Esempio n. 1
    def _create_model(self, d, k, mode, nframes, emiter):
        # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        # Generate a model with k components, d dimensions
        # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        w, mu, va = GM.gen_param(d, k, mode, spread=1.5)
        gm = GM.fromvalues(w, mu, va)
        # Sample nframes frames  from the model
        data = gm.sample(nframes)

        # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        # Approximate the models with classical EM
        # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        # Init the model
        lgm = GM(d, k, mode)
        gmm = GMM(lgm, "kmean")
        gmm.init(data, niter=KM_ITER)

        self.gm0 = copy.copy(
        # The actual EM, with likelihood computation
        for i in range(emiter):
            g, tgd = gmm.compute_responsabilities(data)
            gmm.update_em(data, g) = data = lgm
Esempio n. 2
    def _create_model(self, d, k, mode, nframes, emiter):
        # Generate a model with k components, d dimensions
        w, mu, va = GM.gen_param(d, k, mode, spread=1.5)
        gm = GM.fromvalues(w, mu, va)
        # Sample nframes frames  from the model
        data = gm.sample(nframes)

        # Approximate the models with classical EM
        # Init the model
        lgm = GM(d, k, mode)
        gmm = GMM(lgm, 'kmean')
        gmm.init(data, niter=KM_ITER)

        self.gm0 = copy.copy(
        # The actual EM, with likelihood computation
        for i in range(emiter):
            g, tgd = gmm.compute_responsabilities(data)
            gmm.update_em(data, g) = data = lgm
Esempio n. 3
 def test_conf_ellip(self):
     """Only test whether the call succeed. To check wether the result is
     OK, you have to plot the results."""
     d = 3
     k = 3
     w, mu, va = GM.gen_param(d, k)
     gm = GM.fromvalues(w, mu, va)
Esempio n. 4
 def test_1d_bogus(self):
     """Check that functions which do not make sense for 1d fail nicely."""
     d = 1
     k = 2
     w, mu, va = GM.gen_param(d, k)
     gm = GM.fromvalues(w, mu, va)
         raise AssertionError("This should not work !")
     except ValueError, e:
         print "Ok, conf_ellipses failed as expected (with msg: " + str(e) + ")"
Esempio n. 5
    def _run_pure_online(self, d, k, mode, nframes):
        # Approximate the models with online EM
        ogm = GM(d, k, mode)
        ogmm = OnGMM(ogm, 'kmean')
        init_data =[0:nframes / 20, :]

        # Forgetting param
        ku = 0.005
        t0 = 200
        lamb = 1 - 1 / (N.arange(-1, nframes - 1) * ku + t0)
        nu0 = 0.2
        nu = N.zeros((len(lamb), 1))
        nu[0] = nu0
        for i in range(1, len(lamb)):
            nu[i] = 1. / (1 + lamb[i] / nu[i - 1])

        # object version of online EM
        for t in range(nframes):
            # the assert are here to check we do not create copies
            # unvoluntary for parameters
            assert is
            assert ogmm.pmu is ogmm.cmu
            assert ogmm.pva is ogmm.cva
            ogmm.compute_sufficient_statistics_frame([t], nu[t])
            ogmm.update_em_frame(), ogmm.cmu, ogmm.cva)

Esempio n. 6
    def test_get_va(self):
        """Test _get_va for diag and full mode."""
        d = 3
        k = 2
        ld = 2
        dim = [0, 2]
        w, mu, va = GM.gen_param(d, k, 'full')
        va = N.arange(d*d*k).reshape(d*k, d)
        gm = GM.fromvalues(w, mu, va)

        tva = N.empty(ld * ld * k)
        for i in range(k * ld * ld):
            tva[i] = dim[i%ld] + (i % 4)/ ld  * dim[1] * d + d*d * (i / (ld*ld))
        tva = tva.reshape(ld * k, ld)
        sva = gm._get_va(dim)
        assert N.all(sva == tva)
Esempio n. 7
    def _check(self, d, k, mode, nframes, emiter):
        # Approximate the models with online EM
        # Learn the model with Online EM
        ogm = GM(d, k, mode)
        ogmm = OnGMM(ogm, 'kmean')
        init_data =
        ogmm.init(init_data, niter=KM_ITER)

        # Check that online kmean init is the same than kmean offline init
        ogm0 = copy.copy(ogm)
        assert_array_equal(ogm0.w, self.gm0.w)

        # Forgetting param
        lamb = N.ones((nframes, 1))
        lamb[0] = 0
        nu0 = 1.0
        nu = N.zeros((len(lamb), 1))
        nu[0] = nu0
        for i in range(1, len(lamb)):
            nu[i] = 1. / (1 + lamb[i] / nu[i - 1])

        # object version of online EM: the p* arguments are updated only at each
        # epoch, which is equivalent to on full EM iteration on the
        # classic EM algorithm =
        ogmm.pmu = ogmm.cmu.copy()
        ogmm.pva = ogmm.cva.copy()
        for e in range(emiter):
            for t in range(nframes):
                ogmm.compute_sufficient_statistics_frame([t], nu[t])

            # Change pw args only a each epoch
            ogmm.pmu = ogmm.cmu.copy()
            ogmm.pva = ogmm.cva.copy()

        # For equivalence between off and on, we allow a margin of error,
        # because of round-off errors.
        print " Checking precision of equivalence with offline EM trainer "
        maxtestprec = 18
            for i in range(maxtestprec):
                assert_array_almost_equal(,, decimal=i)
                assert_array_almost_equal(, ogmm.pmu, decimal=i)
                assert_array_almost_equal(, ogmm.pva, decimal=i)
            print "\t !! Precision up to %d decimals !! " % i
        except AssertionError:
            if i < AR_AS_PREC:
                print """\t !!NOT OK: Precision up to %d decimals only, 
                    outside the allowed range (%d) !! """ % (i, AR_AS_PREC)
                raise AssertionError
                print "\t !!OK: Precision up to %d decimals !! " % i
Esempio n. 8
    def _create_model_and_run_em(self, d, k, mode, nframes):
        # Generate a model with k components, d dimensions
        w, mu, va = GM.gen_param(d, k, mode, spread=1.5)
        gm = GM.fromvalues(w, mu, va)
        # Sample nframes frames  from the model
        data = gm.sample(nframes)

        # Approximate the models with classical EM
        # Init the model
        lgm = GM(d, k, mode)
        gmm = GMM(lgm, 'kmean')

        em = EM()
        lk = em.train(data, gmm)
    def _create_model_and_run_em(self, d, k, mode, nframes):
        # Generate a model with k components, d dimensions
        w, mu, va   = GM.gen_param(d, k, mode, spread = 1.5)
        gm          = GM.fromvalues(w, mu, va)
        # Sample nframes frames  from the model
        data        = gm.sample(nframes)

        # Approximate the models with classical EM
        # Init the model
        lgm = GM(d, k, mode)
        gmm = GMM(lgm, 'kmean')

        em  = EM()
        lk  = em.train(data, gmm)
Esempio n. 10
    def _test(self, dataset, log):
        dic = load_dataset(dataset)

        gm = GM.fromvalues(dic['w0'], dic['mu0'], dic['va0'])
        gmm = GMM(gm, 'test')
        EM().train(dic['data'], gmm, log=log)

        assert_array_almost_equal(, dic['w'], DEF_DEC)
        assert_array_almost_equal(, dic['mu'], DEF_DEC)
        assert_array_almost_equal(, dic['va'], DEF_DEC)
Esempio n. 11
    def _test(self, dataset, log):
        dic = load_dataset(dataset)

        gm = GM.fromvalues(dic['w0'], dic['mu0'], dic['va0'])
        gmm = GMM(gm, 'test')
        EM().train(dic['data'], gmm, log = log)

        assert_array_almost_equal(, dic['w'], DEF_DEC)
        assert_array_almost_equal(, dic['mu'], DEF_DEC)
        assert_array_almost_equal(, dic['va'], DEF_DEC)
Esempio n. 12
 def test_2d_diag_logpdf(self):
     d = 2
     w = N.array([0.4, 0.6])
     mu = N.array([[0., 2], [-1, -2]])
     va = N.array([[1, 0.5], [0.5, 1]])
     x = N.random.randn(100, 2)
     gm = GM.fromvalues(w, mu, va)
     y1 = N.sum(multiple_gauss_den(x, mu, va) * w, 1)
     y2 = gm.pdf(x, log = True)
     assert_array_almost_equal(N.log(y1), y2)
Esempio n. 13
    def _test_common(self, d, k, mode):
        dic = load_dataset('%s_%dd_%dk.mat' % (mode, d, k))

        gm = GM.fromvalues(dic['w0'], dic['mu0'], dic['va0'])
        gmm = GMM(gm, 'test')

        a, na = gmm.compute_responsabilities(dic['data'])
        la, nla = gmm.compute_log_responsabilities(dic['data'])

        ta = N.log(a)
        tna = N.log(na)
        if not N.all(N.isfinite(ta)):
            print "precision problem for %s, %dd, %dk, test need fixing" % (mode, d, k)
            assert_array_almost_equal(ta, la, DEF_DEC)

        if not N.all(N.isfinite(tna)):
            print "precision problem for %s, %dd, %dk, test need fixing" % (mode, d, k)
            assert_array_almost_equal(tna, nla, DEF_DEC)
Esempio n. 14
    def _test_common(self, d, k, mode):
        dic = load_dataset('%s_%dd_%dk.mat' % (mode, d, k))

        gm = GM.fromvalues(dic['w0'], dic['mu0'], dic['va0'])
        gmm = GMM(gm, 'test')

        a, na = gmm.compute_responsabilities(dic['data'])
        la, nla = gmm.compute_log_responsabilities(dic['data'])

        ta = N.log(a)
        tna = N.log(na)
        if not N.all(N.isfinite(ta)):
            print "precision problem for %s, %dd, %dk, test need fixing" % (
                mode, d, k)
            assert_array_almost_equal(ta, la, DEF_DEC)

        if not N.all(N.isfinite(tna)):
            print "precision problem for %s, %dd, %dk, test need fixing" % (
                mode, d, k)
            assert_array_almost_equal(tna, nla, DEF_DEC)