Esempio n. 1
def sim(h, N, v_0, x_0):
    v = np.zeros(N)
    v[0] = v_0

    x = np.zeros(N)
    x[0] = x_0
    t = np.zeros(N)
    norm = np.zeros(N)
    fric = np.zeros(N)

    # Eulers shitty method
    for n in range(N - 1):
        # Update time and angle for current position
        t[n + 1] = t[n] + h
        alpha = exlab.slope(lane_h, x[n])

        # Store current state for norm and fric
        norm[n] = fnorm(v[n], x[n], alpha)
        fric[n] = ffric(v[n], x[n], alpha)

        # Calculate next states for position and velocity
        x[n + 1] = x[n] + h * v[n] * np.cos(alpha)
        v[n + 1] = v[n] + 0.5 * h * fv(v[n], alpha)

    return t, v, x, norm, fric
Esempio n. 2
def fix_exp_data(exp_data_t, exp_data_v, exp_data_x, FORMAT=False):
    # DIfferent parameters if format specified True
    if (not FORMAT):
        exp_x_offset = -0.05
        exp_v_offset = 0.1
        exp_x_offset = -0.05
        exp_v_offset = 0

    # Because v_exp is relative to the horizon and not the track, we need to change this
    for n in range(len(exp_data_v)):
        alpha = exlab.slope(lane_h, exp_data_x[n])
        exp_data_v[n] *= np.cos(alpha)

    # Offset data to start at the origin
    exp_t_0 = exp_data_t[0]
    exp_x_0 = exp_data_x[0]
    exp_v_0 = exp_data_v[0]
    exp_data_v[0] = 0

    for i in range(len(exp_data_t)):
        exp_data_t[i] -= exp_t_0
        exp_data_x[i] -= exp_x_offset
        exp_data_v[i] -= exp_v_0 - exp_v_offset

    return exp_data_v, exp_data_x
Esempio n. 3
    def test_slope(self):
        x = np.array([-0.2, 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2])
        y = x**2
        h = height(x, y)
        y_interp = h(x)

        x_interp = np.linspace(0.2, 0.8, 100)
        dydx = 2 * x_interp
        angle = -np.arctan(dydx)
        s = slope(h, x_interp)

        if SHOW:
            from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
            fig = plt.figure()
            ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
            ax.plot(x_interp, angle, 'x')
            ax.plot(x_interp, s)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(s, angle, atol=0.01))
def get_time(x, y):

    he = height(x, y)
    x_interp = np.linspace(0.0, 1.4, 10000)
    alpha = slope(he, x_interp)
    kappa = curvature(he, x_interp)
    N = 10000  # antall steg
    h = 0.002  # stegstørrelse

    # initialverdier
    t_0 = 0
    v_0 = 0
    x_0 = 0
    v_x_0 = 0
    no_0 = 0
    f_0 = 0

    # konstant g/(1+(I_0/mr^2)) for kula
    K = 7.007143
    m = 0.03
    g = 9.81
    c = 2 / 5

    #kappa = curvature(he_acc, x_interp)
    # alpha funksjonen a(x)
    a = height(x_interp, alpha)
    k = height(x_interp, kappa)

    t = np.zeros(N + 1)
    v = np.zeros(N + 1)
    x = np.zeros(N + 1)
    v_x = np.zeros(N + 1)
    no = np.zeros(N + 1)
    f = np.zeros(N + 1)

    t[0] = t_0
    v[0] = v_0
    x[0] = x_0
    v_x[0] = v_x_0
    no[0] = no_0
    f[0] = f_0

    t_old = t_0
    v_old = v_0
    x_old = x_0
    no_old = no_0
    f_old = f_0

    for n in range(N):
        v_new = v_old + h * (K * (np.sin(a(x_old))))  # Euler's method
        v_x_new = v_new * np.cos(a(x_old))
        x_new = x_old + h * (v_new * np.cos(a(x_old)))

        aks = K * (np.sin(a(x_old)))

        f_new = m * g * np.sin(a(x_old)) - m * aks
        no_new = m * g * np.cos(a(x_old)) + m * v_new**2 / k(x_old)

        t[n + 1] = t_old + h
        v[n + 1] = v_new
        x[n + 1] = x_new
        v_x[n + 1] = v_x_new
        f[n + 1] = f_new
        no[n + 1] = no_new

        t_old = t_old + h
        v_old = v_new
        x_old = x_new
        if x_old >= 1.4:
            t_ans = t_old - h
            N = n

    t = t[:N]
    x = x[:N]
    v_x = v_x[:N]
    f = f[:N]
    no = no[:N]

    return x, v, t_ans, t, v_x, f, no
Esempio n. 5
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from eksternlab import height, slope, curvature
from scipy.constants import g

x = [0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4]
y = [0.472, 0.374, 0.313, 0.280, 0.284, 0.314, 0.373, 0.450]

h = height(x, y)

x_interp = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 50)

alpha = slope(h, x_interp)
kappa = curvature(h, x_interp)
plt.plot(h, x_interp)
plt.ylabel('$slope$'), plt.xlabel('$x$')
Esempio n. 6
from pylab import *;plot();show()

x_track = [0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2]
for i in range(len(x_track)):
    x_track[i] *= 0.975
y_track = [0.278, 0.151, 0.08, 0.055, 0.078, 0.151, 0.275] #Høydene vi målte på labben

h = height(x_track, y_track)
print("h:", h)

x_interp = np.linspace(0.0, 1.2,50) #Er lengde fra til med antall intervaller
print("x_interp:", x_interp, len(x_interp))
y_interp = h(x_interp)
print("y_interp:", y_interp, len(y_interp))

alpha = slope(h, x_interp) #Hellingsvinkelen til banen

kappa = curvature(h, x_interp) # Krumningsradiusen til banen.
kappa[0] = kappa[1]

for i in range(len(alpha)):
    print("x:", "{:1.3f}".format(x_interp[i]), "y:", "{:1.3f}".format(y_interp[i]), "Alfa:", "{:1.3f}".format(alpha[i]), "Kappa:", "{:1.3f}".format(kappa[i]))

totaltid = 40
iterasjoner = 5000

a = [0]
v = [0.5]
s = [0]
x = [0]
f = [0]
Esempio n. 7
atemp = 0
etemp = 0
rise = True
m = 0.03
r = 0.011
k = 0.4
I = k*m*r*r
gamma = -0.05222142975 #fra eksperiment
c = -1*gamma * 2 * m * (1+k)
numc = 3.75 * (10**(-6)) #teoretisk c
print(f"Snittverdi for c: {c}\n")
g = 9.81
fx = k*m
pps = 1000
h = height(xxlist, hlist)
alpha = (slope(h,xxlist[1]))

def accl(alpha, v):
    return (g*sin(alpha)-(c*v)/m)/(1 + k)

start = time()

# startverdier for å normalisere listelengde
ntemp = m*vlist[0]*vlist[0]*curvature(h, xlist[0]) + m*g*cos(alpha)
ftemp = fx * accl(alpha, vlist[0])
atemp = accl(alpha, vlist[0])