Esempio n. 1
    def test_pdf(self, distribution_test):
        # 1d case
        x = [1, 2, -1]
        means = [0, 2]
        weights = normalize_weights([.4, .1])
        d = GMDistribution.pdf(x, means, weights=weights)
        d_true = weights[0] * ss.norm.pdf(x, loc=means[0]) + \
            weights[1] * ss.norm.pdf(x, loc=means[1])
        assert np.allclose(d, d_true)

        # Test with a single observation
        # assert GMDistribution.pdf(x[0], means, weights=weights).ndim == 0

        # Distribution_test with 1d means
        distribution_test(GMDistribution, means, weights=weights)

        # 2d case
        x = [[1, 2, -1], [0, 0, 2]]
        means = [[0, 0, 0], [-1, -.2, .1]]
        d = GMDistribution.pdf(x, means, weights=weights)
        d_true = weights[0] * ss.multivariate_normal.pdf(x, mean=means[0]) + \
            weights[1] * ss.multivariate_normal.pdf(x, mean=means[1])
        assert np.allclose(d, d_true)

        # Test with a single observation
        assert GMDistribution.pdf(x[0], means, weights=weights).ndim == 0

        # Distribution_test with 3d means
        distribution_test(GMDistribution, means, weights=weights)
Esempio n. 2
    def _compute_weights_and_cov(self, pop):
        params = np.column_stack(tuple([pop.outputs[p] for p in self.parameter_names]))

        if self._populations:
            q_logpdf = GMDistribution.logpdf(params, *self._gm_params)
            p_logpdf = self._prior.logpdf(params)
            w = np.exp(p_logpdf - q_logpdf)
            w = np.ones(pop.n_samples)

        if np.count_nonzero(w) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError("All sample weights are zero. If you are using a prior "
                               "with a bounded support, this may be caused by specifying "
                               "a too small sample size.")

        # New covariance
        cov = 2 * np.diag(weighted_var(params, w))

        if not np.all(np.isfinite(cov)):
            logger.warning("Could not estimate the sample covariance. This is often "
                           "caused by majority of the sample weights becoming zero."
                           "Falling back to using unit covariance.")
            cov = np.diag(np.ones(params.shape[1]))

        return w, cov
Esempio n. 3
    def prepare_new_batch(self, batch_index):
        """Prepare values for a new batch.

        batch_index : int
            next batch_index to be submitted

        batch : dict or None
            Keys should match to node names in the model. These values will override any
            default values or operations in those nodes.

        if self.state['round'] == 0:
            # Use the actual prior

        # Sample from the proposal, condition on actual prior
        params = GMDistribution.rvs(*self._gm_params, size=self.batch_size,

        batch = arr2d_to_batch(params, self.parameter_names)
        return batch
Esempio n. 4
    def test_rvs_prior_ok(self):
        means = [0.8, 0.5]
        weights = [.3, .7]
        N = 10000
        prior_logpdf = ss.uniform(0, 1).logpdf
        rvs = GMDistribution.rvs(means, weights=weights, size=N, prior_logpdf=prior_logpdf)

        # Ensure prior pdf > 0 for all samples
        assert np.all(np.isfinite(prior_logpdf(rvs)))
Esempio n. 5
    def prepare_new_batch(self, batch_index):
        if self.state['round'] == 0:
            # Use the actual prior

        # Sample from the proposal
        params = GMDistribution.rvs(*self._gm_params, size=self.batch_size,

        batch = arr2d_to_batch(params, self.parameter_names)
        return batch
Esempio n. 6
    def test_rvs(self):
        means = [[1000, 3], [-1000, -3]]
        weights = [.3, .7]
        N = 10000
        random = np.random.RandomState(12042017)
        rvs = GMDistribution.rvs(means, weights=weights, size=N, random_state=random)
        rvs = rvs[rvs[:, 0] < 0, :]

        # Test correct proportion of samples near the second mode
        assert np.abs(len(rvs) / N - .7) < .01

        # Test that the mean of the second mode is correct
        assert np.abs(np.mean(rvs[:, 1]) + 3) < .1