def mailDownloader(mnt, dst, tsv): with open(tsv) as tsvfile: reader = csv.reader(tsvfile, delimiter='\t') array = [] for row in reader: try: fulldomain = getaddresses([ row[2], ]) except: print("[ERROR] Can't parse the following row, skipping it : " + ', '.join(row)) pass if fulldomain: email = fulldomain.pop()[1] contact = email.split("@")[0] domain = email.split("@")[-1] fileprefix = row[0][1:3] URI = "/" + domain + "/" + contact + "/" + fileprefix + "/" + row[ 0] fullpath = mnt + URI localfile = "/home/learning/" + args.bayes + "-archive/" + row[ 0] if isFileExist(localfile) == False: try: shutil.copy2(mnt + URI, dst) if args.debug == True: print("GET :", fullpath) except: pass
def emailFromAdmin(recipient, sub, content, wholelist=False): if not bballdb.getSendEmails():"Emails are disabled; not sending email To: %s Subject: %s" % (recipient, sub) ) # return"Sent email To: %s Subject: %s" % (recipient, sub) ) if recipient is not None: to = [recipient] else: to = [] if wholelist: # Add the A List recipients to.extend(email.split()[0] for name,email in bballdb.loadAList(onlySendEmail=True)) # only use first name on a line # Add the B List recipients to.extend(email.split()[0] for name,email in bballdb.loadBList(onlySendEmail=True)) # only use first name on a line # Only unique entries, sorted to = list(sorted(set([i.lower() for i in to]))) if not to: logging.warning('No recipients, not sending email') return mail.send_mail(sender=ADMIN_EMAIL, to=to, subject=sub, body=content)
def preprocessEmailData(self): ''' this method is used as a driver that calls different methods for processing data :return: void ''' parser = Parser() # Added for extracting only the body of the email tokens = self.Ngram.loadCorpus() email = parser.parsestr(tokens) # Added for extracting only the body of the email email_body_list = [email.split('Body:')[-1] for email in tokens.split('##########################################################')] # Added for extracting only the body of the email tokendata=[] for txt in email_body_list: tokendata.append(nltk.wordpunct_tokenize(txt)) merged = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(tokendata)) # flattening the tokendata which is a list of list. preprocessedText = self.Ngram.preprocessData(merged) stemmedwords = self.Ngram.stemWords(preprocessedText) self.Ngram.writeToFile(stemmedwords,'preprocessedEmailBody') posTaggedList = self.Ngram.createPOSTagging(stemmedwords) preprocessedListwithoutNouns = self.Ngram.removeProperNouns(posTaggedList) print 'removed proper nouns' print datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') bigramslist = self.Ngram.createBigrams(preprocessedListwithoutNouns) print 'bigrams created successfully' print datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') trigramslist = self.Ngram.createTrigrams(preprocessedListwithoutNouns) print 'trigrams created successfully' self.Ngram.writeToFile(bigramslist,'emailbigramList') self.Ngram.writeToFile(trigramslist,'emailtrigramList') print datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
def signin(cls, email, type): if not '@' in email: raise EmailError("malformed e-mail") hash = hashlib.md5(email).hexdigest() image = '' % hash name = string.capwords(email.split('@')[0].replace('.', ' ')) # prevents double signin... previous_signin = db.GqlQuery( "SELECT * FROM Signin WHERE email = '%s' AND active = true" % email).get() if previous_signin: try: cls.deactivate_staffer(email) except:"Failed deactivating old Signin object.") s = Signin(email=email, type=type, image_url=image, name=name) DailyCount.increment_and_get() s.put() if "mark.hutsell" in email or "some.other.evilguy" in email: mail.send_mail(sender="Signin Machine <*****@*****.**>", to="Emergency Paging System <*****@*****.**>", subject="Sign-in: " + email, body="Sign in") urlfetch.fetch( "" + email) return s
def matchEmailstoAddresses(email): matched = False matches = [] # finds match of the brand in the email, can have several for brand_entry in brands_dict.keys(): clean = email.replace(".com","") if brand_entry[1] in clean: matches.append(brand_entry) matched = True; # cleans up the email address email = email.split('<') email = email[len(email)-1].strip('>') # if there are matches match to the longest brand name if matched: longest = matches[0] for match in matches: if (len(match[1]) > len(longest[1])): longest = match brands_dict[longest] = email return longest[0] # else add to list of unmatched brands else: unmatched.append(email) return unmatchedIndex ##UNMATCHED in the db is 1
def _get_host(self, email): ''' Extracts imap host and port number based on the email address. If the domain of the email is not recognized, it will try '' which is fairly standard. Parameters ========== email: str, the email address. E.g. '*****@*****.**' Notes ===== Please note that Gmail by default does not allow users to access their email in this way. You can change this setting here: ''' #extract domain, e.g. '' domain = email.split('@')[1] #Dict of known host/port tuples imap = { '': ('', 993), '': ('', 993) } if imap.get(domain): return imap.get(domain) else: msg = 'Domain "%s" not recognized. Trying "imap.%s"' raise Warning(msg % (domain, domain)) return ('imap.%s' % domain, 993)
def validate_email(email: str) -> bool: """ Checks correctness of a username Throws exception if the syntax does not fit, the domain is blacklistet or is already in use :email name: Users email (Case sensitive) :return: true if no error occured """ # check for correct email syntax if not EMAIL_REGEX.match(email): raise ApiException([Error(ErrorCode.INVALID_EMAIL, email)]) # check for blacklisted email domains (we don't like disposable email) with db.connection: cursor = db.connection.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT lower(domain) FROM email_domain_blacklist") rows = cursor.fetchall() # Get list of blacklisted domains (so we can suffix-match incoming emails # in sublinear time) blacklisted_email_domains = marisa_trie.Trie(map(lambda x: x[0], rows)) domain = email.split("@")[1].lower() if domain in blacklisted_email_domains: raise ApiException([Error(ErrorCode.BLACKLISTED_EMAIL, email)]) # ensue that email adress is unique cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM `login` WHERE LOWER(`email`) = %s", (email.lower(),)) if cursor.fetchone() is not None: raise ApiException([Error(ErrorCode.EMAIL_REGISTERED, email)]) return True
def sendNotification(df): import smtplib, ssl companyEmail = pd.unique(df['Email']) from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText port = 465 # For SSL smtp_server = "" sender_email = "*****@*****.**" # Enter your address password = '******' context = ssl.create_default_context() for email in companyEmail: print('Sending Email to ', email) grouped = df.groupby('Email').get_group(email) str_msg = "recieved {} files ".format(grouped['Title'].count()) print(grouped) email2 = email.split('@') message = """\ Subject: VH-Files recieved from """ + email2[0] + """ We have recieved your files: \n""" + str( grouped['Title'].to_string()).split(' ')[1] + ' ' + str( grouped['File Size'].to_string()).split( ' ')[1] + ' ' + str( with smtplib.SMTP_SSL(smtp_server, port, context=context) as server: server.login(sender_email, password) server.sendmail(sender_email, email, message)
def __get_tokens(self, rcptto): c = self.get_cursor() format_strings = ','.join(['%s'] * len(rcptto)) recipients = tuple([re.sub(r'^(drop|bucket)-comment-', r'', email.split('@')[0]) for email in rcptto]) c.execute("""select `type`, `data` from `auth_tokens` where token in (%s)""" % format_strings, recipients) return [(token_type, json.loads(data)) for token_type, data in c.fetchall()]
def from_email_parse(msg): email = str(make_header(decode_header(msg['From']))) name = '' fields = email.split("<") if len(fields) > 1: name = fields[0] email = fields[1].replace(">", "") return name, email
def _parse_email_address(self, email): """ Returns 'email' as: ... (address_name, address_domain) E.g. _parse_email_address('*****@*****.**') ... will return: ('account', '') Essentially just splits the string at '@' """ return email.split('@')
def get_pop3host(email): try: pop3_host = 'pop3.%s' % (email.split('@')[-1]) return pop3_host except: return ''
def __get_rivers(self, rcptto): c = self.get_cursor() format_strings = ','.join(['%s'] * len(rcptto)) c.execute( """select `id` from `rivers` where river_active = 1 and email_id in (%s)""" % format_strings, tuple([email.split('@')[0] for email in rcptto])) return [river_id for river_id, in c.fetchall()]
def get_smtphost(email): try: smtp_host='smtp.'+email.split('@')[-1] return smtp_host except: return ''
def create_user(self, email: str, username: str = None, password: str = None, is_staff: bool = False, is_superuser: bool = False) -> UserHandle: """Add the specified user to the database, with email confirmed. Keyword arguments: username -- string (default user portion of email) password -- string (default email) is_staff -- bool (default False) is_superuser -- bool (default False) """ if not username: username = email.split('@')[0] if not password: password = email hmac = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac('sha256', password.encode('utf-8'), b'salt', 1) hmac_base64 = binascii.b2a_base64(hmac, newline=False) password_hash = '$'.join( ['pbkdf2_sha256', '1', 'salt', hmac_base64.decode('ascii')]) self._sql(""" WITH u AS ( INSERT INTO auth_user ( first_name, last_name, is_active, date_joined, email, username, password, is_staff, is_superuser ) VALUES ( 'First', 'Last', TRUE, NOW(), %(email)s, %(username)s, %(password_hash)s, %(is_staff)s, %(is_superuser)s ) RETURNING id, email ) INSERT INTO account_emailaddress ( verified, "primary", user_id, email ) SELECT TRUE, TRUE,, FROM u """, email=email, username=username, password_hash=password_hash, is_staff=is_staff, is_superuser=is_superuser) return UserHandle(username, password, email)
def _get_email(self, email): '''Given an email address, check the email_remapping table to see if the email should be sent to a different address. This function also handles overriding the email domain if ignore_vcs_email_domain is set or the domain was missing''' if email in self.email_remapping: return self.email_remapping[email] prefix, domain = email.split("@", 2) if prefix in self.email_remapping: return self.email_remapping[prefix] if "." not in domain or config.ignore_vcs_email_domain: return "%s@%s" % (prefix, config.email_domain_name) return email
def save_developer(email): # add if we dont exist if not Developer.objects.filter(email=email).first(): names = email.split('.') first_name = "" last_name = "" if len(names) > 1: first_name = names[0] last_name = names[1].split('@')[0] dev = Developer(email=email, first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name)
def _validate(email): """validate an email field""" if email: if "," in email: email = email.split(",")[-1] if not validate_email_add(email): # try extracting the email part and set as sender new_email = extract_email_id(email) if not (new_email and validate_email_add(new_email)): webnotes.msgprint("%s is not a valid email id" % email, raise_exception = 1) email = new_email return email
def __get_tokens(self, rcptto): c = self.get_cursor() format_strings = ','.join(['%s'] * len(rcptto)) recipients = tuple([ re.sub(r'^(drop|bucket)-comment-', r'', email.split('@')[0]) for email in rcptto ]) c.execute( """select `type`, `data` from `auth_tokens` where token in (%s)""" % format_strings, recipients) return [(token_type, json.loads(data)) for token_type, data in c.fetchall()]
def _validate(email): """validate an email field""" if email: if "," in email: email = email.split(",")[-1] if not validate_email_add(email): # try extracting the email part and set as sender new_email = extract_email_id(email) if not (new_email and validate_email_add(new_email)): webnotes.msgprint("%s is not a valid email id" % email, raise_exception=1) email = new_email return email
def check_email_catchall(email): try: from_address = EMAIL_HOST_USER # Get domain for DNS lookup domain = email.split('@')[-1] # experimental part # we make a deliberately non-existent email with the required domain first_part, second_part = email.split('@') fake_email = first_part + 'ashdfabebdfjksjakuahfka' + '@' + second_part # MX record lookup records = dns.resolver.resolve(domain, 'MX') mx_record = records[0].exchange mx_record = str(mx_record) # SMTP lib setup (use debug level for full output) server = smtplib.SMTP() server.set_debuglevel(0) # SMTP Conversation server.connect(mx_record) server.helo(server.local_hostname ) # server.local_hostname(Get local server hostname) server.mail(from_address) code, message = server.rcpt(str(fake_email)) server.quit() # Assume SMTP response 250 is success if code == 250: return True else: return False except Exception: return False
def get_pop3_host(email): """获取邮箱对应的服务商的 POP3 服务器地址""" maps = { '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '', '': '' } tail = email.split('@')[1] return maps[tail] if tail in maps else None
def email_cleaning(text): # Data cleaning email = text.lower() # clean and tokenize document string email_content = email.split() word_list = [] for i in email_content: x = 0 if (('http' not in i) and ('@' not in i) and ('<.*?>' not in i) and i.isalnum() and (not i in stop_words)): word_list += [i] return word_list
def tagEmail(self, email, tags='All', fullName=None): newTagList = tags.split(',') if fullName == None: fullName = email.split('@')[0] # trying to guess the full name. fullName = fullName.replace('.', ' ') fullName = fullName.replace('_', ' ') if self.emailDict.has_key(email): fullName, tagList = self.emailDict[email] newTagList.extend(tagList) newTagList = list(set(newTagList)) self.emailDict[email] = (fullName, newTagList)
def eom(self): ''' End of Message ''' msg = email.message_from_file(self.fp) msg_id = msg.get('In-Reply-To', None) if msg_id is None: self.log('No In-Reply-To, keep going') return Milter.CONTINUE # Ensure we don't get extra lines in the message-id msg_id = msg_id.split('\n')[0].strip() self.log('msg-ig %s' % msg_id) self.log('To %s' % msg['to']) self.log('Cc %s' % msg.get('cc')) self.log('From %s' % msg['From']) # Ensure the user replied to his/her own notification, not that # they are trying to forge their ID into someone else's salt = pagure.APP.config.get('SALT_EMAIL') m = hashlib.sha512('%s%s%s' % (msg_id, salt, clean_item(msg['From']))) email = msg['to'] if 'reply+' in msg.get('cc'): email = msg['cc'] if not 'reply+' in email: self.log('No valid recipient email found in To/Cc: %s' % email) tohash = email.split('@')[0].split('+')[-1] if m.hexdigest() != tohash: self.log('hash: %s' % m.hexdigest()) self.log('tohash: %s' % tohash) self.log('Hash does not correspond to the destination') return Milter.CONTINUE if msg['From'] and msg['From'] == pagure.APP.config.get('FROM_EMAIL'): self.log("Let's not process the email we send") return Milter.CONTINUE msg_id = clean_item(msg_id) if msg_id and '-ticket-' in msg_id: self.log('Processing issue') return self.handle_ticket_email(msg, msg_id) elif msg_id and '-pull-request-' in msg_id: self.log('Processing pull-request') return self.handle_request_email(msg, msg_id) else: self.log('Not a pagure ticket or pull-request email, let it go') return Milter.CONTINUE
def _get_email(self, email): '''Given an email address, check the email_remapping table to see if the email should be sent to a different address. This function also handles overriding the email domain if ignore_vcs_email_domain is set or the domain was missing''' if not email or "@" not in email: return None if email in self.email_remapping.remap: return self.email_remapping.remap[email] prefix, domain = email.split("@", 2) if prefix in self.email_remapping.remap: return self.email_remapping.remap[prefix] if "." not in domain or config.ignore_vcs_email_domain: return "%s@%s" % (prefix, config.email_domain_name) return email
def valid (self, email: str, company_id: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """Validate an ``email'' address for ``company_id''""" self.setup (company_id = company_id) if not email: raise error ('empty email') email = email.strip () if not email: raise error ('empty email (just whitespaces)') parts = email.split ('@') if len (parts) != 2: raise error ('expect exactly one "@" sign') (user, domain) = parts self.valid_user (user) self.valid_domain (domain) self.check_blacklist (email, company_id)
def normalize_email(email): if not email: return None result = "" for token in email.split(): if token == "dot": result += "." elif token == "at": result += "@" else: result += token return result
def preprocess(emails): """ Performs preprocessing operations such as: 1. Removing signature lines (only English emails are supported) 2. Removing new line characters. """ n_emails = len(emails) for i in range(n_emails): email = emails[i] email, _ = extract_signature(email) lines = email.split('\n') for j in reversed(range(len(lines))): lines[j] = lines[j].strip() if lines[j] == '': lines.pop(j) emails[i] = ' '.join(lines)
def signin(cls, email, type): if not '@' in email: raise EmailError("malformed e-mail") hash = hashlib.md5(email).hexdigest() image = '' % hash name = string.capwords(email.split('@')[0].replace('.', ' ')) # prevents double signin... previous_signin = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Signin WHERE email = '%s' AND active = true" % email).get() if previous_signin: try: cls.deactivate_staffer(email) except:"Failed deactivating old Signin object.") s = Signin(email=email, type=type, image_url=image, name=name) s.put() return s
def _initializePath(self, email): basePath = os.path.join( os.environ['HOME'], 'rapp_platform_files', 'emails' ) if not os.path.exists( basePath ): RappUtilities.rapp_print("Language temporary directory does not exist. " + \ 'Path: ' + basePath) os.makedirs( basePath ) username = email.split('@')[0] ## The temporary directory containing the configurations finalPath = tempfile.mkdtemp( prefix=username + '_', dir = basePath) RappUtilities.rapp_print('Email receiver path: ' + finalPath, 'DEBUG') # Delete temp file at termination # TODO: Check whether files are preserved long enough for the agent to collect atexit.register(shutil.rmtree, finalPath) return finalPath
def _initializePath(self, email): basePath = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], 'rapp_platform_files', 'emails') if not os.path.exists(basePath): RappUtilities.rapp_print("Language temporary directory does not exist. " + \ 'Path: ' + basePath) os.makedirs(basePath) username = email.split('@')[0] ## The temporary directory containing the configurations finalPath = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=username + '_', dir=basePath) RappUtilities.rapp_print('Email receiver path: ' + finalPath, 'DEBUG') # Delete temp file at termination # TODO: Check whether files are preserved long enough for the agent to collect atexit.register(shutil.rmtree, finalPath) return finalPath
def detect_server(email, password, ssl=True): "Attempt to figure out the server protocol, hostname and username." def generate_hosts(domain): "Use heuristics to guess the valid hostname." for hostname in HOSTNAMES: yield '%s.%s' % (hostname, domain) yield domain def generate_users(email): "Use heuristics to guess the valid username." yield email username = email.split('@')[0] yield username # TODO: try splitting on common stuff like '.' or '-'. # TODO: this should be done in parallel. I am using a short timeout to # minimize the overall time, but if the last combo is the winning one, it # will have take a LONG time to find out. username, domain = email.split('@') protocol, hostname = None, None # By default, try non-SSL first. protocols = [('imap', 'pop3'), ('imaps', 'pop3s')] if ssl: # Reverse order, try SSL first. protocols.reverse() # Try hosts until we find one that works. for imap, pop3 in protocols: for tryhost in generate_hosts(domain): imapclient, pop3client = PROTOCOLS[imap], PROTOCOLS[pop3] try: client = imapclient(tryhost) except (imaplib.IMAP4.error, socket.error), e: try: client = pop3client(tryhost) except (poplib.error_proto, socket.error), e: continue else: protocol, hostname = pop3, tryhost break else: protocol, hostname = imap, tryhost break
def get_students_from_gmail( ): # This portion downloads from the spreadsheet try: import gspread except ImportError: print "Install gpsread library (on github @" print "Note - library is super easy to install!" return user = get_credentials() # Login with your Google account gc = gspread.login(user[0],user[1]) # Spreadsheets can be opened by their title in Google Docs spreadsheet = # Select worksheet by index worksheet = spreadsheet.get_worksheet(0) # Update cell with your form value #worksheet.update_cell(1, 2, 'woot!') ncells = 'A2:A' + str(num_students+1) cell_list = worksheet.range(ncells) names = [] for cell in cell_list: names.append(cell.value) ncells = 'B2:B' + str(num_students+1) cell_list = worksheet.range(ncells) emails = [] for cell in cell_list: emails.append(cell.value) tokenized_emails = [] for email in emails: tokenized_emails.append(email.split(' ')) students = zip(names, tokenized_emails) return students
def signin(cls, email, type): if not '@' in email: raise EmailError("malformed e-mail") hash = hashlib.md5(email).hexdigest() image = '' % hash name = string.capwords(email.split('@')[0].replace('.', ' ')) # prevents double signin... previous_signin = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Signin WHERE email = '%s' AND active = true" % email).get() if previous_signin: try: cls.deactivate_staffer(email) except:"Failed deactivating old Signin object.") s = Signin(email=email, type=type, image_url=image, name=name) DailyCount.increment_and_get() s.put() if "xxxxx.xxxxx" in email or "yyyy.yyyy" in email: mail.send_mail(sender="Signin Machine <*****@*****.**>", to="Emergency Paging System <*****@*****.**>", subject="Sign-in: " + email, body="Sign in") urlfetch.fetch(""+email) return s
def calculateWordWeights(email,wordWeights,emailVector): importantWordsFromEmail = {} sum = 0 #count the number of words that are not stopwords and how often they occur for word in email.split(): #TODO: Use regex to remove all punctuation here if word not in stopwords: importantWordsFromEmail[word] = importantWordsFromEmail.get(word,0)+1 sum+=1 #update the global count of each words for word in importantWordsFromEmail.keys(): wordWeights[word] = wordWeights.get(word,0)+importantWordsFromEmail[word] #update the total number of words wordWeights["totalNumbers"] = wordWeights.get("totalNumbers",0) + sum #create a vector representing the email emailVector = vector(importantWordsFromEmail,wordWeights) return emailVector
def fill_database(self, recipients_count, scheduled_start=None, scheduled_end=None, scheduled_duration=None, real_start=None, satellite_group=None): mq = factories.MailingFactory(satellite_group=satellite_group) for i in range(recipients_count): email = '*****@*****.**' % i MailingRecipient.create(mailing=mq, email=email, domain_name=email.split('@', 1)[1], contact=repr({'email': email, 'firstname': 'Cedric%d' % i}), next_try=datetime.utcnow()) mq.status = MAILING_STATUS.READY if scheduled_start: mq.scheduled_start = scheduled_start if scheduled_end: mq.scheduled_end = scheduled_end if scheduled_duration: mq.scheduled_duration = scheduled_duration if real_start: mq.status = MAILING_STATUS.RUNNING mq.start_time = real_start mq.update_stats()
def __init__(self, email, password, username=None, domain=None, use_ssl=True): # validate email if basic_email_re.match(email): emailparts = email.split("@") else: raise ImapDbException(["EMAIL-VALIDATION"]) # get the username from the email address if not username: username = emailparts[0] # get the domain name from the email address if not domain: domain = emailparts[1] # TODO: on failure automatically try various ways of connecting (Non-SSL, common server subdomains, etc.) # try to connect to the IMAP server # TODO: timeout? if you incorrectly connect to some servers with no SSL they hang IMAPClient.__init__(self, domain, use_uid=True, ssl=use_ssl) # try to log in with the username and password provided try: self.login(username, password) # IMAPClient.Error except Exception, e: raise ImapDbException(["AUTH", e.message])
def create_user(self, email: str, username: str = None, password: str = None) -> UserHandle: """Add the specified user to the database. When done with the User, `account_admin.destroy_user(user)` Keyword arguments: username -- string (default user portion of email) password -- string (default email) """ if username is None: username = email.split('@')[0] if password is None: password = email var = self._execute_setvar('\n'.join([ f'VAR = User.objects.create_user(', f' username={repr(username)},', f' password={repr(password)},', f' email={repr(email)}', f')', ])) return UserHandle(var, username, password, email)
def check_email_valid(self, email): """Check if email is valid. Check @ and . :email str return True/False """ def get_validate_email(email): if not re.match( r"^[A-Za-z0-9\.\+_-]+@[A-Za-z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]*$", email): return False return True if not email: return False emails = email.split(',') if len(emails) > 0: for email in emails: if not get_validate_email(email.strip()): return False break return True
def get_email_author(self, msg): "Returns author's name and email if any" try: header_from = msg['From'] splits = header_from.split('<', 1) name, email = splits if len(splits) == 2 else ('', header_from) email = email.split('>', 1)[0] if name: name, encoding = decode_header(name.strip(' "\''))[0] name = self.decode(name, encoding) name = name.strip(' \'"') except: email = name = None if not email: try: email = msg['Return-path'] email.strip(' \'"<>') except Exception: email = None return name, email
def post(self): email = self.request.get('email') if not '@' in email: email = '*****@*****.**' % email if email: hash=hashlib.md5(email).hexdigest() # Defaults image = '' % hash name = email.split('@')[0].replace('.', ' ') say = '%s, %s' % (random.choice(GREETINGS), name.split(' ')[0]) text = "Welcome back to Hacker Dojo, %s!" % name.split(' ')[0] # If on staff if 'Staff' in self.request.get('type'): response = urlfetch.fetch('' % (urllib.quote(email), get_token())).content if not 'appenginebot' in response: response = parse_json(response) image = response['image'] name = response['name'] say = "Staff member, %s" % name text = "Welcome back, %s. Remember to check out when you leave!" % name.split(' ')[0] else: # TODO: contact signup app # if member # say = "member" + name # else... # If new visitor s = Signin.all().filter('email =', email).get() if not s: say = "Welcome to Hacker Dojo!" text = "Congrats on your first visit, %s!" % name s = Signin(email=email, type=self.request.get('type'), image_url=image, name=name) s.put() broadcast(text=text, say=say) self.redirect('/')
def tokenize_to(to): """ Parse the To field and extract elements that should be anonymized """ emails = set() tokens = set() # Get both aliases and email addresses fields = TKENSEP.split(to.lower()) for token in fields: token = clean_token(token) if "@" in token: emails.add(token) elif len(token) != 0: tokens.add(token) # For every email address, extract element of interest (name, surname, domain…) for email in emails: fulluser, todom = email.split("@", 1) for user_part in USERSEP.split(fulluser, 4): if len(user_part) > 2: tokens.add(user_part) tokens.add(todom) return tokens
def check_email(): #查看邮件也可以用IMAP服务来实现,这里用POP3 =。= import poplib import email from email.parser import Parser from email.header import decode_header from email.utils import parseaddr def guess_charset(msg): # 先从msg对象获取编码: charset = msg.get_charset() # 如果获取不到,再从Content-Type字段获取: if charset is None: content_type = msg.get('Content-Type', '').lower() pos = content_type.find('charset=') if pos >= 0: charset = content_type[pos + 8:].strip() return charset #邮件的Subject或者Email中包含的名字都是经过编码后的str,要正常显示,就必须decode def decode_str(s): value, charset = decode_header(s)[0] if charset: value = value.decode(charset) return value #这个Message对象本身可能是一个MIMEMultipart对象,即包含嵌套的其他MIMEBase对象,嵌套可能还不止一层。 #所以我们要递归地打印出Message对象的层次结构: # indent用于缩进显示: def print_info(msg, indent=0): if indent == 0: # 邮件的From, To, Subject存在于根对象上: for header in ['From', 'To', 'Subject']: value = msg.get(header, '') if value: # 需要解码Subject字符串: if header=='Subject': value = decode_str(value) # 需要解码Email地址: else: hdr, addr = parseaddr(value) name = decode_str(hdr) value = u'%s <%s>' % (name, addr) if header == 'From': print(u'%s发件人:%s' % (' ' * indent, value)) elif header == 'To': print(u'%s收件人:%s' % (' ' * indent, value)) elif header == 'Subject': print(u'%s主题:%s' % (' ' * indent, value)) # 如果邮件对象是一个MIMEMultipart, # get_payload()返回list,包含所有的子对象: if (msg.is_multipart()): parts = msg.get_payload() for n, part in enumerate(parts): print('%spart %s' % (' ' * indent, n)) print('%s--------------------' % (' ' * indent)) # 递归打印每一个子对象: print_info(part, indent + 1) # 邮件对象不是一个MIMEMultipart, # 就根据content_type判断: else: content_type = msg.get_content_type() if content_type=='text/plain' or content_type=='text/html': # 纯文本或HTML内容: content = msg.get_payload(decode=True) # 要检测文本编码: charset = guess_charset(msg) if charset: content = content.decode(charset) print(u'%s正文: %s' % (' ' * indent, content + '...')) # 不是文本,作为附件处理: else: print(u'%s附件: %s' % (' ' * indent, content_type)) # 输入邮件地址,密码和POP3服务器地址: print u'请输入邮箱地址:', email = raw_input().strip() print u'请输入密码:', password = pwd_input() mail_check = (email.split('@'))[-1].split('.')[0] pop_check = '' % mail_check print u'已检测到您使用的是%s邮箱,已为您自动填写POP服务器地址:[%s]\n是否需要修改?[y/n]' % (mail_check,pop_check), ifchange = raw_input() if ifchange == 'y' or ifchange == 'Y': print u'好的,请修改POP服务器地址' print u'请输入POP服务器地址:', pop_server = raw_input().strip() else: pop_server = pop_check print u'是否使用SSL加密传输方式?[y/n]', ifuserssl = raw_input() if ifuserssl == 'y' or ifuserssl == 'Y': print u'好的,正在使用SSL加密服务...' else: print u'好的,不使用SSL加密服务...' k = 0 while True: try: # 连接到POP3服务器: if ifuserssl == 'y' or ifchange == 'Y': server = poplib.POP3_SSL(pop_server) else: server = poplib.POP3(pop_server) # 可以打开或关闭调试信息: #server.set_debuglevel(1) # 可选:打印POP3服务器的欢迎文字: #print(server.getwelcome()) # 身份认证: print u'正在进行身份认证...' server.user(email) server.pass_(password) print u'正在获取邮箱信息...' # stat()返回邮件数量和占用空间: print(u'邮件数量: %s 占用空间: %s' % server.stat()) # list()返回所有邮件的编号: resp, mails, octets = server.list() # 可以查看返回的列表类似['1 82923', '2 2184', ...] #print(mails) print u'正在获取最新一封邮件...' # 获取最新一封邮件, 注意索引号从1开始: resp, lines, octets = server.retr(len(mails)) #index = len(mails) #resp,lines,octets = server.retr(index) # lines存储了邮件的原始文本的每一行, # 可以获得整个邮件的原始文本: #msg_content = '\r\n'.join(lines)# # 解析邮件: #msg = Parser().parsestr(msg_content)# msg = Parser().parsestr('\r\n'.join(lines)) #用POP3获取邮件其实很简单,要获取所有邮件,只需要循环使用retr()把每一封邮件内容拿到即可。 #真正麻烦的是把邮件的原始内容解析为可以阅读的邮件对象。 # 打印邮件内容: print_info(msg) # 慎重:可以根据邮件索引号直接从服务器删除邮件: # server.dele(len(mails)) # 关闭连接: server.quit() print u'读取成功...' print u'正在返回菜单...' break except: print u'获取失败...' k+=1 if k != 4: print u'正在重试(第%s次)...' % str(k) else: print u'重试次数已达到3次,正在返回菜单...' break
def generate_users(email): "Use heuristics to guess the valid username." yield email username = email.split('@')[0] yield username
def getMailIDs(self, mails): self.mailIDs = [] for email in mails: email = email.split() self.mailIDs.append(int(email[0])) return self.mailIDs