %f" % g.t0) tolog("init") if not g.simulate: nav_imu.calibrate_imu() if not g.simulate: start_new_thread(wm.readmarker, ()) if not g.simulate: start_new_thread(nav_mqtt.handle_mqtt, ()) if not g.simulate: start_new_thread(wm.readspeed2, ()) if not g.simulate: start_new_thread(nav_imu.readgyro, ()) if not g.simulate: start_new_thread(driving.senddrive, ()) if not g.simulate: start_new_thread(keepspeed, ()) start_new_thread(heartbeat, ()) if not g.simulate: start_new_thread(connect_to_ecm, ()) if g.simulate: g.steering = 0 g.finspeed = 0 start_new_thread(wm.simulatecar, ())
def init(): random.seed(g.VIN) if g.VIN == "car5": g.mxmin = -99 g.mxmax = -40 g.mymin = 100 g.mymax = 152 if g.VIN == "car3": g.mxmin = -20 g.mxmax = 39 g.mymin = 37 g.mymax = 85 # fake, just to make them defined if g.VIN == "car4": g.mxmin = 0 g.mxmax = 100 g.mymin = 0 g.mymax = 100 canNetwork = "can0" canFrameID = 1025 if not g.simulate: g.canSocket = initializeCAN(canNetwork) g.angleknown = False eight.eightinit() g.t0 = time.time() nav_signal.setleds(0, 7) suffix = "" if g.simulate: suffix = "-" + g.VIN g.logf = open("navlog" + suffix, "w") g.accf = open("acclog" + suffix, "w", 1024) if not g.standalone: start_new_thread(nav_tc.connect_to_ground_control, ()) #g.accf.write("%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n" % ( #x, y, g.vx, g.vy, g.px,, x0, y0, vvx, vvy, g.ppx, g.ppy, g.ang)) g.accf.write("x y vx vy px py x0 y0 vvx vvy ppx ppy ang angvel steering speed inspeed outspeed odometer z0 r rx ry acc finspeed fodometer t pleftspeed leftspeed fleftspeed realspeed can_ultra droppedlog\n") g.accfqsize = 1000 g.accfq = queue.Queue(g.accfqsize) start_new_thread(nav_log.logthread, (g.accfq,)) g.qlen = 0 tolog("t0 = %f" % g.t0) tolog("init") if not g.simulate: nav_imu.calibrate_imu() if not g.simulate: start_new_thread(wm.readmarker, ()) # if not g.simulate: start_new_thread(nav_mqtt.handle_mqtt, ()) if not g.simulate: start_new_thread(wm.readspeed2, ()) if not g.simulate: start_new_thread_really(nav_imu.readgyro, ()) if not g.simulate: start_new_thread(driving.senddrive, ()) if not g.simulate: start_new_thread(keepspeed, ()) if not g.standalone: start_new_thread(heartbeat, ()) if not g.simulate: start_new_thread(connect_to_ecm, ()) if not g.simulate: start_new_thread(pos_thread, ()) if g.simulate: g.steering = 0 g.finspeed = 0 start_new_thread(wm.simulatecar, ())
currentcarcircle = None currentmark = None currentmarkpos = None global markedpoint markedpoint = None areaobjs = [] pathlist = [] global currentpath obstacles = dict() eight.eightinit() def draw_way(offset, w, **kargs): path = [(i, eight.nodes[i]) for i in eight.ways[w]] p = nav_map.makepath(offset, path) if offset != 0: for (i, x, y) in p: print "%f %d %f %f" % (offset, i, x, y) draw_path(p, **kargs) # If the first point is repeated as the last point, we consider the # path closed, otherwise not. def draw_path(p, **kargs): first = True for cmd in p: