Esempio n. 1
def _process_theory_specifications(prog, method, basis, mult, orb_type):
    assert par.is_program(prog)

    # determine the orbital restriction
    singlet = (mult == 1)
    if len(orb_type) == 2:
        orb_type = orb_type[0] if singlet else orb_type[1]

    assert orb_type in ('R', 'U')
    orb_restricted = (orb_type == 'R')

    # for non-standard DFT/Basis, the user can input whatever they want
    if not par.Method.is_nonstandard_dft(method):
        assert par.is_program_method(prog, method)

        assert par.is_program_method_orbital_type(
            prog, method, singlet, orb_type)

        prog = par.standard_case(prog)
        method = par.standard_case(method)

    if not par.Basis.is_nonstandard_basis(basis):
        assert par.is_program_basis(prog, basis)
        basis = par.standard_case(basis)

    return prog, method, basis, orb_restricted
Esempio n. 2
def _process_theory_specifications(prog, method, basis, mult, orb_type):
    """ Process the theory method including the orbital type conversion.

        :param prog: electronic structure program to use as a backend
        :type prog: str
        :param method: electronic structure method
        :type method: str
        :param basis: basis set
        :type basis: str
        :param mult: spin multiplicity
        :type mult: int
        :param orb_type: 'R' indicates restricted orbitals, 'U' indicates
            unrestricted orbitals; can also be 'RR', 'RU', or 'UU'.
            Where first (second) character sets R/U for singlets (multiplets)
        :type orb_type: str
        :rtype: (str, str, str, str)

    assert par.is_program(prog)

    # determine the orbital restriction
    singlet = (mult == 1)
    if len(orb_type) == 2:
        orb_type = orb_type[0] if singlet else orb_type[1]

    assert orb_type in ('R', 'U')
    orb_restricted = (orb_type == 'R')

    # for non-standard DFT/Basis, the user can input whatever they want
    if not par.Method.is_nonstandard_dft(method):
        print('assert check', prog, method)
        assert par.is_program_method(prog, method)

        assert par.is_program_method_orbital_type(prog, method, singlet,

        prog = par.standard_case(prog)
        method = par.standard_case(method)

    if not par.Basis.is_nonstandard_basis(basis):
        assert par.is_program_basis(prog, basis)
        basis = par.standard_case(basis)

    return prog, method, basis, orb_restricted
Esempio n. 3
def _process_theory_specifications(prog, method, basis, mult, orb_restricted):
    assert par.is_program(prog)

    # for non-standard DFT/Basis, the user can input whatever they want
    if not par.Method.is_nonstandard_dft(method):
        assert par.is_program_method(prog, method)
        singlet = (mult == 1)
        orb_restricted = (orb_restricted
                          if orb_restricted is not None else singlet)
        assert par.is_program_method_orbital_restriction(
            prog, method, singlet, orb_restricted)

        prog = par.standard_case(prog)
        method = par.standard_case(method)

    if not par.Basis.is_nonstandard_basis(basis):
        assert par.is_program_basis(prog, basis)
        basis = par.standard_case(basis)

    return prog, method, basis, orb_restricted