Esempio n. 1
def message():
    vid = '<iframe id="video" width="560" height="315" src=";autoplay=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'
    if 'Rick astley' in request.form.get("message"):
        return vid
    elif 'I love cs50' in request.form.get("message"):
        return vid

    return analyze(request.form.get("message"))
Esempio n. 2
 def on_pubmsg(self, connection, event):
     args = event.arguments[0].split(":", 1)
     if len(args) > 1 and irc.strings.lower(args[0]) == irc.strings.lower(
   , "{0}: {1}".format(event.source.nick,
Esempio n. 3
    def muc_message(self, msg):
        # Cmopose data and write message to  SQLite DB
        nick_name = unicode(msg['mucnick'])  # User nick sowed in chat room
        full_jit = unicode(msg['from'])  # Like [email protected]/UserName
        message = unicode(msg['body'])  # Message body

        query = (

        # Disable self-interaction
        if msg['mucnick'] == self.nick:

        # Try to run command
        if msg['body'].startswith(self.nick):

            tokens = msg['body'].split()
            if len(tokens) > 1:
                command = tokens[1]

                if command == 'ping':
                    self.try_ping(msg['from'], msg['mucnick'])
            to_strip = msg['body']
            stripped = to_strip[len(tokens[0]):]
            elz_answer = elz.analyze(to_strip)
                              mbody="%s: %s " % (msg['mucnick'], elz_answer),

        elif "http" in msg['body']:
            self.try_say_url_info(msg['body'], msg['from'])
Esempio n. 4
def handle_my_custom_event(json, model=model, methods=['GET', 'POST']):
    print('received my event: ' + str(json))
    socketio.emit('my response', json, callback=messageReceived)
    if json['message'] != '':
        global message_list
        message_list += json['message'] + ' ' 
        global message_count
        message_count += 1
        flag = 0
        if message_count == 3:
            message_count = 0
            flag = 1
            eliza_ponders = {
                "user_name" : "Eliza",
                "message" : 'Hmmm ...'
            socketio.emit('my response', eliza_ponders, callback=messageReceived)
            eliza_msg = quote_mapper.getQuote(message_list, model)
            message_list = ''
            eliza_msg = analyze(json['message'], version='1')

        eliza_says = {
            "user_name" : "Eliza",
            "message" : eliza_msg
        socketio.emit('my response', eliza_says, callback=messageReceived)
        if  flag==1:
            flag = 0
            img_loc, img_name = get_image_location(eliza_msg,"withimages_wiseoldsayings.json")
            if img_loc != "" and img_name != "":
                img_msg = { 
                        "message" : img_loc+img_name
                socketio.emit('image handler', img_msg, callback=messageReceived)
                img_loc = ""    
                img_name = ""
Esempio n. 5
def handle_messages():
    # variables
    global site
    global chatAl
    global loc
    global lat
    global lon

    context0 = {}
    count = 0

    print "Handling Messages"
    payload = request.get_data()
    print payload
    data = json.loads(payload)
    msgev = data["entry"][0]["messaging"]
    for event in msgev:
        if "message" in event:
            if "attachments" in event["message"]:
                for atta in event["message"]["attachments"]:
                    if "payload" in atta:
                        if "coordinates" in atta["payload"]:
                            print (atta["payload"]["coordinates"])
                            lat = atta["payload"]["coordinates"]["lat"]
                            lon = atta["payload"]["coordinates"]["long"]
                            f = open("geo.txt", "w")
                            f.write(str(lat) + "," + str(lon))
                            send_message(PAT, event["sender"]["id"], str(atta["payload"]["coordinates"]))
                            send_message(PAT, event["sender"]["id"], "Coordinates Recieved")
                            loc = True
                            return "ok"

    # checks if chat option is on or not
    for sender, message in messaging_events(payload):

        # chatting with eliza ai
        if chatAl:
            # end chat
            if message == "bye":
                chatAl = False

            # chat and get response
            m1 = eliza.analyze(message)
            print ("Trying to send...")
            send_message(PAT, sender, m1)
            print ("Probably sent")

        # not chatting. Use Wit.AI

            print "Incoming from %s: %s" % (sender, message)
            print type(message)
            resp = client.message(message)  # get response from
            print (resp)

            # decides what type of response it is
            if u"entities" in resp:
                resp = resp[u"entities"]
                if u"intent" in resp:
                    resp = resp[u"intent"]
                    send_message(PAT, sender, "I'm sorry. I couldn't understand you. Please rephrase that.")
                    return "ok"
                send_message(PAT, sender, "I'm sorry. I couldn't understand you. Please rephrase that.")
                return "ok"

            # if response is understood, get it
            resp = resp[0]
            print ("Response type is.... " + resp[u"value"])

            # id type of response and run correct method
            if u"value" in resp:

                # grocery response to get list of groceries. From imported class
                if resp[u"value"] == "grocery":
                    message = get_cooking()
                    while len(message) > 300:
                        msg2 = message[:300]
                        message = message[300:]
                        send_message(PAT, sender, msg2)
                    send_message(PAT, sender, message)
                    send_message(PAT, sender, site)

                # get xkcd comic link, poorly implemented rn
                elif resp[u"value"] == "xkcd":
                    message = ""
                    send_message(PAT, sender, message)

                # Location data to switch modes
                elif resp[u"value"] == "restaurants":
                    restaurants = ""
                    print ("rest method")
                    message = get_restaurants(sender)
                    if message["status"] == "OK":
                        for place in message["results"]:
                            if "permanently_closed" not in place or place["permanently_closed"] is False:
                                # if 'opennow' in place and place['opennow'] is True:
                                restaurant = "Name: " + str(place["name"]) + "  Rating: "
                                if "rating" in place:
                                    restaurant += str(place["rating"])
                                    restaurant += "None"

                                send_message(PAT, sender, restaurant)
                        send_message(PAT, sender, "Error")
                    # message = str(get_restaurants(sender))
                    # while( len(message) > 300):
                    #  msg2 = message[:300]
                    #  message = message[300:]
                    #  send_message(PAT, sender, msg2)
                    # send_message(PAT, sender, message)
                    # else:
                    # send_message(PAT, sender, "Not ok")

                    # else:
                    # send_message(PAT, sender, "Enter your location:")
                    # loc = True

                # greetings response. Usually used to start up
                elif resp[u"value"] == "greetings":
                    print ("This resp greetings RIGHT HERE")
                    resp = client.converse("my-user-session-42", message, context0)
                    print ("This resp greetings ")
                    print (resp)

                    while "msg" not in resp:
                        resp = client.converse("my-user-session-42", message, context0)
                        print ("This resp HERE ")
                        print (resp)

                    print ("the msg is " + resp["msg"])
                    message = str(resp["msg"])
                    print ("Trying to send...")
                    send_message(PAT, sender, message)
                    print ("Probably sent")

                # talk sets chatAI to true and allows chat with eliza. Use "bye" to end
                elif resp[u"value"] == "talk":
                    chatAl = True
                    send_message(PAT, sender, "Okay, what's up?")

                # not working atm
                elif resp[u"value"] == "weather":
                    # resp = client.run_actions('my-user-session-42',textmsg, context0)
                    print ("This resp weather ")
                    # print (resp)
                    # while('foodList' not in resp):
                    #    resp = client.run_actions('my-user-session-42',textmsg, context0)
                    #    print ("This resp ")
                    #    print(resp)
                    # voice.send_sms(msg[u'from'],str(resp['forecast']))
                    message = "weather"
                    send_message(PAT, sender, message)

                # catch all for other intents
                    print ("Else")
                    resp = client.converse("my-user-session-42", message, context0)
                    while "msg" not in resp and count <= 10:
                        resp = client.converse("my-user-session-42", message, context0)
                        print ("This resp HERE ")
                        print (resp)

                    print ("the msg is " + resp["msg"])
                    message = str(resp["msg"])
                    print ("Trying to send...")
                    send_message(PAT, sender, message)
    return "ok"
Esempio n. 6
 def _compute_reply(self, tid, message):
     cleverbot = self._init_cleverbot(tid)
         return cleverbot.say(message)
         return eliza.analyze(message)
Esempio n. 7
def talk(bot, update):
    reply = eliza.analyze(update.message.text)
    bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=reply)