def main(): usage= 'usage: %prog [options] infname' parser= OptionParser(usage=usage) options, args= parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) if len(args) < 1: parser.error('not enaught args') infname= args[0] outfname= infname.replace('notes', 'mid') assert infname != outfname score= Score(480) instrument= Instrument() instrument.patch=21 lines= open(infname).read().split('\n') notes= [] for l in lines: if len(l) == 0: continue [str_note, start, end, pitch]= l.split() start= int(start) end= int(end) duration= end-start pitch= int(pitch) score.note_played(instrument, pitch, start, duration, 100) writer= writerclass() writer.dump(score, outfname)
def parse(self, fname, **kwargs): score = Score(480) instrument = Instrument() lines = open(fname).read().split("\n") notes = [] for l in lines: if len(l) == 0: continue [str_note, start, end, pitch] = l.split() start = int(start) end = int(end) duration = end - start pitch = int(pitch) score.note_played(instrument, pitch, start, duration, 100) return score
class MidiToScore(MidiOutStream): def __init__(self, print_warnings=True): MidiOutStream.__init__(self) self.actual_instruments= {} # diccionario de channel en [*args] de note_on self.notes_not_finished= {} self.score= None self.track_info= {} self.print_warnings=print_warnings def header(self, format=0, nTracks=1, division=96): self.score= Score(division) def note_on(self, channel=0, note=0x40, velocity=0x40): assert self.score is not None notes= self.notes_not_finished.get(channel, {}) notes[note]= velocity, self.rel_time(), self.abs_time() self.notes_not_finished[channel]= notes def note_off(self, channel=0, note=0x40, velocity=0x40): assert self.score is not None notes= self.notes_not_finished.get(channel, {}) if not note in notes: if self.print_warnings: print "WARNING: note_off without note_on ", note return #import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace() #assert note in notes starting_vel, starting_reltime, starting_abstime= notes[note] if channel not in self.actual_instruments: self.actual_instruments[channel]= Instrument(is_drums=channel==9) instrument= self.actual_instruments[channel] channel #import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace() if self.abs_time()-starting_abstime > 0: self.score.note_played(instrument, note, starting_abstime, self.abs_time()-starting_abstime, starting_vel) #def start_of_track(self, n_track=0): def patch_change(self, channel, patch): assert self.score is not None #import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace() if channel not in self.actual_instruments: self.actual_instruments[channel]= Instrument(is_drums=channel==9) instrument= self.actual_instruments[channel] instrument.patch= patch channel def continuous_controller(self, channel, controller, value): #if channel == 3: import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace() msg= MidiControllerFactory([controller, value], self.abs_time()) if channel not in self.actual_instruments: self.actual_instruments[channel]= Instrument(is_drums=channel==9) instrument= self.actual_instruments[channel] instrument.messages.append(msg) def end_of_track(self): self.actual_instruments= {} def smtp_offset(self, *args): self.score.append_message(MidiMessage(args, 'smtp_offset')) def time_signature(self, nn, dd, cc, bb): self.score.time_signature= (nn,dd) if cc != 24 and self.print_warnings: print "WARNING: cc != 24" if bb != 8 and self.print_warnings: print "WARNING: bb != 8" def key_signature(self, sf, mi): self.score.key= None self.score.mode= None if sf <= 7 and sf >= 0: self.score.key= sf*7 % 12 self.score.mode= mi elif sf < 0: self.score.key= abs(sf)*5 % 12 self.score.mode= mi self.score.key_signature= (sf, mi) def tempo(self, tempo): self.score.tempo= tempo def sysex_event(self, data): pass
def header(self, format=0, nTracks=1, division=96): self.score= Score(division)