Esempio n. 1
def verify_commit(receipt, c, hasher=sha256):
    ec.y(receipt[0], False)  # receipt[0] is valid iif its y does exist
    ec.tuple_from_point(receipt[1])  # verify it is a good point
    w, R = receipt
    e = hasher(R[0].to_bytes(32, 'big') + c).digest()
    e = int_from_hash(e, ec.order)
    W = ec.pointAdd(R, ec.pointMultiply(e))
    return w % ec.order == W[0] % ec.order
def ecssa_verify_raw(m: bytes, ssasig: Tuple[int, int], pub: Tuple[int, int],
                     hasher) -> bool:
    R_x, s = ssasig[0].to_bytes(32, 'big'), ssasig[1]
    e = hasher(R_x + m).digest()
    e = int_from_hash(e, ec.order)
    if e == 0 or e >= ec.order:  # invalid e value
        return False
    R = ec.pointAdd(ec.pointMultiply(e, pub), ec.pointMultiply(s))
    if R[1] % 2 == 1:  # R.y odd
        return False
    return R[0] == ssasig[0]
def ecssa_pubkey_recovery_raw(m: bytes,
                              ssasig: Tuple[int, int],
                              hasher=sha256) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    R_x, s = ssasig
    R = (R_x, ec.y(R_x, 0))
    R_x = R_x.to_bytes(32, 'big')
    e = hasher(R_x + m).digest()
    e = int_from_hash(e, ec.order)
    assert e != 0 and e < ec.order, "invalid e value"
    e1 = mod_inv(e, ec.order)
    return ec.pointAdd(ec.pointMultiply(e1, R),
                       ec.pointMultiply(-e1 * s % ec.order))
Esempio n. 4
def det_wallet2(key, r, i):
  r_bytes = r.to_bytes(32, 'big')
  i_bytes = i.to_bytes(32, 'big')
  h_hex = sha256(i_bytes+r_bytes).hexdigest()
  h_int = int(h_hex, 16)

    prvkey = int_from_prvkey(key)
    return (prvkey + h_int) % ec.order
    pubkey = ec.tuple_from_point(key)
    return ec.pointAdd(pubkey, ec.pointMultiply(h_int))
  raise ValueError("Invalid key")
Esempio n. 5
s1 = ((h1 + r * p) * mod_inv(k1, ec.order)) % ec.order
# if s1 == 0 (extremely unlikely for large ec.order) go back to a different ephemeral key
assert s1 != 0

print("     r:", hex(r))
print("    s1:", hex(s1))

print("*** Signature Verification")
w = mod_inv(s1, ec.order)
u = (h1 * w) % ec.order
v = (r * w) % ec.order
assert u != 0
assert v != 0
U = ec.pointMultiply(u)
V = ec.pointMultiply(v, P)
x, y = ec.pointAdd(U, V)
print(r == x % ec.order)

print("\n*** Malleated Signature")
s1m = ec.order - s1
print("     r:", hex(r))
print("   *s1:", hex(s1m))

print("*** Malleated Signature Verification")
w = mod_inv(s1m, ec.order)
u = (h1 * w) % ec.order
v = (r * w) % ec.order
assert u != 0
assert v != 0
U = ec.pointMultiply(u)
V = ec.pointMultiply(v, P)
def bip32_ckd(xparentkey, index):
    """Child Key Derivation (CDK)

    Key derivation is normal if the extended parent key is public or
    child_index is less than 0x80000000.
    Key derivation is hardened if the extended parent key is private and
    child_index is not less than 0x80000000.

    if isinstance(index, int):
        index = index.to_bytes(4, 'big')
    elif isinstance(index, bytes) or isinstance(index, bytearray):
        assert len(index) == 4
        raise TypeError("a 4 bytes int is required")

    xparent = b58decode_check(xparentkey)
    assert len(xparent) == 78, "wrong length for extended parent key"

    version = xparent[:4]

    xkey = version                              # version
    xkey += (xparent[4] + 1).to_bytes(1, 'big') # (increased) depth

    if (version in PUBLIC):
        assert xparent[45] in (2, 3), \
               "version/key mismatch in extended parent key"
        Parent_bytes = xparent[45:]
        Parent = ec.tuple_from_point(Parent_bytes)
        xkey += h160(Parent_bytes)[:4]          # parent pubkey fingerprint
        assert index[0] < 0x80, \
               "no private/hardened derivation from pubkey"
        xkey += index                           # child index
        parent_chain_code = xparent[13:45]      ## normal derivation
        h = HMAC(parent_chain_code, Parent_bytes + index, sha512).digest()
        xkey += h[32:]                          # chain code
        offset = int.from_bytes(h[:32], 'big')
        Offset = ec.pointMultiply(offset)
        Child = ec.pointAdd(Parent, Offset)
        Child_bytes = ec.bytes_from_point(Child, True)
        xkey += Child_bytes                     # public key
    elif (version in PRIVATE):
        assert xparent[45] == 0, "version/key mismatch in extended parent key"
        parent = int.from_bytes(xparent[46:], 'big')
        Parent = ec.pointMultiply(parent)
        Parent_bytes = ec.bytes_from_point(Parent, True)
        xkey += h160(Parent_bytes)[:4]          # parent pubkey fingerprint
        xkey += index                           # child index
        parent_chain_code = xparent[13:45]
        if (index[0] < 0x80):                   ## normal derivation
            h = HMAC(parent_chain_code, Parent_bytes + index, sha512).digest()
        else:                                   ## hardened derivation
            h = HMAC(parent_chain_code, xparent[45:] + index, sha512).digest()
        xkey += h[32:]                          # chain code
        offset = int.from_bytes(h[:32], 'big')
        child = (parent + offset) % ec.order
        child_bytes = b'\x00' + child.to_bytes(32, 'big')
        xkey += child_bytes                     # private key
        raise ValueError("invalid extended key version")

    return b58encode_check(xkey)
Esempio n. 7
assert k1 != 0

K1 = ec.pointMultiply(k1)

s1 = (k1-h1*p) % ec.order
# if s1 == 0 (extremely unlikely for large ec.order) go back to a different ephemeral key
assert s1 != 0

print(" K1[0]:", hex(K1[0]))
print(" K1[1]:", hex(K1[1]))
print("    s1:", hex(s1))

print("*** Signature Verification")
minush1 = -h1 %ec.order
V = ec.pointMultiply(minush1, P)
V = ec.pointAdd(K1, V)
print(V == ec.pointMultiply(s1))

print("\n*** Another message")
msg2 = "and Paolo is right to be afraid"

print("*** Hash of the message")
h_bytes = sha256(msg2.encode()).digest()
# hash(msg) must be transformed into an integer modulo ec.order:
h2 = int.from_bytes(h_bytes, 'big') % ec.order
assert h2 != 0
print("    h2:", hex(h2))

print("\n*** Signature")
k2 = k1 #very bad! Never reuse the same ephemeral key!!!
Esempio n. 8
h_int = []
nKeys = 3
r_bytes = r.to_bytes(32, 'big')
for i in range(0, nKeys):
  i_bytes = i.to_bytes(32, 'big')
  h_hex = sha256(i_bytes+r_bytes).hexdigest()
  h_int.append(int(h_hex, 16))
  p.append((mprvkey + h_int[i]) % ec.order)
  P = ec.pointMultiply(p[i])
  print('prvkey#', i, ':', format(p[i], '#064x'))
  print('Pubkey#', i, ':', format(P[0], '#064x'))
  print('           ',     format(P[1], '#064x'))

# Pubkeys could be calculated without using prvkeys
for i in range(0, nKeys):
  P = ec.pointAdd(mpubkey, ec.pointMultiply(h_int[i]))
  assert P == ec.pointMultiply(p[i])

def det_wallet2(key, r, i):
  r_bytes = r.to_bytes(32, 'big')
  i_bytes = i.to_bytes(32, 'big')
  h_hex = sha256(i_bytes+r_bytes).hexdigest()
  h_int = int(h_hex, 16)

    prvkey = int_from_prvkey(key)
    return (prvkey + h_int) % ec.order
    pubkey = ec.tuple_from_point(key)
    return ec.pointAdd(pubkey, ec.pointMultiply(h_int))
  raise ValueError("Invalid key")