Esempio n. 1
    def getRules ( self , a ):

        get appropriate macros for text with specified starting char

            self  -
            a     - first letter of current buffer contents (NOT space!)

            a list of unpacked macro rules to try out

#       print 'getRules(a=' , a , ')'
        if a == '': return [ ]
        if ellyChar.isLetterOrDigit(a):
            k = ellyChar.toIndex(a)
            ls = self.index[k]
#           print 'index a=' , a , 'k=' , k
            ws = self.letWx if ellyChar.isLetter(a) else self.digWx
        elif ellyChar.isApostrophe(a):
            ls = self.apoWx
            ls = self.index[0]
#       print len(ls) , ' rules to check'
        return [ r.unpack() for r in ls ]
Esempio n. 2
    def getRules(self, a):
        get appropriate macros for text with specified starting char

            self  -
            a     - first letter of current buffer contents (NOT space!)

            a list of unpacked macro rules to try out

        #       print ( 'getRules(a=' , a , ')' )
        if a == '': return []
        if ellyChar.isLetterOrDigit(a):
            k = ellyChar.toIndex(a)
            ls = self.index[k]
            #           print ( 'index a=' , a , 'k=' , k )
            ws = self.letWx if ellyChar.isLetter(a) else self.digWx
            uniqueAdd(ls, ws)
            uniqueAdd(ls, self.anyWx)
        elif ellyChar.isApostrophe(a):
            ls = self.apoWx
            ls = self.index[0]
            uniqueAdd(ls, self.anyWx)
#       print ( len(ls) , ' rules to check' )
        return [r.unpack() for r in ls]
Esempio n. 3
    def getRules ( self , a ):

        get appropriate macros for text starting with specified first char

            self  -
            a     - first letter of current buffer contents (NOT space!)

            a list of macro rules to try out

        if a == '': return [ ]
        if ellyChar.isLetterOrDigit(a):
            k = ellyChar.toIndex(a)
            ws = self.letWx if ellyChar.isLetter(a) else self.digWx
            ls = self.index[k] + ws + self.anyWx
            ls = self.index[0] + self.anyWx
        return ls
Esempio n. 4
    def _store ( self , defs , nowarn ):

        put macro substitutions into table with indexing by first char of pattern

            self   -
            defs   - list of macro definition as strings
            nowarn - whether to turn warnings off

            TableFailure on error

        while True:
            l = defs.readline()               # next macro rule
#           print "rule input=" , l
            if len(l) == 0: break             # EOF check
            dl = definitionLine.DefinitionLine(l,False)
            left = dl.left                    # pattern to be matched
            tail = dl.tail                    # transformation to apply to match
            if left == None or tail == None:
            mp = ellyWildcard.convert(left)
            if mp == None:
                self._err('bad wildcards',l)
            pe = mp[-1]
            if pe != ellyWildcard.cALL and pe != ellyWildcard.cEND:
                mp += ellyWildcard.cEND       # pattern must end in $ if it does not end in *
            if not _checkBindings(mp,tail):
                self._err('bad bindings in substitution',l)
            if not nowarn and not _checkExpansion(mp,tail):
                self._err('substitution longer than original string',l,0)
            r = [ mp , tail ]
#           print "rule =" , [ left , tail ]
            pat = r[0]                        # get coded pattern
            if pat == None:
                self._err('no pattern',l)
            c = pat[0]                        # first char of pattern
                                              # check type to see how to index rule
#           print 'c=' , ord(c)
            p = pat
            while c == ellyWildcard.cSOS:     # optional sequence?
                k = p.find(ellyWildcard.cEOS) # if so, find the end of sequence
                if k < 0 or k == 1: break     # if no end or empty sequence, stop
                k += 1
                if k == len(pat): break       # should be something after sequence
                m = ellyChar.toIndex(pat[1])  # index by first char of optional sequence
                self.index[m].append(r)       #   (must be non-wildcard)
                p = p[k:]                     # move up in pattern
                c = p[0]                      #   but check for another optional sequence

            if c == ellyWildcard.cSOS:
                continue                      # bad sequence, skip this rule

#           print 'c=' , ord(c)
            if ellyChar.isLetterOrDigit(c):   # check effective first char of pattern
                m = ellyChar.toIndex(c)
                self.index[m].append(r)       # add to index under alphanumeric char
            elif ellyChar.isText(c):
                self.index[0].append(r)       # add to index under punctuation
            elif not c in ellyWildcard.Matching:
                if c == ellyWildcard.cEND:
                    print >> sys.stderr , '** macro warning: pattern can have empty match'
                    print >> sys.stderr , '*  at [' , l , ']'
                    dc = '=' + str(ord(c) - ellyWildcard.X)
                    self._err('bad wildcard code' , dc)
            elif c == ellyWildcard.cANY or c == ellyWildcard.cALL:
                self.anyWx.append(r)          # under general wildcards
            elif c == ellyWildcard.cCAN:
                self.index[0].append(r)       # under punctuation
            elif c == ellyWildcard.cDIG or c == ellyWildcard.cSDG:
                self.digWx.append(r)          # under digit wildcards
            elif c == ellyWildcard.cSAN:
                self.digWx.append(r)          # under both digit and
                self.letWx.append(r)          #   letter wildcards
            elif c == ellyWildcard.cSPC or c == ellyWildcard.cEND:
                self._err('bad wildcard in context',l)
                continue                      # wildcards unacceptable here
                self.letWx.append(r)          # everything else under letter wildcard

            self.count += 1                   # count up macro substitution

        if self._errcount > 0:
            print >> sys.stderr , '**' , self._errcount , 'macro errors in all'
            print >> sys.stderr , 'macro table definition FAILed'
            raise ellyException.TableFailure
Esempio n. 5
    def _store ( self , defs , nowarn ):

        put macro substitutions into table with indexing by first char of pattern

            self   -
            defs   - list of macro definition as strings
            nowarn - whether to turn warnings off

            TableFailure on error

#       print defs.linecount() , 'lines'
        while True:
            l = defs.readline()               # next macro rule
#           print "rule input=" , l
            if len(l) == 0: break             # EOF check
            dl = definitionLine.DefinitionLine(l,False)
            left = dl.left                    # pattern to be matched
            tail = dl.tail                    # transformation to apply to match
#           print 'dl.left=' , left
            if left == None or tail == None:
                self._err(l=l)                # report missing part of rule
            if left.find(' ') >= 0:           # pattern side of macro rule
                ms = 'pattern in macro contains spaces'
                self._err(s=ms,l=l,d=1)       # cannot contain any space chars

            lefts = list(left)
#           print 'left=' , lefts
            nspm = ellyWildcard.numSpaces(lefts)
            pat = ellyWildcard.convert(left)  # get pattern with encoded wildcards
            if pat == None:
                self._err('bad wildcards',l)
#           print 'pat=' , ellyWildcard.deconvert(pat) , 'len=' , len(pat)
#           print 'pat=' , list(pat)
            pe = pat[-1]
            if not pe in [ ellyWildcard.cALL , ellyWildcard.cEND , ellyWildcard.cSPC ]:
                pat += ellyWildcard.cEND      # pattern must end in $ if it does not end in * or _
            if not _checkBindings(pat,tail):
                self._err('bad bindings in substitution',l)
            if not nowarn and not _checkExpansion(pat,tail):
                self._err('substitution may be longer than original string',l,0)

#           print "rule =" , [ left , nspm , tail ]
            if pat == None:
                self._err('no pattern',l)

            r = Rule( pat , nspm , tail )

            c = pat[0]                        # first char of pattern
                                              # check type to see how to index rule
#           print 'c=' , ellyWildcard.deconvert(c) , ', pat=' , ellyWildcard.deconvert(pat)
            p = pat
            while c == ellyWildcard.cSOS:     # optional sequence?
                if not cEOS in p:
                k = p.index(cEOS)             # if so, find the end of sequence
                if k < 0 or k == 1: break     # if no end or empty sequence, stop
                k += 1
                if k == len(pat): break       # should be something after sequence
                m = ellyChar.toIndex(pat[1])  # index by first char of optional sequence
                self.index[m].append(r)       #   (must be non-wildcard)
                p = p[k:]                     # move up in pattern
                c = p[0]                      #   but check for another optional sequence

            if c == ellyWildcard.cSOS:
                continue                      # bad sequence, skip this rule

#           print 'c=' , ord(c)
            if ellyChar.isLetterOrDigit(c):   # check effective first char of pattern
                m = ellyChar.toIndex(c)
                self.index[m].append(r)       # add to index under alphanumeric char
            elif ellyChar.isText(c):
                self.index[0].append(r)       # add to index under punctuation
            elif not c in ellyWildcard.Matching:
                if c == ellyWildcard.cEND:
                    print >> sys.stderr , '** macro warning: pattern can have empty match'
                    print >> sys.stderr , '*  at [' , l , ']'
                    dc = '=' + str(ord(c) - ellyWildcard.X)
                    self._err('bad wildcard code' , dc)
            elif c == ellyWildcard.cANY or c == ellyWildcard.cALL:
                self.anyWx.append(r)          # under general wildcards
            elif c == ellyWildcard.cCAN:
                self.index[0].append(r)       # under punctuation
            elif c == ellyWildcard.cDIG or c == ellyWildcard.cSDG:
                self.digWx.append(r)          # under digit wildcards
            elif c == ellyWildcard.cSAN:
                self.digWx.append(r)          # under both digit and
                self.letWx.append(r)          #   letter wildcards
            elif c == ellyWildcard.cAPO:      # right single quote or apostrophe
                self.apoWx.append(r)          #
            elif c == ellyWildcard.cSPC or c == ellyWildcard.cEND:
                self._err('bad wildcard in context',l)
                continue                      # wildcards unacceptable here
                self.letWx.append(r)          # everything else under letter wildcard

            self.count += 1                   # count up macro substitution
#           print 'count=' , self.count

        if self._errcount > 0:
            print >> sys.stderr , '**' , self._errcount , 'macro errors in all'
            print >> sys.stderr , 'macro table definition FAILed'
            raise ellyException.TableFailure
Esempio n. 6
    def _store(self, defs, nowarn):
        put macro substitutions into table with indexing by first char of pattern

            self   -
            defs   - list of macro definition as strings
            nowarn - whether to turn warnings off

            TableFailure on error

        #       print ( defs.linecount() , 'lines' )
        while True:
            l = defs.readline()  # next macro rule
            #           print ( "rule input=" , l )
            if len(l) == 0: break  # EOF check
            dl = definitionLine.DefinitionLine(l, False)
            left = dl.left  # pattern to be matched
            tail = dl.tail  # transformation to apply to match
            #           print ( 'dl.left=' , left )
            if left == None or tail == None:
                self._err(l=l)  # report missing part of rule
            if left.find(' ') >= 0:  # pattern side of macro rule
                ms = 'pattern in macro contains spaces'
                self._err(s=ms, l=l, d=1)  # cannot contain any space chars

            lefts = list(left)
            #           print ( 'left=' , lefts )
            nspm = ellyWildcard.numSpaces(lefts)
            pat = ellyWildcard.convert(
                left)  # get pattern with encoded wildcards
            if pat == None:
                self._err('bad wildcards', l)
#           print ( 'pat=' , ellyWildcard.deconvert(pat) , 'len=' , len(pat) )
#           print ( 'pat=' , list(pat) )
            pe = pat[-1]
            if not pe in [
                    ellyWildcard.cALL, ellyWildcard.cEND, ellyWildcard.cSPC
                pat += ellyWildcard.cEND  # pattern must end in $ if it does not end in * or _
            if not _checkBindings(pat, tail):
                self._err('bad bindings in substitution', l)
            if not nowarn and not _checkExpansion(pat, tail):
                self._err('substitution may be longer than original string', l,

#           print ( "rule =" , [ left , nspm , tail ] )
            if pat == None:
                self._err('no pattern', l)

            r = Rule(pat, nspm, tail)

            c = pat[0]  # first char of pattern
            # check type to see how to index rule
            #           print ( 'c=' , ellyWildcard.deconvert(c) , ', pat=' , ellyWildcard.deconvert(pat) )
            p = pat
            while c == ellyWildcard.cSOS:  # optional sequence?
                if not cEOS in p:
                k = p.index(cEOS)  # if so, find the end of sequence
                if k < 0 or k == 1: break  # if no end or empty sequence, stop
                k += 1
                if k == len(pat): break  # should be something after sequence
                m = ellyChar.toIndex(
                    pat[1])  # index by first char of optional sequence
                self.index[m].append(r)  #   (must be non-wildcard)
                p = p[k:]  # move up in pattern
                c = p[0]  #   but check for another optional sequence

            if c == ellyWildcard.cSOS:
                continue  # bad sequence, skip this rule

#           print ( 'c=' , ord(c) )
            if ellyChar.isLetterOrDigit(
                    c):  # check effective first char of pattern
                m = ellyChar.toIndex(c)
                self.index[m].append(r)  # add to index under alphanumeric char
            elif ellyChar.isText(c):
                self.index[0].append(r)  # add to index under punctuation
            elif not c in ellyWildcard.Matching:
                if c == ellyWildcard.cEND:
                    print('** macro warning: pattern can have empty match',
                    print('*  at [', l, ']', file=sys.stderr)
                    dc = '=' + str(ord(c) - ellyWildcard.X)
                    self._err('bad wildcard code', dc)
            elif c == ellyWildcard.cANY or c == ellyWildcard.cALL:
                self.anyWx.append(r)  # under general wildcards
            elif c == ellyWildcard.cCAN:
                self.index[0].append(r)  # under punctuation
            elif c == ellyWildcard.cDIG or c == ellyWildcard.cSDG:
                self.digWx.append(r)  # under digit wildcards
            elif c == ellyWildcard.cSAN:
                self.digWx.append(r)  # under both digit and
                self.letWx.append(r)  #   letter wildcards
            elif c == ellyWildcard.cAPO:  # right single quote or apostrophe
                self.apoWx.append(r)  #
            elif c == ellyWildcard.cSPC or c == ellyWildcard.cEND:
                self._err('bad wildcard in context', l)
                continue  # wildcards unacceptable here
                self.letWx.append(r)  # everything else under letter wildcard

            self.count += 1  # count up macro substitution

#           print ( 'count=' , self.count )

        if self._errcount > 0:
            print(self._errcount, 'macro errors in all', file=sys.stderr)
            print('macro table definition FAILed', file=sys.stderr)
            raise ellyException.TableFailure