Esempio n. 1
 def initialize_completer(self):
     english_list = Mnemonic('en').wordlist
     old_list = electrum_ltc.old_mnemonic.words
     self.wordlist = english_list + list(set(old_list) - set(english_list)) #concat both lists
     self.completer = QCompleter(self.wordlist)
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self, wizard, **kwargs):
     super(RestoreSeedDialog, self).__init__(wizard, **kwargs)
     self._test = kwargs['test']
     from electrum_ltc.mnemonic import Mnemonic
     from electrum_ltc.old_mnemonic import words as old_wordlist
     self.words = set(Mnemonic('en').wordlist).union(set(old_wordlist))
     self.ids.text_input_seed.text = test_seed if is_test else ''
     self.message = _('Please type your seed phrase using the virtual keyboard.')
     self.title = _('Enter Seed')
     self.ext = False
Esempio n. 3
    def initialize_completer(self):
        bip39_english_list = Mnemonic('en').wordlist
        old_list = old_mnemonic.wordlist
        only_old_list = set(old_list) - set(bip39_english_list)
        self.wordlist = list(bip39_english_list) + list(only_old_list)  # concat both lists

        class CompleterDelegate(QStyledItemDelegate):
            def initStyleOption(self, option, index):
                super().initStyleOption(option, index)
                # Some people complained that due to merging the two word lists,
                # it is difficult to restore from a metal backup, as they planned
                # to rely on the "4 letter prefixes are unique in bip39 word list" property.
                # So we color words that are only in old list.
                if option.text in only_old_list:
                    # yellow bg looks ~ok on both light/dark theme, regardless if (un)selected
                    option.backgroundBrush = ColorScheme.YELLOW.as_color(background=True)

        self.completer = QCompleter(self.wordlist)
        delegate = CompleterDelegate(self.seed_e)
Esempio n. 4
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     super(RestoreSeedDialog, self).__init__(**kwargs)
     self._test = kwargs['test']
     from electrum_ltc.mnemonic import Mnemonic
     from electrum_ltc.old_mnemonic import words as old_wordlist
     self.words = set(Mnemonic('en').wordlist).union(set(old_wordlist))
 def derive_bip32_seed(self, seed, passphrase):
     self.bip32_seed= Mnemonic('en').mnemonic_to_seed(seed, passphrase)
 def create_seed(self, wizard):
     wizard.seed_type = 'standard'
     wizard.opt_bip39 = False
     seed = Mnemonic('en').make_seed(wizard.seed_type)
     f = lambda x: self.request_passphrase(wizard, seed, x)
     wizard.show_seed_dialog(run_next=f, seed_text=seed)
Esempio n. 7
 def create_seed(self):
     from electrum_ltc.mnemonic import Mnemonic
     seed = Mnemonic('en').make_seed()
     self.opt_bip39 = False
     f = lambda x: self.request_passphrase(seed, x)
     self.show_seed_dialog(run_next=f, seed_text=seed)