Esempio n. 1
def recover_tx_from_psbt(first: BasicPSBT,
                         wallet: Abstract_Wallet) -> Transaction:
    # Take a PSBT object and re-construct the Electrum transaction object.
    # - does not include signatures, see merge_sigs_from_psbt
    # - any PSBT in the group could be used for this purpose; all must share tx details

    tx = Transaction(first.txn.hex())

    # .. add back some data that's been preserved in the PSBT, but isn't part of
    # of the unsigned bitcoin txn
    tx.is_partial_originally = True

    for idx, inp in enumerate(tx.inputs()):
        scr = first.inputs[idx].redeem_script or first.inputs[

        # XXX should use parse_scriptSig() here!
        if scr:
                M, N, __, pubkeys, __ = parse_redeemScript_multisig(scr)
            except NotRecognizedRedeemScript:
                # limitation: we can only handle M-of-N multisig here
                raise ValueError("Cannot handle non M-of-N multisig input")

            inp['pubkeys'] = pubkeys
            inp['x_pubkeys'] = pubkeys
            inp['num_sig'] = M
            inp['type'] = 'p2wsh' if first.inputs[
                idx].witness_script else 'p2sh'

            # bugfix: puts empty dict here, but need a list
            inp['signatures'] = [None] * N

        if 'prev_tx' not in inp:
            # fetch info about inputs' previous txn

        if 'value' not in inp:
            # we'll need to know the value of the outpts used as part
            # of the witness data, much later...
            inp['value'] = inp['prev_tx'].outputs()[inp['prevout_n']].value

    return tx
Esempio n. 2
def build_psbt(tx: Transaction, wallet: Abstract_Wallet):
    # Render a PSBT file, for possible upload to Coldcard.
    # TODO this should be part of Wallet object, or maybe Transaction?

    if getattr(tx, 'raw_psbt', False):'PSBT cache hit')
        return tx.raw_psbt

    inputs = tx.inputs()
    if 'prev_tx' not in inputs[0]:
        # fetch info about inputs, if needed?
        # - needed during export PSBT flow, not normal online signing

    # wallet.add_hw_info installs this attr
    assert tx.output_info is not None, 'need data about outputs'

    # Build a map of all pubkeys needed as derivation from master XFP, in PSBT binary format
    # 1) binary version of the common subpath for all keys
    #       m/ => fingerprint LE32
    #       a/b/c => ints
    # 2) all used keys in transaction:
    #    - for all inputs and outputs (when its change back)
    #    - for all keystores, if multisig
    subkeys = {}
    for ks in wallet.get_keystores():

        # XFP + fixed prefix for this keystore
        ks_prefix = packed_xfp_path_for_keystore(ks)

        # all pubkeys needed for input signing
        for xpubkey, derivation in ks.get_tx_derivations(tx).items():
            pubkey = xpubkey_to_pubkey(xpubkey)

            # assuming depth two, non-harded: change + index
            aa, bb = derivation
            assert 0 <= aa < 0x80000000 and 0 <= bb < 0x80000000

            subkeys[bfh(pubkey)] = ks_prefix + pack('<II', aa, bb)

        # all keys related to change outputs
        for o in tx.outputs():
            if o.address in tx.output_info:
                # this address "is_mine" but might not be change (if I send funds to myself)
                output_info = tx.output_info.get(o.address)
                if not output_info.is_change:
                chg_path = output_info.address_index
                assert chg_path[0] == 1 and len(
                    chg_path) == 2, f"unexpected change path: {chg_path}"
                pubkey = ks.derive_pubkey(True, chg_path[1])
                subkeys[bfh(pubkey)] = ks_prefix + pack('<II', *chg_path)

    for txin in inputs:
        assert txin['type'] != 'coinbase', _("Coinbase not supported")

        if txin['type'] in ['p2sh', 'p2wsh-p2sh', 'p2wsh']:
            assert type(wallet) is Multisig_Wallet

    # Construct PSBT from start to finish.
    out_fd = io.BytesIO()

    def write_kv(ktype, val, key=b''):
        # serialize helper: write w/ size and key byte
        out_fd.write(my_var_int(1 + len(key)))
        out_fd.write(bytes([ktype]) + key)

        if isinstance(val, str):
            val = bfh(val)


    # global section: just the unsigned txn
    class CustomTXSerialization(Transaction):
        def input_script(cls, txin, estimate_size=False):
            return ''

    unsigned = bfh(
    write_kv(PSBT_GLOBAL_UNSIGNED_TX, unsigned)

    if type(wallet) is Multisig_Wallet:

        # always put the xpubs into the PSBT, useful at least for checking
        for xp, ks in zip(wallet.get_master_public_keys(),
            ks_prefix = packed_xfp_path_for_keystore(ks)

            write_kv(PSBT_GLOBAL_XPUB, ks_prefix, DecodeBase58Check(xp))

    # end globals section

    # inputs section
    for txin in inputs:
        if Transaction.is_segwit_input(txin):
            utxo = txin['prev_tx'].outputs()[txin['prevout_n']]
            spendable = txin['prev_tx'].serialize_output(utxo)
            write_kv(PSBT_IN_WITNESS_UTXO, spendable)
            write_kv(PSBT_IN_NON_WITNESS_UTXO, str(txin['prev_tx']))

        pubkeys, x_pubkeys = tx.get_sorted_pubkeys(txin)

        pubkeys = [bfh(k) for k in pubkeys]

        if type(wallet) is Multisig_Wallet:
            # always need a redeem script for multisig
            scr = Transaction.get_preimage_script(txin)

            if Transaction.is_segwit_input(txin):
                # needed for both p2wsh-p2sh and p2wsh
                write_kv(PSBT_IN_WITNESS_SCRIPT, bfh(scr))
                write_kv(PSBT_IN_REDEEM_SCRIPT, bfh(scr))

        sigs = txin.get('signatures')

        for pk_pos, (pubkey, x_pubkey) in enumerate(zip(pubkeys, x_pubkeys)):
            if pubkey in subkeys:
                # faster? case ... calculated above
                write_kv(PSBT_IN_BIP32_DERIVATION, subkeys[pubkey], pubkey)
                # when an input is partly signed, tx.get_tx_derivations()
                # doesn't include that keystore's value and yet we need it
                # because we need to show a correct keypath...
                assert x_pubkey[0:2] == 'ff', x_pubkey

                for ks in wallet.get_keystores():
                    d = ks.get_pubkey_derivation(x_pubkey)
                    if d is not None:
                        ks_path = packed_xfp_path_for_keystore(ks, d)
                        write_kv(PSBT_IN_BIP32_DERIVATION, ks_path, pubkey)
                    raise AssertionError("no keystore for: %s" % x_pubkey)

            if txin['type'] == 'p2wpkh-p2sh':
                assert len(
                    pubkeys) == 1, 'can be only one redeem script per input'
                pa = hash_160(pubkey)
                assert len(pa) == 20
                write_kv(PSBT_IN_REDEEM_SCRIPT, b'\x00\x14' + pa)

            # optional? insert (partial) signatures that we already have
            if sigs and sigs[pk_pos]:
                write_kv(PSBT_IN_PARTIAL_SIG, bfh(sigs[pk_pos]), pubkey)


    # outputs section
    for o in tx.outputs():
        # can be empty, but must be present, and helpful to show change inputs
        # wallet.add_hw_info() adds some data about change outputs into tx.output_info
        if o.address in tx.output_info:
            # this address "is_mine" but might not be change (if I send funds to myself)
            output_info = tx.output_info.get(o.address)
            if output_info.is_change:
                pubkeys = [bfh(i) for i in wallet.get_public_keys(o.address)]

                # Add redeem/witness script?
                if type(wallet) is Multisig_Wallet:
                    # always need a redeem script for multisig cases
                    scr = bfh(
                        multisig_script([bh2u(i) for i in sorted(pubkeys)],

                    if output_info.script_type == 'p2wsh-p2sh':
                        write_kv(PSBT_OUT_WITNESS_SCRIPT, scr)
                                 b'\x00\x20' + sha256(scr))
                    elif output_info.script_type == 'p2wsh':
                        write_kv(PSBT_OUT_WITNESS_SCRIPT, scr)
                    elif output_info.script_type == 'p2sh':
                        write_kv(PSBT_OUT_REDEEM_SCRIPT, scr)
                        raise ValueError(output_info.script_type)

                elif output_info.script_type == 'p2wpkh-p2sh':
                    # need a redeem script when P2SH is used to wrap p2wpkh
                    assert len(pubkeys) == 1
                    pa = hash_160(pubkeys[0])
                    write_kv(PSBT_OUT_REDEEM_SCRIPT, b'\x00\x14' + pa)

                # Document change output's bip32 derivation(s)
                for pubkey in pubkeys:
                    sk = subkeys[pubkey]
                    write_kv(PSBT_OUT_BIP32_DERIVATION, sk, pubkey)


    # capture for later use
    tx.raw_psbt = out_fd.getvalue()

    return tx.raw_psbt