Esempio n. 1
class Out(object):
    def get():
        global theOutput
        if theOutput is None:
            raise Error, "No output object has been installed."
        return theOutput

    get = staticmethod(get)

    def __init__(self):
        global theOutput
        if theOutput is not None:
            raise Error, "An output object has already been installed."

            # Hook standard output
        self.real_stdout = sys.stdout
        self.buffer = cStringIO.StringIO()
        sys.stdout = self.buffer

        # Default content type
        self.contenttype = "text/html"

        # No headers
        self.headers = Message()
        self.sendEntityHeaders = True
        self.redirecting = False

        self.cookies = Cookie.SimpleCookie()

        # Detect compression
        self.acceptsGzip = 0
        if os.environ.get("HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING", "").find("gzip") != -1:
            self.acceptsGzip = 1

            # Trap exiting a script to force output to close
        self.ran = False
        theOutput = self
        sys.exitfunc = Close

    def getResponseBody(self, body):
        if self.acceptsGzip:
            # gzip writes the time into its header
            # this kills cacheability, so we hack the time to be 0
            real_time = time.time
            time.time = lambda a=None: 0
            zbuf = cStringIO.StringIO()
            zfile = gzip.GzipFile(mode="wb", fileobj=zbuf)
            self.headers["Content-Encoding"] = "gzip"
            output = zbuf.getvalue()
            time.time = real_time
            return output
            return body

    def close(self):
        if self.ran:

        # Restore stdout so we can pipe our data out
        sys.stdout = self.real_stdout

        body = self.buffer.getvalue()
        headers = ""

        # Look for any headers already written
        if"location:", body, re.I):
            self.redirecting = True
            self.sendEntityHeaders = False
            msg = HeaderParser().parsestr(body, True)

            # Add written headers to our header list
            for name, value in msg.items():
                self.headers.add_header(name, value)

        elif"content-type:", body, re.I):
                endOfHeaders = body.index("\n\n")
                headers = body[:endOfHeaders]
                body = body[endOfHeaders + 2 :]

                msg = HeaderParser().parsestr(headers, True)

                # Add written headers to our header list
                for name, value in msg.items():
                    self.headers.add_header(name, value)

            except ValueError:
                raise error, "Headers detected, sort of"

                # Get the response body, possibly compressed
        if self.sendEntityHeaders:
            body = self.getResponseBody(body)

        del self.headers["Content-Length"]
        self.headers["Content-Length"] = str(len(body))

        if not self.redirecting and (not "content-type" in self.headers):
            self.headers["Content-Type"] = self.contenttype

        etag = base64.encodestring([:-1]
        self.headers["ETag"] = '"' + etag + '"'
        if "HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH" in os.environ:
            if etag in ETags(os.environ["HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH"]):
                print "Status: 304 Not Modified"
                self.sendEntityHeaders = False


        if self.sendEntityHeaders:

        self.ran = True

    def _send_headers(self):
        for header in self.headers.keys():
            if (not self.sendEntityHeaders) and (header.lower() in entity_headers):
            print header + ": " + str(self.headers[header])

        if len(self.cookies) > 0:
            print self.cookies.output()
